THE GUMPS—TnSJSJSfS HOT OFF THE BAT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith (Copyright lUJ-l ' S0IH6 TO MJVne TvT^ OPCH LH it*. To Mt V R ItHO V.T COV‘i cVf o W>*.T. *'fV,t. O^^tS OT ' VOUTV.CS — / T V" "n \ j * To the honoRASIe C?-) SMLVESTER. STINK AWD H\$ / AFTER ELECTION OoTE«-S',- THE PEOPLE OF THVS DISTRICT, \ OH THE TIB DAT OF EAST H0UEVM3ER. ELECTED ME Tt> REPRESENT ) them m the congress of these united states for the \ coming two tears- Sot mou, with moor, perfect political ] — / OWAHV2ATION That reaches EmEN TO THE JUDlCI ART, V«Lt0) OTHERWISE' / Moo, IH TOUR INFINITE VwVSDOVI, MHEMU THAT ___J the people in a moment of political hallucination had chosen uawiselm And Too /rn o HtLT \T MooR sacred dots To RIGHT — the great WRONG SM opening THE AFTER ELECTION POLLS OR&ER. THAT \ OUR. COUHTRT MIGHT <-/Z^ST~~— ^UUE AND ENDURE—y / THAT*. TEEE\n6 That «UH SOHETHlfUj ' AHt> VT'S THE TRUTH- \H HE WMi A CONSCIENCE (AHE V T>OTT BEEVRUE He HAS”) VUHRH HE'S OH THAT CHAVR \Vi VNASyONSTOH HE EE EttU Vlkt A CiUH TEH'Hij TO T>OtK* THE CONDUCTOR OR UKE HE'S SITDNO OH A SET) Or TUVSTEES S»EK TAvlAHAS If You’re Looking For a Place to Live or a better job, a bargain in some household goods, etc.—you’ll find a look through the “Want ’ Ad columns of The Omaha Bee mighty helpful and profitable. And, if you want to insert an ad of your own, call ATlantic 1000 and ask for a Want Ad taker. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 day* or longer The above rate* apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants,” and do not include adver tisements of individual* or concerns adver tising or exploiting their businesses. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. Want Ad* accepted at the following : offices: Main office.17th and Farnam Sts. f South Omaha .N. W. cor. 24th and N St*. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone AT lantio 1000. Call for “Want” Ad Department. An ex- i perienced “Want” ad taker will receive 1 your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either chnrge or cash orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition......11:40 a. m. Morning Edition.0 p. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday These rate* apply to The Sunday Bee as well as to The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisement* appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost. THc OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEK. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. MOORE—Savina, 5* died at her home, 2035 N. 66th A\e. Thursday morning. She is survived bv her husband, Leslie Moore, one son, J. IT. Zwlefcl, of Pasadena-, Cel , one daughter, Mrs. Maude Swanson, of Omaha and thrse grandchildren. Funeral services will be held ut tho Masonic Tern- i pie. 19th and Douglas, Monday at 2:30 p, j m ; under the auspices of Vesta chapter j No 6, Eastern Star. Burial at Mt. Hope cemetery. VALIEN— Mrs.' Nancy, 3030 Fowler Ave . ! aged 4 6 years, December 7. at a local > hospital. Deceased In survived by her i husband, ,T. p. Valien, a daughter, Mist Helen Bechtold. and a son Emil Bech toM of Indianola. la Funeral services Saturday at 3 t>. tn' from Hoffmnnn funeral home. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. KENN1 residence 3313 Franklin 8t„ l>e< • ised was professor at Creighton university. Sur vived by two ton a, K J. of Council Bluffs, la . and J. E. of Helena. Mont. Funeral Saturday. 9.30 a. in., from Heafey A Heafey chapel to 8t. Cecelia cathedral at 10 a. in. Interment Holy* Sepulchre cemetery.__ _ ___ M CRT AG II—Mrs. Leona, beloved wife of , John P. Murtagh. She 1h also stlVvived j bv two children, Eleanor, aged 10, anil Donald, aged 15 years, and her mother. Mrs. Kate Wolfer, and one sister, Mrs That} Erwin, Funeral from residence of Jas. R. Mur toah, 3034 Lincoln Blvd., Saturday, at 3:30 p. m. Friends welcome. __ WILSON— Howard, age 53. prominent real estate broker of Avoca, la . died Thurs- ■ day p. m . local hospital, following short lllnees. Survived by wife and two daugh- I ters. Florence of Lincoln and Marie of Omaha. _ . .. Body will be sent from Heafey A Heafey chapel Friday, 6:30 j>. m. to Avoca for burial. _ ISAACSON—John, ago 82 years, 7 months. »{ days. December 5. 1922. Funeral Saturday afternoon ut 2 o’clock from the residence. 6816 N. 30th. Inter ment family lot. Forest Lawn cemetery, i Friends are welcome-_ MBILHKDE—Neua M . entered into rest at her home, 823 8. 28th St. at the age of 63 years Funeral notice later_ BURIAL VAULTS WOODEN boxen soon decay. Steel or iron vaults will rust out and collapse. Then - fore you should lnaiat upon your under taker using an Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial vault: water-proof and ever- I lautlng. