The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 14, 1922, Page 15, Image 15
Omaha Produce (Wholesale.) Hv 8'ftie 1 apartment of Agriculture hurnu uf Mam < - and Marketing m FT MR. ' rcamery—Jobbing prico to retailers l.xtii- i»&c-; extras in 60*lb. tubs 64c standards, 52c; firsts, 60c Dairy—Buytr* are paying around J6c tor >* "clfd nts of table butter and 27c *"r l ■ ■ ii ,'«4 Btoi k; cheesy and dirty considerably less BUTTER FAT. «»rnaha l*t r are now quoting 46c at Om«ha. °Untry *’la,lon’‘- ■*nd 65c delivered EQOS. I paid for fr’*h urir*. <1 „.,r d 1,1 Omaha. around 4Sv, but ,n > . "J'c|*d lots of extra palitv and elln blln* lb- tup price. No. 2. held *KK-. end email eliea «r,. bringing only market l.'.V'"a'. w"lt h range around 25c; cracks. Some buyers are quoting on lh« case count basis, paying about $12.00 Jobbing pries* |0 retailers: Fresh. » t,nc>t -66c per dozen; selects, 61c; storage, selects, 36c; No. l, 32c; trdxle. 37-2&c; cracks, 25c. POULTRY. Live-—Broilera. 2ie. heavy h**ns and ptil b’ts, 17c; light hens and pullets, 12c; spring roosters, oil sizes, 16c; old cocks. 1"<;; I.cghorn poultry about 3c ices; ducks, fat, full feathered, 14c, geese, fat, full feathered, 12c . turkeys, fat. 9 ibs and 30c; capons, over 6 lbs, 20032c, guln-:ts, 4 1 inch plg»-on« d"zcn. $1 00. *sick, scrawney and crlppel poultry not wanted. T>ri's.i-«d—IV ■ - i i g about as follows! No. l dry picked tu-k* >both hens and young t«»tns, 4"c, old tom turkeys, No. 1, ■ >' . N'» 2 turg. > *, not c ulls. 3Uc; No. I ducks, fat, 20* . NV 1 goose, fat. 18c. Some I' J.'trs are a ■ epting receipts and re selling on 19 i t cent commission. Coun try shippers should leave heads and feet on dressed poultry. Jobbing prices to retailers: Dressed, broilers, 3. (34c; springs, 22024c; heavy hens. 25c: light Ions. 22c; roosters, 17c; ducks, 22025c; 25c; turkeys, 45c. R A T1B1TH Buyers are quoting the fo”owing prices: Uotlon tails, per dot.. $2 40; jacks, per doz., $1 50. BEEP* CUTS. The wholesale prices of beef cuts in ef f> i t today arc as follows: % Ribs No. 1. I". . NV 2. 21c; No. 3. Me Lo as—No. i. 2*1 ; No. 3, 26c; No. 3, 16c. Rounds—No. 1. 14s; No. 2, l ;c: No. 3, 10c. Chucks—No. 1, 10’4c; No. 2. 10c; No. 3. 7c. * Plates—No. 1. 7c; No. 2, 6Vic; No. 2. 6 Vic HONEY Jobbers are Bailing at prices listed below: i New extracted 24, lft ox. 2 djzen to ( per case $6 00; new comb. 24 sec- 1 lions per case. $4 60. new extracted clov- \ «r. 10-Jc. cans. 6 cans to caae. Per lb.. 16c FRUITS ltanan.'ii—Baser! on selling price of 9 per lb $4 0U(ft17.BC. Oranges—Extra fancy California navels, p-r box according t«> si/..', $4.00 <1 6.60; choice. 60c le.-a; Mississippi Satjuimas. Vi bux. $3.60. W Lemons—HJxtra California. 300, Soft Bl’/f*. per box. $10.00; choice. 300 to 360 kI/( $9 00. Limes.. 100, $3 UU. Grapefruit—Florida, fancy all sI/ps. per box, $5 oo; choice, 36-size, $3.71; 46-slze. $4.50, other sizes, $4 75 Crnnbei riea— Hbl leu jbs . $13 60^17 03 box. 60 lbs.. $8.60; Jersey Howes, $17 00. Apples—Delicious, uncording to size ami duality, per box, $2.00 (fc? 4.25; Washington Jonathans, per, box, $1.90 ^ 2.'0; Iowa Jonathans, per bbl. $6.00; bu. basket, $ I s •. fancy Grimes Golden, per hbl , $ > 50; choice, per bbl.. $3 50; Missouri Pippins, fancy, per hbl . $4.25: Northern Spies, per box, $!.90'(i2.25: choice Hood River Manana, p« r l*yx, $2 0"; Spltzenberger, fancy, per box, $2.75; Gano. fancy, per bbl., $4.50. Grape*—Red Emperor, per keg. $5.60; per crafe, $2.75; Almerla (white), per keg. $9.00. Figs—California, 24 8-oz. carton box, $2.75; 60-carton box, $3 76. Dates—Hollow!, 7f*-lb. butts, 12c; Dromedary; case. 36-ox., *6.76. Avocados—Alligator pars, per tjozen, $7.50. VEGETA T4T.ES. Potatoes — Minnesota Reel Hlver Chios No 1, $1.25 per cwt ; Nebraska" Early Chios, No. 1, $1.10 per cwt.; No. 2 $1 00 per cwt Sw*et Potatoes—Rush-1 basket, $1.75; bbl 5' no. Old lb-eta. Carrots. Turnips, Parsnips, Rutabagas—Per lb., 2\c; In sacks, per lb. L’br. Artichokes—Dozen. $2 00. Let I act—Idaho to-td. 4-dozen crate $5.60. per dozen. $1 60; California crates. ^ $5.60; hothouse leaf, per dozen bunches. p 45c. Peppers—Green, market basket, per lb.. Egg Plant—Selected, dozen. $2.75. Tflmatw*-v »I fornln, per efts--, $3.60; Florida. ' basket chat--. $9.i»0.—Southern, wax, bumper. $f>.^P©> r.00 Unions—Southern, por dozen bunches. 60c; Onlo Whites $3 00 p*'r cwt: Imported Spanish, crate, $2.50; Red Globes, per lb., | Pa rsley—Dozen bunches. 90c. Spinach — Per bushel. $1.25. Cauliflower—California, crates, $3.50. Cabbagt—Omits, per lb., 2-Vfet ; sacked, | 2c. re-i, per lie, 3c; celery cabbage, per I lb l'Oc; Brussel! sprouts.- per lb.. 20c. Celery—M'-higan. per doz*»n. 60#75« 1 Idaho, per * 1 *> • r, $ 1 3■■ <f 1.60 '<(/ 1 A 5 ; Call- 1 fornlu (not trimmed), per crate, $7.00. Cucumbers—Hut house, per dozen, $3.60. Garlic—Per lb., 26c. FLOUR First patent. 'a**, $7.10; lancy, clear, ',m, $5.95. Quotations arc f. o. b. Omaha. FEED. Omaha mills and libbers arc selling th* ir products In round I ds at the follow ing prices, f o. b. Omaha: Bran, $-3.50; brown shorts. $25.00; gray shorts, $27.00; middling. $2*.50; reddog. $;tl.t»0. alfalfa nual, choice. $28.60; Nr,». 1. |2i | ■ \.< $84.60; linseed nml, $51 , cottonseed meal. 43 per cent, $52.70; hom iny feed, white. $27.50; yellow. $27.60; but termilk, condensed, 6 to 9 barrels, 3.1c per lb ; flake buttermilk. 500 to 1.500 lbs., 7 b «• per lb ; egg shells, dried and ground, 100-ib. bags.. $25.00 per ton. KAY. Trices at which Omaha dealers are selling In carload lots follow: Upland Prairie—No. 1, $16.00017 00; No. 2. $ 13 00® 15.00 No 3, $9.00(0 12.00. " Midland Prairie—No. 1. $15.50016.50: No 2, $12.50014.50; No. 3. $8.50011.50. l.-owlnnd Pralile—No. 1. $10.00012.00; No 2. $N. 00 0 9.00. Alfalfa—Choice $22.00 9 23.00; No. 1. i $19. 50(11'21.00. standard. $17.60© 19 00; No. ' 2. $14 600 16 50: No. 3. $12 00014 00. Straw—Oat. $8.00 to $9 00; wheat. $7.00 to $N.0U. SEEP. Omaha luivers are paving the following i pro • s for field s- • ■•!. thresher run. da- | l:\ercd Omaha. Quotatons are on the 1...-IS of hundredweight measure: - Seed—Alfalfa. $ 12 'hi to $18.00; red h , lover. $H».0" to $18“ ': alsyke, $8 no to ®i$.$l5("); timothy, $1 00 to $6-2.»; Sudan grass $8.00 fo $10 00: white blosiom ► w. et* clover. $0.00 to $10.60; millet, high grade i.erman, $2 25 to $2 75 ; common millet, f I ; ' to $2 00; amber sorghum cane, $2.25 to $3.00. HIDES, FURS. WOOI. Trie s printed below arc on the basis nt buyers* weights and selections, for goods delivered at Omaha: Current receipt hides. 