The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 08, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    How to Keep Well
By OR. W. a. EVANS
QuMtioo. concerning byglana. sanitation and prevent, on al disease. submitted
,r' , ”y r»»d«Ts el The Bee, will be answered personally, subject te
proper limitation, wham a stamped addressed envelope is on closed. Dr.
. ™ n“* make a diagnosis aer prescribe lor individual diseases.
Address letters in cars oI The Boo.
Copyright: 1122.
In the Massachusetts Health Prim
er Dr. D. Gregg has a chapter on
mild mental diseases. In the classi
fication of mental troubles by the
Mental Hygiene society, this group
of disorders is ranked in importance
next to the Insanities.
I do not know but they are more
important than the insanities because
they affect so many more people. The
insane are comparatively harmless be
cause they are inactive—they are out
of things. We say that a case of
smallpox in a smallpox hospital is
harmless because it is hobbled. The
Insane are hobbled.
On the other hand, those who suf
fer from mild mental disorders are
not hobbled—they are right in the
middle of things. When, as the re
sult of their disorders, they are guilty
of poor judgment, when they make
wrong decisions, when they get into
jams or fall to measure up to re
quirements, a lot of harm results—a
lot of harm to themselves, their
families, their dependents, and even
society at large.
And what are the mild mental dis
orders which do so much hatm in the
world? They are such Hems as worry,
nniiety, fear, envy, jealousy, covet- i
ousnoss. rage, insomnia, and such. Dr. i
Gregg says that these involve the i
k emotions very much more than they ;
involve the intellect.
How many of us shield our intellec- j
ilia I processes front our emotions 10O ,
per cent?
And yet whenever we do wishful
thinking, worry thinking, fear think
i’ig. envy thinking, anger thinking—
in fact any kind of emotional thinking,
we not only destroy the accuracy of
the thinking, but wo make a path
toward these inner mental disorders.
The disorder may never develop, but
ihe path is there, and the most potent
i f these emotions that flow over Into
ihe intellectual domain is fear.
Dr. Gregg says fears of one sort and
another produce most of the cases of
irdld mental disorder. Work alone or
l>aln alone seldom if ever produce
mental disorder, but work plus worry,
pain plus worry, or sleeplessness plus
worry may result at times in mild ,
mental disorder.
It is not insomnia which docs so
much harm, for the tired brain cells
will rest in spite of everything. It
is emotions mixed with insomnia
which hurt. The individual lies
awake worrying because he cannot
sleep, or worrying for fear that he
cannot sleep—or while awake he is
living over past, unpleasant, painful
experiences or indulging in hates, en
vies. or other emotional storms.
Now all the members of this group
are bad mental habits. They can
he prevented by proper attention to
menial habits beginning in childhood.
Many of them can be cured by the
cultivation of good mental habits.
Have Them Quarantined.
Anonymous writes: "My neighbor's
little boy has had scarlet fever for
two weeks, and a doctor is taking
i are of him, yet they have no sign
on the door. This is the second case
in our block.
‘The father goes to work every
morning and comes in contact with
working men who mostly have fam
ilies of their own. The mother went
to another city to visit her mother,
using train service. She also goes to
the neighborhood stores.
Is not the doctor at fault?
Is there any way to remedy this
without getting my name implicated?"
Send ■ complaint to the health de
partment. Give the name and ad
accurately. You are not re
• INtrwi to sign the complaint or to dis
cis«* W%o you are.
Symptoms of Gallstones.
Jlrs. F. L. writes: “J. what are
the symptoms of gallstones?
2. Can they be cured without an
1. Attacks in Indigestion, with ex
cessive belching. Such attacks are
very apt to appear at night. Attacks
of violent cutting pain in the pit of
the stomach. These pain attacks are
often followed by jaundice.
2. The only way to remove gall
stones is hy operation.
Worms Trouble Him.
A sufferer writes: “I am a man 50
years old and have been suffering
with worms in the rectum. Sorpe
limes 1 am unable to. sleep. Have
taken salt water enemas, but only
get temporary relief. Can you advise
what to do and best time to take yotir
remedies. » '
\ou might use infusion of Quassia
instead of salt solution. It'can be
bought at the drug store. Inject with
it twice a week (separate days) for
three weeks. Before injecting, clean
the bowel by ordinary enema.
Go Ahead and Marry.
M. K. writes: “Where Ole respective
grandmothers of two parties are half
sisters, would it be unwise for these
two people to marry? Do you think
there is danger of defects in their
children ? .
