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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1922)
, THE GUMPS—NOW, WILL YOU BEHAVE! Drawn for The Omaha Bte by Sidney Smith in THE SUNDAY BEE_ » (Copyright 1922> / 5VUS \ S\W^t C\V>HJk(AO^ k,MO *V6MX M=XX* XHE tUiTlON 1 ;iu vV'c«'!“" J I,*0** ^ «oxcMt*_^ 0Hl / 3 CO^£^V^?t VJS'Hb^ y ^CO^S ?OTt M>PtTV2w_ S2LM5SI mMS 0H V,T ^, is \ 'TWE IM\rtH^rO^N 'N US'* MOHlw's \OE k. ^tnftXMEH'T S10*E~ J *»U* - \ P\WT ■---//Ltfcvt EMt\r<-miM6 ( vmuL / / I LkST MtNvrcE. - J OX CH'COW innwt ___ S% 1HK1 SO?' I l»*tCTW V *»**'' B "toUR. CHRVSTMA% ^ VAtt Lfc 0 L,^T- \ HCPe '(OU iN^XPtN^WE 1 ^O^Ot'T 6\FT5 a-swru c«.kus- / \ w vmuT If You Have Something to Sell— or exchange — or want to buy — or lease — or lend—or borrow — or want to hire someone — or get a job yourself—use an Omaha Bee “Want'” Ad • i BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day* t or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants." and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns adver- I tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ads accepted at the following offices : Mam office.17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha . . N. W. cor. 2 ith and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. | Telephone AT lantic 1 000. Call for “Want" Ad Department. An ex- ! perlenced "Want" ad taker will receive your ad and u hill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charg'* or carh orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition .11:40 a. m. Morning Edition.0 p m.. Sunday Edition.0 p. m. Saturday These rates apply to The Sunday Bee os well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear In both morning and evening editions at the ore cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. • HAPMAV, Mary A. nged t'.J years, Sun day evening, at a local hospital. Survived hy 2 sisters and 1 broth r. Mrs H. Fred Fischer of Omaha, Mrs. W. F. Allen. At 'antic City. N J., and Frank Robinson of Bay City, Mieh. Funeral services Tuesday at 8:CO a m. from Hoffman funeral home to St, Anna church nt 9 a. m Interment Holy Sepul < hre cemetery. Please omit flowers. CARDELh—Alma Josephina, ago <>] years, beloved wife of Peter Card* It, of 4830 Pierce St. Survived, besides her husband, by one sister, Mr*. Anna E Benson of | Wakefield, Neb., and two brothers in Sweden. Funeral Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the Salem Lutheran church. 23d and ^Vinton Sts Interment West Lawn ceme- , terv. Fneftdn are welcome. CAHMODY-MIm Helen ~She Is survived besides her mother by her brother. Fran cis. and her slater, Mrs. C. S. Molseed. Funeral Wednesday morning from resi dence 3208 Marty street at .8.30 to St. Peter's church ut 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Gentlemen's mortu ary u charge. A 1NEGAK, .M is. Sarah H., 2629 N. fTth ! Street; ago 77 years. l>e u mber 1<», at u local hospital. Deceased is survived hy two sons, Thomas 8., and Philip C. of this city. Funeral services Wednesday at 1.30 p. m. From the Western Funeral Home. Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery. CEMETERIES. VISIT FOREST LAWN. Hundred! of evergreen blankets and win ter wreaths make the cemetery very beau tiful at this reason of the year. They may be obtained at the greenhouse at the entrance of the cemetery. Offices at the c- metery (north of the city limits), and 710 Brandeis theatti BURIAL VAULTS_ wooden"boxes soon decay Steel or iron vaults will rust out and collapse. There fore you should Insist upon your under taker using an Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial vault: water-proof and ever lasting. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 3210 N. 30th Si.. Omaha Inspection Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F, J. STACK & CO., Omaha's beat und***- skir r e*r lblishment, SKrow' AMBULANCE Thirty-third and Farnam HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and F.tnbalm«rs. Phone HA D266, Of fire 2011 Farnam | LARKIN BROTHERS. FUNERAL DIRJBj r< ' • 4318 80 84T11 j Hul sc & Riepcn, - run r«l D'n Cumin*. | ROSBY MOORE FLORISTS. _ LEE LARMON JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA. 1906 _ j~T 1 KNl>KnSON7 1507 Farnam. JA. 1258. PERSONAL. TIffc SALVATION \rmy Industrial home h 'Hi lt* your oi l clothing, turnltura, magu* We collect. Wo distribute. l*h'»nc JA. 4136 and our wagon w il .-all fall amt Inspect our new home, 13 10.1112*1114 | Dodge street.__ TOR experienced piano accompanist call j KK, 2783 ; will also teach music to adults evenings_—__ V U'Ul’M cleaner*. nil makes, overhauled I and repaired. 308 S. lath St. AT. 1599. THEATRICAL, historical masque n-qumes. for ] ’ays and parties, at Helen's ’-imaha STORM sash made, glueing reus. KE. 2701. 24th._. ____ HKT your iag rug woven by R. V Gil lette. joe per yd. WE 70*1. iC.ns I-ake M. EDUCATIONAL. DAY Si 'HOOD—NIG HT SCH OOL. Complete courses in accountancy, machine bookkeeping, comptometry, shorthand *n«i typewriting, railroad and wireless teleg raphy civil service and all English and commercial branches Write. call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address HOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles B’dg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED—Men, ladiea and boy* to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning, strictly modern Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. Day or Evening sessions DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE W#ad Bldg . 