11c and 10c; green hides. 9c and *>■; bulls. Sc and 7<-; brand ed. Sc. glue hides, 5c; kip. 14c and 124r; calf. 15c and 13'*c. deacons. 80c each: i glue calf and kip. horse hides. $4.i»0d and $3.54' each; ponies, 7 5c each; colts, 15c ! • ach. hog sklrs. 1 • ■•t.h: dry hides, No 1 15c per lb; dry salted. 12c lb.; dry glue. 6c lb. Wool pelts. $1 25 to $1 *'•<' for full wonh d skins; spring lamts. 75c to 90c for late take oft. clips, no value; wool. 30c to 35c ( Tallow, No. I, 7c; B tallow, fle; No *2. I 61_ p ; a grease. 7 c; B grease, 6c; yellow ■ grease, 6c; brown grease. ?»Hc; pork cracklings. $80 per ton; beef cracklings. r t«»n: beeswax. $20 per ton. Furs—Skunk. central states. narrow Vo 1 large. $3 00; No. 1 medium « » no •’ Nn 1 small $150: No. 2 good un prime $1 'Hi Muskrat, western, fall , irge $! 75 ’ medium $10(»: small 75c Raccoon central, ordinary, large. $5 00; mediutn IS.6-: .in-.ll. *2.2*: No 2.. **'"« • Mitral, iirdlnnrv. l«r*e. j, *;i 7- small. *2 :r.; No ". »1 j0 Wolf, n-'rthwesr .-rn. soft, large. II 2 "0 : medium I No 1. IS *# Fo*. cen tral er-v large. (2 00: medium *1 •>« ■mall. 7 :>•■: No 2. 75r Civet, prime. «® f. I.vnt oat. $<10001 00 Beaver. In pnllv caurhi I30 00W7. Oil Fisher. *.* «» . n*'no Hous* cat " MOc I.ynx. $15*00-] ,f : .u ntter. $30.0005 01' Weasel, w hite. $1 0'»9 2 W'lil rat. $1 50083c Badger. *l o©1 o.v Marten. $40.0006.00. Bear $85.0001.00. New York Money. New York, Dec 13—rail Money—Easy; high. 4 per cent; low. 3"* tier cent; ruling rate. 4 per cent; closing bid. 4 per cunt; offered at 4S per •■"nt; last loan. 4 per cent; call loans against acceptances, 3’* per cent. Time Loans—Steady; mixed collateral. 90 days. 44* n b ter cent1* 4-8 months. 05 P<*r cent. Prime Commercial Paper—4^* per cent. New York Metals. New York. Dec. 13—Copper—Quiet; • p*. truly tic, spot ahd futures, 14014*4e. Tin—Firm, spot and nearby. 57.37c; futures, 37.75 0 37.87c. Iron—Steady; rrlces unchanged. Lead—Flaky ; spot. 7.1007.15c. Zinc—Steady: East St Louis, spot and i<< .trby delivery, 7.2007.25c. Antimony—Spot. 6.3706.12c. 8|tnt Cotton. Ne« York. Dec. 13.—Spot cotton steady; "Ud liiui,. 26.55c. | N. Y. Curb Bonds N>w York Pec. 13.—Transaction* on the ! New York curb market today were as I follow*. Domestic. 38 Allied Packer «s 3 8 8.3% gj i Aluminum 7s, 33 1 ot> in* jog A>. Am R Coup 6s . 8 9 *8% % 5 Am S A li 6*. w 1 63 53 5.1 8" Am T A T 6s. ’24 10 1 100% 101 3 Ana Copper 7s. 29 103% 103% 103% 5 An* Am < »il 7 %s 103 4 103% 1 (13 4 14 Arm A Co 7s ...104% 104% 104% 2 4 Pe»U St 7s. . .104% 104% 1<H% H Heth St 7■«, ‘ 10-j% 102% »* cent steel 8s ..lot;4 lor,% 1064 2 Charcoal Iron 8* .. 9% y;;% 93 4 4 Cities S 7s, “C" 92 92 92 3 Cltie* H 7s. ,,D" .90% 90% 90% 6 Con <» U fi4* .9 3% 9 9 »9% 8 Con U H Gs . ... 103 % 101 103% 4 Con Test 8m .9m% 98% 98% * Doe re A Co. 7 % a .102% 102% 10 2 % 7 Detroit City G 0s 100% 100% 100% •1 Galena Slg Oil 7a 103% 10.1% 103% 6 Gen Asphalt *s 104 104 104 2 Grind Trunk 6%s 105% 105% 105% 2 Gulf OH 5s 97 96% 97 96 Interb It T ms. 22 97% 97 97 % 36 Interb H T 8s. ctf 97% 96% 97 7 Kan U A: J "* .97% 9 7 9 7 % 27 Kan C P A- I, 5s 904 911% 904 1 Kan City T On ..100% 10"% 100% 36 Ken Copper 7s ..105% 1«»4% 106% 6 Laclede (las 7 ...101 101 101 3 Llg-Winch 7* ..102% 101% 101% 1 Manitoba 7* .....97 97 97 2 Missouri I' 6s. D 99 99 99 2 Morris A- Co 7%s 106% 106% 10h% 1 Nat Acme 7%* ... 95% 9i.% 95% 7 Nat C .v S Ha .IO .4 106% 105% 10 Natl Leather tin..101 % 101% 101% fi Neb Power 6m .. 83% 83% 834 * N Y N H A H.. 8«.% 79% 80% 4 Pub Rerv C N J 7s 10:;% 103 1 '3 3 Robert 'lair 7 s 97 % 97% 97 1 S,.ars Roe 7s ’23 101 101 101 2 Shawslmen 7a .104% 1"4% 104% 6 Shef Farina 6%s.l00% 100% 100% 1 S(i4vav \ Ole 8s 105 105 106 1 S\V Hell Tel 7s ..102% 102% 102% 800 Std () N Y 7s '29.107 4 107 4 107% 1 Sid O N Y 7s ‘31.109% 109% IO94 M St (I O N Y 6 %s ...106% 1UG% 106 % 4 Swift A- Co 7s *31..102% 102% 102% 4 5 Swift A* Co 5s .93% 93% 93% 1 Tidal Osage 7a ...103 103 103 18 Un oil Prod ms . ..101% 101% 10|% 17 Vacuum Oil 7« ...107% 107% 107% 6 Valvollno 7« . . G 102 101% 102 Foreign. 17 Argentine 7 s ’23 ..100% 99% 99% 1*8 King Neth ' s .... 98% 98% 98% 1000 Hamburg 4%» ... 20 2(| 20 DO N Y N if Fr 7 s .. 69% 6* % 69% 17 Russia 6%s ctfs .. in 9% 9% 12 Hi: ian . ctfs.. 9% 9% 9% r. Swiss 5%s . 103% 102% .03% 20 U S Mexico 4 s ... 3x % 38% 38% London Money. London, Dec. 13.—Bar Silver. 30 15-I6d per ouix«- Money, 1% per rent; discount lates, short ami three months bills, 2 ft ftf % per cent. I oreigu Exchange Kates. N< w York, Dec. 13.— Foreign Exchanges • — Firm. Great Britain—Demand, $4.65; cables, $4.66%; 60-day Pills on banks, $4.62 15-16. Prance —Demand. .0710; cables, .0711. Laly -Demand, .4)600; cables. .0500%. Belgium—Demand, .0663; cables. .0*53%. Germany—Demand, .000125. cables, .000126. Holland—Demand, .4003; cables, .4007. Norway—Demand, .1917. • Sweden—Demand. .2690. J 'enmark—Demand. .2089 Swlt sarlu nd—J demand. .1897. Spain—Demand, .1874 Greece—Demand, .00013 5. Poland— Pema nd. .000058. <>.e< ho-Slovakta—1 >emrtnd, .0316. Argentine—Demand, .3812. Brazil — Demand. .1225. Montreal—.99 7-16. Chicago Poultry. Chicago, Dec. 13.—Poultry—Live lower; fowls. 14 !/ 20<-. springs, 19%c; roosters, 13c; turkeys, 3 5c; geese, 18c. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. OARNElt--William S., -903 North Thirtieth street, dieiT Tuesday, December 12, at tho age of 68 years. Funeral si-rviccg nt Hulse & Itlepon chapel. Twenty-third and Cuming streets. Thurs day, December 14, at 2:30 p. in. Inter- j ment For* at Lawn cemetery. Friends wel come. VA.Ndl'S—Mrs. Mary, wife of the late An ton Vnnous She is .survived by two daugli t is, Mrs 11 P Nelson an«l \k»s Alfred Wrsterganl, both of Denver, Colo. Funeral Thursday afternoon from John A. Gentlemen's mortuary at 2 p. m. Inter ment Forest Lawn cennt'ry. MI COD Emma L aged 84 3 at the home of her sister-in-law. Mrs. Charles F. Gautier. 4023 No 42nd St. Funeral Thursday, December 14. at 2 I p. in. from c Haynes chapel. 24th and Ames Avo. Burial Forest I 9 n cem etery. .TONES—Mrs Staoha. wife of William Roy Jones, 5027 South 25th. died Tuesday. Funeral Thursday at 2 p. in., Brewer chapel. 21th and K Sts., Dr. ft. L. Wheeler Bui 3 MAHONEY- Ter enci P Funeral Friday morning f-om the residence, 1101 S. 36th St . at .8 30 to St. Peter church at 9 o'clock Internunt Holy Sepulchre ceme tery, Gentlemen's mortuary tn charge. BURIAL VAULTS. \V< m »DEN boxes soon decay Steel or Iron vaults will rust out and collapse. There fore you should Insist upon your under taker using an Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial vault; water-proof and ever lasting. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 5210 N. 30th St , Omaha Inspection invited. ' CEMETERIES. V ISIT Ft»R KST LA W N\ , Hundred* of evergreen blankets and win- ! ter wreath* make the cemetery very beau- t ttfxiI it 'this H- aion of the year. They ' may he obtained at the greenhouse at the i entrance of the cemetery. Offices at the cemetery (north of the city limits), and 720 Brandeis theater. CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH to thank our many kind friends ami neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy shown us at the sudden death of our beloved son. John. Also for the beau tiful flowers. MH AND MRS. JAKE OLHOWA AND | CHILDREN._ 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., ! Otn&ha q best undertaking eat ablishment, | S' AMBULANCE Thirty-third and Farnam IIEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and EmbaInters. Phono I1A 1)26 3 office 2611 Farnam. ; LARKIN BROTHERS. FUflERAI, niRBTTORf! («l! SO. 24TH. Hulsc & Riepen, | 1224 <himlng crosbv-moorV: ; FLORISTS. _ LEE LARMON JOHN HATH. ) Farnam. JA. 19 J. HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam. JA 1258. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits jour old clothing, furniture, maga zines We collect. We distribute Phone JA. 4135 ami our wagon will call. Cull | and inspci t our new home. 1110.1112-1114 i Dodge street. _ j VACUUM cleaners, all makes, overhauled and repaired. 308 S. 18th St. AJ\ 1699. THEATRICAL historical masquo costumes, f<*r plays and parties, at Llete.n’s. Omaha STORM sash made, glacing reas. KE. 2701. 24 th._____ _ GET your rag rug woven by K. V. Gil lette 60c per >d. WE. 7061. 3308 Lake St. EDUCATIONAL. DAY sV’HC)GINIGHT 8UHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptoinetry, shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg- . i.tphy civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or | phone Jackson 1565 for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg . Omaha. Neb. WANTED—Men, ladies ami boy* to learn I barber trade: big demand, wage* while learning: strictly modern Call or write 1 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. Day or Evening sessions DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7415 VAN~SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. S E Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. JA. 5890 ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano 503 Karbach BIk. JA. 1081. molVtk Barber college. lio s. 14th St Write for catalog. LOST AND FOUND. ~ LOST—Downtown d?Driet, Tuesday a m., L#dle*‘ brown handbag. Reward. Call MA. 1697 Whether You re an Employer or an Employee —a seller or buyer—get into the midst of things and read and use Omaha Bee “Want” Ads. Remember, Omaha Bee “Want Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. If you want to insert an ad, phone ATlantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. t ■ - - -l BEE WANT AD RATES i 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days, i 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed "public wants.” and do not include adver \ tisementa of individuals or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following office® : Main office. 17th and Farnarn Sts South Omaha . N. W. cor. 24th and N St®. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic 1000, Call for "Want" Ad Department. An ex perienced "Want” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a m. Morning Edition.....9 p. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. LOST AND FOUND. ~ SAMPLE CASE containing catalog and photographs of dishes. Finder return to L K. Harding. Henshuw hotel amt receive $10 reward. No questions. REWARD for return <>r collie pup, white ruff, about ti month® old. Call AT. o7s»7. DOWNTOWN, gold bar pin set with rubles. Rew i r.l KK 4 1" 1 LOST—Farnarn car, ladies' purse, contain ing bills and cheek®. Reward. HA. 66»»x. LOS Dog's spiked collar. K-wmil. WA. 4256. _ FOUND—Bunch of keys on 23d and Blvd. .Call at Omaha Bee "Want" Ad counter. MALE HELP WANTED. ~ ARE you willing to wojjk? Can you talk intelligently to business men? Are >uu clean rut, amt abb- to prove that you can malt* good ns salesman on Htl verLsing for a buxines® feature number of a magazine? Can you learn to do It? An l will you put enough time on it to baT n and wm a permanent position? You can make good in yent own county In this statr, if you ere any kind of a clean-cut young •unn anxious ’o make a good position for yourself. Address first in writing only ind fully with refer once. Emil Held, Feature Editor of ‘The Tr#a of Progress,' Care Omaha Dally Trlb ti • i 107 Hon ird 8tr« t. Omaha, Neb. DEPENDABLE school boys We will pay you 50 cents for every new 3-month order you secure to The Omaha Bee in either Omaha or Council Bluffs. Call , or phone at once Circulation Dept., The Omaha Bee. AT. 1000. IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN 110 A DAY YOU SHOULD GET OUR PROPO SITION AT ONCE. FRAY’S, 510 S. 16th St. —Two young men over 22 years old'to learn magazine salesmanship under mafta K^r. We pay you while learning. Work in Omaha and nearby territory. Room 301, Ba rd Bldg., 17th and Dottflu street a SALESMEN Tin Kendall envoi appeals to every user of the mails be cause seals 60 a* minute. Sells $3. No competition. HRNRY M AND ER8CH EID, 601 Pearl street. Sioux City, la. Exclusive representative for Iowa and Nebraska. SALESMEN—Wanted four first-class sales, men for Nebraska territory to sell “Haber Draft Regulator and Fuel Saver,’* to deal ers only. Liberal contract, but must be able to produce business. J. Vern Willis, Seward. Neb. ~ I Te A K N ACCOUNTING Positions are . • ys open for the account ancy trained men. j INTERNA , i NAL ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY. 1015 City Nat Bk Bklg._AT. 2 960 SALESMEN wanted, experience unneces sary. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 203 N. 10th St._ TO SALESMEN—Who wear alarm clocks not wrist watches, you can make $6f> to $50 per day selling our proposition. Call personally. G. C Co., 301-302 Omaha Loan Bldg, opposite U. P. Bldg. WANTED—An experienced man to take care of real estate loan department. Give experience, qualifications and refer ences. Box W-649. Omaha Be,;. FEMALE HELP WANTED. CAN you sell subscriptions to a new West ern Illustruted Weekly Magazine? Will you work consistently? You can edrn money as well as a trip to Chicago and New York and other points of interest, representing one of the 93 counties In the state. After the trip in May, all expenses paid, permanent opportunity will be offer ed to those who have made good You make money whether vou win the trip or not. Ml or spare time work Address Cfr culatipn Manager, care of Omaha Daily Tribune. Also solicitors for daily and weekly Tribune. Write fully to Emil Held. COMPETENT wh ti g tot general house work; references, no laundry. 