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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1922)
America Steadily Developing Ideals of Individualism (Citizens Can Hasten Progress l>y Stimulating Initiative, Hoover Says in New Book. New York. Dec. li.—Americans ran make :-ure of progress along the road to human perfection by preserv ing and stimulating their initiative and glorifying service as a part of the national character, rays Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce. In his book summarizing "American Individ ualism." just off the press. Experience in the backwash and misery of the war, he says, has strengthened his faith in American individualism, for America has been steadily developing the ideals that constitute progressive individualism. "Americans." be writes, "are not fooled into the pretense that all men are equal in ability, character, intel ligence and ambition. That was part of the claptrap of the French revolu tion. "If denwraev Is to secure its authorities in morals, religion and statesmanship, it must stimulate leadership of its own masses.” "Leadership." Mr. Hoover says, “cannot, no matter how brilliant, carry progress far ahead of the aver age of the mass of individual units.” Asserting that the economic develop ment of the last half century has lift ed the general standard of comfort far higher the nthe loftiest dreams of our forefathers, he says, "the only load to further advancement is great er invention, greater elimination of waste, greater production and better distribution of commodities and serv ices for, by Increasing their ratio to our numbers and dividing them justly, we will each have more of them." First Iowa Soldiers’ Bonus Payments Due February 1 Ties Moines, Dec. 11.—(By A. P.)— Barring unexpected delay, the first notice of the sale of the $23,000,000 soldiers' bonus bend Issue will be pub lished Tuesday and indications are that the first payment of the state bonus will begin February 1. State Treasurer TV. J. Burbank, in announcing the date of publication, stated that the bonds will be bear 4 1-4 per cent Interest. MeKelvie’s Secretary Accepts New Position Lincoln, Dec.. 11.—(Bjieciali—Louis XV. Horne of Omaha, private secre tary to Governor McKelvio for three years, will become private secretary to Clinton K. Lee of Lincoln, head of the Leo Broom and Duster company and the Kanoka Petroleum company. Uncle Sam Says: Apple Tree Borers. The flat headed apple tree borer is a serious orchard pest whose larva bores into the bark and wood of a great variety of trees, but is best known a» an enemy of the apple, pear, peach and other cultivated fruit trees. Its depredations are felt in al most every locality where orchards have been planted. This bookht describes and illus trates tills pest, tells about the loca tion and nature of the injury it does, and gtves methods of controlling them Headers of The Omaha Bee may ob tain a copy of this booklet free as long as the free edition lasts by writ ing to the Division of Publications, Department of Agriculture. Washing ton, D. C.. asking for "F. B. 1065." Douglas County Legion 1 Names Vice Commanders JY'X' Here arc the three newly-elected vice commanders of the Douglas County post of the American Legion. It. II. Dudley, vice commander rep resenting the army, went into the service with company C, Stxth Ne braska National guard, leaving Oma ha during August, 1317, and being with one of the first three comiia nies to go from Nebraska, lie went to Camp Cody, N. M., and was trans ferred from the 134th infantry to overseas duty, serving 15 1-2 months on the other side. He entered as a buck private and came out as a first lieutenant. He was in the Meuse-Argonne drive and was with the army of occupation 10 months in Germany after the Armi stice was signed. Mr. Dudley was rail head officer while at Coblenz. He is now with the officers’ reserve corps. Dr. \V. B. Nash, vice commander of the navy, is known to the legion naires as "Barton" Nash. During the latter part of 1917 he enlisted at the Great Bakes training station. He served during short periods at Sault gte. Marie and Detroit and then was transferred to the trasport cruiser force at Hoboken. He was assigned to the V. S. Pretoria, which w-as in transport duty between New York and Brest. He rose to the rank of lieutenant and was a dental surgeon during the war. He is now a prac ticing dentist here. Adrian H. Mayer, now vice com mander for the marine corps, enlisted tn Chicago during 1916. He served In Cuba, in France and in the United States. He held the rank of sergeant when he left the service at the close of the war. Nebraska Sheriffs to Meet in Lincoln January 10 Lincoln. Dec. 11.—(Special!