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 5210 N. 30th St . Omaha Inspection Invited. CEMETERIES!_ VISIT FOREST LAWN. ,Hundreds of evergreen blankets and win ter wreaths make the cemetery very beau *-ful at this eeaaon of the year. They .i iy bo obtained ut the greenhouse at tho .entrance of the cemetery. Offices at the ^cemetery (north of the cjty limits), and 720 Brandeis theater __ FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., OmaliH s b**a' »• .!•>■ akliiB «»tabllihm«nt. ARROW AMBULANCE Thirty-third and Farm*: HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Ur.dortakirs and Emhaltners. Phono HA. 0265. Office -'ll Karnam. LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. <813 SO »ST — Tortoise Shell Glasses. Reward AT 0567. MALE HELP WANTED. DAIRYMAN wanted to take charge of dairy and Livestock at state hospital in Wyoming. Want a man who has had practical experience and training in an up-to-datrt dairy. A single man pre ferred but can use a married couple without children If wife Is capable and willing to do dojncatlo work. No at tention will he paid to applicants who "do irot furntan all customary personal information together with experience and reference*. State wag'* expected. Ad rirea* Y-2097. Omaha Be-. TURKMAN - PRINTER — Experienced, Swedish paper, permanent Job. 306 H. 19th St. I IF YOU ARE MAKING LESS THAN f 10 A DAY YOU SHOULD GET OUR PROPO SITION AT ONCE. . PRAT’S, 510 a. i6th at. 77karn accounting. Positions are always open for the account taiJfcy trained man. INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY. 1013 City Nat. Nat. Bit. Bldg. AT. 3960 LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Mr. Oupton, general sales manager of The Nu-Wny company of Kansas City, will be at the Fontenella hotel December 10, il and 11! for the purpose of allotIng 1 aluoble territory to distributors of Nu •Vay gas tanks for Fords. Nu-Way tanks till at sid« of car Instead of through seat. I.'ve dealers should equip 90 per cent of > ars In their territory. Wire or phone Mr. Oupton now. MEN — Sell U 111 versa y Gas Saver haven HO to 50 per cent on your gas hill. Five hundred thousand wold. One man cold f.o in one day. Moore's Universal Gas Saver, Topeka, Kan. HA LEHMAN A splendid permanent opening Is available for a real merchandiser of proven utility ; r.d clean past record to sell the largest J line of quality auto producVfe in the United States to dealer auto trades In southwest Iowa territory. We will pc.y weekly draw ing account against large commissions and bonus to man that measures up for this position. If you can furnish unques tionable references, write W. L. Lush i augh, 1 534 R. Western Ave , Chicago. Full d-tails past experience first letter. TWO city salesmen to sell men's tailor made clothing. Mr. Frlls. 308 S. 19th St. w anted—An eipirlio ad man to take curs of real estate and loan department. Give experience, qualifications and refer ences. Box W-549, Omaha Bee. WANTED—Bohemian drug clerk with ex perience. Stastny Drug Co., Wilber, Neb. FEMALE HELP WANTED COMPETENT white girl for general house work: references; no laundry. 5122 Burt St. WA. 0238. FOH a good bookkeeping or stenographic position attend the American college, 1912 Farnam. All our graduates are In posi tions. We can place you. Fhone AT. 7774, nr writs for catalog. _ IP you ARE MAKING LESS THAN $10 PER DAT, TOU SHOULD GET OUR PROPOSITION AT ONCE. PRAT'S, 510 8. 16th St. LADY wanted to help in the kitchen. Palace cafe. C. A. Valkenaar. Grafton, Neb __ STENOGRAPHER; must be well educated; beginner considered. Phone Atlantic 2206. STENOGRAPHER: must he competent; good business position. Call Atlantic 2206. \ ! ED at cl ' 1 < ompto nieter operator. Mtmt understand divi sion and multiplication. Answer, giving experience, salary expected to start and how soon begin. Answer South Omaha Post office, Box 34? WANTED—Competent young man or young woman who understands hookkeeping and shorthand for ,-ecretary In a prosperous educational business This is a rare chance for someone who can Invest $500. Postofflce. Box 34h. WANTED—Experienced maid for down stairs work and cooking, no laundry 5210 Chicago St. WA. 5910. WANTED—White maid for general house work: no laundry. 5122 Webster street WA, 51 "9. WANTED—Compet*nt experienced white woman for general housework; no Sun day work. HA. 5250. MALEOR FEMALE HELR ~~ START on easy money making business. Everybody u*es toilet preparatlona (gual* ity line. Best sellers. Big profit. Ah or spare tJme. Act quick Venus Mfff Co. 222 Military Ave., Omaha. "“situations wanted. ! MAN. 29. wants Job feeding cattle. Ex. j perlenced. Box W-550, Omaha Bee. | “GOODJTHINGS TO EAT. | BLACK WAt-NTTS, hulled.