Massage Smallpox Pits.
Mrs.- K. M. writes: ‘‘I would appre
ciate some Information regarding
"My sister had a bad attack about
11 years ago. Since then I have tried
severul creams and soaps. Jsut see
very Halo improvement. . The mark*
Hats, Sweaters, Skirts
January Prices Now
Every Man Know* (T\7*m. ^ ^
Our Quality Clothe. J^LkfQS*QHjjjl
Give VASSAR Underwear
He Knows Its Quality
Mens Gifts Bought Here Please
Star or Manhattan Shirts, Knothe
Pajamas, Underwear, Gloves,
Lounging Robes, Slippers, Mufflers,
Umbrellas, etc., etc.
SAVE and
Your Funds Are Absolutely Qp«n »» account
Safe in This Institution to<1*r
John F. Flack, President George C. Flack, Treasurer
R. A. McEaehron, Vice President E. N. Bovell, Secretary
John T. Brownlee, Asst. Secy. Robert Dempster, Director
Occidental Building & Loan Association
Corner 18th and Harnay Streets Organized 1889
HEELS that arc of new, live, springy rubber,
to grip these icy walks, and soles of stout,
mdlsture-proof, oak-tanned leather—that’s what it
takes to make you comfortable this kind of
Don’t let folks laugh at you, slipping and sliding
on the ice. Come in and have your shoes looked
after today, and you’ll be the one to laugh, for
your footing will then be secure.
The finest work we do in this shop is the Elite
Shoe Renewal. This includes new full soles of fine
white oak-tanned leather, new rubber or leather
heels, as you prefer, and such relining and re
. dyeing as is necessary to restore the original shape
and color.
It costs only $2.50. Full white oak tanned half
soles cost $1.25 and $1.10.
Standard Shoe Repair
1619 Famam Street •• Downstairs
sometimes seem small, but with the
least exposure to the sun they seem
to enlarge.
"Is there any application or treat
ment to have them entirely remov
I ed?"
There is no medicine which will re
I move smallpox pits.
Daily massage with the greased fin
gertips (hay help somewhat.If persist
ed in for a long time.
Common Sense
Determination and Energy Win.
Isn't It true that you do not put
enough force, energy, ginger, spirit
and snap into what you do?
Isn't it true that you do not wish
to exert yourself sufficiently t< do as
well as you are capable of doing?
You would rather go along in an
easy, comfortable manner than to
concentrate on each effort to bring
about co-ordination of your mental
and physical power.
A losing football team often be
comes a winner because the players
have been instilled with the deter
mine, ion to win at all odds.
Half-hearted effort in no matter
howr good an athlete, will not make
him a winner Against determined men
who may have less natufal ability'.
And so it goes through every phase
of life.
It is determination to win which
comes out ahead.
It is not an easy thing, day' after
day, to give every ounce of physical
strength and mental power which you
have but it (s the only way to reach
the high pinnacle which actually lies
within your power If you would try.
Dormant ability is worthless.
A lackadaisical spirit is always a
(Copyright. '1922.)
Uncle Sam Says:
Preps ration of Poultry' for Exhihitkm.
Poultry shows, whether held as ex
elusive exhibits of poultry or in con
nectlon with a state, county or com
niunlty fair, are not only of much in
terest to the public, but likewise play
an important part in the development
of the poultry Industry. In order to
win at a poultry show, fowls must
conform to the standard require
ments for the breed. Other things
being equal, such birds are desirable
both as producers and as breeders.
This booklet tells about selecting
the fowls, preparation, training and
shipping to tlie poultry shows.
Readers ■ of The Omaha Bee may
obtain a copy of this booklet free,
as long as the free edition lasts, by
writing to the Division of Puhlica
tions. Department * of Agriculture,
Washington, I). O., asking for “F. B.
Daily Prayer
forgive, and ye shall he forgiven.—
Luka 0:37.
Our Heavenly Father, we turn for
a little wldle at the threshold of this
new day to be with Thee. Refresh
us with a new vision of Thy face.
Speak to us Thy will tiiat we may do
it. Make all the day cheerful by Thy
presence and fellowship.
