The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 10, 1922, PART TWO, Page 4-B, Image 16
jNew Sport Sedan Combines Luxury With Utility g'ull Sport Equipment < ar lied on Haynes 5"> Model —Long ^ heclbasrc Guarantees Comfort. Consistent with other correct fore cast* on the trend of the automible trad*, the Haynes Automobile com pany with the new, 1!>23 Haynes 65 ■ port sedan stands prepared to meet the Increased demand for rloserl auto mobiles. In the new sport sedan, the Haynes company has not only met all i equipments of utility ami luxury, but provides all the accessories and special equipment necessary to give that Hi tlatocratlo jauntineas which all sportslovlug motorists demand. The new Haynes % > fl\e passenger sport sedan is one of a series of four new sport mod- is, including the two passenger sport roadster, the three passenger sport eoupelet, and the five passenger sport touring ear. All interior refinements are in cluded In the construction of (he sport sedan, declared to be one of tlie most beautiful cars ever put on the market by the Haynes company. T■ ulit on a wheel base of 121 Inches, supreme travel comfort is guaran teed. The same equipment that goes liree Sport models foil gundy wine color, witli nlckelplated radiator, headlamps and cowl lights', tho car carries a spacious trunk at the rear. The sedan carries six disc wheels and six cord tires, the two oitm wheels flanking the hood. Individual steps, especially de signed for the sedan, lend an addi tional toucli of Jauntiness. The car is equipped with on adjustable visor affording vision protection from sun and rain. Front and rear bumpers end six polished protection bars at the back of the body’ are standard equip ment. The famous Haynes built 63 1 glit nix motor assures supremacy on the road. The Instrument board car ries the latest features, including- a gasoline gunge, while a combination ail light and stop light is mounted on the rear left fender. I o Japan rleo straw is made into straw shoos. Cadillac Price Reduction Has forced us to greatly decrease prices on our stool of RE-NEW-ED Cadillacs. Type Rl Phaeton. 1 ike new. Painted dark green; good tires. Reduced $4U0. Type 59 Roadster. X eiv dark blue paint, yellow wheels. Excellent mechanic ally. Good tires. Reduced $300. Type 61 Victoria. A new car this model sells for $4,015. This car is as good as new. It will give the same service as a new car. It can be purchased for $3,500. Type 57*5-passenger open car. New paint, new tires. Good mechanically. New top. I.ooks like 'new and runs fine. Was $1,650. now $1,500. Only after the price re duction on the new Cadillac can we offef price cuts on RE-NEW-ED cars. If you are considering the purchase of any ear, see what kind of a RE-NEW-ED Cadillac the money you want to spend will buy. Practically a 11 models available. Many cars other makes at bargain prices. A Safe Place to Buy J. H. Nansen Cadillac Co. Farnam at 26th Har. 0710 Open today until noon Oldsmobile of Vintage of 1900 Still Running This is Charles A. Tucker ill his "Merry Oldsniobilo” of the vintage of 1900. Bravely puffins/ with nil its pep anil vigor of former days, this relic of the pioneers of the automobile industry is still, running, propelled by its one, lone cylinder. . Years ago, when (Jus Kilwanls’ lyrie, “In My Merry Oldsmobile," swayed the country with its popu larity, this car was the last word in automotive artistry. It appears strange today when contrasted to its big lit others and sisters of the 47 model types, hut on turning back the pages uf time we remember that 'V* e consid ered this a good car. The Olds motor works at Lansing, Mich., has Treated many models since the heyday of this ear and is still manufacturing good cars. Veteran Buick Now Used as Rail Inspector Car It is ;i TSuU*k! i ' After serving faithfully over many thousands of milts of highways, this liuiok chassis is now an inspection car on the Delaware A Hudson rail , road. Deprtvcd of its rubber shoes and familiar hood, its superb valve-in head | motor, sturdy axles and dependable : transmission do their work just as completely in new guise over steel rails as in former days when its course I was less restricted. J. E. Fairliead. superintendent of tlie Pennsylvania division of the 1). A H . says that its riding qualities are still beyonfl criticism. "It easily will attain 40 miles an hour with eight or 40 passengers,” lie adds. E. S. Hunt, manager of the lugs I Ttuick branch at Flint, Mich., lias is ■ -ued a challenge to