—Carl D. Quinton, president of the State Sher iffs’ association, announced today the annual meeting of the organization would be held at Lincoln, January 10. An entertainment committee is com posed of Claude P. Hensell, sheriff elect, Lincoln; William C. Condit, sheriff, Fremont; Martin N. Brennon. sheriff. Trenton; Vet Canfield, sheriff. Chadron; Fetor Clarence, sheriff-elect, Hartington. KCKCKCKCKCKt SAME PRICE for over 30 years gg Ounces for g tjt Use less Of KC BAKING POWDER than of higher priced brands. The government used millions of pounds KOKOKOKOKOK Does he smoke?(jivehim cigars ten to one he likes mild ones ^ give him. MOZARTS Mild as a May Moming-om/ asjragnmt Moovt Cl^fw U mb W? CiMolitlitft) v*'|tr CuipOlldoa New Distributed by McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Neb. FIVE BEAUTIFUL SIZES —\0$—2Jor‘l5< — \5c—3Jor50< Nebraskans Given House Assignments Washington. Deo. 11.—(Special rAegrani.)—Nebraskans in the house were given the following committee i assignments today: .1efforts. Judiciary: Humphreys, irrigation and arid lands, claims, alcoholic liquor traffic; Thorpe, invalid pensions, territories, expendi tures In Department of Commerce. Representative Jefferis resigned from all other committees in order to take the place on the judiciary com inittee for the remainder of his ser vice. Lincoln, Dee. 11.—In a letter re ceived by The Associated Press to day, Congressman R. H. Thorpe, rep resenting the First Nebraska district m congress, expressed his satisfaction with committee assignments tendered him by Congressman Frank Mondell, the -republican floor leader- of the house. Four Candidate? Sock Lower House Speakership Lincoln, Dec. 11.—(Special) — Dan Garber of Red Cloud and Scott Rey nolds of North Platte arc candidates for speakership of tho lower house. Both have served as house members In past seasons. Their entry makes a total of four candidates to date. The other two are George Staats, Fre mont, and Grant Mears, Wayne. BLUNDERS Why Is This Wrong? The answer will be found among today's want ad*. (W hat "blunder" do you BUggcst") (Copyright, 1922 * Widow of Former Treasurer of lT. S. Expires in Cheyenne Cheyenne, Wyo„ Dec. 11. — Mrs. Margaret Wyman, 75, widow of Al bert U. Wyman, former treasurer of tho United States, died today at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. William S. Neely, wife of a colonel at For* Russell. Her husband was a personal | friend of President U. S. Grant, by whom ho was first appointed. McKelvie Will Attend Governors' Conference Lincoln, Dec. 11—Governor 8. It. McKelvie "111 leave tomorrow to at tend the annual governor's conference at White Sulphur Springs, W. Vn. lie is scheduled to deliver .in address before tin. convention Thursday next Before returning to Nebraska the Nebraska executive will visit New York city, where ho wilt "deliver an address before the New Knglnnd society December 22. On this pro gram the governor and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge arc the principal speak ers. This is the first time In history a personage west of the Mississippi river has been invited to address the society, which each year selects at least one notable person as the prin cipal speaker. Governor McKelvie will return to Lincoln December 24. Traiii Strikes Vutonmliilc; Three Dead, One Injured Kinsman, Ariz 1>p<\ 11.—Three pet sons wore instantly killed and one badly injured when the automobile in which the four passengers were rid ing was Btruck by Santa Fe train No. at a grade crossing near here. The dead are XV. A. Nat, Jr., prom! tient livestock dealer, who was n mem her of the Arizona legislature; Mrs. Eldon Ralighn ami Charles II. Scott, all of Kingman. l ire Destroys $15,000 Hotel at Heiuingforil llentiugford, Nob., I>co. 11. (Hpo i ittl Telegram.!—Homo hotel, HO rooms. recently opened by 11. *1 Tuy lor. "as destroyed by lire of unknown ‘ritm early this morning High wind ■ mlangered the entire business sec lion. The building "as owned by " w , Notion of Alliance. Hutldlngr ‘"',l content* nto a total to**, nrnountjn^; to ft.'