The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 07, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    - Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Omaha Grain
Omaha, Dec. •.
After aa ear!y dip around yester
day* lot* figure* on more optimistic
Argentine new* regarding favorable
harvesting conditions and lower Liver
pool cables prices steadied, with a bet
ter class of buying in evidence than
for some days. Corn showed a rather
f.rnr. undertone today, with a rather
marked disposition in some quarters
to look for a rally on tlio belief that
•ho technical position hus be* n con
riderobly strengthened. Cash demand
icumins sb w atul prospects are for
an enlarged movement, but the break
«jf 3fj! h' from the high of lad week
is regarded by some as sufficient for
fhn time being.
T> tal receipts at Omaha aero 170
'•ars, as compared with 117 cars last
vear. Total shipments weto 131 cars,
against 02 cars lnpt year.
Cash wheat on ths Omaha floor was
in good demand at the prevailing
prices, ordinary grades selling gen
erally le lower, and tho dark was
HkZe lower. Corn was in fair de
fraud, with prices lc lower to ’3c
higher. Oofs were generally un
changed. lire and barley were quot
ed unchanged.
Xe ? if»r It har.1 t ■ *r, ililpper's
*1. tM, 11 It. 1 CMsmutty 4 * rpr rent
'idcuiii, •! 1H: 1 tar, ►niuttr, & per cent
m Mum 1 r. tiaru I' i" 1 < *r, smutty,
► V:* .*;ht. |l.1.: I f*r. smutty,
111;. cat smutty, Hi.. car It. J 2
No. ; dark hanl: 1 tar, $1.14; 1 rar.
♦ 1.1.1; 2 cm $1.11; 1 far. smutty. $1 It
l rar. smutty $1.14; 2 runs, smutty,
♦ 1.11; 1 car. (smuti . aUtpper'* weight.
♦ 1 I?
So 1 hartl winter; tars, $1 10; i
4 HI*. »t « 4
N'o. „• hartl winter: 19 cars. $1 1
■ ■a r. I; vo v ►* > ;J, II «»R . l tar smutty.
$1 •’«*.
Nn, S hartl winter; 1 car. li\* weevil.
$1 1 i .tr, i* \ i>* . nt hfit ti tular*
$ 1 i* t ; 1 *a . SI.'*!'. 1 ir. 8 mutt v. T>.
jhw* con? tlaiK, $1 "9; 1 far, smutty. $1.09.
So. 4 bard vintrr: 1 car. 1 per cent
hem* finning*'. $1.00; 1 car. 0 9 per cent
Mkrtt ilanidKf. ft r<;.
No. 5 hunt winter 1 rar. 1.2 per cent
h* it, $1 0u; 1 »ax. .’2 per cent heat dam
«ff** S> l •.
No. 2 yellow hard- 1 car, $1
No. 1 spring: l nr. dark. special bi!l
i.tJ $ I 'Jf -. 1 < Mi’, dark. $1-21.
X r 2 spring: 1 car. «l»ik, $1.21.
No. 5 spring: 1 car. $1 la.
No. 1 n.ixrd 1 - nr *( pier cent spring,
*' 2 per cent hard. 5.9 per cent durum,
N*» mixed: 1 fir. $10?. 1 our, durum,
95c: l car. durum, 91*
No. *1 mixed; I nr $ t °S.
No 4 mi\• J 1 car. S l "
>ami !*• n»lx»d: 1- * * ar, must* 90c.
No ! *iuruin: 1 car, red. 94c.
No. 2 durum. 1 car. amber, 95 '3c.
No. 2 white f (.are, t>5l*e, »I>« *1 hill
inn: 7 • ars. ('.5c.
No. J whilii: 1 oar. ‘il special bl’'
trig. 1 • a> e’.4r, }*; i*r < • nt moisture; _
i aw, 6 3c, l? p« r « ent moisture
No. I while: l »,.r, < ... sperlal billing.
No. 2 ; el-low: I . nr, . special billing.
! car. *i 7<-, speo:,il billing, 4 cars, tide,
1 ear, • •- . special billing
No. 3 jellovx: I enr, t.5 1 car, GM-.e*
shipper ^ * Ight. .• '-I1,**, nev
>u. 4. 1 car, die. Is *10 per cent mois
No. 2 mixed- 1 ear. M l car, bi'jvs,
• pedal billing, 4 ours. M N o
No. 4 mixed. 3-5 car, 62c. II per cent
No. t whf'e 1 ear, Pike.
No. 3 while. 1 iai , 40 ».**, special h .:
fpg. 8 cars 4 *«,
No. 4 while: 3 cars. 3?,-ve.
Sami'i# white l car. 4*V, special bill- i
l»«; 1 cor, 37>4c, ? per rent h^a damage,
No. ?: ? ears, 7he.
No. S: 1 car. 7'*
Sample: 1 ear, . !»c.
M U lotf. )
Week Tear
Receipts-— Tod - *. A*<* Age
WhMt ... ...... 6 2 71 27
i'npn . . . .7: 92 T?
• ‘»?H 4 1 ?
Ry* . , . 4
Itorloy ... 5 1 o
Shipment* -
Wheat.4 > 54 r*8
Com. 4*> •*. 4 1
f »ats . 5 4 25 9
Rye ....... . . 4 *. N 0
Btrliy ....... ? 4
(Bushel* )
Wheat .1.419.000 2.329.000 *88.008
• ‘orn . 1,337,000 *69.000 1,573,.)
<»Ht* 691.000 781.000 471.000
Wheat . .. .1,709,000 1,829.000 844 000
1 *>rrt . 531.000 668,000 686.000
Gate.pno .*94,000
Wheat, Flour. 370,ono .... 1.012.000
»’oru . t.9,00® . .. 214.000
Oats .... 80,000
Wh«it . . 1 9O.646.OO0 1 9 7.008,000 190*24.8.000
C»rn ... 12.8 4»i,000 1 2.623.000 18,797.000
(.k»U . . 46.512,000 4 7.MI.000 kt.5*7,000
Week T^nr
Oarlot*— Today. Ago Ago.
Whew! . 3*; s 20
• 'fra ..72? 146 4**7
'kWa . ill 111 95
Wheat ..1 49 24* 183
<*mrn . 3 6 19 5?
(JUM*. 20 41 3
Wheat ...102 1.4
»'orn ...71 39 77
o*t* .. r.o
Minneapolis •'* »» 4 15 11*1
IXHuth .. :74 U 278
Winnipeg 1.196 1.970 1.542
TarpfOt ia« tuul Hot-in.
ftiTinnah. On . Dec «—Turpentine
Virm. |1 3*; • .tie*. 1.778 barrel*; receipts,
119 barrels; shipment*. 39 barrels; stock,
13.349 barrel*.
Kf*#in—firm; sote« 1.197 cask?: receipts.
2.14.'» 1 asks, shipment*, none, stock. 109..
222 casks.
tj'uote— 1$. T>. s:..K'. r. • 13.12’,.
FT I. 95.1 ; K. 9 20 ; M, 5' ■’>: N. IB.Bu;
WO, ts.le; W\\\ f«.5$. i
Says Tanlac Put
Him Back On
His Feet
t firmly believe Tanlac- saved me
frdtu a complete breakdown.” declared
Ueor*e f’argx#, IMS Sidney Street. St. ,
Loots. Mo.
••My appetite failed me and 1 got no
ruouruthment from the little 1 did
manage to eat. I had a persistent
,,til that worrieil me for months. I
kept getting weaker and losing
weight, and many a day 1 drove my
self through my work when I should
i-ave been at home.
"Hearing so much praise of Tanlac
I decided to try it and now 1 am
brimful of energy ami strength. 1
h*vo a big appetite, everything
agrees with me. I sle. p sound every
night, and a heavy day’s work never
tires me. I can't say anything too
good for Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.
“Thu Ccr^tor' rj*at*
wmmm '**T Tii- Utaaaiaii Far IJaaarvaaA
A ru—r iFariaa indtlu ■ i i la rJ5 daaa
"OtBTA" Du. 2* Hank Ml
“OtOCTU" Ju I« FA 21 Aufl U
"OKA" IMtl Mw 12 A It I
Chicago Grain
Be* I4MM*4 fflr**.
Chicago, Dec. <►.—Sentiment among
grain trader! was much more friend
I ly to the buying aide and whiio there
l vm nothing in *h# newe lha* wa#
I construed as radically bullish, the
! markets showed a very firm undertone
i and while holding within narrow
I limit# early closed strong with net
j gain# of 1 on w heat, \ <ji 7*«
! on corn, l:2*$ai*‘ «>n oar - and 1 \o on
1 fye.
The greater part of the news early
wns of a bearish chauimter. I.iver
1 pool was ■'* Pld lower with Argentina
wheat pressing for wale at lower flg
uiea than last year and weather in
Argentina was reported as favorable.
There was no material pressure on
the market, however, with the sur
plus gradually absorbed by local
4 l©%>« Top.
Toward the n ;t the inlrodut non tif
tha farm * rtdifc bill and reported rains
in Argentina icj^.l rather general buy.