18th and Farnam AT. 7 415. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSIN ESS. S E Cor Nineteenth and Douglas. JA. 5890. p/\'NIB E GLASGOW, voice and piano, ■os' Karbaoh Bik. JA. 1081._ MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 S. 14th St. Write for catalog. LOST AND FOUND._ iiOST Saturday afternoon between Bran dela theater and Helen Apt*., pair of shell rimmed glasses. Reward AT 5379._ LOST—Tortoise shell gla**c» In brown Lather ease on So. Omaha car. Call Ja. 2415. Mis* Barker. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Airedale dog. fall Harney 15K4. 1517 Tark Ave. Reward. LOST — Tortoise Shell Glasses. Reward. JA. 2415. Ask for Mlf> Marker. MALE HELP WANTED. FOREMAN - PWINTER — Experienced, Swedish paper, permunent Job. 30t> S. 10th St. H O R 8 EF HOER w anted C. C. Mickey, Macedonia. Iowa. IF TOU ARE MAKING LES8 THAN $10 A DAY TOU SHOULD GET OUR PROPO SITION AT ONCE. PRAYS, 510 S. 16th St. LEARN ACCOUNTING. Positions are always open for the account ancy trained men. INTERNATIONAL A CCOUNTA NTS SOCIETY. 1015 City Nat. Ilk Hldg. AT. 3960. TWO city salesmen to sell men’a tailor mm1o clothing. Mr. Krllw. 20H 8. 191h St. WANTED AT ONCKt-Four young, neat, appearing men that can fill the bill; must have plenty of pep and willing to work; we are completing our crew. Must Jjave had some magazine experience. If you can meet these qualifications apply 308 Ilaird llldg See Sale* Manager, before 9:30 a. m . or after 3:30 p. m. WANTED-—An experienced man to take care of real estate and loan department. Give experience, qualifications and refer ences. Box W-649, Omaha He*. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED—GIRLS TO LEARN TO BECOME POWER MACHINE OPERATORS ON MINA TAYLOR DRESSES AND DRESS APRONS. COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS TO TEACH YOU. EARN W'HILE YOU LEARN. 8TEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY M. E. SMITH A CO. DAYLIGHT FACTORIES. 10TH AND DOUGLAS STS. WANTED EXPERIENCED POW ER MACHINE OPeAtORS, TO WORK ON MINA TAYLOR PRESSES AND ATRONS. STEADY WORK AT GOOD WAGES. OUR «* EXPERIENCED OPERATORS EARN LARGE INCOMES. APPLY M. E. SMITH & CO. DAYLIGHT FACTORIES. 10TH AND DOUGLAS STS. CAN you fell subscriptions to a new West ern Illustrated Weekly Magazine? Will you work consistently? You can earn money ns well as a trip to Chicago and New York and other points of interest, representing one of the 93 counties in the Mate. After the trip in May. all expenses |-aid, permanent opportunity will he offer ed to those who bnve mado good. You make money whether you win the trip or not. All or spare time work. Address Cir culation Manager, care of Omaha Daily Tribune. Alf solicitors for daily *n(i weekly Tribune. Write fully to Kmil Held. IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN f 10 PER DAY. YOU SHOULD GET OUR PROPOSITION AT ONCE. PRAY ?, 510 3 16tb St. ARE you will.i g to work? Can you j talk intelligently to business men? Are you clean cut, and able* to prove that you cam mako good os salesman on ad vertising for a bus'nets feature number of a magazine? Can you learn to do it? Anil will you put er.ougb time on it to and win a permanent position? You ran make gcod in yob* own county in this state, if you are any kind of a clean.cut young mar anxious »o make a good position for yoursylf. Address first In writing only and fully with refer ence. Emil Hold. Feature Editor of 'Tne Tree of Progress. ’ *\ire Omaha Daily Tribune. 1307 Howard Htreet. Omaha. Nab. WANTED—Experienced v. nils girl tot general housework. Must be a first-class cook; no laundry. Good pay for rigb* party. Apply in person. 937 So. 3*th Ave. Positively, no phone cal’s nswered Mrs L. E. Suchart. WANTED—Saleslady to call on business houses. Give phone number for appoint ment. Mr. Johnson. Box W-54I, Omaha ! Bee. WANTED — R E K INK'D; ATTRACTIVE LADY AV1TH SELLING ABILITY ASSIST AVITH CHARITABLE CAMPAIGN SAL ARY. CALL APT 10S. EL BEUDOK. HVEMNOS. WANTED—While m«i<I . fir general houeswork. No laundry. 6122 YVeb»*er , etreet. WA. 6179. FEMALE HELP WANTED. LADIES can do art work, spare time, before holidays; experience unnecessary. Call forenoon*. Room 30, Douglas Blk.t opposite Hayden’*. SINGLE lady to take charge of children. 310 Bancroft St., Kiverview Home. JA. 3024. ____ COMPETENT white girl for general house work; reference!; no laundry. 3122 Burt St. WA. 0238. WANTED—Competent experienced white woman for general housework; no lauu dry work, HA. 5250. _ MAID—-For general housework; three in family. HA. 2904. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG man want* work: prefer truck driving or tending furnaces: will do any other kind of work. Address Route 1. Box 62. Bust la. Neb._ MARRIED man wants Job on farm or ranch. Experienced. Richard Arendo, Hecia. Neb. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COMPLETE furnishings of 20-room hotel. Only one in town, two railroads; feed one passenger train dally Good commercial business. Rent $20 per month. Will give some terms. Write or come slid see it. Price $2,250. Union Depot Hotel. Fairfield, Neb _ FOR SALE—Only picture show In good mining town, population 2,500. with 4.000 to draw from; t»ood spenders Address Y 2107, Omaha Deo. FOR SALE—Cufe and confectionery, be side the D. L. D. highway. If Interested write Box 484, Harvard Neb. _ FOR SALE—Small hardware atouk with good fixtures. In good central Ne braska town. Address Y-2108. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE—Grocery store and Fixtures, Including stock, $2,000. Good location. Call At. 4304.__ 2 Brunswick pool tables, card table, chairs, large heater; good condition MA. 0849. BURLINGTON restaurant, Aurora, Neb., tor rent. H. E. Newton. “CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS TODAY’ K ~~BL UN PElf“COH R EC. TED. BY L*. BLACK, Postmaster, City of Omaha. Do not wait until the ikst minute to mall Christmas letters and packages. Some people are thoughtful enough to mail their Christmas letters and packages In time for delivery beforo Christmas; many others, Just as generous, but less thought ful, wait until the last minute and then pour their Christmas mail into the post office in a perfect deluge, with the result that thousands of little folks, and grown up* too, are disappointed and perhaps thler Christmas spoiled because a letter or package is delayed and not delivered until after Christmas. Please mall packages for out-of-town de livery early In the week beginning De cember 11, and for city delivery during the week ending December 18. Such let ters and packages may he endorsed “Do Not Open Until Christmas." SPEND YOUR MONEY AND HAVE MOST OF IT LEFT. Omaha folks are finding that for 85 per cent less than they expected to pay they can buy many arti cles suitable for Christmas gifts. For Instance, complete new gen uine walnut dining suites, over stuffed parlor suites, davenport tables, ladies' desks, talking ma chines. One visit at Stephenson's Auc tion House. 1600 Capitol Ave,, will convince you. HOME READING CLUBS FOR MAIL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY OFFER A r The Woman’s World. American Woman, The Household. Good Stories, The Farm Journal and The Omaha Dally and Sun day Bee. All six publication one year each ONLY $5.45. CIRCULATION DEPT, _THE OMAHA BEE. XMAS GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. A GULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO. $398 to $700. cash or easy payments. Come in and buy a gift that will last and be most appreciated. A HOSPE CO . For 49 Years the Music Center of Ne braska and Iowa. PHONOG R A PHS below manufacturers coat. Standard make. Closing out ttiits department. Easy terms to responsible parties. Bee those beautiful machines be fore buying. The ideal Christman gift. Call HA. 1838 for appointment and dem onstration. Standard Chemical Mfg Co., 701-'9 South 42d St. READY CASH FOR CHRISTMAS TIME. May be easily acquired by converting your second mortgage into cash. Let us tell you about it. V. C HORACEK CO., 640 First Natl. Hank_AT 3531. HAND embroidery and t rochet work la<ii» s and children's aprons. rompers, night gowns, pillow cases, luncheon set. towels, trimmed baby's toilet basket, numerous other fire things for Xmas gifts, very reaonable. Order taken. Cull WA 7288. GIFTS THAT" LAST! Jewelry at Christmas time is alwa s ac ceptable and appreciated. A good line at very reasonable prices. A small deposit will hold your choice D. F. Melcher, Jeweler, 433 Securities Bldg Tel. AT 3125 A LOVELY XMAS GIFT. DANCING LESSONS. What better gttt than a course In dancing? Ja. 5470. KEEP'S DANCING ACADEMY. 1518 Earn am. AN IDEA L OH HI STM AS GIFT! Window wreathe, 25u to $1.20; assorted fancy baskets; Christmas center pieces, very new; special $2.50 to $3.50. S*e our window. Peterson Bros. Flower Shop, 1714 Farnam. _ __ New overstuffed parlor sultea. Make excellent Xmas gifts Coat here 65 per tent less than elsewhere, STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. 1503 C apitol A\ e. Tek AT. 5265. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Buy a garage, any stylo and 6ize. $100 up. Concrete work. M1CKLIN LUMBER AND WRECKING CO. WE. 6556.2109 N 24th St. BUY A "DOLLY LAMP" for Bister's play house. Measures 7 Inches with patch* ment shad* Price $1.50. C»tv».a a real light. CLOUD MANUFACTURING Co. 1017 W. O. W. Bldg , ATlantic 5249. FANCY, attractive bungalow apron* made to order. HATTIE PUTNAM SHOP. 502 Karbach Block. A COURSE IN DANCING AT THEHY~ LAND DANCING ACADEMY 25T1I AND FARNAM, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. AT. 7850.__ GIVE your photograph for Christmas. For photographs that Matisfy SEE MATSUO LAKE STUDIO | 2506 N. 24th St. WE. 6311 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. BltiQl ST ph< nogn ph bargain* in town. See us before you buy. SHLAKS PHONOGRAPH CO. 1 404 Podge St. JA 2147. PERSONAL Christmas colds. Order now and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will call. AT. 39 78. 483 Brandeis Theater Bldg. _ _ _ _ _ WANTED—1.000 young ladies to buy Hudnuts Twin Compact. GREEN PHARMACY Jackson 0840. 502 8. 