The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 09, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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    Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Omaha Grain
Omaha, Tipr^mber 2
The export surplus «-f wheat from
Argentine wuu raised 6/>0(V,000 bushels j
to 163,OOO.OuO bushels by Broomli&Jl !
and rausvd some ea sitters in the early
traadlng. but Argentine is a long ,
ways off and the trade did not pay I
much attention to this report. Corn
mission houses with foreign connec
tions were good buyers and values!
were soon well above y*>trrday‘s best |
prices. The belief that the foreign i
credit bill, designed to broaden the
European market for American
farmer products, to be introduced into
« ongre:. shortly, will have a bullish
effect wa. on of the f actors. Jt. is es
timated that Holland will need dur
ing the present season about 36,000.
000 bushels of corn. 10 000.noo bushels
of wheat, and around 1.5,000,000 bush
els of other grams.
Omaha received 124 cars of all kinds
ef grain today, as compared with 1*9 '
car last year. Total shipments were :
119 cars, as compared with 107 cars
a year ago.
The demand for wheat in the local j
market was very good today, ordinary j
selling generally lc higher, while the !
dark was lc to 2c htigher. Corn was '
quoted 1 _>c to lc lowr with a limited j
demand. Oats were in fair demand j
and sold Uc higher. Bye and barley i
wore unchanged.
win. \T
N*\ dark hard; 1 «iM. $1 11. 1 ear,
$1 1*:,
No 1 dark hard 1 rm', $1.17; i; c*r/(
' -ni’i i. ». »I 1h, 1 car, $1.16; 14-car
• •"nitty • JIM » «’ar, $1.14.
No. 1 dark hard: I car (1 per < itt heat
.J im aged i. $1.11.
No, hard 2 ears, $1.13; 6
$11':. ! * r $1.11
No. ;; hard winter; 2 cars <jeml-dark),
$1 14; 1 car. $1.11; 1 car (0..1 per ceut
rl-. m:ig* d>, $! 09.
V 4 hard winter. 1 oar (1.H per cent
; n $1.11, 1 i'ir il p» r cent h<»Ht dam
aged), $1 06 I car <1 per cant heat
damaged), $1.06
?ainpb bird when: 1 far <7 \ *r cent
1 • «f damage*!). 90*
No. 2 yellow hard; J ear, $1.13.
1 fprtnp 1 car (dark), $1.2$.
v*. spring: 1 car. $1.11.
No. t mixed: 2 car* (durum), P*c; J
• ’■ 'lie um i. 97r.
1 mlN-d: 1 cur (smutty). $1 17; t car
• *mut'y. durum). I'Ve. 1 car (durum),
9 Vo.
No. 3 durum: 1 car. 9Pc.
No 2 white: 1 car (special billing), 6€e;
l ■ ar, 65r.
No. ;» wjiit*: 1 ar (special billing), 66c;
( an. 6 (H •
No. 1 yellow: J car. 67c. \
\'o ? -cllow: 2 cars (special billing)
'mV'. 1 *r ‘ape'dal billing), 6&1*e. 1
ff-r (ip^.ial bilUtig). 66c; 1 car (special
No > I! * *\\ 1 ■ ar ("penal billing), 64r;
1 *ar ♦special billing' 6H’**.; 1 car (ape- i
• • ♦ a 1 billing*. 66’ac, 1 car, 66c; tf cars J
(no bill* hi*-.
No. 4 yc||ow 1 enr, C4*
\o. a yellow: i car, 63>to.
No 2 mixed 1 < ur (si>*< ial bitting), |
■ 'V , 1 ear, flo«
No. 3 muted. 1 cai, 64’4c; 2 care. 64c. .
x n S wbu 1 '••iii- * p*» :al billing).
•4r, 1 car (s • ial billing K 4P*c; 6
- rs. 40 V
n Y t.
No. *• 1 car «(*
No. 3: l car, W.
No. $ 7 cars Hr
(Carlots )
Week Tear
Receipt 5— Tod a v. Ago. Ago
«( 19 i|
• orn . ♦> 1 1 OH H4
♦Data .10 59 11
Rye .2 13
Harl« y .. . 2 » 0
Shipment*— j
Wheat.15 .8 t’0
Corn .... . 4 9 106 j
• Jats . . 31 4S 16 ;
live . :■ l 26 I
Marie- 40
Receipt r —
\\ heat ‘ - ( 900
i ; )l,000 I 192.000 1 486,000
Oats . 7oO,OCO 1,088,000 60:,00i>
Wheat . 1 " 1 1.000 1,18 4,900 601.900
Corn . u'10,000 672.0»o 631,900
Uala ....... . 6H3.0OO 1.167,900 *60.000
Every Cold is
Begin Taking
Father John’s
Medicine at
Once. »":r
Mr. R. Ellsworth
| Tells How Cuticura
Healed His Scalp
“My trouble began with a sore
and itchy scalp and my scalp was
covered with red spots
which caused testless
1 ness and sleeplessness.
Every time I washed my
head it hurt terribly. My
scalp was covered with
dandruff. Then pimples
appeared all over my face,
and they caused itching, burning
and disfigurement.
“I used every thing 1 coaid get
to cure me, but the trouble grew
worse all the time. I was advised to
use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
1 used two cakes of Cuticura Soap
and two boxes of Ointment, when I
eras healed.” (Signed! Ralph Ells
worth. 112 W. 12th St.. Joplin, Mo.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum are all you need for every-day
toilet and nursery purposes.
liaiSlalfwkiM. AiUrw "Cxaori Lak
nWW Def< S. Millm 41. Sw' Ml HOT
vitas, S~»V OktMlSuiai. Titan*.-.
W^Cuticura Soap akavaa wit taut mas.
Wheat. Flour.. 819.000 __ *6 000
Cora. . 116,000 . 566/00
(‘“arlots. >
Today W k Ago T'r Ago.
Wheat . 24 10 18
Corn .2 48 218 !<S
Oats . . 15’.* 1ft7 60
(Carlots >
Tod* W k Ago T r Ago.
Wheat 212 417 177
Corn . ..27 n4 60
Oats . $ 12 11
(\ arlots >
Today. Wk Ag«. T r Ago
Wheat . 60 14« 60
Corn .. H 105 90
Oats . *5 86 78
(Carlots 1
Today W’k Ago T’r Ago.
Minneapolis ....33* 822 462
Duluth .-30 123 114
Winnipeg.373 1843 515
By Updike Grain Co. DO 3627. Pec 6.
Art. j Op. n. | U gh. | Low. { Clone. | To.
w-' ! t.n'J 1 13*i i.n*i m*s! mis
' MSS I 1.14 S’ 1 1»S
May | MSS' I.irs' t.UHi 1 US: l.US
'MSS I 1.17HI 1-US
.Tilly I 1.07*1 I n|* 1.0! V 1.0* * I l.s»s
; 1.07 S I I 1.04*1 1.01 V.
n” II MS M .Ml*; .M*
Mir .s7 ’* U | .17* .!» I .47*
pic" .70 vj .70S. I .70 V .70S' *70 %
| | ! i .'.os
May i .«»%! .70S! .69 Vi | .60S -70
| *9 SI I 1 .70
July | .SOS' .69 S .69S' .69 SI -»9S
iif’, '
n.r 4,1 44 S .49 4»Sl .431*
May I 4" ' 47 S | 42S1 ■•’V •«
1 u|y I (ns; .40’* .40 .40’.* .40'*
lard '
.Tmi 10 os 110.07 ' lin.o;
May lO.Sd 110.27 '10.20 '10.20 10.91.
Ribs ' I I _ „
Khuho* C’Mjr Grain.
K.' ns a? City, Mo., l*ee. g.—Wheat—No.
2 hard. $1 J10*1.19.
Corn—No. 2 white, 89
Minneapolis Grain. !
Minneapolis, Dec. 8-Wheat—Caeh
N‘». 1 northern, $1.13S 1-25 % • Decem
ber, $1.1 4 S- t
Minneapolis Flour.
Minneapolis*. Doc. 8.—Flour—3c tn l e
h'.cher FamiL patents. *8.70 #(•
Bran— $22-60® 23.90.