<.000 # Drolaros IXtra Pividond. .New York. D< < 11 Th« St. Joteplt Lead compauv today declared an • \i: i dividend of -ft eeilt* *4 share in addition t<» it* regular 26 cent quar terly div idend. The HARDMAN FIVE-FOOT GRAND \ Tetrazzini says— pnr*d Con>«iwnl term* Schmoller & Mueller £&'•;:* Piano Co. WSE Exclusive Representatives •The HARDMAN PIANO is my choice!" Such measure of artistic apprecia tion from this gifted coloratura is reason enough why your piano should be a Hardman Five Foot Grand. Sold on Convenient Term* Shop Now Nebraska® Power Go I 41 jj m Lionel Electric TOY TRAINS That boy of yours will shout for joy and feel mighty happy If you give him one of these beautl j ful trains. A Lionel out 1 fit means years of hon I est, sensible fun. The Lionel Electric trains are real working model* of standard railroad equip ment Waffle Iron $12.50 $1.00 Down A Gift for Every Sweetheart —the Gift Electrical Of course the considerate husband of today makes every possible effort to lessen the drudgery housework for his wife, hence the “Electric Shop’ plays an important part in his gift giving—for here he finds every good labor-saving appliance displayed in a manner that pleases him. 1 he “gilt electrical” is the appreciated gift, not only by the housewives, but bv every member of flic faniilv. Make TINS an Electrical Christmas. _ _ _ ^ Special Xmas Radio Packages U-Bild-lt Set* $10.50 to $28 Th^e »<?i8 are. ctmiplet , ready for assembling Crystal Detector Package, $G.95 Includes te& crystal an> head ptlonea and jneresaar j rts, ready fojr assfm i '•ling. Kadioton*, $15.25 I 1 - I'V - 'JUO Detector 2-UV-201 Ampliflere | Electric Irons liotpoint Special . $5.00 Sunbeam .$'7.50 American Beauty .87.50 Boudoir Set .$6.95 A New Lamp Table Lamp $29.50 $3.00 Down (No illustration). A beautiful ad dltiou to any living room, a variety of patterns from which to select. Boudoir Lamp $6.50 \ $1.00 Dowrn. An appropriate gift for "HER''— , with dainty flower design in soft ' colors, choose "HER" gilt from C. this showing. Boudoir Spec. $4.98 $1.00 Down. De'.icateiy shaded, charming de signs. a gift that is sure to please —come, see the display of distinc tive lamps at the Electric Shop. We Guarantee Every Appliance Wa Sell A Lovely Gift for Anu Woman 1 Special | Offer Genuine Mahogany Boudoir Lamps Complete with Trans Luso washable shade and 25-watt round bulb, 3 assortments— 83.85 84.85 0k 85.85 No Charges nor C.O.D.’s Percolators and Toasters Thermax Special A complete display of vari ous sizes and designs. Toaster, special .$4.85 Percolator, special... .$6.95 $1.00 Down f Make This an Electrical ^Xmas _ Utility Lamp The lamp shown above, can bo used for any num ber of purposes, makes an attractive boudoir or desk lamp, one of the unusual Xmas gifts, flJO 'ft Priced at but OO.0U Toasters $1.00 Down. A gift that benefits the en tire family. Westloghouse Turnover *8 Universal Toaster. at .*6.75 and $8 Marion Flip-Flop Toaster *8 Suggestions for the Family Gift Waffle Irons Hotpolnt .. .$15.75 Universal .. .$16.00 Westlnghouse . ...$r8.oo $1.50 Down. ' Grills Universal .. .$13.50 Marlon .... .$13.50 Sunbeam Toaster Grill with reversible rack.... $9.50 $1.50 Down Sugars, Creamers, and Trays in designs to match varl ous styles and patterns ot percolators. PRICES— Sugar and Creamers, $2.50 to $0.50 Trays From $4.00 to $10.00 The Helpful Gift the Electric Washer Why not pitch In together and make the family gift a THOR ELECTRIC WASHER —do away with that old-fashioned method of rubbing and scrubbing of the fam ily wrash. It’s a really sensible gift and one that pays for tself in a very short time. The THOR WASHER is priced at but $125 i cash—or $135 with onl> $5.00 down and very liberal terms ou tlia balance. The Comfort Gift Truly these electric heaters are comfort gifts — Ideal for the baby's bath—a Joy to those per sons who are Inactive, a thoughtful gift and Inexpensive. Hotpoint Heaters, $10.50 11.00 Down. Heating Pads $1,00 Down Universal .... .$10.00 Thermax . $0.1)5 Westinghouse 9xlMn. $6.00 Westlnghousc 12xl5-in. $9.50 and Curls for the Girls Carling Irons for bobbed haii and for longer locks as well are tound at the Electric Shop— Thermal .$3.95 Hot Point.$6.50 Universal . $6.25 The Hoover Give the woman who Is your wife or your mother a Hoover this Xmas ami you give the finest gift a man can choose. Hoover Special, $65 cash or $68 25 Terms —$5.00 Down Have THEY Seen Omaha’s Electrical Toylandr Headquarters for Electric Trains Biggest assortment we’ve ever shown. See the good value* here before you purchase any where In Omaha! Lionel Freight Tra ‘ M Outfit—$5.75 ft. shown, oomplsts with sriKlnr car* and i fset of curved track. Toy Transformers, $3.50 —for operating train* from any eltctrl* socket or outlet. liring the children to this convenient, main floor Electrical Toy Shop. A host of Toys to please them. Bring them with you on your visit to the Electric Shop. Dolly’s Electric "M Range V/ really 000V r With utensils $10.00 < [PENNSYLVANIA ; PENNSYLVANIA Headquarters for Tree Lights 8-light ()() outfit ...... With candle*, $4.50 xtenelon may 1 « !cd to; 1 long-llf zde lempf, eaeoried ■•■re, two-piece plug, a Me! oord. r Arbor Lux, $15.50 ffarentcen lamp* wired In mill tlpl#—only on* ; ght burn* out at n tlm*. Spool*!. Fpaclal line of fln*h light* *M • ■ tarn* an I if'Hp .'blight*.