16th._ PHOTO Xmas cards is the very latest. Come in and see them. South Side Print ing 4819 So 19 St. S 24-1 door No. Plggiy Wiggly, upstairs. FI'It ch ket at reasonable prices. Have thus* old furs remodeled for Xmas. John Iiich, Furrier, 201 Sunderland bldg., 15th and 11 army. AT 8950._ MAGNOLIA wreaths, beautifully deco rated with everlasting flowers; special, $3. Brandeis Cut Flower Shop Braudels Store. XMAS ids, beautiful linen stationery, make useful Xmax gifts. Corey & Mc Kenzie Printing Co.. 1124 Harney. PLAN now tor your Christina* home. 8e* Campbell, personal service home builder. 537 Keeline Bid*. AT. 8048._ Painty children’# dresses make lovely Xmas gifts. Reasonable. Call We. 1568. 3208 Sherman Ave„ Apt. 3. ELECTRIC washing machines while they last. $35. LeBron. 318 3. 12th St. JA. 2176._ HAND painted china, water colors and pastel picture orders taken. Call WA. __ HAND-TINTED unique deckeled edge Christmas cards. Your name artistically lettered. WA 5239. Will call with samples. BUY HER THIS IILICK 1920 MODEL 5 good tires, just overhauled and painted. _Pee this Bargain.__ POLAR CUB. electric heater, medium size. $4.25. Phono WA. 5421. 4186 Ohio street. IMPORTED pearls make lovely Xmas gifts. 1017 Arbor St. AT. 8676. For SA1 !. 9-column Burrough's and t column Wales', bargain. 1912 Farnam. OLIVER typewriter, excel, cond., $30. AT. 04 OH. FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At. 5521___ GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. K. A. Tryon Co., 208 S. 13th. JA. 1219. BOSTON TEH RI Lit puppy. 4523 Brown. KR. 392 8_ THOR Washing Machine. $75 bargain. MA 4508._ PEDIGREED-M A LE BOSTON TERRI EH PUBS FINE M ARKINGS M A 3301. AN IDEAL GIFT—Community Silver, 50 year guarantee, 1708 Dodge A1 6891. A GIFT that la tt (loo i It vel lota only 925 each. Ac! 1 Past n Plk. HAND mode lunch clothes. Mink cape. KE UIO. ____ BUY' this large elecirlct train for your boy ft Xt u bargain 1' Bluffs 1624. GUARANTEED singers KB 1762. An idea! gift. GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. B. A. Tryon Co.. L«»8 So. 13th. JA. 1219. NEEDLE work, bazar, articles for sale. Orders taken. 432 Paxton Block. Prac’lly new elec. Voss washer. HA. 5431. FOR rag and fancy rug special. WE. 5998. GEE8E t«»r Xmas dinner. WA 4386. SAXOPHONE f<»r sale. HA. 5178. SABLE fur wrap, cheap. MA. 1570. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. GOOD used furniture. Including buffets, dining tables an l ( hairs china cabinets, dressers, dressing tabus, chiffoniers, beds, davenports, arm chairs, library tables. The large variety includes many fine pieces. These goods are acquired through our exchange department and are conse quently sold at very reasonable prices with terfns If you wish. To be seen in our warehouse at 8th and Capitol ave nue, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 p. m., week days. ORCHARD At WILHKLM CO._ EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 15th and Harney. AT. 4361 SMALL family cook stove; small heater good as new. 2037 Dodge street. _CLOTHING AND MJa J FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent .1A 312s. 109 N 16th Street. I. Feldman ARMY Alices 12 90 7u2 No lfifh FOR sale jewelry. DIAMONDS—We pay the beet pri< es with privilege to buy back at small profit. DROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. NeF., 402 N\ St. T Hop hone JA. G049. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS o 6 oo6 o ooco6cTo o ooo oooooo oo o o O GRAND, UPRIGHT O O PLAYERS PIANOS O O FOR XMAS O O O O Priced to suit O O the pocket book O O of the O O most economical O O buyer. O O O O Dunham Upright, only .....$ 100 o O Knsbury Upright, only. 140 O O Hlllet & Davis, only. J5D O O Langdon Upright, only. 165 o O Martin l j right, only . IhO O O Kverett Upright, only. 190 O O Steger & Sononly. 225 o O Voee & Son Upright, only... 240 O O Sohmer Upright, only. 295 O O Mansfield Player, only. 1'j8 O O Whitney Player, only. 285 O O Hartford Player, only. 325 O O Schrnoller & Mueller, only.. 385 o : O McPhatl Grand, only. 550 O O Steinway Grand, only. 1 *00 O O O O 8CHMOLLER A- MUELLER O O PIANO CO. O o o O 1514-16*18 Dodge St. O O o O rhone AT. 1856. O O O UQOOOOOOC OOOOOQOOOOoooooo ELECTRIC 5-cent piano Reasonable. Good condition. Kiel, 2301 Cuming JA. 9829. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TWO pool tables, in good condition. Bar gain If tnken at once. American Legion, Valiev, Neb._ GOOD COAL quick. Publ >. rviee Co. AT. 3741. hard wood chunks 112 per cord. Tele phone AT 629B. LIVE-STOCK V E H ICLES ,~ETC WE HAUL livestock. Call AT. 2357, STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT. * BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINES. Factory re-bullt and guaranteed by the manufacturers at reduced prices; $100 arul up on easy terms. Write or call. Bur. roughs Adding Machine Company, 115 So. 19tTl Ph°ne AT. 0280._ WK BUY*, sell safe, make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., s. w. corner 11th and Douglas. JA. 27 24. o o ooo do6booo oo ooooooooooo O TYPEWRITERS. O O AND O O All makes bought and sold O O rented and repaired. Sole agents o O for the CORONA, (let our prices O O before you buy. Every machine o O guaranteed. O O CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. O O J A. 4120. 