We thank Thee for life and work
in such a beautiful world. Clive us, we
beseech Thee, that due sense of all
Thy mercies that our hearts may be
tbuukful, and that we show forth
Thy praise not only with our lips but
in our lives. Perfect us in love, that i
we may conquer aW selfishness and
learn how to pardon as we pray for |
forgiveness •
May our home life be snnclitled to
day. and all the days, by the pres
ence of the divine (Jucst. As we go
out among men to do our work,
touching the hands /ind lives of our j
fellows, make us friends of all—true i
representatives of Thine. Ballast our !
activities for the day with high pur
poses. Show us how to till it with en
riching service, that night may bring
a peaceful pillow. Bless the home life
ot our nation, and all the nations. Lot
every palace, mansion and cottage in i
the whole earth become the house of j
GodVfcnd 'he gate of heaven. Amen.
Indianapolis, lnd.
Parents’ Problems
What course should he followed in
the case of a boy of S who is inclined
t« he quarrelsome?
Why is he quarrelsome? If he is a
nervous child, he probably is more
irritable because he Is in bad health.
Try more out-of-doors life and soli
tary play.
If he has a bad disposition, show
him how he loses what children care
for—popularity and the affection of
his playmates. Sometimes he will he
able to do much for himself if he
sees a good reason for doing it. Show
him how the boy who "bullies" others
Is looked upon. Also how the boy
with pleasant manners has won many
friends. Some boys get the idea that
manliness means “lording it" over
others. If he thinks this, show him
heroes whose manhood has been char
acterlzed by bravery and gentleness.
IlfitilHf'lirn From Nliirht CoMn.
l.axatire BROMO QUININE Tablets relieve the
llf i.lache by. curing the ( old A tonic laxative
and gown destroyer. The box bear* the signature of
E W. Grove (Be sure you get BROMO) 30.—Adv.
Bee Want Ads produce result*.
Kiddies Vi ill Be
Thankful If They
Just Get Shoes
Papa Dead. Mania Not Vi ell
and We Children Need
Shoes. Writes
' Papa is dead and mama is not will, j
but she works every day, scrubbing, j
and we children haven’t any shoes.
We went barefooted ail summer, but
now it is too cold. We will be so
thankful if we just get shoes for
Thus little “Chrissle" writes to The
Omaha Bee Free Shoe fund. This
little girl, 9 years old. and her young
er brother and sisters are in terribly
destitute circumstances in spite of the
heroic efforts of their mother.
The Free Shoe fund buys new,
strong shoes for sucli unfortunates.
Each case is personally investigated
by a school teacher without cost to
the fund. So every cent you give ac
tually goes to buy shoes.
Previously acknowledged 1 V'l It
Mrs. R. 8. D. . 1 nn
F. P Terrill .\ J.«*
MlM 1. A. Nielsen .... '.'Ml
John Bryon Pavla, months old 5 on
Mlnno Luaa school .5.00
Golden rule class, M. E. Sunday
school, Arlington. Neb 2 no
Total. ’.*S96 4 4 j
Batters may he addressed and
checks made out to Free Shoe fund.
The Omaha Bee. And thank you, In
the nunc of the little ones.
Ist lil, in Tyrol, once a popular
rendezvous for Emperor VYnnces
Joseph of Austria. Emperor William
of Germany and Empefor Nicholas of
Russia, has been leased to ati Amer
ican moving picture producer.
And many other useful articles In sur
stock will solve the gift piobleai.
Christinas Greeting Cards and Seals.
The Robert Demp»ter Co.
Eastman Kodak Co.
1813 Fa mam Street.
Branch 308 South 15tk Street.
Buy unripe, sour Grapefruit
when you can get
DRipe, Juicy and of the
Finest Flavor,bearing the
Atwood Trade-Mark
on every wrapper.
Now Arriving in this Market
Buy it by the box—it will keep for weeks
Wholesale Distributor:
Trimble Brothers
Real winter is with us—
Man’s Shop
- Is the
* Best Place
to Select a
Man’s Gift
Today is the day to select that new
^ —and right here you’ll find
W Omaha’s Greatest Values at
The choicest mod
els fro m more
than twenty of
America's fore
most clothing
Sizes for All
Builds of
Overcoats that
measure up to
pour most exact
ing stple stand
ards. Great coats
and dressp coats.
Choose these tinest
imported fabric
In point of style, in richness of
fabric and supreme value these
wonderful overcoats are, easily
the greatest in America today.
No values to compare with these—
that’s the verdict of the vast ma
. jority of men and young men who
take the trouble to see just where
the greatest values are possible.
The choice of thousands
Barker’s Famous
Two-Pant Suits
Snappy, lively styles; rich fabrics;
sizes for every build of men. The
extra trousers double the life of
your suit.
Until ■
9 O’Clock
16th and Securities
Farinam ^ Building
9 O’Clock
Home of the Two-Pant Suit
I r