%1 par bufhfl. | Wm. Lontrgan. KE. 4510 r-S. i "CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. I LAhGii trkjele, almost new. J1S. WA. 0055 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. HOME readino clubh FOR MAIL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY OFFER A The Woman's World. American Woman. The Household. Good Stories*. The Farm Journal and The Omaha Daily and Sun day Bee. All six publications one year each ONLY 15 4a CIRCULATION DEPT.. THU OMAHA BEE XMAS GIFT FOR flltTW11OLE FAMILf. A GULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO. $39X to $700. cash or easy payments. Come In and buy a gift that will last and be moat appreciated. A HOSPK CO . For 49 Years the Music Center of Ne braska and Iowa. A typ writer make* an (deal Chi a i ie§ gift. We now have some real bargains— No. 2 Smith-Premier. $7.60; No. 0 Rem ington, $10; No. 3 Oliver, <12.60; No. t L O. Smith. $22.60; No 6 L S. Smith, $29.50; No. 10 Remington, $29.50. Many other bargains. Midland Office Supply Co, 1404 Dodge. « i A LOVELY XMAS GIFT. DANCING LESSONS. What better gift than a course In dancing? Ja. 5470. KEEPS DANCING ACADEMY. ISIS Fa mam. A N I\) 10 A I. i 'lilt 1ST M A S G Il'T. Window wreaths. 25e. to $1.25; assorted fancy baskets; Christmas center pieces; very new; special $2.60 to $3.50. S*e our window. Peterson Bros. Flower Shop, 1714 Farnain. __ WHY NOT buy your wife a DetroR elec tric for Christmas This oar is a liafgaln. Runs and looks like new. For one-third the price of a new one. Airt moving to California reason for selling. Call IfA. 0800.___ New overstuffed parlor suites. Make excellent Xmas gifts Cost here hi. pur cent less than elsewhere. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE. If09 Capitol A\e. Tel. AT. 6265. ~~ AN IDEAL XMAS C. 1 FT. A HOME FOFt YOUR FAMILY. Ve have homes in all locations. J. L. HIATT COMPANY. I * i ■ ■ Bank Bldg AT. ""*■ PERSONAL Cbflittnii (aids. Order now and avoid rush. Phone, salesman will call. AT. 3978. 483 Brandels Theater Bldg. A phonograph makes an Ideal Christmas gift. We now have Home real bargains— $125 size. $49.50; $250 size. $'9 60; $200 si/e. $09.50. Many other bargains. Shlaea Phonograph Co., 1101 Dodge.__ AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Buy a garage, any stylo and size. $100 up, Concrete work. MICK LIN LUMBER AND WRECKING CO j WE, 6 536.2|09 N. 24th St. FANCY, attractive bungalow aprons made to order. HATTIE PUTNAM SHOP, 602 Kurbaeh Block. A COURSE IN DANCING AT THE Hy" LAND DANCING ACADEMY. 25TH AND FAUNA M, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. AT 7 860._ OlVB your photograph for Christmas. For photographs that satisfy. SEE MATSUO LAK» STUDIO. 2506 N. 24th St._WE. 6311 PROTECT your car this winter. A garage would make an ideal Christmas gift. Valu? and service our motto. Carter Sheet Metai Co., 13th and'Grace. JA. 0602. _ WANTED— young ladies to buy Iludnuis Twin Compact. GREEN PHARMACY Jackson 0846.__ 602 3. 16th. hand" painted china, water colors and pastel picture orders taken. Cali WA. 4269. ______ GOLD lettering on leather goods and books. E. A. Tyron Co., 208 So. 13th. JA. 1219.__ MAGNOLIA wreaths, beautifully deco rated with everlasting flowers; special, $3. Uiandels Cut Flower Sh >p. Brandels Store. XMAS cards, beautiful linen stationery, make useful Xniax gifts. Corey & Mc Kenzie Printing Co., 1124 llarney. * PLAN now for your Christmas home. See Campbell, personal service home builder. 537 Keellne Bldg. _AT. 8048._ Dainty children's dresses make lovely Xnms gifts. Reasonable. Call We. 1568. 3208 Sherman Ave„ Apt 3._ ELECTRIC washing machines while they last $35. LeBron, 318 S. 12th St. JA. 2176._*_ FOR SALE—9-column Burrough’s and 9 column Wales’, bargain. 1912 Farnain. OLIVER typewriter, excel, cond., $3<>. AT. 0406.'___ BUY her a nice pair of feather pillows. Feather Mattress & Pillow Co. WE. 6730. FANCY gowns, work guaranteed. At 5521. GOLD lettering on leather goods, books. E. A. Tryon Co.. 208 8. 13th. JA. 1219 CANARIES are an Ideal Xmas gift. WA. 6373,_ XMAS dainties reasonable. For order call WE. 5741.___ XMAS sewing, all kinds. WE. 5741, 2211 Locust. _ __________________ WANTED—Dolls to dress for Xmas. Call WA 5545. 4332 Binney street._ _ IMPORTED pearls make lovely Xmas gifts, prices r^as. 1017 Arbor St AT. 3876. BOSTON TKRRIBU puppy* 452$ Brows. KE. :'»2K.____ _ _ _ | FANCY dressmaking by day; gifts. KE j 2716.____ | I THOR Washing Machine. $75 bargain. MA 4606.___ PEDIGREED MALE BOSTON TERRIER IM PS FINE M ARKINGS MA 3301. AN IDEAL GIFT—Community Silver, 60 year guarant* ** 1708 L'odg*-. AT. 6891. HAND embroidery. Xmas gifta. Louise Weidemann, 626 S. 28th St. HA. 2778. CAKES, homemade, delicious angel food devil food for your Xmas dinner. AT. 6232. : GIBSON tenor banjo, leatherette cane. $45. J Both In excellent shape. Call Ma 3051. Prar'lly new elec. Voss washer. HA. 5431. I AI.L kinds of X MaTsKwInO AT. SABLEfur wrap, cheap. MA. 1570. rv.Tntr and fancy rug special. WE. 5998. DELICIOUS ducks or fat hens.