6122 Burt St. WA.,0238._ IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN $10 PER DAY, YOU SHOULD GET OUR PROPOSITION AT ONCE. PRAYS, 510 3. 16th St. FOR good bookkeeping or stenographic position attend the American college, 1912 Farnam All our graduates are in posi. turns We can place you. Phone AT. 7774, or write for catalogue. SALESLADY to call on busineas howtos. Itoncka liios,, 316 So. 19th st. Inquire for Mr. Johnson from 10 to 12 Thursday and Frida y.__ SINGLE ladv to tak<* charge "f children. 310 Bancroft St., Rivervlew Horne. J A. 3024 u \ TEI >—White l general houeswork. No laundry. 0122 Webster street. WA. 5179. W ANTKD — REFINED. ATTRACTIVE I.AIlT WITH HEELING ABILITY ASHIKT \\ !TH CHARITABLE CAMPAIGN. SAL ARY CALL ATT 108, EL DEUDUll, ITVKNINGH. Y ul’NO WOMEN Can you use a little extra Christmas money ? Let mo show you how. Can use three, neat appearing young women, over IS y.-ars of age. Must be hard workers. Apply in person. 30S Baird .building, after 3:30 p. m and ask for sales manager. YOUNG bachelor farmer wants housekeep er, Hge 21 to 27. One with farm exper ience preferred. Address Box Y-2110, Omaha Bee. ~ SITUATIONS WANTED. CREDIT MANAGER For last five years assistant to chief credit manager, national concern, seeks change. A proven executive of broad ex* perlence. capable acting secretary-treas urer. Address Box Y-2111, Omaha Bee. M 1RRIED man wyds lob oil farm or ranch. Experienced Richard Arendo. Hecla, Neb. ._ WOMAN wants d \N II4. DAY' work and laundry. WE. 0698. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COMPLETE furnishings of 20-room hotel. Only one in town, two railroads; feed one passenger train dally. Good commercial business Rent $20 per month. Will give some terms. Write or come and see It. Price $2.2i0. Union Depot Hotel. Fairfield. Neb. GROCERY and bakery in a county seat town Doing a volume of business. Up to-date, must sell. Address Y-2109. Oma ha Be*. • I Brunswick pi • , trd t I large healer; good conditiou, MA, 004$. BUS INE S S OPPORTUNITIES __ 1*’UU SALtii— i iimip hotel equipment for 50 rooms. Modern hotel Excellent tran sient trade. Reason for Melting, poor health. Box 165, Red Oak. In. FOR SA LK- -Grocery store and fixtures, Including etock, $2,000. Good location. Call At. 4304. - CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. XMAS GIFT FUR THE WHOLE FAMILY A GULBRANSBN I’l.AYEK PIANO. $398 to $700 cash or easy payments. Come in and buy a gift that will last and be most appreciated. A HOSPB CO.. For 49 Years the Music Center of Ne braska and laws. _ MAGAZINE runs FOR MAIL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. OFFER K. Pictorial Review, Modern Priscilla and The Omaha Dally anil Sunday Pee. One year each ONLY $6.60. CIRCULATION DEI’A KT.MKNT T H R * )MA HA BE E._ ’ NOQRAPH8 I ' !1 turers cost. Standard make. Closing out this department. Easy terms to responsible parties. See these beautiful machines be fore buying The ideal Clfrlstrnas gift Call HA. 1636 for appointment and dein ohstraiion. Standard Chemical Mfg. Co.. 701-9 South 42d Hu _ READY CASH FOR CHRISTMAS TIME. May bo cosily acquired by converting vour second mortgage Into cash. Let us toll you about it b\ t\ HORACEK CO., 640 First Natl Bank AT. 3531. OIFTS TH AT LAST Jewelry at Christinas time la always ac ceptable and appreciated. A good line at very reasonable prices. A small deposit will hold your choice. D F M cither, Jeweler, I Tel. AT 3123 a lovely Xmas gift. DANCING LESSONS. What better gift than a course In (lancing? Ja. 6470. KEEP'S DANCING ACADEMY, 1818 Farnam. AN IDEALCHR1 ST M AS GI FT. Window' wreaths. 25c to $1.25; assorted fancy baskets; Christmas center pieces; very new; special $2.50 to $3.50. See our window. Peterson Bros. Flower Shop, 1714 Fifrnam. _ New overstuffed parlor suites. Make excellent Xmas gifts. Cost here 85 per < ent less than elsewhere. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 1509 Capitol Avc. Tel. AT. 6265. NE\V~ l’H<)NU(JRAPH SALE Best phonographs made* at one-fourth re tail price while they last. AT. 6858. 612 Omaha National Bank Bldg. M 4GN( >L1 \ w reath . bea utlfullj deco rated with everlasting flowers; special, $3 Bran'bis Uut U'eu r Hh.q. I *.r;t ml. S*or« FUR chokers at reasonable prices. Have those old furs remodeled Tor Xmas. John 1 Itch, Furrier. 2»»1 Sunderland bldg., 15th and Harney. AT 8950. t "* an IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Buy a garage, any style and size. $100 up. Concrete work. M I UK LI N LUMBER AND WRECKING CO. WE. 5555. 21 09 N. 24th St FANCY, attractive bungalow aprons made to order. HATTIE PUTNAM SHOP. 602 Karbach Block. A COUP. S K IN DANCING A T T11 E HY LAND DANCING ACADEMY. 26TH AND FA UNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. AT. 7*50. ___ . GIVE vour photograph for Christinas. For photographs that satisfy. SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO. 2506 N 11 WE. 6111 BIGGEST phonograph bargains in town. S o us before you buy. SHLAE8 PHONOGRAPH CO. 1404 Dodge St. __ ___JA 2147. A PHONOGRAPH will make an ideal Christmas gift. We now have the big gest bargain in Omaha. SHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO . 1 4 04 Bwlge. PERSONAL Christmas cards. Order now and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will call. AT. 3978. 4*3 Brandeis Theater Bldg._____ PHoTO Xmas cards is the very latest. Come in and see them. South Side. Print ing. 4*19 So 19 St. S 24-1 door No. Plggly Wiggly, upstairs AI L kinds of dressmaking and hi >id cry ty day or at shop, by experienced dressmaker, reasonable. Call HA. 4415, XMAS cards, beautiful linen stationery, make useful Xmax gifts. Corey & Mc Kenzie Printing Co.. 1124 Harney. BUI hei thl Buick 6 good tires, just overhauled and painted. See this bargain. Call HA. 575(h__ PLAN lur C ' mas horns St • Campbell, personal service home builder. 537 Keeline Bldg. AT. 8048. __»__ Dainty children's dresses make lovely Xmas gifts. Reasonable. Call We. 1668. 3208 Sherman Ave., Apt. 3._ ELECTRIC washing machines while they last. $35. LeBron. 