1912 Farnam. O 00000000CC30000O OO OOOOOOP BURROUGHS for inventory and *bd of the year work. $100 and up. Mr. Webb. Call AT. 0381. __ FOR SALE—All or part dental equipment; must sell; very cheap. Address No. 15. Coronado Apts. Phono AT. 8901. WANT TO BUY DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. Now desks, used desks bought, sold and traded J. C Reed. 1 207 Farnam. AT. 6146 WANTED to buy 1 5 to 20-room rooming house. Cnll AT. 2872. Room 9, Patterson Block, Beauchamp A Lingo. WANTED—To buy ll*0 rabbit* Ke. 42981 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM DIRECTORY — for — ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fail to find Hated below th* room you want, call at the “Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory The Omaha Bee maintain* thi* service for your convenience. New Hat issued each week. VERY desirable large front room; newly furnished, in modem home; home privi leges; convenient to cars and downtown; n»u*t le aeen to be appreciated. 217 North ?*th Ave, HA.3491._ A charming room In Welt Farnam dis trict, close to Turner park. Ideal for young business woman who wants privacy and comfort. No other roomera. Call HA. 0907. * TEL. JA. 6191—Near Howard street off 21th. Nicely furnished front room in pri vate home, for business people, 1 or 2 Steam heat. NICELY furnished rooms, private bath, reasonable, day, week or month, central location. Hotel Hamilton AT. 4701 HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENS1IAW—16th and Farnam. Special ratea to permanent guests. WOODRUFF TERRACE—124 S. 24th «t., nicely furnished rooms, hot water beat. all modern, close in. ONE or two ftfriiihhVd room*. ladles or man and wife. 1808 Lothrop Ht. We. 7188. SH Eli W < *OD AVE.. 1114—Rooms for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private home. reas. WE. 7026. ( COMFORTABLE warm room, modern, Horae privileges. 1801 So. '.'To, s- ja 2 .4 SWEET WOOD AVE.. 410—Nice warm room for 1 or 2; modern, brick flat. DUNDEE—Modern, In private family, to party of refinement. WA. 6981. 2 FUR. rooms, sleeping and living rooms, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. AT. 2S62._ BEW1IS park. 2 well heated rooms, gentle men preferred; ref. required. WA. 1098. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TWENTY-EIGHTH HT. 1014 S.—Room with kitchenette; also 2 single rooms. Strum heat, hIso garage. HA. 1813. PACIFIC HT., 2969—2 front rooms, clean and nicely furnished, good heat. THREE light housekeeping rooms, main floor, modern, reas. 1127 S. 21st St. HA 7116. 3-RMS., fur for light housekeeping. 3819 North 17th St. WE. 1127. No children. MODERN rooms, completely furnished, walking distance, reas. JA 6349. ALL modern light housekeeping rooms. I $6 per week. 1465 Pinckney. WE. 2804. HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 816 So. 28th I St. HA. 2425._ | 2 clean hs'k'g It , reasonable. 2026 Howard. NICE warm apartment. AT. 4071. BOARD AND ROOM. TEL. KE. 6014—Room and hoard for two ! In modern, private home. Snap. BOA RD and room, $8.50 per week; pri vate home. HA. 1046. NICE large room with or without first class board; best neighborhood. HA 5827. Board and room, private family. WA. 0970. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. LIVING room, bedroom and kitch en in a very convenient location. No. 7 Sweet wood apartments, $70, $60. | Corner of Dewey avenue and Sweetwood avenue (Between 25th avenue and 26th street.) PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rents.’* 4 4. 17th and t 11. Almost 1,000 Apts Almost 300 furnished AH modern and fireproof. Let Drake's rental man find you an apartment. Call us. we will tako you out DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. TV’_JA. 2805. Cor 1 71 h and Howard Sts. tuun'eh court One apartment available in Omaha's most ex lusivf and conveniently arranged 3-room apt., with 5-room a* • oinmodfttlonH. Item reduced. Janitor, HA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 3106 Dodg'v__HA.7140. t TURNER COURT. One apartment available In Omaha's most exclusive and conveniently arranged 3 room apt. with 6 room accommodations. Rent reduced Janitor. HA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER. Mgr. 5106 Dodg- HA. 7140. apartments and flats—*33 to $100. W. r. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. S9su. Keellno Bldg. I’AI.ACli A I'ARTMKNTS—Close In, atrict ly all modern, 4 ro»ns. Apply 2 20^ N. 23d St. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0544 17th and Farnam Sts. HA. 71 i 4 Clarinda Apts . 6 rooms and sun room, homelike place. Choice location. HA. 7124—Clarinda. Apt*., 6 rooms and su i room homelike place. Choice location. FOUR rooms, steam heated. $G0. Close-In. G P Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. SIX rooms and hath, modern except heat, $25 1 244 S. 13th. Jackson 1198. HOUSES FOR RENT. n St . 2808 — For rent. 8-roono modern I house. Call Market Z'ib'i, HOUSES FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT, 2218 N. lStli fit.