’1X4 un.l with renewed short covering the
i ip*.' wa« within a fraction of the top
ii"tid:nnn> report construed ,xs bul
llah, sbowinr 4F00 0 acr-'s in whiter
wluat. a reduction r.f around 10 per rent
from last y**.tr. Kxt-ort demand wki fairly
active* with 700.0110 to SOP,000 bushels
Xiariltobiis sold The (Peek order has been
postponed for tw . week •
bu k of the tii-d** ir corn was of a
local chiu a ft- « *li» be-1 support cotn
ltix: from si o,-\s There were intimations
of a l.vtti rnicnt in the corn demand at
the sen I oard an 1 gu.l while the country
•‘d. 'vo1 no diKp*v- it ion t<» w*U fi nely to »*r
i * vp. Tlit* market a< t*d sold out a good
part cf the day and It took but little
buying to start upward. Omaha r**
•■ortrd a renewal of in*- far we«to»n de
• xml. bpot gra.n »•..*•".** w a* unchanged
her*, with receipts, 307 cars.
fJoodman'K report showed ,t decrease
of 11.3 per rent in the winter rye receipts,
with a condition of s;,.? a.1-* mst 0_* 2
la -1 year. This had some effect on fu
tures. but the main bullish influence
was the persistent billing by houses with
1stern connections and reports of a large
business In sight with bids fop big lots
within a fr» tm:i «i a ce; t of n -i,irking
bas .s. Th«* dn uorthwi stein markets re
ceived 142 ca-t».
'>*ts wore tlienc*d mainly ty tr.c a •
tb>n of ot.ur grains and av *rut.• J higher.
Shipping man 1 u 111 !-* slow, out the
bnsia cm unchmged in the sample mar
ket. Receipts, 03 eats.
Pit Note*.
<in n traders expert a further rally be
f're the short side <-f wheat and coin will
be sat’ Action of the market impresses
• nut t r ol traders that then •- ha - hi on
til" raJ liquidation and a great deal of
l,car pr> s.Mure without * iting anywhere.
\ number of the largest .-h'.rfs <ov
without the trades in the pit detect -
mg i* and await a further bulge before. .
• cl ling again.
I: was said that several large local op- j
era tors have big lines of wheat and corn ,
o it and that th« technical position in]
''•‘‘•at was against them. The trade haa
“■porta of large eastern holdings of Deeem
’ r and May w'li .i» and that the scattered
'■^8 inter s' in I>-< Miib- r corn has been
r“ " In d It was not so » asy to buy either
«*r 1 r.s touay without affecting values.
A move for !h>» immediate relief ,,f far
mers through the cr« ithm of a. 560,()00.00t)
f ind through the 12 federal I »an banks
Li h potential turn of approximately
<••00.000,Out* wfh late • a Mas r parting rain*
*' Argentina. were the •unstruetl v.> fea
’ ires in wheat at the last. Few In the
'rub- had the late Argentina news until
if: r the finish. The trade regards the
f u in (’..(lit niova as bullish. There is also
• prospect or h for :gn credit bill being
i"’" lur* il .t to ((’tigress within a few
a - ; ich v fxtepd long credits to for
(..i buy iri of grains.
'VJibe, them his been liberal selling of
"rit on prospects of increased movement
fi'uit the lut 'rior theft- is a Iso a good sized j
• Ming of December and May. Slowness in
tie rash demand tv re and in the east at
• mes offj*’ts the buying In the west for
'i I'tir :.* to tho north 1’aejfic coa&t state.**
I to Wyoming. A Midden revival In the
uivf-rn buying with Hales of 30.000 bushels
■« « mali » today In the fate of Tuesday's
*■ h d••■daring that the demand had
: -rn (fled surprised th*- trade. Inquiries
were there for corn for shipment extending
Into February.
A UlrmtTtgham (Ala.i grain man says j
: In "Uth Will buy a lot of fe*»l this sea ;
n, although not ns mut h hh many in
■V. trade think Trad*' in cornineal is
irh* an«l in foodstuffs p* nerally good.
H’ ports from ( ornnv'al millers from all
the country are of dull business.
T' ol" in oaitmai wh A h has been large in
-lowing up ns is u. i u at this season.
r.y Updlkt Grain • <■ DO 2627. P< c. *.
\vm .
Di • 117 I 1.18% 1.16% 1 18%; 1.17 %
1.17%| ; 1.17% 1.17%
M.,'- . ’ I 1 % 1.1 b % 1.14% 1.16% 1.13
1.14V 1.18% 1 13%
July 107 | 1 OS 1 06% 1 08 < 1.07
1.07% ' 1-07%
nyft i
|>. .83 • .-4% .82%. M% .R2%
M«v •«. % .87%' .86% .87 V .66%
.86 Vs' l
; LVi ■■ ** "i> .69 '« . .68% .*9% .68%
68% .69%'
May 69% .68% .63 V .68%
. 6*3 % ! .08%
July .68% .69 8, .68%! .r*9%' b&%
! 63%'
lOafs I
• 12% 42% 12% 42%
I Mav ’ 42% .42% .42% .42% .42%
Juh , . :♦% .40 I .29 %| .40 .39%
Jan. 10.10 10.10 ’10.00 10.00 10.10
Mav 10.22 10.22 10.1 7 10.20 !t0.jj
Kills I I !
Jan. . I. . . . . ■ • 9.63
May : 9.00 9.60 I 9.30 . 9.30 9.60
Kansas < ttv Crain.
Kansas City. Mo. !*»•,• *. Wheat—Cash,
N.. 2 hard. $t.1001.18; No. 2 red, 81 10
't 1.20.
C«.rn—No. 3 white, 61 He; No. 2 yellow,
71 <t. 71 Ho.
Minneapolta Crain.
Minneapolis, J >€**■■ *». — Wheat—( a h.
I northern, Si.l* H fa‘l-2.»H . December,
II May, $i i:>S
Corn — No. " yellow, ti’ift ‘C>Hr.
• »a(s—No. J white. 37 H to'39Ho
Kye—No. 2. 79(& 79 V
Flaxseed—No. 1, $2.30 H & 2.St \
>f. 1 <miI« (train.
St Lou!'* Mo, Dec t. — Wheat—Close:
t» • l.v*i bid; May. SI. 13 V
Corn—Dec, 70'gc; 'In." C 9 ’-a 37 9 \ bid
Oats—-L>*c.. 43’jc nominal. May. 14V
Minnwpol'* Hour.
Minneapolis. Dec. ft.—Flour—Mark l un
Bran—30 0 23.00.
New 1 orK 4 offer
New York. Dec. ft.—The market for
• fit e futures opened at an advance of
to l j points on rrport-* of firmer Hit*
\ hangc rates and ,i f’rmer cost and
t.light s'tuation. About December no
Pcoa were reported in .-it < ulation. bow -
ever, and evidently led to gome early
month liquidation. Tint- was some --dl
>ng of 1 at• r months of December buyers,
but while December declined to 9.4ftc or (
* points net lower. May held steady aft* r
in trig from 5.27c to 9.20c. The genera!
market rinsed tut ft points lower to b
points higher. Sales were estimated at
Pmiit S33.U00 hag?.
D • • mb.-r. » ft • . January. 9.74c; March,
a i , yiA , 9 *_*Ic; July. 5.92c: September,
ft. 4 fir.
Spot coffee steady; I’.to 7*. 11c. Santos
4*. 1501sftc._
New lork Sugar.
York i rhe raw auga
• »<!y .with <'ub*« quoted at 4*-. cost and
freight, equal to T He for centrifugal.
• ling -us light an-1 the only sale re
port «*d a lot of 6,000 bag* of Cubas
in port.
With »he exception of January, which
’ v as •toadier under liquidation, raw sugar
future# wore -teady utt covering and trade
l.uyIn~r Final prb f* were s points loner
on January »n»l l to I higher on other
positions Closing. January. 3.61c; March,
May, 3 60- . July, 3.6lc.
There were no changes In refined sugar
h la listed at T.lOc to 7.2®c for tine
granulated, with the demand still light.
T’ t-l.i'K in refined future# consisted of
10 lots of May and 10 of June at T.lOc.
New York Dry Good*
New York. Dec. 6.—Gray cotton goods
tv ere easier today, especially on some
print cloth and hat sheeting numbers.
Trading was light. Yarns showed We
stabihtv with demand light There was
m - e • t. . in knit goods for fa l. Silks
were nerally quiet. Apparel manufac
turers r-.-ported an irregular and fitful de
mand for small lets. Burlaps were bare
ly steady.
tln«ha Hr— 1 Wire
N>w York, Dev. H—As has happened
on several recent days, the movement
of real siyraficanv* un today's finan
cial markets wvie in foreign exeliange
icul Liberty bonds. The stock market
recovered rapidly after reaching still
lower price* and it closed at respect
able net advances for the day. but the
»tr* I; market's fluctuations ale just
•tow pretty m-ixiiaible as a measure of
real conditions. The day's further ad
vance in Kuropenn exchange rates,
however, was at least a commentary
on lately prevalent ideas regarding
Kurope, a.ol tin* steady rise of the
l 'nited States bonds, kuh jssui and olil
ones alike. Indicates tlu> character of
our own investment situation.