318 S. 12th St. JA. 2176. _ FOR SALE—9-column Burroughs and 9 eolumn Wales', bargain. 1912 Farnam. _ OLIVER typewriter, excel, cond., $30. AT. 0406. _ FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At. 652 L__ GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. E. A. Tryon Co., 208 S. 13th JA. 1219. HAND made lunch clothes. Mink cape. KB1510. _ __ BUY this large electrict train for your boy for Xmas, a bargain. Co. Bluffs 1524. GOLD lettering on leather goods 1.ks K. A Tryon Co. 208 So. 13 th. -I A. 1219. NEEDLE work, bazar, articles for sale. Orders taken. 432 Paxton Block. Pp Voss washer. HA. 6431. GEESE tor Xmas dinner. \VA 4386. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. HAVE 20 geese for Christmas orders. Call Ash,' 652. Millard, nr AT 1637. HONEY, l" b. palls, $1.75. prepaid. Chas. Kahn. Route 2, Council Bluffs._ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. GOOD used furniture, including buffets, dining tables and chairs china cabinets, dressers, dressing tabl* e, chiffoniers, beds, davenports, arm chairs. library tables. The large variety includes many fine pieces. These goods are acquired through our exchange department and are conse quently sold at very reasonable prices with terms If you wish. To be seen in our warehouse at 8th and Capitol ave nue, between the hours of 1 p. rn. and 5 p. m., week flays. _OItC11 A R I > .* WIT.H ET.M CO. FOR SALE 11 ! Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Decetnb* r 14. 15 and 16. be tween the hours of 10 a rn. and 2. p. in , I will sell at private ssla the entire house hold furnishings <>ut of my former West Farnam home. The furniture In this lot Is all solid mahogany. These goods will be sold a the warehouse of the Gordan Van company, 11th and Davenport streets. l>r. <’ A, Hull EXPERT sewing nvJi htne repairing. MICHELS. 15th and Harney, • AT. 4361 SMALL family cook stove; small heater g‘-od as new. 2037 Dodge street. GREAT Western heatiilg stove, $25 WA. i 6041. ELECTRIC washing machine. Call JA. I 2452. FOR Hale complete furnishings of ti-room apartment; leaving city, t'all HA 0348. 3 rockers, morris chair, f h* ap. WE 018'.*. GOOD baby carriage, $*;. Call MA 0440. < ;<)» >I> basebut n< r for sale i l.en j FOR Hale—New base burner; $20. MA 4066 CLOTHING' AND FIK 3 FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent ■1A 3128. 109 N. 16th Street. 1. Feldman ARMY aboei $2 #0 703 N*» Ifith ——————^1 —— _/OR SALE JEWELRY. blAMON DS—-We pay the beat prices with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Net.. 402 N. l.6th St. Telephone JA. 5045*. ___ MUSICAL INSTRIJMENTS NEW I'HUN'OORAPH SALE Best phonographs made at one-fourth* re tail price while they last. AT. 6858. 612 <»maha National Bunk Bldg. I IVI'STOCK VEHICLES. ETC.! W*i lUl'L Mvcalutk. Call AT. 33u 7* I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GOOD coal quick. Fuel Service ,-1' AT* S741 __ STOKE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES Factory re-built and guaranteed by the manufacturers at reduced prices; $100 and up on easy terms. Write nr call. Bur. roughs Adding Machine Company, 115 So. 19th St. Phpne AT. 038«>.__ WE BUY. adl safe, make de.*ke. show • as.*s, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. s. w. corner 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724 TYPEW K1TER3. A N 1» All makes bought anil sold rented and repaired. Sole agent* for the CORuNA. Oet our prices lo fore you buy. Every machine guaranteed. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXP. i.\ 4120. 1ft 12 Kamatn \ TYPEWRITER vt ' makt an I i Christmas gift. We now have some real bargains; $7.50 tip Midland Office Sup ply Company, 1404 Dodge street. HI RROUGH8 for inventory .and end of the year work. $100 and up. Mr. Webb. Cl VT 0381 _ POCK nearly new dictaphones at $75 each; coat $195, new. JA. 2510. 416 Karbach Bldg FOR SALK—All or part dental equipment; must anil; very cheap. Address No. 15 Coronado Apts Phone AT'. 8901. NINE! OOLl MN Burroughs for sale. 1918 Ks rna tn. WANT TO BUY WANTED Set ond 1 and < obbler’s outfit, combination harness ami shoe sewing rna. chine Immediately priced right. J. P. ! Brennan, Fairfax. S. D. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded J c Reed, 1207 Farnam, AT. 8146 WANTED T" buy 100 rabbits. KE. 4298. ROOMS FOR RENT TODAY S BLUNDER CORRECTED. By <\ E. BLACK. Postmaster, City of Omaha. Thousands of packages are undeliver abb} because they have been improperly prepared or incorrectly addressed. In Chicago there is one building that is used as a storage place for mall of obvious value, other than first-class, which can not be delivered. Twice a year this build-' itig is filled with undeliverable parcels and twice a year they Hie auctioned off. In this building there are bins of shoes, great quantities of clothing, dress goods, automobile parts ami tires, sporting goods, suit eases, in fact, everything you call imagine, from a bird cage to a mouse trap. Last year there were sold at auc j tlon 10,000 pairs of shoes which were uti j deliverable, lost to both mailer and the addressee because some one was care less In tying a knot or used flimsy trap ping ’paper. This situation applies in a degree to every postoffice In the country, country. Please save the heavy wrapping paper and twine you receive from your parcel post shipments and use them in sending out your own pac kages. A DESIRABLE AND SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. Hotel Hamilton, located at 24th and Farnam, fireproof, has 127 rooms with private bath, at weekly and monthly rates probably lower than any other first-class Omaha hotel l’Uas* notice that otir loca tion is at Farnam at 24th, the in tersection of the two main car lines of Omaha. You will find many of your friends at Hotel Hamilton. A desirable and satisfactory place to live. Atlantic 4701. ROOM DIRECTORY — for — ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fa;l to find listed below the room you want, call at the "Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory The Omaha Bee maintains this service for your convenience. New’ list Issued each week._ TWENTIETH ST., SO.. RORM.argo ele gantly furnished parlor bedroom, new and immaculately (lean; all horn** privileges; meals if desired. Oarage. Five minutes walk from courthouse. We cater to those who can appreciate the very best. Oppo site Drake Court. JA. 0620. VERY desirable large front room; newly furnished, in modern home; home privi leges; convenient to cars and downtown, must he seen to be appreciated. 