— Modern 2-atory home with floored attic, cemented basement, 3 bedrooms and bath, second floor. Built-in pantry, storm doors arul windows, window shades, heater. Lot 36x140. Harney 5314. FOR RENT Beautiful house. with sleeping porch and fireplace. JOHN R. McCARVILLE. HR J-03 City Natl. Bank. AT f.026 FINE 9-room house, double- garage, fur nace heat, located at 2573 I'oppleton ave nue. Inquire of owner, 1322 H. 24th St. Call AT. 2820 or_ AT 027 4._ Rr nt. $. 0_ BRAND NEW 6-room bungalow, with or without leawe, $55 per month. 5512 North 27th St. JA. 3336. FOUR lovely rooms, second floor, modern except heat; $20. JA 6967. 2469 S. 16th street. FIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN COT TAGE. OARAGE. CALL HA. 34 7 2. WOOMVORTH AVE.. 3114—8 rooms and sleeping porch, modern. HA. 6674. SIX-ROOM house, strictly modern, s33 S. 21st. Reduced rent. Ha 2705. 6-ROOM bouse, modern ex. heat; good condition. WE. 65S3. 6-R. cottage, mod., close in. WE. 67 71». t IVE-KOOM, all modern. WE 4776. ROOM with garag*-. 271S Drexel. FURNISHED HOUSES. A $*0,000 BRICK RESIDENCE! IN WEST FARM DISTRICT A high-dans home, furnished ac cordingly. every convenience two car garage. Owner leaving city for four months Main object is to have responsible family occupy and care for property; maid will stay if desired. Opportunity for right party. GLOVER & SPAIN. JA. 2850. 918-20 City National Bank Bldg. "furnished apartments CALL DRAKES 32 D ST. SOUTH OF PACIFIG—4 rotma, sun room, first floor, furnished or unfur nished. 11 eat, light and electricity. Ga rage optional. Ref. required. HA. 10', 5. NR ' i v furnl tied 1*1 ion apt., inquire No. 4. 18*12 Farnam St. HUNTER INN—AT 6960 ;*4('8 Dodge* BU SINESSPRO PE K T Y—REN T LEASEHOLD and office furniture for rale at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 i rticula rs. DESIRABLE office rooms for rent on 2d floor of Wilkinson Bldg, 12th and Far nam. Reasonable. Call Jackson 6871._ PARTY desires to sublet desk space In Punish- I Office, Call Jack EXCELLENT print shop location. 312 So. 12th St. Cal! Jackson 5871. GARAGES FOR RENT GA.UA G E—S team he al 311 South 31 at HA. 7124.____ SPACE for' 3 earn in garage, reasonable. 719 8 37th St HA. 4417._ 608 N. 41ST AVE—Oarage spade or car stored. Reasonable. VVA 6960. FOR KENT—Oarage. 123 South 36th fit 2626 N. lflthGarage. WE. 6&16. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences E. If. I/OUGEE. INC., f»38 Keellne Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loans. 6 Si per cent. AMOS GRANT CO., 201 8. isth. Arthur Bldg AT. *380 OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS. O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 O m. Nat. BK. HI d k. JA. 2716. F’ T No delay—on western arm lX>c4ll8 Neb farms, ranches. KIoke Invetr ment Co846 Om_Nat.. Bk. 6100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D H. BOWMAN. 310 8. 18th St, Wead Bldg AT. 0161 FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen & Co., Real tors. JA. 4228 964 Eveline Bldg. L OW RATE MON E Y No delay In closing. W. T. GRAHAM, 7«4 PETERS TP. BLDO I." II. MlTH EN pays m<>*st~for LIBERTY I City Nat, Bai Bit _ GARVIN- BROsT. 04'. Omaha Nat. Bldg. t»N IMP PROPERTY. NO DELAY. MONEY TO LOAN LO W EST HATES. FA*SY~ TKKM?. NEW RATES SCHEDULE LOANS $16 TO 6200. On Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Left in Your Possession. AT LOW EST RATES PAY ON PRINCIPAL $ 3 per month on $ 30 loan. $ 6 per month on 5 CO loan, jin per month on $100 loan. 320 per month on $200 loan These small monthly payment* will r*-pny a loan In full, plus a small service charge. ! LICENSED BY STATE OF NEBRASKA. I GUARANTEE LOAN OMPANY. 209 South 15th St. 314 Karbaeh Blk _ J'l. JA. 6045. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS " 30—50—75—100—200—500 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty years in business OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 606 Karbaeh Blk. Tel JA. 2295 | Southwest Cor. lfth and Douglas Sts. PRt >V ;: >EN r Ll >AN 432 Securities Bldg. 16th and Farnam. Organized by over 100 leading Omaha business men. NOT FOR PROFIT Lowest rate in the < tty up to 6a0*j. Easy monthly payments. Furniture or almost any securi ties. Quick and confidential service Ref erences; Ask any hank or business man. Phone Atlantic 0666 _ LOW rat* money to loau on farms or city property. MYERS * RAINBOLT CO 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 0746. COX Co : loans 65 and up on wages, cars Hnd furniture; confidential; 25 yrs. estab. 812 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 229«. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. MOVING—PACK I NG STORAGE—SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. 1197-11 Howard Si Jackson 0288 • MOVING AND STORAGE ESTIMATE furs on packing, mov. storing Contract* taken by ,1ob or hour. Glebe Van .V Storage Co. JA. 4338. AT j 023b. Grossman A Sons, owners. Moving—Packing —Storage. Gordon l reproof Ware house A N an Co. J19 N 11th bi. Phone JA. 303S._ i 16th and l.esvsnwerth bts Packing, mot irg. storage, shipping JA. 4163 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. \* < ORPION PI I \ riM». ACCORDION SIDE knife, box pleating, covered button*, all styles; hematitching, buttonhole* r|tc lit *h1 Button &- Pleat ing Co.. 308 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1H36. 