Sterling touched $4.SB*., making its
advance .'sic in a week and 1 0%c
since the second paymeiT of interest
money was made on N >venibcr 15.
Dutch exchange neatly' rcacned parity;
Swedish exchange temporarily went to
the highest premium yet quoted. The
franc ntnl the lira advanced percept
ibly. The German mark held around
the price of .001 from which it has
hardly varied in tv. i weeks.
Kfi’RTery Automatic.
Th# late recovery In stock* which left
thy market with Home Rubstani !al net ad
vun<TS. was ascribed on the Stock Ex
change to Secretary Meihtn a icport, its
failur<- to r-coiMiu* ml new taxes and its
suggestion ( f reduced .surtaxes on income.
More probably tli** r**euv .-r\ was anto
lea8 were known
I’or w» II known r.-o ,utt. the condition
of t ho Iron market in iegn*nl both to
movement "f production and movement
of prices is a i • • j• tI ns reflecting or fore
shadowing the course of general business.
If output ale no is taken .is the criterion,
today's statement of November's pt educ
tion is altogther reassuring. It is the
largest of .-my month sin*.* Nov-mber.
ck< ppt l<»r tiiiD months of that
excited industrial period. It is the largest
since th* reaction aft«r th** armistice in
the ••arly month* of 1912 t'om j a rod with
Nyv.'inlipr of IU21, av-rage daily output
v. in doubled lost month nd tlm dally
capacity of loctmb-r l \* «* larger by
2.14'> t*»nr or J , pc* vent, than Novem
ber's daily average.
hull Street Topic*
Although th«* entire motor group moved
with th- general market, "ertain issues i
in this '"ass forged far aluad of others. |
Studuhaker. for instance, c!o& -d with a
i.. t gain of . ’i points on Ip .ivy buying
order.* in the afternoon. Chandler gained
l7*. while tne other motors \oio higher
in proportion.
According to dispatcher! from St. Paul
late toda\. the Northern directors
will tuk- up the dividend question at the
regular meeting on lAcember IS. St. |
Paul officials were quot'd as expecting!
the regular 7 per cent annual rate to he
continued, hut in Wall street the report !
persisted that a change would be effaced j
At the local offices of th - cronipn ny. it J
".Hit reported that tio .-.nnoun* ■ement ha i
been received regarding the dividend J
Knilroud operating official* " ere enabled
to chain a more accurate p tin- of th*
course "f the shopmen's strike than they
have had heretofore, through the report
of the Interstate Commerce commission
on onipb'Vcs and wages in September. The
tc tal numb- r of workers during this
month wa* l.7' .v. r*9 I, an iipu ca.'-e ..f 114.
517. c.r . J i" r rent over th-* nunp' -r re
ported for the pr* • • din« month, while the
tctal - - m pi-nan t h-n paid th*.-e men vvat
more than $2158,700.00O, an increase of 6.1 J
po rcent.
Live Stock
Receipt? ‘we— * .‘attic-. H*'g*. Sheer
Ofllcfal Monday . .lE.'d 11.946 10f4"> j
Official Tui .*jd ay* . ... 7.0RI 13i.j 9.667
Estimate Wednesday 5.6'*o 9.5no !
Three day? this w* ck 27 951 *: 1.721 27:.
So days last week 22. .‘>18 2 .'.97 3 21.952 1
Se day* 2 wks ag*» . .29 884 '••.*.238 41.890 ’
s.> daj* 3 wks ago 34.5S0 19 .‘•S3 .’>,303
Same days year ago 14.".26 14 .*31 2 1 7.897 i
« attic—Receipt m 5.6'*o head. Mod rate
supplies, c older weather and n.or< < m-our*
aging ailvii-*? fr**tn eastern '• f murkftn .
were favorable fa torn In th* trade and *
huKine?? \\a* active at strong to 15c high
er than Tuesday all around. Good corn *
feds sold mound $10.on and even the
plainer lots mowd more freely than early
it. the w* *-k. ’Hu re was a good demand
for Stockers and feeders. price? were
steady to strong for anything at all use
f\i4 in this lire.
Quotations --n cattle: i'h«dee to prim* ,
beeves, $11.00 ft£ 13.t'0 : good to choic** j
bfovi's. $i*.f>o "o> 11.00; fair to good beeves, i
is.oOQ’9.ri»*. common to fair breve.-, $6.2 3 |
<*/ 7',:.; choico to prim* y*arUngs, $11.::*'
47' 13.00; gor.j to choice yearlings, $9 25Q> :
11""; f .«r t»» good y.-avHng'i. >7.;*or/
9.25; common to fair yearling*. $'*.76Q
7.50; good to choice grass beeves, <6.504/
7 S't fair to good grass boe\ - 5**4;
('• 25: common to fair grass beeves. $4 00Q< 1
7.25. gru?a h'ifers, $ 4 on r<\ *-. O'*; good to j
choice grass <*ow« 8 1 405.25. fair to good J
grass c,>\s, $3.604/'1.25; common to fair'
grass cnvvs, 32.00 3:5; good t<» do* *•*■ heif
••t’?, $6.75*46 8.00 ; fair in gnn.J h* f* r?. $5.On |
45 6.75; good to choic.- ecu . $5.00Q 6.00'
fair to good cow?. $2.75m .00; common to
t tir •<■»%*?. *: "*» 3.25; good to clu-i* • f-ed
cr •. I6 90Q.7.50; fair to good feeder?. $5.85
H 6.75; common to fair feeder?. $4,734?*
6.75; good to choice atocknrs. SC.76Qi7.6i1 *.
fair to g • *o*l stocker*, $3,754/6.50; com
mon to fair sleeker-*. $ 1.50 (ft 5.75 ; stock
oiw * $2.7550; stock heifer?. $3.50*h
0.60 : stork calve*, $ l'QS.00; \ *-.• [ c«l\*s.
J l 50Q 8 76 ; fculIs, stag*. * f • $ » 7 *
.Vo \ v. Pr No Av. Pr*.
28.,828 (i 00 10.... .745 7 00
3 8 . 7 7 4 7 2 5
V>. 79*j 7 7 5 19..917 8 00
• * ' •
1180 K 50 20. . 1400
20.1 365 8 70 20. 1 1 60 H 75
39.1186 8 90 18 . • • l 00
i .137 1 9 1 5 21 . 1010 9 40
5. 1164 10 00
6.. 478 6 75 r,.. 818 7 GO
_■ I . . . . 90?» 7 75 20. . . 933 9 25
! I9..... 859 12 00
; t ,. 840 ‘ . ) * S68 .75
•t.I IPO 4 00 9.1046 4 1-5
1 .1230 .* no 1116 .* 25
It.1202 5 25 4 1340 5 76
10 . <17 8 1 7 7) C .... 67.» 4 MO
5.1:20 5 25 2... . 490 7 73
9. .... . 5M8 5 35 17.1139 6 0(4
1 .... 1000 3 50 1 .... 1710 4 50
4 . . . . -7 7 1 50 '2 < 17. il 00
i..10" 0 0" I. 38" 7 00
1. :*00 7 0 f. .... 150 8 00
4. 16 5 9 no
11 fdrs.1002 7 33 19 fdr* 782 8 73
Hog*—Receipts 9.500. Trading w t. slow
and druggy throughout the full session
tcda>. I"it with prices ul><>ut. steady on
all grade*. Digit* hogs and butchers so d
largely at $7.*'.7. q 7 90 w ith i top price
f Mix l load* moved at $?.2d$t
7 t'O and packing grades largf’.y a* 66.77)
07.25. Bulk of sales were $7.5007.90.
No. Av. Sh Pr No. A'1 Sh. Pr.
56. .••26 . . . f* 7 o 26 . . ’ 7 7 7 0 t, ho
5.1. .316 70 7 23 4 7. .:»2 V 7 50
7*;. .16 1 . . 7 7 7. 7a. .21 4 7 80
69. 219 7 8 5 7.6.. 2 "2 . 7 90
Sheep—Receipt* 6,300 head. There \va*
a good demand for />»t lambs today ind
trading waa f.iirly active* v. ith bulk of
sale* Ht an advance of 10015c Fed
'• o.)ld lamb* niovtd largely at $14.35 50
14.00 and clipped lamb* at $12.50 with
b *t quality quoted at $12.65. Sheep
were strong to 25c higher with movement
largely at $6.7507.00. Aged wethers sold
a* $c«»<
Quotation* on sheep: Fat lambs, good to
choice. $1 4.25 v» 1 4.65; fat lamb*, -.tlr to
rood. $13 000 14 25; fet clipped iamb*.
$1 2 25012.75; feeding lamb*. $12,500
013.75; yearling*. $10.50012.00: wether*.
I • . - • - r •
fat ewes, heavy, $4.0006.00.
No Av. l’r. No Av. Pr.
65 fed 119 TOO 1 fed. 120 6 85
Sioux 4 Ity Live Stock.
Sioux City, !a . Dec 6.—Cuttle—Re.
cejptg, 3,oo*) h**ad: market steady to
weak; go**d f*d steers and y< :ii lings.