Now York, Dec. 6.—Bradatreet* featur
es y will say:
•'The first real winter storm with r©suit
•ng cold or snow in northern areas and
rains furtlv* r south, plus an Increase in
holiday buying, has served to accentual
previous contrasts b«fwetn retail and job
bing trade on the one hand and purely
wholesale distribution on the other. Re
tail buying Is the beet 'in*-© last winter,
heavy wearing apparel, footwear and holi
day specialties predominated in ihia latter
direction, active advertising, which la ap
pa i ■-lit ly under a full head of steam, Is re
ported bringing a good volume of busi
ness to department stores and largo re
tailers and iit-ighborhood stores was quiet,
notable at some centers before the appar
i ut break up of th© fine fall weather oc
curred. Southern report* In moat case*
arc richer less satisfactory.
Weekly bank clearings $8,036,407,000.
Tin*ton Wool.
Boston, Dec. 8 —The Commsrlca! Bui- i
itin will say Saturday:
“On the whole th© wool market has ;
been quiet again this week, although j
lowsr4 th* latt«r part of th* week rather]
more business wan don© In medium wools.
l*r;cr8 held very firm at a rule, although
hfro and there soma of the '©eat attrac
tive wools have been available peril ape ]
at slight concession# from asking prices
This, however, does not always represent
i decline in the market Manufacturer* ,
report. l*sa business in th©lr products at 1
the moment but. they are watching the
■ urs© of th© market closely on account
of tho imminence of the heavyweight
Th* Commercial Bulletin will publish 1
wool quotations aw follows.
Michigan and New York fleeces: D*
!a:ne unwashed. f.4(ft&6c; fin* unwashed.
48 ft 49c; one-half-blood unwashed. 62
u:b , three-eighth-blood unwashed. MfP
. one-fourth-blood unwashed. 60c.
Wlsconstn. Missouri and averager: New
England on©. h#: tf-b’ood, 47 (ft 48c: three
ci«h'h blood. 48 & 60c; one-fourth-blood, '
Scoured basis. Texas, fine 12 months !
I! 35(g 1.1°: fine eight, months. I1.201P i
1.25; fine fall, $1.11 <S»1.20.
California: Northern, $1.30$1.36; mid-]
die county. $1.16$1.20; southern, 95v$
Oregon: Eastern No. 1 rtaple, $1.30tJ) j
t r:: fin* and N. M. combing. $1.20 I
1.26; **astern clothing, $1.K ^120; v alley <
No. 1. $1.16(0 1.20.
Territory b in© ptaplo choice, $1.38 fp I
1.42: one half blood combing. $1.25$ 1.30;
three-eighth-blood combing. 9;<c@$!.03;
on© fourth-blood comb'ng. 88$ 92©
Fulled: Delaine, $1.30$ 1.3a; A A, $120
'3* 1 *>0 ; 8 supers, $1.1 8 (ft 1.20.
Mohairs: FDst combing. 76<ff$0c; beat
carding, TOl&Tfec.____
New York Sugar.
New Y*»rU. Doc. 8 .-—There w©rs no
changes In rpot raw- sugars which are
.,u,„h| m' t cents coat Mini freight, equal
to : t •»r cent rifugal.
Tin only sale reported whs a lot of
10.000 bag* of n©w crop t ubas for Jan
uh r v >1 m rail' iu « local operator at
•< 3-10-. ' ahd freight. equal to 6.34c
for centrifugal.
There was on!.' a moderate trade In
th© raw sugar futufoa marktt and prices
were firmer on continued buying by Cuban
Interests and cummlsaion houses, prompted
by the firmne.s of the spot market.
Frier* at one time “bowed advances of
1 to 5 points, but there was a partial
setback under realising with th© closing
;»cady and unchanged to 4 points net
higher. Closing, l'* • ember. 3.09c; March,
:;.4fic; May. 5**': July 3.67c.
In refined sugar, prices were unchanged
•a 7.1" h 7.26c for fin© granulated with
no Improvement n©t©d In th*: demand.
Thera w is h little mot © activity in the
refined f i urea market with *al©a reported
of both May and Juno deliveries at 7.10c.
or unchanged from the previous close.
New $ork Coffee.
New York. Dor-, 'i.—The circulation of at
fe .v December notice* caused some fur
ther near month liquidation in the mar*
ket fur coffee future* today and there was
aleo sour scattered realising In the later
months. The market opened at a decline
of one point and. later eased off to 9.46
for March
The r ose wan at the lowest, showing a
net decline of to 9 points. Salas were
estimated at 16.000 bags. December 9.76;
January March 9.44; May 9.J2; July
8.63, September 8.34.
Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7’s. 11; Santos 4*3
15 015%. _
New York Qfnmil.
New York, Dec. 8-—Wheat — Spot,
.ady; No 1 northern spring. $1.42. No.
r^d winter and N*o. 2 hard, $1.3314; No.
1 Manitoba. $1.27% and No. 2 mixed dur
um fUS c. i f track. N»w York spot.
Cum - Spot, easy ; No. 2 yellow and No.
2 white, 9'i%c and No. 2 mixed, 89%c c.
i. f New York, all rail.
Oats—Spot, firm; No. 3 white. Me.
hard—Easy; middle west, $11.46 # 11.35.
Other articles unchanged.
Turpentine Mitd Romh,
Savannah Gs.. Dec. 8.—Turpentine—
I 'rm, $1.80*H (Ti 1.31 H. Sale* 316 barrels;
receipts 535 barrels: shipments. 313 bar
rel*, stocks. 13.640 barrels.
Rosin—l irm: sales 728 casks: receipts,
2.983 casks: shipment?. 7.746 casks; stock.
110,2",': casks.
Quotations: B, D. E $5.1505.20: F, O,
H. $p.20: I $6.300 5.22H; K $5.25* M.
t; 40 ft 5.45; N, $ WG. $ 90; 7VW, $6.55.
New ^ork Dry Goods.
\>w Turk. T*cc 8.—Cotton goods hold
sfeftdy but *radlng was quiet. There wat.
* better demand fur jarna for knitting
purport Silk* n.<*re In light demand,
with a turn notrd toward the lighter
’ eights, such as prints and taffeta •. Wool
markets h**ld firm here and abroad, with
the demand light. Wool goods were
steady and quiet. Burlaps were barely
Kansas (ity lj\e Stock Market.
Kansas City. Mo.. Dec. S.—-Cattle—Re
ceipts. 3.600 h»ad: b**f s^eera mostly
10 a 16c higher.
Hogs—Racelptr, 3,500 head; market
slow to packers; early trade 10c higher,
closing with advance lost; top. $8.25.
Sheep—Receipts. 7.000 head; lambs ac
tive and steady; good fed westerns. $14.50.
New York Dried Fruits.
New York. Dec. g.—Evaporated Apples—
Apricots—Quiet but firm \
lenden Moot.
T»ndon. Dec 8.—The offerings at the
wool austlon sales amounted to 9.366 bales.
There wa* a brisk demand for cross breds
at steady rate* American buyers pur
chased a fair quantity of fine grades
Chicago Grain
ovuka Bm lasted Wba
Chicago. Doc. $.—Grain tradart f^n*
••rally believed that president Hard
ing’® m*?pt*ago to congress would be
decidedly bullish, a? far aa agricul
tural commodities ware concerned,
and were decidedly disappointed over
the abstract of the report a® wired
from the east. At the same time
wheat showed a strong undertone
with an excellent class of buying and
the close was unchanged to 3-4c high
er. Coro waa unchanged to l-4c low
er. oats unchanged to lc higher and
rye 1-4&1 -2e higher.
An upward revision &t 13,00d.00ti
bushels In the Argentine exportable
surplus with latest figure® mailing It
16$.000,000 bushels, with the easier
tone in Liverpool, led to aome soiling
early but preBeure wab not pro
nounced. Buying by several strong
commission housea was persistent. A
majority of the pit element evened
up at the last. Export demand con
tinues slow with sale® estimated at
only 260,000 bushels Manitoba?.
Corn Tndsr fwwmM.
Com was und*r pressure 8 good part of
th© day. but finished an * rally in sym
pathy with *heat. December went to
• round Ho over May early, against \c the
previous day, on scattered liquidation and
pressure induced by salts of 360.000 bueh
*ts ru\de to go to etcre. Arrivals hers
wars 463 care, of which around bO per
>.ent was applied On previous salss.
