The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 14, 1922, Page 12, Image 12
THE G U MPS-Zoiy'i" THE TRUTH HURTS Drawn for The Sidney Smith ^»— -- -■ -rti-rmt *>**** mv-s? k \ ItTTtR. WOM Ms) \ WTORVIV^- VwvUk'T *TH£ J T>ot* )Q v Me '"•^ JA-^i ~n LETTtSC. 'TO "<0\) IH 'TV»t 'N'TEfttVT OF MN CUEH'T, KTi. S'TLV^STEe. S\T\NK, WHO "TkVE^ E.XCtF'TVOVi 'TO 'TOOH. 'TO SM TwKT UNLESS NOU Sfc'Utk.C'T nwv^ ^T^tWEH't TM^oyGH Tne ^JMLN ?HtS5 V<E W\\.U SRvVUs CV\l\t Vy^KCYtOM K(»KmST VOO /COME ON SKlNK- ME INTO C CURTIN* / \ vweccome IT- just l\kE a reeeoh; U / Getting a seat vn the orchestra t LEADER'S EAR VMHEN THE HOUSE \S SOlT> OUT- OR A GUV EYING OUT OH* The hot sanv> or the desert, tamished, miees AVUAN RRONV an OASVS AMD VT y V3EGINS to rmn \ce CREAK \ Cones - RRINGI^JG UP FATHFR_ *e«uterad . SEE jiggs and Maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus: v A ■■■ A* ***><A' •• U. S. Patent Olfice PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE • (Copyright 1922) r*- ' ■ ■ , -- " . | ' • " — ■■■■■ —.. — ■—a. II - — ■ ' — — -- ■ - - ■ - - , i - - -_ t~OR <qOODNEt>*a ~AKE ^ WHAT l*> THAT? IT LOOki - LIKE A FANCV BATH-HOO'bE them CHItSAME-N ARE. I I KNOW WHAT *T IB- »T**> '— A ROTAL COACH * O.U BET THE ehppkr of China ii ih it- i'll FALLOW THEM - MAT BE. »*U L. C»T A CHAMCE TO I BEE HIM - THANK CiOODNE’&S THEV HA.VE e.TOPPED-HE'S' <ONNA<itT DtNTsf !J! i , ^ J ' J*5T\ V5h<=>*-- 7 Copyright. 1922. hr M<fatun hoiiiro the. Director Claims That ff olvrs Have Their Own Language What are the wild wolves saying? Lawrence Trimble, director, has been trying to find oui. The language of the wolf to the nveiAge person is a series of ugly growls, at area to barks or long and blood curdling bowls, wails that strike terror to the heart. Uut those well versed on animal lore claim it 1s a regular language* One of the strongest advocates ot i'nls theory Is Laurence Trimble, the <t<r»<>u>r, who uses a whole pack of wolves in "Brawn of the North," in which Strongheart, the wonder dog of the films, is starred at the Kialto this week. In fact, Strongheart s leading lady In this Laurence Trlmble-Jane Muffin production Is Lady Silver, a full blooded tiinlier wolf, who is called upon to do some genuinely “emo tional" acting with the canine hero In a most extraordinary romance of the wilds. Says Mr. Trimble: "When one remembers that man through civilization has advanced thousands of yefirs beyond the wolf, we must be reminded tlint ours is a language built t spa-lull' for our needs. The wolf's language was prob CATARRH ■ of bead or throat is usually benefited by the vapors of— VICKS V ap© Rua Over 17 Million Jan Uied Ytarlg \DVKBTIHKMKNT. STOP CATARRH! OPEN I NOSTRILS AND HEAD I —— i Says Cream Applied in Nostrils j Relieves Head-Colds at Uuce. j If your nostrils arc clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cull] or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Halm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti septic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you gel instant re lief. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Halm is just what sufferer* from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight. Cuticura Soap! -The Safety Razor Shaving Soap Cntlevr* Soap wham withoutwuag. E^feywhere 25a. Haurette Taylur, pretty little actress, w ho marie "Peg O’ My Heart” a pop- 1 ulur favorite with theatergoers a few years ago, is making a movie now with the same name. And Michael is proving Just as beguiling as he i was in the play. airly old when the rave man began to make himself understood in deep 1 gul lurals. ”[ have studied the wolf fighting 1 am! at play and have tried to inter- ! pret She meaning of the various j sounds he makes and the significance ; of every move anti gesture. In the ! wolf's eye alone, there is a range of expression as great as that in the ' ryes of human beings." Today's Attractions. Rialto—"Brawn of the North." Nun—"AIIob Julius Caesar.” Strand—"Omar, the Tentmaker.” Moon—"Foolish Wives.’’ World—“The Blot.” Emrpess—"The Hound of the Bas kcrvilles.” Hamilton—"The Angel of Crooked St roet.” Victor*—"Prophet’s Paradise.” Brand -‘‘When Romance Rides." Boses for “Singing Mike” Undelivered by Admirer t’hiof of Detectives Van Densen yesterday persuaded Lillian Frances Moore, formerly of Denver, who had brought a bouquet of red roses for “Singing Mike” La Porte, held in connection with the death of Alice Kinehurt, that her sympathies were misdirected. The young woman said she had heard Mike sing in Denver anil was impressed by his voice. She departed with her intended gift. Girl Awarded Judgment of $.">.000 Against Ball Player Evelyn Pope, 15. was awarded a Judgment of $5,000 hy default In dis trict court hy Judge Leslie against • Roy Spencer, last year a catcher in the Omaha Western league baseball team. The girl sued Spencer for $10,000. Neither Spencer nor his attorney ap peared in court. Are You COALED? If you are, you’ll have to pass up this good coal this time. But if you’re not and you are COLD, just look at this— WIZARD anthracite From Arkansas Its Hot—No Smoke—No Soot—Very Little Ash Holds Fire Through the Night—Easily SCREENED LUMP.$15.50 per ton, delivered UNSCREENED LUMP . . . $13.50 per ton, delivered Consumers Coal & Supply Co. “DEALERS IN GOOD COAL” \ At. 9146—Our New Number—At. 9146 AT THE THEATERS Two more days remain for the big bill at the World theater, where Rose, Wyse and Toney Wyaer, the sensation :tj juvenile comedian, and Hilly (Swede) Hall are the stars. The aix acta on the current show combine to provide the beat entertainment in recent weeks and large crowd are attesting to the popularity of life program. Starting Saturday, Larry Harkins and his "Monarchy of Melody" headline an all new show. Harkins and his company are exponents of jazz, of fering snappy songs and lively tunes. The Clifford Wayne trio. 20th century In dians, are an added feature on the forth coming bill. A novelty entitled "A. Surprise In 'the Belfry" will be furnished by the Five Ballots four attractive girls and an ath letic young man. This act Is the headliner at the khnpress and it is said that the principals will toss heavy weights ana perform other difficult tasks with the grace and rhythm of a tireek dancer. The great Howard presents a ventrilo quist novelty, ‘At the Regimental Doc tors." All th«* dialogu - is comedy and the action enthusing. "Ooluf" is the title given to tiie comedy skit which will be presented by Paul Kelly and Frank Ko zie. who are known us a team of irre pressible fun makers. Known ns Ameri ca s youngest colored vaudevilllans, Bert Chad\virk and Brace Taylor will b« seen in a bit of toifllc singing, talking and dancing. Karyi Noiman, "the Creole Fashion Plate," Orpheum headliner this week, is proving unusually popular. ’Phis head liner is surrounded by a varied and well balanced bill. Including such favorites as "Field’s Family Ford," a hilarious bur lesque of a family Joy ride In a Ford, "Senator" Ford, the witty monologist ; Elizabeth Kennedy and Milton Berle in a smart dialogue skit entitled "Broadway Hound,” and three other Orpheum stand ard features Harry Watson, Jr., will b© the stellar feature next week. His bur lesque portrayal of "Kid Battling Dugan" is one of liis skit:*, and another will be the hilarious t lephono episode. Patrons are reminded that the curtain will rise early Saturdap night. The vaudeville will start at 7:55 o’clock sharp. Often an 3eorge Behan has starred on tlie stage ami screen. It '» not generally known how h*- began the acting which readies magnificent heights in hi* new picture. 'The Sign of the Uose.’ At the age of * he was singing and dancing with Seed and Kmerson's minstrels In San Francisco and wns said to be the cleverest child ever seen on the local stage Yeara Inter he had progressed an far as New' York, where his eccentric Frenchman in Broadway musical comedies attracted general attention. This led to his Joining Weber and Fields’ all-star company, where he divided honors with Dn\id War field. Lillian Bussell, Fay Templeton and many others. His screen debut was mad* tn Triangle pictures and Behan's sucres* as a star was absolute. ‘‘The Sign of the Bose" opens at the Brandela theater to morrow night for an engagement of nine' days. Although he Is an actor, motor mech anism is Barry Shannon's hobby and De troit is his Mecca. To see Shannon act with "Shorty" MacAlllster at the C»ay ety this week in "Hippity* Hop" would had the observer to conclude that the "tall fellow was born to the stage. Shan non was u workman in the Hupmobile shop when 11 men constituted the work ing force at.d a barn was the factory. Ho was assembling Fords wnen there were