$10.00012.25; warm* d up st*-er.«- and
yearling*. $5 75 0 s.O" : grass cows and
heifers. $3.50fr5.oo; fat cows and heifers,
$4 5ti(9i S. 1*0 ; cat tiers, $2 250 2.75; real*.
$4.0*i i/9.00; feeder*. $ • 0006.75, culve*. <
$4.00 fu 7.; feeding cow 9 and heifer*.
$3 00 it 4.25 ; stacker*. 4.500 $7 00.
Hog*—Receipt*. T.rno hc*d: -teady to
strong, butcher*. J7 7" a . top, $7.95;
mixed. $7.500 7 75 packer- 77 0007 50;
weste*n pigs, $-* ' >• bulk. $7.5" P. 7 9ft
Sheep and Lainl-t—Receipts. 500 head,
t teady.
New York Bonds j
NET YORK. 1**0. 6 — Marked irregu
larity < oi.tmued in today s lond mark*
*cute "*akn*?-s of a numbtr of th* ape-ri
ve railroad mortgage® being * mint* t
'balanced by the strength of foreign and
\ nii d f-ttate® government securities and
x better ton© among industrial linens.
Trading "hr comparatively light, but
'the restraining etf*vi Imposed by the un
certainty of tb*- government's new finan
| ring was removed aft*r the mark'd
' i josed by the announcement of a to "
i Iss-uo on December ti.. of $7'><>. unf'.ofMj !n
1 hurt loin nor#?* < »f this sum $» *.onn O" >
: " {;! , , i -ivi of two issues of < eitific it* a
1 of indebtedness, one maturing in three
months with a coupon rate of 3Va per • »‘m
| .md the other mcuring in on- year with i
1 t |*> r i tM coupon i Mibs• -ripi'ons
will bo a* * epi*'d for the full $.U'0.iM"»,oO 1
'in * i * • try notes with the government re
Kervir the ri^ht lu n o .i*1 #1 i11*• t i* iioii? 1
t for ail th victory W p* r cent notes.
$7uO,a(jO,fMio of wh:» h mature on that dau.
th*t aio offered for exchange.
St. Paul. Erie ami Frisco issues were
tho hardest hit iitt the reactionary move
ment in tii© railroad group. St. Paul
1 debenture 4-. the 4s of 1925. general 41.-s
and convertibles l: a and .>« dropped 1 to
. % points 1:it** general is anil conv rtitlo
4s. series A. It and l>. I to 1 %, and Frisco
i Income Gw and adjustment *s 1% to '2
points. Frisco issues with sold on pub
lication i-f a poor earnings report for
the first four months of the new fiscal
y. tr, but there Mas no apparent outside
! t eason for the weakness of t ho St. I’aul
rind Frio groups. Seaboard Airline stamped
4s and Louisiana ami Northwestern Ge
also wore under pressure.
Oil and c<ipper company lien* make
good progress in the industrial division,
gains of 1 to l1-* points being scored by
.Mexican Petroleum xs, Pierce 011 8s Mar
land i »i! 7%h with v. arrants, Chile Copper
i.i and Cerro d* 1’asco kh.
Forc;gn bonds improved In sympathy
with tlm higher exchange rates. Cains <>f
1 to 1 % p.lints were made by Cuba rail
road 7 % *. Anton Jurgen t»s, Mexican os.
Frame ri« an 7%s mid Ho!lard-American
fs. iiut Cuba railroad f»s were \>eak.
Km * pt for slight recessions in Liberty
'%; iiul the new government 4'«n. United
Stole government securities improved 10
to 1 s cents nil 11 00.
Total sales (par value) were $11,813,000.
I', 8*. Bonds.
High. Low. Close.
49.: r.ibeity '* *h.HK>.40 100.30 100.30
>f» liberty Jst 4'|S.. 98.64 98.56 98.60
920 Liberty 2d IQs... 98.16 97.98 98.16
."••I - Liberty 2d 4 .. 98 74 98.G6 9.8.70
‘>72 Liberty 4tb 4Us.. 98.0" 98.22 98.02
2D. Victory 4%s un.... 100.30 100.24 100 30
20 Victory 4%* call.. 100 . .
*2 > Argentine 7** ....... 1 00 % 100% 100%
in c.i*> .if Bergen,K% . ...
'2 1 «'ey of Herne 8**.. .11"% 10"% 100%
City of Bordeaux t.s 77 % 7 . ■* ....
I'. Clfv of Chris 8 ....10,8% 108 1"8%
4 city of Cop G%s. .. . 9m* po . ...
(> City of bt P 7 % s. . 7’ *
6 City of Lyons 6s.. 7> 7 7s* ....
11 City of Mar 6s.... 77 * .7% 77%
3 C of u de J Ss. 97% 5T% _
city of Zurich Rs..l12 .
li Cz. ch L 8s ctfs. .. 87% 8 7 .8 7 %
> Danish Mun 8s A 1"8 lOT% 10H
3" Dept i.f Seine 7s.... 86 85% ....
9 6 D of C 5 % p n ’23 .101% l"l l"l%
G4 I>om of Can Ga '.'2 99 °x % 99
23 D K1 Ind 6s '47. M% 9 4 94%
4 G D E*»t I ml «s ’62 . 9:; % 93% .. .
171 French Rep 8^.... 98% 97% 9“ t
7 7 Ft * nch Rep 7 % a. . 94% 9 i ■% 9 4
11 Holl-Amtw Line ♦>* 8x% kx% S.x%
4 6 Japanese 4s. . M% 8"% 81%
.: 1 k tie Be! 7%s_10o% 10" 1"" %
2 t K i tig Of Bel t.s . . . . 9% 9 5 % 95 %
lu King of Den Us ... 9k% 9s% ....
1 King of Italy 6%s. 93% .
167 King of Noth 6s.. 99 98 % 98%
2 King of Norway 8s. 110 ..
1 King of Sweden Gs.l"t . . .
129 1* I. -Modi ter 6s..... 7 2’ % 7 ! "* 7‘2%
30 Rep of Bolivia Ss. 93% 93% 93%
2 Hop of Chile Ss '46.103% ....
1 Rep of Uruguay Ss 1":?% .
X State of Queens <iH.10l% 10 | ....
9 State of 8 P s f Ss. 96% 9»» ....
'I Swish C * • n f • ■ d 8s... 117% 117 11 7 %
8 7 UK.dBAl • .%S ') 111' 111%
iw UK A* BA* 15 % s • i 7 .. i »*; i".'% ....
?8 U S of Brazil 8s ... 98 % 98% ....
G ' U S of Brazil 7%s. 93% 93% 93%
28 US of Be' Ky F 7s 87% 86% 87
• US 49 4 3 %
2 l S of Mexico 4s... 35 .
Railway ami Miaoellaneous.
'J Am Apr Chm 7%sln2%
; Amir Smelt . ». 9' 92% 92% I
18 A mer Sugar o* ....102% 101 % 1°2%
hi \111 TA T e v 6s.... 11 3 11 4 •;« 115
.1 Am TAT col tr op.. US 97% ..
16 Am TAT col G . 91% 91% 91% I
1 Am VY W A E fis. 8 4
1*;< Anton Jurgen Os • 79 7 8 • ^ %
.'9 Armour A Co 4%s.. 9" 89% ;
77 A T A H F g-n 4s.. 89% 88% 89% ]
I A T A K F adj 4s. . «2%
41 Halt A Ohio '•> . .100% 109% j
• 8 Unit iv Ohio i v 4%s H"% 60% ,80%
H. 11 T-! I’.nn 7s. .1"*% 1"7% 108 % i
:: H-th St ref fi.s. 94% 95% ••
3 Ret a Steal j> m fis.. 93
5 Mkln Ed g-n 7" (>..107% 107% l'» %
13 Rklfi R T 7s rtf. . 8'*
1 Pal G A El 5s. 95% .. |
6 Can North 7 ...112% 1 1 - % 117*
11 Pan Puc <1 4s .... 79% 79% 79%
1 Pent Ga 6s ...... .100%
3 P-nt G ather fis . 98% 98% 9SXfc
9 P-nt F.ic gel 4s.. 8(i% 8 6% 86%
8 IVrro Pa*co .8s ..128 3 27 3 27%
49 Pirns A Ohio rv fis.. 92% 92% 9 3%
3 Mil'S A Ohio rv 4 Ms* 89 88% 89
1', Phi A Alton 5%s... 23% 23
3 ! Phi & Aiton 5s . 32
.0 P r. A % ref 5s A. 99% 99% 99% ;
• Phi <v G III fi*. ...81% M 81%
' •'hi (it 'West 4s... . f 1 % f 1 51 %
70 P M A St V r fis TG 7 0 69
2.5 P M A St E ' 4%S 67 66 % 66%
6 P M A St I* rf i%.^. 62
1 Phi A N W 7*. ... ins %
ill Phi 1CJ - fis .. **% 7 7 7 7 %
1 P R I A 1’ gm 4k.. 82% 82% 87%
1.35 p K r A- 1* ter 4s.. M% 82% 85%
12 (’hi Hr W lnd 4s. . 74% 74 %
120 Phil© (’op 7s . .....112% HI H‘2%
74 Chile Pnppi r •% 96% 95% 96%
2 C CP A St G gen 4s 79%
1 Polo lnd 5s .77%
9 Colo A So r* f 4%s H? %
7 loti Coal Md fis.. S% . 4
6 Cuba Cane Hug d hs 9" 88% 89%
6 Cuba U It 7 %s A. 105 10* 1"5
* l> A ft G ref fis. . 46% 46% 4' %
C H & It (» eon 4s.. 7 4 75'%
.8 Got Ed ref 6* ....102% 302
1! l»et PM llys 4%s.. 85 %
2 Hist Hoe 5* . 4 6.%
6 Dormer S et ,89
1" Dpnt d - Nem 7%r..l 07 7g 107% ..