Filling of a moderate elsed buying or
der for December oats la the last fe-.v
minutes of trading found offerings light
and resulted In a sharp bulge, v. tth the
fjnlbh at the top. May finished lc under
December. Uocelp^s. 1*5 cars.
buying ot rye was headed by bouse*
with seaboard con® sot loo a, which offset
hedging by the northwest* Russia has
taken some rye from the United fttatas is
the past few days and sales of 150,000
bushels for export v era fcald to have been
made to Europe from the seaboard over
night. The two north* markets had
124 car*
Fit Notes.
A move for u,reSt*" ©hed:t facilifios tor
the farther*, r*coC.mended by Frealdant
Harding in hie message to congress to- I
da'’, had a strengthening effect on gram
values and wao regarded Jb likely to J
eventually have a constructive influence. |
Foreign buyers sold wheat early. On the
break a few davs ft go they were good buy
ers. Lociii traders who have favored low-.
e-r prices of lata, hive covered and the I
impression it the close was that, a fur
ther advance might come in wheat to- ,
mOrrOw should Liverpool cables come \
higher and Argentine weather ccm'fciue
A good-, lied line of wheat was bougbt |
for a largt# St. Loulti trader wh6 w*e
here. TBe report wan that be wa« cov- I
erlng rhOrt*. Action of the markets of j
lat© bon been unsat igfadtofy to short j
sellers, many of whom have covered on
bulges, several coming in on the advance. I
They are d'*ros*d to stay out of the mar- \
ket until th*re la a change tn‘conditions
and values have a more definite trend, j
Thore who have been friendly to the buy
ing side on all breaks wer^ more positive |
cf the correctness of their position at
the close.
Eostern Europe countries will supply >
about K per cent ••t’ ♦he wheat needs of
the continent, according to a Department
of ^©tnmeroo repot t. compared with 40
per cent b«rfnre the war. European buy
ers h\'« beer holding off with the expec
tation of entering Argentina tnifket*
European farmer* are much dissatisfied
with widespread agricultural depression
due to two years of unfavorable crops, i
increased cos* production, taxation . me**- J
ur#s and conflicting demands of producers j
and -'OfliMumers. A report that Russia
might export 2.500,009 tons of grain this ■
s*fson was received from the east to- I
day. hut had little effect on the mar- j
hats. Tf is known that .some rye ha*j '
i>e*n bought recently that will ultimately
find i‘s way Into Russia, presumably by
the RalMc.
f'. nsignrnant notices from the wept on
both wheat and corn are increasing, ac
cording to reports fr6m a number of
receiving home* •*’«rs are more plentiful
and are being bundled With gTeAtet
pfOrdpt ,
Thlcagn Livestock.
C hicago. Deo. 9.--Cattle—Receipts. 4 000 i
head, active; beef steer* And better grafleu |
beef oowa and heifer*, strong to 15c, Tilth- ,
?r; spot*, mere; bulk beef sMers. $4.76®
10.00; top yearling* mixed stOefs arid half,
era. $11.25* good yearlings steer*, $11.00;
looser grades beef cows, canners and (fit
ters, alow early, closing about steady, 1
cann*ra reflecting some strength; bulls,
slow: veal calves. quality conFidered.
steady to 25c lower; Mockers and feeders,
slow about steady; bulk veaters to packers.
$8.75 ® 9.25; few desirable light rosier®. up
ward to $9.75 and above; choice vealers
to shippers, upward to $11.09; bulk ear
ner*., around $2.75; bulk deelrSbls bologna
lulls, $400(54.25.
Hogs—Receipts. f4,900; active, strong to
10c higher; closing firm it the advance;
bulk good 140 to 275-pcund averages. $8.30'
36; top, $8.40 ©rt choice heavy butchers;^
picking sows, mostly $7.59® 7.$A; desirable !
p;ga. around $R.!5($4.£5; estimated hold
ovsr, 7.000 bead.
Sheep and t.ambr -Receipts, 6,500 head;!
far lambs, strong to 16c higher; top.
$16.50 to packers and city butchers; bulk
fat wooled 1 ambs $14.76 ® 16.2&; culls,
mostly $11.09^11.50; desirable 90-pound
clipped f*d lamb?, 415.50; feedors, quiet,
around bteady; good 96-pound fad yearlings
wethers, $12.80*, shaep. steady; heavy fat
owes, $5.00®s.00; lighter weights quotable
•ip to $7.75; two doublet* 124-pound aged
t'ist St. I/ouls, Til.. Dec. 8. —battle—Re
ceipts. 2,000 head; not enough •teem her#
10 make a ma-ket; few idrong to 26c
higher; bulk killers «old from $8.25£*.J0;
some medium weights. $8.86; butfher cows,
lightweight yearlings and bull# generally
steady; canners and cutters cows steady
to 16C higher; lightweight yearlings s«old
from $5.66 £ 7.06; quality plain; bulk
butcher cows. $3.76£5.00; canners. $2.$5
.<fc3.40; bologna bulla, 13.75 £4.26; veal
calves, 56c lower; top, $?.00; bulk, $8.50
■ £9.60
Hog*—-Receipts. 16,600 head: fairly ac
tive, generally steady; top, $8 40; bulk,
! 130 pounds and up. $9.30£8.46; light ship
ping hogs, tA.46; pigs, steady to 1 Or hlgh
1 116 to 130-pound averages. $9.15£8.25;
I underweights, $7. .’5£R.O0; pa^k^r sows,
strong to lOjlGo higher; bulk, $7.25£ 7.35.
fhe»p snd Lambs—Receipts. 1,000 head;
steady to strong on lambs; fat ewes, un
changed; top, #14.85, p#ld for two decks
I of 34-pound local fed lambs; hulk light
fat ewes. heavies. $4.00£4.GO.
»w York tettna
New Y»rk. Dee. g.—prices r* steady
to firm In the cotton market today. At
the outset there was sufficient demand for
rhortu. spot bous*'* and trade to lift the
list 4 to 17 points. The bulgn attracted
increased selling from profeslonal longs
snd the nouth. with the result thnt prices
eased off to a level of about 15 pdlnts'uo
der Thursday's final level*. From that
level, however. th*re was a recovery and
1n the early afternoon the market rose
to \ new high for the day with renewed
short covering In the last hour price
Movements were ►mall, but the market's
; tone continued firm. Final price* were
about 16 to 13 points net higher *nd some
10 points below the day’s top.
Spot cotton was quiet. 16 points ad
vance. 2l.96o for middling upland.
Southern spot markets- Gafcventon
1 £4.8o.\ 10 points advance; Now Orleans
24.60f, unchanged; Savannah 24.88c. 18
polnte advance; Memphis 35.06e, unchang
ed: Houston 24.75c. 16 points advance;
Little Rock 23.00c, unchanged.
Sioux City fire Stork.
fifoux <7!ty, Ta.. T>e-~ S «—Cattle—-Re
ceipts. 1,000 head; market alow*. atead> :
r.hort fed steer*- and yearling*. $8.0^0 10.60;
warmed up steers and > earflng.j. $6,60 0
7.30; graHA row* and heifers. $8.6^0 6.00;
| fat cows an<l haifers, $4.50006.00; can
’ier*. $2.2602 76; veals. $4.0009X6; feed
ing cows and heifers, $3.6004.30; ntoek
ers. $4.6006.75.
Hogs—Receipt*, ft.Ooo head; market, lOe
higher; butcher*. $1.00 01.1$; top. $8.1$;
mixed, $7.6007.10; packer*. $7.1507.fO;
hulk of silos. »1.86®S.1S.
Sheep—Receipts, 800 head: market
I steady; lambs. $14.70; ewes. $7.26.
Chicago Pot store.
Chicago, Dec. i—Potatoes, dull; re
[ ceipts, $8 cars; total U. 65. ahlpmenta. 141
cars; Wisconsin sacked round White*, 70
0 80c cwt.; do bulk, 76085c cwt.; M1hne-j
[ ?ota and North Dakota sacked round
whites, 70060c cw*t.; Minnesota and North
Dakota necked R*»d rivet Ohioa mostly 75c
; cwt.; Idaho sacked rusaeta No. 1. un
branded few yalea at 91.10. efet.; Idaho
•lacked rural* No. 1, $1.06 rwt.: Baker
rural*, 91.3601.40 cwt; Michigan bulk
round W’hltea. 750 86c cwt.
Foreign Exchange.
New York. Dee. 8.— Porel|ro Exchanges
; —Steady.
Great Britain—Len*and, $1.56 l,i
. « m
Omaha. Dac. I.