the entire P.uiek i piling organization. Mr. Hunt claims that no Buick distributor or denier in j the world can show so great a per Dealm in INebraska ami Iowa Recent* Star Cars j Star ear. tfre coming through the Durant Motors factories in large j quantities and Andrew Murphy A i Sou advise the." are mailing heavy I deliveries to dealers throughout Ne j braska and Iowa. They will receive during December 310 Star cars and ! the factory lias advised them that be ginning January l they will receive j their full schedule, which is 500 cars | per month. ' Andrew Murphy A- Son .lie not of i fering any Star cars for sale at re tail yet, but are giving them all to | dealers as rapidly as they arrive in j Omaha. j Andrew Murphy A Son further state that the factory experts to be produc I ing 1.000 Star cars per day by Janu ary 1 and this will he rapidly in creased until it reaches its maximum capacity of 2,000 cars per day. Lie- Want Ads produce results.. FCWER IN ^ CONSTRUCTION See for Yourself on the Overturned On Display in Salesrooms fe $975 FACTORY routage of sales in any one neighbor hood as lie can show in the Knob llill district, the exclusive section of Flint. This Buiek go-getter says he can stand in t i se' n; drive, one «»f the principal streets, and hit with a thrown stone 14 homes whose owners drive Bulck ears. Incidentally Mr. Bunt has sold and de livered at retail 3G0 Buicks in the last ‘JO days. Reo Speed Vi ajron Sels \en Record truck' transports t’resitleut 1 lar»liiij:*? DcM-crt from (.lii rago to Wadiingluii. A lt**o Speed Wagon, ^dispatched from Chicago by the Kskinio 1*1© cor* p* ration to Washington. 1*. e,. carry* ing a giant frozen desse rt for Pres: dent Hardings Thanksgiving dinner, clipped 9 hours and 4k minutes oft the previous record made by a motor truck for this distance, according to J. M. Opper of the .tonesUpper com pany. The time for the HOI miles was 27 hours and 4S minutes. The Speed Wagon, in addition to carrying the frozen utility to the president, also transported a one-ton pay load. The vehicle and its driv era encountered fierce snow storms in j the Cumberland mountains, a fact j that prevented the drivers from cut ting down tlie running time. The story of the trip is told hi two telegrams received by Mr. Opper, as follows: “Speed Wagon transporting giant dessert for President Hardings’ Thanksgiving dinner and carrying more than one-ton pay load left Chi cago at 9:03 Tuesday morning and arrived at Washington, a total dis tance of SOI miles, 1 :■"» 1, eastern time, Wednesday afternoon, «xactly 27 hours and 4$ minutes after it left \ hicago. This phenomenal run made in face of bad snow conditions en countered in Cumberland mountains, dips 9 hours and 4fi minutes off pre vious record. Drivers laiilhstrom and Sowle were mot by Jow Trew and a reporter for Washington Star, who escorted Speed Wagon through town to White House.” The second wire was sent by J. Ii*o Sugrue, Washington, of the Washington Star rcportorial smlT: "Reo Spew'd Wagon delivering Kskl nio pie to President Harding for Thanksgiving, arrived in Washington and cheeked by me at district line, 1:IS p. tn Time, l’.' hours 'i min utes from Chicago to Washington; mileage, 801; gasoline consumed. 69 gallons. 8 quarts of oil; condition of tiuck and tires A-l." Omaha Firm Flandles Barley Motor Cars A il Vayo company, 1"U6 I'uinam street, lias taken OV'1 r tlie sal*' and distribution of llie Ttoamer cal', tlie new Roajner-built liglit sis. Barley ami the Pennant taxicabs. all of which are manufactured by the Barley Mm tor Car company of KalataazodPVlIe’n. A full line (if Reamer cars will be kept on display at sales rooms. Mr. Vajo stated that lie considers the Pennant the best built taxicab on the market. Mr. Vayo. with Mr. 1 ret.*, i f the Checker Cub company, recently visited tire factory at Kalamazoo and report It tn be a model plant from tlie stand point of production, efficiency. Tlie pleasure ears and taxicabs which are turned out of this plant are among the must fully equipped ears manu factured in tire Vnited States. The Barley sells for $1,585 in Omaha. The Vayo company recently sold 1*1 taxicabs t<* tlie Checker Cab company 1 for immediate delivery and 10 cabs | ior delivery in 30 dujs. General Motors Man Here. Guy 11. Peasley, general sales rnanu 1 ger for the General Motors corpora lion, is in Omuha for several days. Mr. Peasley is tlie guest of Charles A. Tucker, general manager for the Nebraska Oldsmubile company. lice Want Ads produce