15 Iniquesn© Gt ..103% 103% lMu%
47 Em G A F 7%m ctfs 95% 95 95 %
1 Erie pr lien is.... 53%
55 Erie g**n Ii**n 4-*... 4 1 4:% 4 4
I 26 Era ip lnd I>ev 7%s S!» 8 8 8 9
[ 6 (Jen Elec deb fis ..101% Jt)l
l ♦ Goodrich 6 %s .101 ....
4 i (Joodyear T 8s '51 9 8 ■* 9s 98%
23 Goodv-ar T 8s '4 I . . 11 5 114% 1J 4%
6 Gd Trk Ry Can 7s.3 12% 112% . ...
; 21 Gd Trk Ry Can 6s. 104% 1"3 % 103%
1.9 Gt Nor 7‘ A.110% no 110%
i 7 6 G t N o 5 % s R.... 1 "2 % 1 " i % 1 02 %
Hud A M r.-f fis A. 84% 8 4 % 8i%
7k Hud A M ndj fur fis 61% 6 1 61 %
1’. Hum (Ml A Itof f>% 97 % 97% 97%
7 111 Pent fi %s.101% 101 ini
I 2 III Steel deb 1%s . 91% .
) 50 lnd Steel fis.101 100% 101
I 5 Inter-Met 4%s . ... 10 .
75 7 M 4 %S rtfs st pd 11 10% 1 1
; mo Inter Up Tr* Ts.. 96 % 96 96%
I *5 Inf Rp Ta ref fis. . 75 % 74%
5 6 Inf Up Ts rf fis cfs 7fi 74% .. .
15 1 nA(it N'>r adj fiswi 49
l In Mer Ma s t' 6« . 90 8 0 %• .
:j8 In Pap ref fi* IE. 8 7% Sfi%
! Kan City So fis. . 89 d
5 Kan City T-mi 4s. 82% 02% 9: %
fi Kelly-Hpirng T Hs..]0fi% .
1 fi Gack St* el fis 1950 90 ...
! V4 G A N W fis. . ..77
16 i. A N ref ;>%.« 9"% 90% 90%
15 Mar St Ry 1 n 1 3s.. 91 9o% . ...
! I Mich Cen deb is.. 91%
' m | Mid St I CV fis...... 89% 8 9 89'2
5 M S P & S S M 6%si03%
' 147 M K A T p 1 6s P 96 % 95% 96%
3 M K A T n P 1 3* A 83% 8m %
! II Mo K A T n a fis A .VP* 58% 39%
12 Mo Par eon 6S.. . 99 98 %
59 Mo Pa. g -n is .. 65% 6.; (• • %
5 Mom Pow 5* A. ... 97 96 %
i N E T A T 3 st fis « 99 98 %
*2 N O T A T inc .is . 111 *h 1 h ■% ■ •• "a
'.8 x V Pen deb fis,... 105 l'*1% ]05
392 \ Y C rfg A Imp fia 97% 1)7 97 %
5 N Y ("'*' 11 « on 4s. . 81 %
4 \ Y Ed ref fi%s 1 10% 11" 1 1" %
! t NY Nil & H e 6© 4 8 7 4
17 N Y Tel rrf 6s 41.105% !'• !".'•%
6 N Y Tel gen 4%a. 91% 9 1 91%
80 N Y W A Jt'*a 4%s. 46 4 5
9 Nor A- So fia A. .. 62% *1 62%
26 Nor A West cv 68.112 111 112’
1* Nor Am Ed «f fis. 93% 95% IW %
169 Nor Pac ref 6s R.l"9 1"8% i"9
2fi Nor Par. rAi fia C. 99 9 8 99
3 Nor Par pr in 4a. 83% l>' %
9 Nor Sts Pow r 6s A 91% 91% 91%
8 N W Hell Tel 7a...107% 107% .
5 Or A Cal 1st 5s... 100%
25 O S I, ref 4H. 92 91% ..
7 Or-Wash REAM 1s 81% 81 % 81%
21 Pac « A El 92 91 % 91%
3 4 Pac TAT fis 52 ctfs 91 % 9.1% 91%
l l’an-Am PAT 7s...102%
2’4 Pan-Am PAT 7a... 102%
24 INnn K R 0%s ...lio 109n no
6 Penn R R gen 5* .10! 1""% 3 01
12 Penn R H gen 4%s 91% '*"% 9 1
5 Tor© Marq ref 6s.. 96% 9*, 9fit..,
10 Phil '% col tr 6s.. 100 99% 99 %
9 Pub Srv fis ... ..85% 85 8fi%
1 Reading gen 4s .... 84
1 Rem Arms af 6s. .95
12SGIM A S 4sRAG d 81', 8. 84%
69 SLA HE p 1 4 s A_ 7 1 % 73% 71%
48 a GASP cdj fis . 76% 75 76
153 S G A S F ine 65 . 61 h0 60%
25 S G R W ron 4s 78% 78 7«%
In S A 6i A P 1st 4a . 7 5 .... ....
4 S A I r «. > 2 ' 11 *»0 %
J ’• S. a A r 1 • ad I . * ,
Sea Air l/.ne ref 4* 4"
4 Miar i St. . ! 11 Vs A '.•••
, Sri 4' n ml 7s 10tf A lUO1* l 'O’*
. .* Sin • * » •: I - . 9 S 14 . ,
i :T S lie!! Tel 7*. . 96 % ... ...
: .7 S r . CV 91 n 91 fc
7»H S j’,*,- r»*f 4s s &♦*% >7
I" S 1\. i-ul ir 4* . . V. *» , &.>
i 4 S n K ii 0 ’.V ..!••!% 1«1
*' S 13; o>» . 9 ' i '*> V< !* ■
So }l\ Kell 4s. «»7 1J IN 1.’
1 S I* K SUK 73. 99 .
I n of *1 is. ionJ<i,i \ lou ’*
. Thlid A ref -is . . »• 1 . .
r I Ihul A v• • acl.i 7»«. -7% ’■*
'• T'■!«• ..:T nil id.H . 1" : 1 "J \ 1"
I Toh I’n.d 7m.1'»;3’t
I « i B # V fi* A C M B ,
3 3 I’n 1‘rtt 1st 4m . 91% 91 '.j
-tin IM* i V 4> . .
If. I’n J’a. r. f 4m. *, v.* d I >rUK N>. 1 1 7 % H 11 1 „
*. ITnti 1 Ku- I i • m 9s 3*7 *
J t J J y Iriv 1st 7*.*- rts S7%
i r s riuhh.T 71s... i oj< bj .
' •» IT s iiuhl.rr *8 •» * . •*' %
r B Hlsel I f in K 1
lv I'1 ill I’wr .v l.t . a 91 ’i "" -4 3
1. Va-Car C 7 1 ii j* w w !' - 91 9 1 %
t Va-c.u C 7v rtfs. . 3*. **4 \ 9 7.
i \ irKinin Uy r.- !• \ 9Kf„
i; Wabash l*t 7s 91 % 9 7 "Ci
v Went Maiy 1st 4s.. tia
L* West !’.<■ f.i*. vi»4 M %
1 Wont l’n ‘Hi* ... .110
9 Westhst* Klee 7s.. .1071* 107
7 Wlek-Spenc ^teol 7m 9. 9 < ’ 4 Sj
19 Wll ,v 1 ’() sf 7 *y s. 104 1<C%
19 AVI! 07 <*o rv 6s . . !• > 94% 93
IT Wit* Cent gen 4s... Nl 80% ..
Total sales of bond** today wero
$11,81.1 000 compared with $ll,t*9J,000 pre
vious day and 117,346.000 a year ago.
New York Quotations
Range of prices of the leading stocks
furnished l > Logan «fc Bryan. IMS Peter*
Trust building:
H gli Low. Close Cios.*
A . T. A s F Min % lot* % luo , J ('ll %
1 Salt. A Ohio.4 2 % 4 1 *\ 4 3% 42
Canadian n . . 1 41 % J 9 •% ltl% 1 ->9 1 a
N«‘\v York Cental.. 95% 9 ’. % 9 I '* 94%
1 lies. A Ohio.6 5 Ah !’•'% G.»*4
tit. Northern. . . .8" ■, 77 *>•'•% 7s
Illinois Central_108 % l"S 108% 107%
K C. Southern..,. 19 19 19 19
Lehigh Valley 65% •'% 9 3% 6!