Receipts ware: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep
Official Monday ....11,290 11.84* lO.iGa
Official Tuesday _ 7.08] 13.27s 9.567
Official Wednesday . 6 14V 11.186 6 963
Official Thu red ay .. 6.151 11. ? S*,696
Estimate- Frida/ .. S.oao 6.9^0 1,600
Five d*ys this week.32.67.) 62.*9? *3,930
Same days last week.28 784 59 799 25,391
Same days 2 w'» a 0.34.389 52.909 64,782
Same day 5 w’s a o.38,219 3*.046 4^ 170
Same days year a'o.19.484 32,782 31.227
Receipt* and disposition of livestock at
the 1’nion atr»ck yards, Omaha, v-b, fur
24 hours ending at 3 p. m. December 8.
Ca’tlc H'gs Sh'p Mules
C 'if. A St. P. Ry.. 6 9 .
Missouri Pacific Ry. 4 1 .
Vnlon Pacific H. R. 4 17 4
C. A N. \V\, west. . 27 20 1 2
C. 8t- P., M. A O. 2- h
C\, B. A Q Ry , east 10 b .
C. B. A Q. west.. 14 90 1 1
C~. R. I- A P . east 2 .
C. R- I. A P v est. 8 .
Illitlola Central Ry.. 2 .
C, O. W. Ry. 2 .
TotaJ receipts .,117 8! 6 £
Catt]# Hogs Sheen
Armour A Co. 7 50 1.316 249
Cudahv Pkg. Co .. 4** 21 4T0
Bold Packing Co... 22 3»r> . .
Morris Pkg. Co..... *14 794 459
Swift A Co. £25 963 831
.7 TV. Murphy . 474 ....
Lincoln Pkg Co.... 36 .... ....
Hoffman Bros. 2’H .... ....
Midwest Pkg. Co... M .... ....
John Roth A Sonj. 11 .... ....
F. Omaha Pkg. Co. 21 .... ....
E O. Christie A Son 5 .... ....
Dennis A Francis.. 7 .... ....
John Harvey ...... »»8 .... ....
Muntstnger A Oliver 4 9 .... ....
M o.»K a n. C. A C- • f* .... ....
J. B. Root A Co- 8 9 .... ....
Rosenstock Bros. .. 61 .... ...»
Other buyers . 0? .... ...»
Krebbs A Co. 18 .... ...»
Swift, Ft. Worth..- 61 ....
Armour, Sioux Falla.... 58° .•••
Totals ..^.2,761 6,648 J,"92
Cattle—Receipts, 3,000 hes<1 l?taere con
tii.uo in actt\e demand and today'* offer
ings moved readily price* that were
firm at the week s advance of 26ifi>40e.
F-«t cows and btlfera also continue to
sell well, hut plain and medium grades
were draggy and the general market no
mere than steady. Stockers and feeders
were also rather slow at about steady
prices. Toppy eteera were lacking. Meet
of the offerings w**re fair to good, ehort
f'-ds eelllng from $8,OO09.7n.
No. Av. Pr. Mo. A' Pr
2?.1^17 $7 60 2" . 84“ $7 fir.
IP.l?4 i 8 23 2*.tOO* 8 25
4?!•!...1155 S 40 2ft . ...129S * 6"
21.1133 8 *5 21.1063 « 70
40.1217 a '.o 18.1 227 8 15
21.1873 9 no 15. . . .1900 9 ?,&
21.111? 9 50 24. . . 1305 9 76
18.708 b 75 IS. 783 7 1ft
1*.76J 2 40 6 994 2 8*
h. P91 :* no i. 900 3 2* j
14 . 915 3 50 fc.1010 3 7 5 j
8 . 978 3 86 4.975 4 00 ;
1?. 97.3 4 25 10.874 4 6"
9 .1193 4 65 9. 92b 6 25
14 . 828 ft 25 8.10 47 ft 60
8. 867 6 56 6. 41 J 6 00 ;
?6. 679 6 fio 26.766 7 00
27. 648 7 65
2.1116 8 40 1 1260 3 60 i
1.1370 3*0 1 .1590 8 75
1 .1990 4 50
v. 870 4 25 . S30 5 00
6. 300 ft 25 4 . 1 40 8 00
2..120 8 60 1 2o0 8 7h
1. inn n 00
15 . 544 6 60
Quotation* on cnttle. Choice to prime
beeves, $11.00# in.00; good to choice
beaves. $9.60011.00; fair to good beeves,
$>.00#9.50; common to fair beeves, $6,500
► .00. choice to prime ycarlitiga, $11,250
13.00; good to choice yearlings $9.35$
11.00; fair to good yearlings, $7.7507.60;
good to choice prase beeves, $6.60#7.50:
r*!r to rood grare beev»*. $6.5006.36;
• ommon to fair gras* beeves, $4.0005.25;
grass heifers*, $4.00$ 6.Ou; good »o choice
grass cows, $4 4008 3ft; fair to good grass
cows, $3.50(0 4.49; common to fair cows,
$„■ 25 0.7.40: good to choice lirifere, $7 250
8.50; fair to good heifer*, $5.2607.25; good
to choice con3, $5.0006.26; fair to good
cow*. $3.760 5.00, common to fair cows,
12.0003.40: good to choice feeders, $7.00#
7.80; fair to good feeder*. $4.00 07.00;
common to fair feeder*, $4.500 6.00; good
to choice stockera, $7,000 7.78: fair to
*gnod stockera, $:..7506.76; common to
fair stockera. $4.6006.76; stock cow*.
$2.7603.50; j took heifers. $9.60 05.00;
stock calves. $3.6008.00; veal calvss.
$4.5009.00; bulb stags, etc., $3.260 4.75.
Hogs—Receipt*. 6.000 head. Hogs were
in good demand again tadav and the light
supply was moved early at prices ruling
10026c higher. Light hog and butchers
moved largely st $8.0008.20 with a top
price of $8.26. Mixed load? sold at $7,760
8.10 and packing grades largely at 97.260
7.50. Bulk of salea was $7.9008 20.
Mo. Av. 8h. Pr No. Av. Rb. Pr
40. .37 5 350 $7 26 62..355 300 $7 40
66.. 309 1 20 7 60 4.,..301 110 7 66
81.. 292 160 7 90 67..249 ... 7 95
7*>. 246 ... 8 00 *9..244 190 $ 03
88!1221 . . 3 10 7 9..760 . . . “16
80.. 214 8 20 74 .240 . . 8 25
Sheep and Iambs—Receipts, 1.600 bead.
The light run today consisted entirely of
Od lambs which met with a strong active
demand and cold moat ly 10015c higher.
Strong weight, wooled lamba averaging
around 90 pounds acid at $14.40. with
lighter weights on up t.o $14.86, the top
price. One Jot of fed clipped lambs ave
raging 88 pounds s«M at. $17 76. Sheep
and feeders w f» nominally steady.
Mo. Av. Pr
■ 283 fed... $12 70
198 fed. • • $$ 14 80
Quota!iouK on sheep: Fat lamba. good to
choice, $142.6014.7h; fat lambs, fair to
good. $13.60 014.25; fat clipped lambs.
$12 26012.75; feeding lambs, $13,000
14.0"; yearlings, $ 1O.69-0 12.0", wether;-*.
$7.5008.26; fat eves, light, $6.5007.36;
fat awes, bea\y, $4.O"06.OO.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New York. Per. 6.—Transaction* on the
New York curb bond market today were
a* follows:
1 domestic.