^KE. 0815. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. I have the following high grade furniture for sale: One Imported mahogany dining room suite Louis XVI period), one over stuffed davenport set, one imported ma hogany library table with oriental scarf, two oriental rugs (royal Kaschan). C&M ! owner. IIA. 7260. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. J loth and Marnev_ AT ' 81 j BARGAINS in furniture—Vlotroia. rug. I ‘n everything; 3-room large family Apt. j Howerton, AT. 4iS2. _HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AUCTION. SATURDAY. 1:30 P. M. AT STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE, 1509 Capitol Ave. Many articles will be sold that will make attractive sensible gifts. Try to attend pale. i.v ivi.-lt chairs, cheap. WE. 0189. 3202 N. 19th St._ s\! U cook stove; small heater good as new. 2037 Dodge street. CLOTHING AND t Lu 3 FULL DRE88 lultl and Tuiedoa for rent t/\ U28 l<)9 N 16th Street. L Feldmap A K M V hliocs 12 90 703 No I6lh FOR SALE JEWELRY. ~ PIAMUNDS—We pay the beat pricey with privilege to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO, Omaha. Sri, 402 N 16 !i 8t , Telephone JA. 8041. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ~ TRADE your used piano on a new player piano Ha lance n» low an $10 per month. A. IIOSPK. 1513 Douglas _ BIGGEST phonograph bargains In town. Shlfios Phonograph Co.. 14 All makes bought and fold rented and repaired. Bole agents f<»r the CORONA. i»et our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. JA. 412". 1912 Faina m nnnAoAn'Ar 'snnnnnnnnrMAnr.n WE BUY, sell safe, make desks, show- j cases, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., i s. tv corner 11th and Douglas .TA. 2724. 1 BURROUGHS for Inventory and end of the year work, $100 and up. Mr. Webb. Call AT._0381.__ FOR SALE—All or part dental equipment, must sell; very cheap. Address No. 10. Coronado Apts. ' Rhone AT. 8901. GUARANTEED typewriters. $7.50 ami up I Midland Office Supply, 1404 Dodge St. LIVE STOCK. VEHICLES, ETC. WE HAUL livestock. Call AT. 3357. | WANT TO BUY ~~ DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. 6140. WANTED to buy 16 to 20-room rooming house. Call AT. 28 72, Room 9, Patterson Block, Beauchamp A Lingo. WANTED—Persian cats. Mrs. Ed Krats, Whiting, Ja. ~BUSIN E S S OP PORT UN ITI EsT SHOE Shop and shoe stock for sale; good location, business fine; half cash. bal. anee easy pa>4nents. Address Y-2105 Omaha Bee. COMPELLED to go to Texas. Will sal] contract, district manager of established j going accountancy agency, llowertou, U60 Omaha National bank. FOR SALE—Cafo and confectionery, be side thq D. L. D. highway. If Interested write Box 4S4, Harvard. Neb. WANTED—A good location to lease a hotel in some smaller town. Address Box 395. Fullerton, Neb. 3-CHAIR barber shop. Only ehop In town. Good business. Electric clippers. A snap. _WM. BEN DEL. N A PON EE, NEB. 2 Brunswick pool tables, card table, chairs, largo heater; good condition MA. 0849. ROOMS FOR KENT ROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find Hated below the room you want, call at the “Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains this service for your convenience. New list issued each week. TEL. JA. 5 191 — N»-ar Howard street off' 24th. Nicely furnished front room In i>ri- • vate home, for business people, 1 or 2 1 Steam heat. ROOMS for men. steam heat, running hot f and cold water in each room; walking dis* ! tajice. 608 N. 21st. AT. 7 449. Brown Apts,_ NH ELY furnished i reasonable, day. week or month, central j location. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SA.N'FOKLi— 19th and Farnarn ; HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnarn. | Special rates to pernytnent guests. WOODRUFF TERRACE—124 8. 24th St., nicely furnished rooms, hot water heat, all modern, close in. Jones St., 2560—One room, s>outh and east ( exposure, for one or two. Bed in alcove. < JA. 4789. -- BEAUTIFUL room for l or 2; real home. 1 block from car, garage optional. WA. 7167 BE.MI8 park. J well heated rooms, gentle men preferred; ref. required WA 1098. 1 SHERWOOD AVE., 1414—Rooms for 1 or I 2 gentlemrn. private home, reas. WE. 7026. . COMFORTABLE warm room. modern, home privileges. lSul So. 27th Sf. JA. 2374. DOT ti. ST., 4250—Oozy, warm room for gentlemen: every home comfort. Wa. 0069. NICHOLAS 8T.. 3Q03 8.