Missouri Pacific . . 16% 19% 16% 19%
N V. A N 11. 1 % -'-'-j 20% 21%
Northern Pacific. 7 6% 7t% 79% 7 5
C A N. W. «1 vs * 8 1 8"*,
Ptnn. it. It... .40% 4». % 49% 4 v. %
Reading . . . 76% * 79% V*.
c . it. i a p. ■. % r*. *2% 21;
Southern Pacific. s7% **)% 87% 87%
s- ui hern Railway 2 % . 3 % 25 %
c. M. A St. J*. . „ 23 , 23%
I'nlon PaciFc.13s 1 36% 1 T& 338
Am Car Found . . . 182 383 1>2 ISO 3*
A llis-Chalmers . . 43% L \ 43% ...
Am«-r Loco ......122% 119 122% 120%
Paid T.oco.121% IP. % 121 J17%
Peth Steel . 63% t * •% 6 2% 91 %
Colo Fuel A Iron. 25% . % 2% 25%
Crucible ....... .64 9o% 64 97%
Amer Steel Found. 44% 43% 43%
Larka Steel . 76 79 79 75 %
Midval,. steel . . 28% 27% 28% 27%
Pressed Steel far. 7 7
Rep Steel A Iron 46% 4 5% 4<.% 45
i; S Steel..103% 1"1 102% 102
Vanadium -4 5% 4 5 • _
Mexican Seaboard. 66% 1C % 19% 19%
ct ippeks
Anaconda . . tv% 47% ts % 48
A in Sin It A Ref Co I - % 62 52% 52%
Cerro 1 >e P. aCO. . 12% 4. 42% 42 %
Chino .. ■ ... 24% 23% 23 23%
Calumet a Aria . 54 ft 54 ..4
Inspiration.21% 2 3% 33% 3!
K ennofott . . ... 25% 7 1 % .4 * 54*%
Miami . 27 7 7 27 27
Nevada ' on . 14% 14% 14% 34%
Hay Con.15% 13% 13% 13%
Seneca .. x% 8 % 8 % s%
Utah . ... 93% 62 t*. * 62
(Jon-ral Asphalt .. 4’% 4 1-, 47% 42%
Coedeu .. . 49 47% 47% 4 7%
Cal. potorol .60a; 50 60% 60%
Invincible oil . 15 14% I *• 15
Mexican Peterol ..25 5 729 235 ....
\i idd!■■ S«at. . . ' j 1 % 1 ' % 12 %
Pacific Oil.46% 45% 4 • % 49%
Pan Anp ri* an .. 1 99% 93 99% 94%
Phillips .. .. . 425, 41% 4 -‘ % 42%
Pierce Oil . 4% 4% 4% ....
Pure (Ml . 27% 2. % 27% 27%
Royal Dutch . 5 5 51% 62% 52%
Sinclair (Ml . . 1 % 31 % HI t 31 %
Standard Oil, N. .1.197% 194% 3 97 % 196%
Texas Co. 47 46 % 47 46 %
Union on.19% 1«; 16% 16 %
W hite Oil .4 4 4 4 %
MOT' >Kd.
• handler . 92% 60% f; * 91
Oenera! Motor * .11 13% 14 13 %
Will> *-< iverb.nd .. .* % 5% 5% .*»•%
P'eroe A i row .12 % 13 7 9 % 12%
W hi t e Motor 18% 18% 48*.. 4'%
Stud* bilker . . . 131 % 1 : % 1l % 125 *
Fisk . 11% 11% 11% 11%
(ioodrl* h . 32% 21% 32% .".1 %
Kelley - Spring. 13% 41% 42% 41%
K".\ at one i ire. 9 - % 9 8 %
Ajax . 12 3 2 1 2 1 1 %
U. S. Rubber. 51* . 4 9*% 51 50%
A.f O. & XV. I
Am lut Corp.... 28% 2> US % 27%
Am. Sumatra . _* % _?$•'% 27%
Am. Telephon*. . . 125% 123 1J 3 *% 3 25 %
American Can . 7 2 t71% 7'*%
' '**n!ra i Leather.. ♦ ..34 %
Cuba Cano . 15% ! '% 15% 15 %
t'ub-Am Sugar . . 23 % 2 5 % . % 25 %
Corn Prod .129% 129% 129% 127%
Famous PJay**rs . 9u * »9% 'jn 9°
(.m*ii Electric .1x5% 3 79 % 18 5 “ 179%
(treat N.»r Or . ... «i% .•* 50%
Intei Harvester. 91 89% 9! 89
Am H A Loath pfd 62% •%% 6 2% 62
U S Ind \lcohol. 61 ■% ' 1 61% *"%
Inter Paper ...... 52% . * f'J % 51 %
Inter M M pfd . . 48 *\ 4 7 49 % 4x%
Am Sugar Kef. 75% 7 4 .5% 7 4
Seare-Rofhuck .61% 79% 'I '•* k<h;
Stroinahurg . 56% 56% 56 59%
Tub Prod . 53 7 % 52%
Worth Pump . ... 27% 27% 27% 7%
■Wilson Co . ■% 57*5 58 5S
West Union .. .115 IP) 111 110
Westhso Elect .... 59% 79 % 7 9% *9%
Ain* r Woolen. . . 95 92% 97* 94
fin* r < lotion Oil. Is*
Am Agri Che in. ... 51
1 Amer Linseed . . . 2s % 29% 29% ...
| itroolc U T . 15% 15% 15% 16 %
'•out i'an .106% 103 106% 105%
Calif Picking . .. 80 80 so
Col dap A K! 100% 100% 100% 100*4
< olum (J rat'll . .. % 2% 2% 3 %
United Drug . 7 8 77% 77% 7 8
National Enamel.. 65% .7 Kf*% 61%
United Fruit ...174% Id 3 54 1 55
Lorlilard Tob _199 199 169 172
Nat Lead .113 1% 115 3 14%
Philadelphia Co .. 4"% pi 401i
Pullman .l-5% 122% 127% 12.'!%
Punta Alegre Sug 46% 4*. % 40% 4*«%
So Porto Rico Sug l'% i:% 42% 4
Retail Stores 6.8% *■■■ V, 6 7*% 67%
Superior Ste* I :•> % 28% 2X\
St L A S F.
T-nai. vii* 4756.5(.m>
Close (’lose.
Mone* . 05% 05
Marks .«001,V .0001 %
* Francs .0698% <’»♦;*>7
. 4.66% ‘.
Foreign Fxrhange.
New York, l*cc. 0. — Foreign Kxchange—
, Irregular. Dr maml. ?t r*6 1 * ; cables,
<1 '_ . M'-.Jav jtiil.s <m bank". SI t
i nd 1" »blea >700.
' Italy, demand. .n4w*;; cables. .0496M*.
i Belgium, demand, ."0 4’U,; cables.
! ,h'H.
Herman*, demand, .0001 3-D;, cables,
j .Oooi *4.
i Holland, demand, . '•99 .. cable" 99K
Norway, demand, .188.'.
I Stt'i.l" li. demand. /pel
Denmark, demand. .20.'"
| Sv. lt xeriund, demand, .1*87
Spain, demand. I'd".
1 < . ecc. r). hiaiid. .01
Poland, demand, 0000%
I <‘ze<ho Slovakia. demand, 0 119.
Argentine, demand. -37HS
i Hrazil. demand, 1280.
Montreal. Il.on
< hiniKii Mocks
ft. t ee ,.f prb ..f »lm lead i g < 1-. , -•«.
‘ »• u s t crn."l d by Logan a. Bryan. -48
i PeteiH Trust building:
\riTionr a * ", preferred - . 99%
1 » udaby . . . **•'*
1 Mdison convnon .27... .136
1 'on tin or* il Motor . 10%
Carl Motor . %
Libby, new . .. 7
Montgomery-W nrd .. 2"%
National I. -a t her. it"’. 7%
Bigg ley Wiggly . . .. 4 7%
Stewart Warner ... 77
' Swift & Ho .1 O'*
i Swiff Int . . ... .. 1 9 11
P nii*ri fa rbl'Jo . f>9 %
Wahl .. .
Duluth. Mmn D. •■. « — •Closing cash
prices: Flaxseed —1>* 2 4 4** bid; May,
2.34%e; ,1 illy. 2.33c nominal.
Ameiiean Telephone & Telegraph Co.