1 Allied Parker 6s.. 75% 75% 7«>%
2 Alum. 73, 132Z-103% 103% !«<«%
5 Alum. 7a 1933-100 100 10O
7 A. G. A K. 6b.... 77% 77% 77%
2 A. L. A T. 6s,v.w. 101 101 101
3 A. Ft. C. «s. 59% 89% 89%
5 A. £. A Ft 5s,w.l. 93% 37% 33%
8 A T. A T. 6a, 1954.J01 10"% .. .
3 Anaconda Cop. 6s. 100% 100% 100*4
8 Ana. Cop. 7s. 19:3.103% 103% 103%
5 An. Am. Ol! 7%s.1"3% 103% 103%
6 Armour A Co. 7s.. 104% 104% ..
28 A. G & W. 1. 5s.. 04 3% 64
4 Bh. Steel 7s. 1953.104% 104% 104%
14 Ph. Steel 7b, 1935.102% 102% 1"?%
1 C. N. R. eq. 7s.. 110% 1C'% 110%
6 C. N. R. Be.99 9 9 93
l Cent, Sleel 8s....106% 106% 106%
5 Charcoal Iron Ss.. 9-% 95% 95%
4 Col. Graph. 3 2 6*1%, 85
16 Con. Gar Rt- 5%s.. 99 o«% 99
10 Con. Textile 8s... 99% 98% 99%
1 C. E. A 5b, 1924.101% 101% join;
4 C. V. A 8s. 13:5.103% 1*3% 10ntx,
5 Cudahy 7s .101% 1*1% 101 %
H Pee re A Co. 7%s..l02% 1*?% _
17 Pet, City Gas 6s..l*1 100%
2 Gen. Asphalt Fs..K»0 100 100
29 Gulf OIJ 7s.103% 103% 102%
6 Gulf 011 6s. . . . 30 94 90
6 T. Ft, T. *«, 1922. 98% 98% 98
13 T. R. T. 5s, otf... 97% 97% . ..
27 Kan. G. A E. 6k.. 17% 97% 97%
14 K. C. P. A L. bn.. 90% po% 90%
7 Ken. Copper 7s... 101 1*3% 104
17 Laclede Gaa 7s,..l0l% in| lOj %
12 L. G. A V7 ?e_ 91% 91% 91%
1 Mo. Pa<*. ho P . . 39% 99% 99%
1 Morris A Co. 7%e.l06% 106% 100%
J Vat. Acme 7%.-.. 9f, 95 06
5 N. C. & S. S» ..105% 105% 106%
1 Nat Leather 8fl ..101% 1<M% joi%
2 Neb. Power ha .. 57% 57% 87%
1 Ohio Power De . 90 90 90
2 Perm Pow . Lt Go 58% 88% 88%
1 Phil El 6* .106 106 105
10 Phil Pet 7% w w 101% 101 % 101%
36 Pb Srv Cp N J 7b 103% J03 103%
1 Robert Galr 7»_ 96% 94% 91*,%
3 Sear* R’buck 7b 23 101 % 101 101
♦ Shaf Farms 6%a 100% 100% 100%
3 Polvay A Cle 8? ..105 104% 104%
13 S W Bel! Te1 7*.. 102% 102% 105%
l fit Oil N Y 7a 26 106% 106% 106%
6 St Oil N Y 7a 27 106 10« 106
4 flt Oil N Y 7a 30 108 10* 16|
53 St Oil N T 6%S ..104% 106% 104%
3 Swiff A Co 71 31.102% 102% 102%
6 Swift A Co 5s 93% 93% 93%
15 Tidal Osage 7s_105% 1<>l% 101%
6 Un Oil Cal 6s ...106% 105% 105%
14 Argentine 7« 23 . .100% 99% 99% I
172 King N’landa ha... 99 9n% 99 1
40 Mexico Gov «a .... 55 54 % 54%
5 Mexico Gov 5s .... 15% 15% 15%
14 Rep Peru 80 .98% 97 98%
11 Russian 6%s. 1* 9% 10
24 Runtdan 6%a ctf* 10 3% 9% '
14 Swi®<* G%.<.103% 1 102
223 U fi Mexico 4a .... 06% 3" %
Omaha Bee I#eiwl Hire.
Now York, Poc. J.—Prices for modt
stocks, for many bonds and for turo
i poan exchange, again advanced jn to
; day's markets, although with eome
; what lessened momentum and occa
i sional reaction. The stock market-,
indeed, gave some signs of weakness
in the early hours, but recovered the
lost ground .and closed as u rule vsith
respectable net advances. Wall street
ascribed the recovery to the rrcsf
dents message to congres*. ith its
somewhat vague recommendations
that railway systems be merged and
interchange of rolling stock and ter
minals bo made.
Presidential met* ages do not aJ
frays mean legislation, but It ts usual
ly the hahtt of a stock market conver
sant with the proprieties to advance
when messages of a duly conservative
sort are published.
P. #1. Bonds .IJiuiK*.
The alow continuing id vanes In United
.States government bonds was, on *h«
whole, a more significant movement than
tbs court* of stock?* Some of tbo Liberty
bc•nd^ have rirth nearly \ point from last
w^’K'b lowest V'ticre nr.d the new 4'*e
whf^b lately .-yUJ tuoig than a point be
t.-W' fh<*lr prjo*. have now- got ba k
within \ point 0f that figure. There we*
al*o 8<*me Bttrrlng In foreign bonds Tbe.
greater number moved up fractionally,
with some of th^m showing substantially
increased activity. Insofar a« advance 1 r»
I r.itee of exchange on Kurope te a factor
in steadying prl«-.v< for «u-h eicurltles, to
I day's fOr« Ign exchange market helped
j sterling, after a (‘inporary reaction, endori
close t<» the week's high ra:e
Paris exchange rose *o the highest in I
nearly a fortnight and the Italian llrn.
practically regained Monday's best pnoo. <
which Teas tbe highest in six months
Tn the weekend mercantile t.rade report i
It is again shown that wholesale business
his Blackened materially while recall bust
n»ss • ontlnues active. Tb^re B^ma to
hive been borne resumption this week of
buying for distant delivery, but as a whole,
the situation teems to he ono 1n which no
«1go of reaction Is visible but In which (ae 1
j Is not unusual a* this time of year! mer- J
ebanta have paueed to get their b'-aringe
rluMi-lil Topi**#.
The approval by the Aaoclation of RaJlj
( wav Executives of the Uo'«tt committees,
. plfn to modify the future work of that ;
i '••rganizatlon and mov# it* headquarters to
I IN aXhingfon m*t with little surprise In I
Wall street. There had been a prevailing !
opinion of late that t.lio arfOCiatlon could
function mere expeditiously in Washing- 1
ton than New York for the peculiar work I
1 n hlcli wan to be it# policy Jn the future,
that is, of a legislative and national na
Transportation quarters reacted moat
favorably to PreslAacr Hardings .sugges
tions regarding the United States railway
labor board on tabued !n Id* congressional
message. There har been a widespread
belief among priutlcal islway offcdalH
♦ hat h consolidation of the rate-making
body and the wago-making body would
'contribute to more unified work and *1<t
in smoothing out many of the tangle# in
the present transportation situation. Tf
the board is not to be abolished the presl.
dent suggested h. move which hag boon In
I considerable favor by executives, namely,
making the personnel of th# board entire
ly of representative^ of the public.
Although the rubber tire and allied ’s- ,
j sues generally move in unison vejth the i
i automobile stocks, the former group mov
! ''d upward sharply because of more fev
■ ofable n- we from the trade. Kelly
cptlngfield tire pained 2t point* whit#
; I nfted £tat*n Rubber, Goodrich. stock*
and the minor sharegp*lno were higher.
| Th* strength in the.'# stocks was iccom* |
i panisd by report* that crude rubber is
now peiiing In this market at a price of
2T cents a. pound compared with a low
price of around 12 ce. »3, reported earlier
in this year.
New York Quotations
Range of prices of the leading stocks
furnished by L--*gan «• Brjsn, 248 Pster*
Trust building
High. Low Close. Close.
A , T. * B F-101** iOO * 101 Vc 100 S
!«. * 0.43% 43 43 4844 '
Canadian raclfr . lit 140% J41 111
N. T. OBtral..... »6', 44% 35% 45
I Choa. A Ohio. .. 61% 65 65 66%
l-Oroat Northern... 84 78 7*1 74
Illinois t'antral.. .107% in;-, 107% 10/
K. C Southern. . 13% 17 17% .. .
jliOhlgh Valias . . . 63% 61% 62 V 63 ,
.4o. Paoifln . 17 16 V. 17 17
N. T. & V. H. . 31% 23% 21% 21%'
No. Parlf!- . 77’, 751., 755, 75%
I C. A N. W. 81% 66% 80% 80%
I Pann. R. R. 46% 44% 46’, 46%
Reading . 77% 76% 77% 76%
C.. R. I. A- P_ 53 51 % 38 38%
Southern Pacific... 87 Vi Sf.*, 86% 66%
Southern Railway. 23% 23% 23% 22%
C.. M. A Kt. P- 23 21 % 336, 23%
Union Pacific... .130% 1 57 158 138 %
Am. i-ar Fdry...183 15 4 1ST 111%
Aiye-fhalraora ... 44% 44% tt% 41%
Amor t.noo. ..... 1 f3 % tan 1235, 125
|Raldi*1n Loon.123 H 321 125 % 121%
! Bothtrhom Stool.. 42’* 61% *.2.4, 6:%
Colo y.. & 1. 26 25 ; , 25 ;
Crucible .. 63% 63 6u’, 61%'
| Am. StI. Filry. 37 38 s8% 44%
Lackawanna Stool. 77 *, 77 77", 7/
I Mi drain Stool ... 28% 27% 28% 36
j Froasotj Stool Car.. .... 7S%.
| Rep. S o T. 4; 16Vj 44% 46%
! Ry. Sri. springs..Its 11; 113 .. .
if. S. Stool.104 102% 143% 103%
Vanadium . 35 31% 34", 34%!