1\p1, P|pnlin<T IP. I Itdllilp Covered Buttons 1 hOh Faruam, second floor JA 6670 < illKorti \< rtiKH. l)r. Schroder IPRI S8M IK in«. ! HA i)KNTI8T8 _ i>ENTAL x ra • Mo eacl 83 full m t. t-1'* Securities Bldg,, !6th and Farnam. i) %\t i\<. \< inKMii s LEARN to dan • ( t at KEEP'S l* 18 Farnam. Classes Mon.. Wed. and Frl. nights Dancing Tucs . Thurs., Sat. and bun nigh's. Private lessons by appoint ments. JA. 6470 _ PRIMING._ I I »DY Printing Co.. 212 s7 1.3 St. JA SABI PKTKCTtVKS. ~ ^ RELIABLE I>**t* -dive Bureau! Railway Kx. Bldg. JA. 20.1G; night. KE $St£ J A M ks ALLAN 312 Neville u7k7~Evidence h cured in all cases. AT. 1136 Deteetlvt I W. I.ONQNE' *K l if, 3136 Young St., Omaha. T-l. KK. 4798. fri KltlF.K*. ~~ TilQ repaired, remodeled, lowest price * ' l‘i i KODAK FINISHING! ~ fTlms i>evei.( ii’Kn kree. rhe I Howard 8t. M \TT KEssKhT" OMAiFA 1’ILLt »VV CO.—Feathers ten., ovated and up m new feather pro* f ticking. 19u7 Cuming JA. 2367. PATENT %TTORNBV8 J w MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1712 Lodge, room 209. Also Washington, l). C. 1 h- Ip inventors sell their patents. Mist III \\ro| s WNOI Vt KNIKNTiF GARAGES built any style and size, S100 tip. Concrete work Mtcklin Lumber & \\ re< k: i < < - Ti I W B PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 5 Fhennan A McConnelJ I>rug Stores. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO o o o 6 6 O EVERY BODY DRIVES A USItH CAR O O You will find the Lest and larg- G O est s'-le tion of counts. s*'dnntf. O O roadsters and tourings of all makes O O rang ng in prices from $100 to C O 13.500 only. Jit asonable terms ac- O O cepted. C O WE lil~Y. SELL AND EXCHANGE O O MEEKS AUTO CO. O 0 Jackson 41M 2047-49 Farnam St. o OO \OOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOO • 21 Fori* m ’ i <1^ mountable tints. Stewart speedometer and Manifold heater. $195. C E PAULSON MOTOR CO. 26th and Amei Kn. 014$ Oj * n evenings until 9 p. nt. ►MI In usad Fords; prompt delivery of new Fords. mcaffrky MOTOR CO. The Handy Ford Service Station. !s AT 77 11. NEW and used Fords. cash or terms. C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and Lincoln I»enlers. 29th and Ames Avc KF5. 0146. USED cars that can be used NEBRASKA OLD8MOB1LE CO.. Howard at l*?h AT 1770 1 BED Ford parts at half pries Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts, 1016 Harney St. r,lv r c, 'fi, Service f[rst Ouy L. rmutn 2rAb and rarnani A'la title 19 41 NEW AND USED TIRES, $250 AND UI\ B & B. TIRE AND AUTO CO.. 2R5S Farnam St. 1IA. 7404 US ED CAR* O. N Bonney Motor Co., _ 2564 Farnam. 2 FORD sedan bodies. Newly painted. PfOffer'*. 2525 L'-sve'n worth. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer *12 S 24th GOOD Chevrolet car for sale, $60 WE, 16267 TRUCKS. TRACTORS, ETC. WILL sell on terms l»j,-ton Fulton truck, new engine, excellent tires, firm condition, in every respect, steel cab, 'nr cost of installing new engine and liras. One Maxwell ton truck, cool body, good m« t Ution I - |ca ii00 WR, $201. 2 TON CohTmhia* 19107 diTap. MA 4f>47. SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR i:\CHA\iil.—He If section, on state highway, near Clarinda, la. Fine improve* ments Trade equity for western or Can Hda land, or offer. Must art quickly. Somebody gets h snap. Steele Finley, 1 ollegp Springs, la. BRICK apartment house] snuili incum brance, good location; Income |l4O0 Will teke clear city property as part payment Give description and price. Address Box W, G44 Omaha Bee. LIGHT THOUSAND hardware imple ments. furniture. Box N, Broken Bow. Neb HAVE 2 good clear lots to trade for light truck. Lindeman Trans Co.. 413 S. 12tb St. AT. 3T60. WE. 4723. b oR SALE <>r Trade—7*10 acre improved ranch near Newport, Neb. Address T. H. Evans. Norfolk. Neb. INTEREST in Ohio oil Care to trade make offer. Clarence A. Stevens, 1206 Heloss st,, Indianapolis. Ind. WANTED REAL ESTATE^ C. T. Spier & Co.. Realtors | \ l - ' 7 FOWLER & M’DONALD I | BINDER & OTIS, _Rea] EstntP, Loans. Rentals JA 2561. Charles W. Young & Son Real Hat ate, U< ntaia, insurnneo. 1602 City Nat Bank. AT. 9668. CRT 'FMir "Realty C<T‘L ‘ t with Ijlillr us for quick results 1418 First Nat*l Bank Bldg. JA. 1966. GOOD LISTINGS—COM hi TO US. WE SELL THEM. _71OM E_UK A LTV CO._A T. 1111._ •LIST y«>ur home* fur sale wUh us •* liavo the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO., Realtor. T< * soli quk k or buy right, see the Guar antee Realty Co., 310 Arthur Bldg Tel. JA. 3336. _ “Tukey Sold It'' A. P. TUKKY & SON, Realtors. JA.4228. •1'* > SELL see 01m tr S Hurt 0 V» 21 2 WI n :1 rd C. 81a ba u g 11I tea Itor. JA. I’ 95 3* 8. I’. LoSTWR'K, real * state AT. 1506. > Realty Western Riiti Estate Co. JA. 3607. • i i !:. 1 i I. ENN Eli" « oT R 'Util ors! JA. 5664. NEBRASKA t ANPS~" iTlsoi.UTion Tor. i an dlords AND TENANTS. Improved farms for lease and option to buy on yearly payment of only 6 per cent I of principal. Three per cent interest only , Is charged, balance of payment applied on principal. Box N. Broken Bow, Neb. FOR SALE—200 a<r»8 of best land In <astern Nebraska; cheap and e^sy terms For particulars write owner, E. B. Me Mullin. Craig, Neb. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS._ FOR HALE—400-aire farm. 110 acres broke. 240 acres fenced. 