—Southeast room In new modern, private home. HA. 7783. J SWEET WOO D AVE., 410—Nice warm room for 1 or 2; modern, brick flat. STRICTLY modern front room, fine lo ration. Use of niano. HA. 74S. ; T-T’NDKE—Modern in nrHate family, tn 1 I patty of lefineineol. WA. 59»5 i 9 ROOMS FOR RENT_ DOUGLAS ST., 2103—Nice front room, running water. FOREST AYE., #30—Pleasant, warm room. Ja. 0897._ Tel WE 3093—Attractive room tp feeltct neighborhood for two young ladle#. Tel IIA. 6722—Nice room, private home, half block Varnani our. Men preferred. HANSCOM Park; 2 well appointed room* In modern home. HA 4661._ TEL. HA. 1679 — Pleasant room, private home. Bomls park. $4 On car line. fabld, rood., id in. IIA. 7396. LOVeTc? Bream-heated room#. #19 H. 26th. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS^ TWENTY-EIGHTH ST. 1014’ S.—Room w(tb kitchenette; also 2 tingle rooms. Steam heat, also garage HA. 1813. 614 5 —1 arge single room#. $6; 2-room suite, $7; 3-room suite, entire 1st floor; steam heat. PACIFIC ST . 2'jr.n—2 front rooms, clean and nicely furnished, good heat. THREE light ■ »a< ping roomn, main floor, modern, r* is. 1127 S. 31st St IIA 7116. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. $5 to 47 per week. 1.4 So. 31st Ave. IIA. 3718. LIGHT | ■ m, every fhir.i' Mni) i Air. AT'. 4131. si . 2614—1 rooms, electrlr lights, telephone furnished; steam heat .rms. fur foi ‘keeping ' I North 17th St. WE. 1127. No children TEL. HA. 7o4n—2 front room#, gas,•every thing furnished. No other -roomer* lODERN i !. fbrhlsl e■ walking distune*, rent. JA ,6849.__ PLEASANT, complete housekeeping room, gn | ■' I 2 or 3 rmi , mod. 3935 N. 2'M. KB. &40K. Choice clean semi-base. room. 2037 Dodge. BOARD AND ROOM. U iill double room for two, with hoard, private family. Near car line. }f A. JO87. 3114 Poppleton Ave. _ TEI K£ 5614 R ini and board for two in modern, private home. Snap. Board ind room, private family. WA. 0970. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR SALE OR RENT, 2218 N. l*th St.— Modern 2-story homo with floored attic, cemented basement, 3 bedrooms and bath, second floor. Built-in pantry, storm doors and windows, window shades, gas heater. Lot 36x140. Barney 6314. , MODERN 9-room house being decorated throughout, sleeping porch billiard room. I licit water heat, stationary tub. Corner I 36th and Harney Sts. $90. inquire Mrs. W. .1, Burgess, Blacks tone Hotel. (! LEARMONT bungalow, $66. Almost new, all built-in features, oak floors throughout. Double garage. Not the kind generally rented. 2739 N. 47th Ave. Walnut 45fiO. _______________ 32D HT.. SOUTH OP' PACIFIC—4 rooms, sun room, first floor, furnished or unfur nished. Heat, light and electricity. Ga rige optional. Ref. required. HA. 1075. BRAND NEW 6-room bungalow, with or without lease, $65 per month. 5512 North 27th »St. JA. 3336._ FOUR lovely rooms, second floor, modern except heat; $20. JA. 6967. 2469 S. JBth street._^_ FIVE-R<)OM STRICTLY MODERN COT T AGE. GARAGE. (ALL HA. 3472. FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEWL Y DECORATED CALL WE. 6*69 MODERN house, $4o; garage. Call WE. 1798.___ _____ SIX-ROOM house, strictly modern, 833 ~ti. 21st. Reduced rent. Ha. 2705. 6-ROOM house, modern ex. heat; good condition. WE. 6583. FOR RENT—2-room house, close in. AT. 5820.___ SEVEN-ROOM modern. WA. 1178. 2560 Ames avenue. 4- R house, 3 Jots, for rent. MA. 4644. SIX-ROOM with garage. 271* I 5- ROOM hous", WA. 2325. 5226 William St. 6- R. cottage mod, (lose in. WE 5776. FIVE-ROOM ail ’modern. WE. 4776. FURNISHED ItOOSES. A $10,000 BRICK RESIDENCE IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. A high-class home, furnished ac cordingly, every convenience; two car garage Owner leaving city for four months Main object is to have responsible family occupy and earn for property; maid will stay :f desired. Opportunity for right party. CLOVER & STAIN, JA. H5V+ 918-20 City National Bank Bldg. KB. 1808. _ NICELY furnished house £<>r rent. Call mornings HA, 1Q46. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Almost 1.000 Apts. Almost 100 furnished. AH modern and fireproof. Let Drake’s rental man find you an apartment. Call us, \\o will take you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, Tel. Ja. 28OR. Cor. 17th and Howard Sts _ TURNER* COURT? One apartment available in Omaha’s most exclusive and conveniently arranged 3 room apt., with Groom accommodations. Rent reduced. Janitor, HA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER. Mgr. 3106 Dodge_HA. 7140. APARTMENTS AND FLATS—$33 to $10# W. .1. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 8980. Keelluc Hldg T W E N TV - E1G HTH S?? 666 8.— Modern apartment, 4 large rooms and bath first floor, $56, shown by appointment, WA. 3888. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 7 "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT 054 4 17th and Farnam Sts. PALACE A PA RT M I? NTS—Cloae In, strict ly u 11 modern, 4 rooms. Apply 220‘A N. 23d St._ __ 1 iA. 7124—Clarlnda Apts., 6 rooms and sun room, homelike place. Choice location. SIX rooms and bath, modern except heat, $25 1244 8 13th. Jackson 1198. FURNISHED APAHTMENTS CALL DRAKES. I FURNISHED APARTMENT^ TWO and 3-room apartment*, private bath, steam heat. Brown Apartments. 508 N. 21 at St. AT. 7449. _ _ CHICAGO St . 3123—Light housekeeping rm . prlv, bath and kitchenette IIA 4240. NICELY furnished 2-rbom apt., Inquire No. 4. 1802 Farnam St. HUN TEH INN—AT 6960 2 408 Dodge BUS I NESS PRO PERTY—REN T LEASEHOLD and office furniture for sale at 423 Arthur building. Call Atlantic 6911 fur particulars. DESIRABLE office rooms for rent on 2d floor of Wilkinson Bldg. 12th ami Far ( tiant. Reasonable. Call Jackson 6871. BURT street. 16th—Brand new store Mod ern; full basement; good f<*r any business. Inquire 911 N. 18th. JA 4922 _ _ PARTY desires to sublet desk space In furnished office. Call Jackson 6S71. EXCELLENT print shop location. 312 So. 12th St. C'all Jackson 6871. OARAGES FOR RENT OARAGE—Steam heat. 311 South Slat HA. 7124 __ PINKNRY ST—1817. Qaragc. WE. 6354. PUR RENT—(Jurage! 123 South 3bth St. BONDS STOCKS, MORTGAGES FOR SALE—$3,000 lo per cent semi-an nual first mortgage, due July 1. 1924. on good Nebraska farm. F. K. IJammon. Kennebec, s. I». A HE you willing to discount your second mortgage for cash? If so. see F. C. Horgcek At Co . 640 First Nat’l Bk Bldg. '• MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS 30—60—7 5—100—200—600 DOLLARS or any other amount at legal rates. No publicity, easy payments. Thirty yearu in business. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 606 Knrbaeh Blk. Tel. JA. 2235 Southwest Cot 15th l i ouglaa 8t», provident Loan society 432 Securities Bldg. 10th and Farnam. Organised by over lOu loading Omaha business inen. NOT FOR PROFIT Lowest rate in the city up to $300. Easy monthly payments. Furniture or almost any securi ties. Quick and confidential service Ref erences: Ask any bank or business man. Phone Atlantic 0666. COX Co.; loans $5 and up on wages, cars and furniture; confidential; 23 yrs. eutab 812 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 2238. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand to loun on Omaha residences. E. II. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keeline Bldg. STRAIGHT 6-year loans. Ht* per cent. AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S. 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8380 O M A If A HO ME S —EAST N E B. FARMS*. O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 om. Nat._Bk Bldg. JA 2715. Kjirm T <^ns No delay—on western *■ Urm l^GdllS Neb. farms, ranches. Kloko Investment Co., 645 Om Nat. Bk. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D II BOWMAN 31 OS. 18th St. Wead Bldg. AT 0161 FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen & Co., Real tors. JA. 4228. 954 Keeline Bldg. 1,0W RATE MONEY. No delay in closing. W. T GRAHAM. 704 PETERS TR BLDG. L II. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 931 City Nat. Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 645 Omaha Nat. Bldg ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED—To borrow $5,000 to $10,000. Will give best sccurltlns in United Staes and that is first mortgage on irrigated farm. Address, Box W-54H, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE~V VAN~lO. M O VING— P A CKI NO STO RAG E—R HIPPIN G. Household Goods and Pianos. 1107-11 Howard St _ Jock son 0288 ESTIMATE furn. on packing, mov. and storing. Contracts taken by Job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co. JA. 4338, AT. 0230. Grossman & Sous owners. BEKINS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sts Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA. 4163. Moving—Packing—Storage Gordon Fireproof Warehouse Ac Van Co. 219 N Uth St. Phone JA. 3032: BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. _ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION'! SI DM. Untie, box pleat ing, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonhole? Write Ideal Hutton & Pleat tng Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA, 193«>. mu. J ICUllllfJ Covered Huttons 1806 Farnam. second floor. ,TA. 5670 1 CHIROPBA< rOW8. Dr. Lemur Dr. Schroder DANCING ICAPE.MIKH |4 • KEEP'id 1818 Farnam. Clairs Mon., Wed. and Frl. night? Dancing Tue® . Thur®.. Sat. and Sun nights. Private lesson* by appoint ment?. J A. 5470 ~i)FNTISTS. ~ DENTAL X-ray. 50c each; 13 full set. 619 SecurltlvH Bldg. 16th and Farnam. 