Morr. Seaboard .. 18% 16% )6% 14%
Anaconda .40 4S% « % 4.5%
Am. S. * R. Co... 53% 33 63% o3%
Cerr.j T'« Pasco... 43% 4: % 43 4S
. 27% 07’* J7’4 27%
Chino . 34 33% 23% 24%
Calumet * Aria... 66 65 65 ....
Inspiration . 33% 33% 33',’, 33%
Kennecott . 35% 36% 36% 36%
Miami . 37% ::6% 27% 27
Nevad.i Con. 14% 14% 14%. 14
Ray Con. 13% 13% IJ% 13%
Utah . 62 S 61V 62 4, 62*4
C,en. Asphalt . 46% 45% 44% 45%
Cceden . 60% 49% 60 % *9% I
Cal. Petoroi. 6S 56% 36 SS 1
Invincible Oil _ 15% 16 . 15 % 15%
M ox. peterol.33S 293 137 236 ]
Middle States .... 1;% ij% p;% ij%
Pacillo Oil . 47% (6% 47% 44%
Pan-American _ 99% 97% 99 OS
Phillips . 46% 43% 46% 43%
Pieros Oil . 4% 4% 4% 1%
Pura Oil - 2S% 27% 28% 2S
Rbya! Dutch. 58V* 53 63 *-* 8 8*4
Sinclair Dll . :<2"4 :n V 3*^ 31
standard O N. J..19&V 197V 199 V 198V,
Texas Co. 48% 45% 48 V 47
Union Oil . 18 V 16% 18 V 16 «
White CHI . 4 V 4 V 4 V 4 ‘ i
Chandler . «3V 8!% $3114 ki %
Den Motor?. 13 V 13 V 13 V 13S
, WUfys-Overlard * 6 V $'•» t> 5 V
Pierce-Arrow ... 12** 12«, 12V 12
White Motor .. . 49 V 49 V 49*-*, 49
1 MudebHkrr .1 T» 4 ^ * niv 133V IS “14
RUBBER and ttref.
i Hnk . 1.1 12 v 11V _
|Go.,dr;.-b . 3c V 4*„ 36% 24 H
Kel’oy Spring ... 44 V 42V 44S 4?V
Keystone Tiro. 10 9 V 9% 9
Via** .13:4 U 12 V U**4
U »S Rubber. 6" 01V 52 V MV
Am Rent Sgr. 42 V 4'i 43 V 89*4
Atlantic G A: W I. 2 4 d. 24 2 4*4 34 4
Am Inter C’erp... 29V 7 8 1*9v 284
Artier Sumatra ... 28*4 2gV 28*4 28
Amer Tel .124’, 123T4 124 V 12“ 4
1 Amer Tar .73% 71 73*A 7*
Cent Leather .... 33V 33»; 33% 33\
Cuba Cano . 14 V 14 14 V 14
C|ib- Am Sug ... 24 V 28 V 24 V 2 3%
< orn Trod .132 4 129*4 131V 129
Famous Players . 91’* 91 91 914
General Elec ... . 1S4 183 183 185%
Grt North Ore ... .1 ;-i09; :!1 GOV
Tut Harvester .... 89 87 88 V 89
Am IT A*. T. pfd. 6 2 74
U S Ind A!. 66*4 044 6t»V 64
[ Int Paper . 53 524 G2% r'3,<
Tnt M M pfd . 51*4 SO 61 50 v
1 Am Sugar Ref .. 76’, 74V 76*4 74*4
S^are-Roe .. 81 M04 gj 804
Stromahurg . 56*4 66V 6684 664
Tob Prod . 64 V 51*4 64 V 68V I
West Union .112V 112*4 112*4 114 4
Westing Eleo .... 60*; 6** 60 *0%
Amer Woolen . .. 96 4 9^4 P3V 95V
American Uot Oil.. 18 174 1774 18*;
Am Ap Chm . R6 30 SO 80*4
Amer Llnse*d «... 29 ** 594 29*4 C0*i !
Bkljo R. T. 164 m; 164 17 >4 (
Continental Can . ..108** 104V l*s 1*7 I
* ’*»!. Packing .. ... 80 ,
lot. G. & E. . ..1M% 1“04 100 V l“0*t
Columbia Graph... ?V 2% 2*4 CV»
T'nf*-'J Drug . 78 '•*
National Enamel.. «8 66"; «4 64Vi
United Fruit . . 156
I.orlllard Tobacco.171V 169 171 _
National Lead ...119V 117*4 ll8»i 117
Philadelphia Co... 41 41 41 40*4
Tollman .12 TV 12 F 12774 126*6
Puma Mb. buga^.. 48 47*4 49 <7
South P. C. Sugar. .... «... «... 42 ,
New York Bonds
New York. Per S.—Hea\ selling of
eorue of the Bpeculatlv* railroad mort
gages for taxation purpose., combined
with better buying power tn foreign and
United States g«*\emment aertjtiflea, sa^o
today's bond market an Irregular appear
ance, with only « moderate amount of
buetnere being transacted
?t. T’aul issuer wore 4galo tn free sup
ply, the refunding 4 He breaking
polnte. the general iH®. 1\ end th
convertible 4H**- 1 \ . VTieco Income s.
and Erie convertible 4*. rertee A also
'ver* sold heavily, each dropping 1\
point*', while ne.irjv a dor.eti other active
tow priced liana dropped a point each
The-o were * few cpi'j spots, however,
notably Central New England 4c, which
jumped 3 points, and "Soo” 6H* Toledo.
St I-cuts A Western 4-< and Cleveland.
Cincinnati. Chicago A S*. Louie 4s, all
up more than a point.
Local tractions were weak, but. some
•nod pains war* made in the public util
ity group by Peoples Gas Se and Co
lumbia Gas stamped (>■ Saks * Co. 6s.
Bush Terminal os and Eastern iHugar 7He
were the strong spots In the industrial
group, while Kaiser ,s and Chili; Copper
7b wero weak.
Strength and activity of Mn'nm bonds
w«»r the feaure of ihe foreign group.
Mexican ns advancing 3 point.** and the 4*
and large 5s. t each. Fnarmh bonds also
showed some improvement. rarl*-Lvone
Medlterranean ts registering the largest
The old 4'ie v-ere th© most actlv* In the
Uniter] States go\ernment group, th**
gain* ranging from 14$2<V on line Lib
erty 3He dropped Tc and the others were
Total *ales (par value) were $in,99J»,hOO.
United States Bond*.
(Sali-s (m lUJO") High. I>,w Clou- 1
2?6 Liberty 3%s.100.60 100.34 100.34 '
6 Liberty 3(1 4a.... 98,30 98 20 98.30
"•24 Liberty let t%6.. 98.96 98.82 98 96 !
648 Liberty I’d t%s.. Pm.46 98.30 9v40
M3 Liberty 3-1 4%.-<. . 9S.8S 98 73 99 80'
1390 Liberty 4th 4%e. 98.74 98.66 99.6$
75 Viet 4%fi un«’]ii. . . 100." I 100 30 100 30
27 Vic 4\.a . r].IO0.02 10O.0O 100.on
.26 New 4%a .99.74 99.65 99 70
28 Argentine 7b .100% 100% 100%
1 City of Bergen $*.108%
7 City of Bord tie. . . 78 77 % 7 8
1 C|ty of Chrst 8b...1J0
18 City of Copen 6%s». 90% 9ft 90% •
37 City cf Urr 1‘rg V %a 73% 73 73%
38 City of Lyon:, 6e.. 78% r,H 78%
5 City of Mare 6s.... 78% .... ....
t City of R d J Kh... 96 *
3 City of Tokio be. . 70% .
3 City °f Zurich 6fc.. 112%
M Cshofclk Rep he c<f*i $7 % .87 ....