only 300 men on Henry's pay roll. Ladles' matinee a t2:15 daily. Wholly original musical mini hers are promised for the "Youthful Follies" at the Gayety theater, week starting Saturday matinee, with Joe Marks, star of th* •how ; Helen uloyd a soubret who is declared to be always abreast of her name. Hazel Alger. Kitty Garner and May Leonard lead a chorus of 24 singers and dancers. Sam Nanfito Jailed. Sam Nanfito was fined $500 and sentenced tn jail for three months yesterday by Federal Judge Wood rouirh on a charge of possession and sale of Intoxicating liquor. A large quantity of liquor was found in hi* place, 1313 I’arifle street. Huge Still Is Seized by Federal Agents Federal prohibition agents yester day raided 403 Bancroft street and seized a still which was in operation. 11. S. Rohrer described it as the larg est still he has ever seen. Barney Bertino and John Turinet ti were arrested. A barrel and a half of liquor and several five-gallon jugs of liquor were taken. The officers also raided 1201 South Thirteenth street, where they arrest IpMM w WcaTARRHAL jelly is guaranteed by SO years A service to mill lone of [I Americans. Kondon’s Y je All works wonders for your co^’ ■neezing. cough, chronic catarrh, head* »ehe. sore non, etc. of your name V\ have •nil sddreae ** KONDON Minneapolis, Minn. aiflSfla. MTKKTIfIKHIKT. | Ends Stubborn Coughs \\ | in a Hurry - < ► x For real effect iveneaa, this old < ► x home-made remedy has no equal. < > j Easily aud cheaply prepared. < ► You’ll never know how quickly a bad cough can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-made rem edy. Anyone who has coughed all day and all night, will sav that the immediate relief given is almost like magic. It is very easily prepared, and there is nothing better for roughs. Into a pint bottle, put 2*4 ounces Of Ptncx; (hen add plain granulated sugar svrup to make a full pint. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, the full pint saves about two-thirds pf the money usually spent for cough preparations, and gives you a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant—children like it. You can feel this take hold instantly, •oothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. It promptly loosens a dry, tight cough, and soon you will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day's use will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is also splendid for bron chitis, croup, hoarseness, and bron chial asthma. yPinex is u most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, the most reliable rem edy for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask your * druggist for "2*/, ounces of Pi'nex" with directions and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to 91V A A Han. \ THE PROPER WAY TO TREAT P/LES Valuable advice and information for the treatment of every form of Piles is enclosed with each box of PAZO OINTMENT. The remedy is guaranteed. The price of PAZO OINTMENT is 60c and you can get it at any drug store. The advice and information goes with it. Fistula—Pay When Cured if i pi J|lfTr«SS A mild system of treatment that cures Piles, Fistula *ud ether CJl rSfa vP lay Kectal Diseases in a short time, without a severe surgical «w eration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetic ased. "A cure guaranteed tn every ease accepted for treatment, and no money in to be paid antO cared. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonial* more than ’.000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. C. R. TARRY Sanatorium, Patera Trust Bldg. (Bee Bldg.* Omaha, Nsh " 1 ed John Latsina, John Spara and Se bastiano Falcone and confiscated 22 gallons of liquor. --- Matinee Daily, 2:13. Every Night. 8:15 _NOW FLAYING KARYL NORMAN “The Creole Fashion Plate” Elizabeth Kennedy A Milton Berle FABER & McGOWAN "SENATOR" FORD Koroli Bro». | Thr Nagyfyg Topics ol Day — Aesop s Fables Pathe News "W. d Field’s Players in FIELD’S FAMILY FORD MATINEES: 15c to 50c NIGHTS i ISc to $1.00 Dance at Empress Rustic Garden , i “The Live Spot of Omaha" Al “Raggy" Rubin's Orchestra Dancing Every Night A I) V ERTI REM ENT. This Treatment For Youy Costs Only Twenty-Five Cents * A treatment whose intent and purpose is to remove the cause and relieve the patient in appendicitis, gall atones, bowel inflammation, bowel impactions ami chronic constipation. This treatment. Red Cross Liver Pills, nature's assistant, acts by removing the poisons from the body; in dyspepsia, sick headache, dizziness, dropsy, poor circula tion and chronic diseases of the liver, stomach and bowels, they are wonderful. Put up in watch-shaped, screw-top bot tles, sold in Omaha at Sherman k Mc Connell Drug Store, Heaton Drug Co., and other druggists for 25c, or sent by Rea Bros, k Co., Minneapolis, Minn. The genu ine has the Red Cross Insignia prined on bo*. Not a Laxative Nujol is a'lubricant.