1»~E'TECT1V KS. RELIABLE Detective Bureau R ilway Ex. Bldg.. JA _2056; night. KE. 3X12 JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evldenc* secured In all rases. AT. 1136. L W. 1/ ) N O NEC K ER— 3136 Young Ft., Omaha. Tel. KE. 4798. D R ES SHAKING. FURS, ®ulta remodeled, relined HA. 6804. _ FIR R fKR8. FTTim repaired, remodeled, lowest price * Goldstein Fur Co., 1520 Douglas' ~ koiTViT finishing. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The En.*rgn Co., 1607 Howard St. 1 M ATT HESSES. OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Feathers ren. t*vtted and made up In new feather proof ticking, 1907 1 umlng. JA. 2467 pkpTIN^ EDDY Printing Co.. 212 H. 13 £>t. JA.605L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ’ VKlf.W \ I TOBM \ S T W." MAUTIN. i’ > M« 171 Dodi*. room A!> * Washington, I* 0. 1 help inve>tor§ sell their ratente rill t it i m m i n < • THEE TRIMMING AND Cl T DOWN 1 ;V,,HS I Mbim INMHM 1MKND GAHAGES built • etyia and sue, IT®® up Concreta worn MhWUn Dumber & wrecking Co. Tal WB. III*. i'YtKfc<’KIl*TlON8 carefully compound 4 M the 6 Sherman A McCunuell Drug glare* AUTOMOBILES FOK SALE. USED CARS THAT S4TISKT. Monty bark guarantee with every one Why Uka a chant* when you ha\e th'a protection? Friced within your reach. Taring without (inane* charge We have h few exceptional bar gain* In eedana. Title it aedan weathar. Look them over. You cant afford to overlook them. WJl.LYS.nVLB LAND. INC. Open Evening# Open Sunday*. 2562 Karnam St. Fonl Touring We have one exceptionally foo«1 11*21 Ford Touting, vlth starter, which t* a real bargain at IX»&. Car looks and rune Ilka new, very slightly used fie* this good Ford Touring today and let us ex plain our amall-depoalt spring-de livery system. JJuy pow and pay later. GUY L. SMITH EVERYBODY DRIVES A USED CAR You will find the best and larg est selection of couoca, sedans, roadsters and tourings of all makes rang Mg In prices from $100 to $tj.f»oo only. Reasonable terms ac cepted. WE BUT. HET.Ti AND EXCHANGE MEEKS Al’TO CO. Jeckpon 41 •» 1 *047-4# Earnem St. i 1921 FORD runabout; starter and de mountable rlma, Stewart speedometer and Manifold heater. $195. C i: PAULSON MOTOR TO 20th and Ames. KB. 0146 Open evenings until 9 p. in. SOME bargains In u««d Fords; prompt delivery of new Fnrde. M’OAFFRBT MOTOR CO . The Handy Ford Service Station. 18th and Ja'-Ueon Sta AT 7711 1918 FORD ton trufk with pneumatic tlrea and express with canopy top. In excellent condition $lfiO C. E PAULSON MOTOR CO. 20th and Ames Kb. 0146 Open evenings until 9 P m. NEW' and used Fords, cash or terms. C E PAULSON MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Pliers. 20th and Ames Ave KH 0148 FORP light delivery truck. Ilassler shock absorbers, new radiator.*- runs fine. $35. u. e paulson motor ro. 20th and Amos KE, 0146 _Open evenings until 9 p. m I SKRVJCE FIRST l»iiy Li. small 861h ,nd f,rnim Atlantic 1944 USED cars that ran be us*‘d NEBRASKA OLD8MOB1T E UO.. Howard at 18th 'T 177ft NEW AN!' USED T!ID'S CnD Up! B & B TIME AND A - CO. 2868 Farnam St. HA. 7 404 WILL |»H\ cash f-»r M ha ugh, Realtor. JA. 2963 _P BQ8TWICK» real ei»tat< at 1606". JJ 1 1 ‘ ! 1' ‘ Co Realtors AT 3492. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. E H. _BE~\~N~E~R CO., Realtors.5664. _MONTANA LANDS. MONTANA FARMS. Sold on easy crop payment plan. Pro ductive soil Wonderful climate. Come and live and build with us in the LAND OF SUNSHINE. Information furnished upon request. BROCK WAY & SMITH. Farm Lands. Suite 333, Hart-Albln Bldg. Billings. Mont. “NEBRASKA I.ANDS FOR SALE—Irrigated land, Scottsbluff Co . No. 1. 80 acres, eight miles northeast Mitchell. Under cultivation. Improved,66. 800; $1,800 cash, balance 10 year*. 6*48 per cent. No. 2. 60 acres, Mitchell vsl lev. High producer; $16,000. half cash, balance 10 years. 6’8 per cent- Address Bqx 4 87. Chadron, Neb. RESOLUTION FOR LANDLORDS AND TENANTS. Improved farms for lease and option to buy on yearly payment of only 6 per cent of principal. Three per cent interest only 1 is charged, balance of payment applied on ; principal. Box N, Broken Bow, Neb. FOR SALE — 200 acres of best land in i eastern Nebraska; cheap and easy terms \ For parti- ular., write owner. C. B. Me Mullln. Craig. Neb. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. FOR BAIiE ■ ten broke, 240 acres fenced, 2 wells; barns 1 for 100 head of cattle; plenty of free range. Price, $10 per acre and oil lease, $1.50o state loan, balance cash Good < hanc<* for cattle man. Trank Uroshmann, Coal spring*, IS. li. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 507-9-11 South 25th Avenue G6 by 112, known as Got t., Ur*tfin K Isaac's addition, with throe 8 ronm modern flat* This will be come desirable close-ln property with the contemplated widening of 24th street and opening of adjacent and intersecting streets; also the new Kt. Mary avenue will surely make this an ideal Invest ment. Annual rental $1,920. 