66 Dept of Setim 7... . 8$ *f,%
16 D of f.' 6% m» '29.101% 101 101%
60 D of C bt. 1962. 99 ’'8%
19 Dutch E Did 63 i7 91% M 04%
20 Dutch E Did *s '6 2 94 93% 04
6J French R^p. »■«, . 98% 14 1?
8 1 French Rep 7%e.. 94% 937- n«
n Hoi land-Am Lm 6a 8*% . ...
■ 2 Japanese l*t l%e. 03**.
40 Japanese 4?.81% $6% $j
61 King of Bel 7%s..]00% 99% 100%
8 King of R ] fa.. . 96% 68 34
0 King of Den fa. 96% 98% 98%
1 King of Italy 6%a.. 01
192 King of N.-th 6a. 99 9$%
12 King of Norway $t»..ui%
8 King of Sweden s*. 10.4% 1 r»41. j
^45 Parla-Lyons-M«.d 6s 73% 72% 7t3
14 Rep of Bol bs. .. 98% 93% 0- I
-cp of C «u 1946.. 103% 1«J3% 105%
8 Hep of Uruguay 8a.. 104%
16 State of Queeni, 7s.. 107% 107 1074
11 State of Queen 6s.. 101% 101 101%
13 State of S P a f 6a 98 97 % 98
8 Cnnfed 8a.... 117%
116 ITKofGRA! 5% *29..111% 111%
42 UKofGBAI b% *37.. 1U2 4* 102%
51 II 2 £raz11 -'‘S7* 98% 98%
14 It 8 of Brazil 7%s . 93% y.3% 93%
33 USofB-O Ry E 7s 87% $6% . ...
U S of Mexico 6a.. 52% 49’,* ; 3
f 8 U S of Mexico le. . 36% 3-,% 35%
3 Am Agr C 7%s....l03 .
28 Am Smelt, 6u. 9.?% 93 .’ *
34 Am^r Sgr 6s.102 101% 1"2 *
I A T A T cv 6a. ... 115% ....
20 A T AT col tr 6s. 9?% 97% 97%
88 A T A T col 4 . ^1% 91% 91 %
13 A W Wks A E 6* . *4% 84% 84% 1
33 Ant Jur Mrg Wk 6« 78% 7 $ \ . . j
t Armour A. Co 4%e. 90
3» At T A B F* gen 4s 89% 89% . . I
1 At Cat Lne 1st -m 4n 87%
•'* Ba’t A Ohio 6b .... 1 ft 1 100% jot j
69 Balt A Ohio cv 4%o 8l *0% 80% i
11 B T of Pa 7s.10*% 10g' 1"S%
1 Beth Steel ref 6s... 93%
II Peth Ste«| p ro 6:,. 93% 9*% 9:’%' 1
6 Bkln Edl gen 7s TE108 107%
6 Bkn Rp Tj% 7e clfs 89% 88 % %$%
19 Can Pao deb 4s.... 79% ',9% ...
3 Cent, of Geor 6e... 100% joft .... ■
6 Cent Leather 6s... 99 ..|
1 Cent New Erg 4a. .65 .... !
^2 Cent Pac gfd* 4o. . . 88% ... , "
7'T Corr da Pabto 83.. 129% 1:*% 12$
80 Chea A. O cv fa... . 93 92%
3 7 Chea A'O cv 4 % a.. *9 8* % 8 9
8 Chi A Alton 3%e. . 26
6 Chi & Alton 5s .... 62
19 C B & Q ref 6s A . 100 99 % 100
24 Chi A E III 60. 61% 81% 81%
30 Chi Gt Weet 4b.... 31% 31% !
24 C M & S P c 6a B 66% 67 6?
125 C M A' S P cv 4 % s. 68 f, 1 %
17 C M ASP ref 4 %a 60 58 %
2 Chi A. N W 7s. ..108:® 108 108%
II Chi Rya 6a . 77% 77
15 C R I A*. P gen 4*. . $2%
44 O R I A P ref 4e. . 83% 83
38 Chi A W (ml 4a.. 75 74% 75
131 Chile Cop 7a -112% 111% 111%
33 Chile Cop 6a . 96% 96 96%
2 C C C ft 8t L grj 4i. 81%
7 Colo A »So r-f 4 %a. . 86% 66%
2 (ol G A El 5s. . . 96 % 96
15 Co is Coal Md bn. . 68% 8*% >8%
17 Cub Cane Sg d 8 90 89 a 89% !
8 Cub Am Sug Be.107 % 10? 1
1 Del A Hud cv 5a . 95% 95%
1 l’ A R O r* f 5e.. 46 % ..
1 DA R G «’on 4s. . 73%
12 Dei Ed ref 6s....lu3% 10.% 105 % ,
15 Det ltd liys 4%e.. 86% ..
4 DIs Sec .’s . 47 %
10 DOnner St ref 7*.. 60% 89% 89%
14 Dpnt Nem 7 %*.... 107% D'7% 107%
It Duiuesne I,t 6s ...103% 103% ]03%
9 Em GAE 7%a ctfo. 92% 97% . ..
*;6 Erie pr Ren 4b. 60% 66 3..%
66 Erie gen Ren 4.«.. 44 % 41 44%
4 Fram I D 7 %r-.... 89% >9 *9^
1 Gen Electric d> b 6«. 10J ...
20 Goodrich 6%e .101% 100% 101%
Retail Store* . . . 7t7i r.8% 71%
Superior Steel . .. 29 29 25 ...
St. L. & 8. F- 22% 21 % 22 22%
Va. Car Cbem.. . 24
Two o'clock ea'fv, 708,80<‘ wharet.
Money—Cloae, 4 per cent; Thursday
clo*.e, 5 per cent
Mark*—-Cloae, .«ft01 6 -1 fl; Thursday cloae,
.0001 &.1«.
Francs—Cloae, .0710; Thursday cloae,
Sterling—Close, $4.57; Thursday close,
49 Goodyear T g* ’31. tg% 96%
3 4 Goodyear T <% ’41..11J 114% 114%
? G T Ry of O 7(-112 .
30 G T Hv of i 6a_104% 103% 104%
22 Great No 7e A .110% 110% 110%
no Great No *%* D..103 101% ]03%
IK H .V M ref 5r A_ 8 4% *3% 8 4V,
23 11 X M adj In.'. 6a 61% 61% 61%
8 Humble O A U 5%a 9« 97% M
65 111 Central 5%a. . .101 % .
25 111 Steel deb 4%?.. 91% .
6 Indiana Steel **...101% 401% 101%
.» Tnt-Met 4 % a . . . 9% .
" > Int M 4 % a ctf atpd 11% 41 11%
?o Tnt R 'T 7r . . . 96 % 96 06%
7 2 Int K T ref It . . 7 5 7 4 ...
50 Tnt R T ref h§ rtfs 74% 74
Tnt A G N adj 6t r\ 1 49% 48% 49%
1. Tnt M M a f 6r. .. 9" s9% 99%
11 Tnt Pap ref % p 87% 87 . ...
4 la Central ref 4a... 35% .
46 KC KtS X M 4a . 78% 75% _
11 K i Southern i>». . . 8 9 54% ....
a K c Terminal 4a... 82% .
Kelly-Spring T 8f.l°7 106% ....
15 Ha oka Steel 8a '60. . 90 69% 90 ;
1 Lao O of. St L let 6§ 92 .
26 Lk ShX MSdebla'31 92% 91% 92% i
2 La-hlgh Valley 6a. . 104 .
4 t^egott A; Myers .a. 97% 97% .
i Lortllard be . 97% ... i
4* Loula A- Non? co... 77 76 77
9 I. X* Naah ref 6»~a.l04% .,
2»> L> * in unified ir .. ?]% «i *1% 1
10 Man Sgr 7%s.. .. P7% 97% . ...
' f Mar St R? con 6e>. . 91% 90% 01%
64 Mid Steel cv of ... 90 M -
6 MStP&SSM *%»... 104% 1*5% 104%
117 MoKATx pr In 6* £ 97 96 % 97
24 MK&Tn p 1 5b A... 83% 83% . ..
.•9 MKftT n a bf A- b9% 66 % 69
25 Mo Pac con 6*..... 98'. 08’., . ... j
30 Mo Pac gen 4s. 03% 62% 63% 1
Z Mon Pur 6s A.... 96% 96% 96% |
10 Nassau E Iiy 4».. 100%
67 N E T & T 1st bs ra 99 98% 98%
26 N Or T A M Inc ba 77% 77% 77%
63 N Y Cent deb 6a... 106 104% 105
117 N Y Cent rfg&Ip 5a 97% 97 97%
14 N Y Cent con 4a... 82% 82% 82%
1 N Y C 4 St L (It) 48 96 .
2$ N Y Ed I ref 6%*..110% 109% ....