—not a medicine or laxative — so cannot gripe. When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because AIJVKRTI8KMKNT. Catarrh Qi$ickly Ended by a Pleasant Germ-Killing Antiseptic The little Hyotnei Inhaler is made of hard rubber and can easily he carried | in pocket or puree. It will last a lifetime. Into this inhaler pour a few drops of magical Hyomei. This is absorbed by the antiseptic gauze j within and now you are ready to breathe it in over the germ-infested membrane i where it will speedily begin its work of j killing catarrh germs. Hynmei is made of ' Australian eucalyptus combined v'ith other j antiseptics and is very pleasant to breathe, j It i4 guaranteed to end catarrh, broti- 1 chitis, sore throat, croup, coughs ami colds | «.r money back It cleans out a stuffed up hrtad in Jwo minutes. Foi sale Uv lht»^five Sherman 4: Me- ; Connell Drug Stores. 1 ALL WEEK The Big Laugh Bill— I LARRY SEMON In a travesty on the popular pastime— “GOLF” CHAS. RAY Back again in his old-time j form- j “ALIAS JULIUS CAESAR” (NEXT SUNDAY 'Brothers Under the Skin’ By J*eter B. Kyn# EMPRESS ^ NOW SHOWING EILLE NORWOOD “Sherlock Holmes” Sir A. Conan Doyle’ Greatest Story P*m WiSKSSSWYYS” FIVE BALIOTS—“A Surprise in the Belfry” Kelly &. Kozie In “OOLUF” Chadwick & Taylor "America's Youngest Colored Vaudevi liana** GREAT HOWARD ventRiloquist” ! All Week— Strongheart the Wonder Dog. / *fiiawn of i the North IChas. Chaplin “EASY STREET” Naw Edition Da Luxe of Ilia Funniest Comedy. LAST f T f Y "J 1 1 TW° TIMES |WI*I*IV I DAYS FRIDAY A|^ f MORF. “Fooli:Ji__Wives” STARTS SATURDAY “Sage Brush Trail” Roy Stewart Marjorie Daw Wallace Beery Johnny Walker "OMAHA’S FUN CENTER’* ithrvt££>'Tik MAT 4 *'TE today PRE-WAR PRICED || j| "SHORTY" O 0 "RIB" McAllister a Shannon —with— "HIPPITY HOP!" Bc" Ey Pb JR I Sugar-Foot Snowball. B Ba §\ T Harmonica Playing Foal Ladleg’ Ticket*. 13c ar 25c at Dally Mat.. 2:IS Sat. Mat.: Joe Marka & ‘Youthful Follies" BEE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS I Today—Tomorrow U Last opportunities to see the jl|p Wonder Boy of the American stage. I Tony Wyser iraji Five Other Excellent Acts and l^pi Feature Pictures SATURDAY ft LARRY HARKINS Pi'cS and his Melody Monarchs RUTH ST. DENIS Ted Shawn and Denishawn Dancers Thursday, Dae. 14th BRANDE1S THEATER Mat. 2:30 p. m; Ev’ng 8:15 p. m. Auspices American Legion Auxiliary. Prices 50c to $2.50 (Tax Free.) NOW PLAYING GUY BATES POST IN OMAA TM6 T€NT- „ MAK£A NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS HAMILTON - - 40th and' Hamilton ALICE CALHOUN in "The Angel of Crooked Street" “Amateur Vaudeville" VICTORIA .... 24th and Fort EUGENE O'BRIEN in “Prophet's Paradise" GRAND - Iflth and Binney ZANE GREY'S "Where Romance Rides" oa’tmavI/ snorlqsIsT 4HJ-ooS ) J t The Ser*v*ice That Begins WhenYouCa// AT-lanticlOOO When you call AT lantic 1000 to give an ad for the >, “Want" Ad section of t The Omaha Bee you will |l find intelligent service at the other end of the line. ^ou will know what we mean when we talk about “The Voice With a Smile." You’ll become acquainted with our ad takers. You’ll find that they are prepared to do a great deal more than simply take down what you say- that they can give you expert service in wording your ad to secure the best'and most economical results. They have been trained to make it ?asier for you to get what you want through your ad—from a new cook to a place to live. They can tell you what you should say and what is non essential if you call on them. And there’s a smile in every voice—don’t forget that! When you want to use a hard-working little “Want" \d call AT lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want’’ Ad taker. Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bring Better Re*ults at Lesser Cost i 9hp Omaha. Morning fteo THE EVENING BLE