24th Street Vacant Coruer 100 b.v 126, known us Lota 1 and 2, block 12. Shull’s 2d addition, on grade, east front with 16 ft. alley, a good business location, being located on the first through cast and west street south of Leaven worth, on the rroestown traffic way. 24th street values «ro rap idly Increasing to high class re tail price*. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., n ea itors 1016 utnaha Natl. ilk. llldc. JA. 2716. i REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Investments Brick building In fine tep.»lr consisting of two ft-room snl two 4-room fists \v«*1 Ing distance. Tenants furnish best, wat> c eto. Present tpcomo *>40 per yen Priced to net over It* pe» - • »»t. 1 or leu • lion, price, terms i t- , call (>. T. Hamer, I ' • 'O ?< \T *V ALFRtl > THOM AH „u Hon *' ■■ , lt*ilto”> VACANT PROP] R l V V : Two lot#, facing Miller Park, 4° t front. Ckll At 2*72. p >m 9, Patters » i Block. BeauohsHip .u I in*. • P15NUKK lot. boxttb* on '‘4th at near Fat ! nani. choice tot, owner will consider reu* onsble offer t" A flrlmmil .1A 1415._ * FIKB 2 Pi Want modern lots, buyer* waiting. It* J \ 1441 wil l bu!M H JfOUf ordft on OUf beauti ful lot* In Edge wood. verv easy term*. AT lantic 1544_ CENTRAL PROPERTY f FOftONB H-CCK- Bk* f.-et frontauv. I POO, downtown, |12.000 required. Math ■l A *u4-v_ NORTH SIDE FROFEKTY. KOUNTZtB I'ARK DISTRICT l.arga living and dining rooms; oak floor* and finish. Fine Ull»’hfj| with convenient pantry and refrl* crator room Four Moll vanulated bedrooms with largo Closet* and bath on second flooi i‘> m«nt* l basement with oil burner heating plant All specials paid. Reason* able terms. paynb * Carnaby co. "Your Realtor*." €1* Om. Nat'l Rk 111 in JA. 101A NEW BUNGALOW $ :f»0 l>OWN\ This brand new frame bungalow will be sold on the easiest possible terms Has tun rooms and bath, oak floors, oak m d enamel woodwork, full * -»meuted bn** - meat. et<- Tries ?4.b50 l»uv now at this low* price. Now ready. *' *x 11 Tedcfaen. 1 \ t ' • . v . i 1 ■ w JfiLL hi I LI 1 tV 1 Hit M ' 1 COTTAGE FOR $4 ;*<"V This house is 3 4 Mi 4 having h largo basement with em-nt floor, and is good as new. Lot 40x12$ with a garage. W. II GATES. ct: Omaha N it | gat k Bldg. J K \ |t$ i 4*• 0 'in buy my equity --f $1,000 In * five-room all modern home with garage, located In north part of Omaha on pn\ I 8t. Original price $6,260. payment* $52 60 par month. Taxes paid up to date, in surance paid for three years KK 3566. BY OWNER, *760 714 5-ROOM modern bungalow south -f Hun - com Park; $4,250. Days. JA. 0564. eve nings. HA. 2297. CENTRAL PROPERTY; APARTMENT for sale reasonable, 2 block* from post office on 16th £t. Tel. JA. 1208 for apj ointment. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. M AK E YO I* i t ~ 1 ■ AM 1L Y A HKAT. XMAS PREMENT Beautiful Dundee bungalow. Cralgst< i>4 construction, 5 nice largo rooms and bath, good large attic, fino basement. Best oak finish and floors. Neal built-in feu tures. Large corner dot, both street* paved. Good garage.; nicely located bn&p at $6,500. $1,500 cash. b;ilan<« a month. Warm, closed cars used in showing Pep this todav. Phone D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors. 742 Omaha Nat. JA. C54J Evening*: Per©. WE. c$3j; Newlon. KK. 11 4s ; |Hu< k. KE l'S3 4 Brand New Bungalow Five excellent rooms on one floor. 0:|k floors, onk ami enamel fin ish. Exceptionally well built. Convenient to T*un«1e* car. Pri«e 15,760. Easy terms. For appoint ment call owner, WA. 2512 eve nings. w Holt '• ii r AT 4156 Grove-Hibbard Co. ' / HKST buy in Leavenworth Weights, fine new bungalow», near car. Now vacauh Call *HA 0222. DUNDEE PROPERTY. Dundee Lots and Homes OKOBOB * CO , Hrattorg. AT. S<>:4. FLORr MCE PROPERTY O L xkthaway. ’hTiine aiseiu". White only. Tel. Kenwood 140« RALSTON PROPERTY. HOMBB for workingmen. Four rooms partly modern, full lot, e.isy terms. $1,200 Have others. Stewart. Ralston 10-W MISCELLANEOUS LANDU. “We Build to Phase” Temple MrFayden Co.. 1R05 Karnam St. HASTINGS A HKYHK.V Reaitora Ml SGURI PACIFIC Offers permanent employment to mi chinists. boilermakers, blacksmiths and coach carpenters in Nebraska, Kansas Missouri and Arkansas. Apply 217 South 14th St. Omaha, Nebr. WANTED UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. First class, all-around railroad machinists and boilermakers. Apply Room 505, Union IV cific Headquarters. WABASH Wants COMPETENT Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmith, Cabinet Makers, Coach Carpenters and First-class Coach Varnishers. Permanent Positions. Free Transportation. Apply 1909 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. When in Need of Help Try Bee Waul Ads