217 North 2St h A ve, HA S493. __ A charming room in West Farnam dis trict. close to Turner park. Ideal for young business woman who wants privacy and comfort. No other roomers. Call HA. 0907. NICELY furnished rooms, private bath, reasonable, day. week or month, central location. Hotel Hamilton AT 4701. HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. WOODRUFF TERRACE—124 S. 24th St., nicely furnished rooms, hot water heat, all modern, close in. PARK AVE.. 621—-Nicely furnished, clean, steam heated room for gentleman. TEL .1A 1007—One large sleeping room, desirable for two gentlemen. ONE I furnished room MA 4 M Tel. Wa, 1061—Roor for 1 or 2 gentlemen. BOARD AND ROOM. PECANS—Good-size, thin shell, rich cul tivated Florida 10 lbs $5. F. O. B. Lem Robertson. Chlpley, Fla. Pleas, room for V, home cooking, $25, close in. garage. HA. 632n. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. TEL. HA. 6274—Two clean, very warm, furnished rooms; laundry privileges; rent reasonable. Hanscom Park district.' ALL modern light housekeeping rooms. E i"“r w U 1 If.5 Pin- kney. WE f ■ 4 PINQ t 28th St. HA. 2425. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT Beautiful house, with sleeping porch and fireplace JOHN It. McCARVILLE. ink. \ r STRICTLY modern, n n< rooms just new ly decorated throughout. $90. Corner 3t;th and Harney streets. Enquire Mrs. VV J. Burgess. Blackstone hotel. FINE 9-room hous< . double garage, fur nace heat. located at 2573 Pnppleton ave nue. Inquire of owner, 1322 ti. 24th St KT 2826 or AT. 0274. Rent, $50. BRAND NKW >om bungalow, wltl or without lease. $55 per month. 5512 North 27th St. JA. 3336. FOUR lovely rooms, second floor, modern except heat; $20. JA 5967. 2469 S. JGtji street. 321) ST.—South of Pacific, H rooms, large sunroorn. double garage, modern, fine con dition. reasonable HA 1075. LOVELY 8-room house, modern* sleeping perch HA. 5 574 21 1 4 Wool worth Ave FURNI8HED rot ■ ji one or two gentle "v n In ai car line. MA. 1 h-*a t . good condition. WE. 6583. SEX - Rt)( >M. $4 3~41 0 N. 24th St. WE. 1677. 8IX ROOM with garagt 2718 I'r‘ \ |, APARTMENTS FOR RENT. AlmoHt 1.000 Ajits. Almost 100 furnished. All modern and fireproof. Let Drake's rental man find you an apartment. Call us, we will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Tel. JA. 2805. Cor. 17*th and Howard Sts. T U UN H it COURT On** apartment available in Omaha's most exclusive nnd conveniently arranged 3-room apt., with 5-room accommodations. Rent reduced.* Janitor. HA. 6896. U. M. HAUSER, Mgr. ■5106 Dodge, HA. 7140. ~GLEN A KM) APTS~ Capitol Ave., at 51st St., 4-room, all mod ern apt. One of the best In the city, rent $75. See Janitor or call K. E. AUSTIN. AT. 0785 or AT. 2968. 1305 First Nat. Bk. APART® .N rS AND l l.A'l S - $33 to $1 10 W. T PALMER CO REAL ESTATE Management AT. 8 980 Keelirie Dldg. , APARTMENTS KOR RENT CAPITOL AVE.. 1324—3-room apartment, i $25 and $35 per month; steam heat, gas. water and lights furnished free; janitor | service; newly decorated; a bargain; downtown, call and see them. FLORENCE BLVlb. 6301—4-room unfur I nlshed, aeinl-basement apt . hot water heal; exceptionally warm; also uao of elec tflo washer; 149 per month, KB, 1770. LEAVENWORTH ST.. 19 1 | ond floor apartment, $25 a month. Hmn I I i Art tip Bldg. _ PALACE ai'autmi;n rs—Close In, strict ly all modern. 4 rooms. Apply 220Vi N. II l St ___ PETERS TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTS." ti 17t h a m i Fa i nam Sts WES1 large, beautiful rooina. modern. HA. 7124. M A l* 1.1 : l y tnqd i ,. 1 '• •!' K I ■ IS. hi IM ! • < ■ O. P. Stebhlns. 11>10 Chicago. SIX rooms and bath, modern except heat. 926. 1244 S. 13th. Jack# FOUR rooms, <in, modern, ra&sonsbls. 514 S 26th Ave. JA. 9560 tv, ENT S FOURTH ST 1117 5 Modern flat, five-room and bath. WE. 3S92. FURNISHED APARTMENTS OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO'OOOOOO o o O THE ELSKNORE. O O O O Thirty-ninth St, 418 N. furnished o O apartments. steam h*at, light and O O « iter fuhnlshcd. Private hath. O O 11• *\v, convenient, cozy, comfortable. O O On** $75. one $45. Apartments now O O ready; two others Dec. 17. also O O want a responsible tenant to take O O care of furnace as part pay for O O two-room apartment; reference re- O O qulred. Ed B. Gibbs, HA. 3114. C OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO O HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS O O COMPLETELY FURNISHED O O HOTEL HAMILTON O O EARN AM AT 24TH. O O Two good-sized rooms besides kit. O O domett e and private bath, dishes, O O silverware and looking utensils O O furnished Gas. water and light O O turned on, all ready and paid f"jr. O O Only $22.50 per week. Act tin- O O mediately on this, only two left, o O Fall Atlantic 4701 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CALL DRAKE’S. < laREM< 'N T Hotel, 8e\• nt< • nth tu at .! i kaon AT 69 M Room and kit hi net U PACIFIC ST 2969 rwo front i oontU, clean and nicely furnished. Good heat. KUBIAN Apartments S ro n • fill - nished, $02.60. 621 No 21 st .1A 5398. HUNTER INN—AT 6960 2408 Podge BUSINESS PROPERTY—RENT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO o VERY DESIRABLE O O NEW O O STORE O O NEAR EARN AM AND 24TII, O O 20x60. O O This store lias terazza floor, steel O O celling Owner furnishes steam O O heat and water. Very desirable for o O many lines of business. Reason- O ,0 able rental Ernest Sweet, Realtor. O O Atlantic 3585. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOCOO o FINE STORE O O FOR O O GROCERY O O 24TH, NEAR EARN AM ST O O New store, 4d by 60, with terrazza O O floor and steel telling. Owner fur- O O nishes steam heat. Rental reason- O O able. Move your grocery business O O to a better location. Fall Ernest O 0 Sweet, realtor, Atlantic 3585. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 e v EH< >L1 * and office furnttun f i sals at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 ; for particulars. FIRST Nat Banki 400. foi elevator, desirable office suite consisting o! 335 sq. ft -■ —.. — —' ■ . — GARAGES FOR RENT GARAGE—Steam heat. 311 South 31st HA. 7124. __ 1 60 8 N 41 SI' AVI,—Garago space or car stored. Reason: vie. WA 6 960._ 3105 SO. I4TH ST.—Garage, $4. ~LOANS ON REAL ESTATE__ WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUOEE. INC., 638 Keel me Bldg. _ STRAIGHT 5-year loans. (iper cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. 201 S. 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8380. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS. o’keefp: real estate co., * 1016 Om. Nat. Bk Bldg. JA. 2716. ■n t No delay—"ti western I1 dlHl LbdllS Neb. farnif, ranches Kloke Invest merit Co., 84 5 Om. Nat. Bk. $Too TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN. 310 S. lfth 81 Wead Bldg AT 0111 FIRST n ol tgaga loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen St Co.. Real tors. JA. 4228 954 Keeline Bldg. I OW RATE M«»N F,Y. No delay in cloning, w T graham, t"i peteiis tr bt.df^ MONEY to loan on farms, city prop. MYERS & RAIN BOLT CO 424 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. JA. 0746. L H. ' MIT HEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS, 921 City Nat. Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS* 64 5 Omaha Nat. Bldg uN IMP PROPERTY. NO DELAY. MONEY TO LOAN LOWEST RATES. EASY TERMS. NEW RATES SCHEDULE. LOANS $16 TO $200. On Furniture, Pianos. Etc. Left in Your Possession. AT LOWEST RATES. PAY ON PRINCIPAL. $ 3 per month on $ 30 loan. $ 6 per month on $ 60 loan. $10 per month on $100 loan. $20 per month on $200 loan. These small monthly payments will repay a loan in full, plus a anrall service charge LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY. 209 South 15th St. 314 K:. Tel JA 6045. MONET FOB CHRISTMAS 30—60—76—100-^200—600 DOLLARS nr any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments Thirty years In business. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 506 Karbnch Hlk. Tel. JA. 2295 Southwest For. 16th and Douglas Sts. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Securities Bldg. 16th arid Farnatn. Organized by ever 100 leading Omaha business men. NOT FOR PROFIT Lowest rate In the city up to $300. Easy monthly payments. Furniture or almost any securi ties. Quick and confidential service. Ref trances: Ask any bank or business man Phone Atlantic 0666. CQX Co ; loan* $;. and up on wages, and furniture; confidential; 25 yrs. estab 812 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 2293. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE A \ AN CO. MOVING—BACKING 8T<)R AG E—SH I PPi NO. Household Goods and Pianos. 1107-11 Howard St Jackson 0288 ESTIMATE furn on packing, mov. and storing Contracts taken by Job or hour Globo Van St Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT 0230. Grossman Sr Sons, owners. Moving—Packing— Si - u ,igr Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co • BEK INS OMAHA VAN & HTORAOK. 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov Ir.g, storage, shipping JA. 4163. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. - BIDE knif | covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleat Ing Co . 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb Telephone JA. 1936 NVk. Pleating" 1806 Fainam, second Iloor, JA. 5670. 1 Business announcements i HlKOPR\< nms Dr. Schroder jTj**wiiljJv DKN 1 I8T8. DENTAL X-ray 60c each; $3 full set. t> 19 .Securities Bldg . 16th an«1 Farnam. ii\\t iNt. mmimiid LEARN to danca for 64 at KEEP'S 1818 l'arnam. Clarm* Mon., Wed. and Frl. nights. Dancing Tuea . Thura , Sat. and Sun nights. Private lesson* by appoint - manta. JA 8470 _ I»R KSHMAKim IT HS suit* re:n 1C .1 - » • • 1 H A 80 4 PRINTIN'!*. . _ nmcTiYEii _ ~~ RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Hallway Eta Bldg.. JA. 2056; nil 1 K1 8818. JAMES ALLAN 818 Navlllt Blk Evldtnca secured In all caaea. AT. 1136. Private ' ctlve I. w LON O NEt 'K EH. 3136 Young St. Omaha. Tel, KB. 471*s. M KRli K>. ] i>c tepaii• t ** 8%^ Goldstein Fur Co.. 1520 Douglas KODAK F1MSIII Mi. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE The Ensign Cp.. 1607 Howard St. M V 1 I KKSHI S OMAHA PI LIAM? < > ■ I ran ovated and made up In new feather proof ticking, 1907 Cuming JA 2467. I* ATI M \ l rORNl \ 8 J w MARTIN Patent Attorney 1718 Dodge, room 2«*9. Also Washington, D C. I help inventors sell their patents MhimWKllD XNMU vt EMENTH RIPTION 8 ca refu 11 y 1 n | int 1 it the 5 Sherman A- McConnell Drug Store*. AUTOMOBILES for sale. (Jiristtnutf Specials Huy -tiipm with confidence. Drive them with satisfaction. Used • 11. that satisfy, WONKY H.M'K GUARANTEE. Why take a chance when you can get (his protection on a used auto* mobile? . Prices within your reach. Terms without finance charge latte models. < »pen and closed cars Nice selection to choose from. Willys-Overland. Inc. 2f»6 2 Fa mam Street. Open even'nRM. Open Sundays aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa EVERYBODY DRIVER A I'SED CAR Yqu will find the beat and larg est selection of oouoos. sedans, roadsters and tourings of all makes rany ng in prices from lino to $3.BOO only. Reasonable terms ac i ceftted. WE BUT. SEED AND EXCHANGE , MEEKS APT*) CO. Jackson 41 *»J L*“47-49 Farnam St. SOME bargain* In used Ford*; prompt delivery of new Fords MTAFFR1CY MOTOR CO , The Handy Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackson St* AT 77 11. NEW and used Ft rds, cash or terms. C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford and Lincoln Denier*. 20th and Ames Ave. KB. 0146 USED rare that can he u*ed NEBRASKA OLDSMOB1I.E CO., Howard at IRth AT 1770 USED Ford parts at half price. Parts fop all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts, 101 fi Harney St c IIV I CfnitVi ~ SERVICE FIR8T lyiiy L. Mnith 2G(b Bn(1 rarnam Atlantic 1944 NEW AND USED TIRES, $250 AND UP B A- B. TIRE AND AUTO CO., ■ Farnam 8t. pA. 7404 ifaBiTcARa.' O. N Bonney Motor Co., __ 25 54 Farnam 2 FORI* sedan bodies. Newly painted. Pfeiffer's, 2625 leaven worth. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer s12 S. 24th TRUCKS, TRACTORS. ETC. I! TUN Columbia. HI9. Cheap. HA 4647. - WANTED REAL ESTATE. C. T. Spier & (5*., Realtors $04 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 4857. T'l Buy nr Sell Omaha Real Estate See FOWLER & M'DONALD Members Multiple Listing Ex. Realtors. List your home—►Buy vnur home, HINDER & OTIS, _Real Instate, Loans. Rentals JA. 2561. Charles W . Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance 1602 City Nat._Bank: AT. 9668. f DITp(VTP R«alty C^T "List' with OIlDLillly u« f*r <iuick results 1418 First Nat l Bagjc Bldg._J1966. GOOD LISTINGS—COME TO’ US. WE SELL THEM home: realty co._at. 1111._ LIST your honion foF sale with us We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. Realtor. TO sell quick nr buy right, nee the Ouar antee Realty Co. 310 Arthur Bldg. Tel JA. 3336 .“TukeySold It” A V l' I W ' A ,*■ S' N R • sltois. JA 4 2 3 WE BUY and sail city and farm property Beauchamp <v Lingo, AT. 2872. 