2 NYNHAHcvtia’iS ..74 .
1« N Y Tel ref 6s ’41.106% 106%
6 N Y Tej geu 4%s. .94 _ ....
14 NY WePt A B 4%a. 46% 46% -
26 Nor Ac Ho 6a A . . 63 62 63
10 Nor A- Weet cv be,.113 112% ....
19 Nor Am Edl s f 6*. 93% 93% -
Zb Nor Pac ref 6s B..109 198% 1*9
2 No Pac rfgtOp 0* C 99 .
36 Nor Pac pr In 4t>. . . 86% 86% .
. n No St Pr ref f,o A. 9’. % 92 P?%
V Norw Bell Tel 7a...107% 107% 107%
4 Ore «fr Cal 1st 6a... 100% 09% .... I
1 Ore Sbt Lne ref 4s. 91% . ... ....
36 Ore-W HR * Nv 4b 82 81 % ...
1 Otl* Steel 7%s_ 92% .
16 Tar fian *. E 6r. . 92% 91% 93%
2 Par T A T 6s ’62 re 91% 91%
16 Pack Mtr far 8a. 107% 107’,
D Pa. R R 6%e .110 109% 110
SI Pa R R gen 6s. . 101 100% I'M
47 Pa K R gen 4%s . 92 91 % 9 3
4 Pr & KAt inc 4ft... 29 28j, j
2 Pore Mar ref 6s.. 96% 90% 96%
4 Pbl! Co col tr bo .10" 99% ....
1 l’rod &■ Kef 8s w w. 117 % .
21 Pub Service 5*. 86% 8-\ ....
7 Reading gen 4r.. . 84 .
7 R I A & U 4%&. .80%
9 St L 1 *tt & 5 if'. 84% 84 5 4%
68 S L & S F p 1 4f. A 71% 70% 70%
185 St L 4 S F adj 6s. . 74 73 73%
2 44 St L ft S P Ino 60. 60 68% 68% !
40 St Jj 8 W con 4s. . 78
20 S P & K C S L 4%a 61 80% ..
1 S A A A P 1st 74%
23 Seaboard A T, <?n 63 60% 60 60% j
2° Seaboard A h ad 6s 22% 21% 22% .
b Seaboard A L rf 4s 40% 40%
2 Sharon St Hp 8e A. 99
2-* Sinclair Con Oil 7s.l0o% 1 •"»'Ti lu014
38 Sinclair Crude 6%a. 98% 97% 98%
10 So Bell Tel 6b. 96 95 96
38 So Pac cv 4*. 92 91% 93
51 So Pac ref 4fl. 67 86% 67
30 So Pac col tr 4»_ 65% 84% 55%
34 So Ry gen 6%0-101% 1"1 101%
11 So Rv con 5s. 97% 07% 97%
13 So Ry g*n 4s. 67% 67% 67%
.3 So Prt Rc Sug 7s. 99%
3 Stand Oil Cal d 7s.106% 104 106%
b Third A v« ref 4e.. 61% 61 61%
33 Third Avs adj 6s. 67 56% 57
T1 Ttd.w.t.r Oil «H».10SS 1®*
0 rob Prod 1b .ll'V'i 1 <*3 1«3 '*
1 Tol (K. L. A W 4b.. T3*» ..
11 Cl U 4 P (> 4 •! I' 4
87 Union l’ao 1st 4* PIS *1W
11 Union Pacific c 4a "a 94V
2 Un*on Pacific ref 4s 94 V .■»
1 United Dm* 9a.. 115V .
14 I’nlted FucL Oae 6e 97 V ..
1 United Ry T 1 *>a P .... • ••«
3 V S Rubber .... ....
24 U 8 Rubber . .. >'J» J&V * 4
47 U 8 8fec! at t. 103 *4 1»3 1°V*
14 Utah Pew 4* Lt bs DOI* • • ■•* 1
13 Va-Car Ch Uvb '* w 95 V 91 S *
4 Va-Oar Ob ‘.a ctfa 96S »'f*S *'V
7 Wabaah Ht 6a. 97 V 97 V 07 V*
P Went Md 1 at 4a_ *3 03 V **
f2 West Pacific 6s . . V'V l0V
1 Wee* Union 6 Ve... t»9 V .*
20 Watt Klee 7e . . 107 ... ...
7 Wbk-Speu St.-cl 7a 35V 9S
9 Wtl A- C o n f 7 V*r . . 104 l'»3% iO'»V
6 Wll A Co cv Oa... 96V 1'4 9S
3 Wia On geo 4ft ... SOS
Total *.««!** of bond* today u ere 9,n.
999,0On compared wi»h 911.694.00 1 previous
day and *15.996.00') a 2 ear e*o
f bloatn Ntoe-ka.
Bangs of prlc-s of the leading Chicago
stocks furnished bv Logan A-. Frio, ?44
Patera Trust building:
Armour & Co., pfd ...• ••• •®1>*
Armour Leather, com . I01*
Edison, com .. Vi...
Continental Motor ..
Earl Motor . ........ 's
Libby (new ..... • m*
Montgomery* Ward . "1
Stow a rt-Warner . $’4
Swift A Co ... .l®a,4
Swift Lnt .
Union Carbide ...69*4
Wahl . * '4
New York Produce.
New York, Pec. 8. — Butter—Firm;
creamery firsts. S8c to 31c; score, 4*^®
53 V^c.
Eggs—Steady; fresh gathered first*.
SS®65c; Pacific coast whites extras, 66® ‘
•6c; Pacific eo.tbt whiter firsts to extra
firsts. 61<gf.4r
Kansas C ity Produce.
Kanaae City, Dec. 8.—Eggs—TJ whanged*
Poultry—Ken.', unchangrd; springs, un
changed. lc lower. 16® 18c; broiler;, un
changed. turkeys, unchanged
4 blrngo Produce.
Chicago, Dec. i.—Eggs—Unsettled, re
ceipts, 2.663 cases; firs**. 43®6re; ordi
nary firsts, 42®46c; miscellaneous i' 1i>
60c; refrigerator extra*, £9\*c; refriger
ator firsts, 27*f-28Hc.
Chicago Potatoes
Chicago, Pec. 8.—Butt*»r—Higher;
creamerv extras. 66Hc; standard*. lr;
extra, firsts. .« 1 # 5 4 S r , firsts, 46<g U'e;
seconds, 41 ®43c.
4 hlcago Poultry.
Chicago. IV* 3.— rou!*ry~* Alix e lo* or .
fowls, 18# 20c; springs. I?-*. roosters,
12»?c; turkexe. 30o; geese. 3»•'
on that typewriter you are
planning to buy and then get
ours. You’ll find it
25% to 50% Cheaper
We Sell All Kind* of
All-Makes Typewriter Co.
205 South 18th Street
Bus Service De Luxe
Starting Thursday, December 7th
Two Round Trips Daily
Using Latest Type 21-Passenger White
DeLuxe Sedans
Leaves Omaha 8 A. M. and 2 P. M .
(From Boulevard Depot, 1715 Douglas)
4»oes Through— Fare
Millard.Jj5 .50
Gretna .75
Ashland . 1.00
Greenwood . 1.25
Waverly. 1.50
Lincoln. 2.00
11 A. M. and 5 P. M.
(Leaves Lincoln From Lincoln Hotel)
Alao Call® at Ltndell Hotel
(•on Through— Fare
Waverly.jjt .50
Ashland . 1.00
Gretna . 1.25
Millard. 1.50
Omaha. 2.00
White Transportation Company
Brandeis Theater Bldg.
1715 Douglas ATlantlc 9789
r • •
United States National Bank
16th and Famam Streets -