133rd Dividend
The regular quarterly dividend of two
dollars ami twenty-five cents per share
will be paid on Monday, January 15, 1023,
to stockholders of record at the close of
business on Wednesday, December 20, 1922
IL BLAIR-SM1TU. Treasurer.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
Nev. Vo: it litv *, —T’ it; a tions oil the
N ,\ V. a Curt* i . ■ t today were a*
1 fallow h
I M'liii st n
Aluminum 7. .; iat, I-*" I06
4 Am-r Cut « c i •- *'. ’ i ",*„,
17 Am C .v K • - 97 ‘j i*7
1 Am I. .v Tr t.n I'N j 1 '*k. J""N
I . A 111 Key Coup ft - . Xs ' J XX xx > J
1 x C ; i >.1I It * 1 s \* •*;•_. !• . •' *s
i J Am sum Till) 7 . 9x 96 *»•,
' t. Am T iv 6s 4 »»• -, l " » 1"" -
19 Alii* I "P Us - . 1 III! '■ n 1 IM* *H 1'lOTj,
AM.i Cop 29 1 u;j1 v l"'N 1
2 A tig Am* !' «*. 7 Cs 1 n,t « 1 •' C k 1 *4
5 Anno .i .v * * 7. . . H'4 \ 1 2 u IN
' lloiV. r li.'ilJ Vv. ..X fix « X
| 5 7) iet h St . s * . 1 *■ 4 C )l'l\ 1II I *»
10 Hath St 7 s- .. In | li 2 a H*2%
. i ti NNit 12 \ ■ - is ! !"*, 1 tl»t
7- 'BH Nat R> • 9X», 'ivy,
11 Cel t St * el XJ . |n5la 1*1;, 1C.
.1 Chino.ti Iron Sh 92 *. 9 3 N- "/'a*
I. I'it SOM 7s c 9. 9.*,
"■ Cities Ser\ 7. i* 91 I '‘1
i Col lira|ih x* , tfs >:< J5
• 7 C .11 I ;,.H ft, if i S. 1" 5 H'2 , I " ■
T- \t - - 09 9 9 ' 9" 1 j
1 Cop I; x ; • A 83 . I 1«1 c l"' V 1 nl C
2 Cuban Tel 7 ‘ -* . I • •I".*. 1 "
X I» ■ I e I e . N * i j . I • ; , 4# .
7 I»• -: r i ity Cus I s.1 IHI \ lioiM li.e^
4 Cal* na Si a *»». 7 - 1. - i" \ 1" \
• Ceil Asphalt C 1 «»2 \ l". 1 a J \
4 Ci ami Trunk *’ s 1 " 5 ‘ 4 It* 5 le
:» Culf oil 7s . ..Jo:: •'••4 lit,;-* 1(C«*
7i") Culf Oil T.s .. .. 97 11 97 97 V*
7 Jlootl Kubb't 7y 99 *js\ 9x \
9 inter U T x* . pvt. 9s', t-xij
80 Inter U T xs rtf . 9x’„ 98 98
5 Kan C \ IJ 0s.. 97 N 97 97
I" Kan c 1* a- *, ;> 9f> 't •••■ 't !»«•*;
12 Ken (’opper 7* .1" * 10.1 s, 103"*
13 I.aclede Can 7s . 101 *t l**!1* hi!**
t l.ouis C a J. -.91'. 91 ' j 9 . c
.; Manitoba 7m . 9s N 98 9X’4
6 Mo 1’ae lli- Ji . 99 - 9 9 9 9
\ 2 Natl A mm 795** 95 95
i Nation I It h sh , 1 fc J \ i"l'i
• Neb 1 * *. w ri x 4 x s s8
3 NV, Nil A lltf-.l 7s 7 . 'a 77 N ,7 *8
24 i >h o Cow—r 5«. . 91 )ft 'H 91
3 i'liil I:! Os.In.’, J(J4 % 1 ft l
:Cb S Cm p V j 7 i ■. 4 ,1*2 1 . 102 N
l Hubert Car 7-*. 97 97 97
1 Sea i s U’b'k 7 ■■ ' .. j »• I N 1 •! ’, 1 •-1 N
1 Shaw>be*n 7« 'IN lu4:8 1')4N
I Sh- i .1 I'itriiiji 6 1 • s , l ■ '4 P'iii l.oi
28 SW li-1! T-b* N 11• J H u*jN I'CJ’h
1 St*| i *11 \ A C. N in;; H 1 *i . , lft.!”K
■' std II \ V . . N . , • if .-4
3 St d »' I NV V-. Ns, I'll. C l mi *2 106*2
Kt«l nil NY 7-. N9 !07*»j 107*2 7«»7 *-j
2 Mil Oil NV O'--. .106 ’a lti*i».j J 96 4
9 Swift A • 7 .1 :" I ft-' ij lie N
21 S a , ft .v i . h . !!;*-„ y:l y yr, V.
: i n o;i l’roii x-, ,loi'.j ii*:
\ a* ii uni ihi 7 s . | 0 7 1 j. lo7\ If?
1 Yalvolttie In . .id;;'* :u:;«4 jr. : ,
1 dreig ii.
3-'* Argentine 7". '2 l99 N Ift"N
1 ' k . . 9.8 *% 98*4
2'• K.i.g Serbs Cj'ts ss ■ 7 5 7 '
5 .Mexico Cov i.s , .54 ft I 54
5 M-rir*. Cov C . !5\ 15" i 15 N
N N Nil l**r 7> , i . *. *i *; N
4 H* P C 111 x - ft. L4 9 s
1ft Hus.Mll lie* if 9 * . 9 1.. :
5 0 H'lsii i, • '• - In li'i 0 N i
] km-i hi ' - ' N 1" ’ • Ift*^
ra Swiss ■', los>i i-.-.; '
ft'* C »S Me Mr.. 1- 3 7 \ .7 5 7 'N I
< liiraitu I .ii eafork
i 'hieaK". I *e. •' - . i l If. . ■ ,pts. 1 5.
(mft head: be* f >t* is active, geiurally
strong to 5'e tiigbei . killing i Iu-s. m plain
top mat in-I -»< *ts . n*l ' - rlings. $i;; •*".
bu<k native b -f ‘tee's, ?x 75M 9 25; bulk
wa iteru gras • r . $i. j5 .. . j . eight leads
Canaftllans to f* • d* r Luv - rs, *5.50(ft 6.00;
belt* r grad* s h* • f * <<v. s find lieifers. >tn.*ng
t'• 1 S» higher; other gra l• . t nil- tuikers
and t* 'd*is about .wt dy; «-antiers weak
t.» I ft..- P.wer; \oa! . to weak;
bulk, de.sir-ible bologiri bulls, $ t 1 ft ft/, I 5 5 ; j
bull; St... k*-rs and f -< d ry, 15 75ft/ 7 00; |
bulk beef cow md heifers, $4.00(?/» <
Hogs— It' eejpt S. 5 5 "ml b»Uid ; generally |
st'iolj. i los ng um hang* d 1 ullc 190 to |
pouiul iiveiag* , vN^k.ifi; mostly
$*,.lft. top early. Jx n , i»aekiliK hows, ,
b*"s’ !;•■ •'u 7 ft": d .aide p .: , mound *
$X "ft rvf ima t* d holdover, 7 '-Oft
Sheep Re* *?lpf . 17,'iftft lead; choice !
f < t ! i mbs. - • • . shade high* r: in-be
rwero] gra«l* s weak »o r.«» low.-r; top. ■
on h hipping count: bulk fm
woolf-d lambs. $14 7 ' / ■■f 1 5 2 5 ; fulls, !
5(1 11.1 'lv d-Htrable fall ti pped :
'-•nil'll g * ' pounds, $ I:;. I 5 ; '
f* r dft inn : d. 1 •; - • . ; - i- ».x pound
western fe-ditig bimby. $14 6*i; fed fN - !
P°u n*l yearling wtji.ij*. $12.75; about
$ :.('ft avn, l"ft pon ,'.s. $12.25; sh*'* p. ;
Kteady **» stronir Vo :• \*v f it owes. $;>.on*?? '
* ft0; I'ghfer w ight- up to $7 5'C 7,aid
for one deek 115 pound < *. **- '
9*t. lands l.ivcstock.
K Couls. Pi . lire , \lU\* '
b "r*. pi' ■;.*:>. • . 1 *. •' f sf« • : s, > ov -. ea tine id :
ard b.dogna bill’s-. * ,*.dv ; light darlings:
an.l sto k .it* **i steady '•» rung, top *
vphlei ■' 1 1 "ft. n»*vv d'Idii . ]< bulk
•flrlv st • r* ‘-.l*-st .$*; *"K/7 [if; 'igp.* ^ ,,nr_!
I’ligH. $ 011 ft■ 7 5u. e• 1 v •. !'<*.-Hy $3.7: ^
3 75; • rs. $5 ::.■**. . t, n- *;if $. pi. |
bulk bfdognn bu: C: 75 >. 4 1".. »',-k* r
.sl'**rs. mostly $; 5;. ., *; i,r,
Hogs—Ke- * ipts. 15.5"0; active, luostlvj
10.• high r; Hp*.r1.'..* higher; lop. $K.:’,5:j
$8,25 j
<7# x 30: pig.'. s)e*> t dv t. in.- high, r . j
bulk, al weight.' above i .. pouilil". $x 25 .
8 4(»; unde* weights. $ 7 7 5 X nO ; pn, k*r j
SOWS moeti> lv to ! 5 h-h r. bulk.
$7 10 497 17*.
Slioi p ari l Ss Tl*'0eip(« 2,000;
“C-ad 1* ah*- p • , I '.1. top laml*i. 1
$14.x • i uiu. * c Hi: ■ *« on,/ 11 ..0,
$6.50; |
Sf. JAMrph I,iu> Stork.