9 Patterson Block _ TO HELL Glover & Morell. AT. 1623 V ' ' ■ . 1 S IV Bv »ST\V 1CK, rcaf estate. AT. 1506 WnKLD Realty Co, Realtors. AT. 3492. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. E II BENNER CO., Realtors. JA 6664 NEBRASKA LANDS RESOLUTION FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS Improved farms for leans and option to buy on yearly payment of only 6 per cent of principal. Three per cent interest only 1h charged, balance of payment applied on principal llox N. Broken Bow. Neb. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. FOR BALE—400-acre farm, 110 acres broke, 1140 acres fetjoed, II wells; burnt* for 100 bend <>f cattle; plenty of free range. Pric e. $10 por acre and oil lease $1,000 state loan, bulance cash. Good chance f<>r cattle man. Frank Groilhfnanni Cool Springe, B l»_ REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS New Brick Apartment Built by Owner for Home and Investment, $18,500 Vlot water heating pant, oak floor One five-room apartment occupied by owner, which alioulil readily rent for $76.00 per, month, owner has income of $160 no per month from balance of building Ort the ' above basis the income should be $3,820 per year. This is solid bric k construction and very unique arrangement. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA ftjj 9 • 26 City Nat. | A LI RED THOMAS \ v Ot K altors WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES ' and can sell yours ff fairly priced. Proper advertising and 1 personal service does the work. and pr"'*r' Rentals—Sales—Insurance Construction HA. 1299. Keeline Bldg. AT. 8980. MISSOURI PACIFIC Offers permanent employment to ma chinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths and coach carpent -rs in Nebraska, Kansas Missouri and Arkansas. j Apply 217 South 14th St. Omaha, Nebr. SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SAl.K OR KXOHANll F -*V40 »rrc» grass land, sn acres can be tilled reft is rolling well grafted. Plenty good spring water. All under fern**, Ht 61 i*0 p*r acre Mortgage 6 .1.70*) due In four years. Will trade equity for good house and lot. Write Hex f'.’l. Sidney. Neb. BRICK apartment house, small Incum brance. good location income 6*.too. Will take clear « ity property ai part payment Give description and price. Address Bog W. 644 t Imihft Bee FOR SACK or Tmdu— 760 acre Improved ranch ne-ir Newport, Neb. Address T. II. ICvana. Norfolk, Neb. VACANT PROPERTY.__ KIKE * THICK Want modern lota; buyer* waiting. Phone JA L’ 41 9. rH'NDKE lot. 6<i*l26. on 64th dt. n* nr Kar nim; choice lot; owner will consider reas onable offai C A Orlmmal JI \\ ii L build tu •• ii rosi op out baautl* ful lots In Edfawood: very easy lertn* »T Intitlc 1549 — — " 1 1 1 " T NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. $550 IH.IWN Brand new fra m, fi\- i "oms and bath. Oak floors, kitchen cabinet. full cemented basement. floor drain and furnace. A real buy at $4,560. Hast front lot on paved street. Call Pedersen, 11 A. 7482, or AT. . 4 VERY Tib « five-room cottage, at 2617 North 28th Ave, fully modern, good as new, mi h garage, for W. II. OATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bk Bv.k _JA. 1294. 3737 ]jE»’ATllR—f) Unt., Mod. Lx heat; 3 lots; $5U0 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh, GO* Bee Tel jA. 0200. New tf-ro in i.', all modern. A harKaln, located R944 Florence Blyd. Notrla Norrla, JA. 427". i» k BUCK v CO bus and tail boraaa. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY.*" BEAUTIFUL BRICK HUME FI ELI» Cl.U B— 1IANSCOM PARK Living room with fireplace, sunmoni, din ing room, kitchen with breakfast nook, 4 bedrooms, largo heated sleeping por< h, tiled bath. 2 extra bedrooms and bath <•»» third floor Hot water heat. Doublo garage. The price is only 912,000. W. EARN AM SMITH A C<». 1320 Farnam St JA 0564. HA ^297. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, garage, good lo< niton Block from oariine, three blocks from South High. 2302 G street. MA. 1'059. t ROOM, full! modern garaga, $4.18#» Near 28d and Bancroft, want offer. Ca n \ : Bill 11 V 8714 o ROOMS modern. 5 rooms modern ol largo lot. $6500. MA 4547. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. ' Colonial Bungalow Now building In the beautiful bungalow section of Edgewood. Five fine room* attic ami base ' ment. Flropluce. tile bath, built in tub, etc. Frame construction i with press brick foundation. A classy place inside ami out, and a snap nt the price; $C,6Q0. For ap pointment call Cl rant Henson, WA. i 1580. Benson & Carmichael, REALTORS. i AT. $640. 0 4 2 Paxton Block. FINEST close !n location, long living rotm, iff • at vl slopping porch, garage, ete.; must e|fl quirk. r*all JA 32*11 days. New Homes - v. ur terms. | ; <|tf ti! Grove-Hibbard Co. Hamer For homos. 1305 Farnam Stree . DUNDEEPROPERTY" For a Lasting Christmas Gift Buy a Home If you ran afford to pay $12,500 for’ a good home, and need four bedrooms, we want you to see tills Dundee house. t Two-story frame, on a corner lot; very large living room with fire place; artistic lighting fixtures; close to street rur and stores. This Is one of the. highest corners in Dundee. A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 *Flrst Nat’l Hank Bldg Jackson 4223. FI ORE NCE PROPERTY" 2 >4 ACRRS in beautiful Florence. Sn.all improvements, 1 acre bearing grapes. *4 acre raspberries, *4 acre asparagus. Price $3.0**0.$300 cash, balance $20 monthly an8 it terest. Income from place will play for It. llest chance ever. Art quick. Netb. sgsnl K] 1409. C L, NBTHAWA1 h mi ftgtnt for sub urban acreage. Whites only. KB. 140f. RALSTON PROPERTY. ~ HO M138 for workingmen. Four rooms. Partly modern, full lot, easy terms. $1,200. Have others. Stewart. Ralston 10-W MISCELLANEOUS LANdJT" Home and Investment Desirable 7-room modern house; located at rapidly growing suburban corner, where values will increase rapidly. Price $6,300. This is an unusual oportunlty. Hee us Monday. World Realty REALTORS. AT 3492. World Theater Bldg. “We Build to Please” Tern pi e McFayden Co.. 1605 Karnaro 8t* H A ST I NOS A HBYl) EN. Ileal t oral | We Make ’ SVz % \Loans ► on Omaha Real Estate 6% Monthly Payment Loans on Residence* • • Peters Trust Company Peters National Bank WABASH Wants COMPETENT Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmith, Cabinet Makers, Coach Carpenters and First-class Coach Varnishers. Permanent Positions. Free Transportation. Apply 1909 Harney Street, Omaha, Nrh. __'_ l ists VVAM .YUS lilUAtj iUsiiULTJ • ■ u ■