1 w*lla; barns for 100 heed of rattle, plenty of free rank' Prh e. $10 per acre and oil lease; $1,500 state/ loan, balance cash Good < hance for rattlo man. Frank Groehniami, Coni Springs, S. 1) REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ALFR~I:i> TIP< >MaffsPSon Co . Realtors! VACANT- PROPERTY M'NDKE lot. 60x125. on 64th Ht near Far ram. choice lot; owner will consider reas onable off- r C a Qrlmmel J \ mi 5. FIKl-: ^ price” Want tnod«rn lots; buyers waiting. Phene .TA 2419 WILL build to your nrdtt on our beauti ful lots In Edffewood: very easy terms AT-lantlC $641 WANTED REAL ESTATE. CENTRAL PROPER a V . $7,500. Bargain. Ja. 03:: 7. _ NORTH SIDE PROPERTY NEW HUNOALOW $350 DOWN Tour opportunity to set a Miller Fark home on easy terms and low price. Five rooms and hath, oak floors throughout, oak and enamel trim; full cement baa* - ment floor drain, etc. East front lot on paved street Call Pedersen, HA. 74*i, evening* or AT. 7414 ifcaya. ~ New 6-ro m Colonial, all modern. A bargain, meated *94 4 Florence Hlvd. Norrla & Norris. JA. 4270. Rasp B ros., llunpalows ' , 737 DFJCATl H 6-Rm., Mod l.x heat; 3 lota; $of0 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh, so* Beg Tel. JA. ('2 00._ D K BUCK * ' end sell h< mm SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. Bungalow Spec ial Just Being Complc!* •!- Your Chance Two f s \ * room, o U-f ni hed, bright, sun shiny bungalows, built-in bookcases, e*-at am! cabinets; extr.c fino tmscuiouta; large 50x130-foot loir-, one block to car; won derful value, $ .500, |1,000 cash Two dandy brick ami b. Hasten* atx-room liungolows on one floor: pretty aun rooms, built-in features. Hanacom Park, Field Club district* Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530_ peterH Trust Bldg. _Ja> kson 23*‘-\ i IB HALE OR K Nl B) own< f. « J l cottage, good repair. nntl two lots, water in house; electric 1 e.hia; cem* i l walk; new 42-foot barn; ro«»-n fo«* tlrer care; ch ckens and coal; ne»tr sc hool. 431H h. 37th 8t . between II and I streets, thres blcck* to Cross town car. $3,000, $if"l clown balance $25 per nv n*h. Possession ' I _ 6-ROOM, fully modern garage, $4,150. Near J3d and Bancroft, want offer. Call Best. AT 5135. HA. 3714 _ FIVE room modern bungalow south of Harscom Park. $4 .'50. JA or.* 4. 6 ROOMS modern, 5 i onma modem on Id! fe lot $ • 00, M \ 4517 WEST SIDE PROPERTY. None Better Built Movo In at 5 rooms and peach* v bre.ikfust nook; extra large attic, bin enough for 2 more rooms. Price cut to $'-.350. Sehroeder Investment Co., * REALTORS JA. 1261. _ <>30 Sunderland Bldg*. $8,500, Terms 6-room modern 2-story frame; oak trim. Gara«s>* Well !<• ?*tod. A“ BELMAN _ 722 7’rtrr* Trust_Bldg hoi ir l AT IR1 Grove-Hihbard Co. ,:f.”dnHi« 11 11 1 . DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Homes and Lot* ; I: r (H » . u- v ' ■ !> g AT I08A Fi OPF NTR PROPERTY C. L. NKTHAWAY 1 WbitH only. T<L. Kenwood 140F RALSTON PROPERTY. I partly modern, full lot, cft»v terms 11.200. l Hav»» others Stewart. Ralston 10-W MISCELLANEOUS LANDu. “We Build to Please” Temple MrFavden Co.. lf»05 Farnam Bt, HASTI.VIS dr HKYDRN. Realtor* Real Estate Transfers Mary K. P. Peterson and husband to Iturton M. Kirby and wife. Laurel Ave, 152 feet w. of 27th Ht., 50x132 .-. $ *<*0 Axel M. Christiansen and wife to Hugh Magua and wife. n. w. ror iv r 45th and Seward Ht . 50x150.. 3.600 Minnie Segelberg to Arthur Segel berg. Krsklne St., 259 feet w, of 49th St., n. side. 64x126 . 1 Barker Co. to James Davies. Lari more Ave., 463 feet e. of 27th St,, s. bide. 42x1 35 . . 4,160 Margaret G. Adams to James H. Gldley, Miami St. 116** feet e. of 22d St., n. Fide. 4 1x122 .. 4,800 Jnm*M S Gldley and wife to Ag nes Harris, Miami St.. 116*4 feet e. rf 22d St., n. side. 44x122. 1 James Trino and wife to Samuel Monica, Pierce St.. 66 feet e. of inth Ht., n. aide, 66x1 32 ..._ 200 Temple McFayden and wife to Lawrence I,. Lange. 49th St , to 82 feet n. of Military Ave., a. side, 46*106 . 4,t50 Axel 1*. Carlson and wife to John E. Scastrom. 2flth Pt., 83 feet s. of Casa 8t.. w. aide, 33x100.. 1 Tempi** McFayden and wife to Stephen V. Barker, et al. Ida Ht . 86 feet e. of 25th Ave , s. side, 14x120 . 1 John M. Welsh and wife to Be , at rice Welsh, K Ht. 86 feet w. of 25th 3t., n. aide, 60x70 . 1 i Anna K. Friedman and husband to Patrick H. Clancy, n e. corner 13th and G Sts. 45x110. 800 Charles Pjzlnger and wife to Pat rick H. Clancy. Hascall St., 104 feet w. of 30th St., s. side. lOlx 130 . 10,000 Fred' Signal! and wife to U. D. Brown. Charles 81., 68t* feet e of 20th St , s side, irregular.. 8,100 A. E. Longpre and wife to Edward F. Williams. 36th St.. 199*4 feet n of Frances St . e. aide. 50x135. §00 Ill N. 35 Ready to move into. Ask us for particulars. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat’l. JA 0314 MISSOURI PACIFIC Offers permanent employment to ma chinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths and coach carpenters in Nebraska, Kansas Missouri and Arkansas. Apply 217 South 14th St. Omaha, Nebr. WABASH Wants COMPETENT Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmith, Cabinet Makers, Conch Carpenters and First-class Coach Varnishers. Permanent Positions. Free Transportation. Apply 1909 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. * Phone Your “Want” Ad Now