results. JEWETT • tftlhriflySixtaillfyfolgt *995 f. o. b. factory You know it — if you have ever ridden in a Jewett. And, in addition to the greater per forming ability and comfort of smooth, over lapping power impulses, you gain a positive economy factor. Decreased vibration means decreased wear and tear. That's good mechanics — and common sense. NEBRASKA PAIGE CO. 27lh Ave. and Harney Si. OMAHA, NEB. Make. There’s ample room in this car for the whole family. This is one of the new Buick models that has completely swept the country. It’s the car for the family, and al ready we have some orders now in advance which will, no doubt, be Xmas presents for the folks at home. This roomy Fisher built body is furnished in rich plush. The cushions are deep and room for five, with two com fortable folding chairs, which will accommodate seven grown persons with ample room for everyone. Make your family happy this Christmas with a Buick. Nebraska Buick Auto Co. fjwHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, JBU1CK WILL BUILD lHhMfJ Cadillac Price Cut Meets Enthusiasm Announcement of the Cadillac fac tory that the ty pe 61 Cadillac will be continued on a largely Increased pro duetion schedule, and at materially re duced ptices, already has brought en thusiastic reports from distributers in nearly every part of the United States." sa^s W. P. Abbey, district manager of the Cadillac Motor Car company, who spent last week in this It rritory. When Mr. Abbey arrived in Omaha Mr. Hansen. local Cadillac distributer, was preparing to leave for a trip over his outlying territory, and Mr. Abbey deefded to accompany him. "\\ hile the roads Were as icy and slick as a frozen lake, with chains on the car we were able to make very I good time and covered the entire route without tlie slightest difficulty,’ said Mr. Hansen. The Cadillac price Is now $2,880, f. o. b. Detroit, for the seven passen ger touring cur. In 1017 the price on this model was J2.K05, f. o. b. De 'rod, and in 11*1» was J2.0O<». without windshield Intngp, presto-light tank and other equipment now included in the price. llcub Set Record. L'efianc*, O. I>«e. 9 —By means^. , #. method for trapping egg producer* tn their tiesl; and then mating them with pedigreed male birds, Mr*. Clar ence Yarlott, residing on a farm e'S1')' miles northwest of here, lias obtain*^, a prize flock of hens. In one pen of nine white leghorn* eggs laid per hen a'ersged 20* * 'ear. Although one of the liens r* duecd the average by laying only 189 eggs, two of them laid 250 eggs each. Mrs. 1>r1ott is beginning a new year's record with a flock of 21 trap nest hens. Her entire flock consists of 125 hens and 175 pullets. # Dodge Brothers ..SEDAN Many women who could well afford more expensive closed cars prefer the sedan for their personal use. They find it easy to drive, easy to park, econom ical to run, and comparable in the beauty and richness of its appointments with cars much higher in price. The upholstery is done in genuine mohair velvet of a singularly rich and beautiful pattern. The seats are roomy and luxurious. The hardware and minor fittings reflect thoughtfulness and rare good taste. Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) screen the under part of the car and harmonize in a most effective way with the new grace and smartness which Dodge Brothers have recently brought to the lines of the body. Tht prfc« is $1595 delivered O’BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO CO. ; OMAHA, NEB. Harney at 28th Street HArney 0123 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. 33-35 Fourth Street Council Bluff*, 691 * © 1 HfRsSClKP' &r> Hbkrr &r CompAfltf id using, Mich. CLEAN LINED, modishry fashioned and —dlart—g gmul taste, this new Reo Coupe is an advance agent of 1923 body styles. Riding comfort, starting with a generous wheel-base — long springs, finds unusual expression in the fatigne-proo£ deeply-cushioned seats and backs. The simple Reo dual control, neady arranged instrument panel and clever seating plan provide comfort and roominess for four adults, with plenty of arm-ancUeg freedom fbc thr\ driver. V Beauty of appearance abounds in full measure, BUT— Permanence and Performance mean more. That’s why this coupe body is steel paneled over a rugged hardwood frame work, braced with drop forgings, —and why it is mounted on the famous Reo double-framed chassis, and powered with the sure, eager 6-cylinder, 50 horse power Reo motor. A. H. JONES CO. Hastings, Neb. JONES-OPPER CO. Omaha, Neb.