Si Joseph. bee. r. - tt'nltnl States IV
pa rt nmnt *f Ag**.- uit m . |— fettle—He
'« tji' -.hi ' 11• •.■ 11 ; in i [ !:<• * be-f “tPHrs
and jvat ngs and better grades beef cowg
steady !<• -frong: sp os a shad* higher. 1
earners steady: \ * it I calves steady with ,
yesterday * flose, or ; <•/* higher than '
early yesterday; choice y.nritngs. $11.00: ;
l>ulk desirable I ■ f rteerr end yearlings,
17.2.'. 'll 9 .a; rominon kind*- downward to
*'i.l-. her f < ou - mostly .* 4 oO eJ o .00 . odd
load up »o $‘..00; early top veal calves,
$9.00; same a* late yesterday.
it 1 .
i slow ; a fen* early 4 il.-a < f clu-iee butt It
ers to shippei-: ,i;o ml [<•.- P ; l<r; $8.00 ,
paid for choice butcher*; pa<k.r.V early
i bids around si-ady.
Sheep—Ki-e.-lpts. 4." “ heart: market,
tat laniba strong to !.*•*• higher; sheep i
I steady to strong; fed western lambs, 1
$14.7;.; p lives, $1 4 00; cull nati'.es. $9.00;
I fed 115-lb. ewes. $7.-->.
The Best Cough Syrup
is Home-made.
Ilerr'* an e«#»y way to *ave ami
jet hate tlie t»e*t rough remedy
you r\er tried.
You've probably beard of this well
known plan of making cough syrup
at home. Put have you ever used
; it? Thousands of familes. the world
, over, ieel that they could hardly keep
. house without it. It's simple and
cheap, but tile way it takes hold ot a
cough ml! soon earn it a permanent
place in your homo.
into a pint bottle, pour Jj ounces
of l’inex; then add plain granulated
sugar ,-yrup to till up the pint. Or,
if desired, use > iuriited molasses,
honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar
syrup* I.ither way, .i tastes good,
never -noils, ami give- you a fil l pint
ot better cough remedy, than you
could buy ready-made for three times
its cost.
Tt. is really wonderful liovv uuicklv
this home-made remedy connner- a #
cough—usually in -4 hours or less.
It seems to penetrate through every
air passage, loo-en.- a drv. hoarse or
tight rough, lilts the phlegm, heals
the membranes, and gives a rno-t im
mediate relief. Splendid l"C throat
tickle, hoarseness, croup, bronchitis ;
and broncliial asthma. j
I’uiex is a highly concentrated com- ;
pound of genuine Norway pine ex- '
tract, and ha, been used for genera- i
tious for tiiroat and elie-l ailments.
To avoid disappointment ask vour
drii'sgi-t for ‘•J1/. ounces of I’mex ’
w ith directions, and don't accept any
thing else. (Itiaranleed to give abso- ,
iutc satisfaction or money refunded.
The Pmex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
20 SHARKS * I lnlimi»ail
7-DAY OP- MO UnhmtUd
TION Kilt V Profit*
Any Stock Exchange I**ue
*20 p^sLLasd *40
Write for Booklet 56, Free
Largest Put and Call Healer in U.S.
50 Broad Street* New York
Omaha Produce
1 iWholefuI-l
r,\ >:»'*• I * part men t .f Agriculture
Uuivju of Markets and Marketing:
Creamery — Jobbing pin-e to tetallers.
ex11 extras i i • • ibs, 64c;
far•!ar<i v i: hi . * ■ •
Dairy Buycs .»r* paying around 33c
for m-Rm tc.1 i.Kfi or raid" butter. .‘7c for
best packing stork, i !»•»#>>• and dirty coh
sidcrably less
Omaha buyers are paying aiound 4 4^
per lb. h* !h>1r country stations: delivered
» Mtia h v or . r„. t shipper \ ■ ■ -, . pet
The | i . »* * ■ mg paid • fr* sh v -
d ; v • • ■ d umalia, is a»ouud 4i* cents pet
but th
only for fueled !el* of e\ 11.» q'" '
So, 2 i • • u I
• racks. 7-‘< Sole • iyi » - • ro quoting •>"
l> • UUM b*»**o v. '■ • <• g hrouii* I. >1
f..u ;il buvers :#i po'v pay tig i ’* se !
th« pi lc< t. -Vd b* low
I *v*»—Broilers. 21'*. tl« I : s HI- i
pullets. 17c: light hois and pul • t*c I '
spring roosters, all si .its, old •• k -
in,-; leghorn poultry about . !• . s: durD
fat, full feathered 13c; geeae lat. fu!'
feathered, 12c: turkeys, fat. n;ne i-otp.d
and over, "'V, rnpo;;«, over ’ lb* 20fir .
guineas, 40c each; pigeons, do*-. II <>' .
sick, scrawny, and crippled poultry, nut
wa uted.
L>! god—Price* being about as follows
Vo. l dry picked turbos. noth hers and
voung toms, ::*>• ; old tom turhevs. No l.
No. 2 turki \s. not ml s :><■: No. 1
d»i ks. lat. 20c; No 1 ge- •* fat. Iho. Son ••
buyarn are accepting receipts and n
celling on J3 p* r ( i nt cointnisslon. Coun
fry shippers should leave tn'ids arid feet
oil dreh-ed poultry.
Buyers arc quoting tin •" .t*n pr • i
Cotton tails per do,: $2.4" > kv per
da: . J ■ M*.
Ribs—No. 2. 21- . Vo. 3. IRc.
I.oina—No 2, 2*,*'* No. 3. I7n
Rounds—Vo 2, l v; No. ? 10c.
Chucks— No 2, 10c, No. 3. 7
PI a tea—No. 2. 0c: No, Z be
Jobbers arc wllinit at pro-s l-s-.-d in »w
Now exit S' led 4. D «• «i ej> u,
caae. per - \ * ''0; n •/ ccinl 24
tlons per cane, $1 tow/ ext..'-*
er, 10-/i. - airs, t, .-ans to case . ib. 13c
Bananas—B:o 1 cu sel'.ng pil e of 3
I • r lb., I i.l"i -1 . •
Oranges 1 t fat ■ fornla 1
nil sizes. jar box, $7 Kb*i da. a - zes.
J4 50: M issi si dpi Sa'iitm. u, tu»<. $
lainotis—Extra c.-* lifor nia. ■".
: . • [IT q,. \ «!" ..0 clioi. •• "I JtlO
s>; -■ s. $ 10 "l* I a im*s. 1 " I
Gtnpefrult — E'ot ida. fan*. " :< ‘ s ,j Her
box. 55.1."*: choice. *;-s •*. f .» 4* ►
$170; * th : s 1 z* s. i»
Cranberries— Bbl., t" lbs. $ 1 3 ’• 1 17 " '
box, 30 lbs., f •; 7: .Jcrs- Howt-s. 117 no.
Apples— Dell* «*us. tmy, *-• -inut 1 • si,
and <|ital!iy, 1 "(<j \ . \\ t di. /'"U Jona
thans, per box. $1 3'i'jj J Iowa Jona
thans, l»or bbl., S- "" bushel b.i ot, fl >5
fancy Grlnics Golden, U- . ■ lei e
<4.Oil; Ben Davis extra fan- > S< W ■*
sourl Plpplna. fancy, bbl.. f< . Norther
small pi", bov. $4 "" *ul . '7 ••
Spies box. •<; : Wi* :-r Ben an*.
I er box. $3.00; spit zen her g • rs fancy, pet
|»ox. f. ■’ . Canos bush bask'd, fl
Wuinces—Fancv California, per box.
$1 D».
Pears—-Lawrence, fancy. p*-*r 1 ox, f. "O;
1 i.1 Hi vci 1 >•- \ n box $4
rado Keifers. box. f '
Grapes*—R d Emp'nn, p r b;eg. 5 ;
per orate, $2.7.; Aimer as (white), ; • r '
k* g. fl on.
Figs—California. . 4 Coz - .non bo*.
52.73: yU-carton box, >1 7..
Dates — Hollow.. 70-in. butts, 13c.
Pr 'medary, 1 ipo. Jr>-l . o . *<> . *
Avu' jdoH — Alligator pears. j>- r <i". en,
Lora! Jobber® are selling American No
! fancy at about the following prices:
Twins, .single 29’j* . dnublo
• lain •. : Young \m ru’uc. n, long
horns, square prints, 30 brick*
Omaha v .,s and Jobbers a • e v'.imj
- ■**
Mill b • '.1 — Hran $.,3.("1; brown short*.
.*-'..110; gray .hurts. $27.00; middlings.
$2v.00 ; reihb'g. ?:
\lfnlfa M*.«I -Choice $l'Mjf, No. 1
$?7.»;n. \'o ; . $:•:, t>n.
• »H M*al— Linseed. J " 60: cottonseed,
$:• • 70.
Hominy Feed—White. 5.7.00; yellow,
$27 00
Mutter .M K —Vord'-nspd 'o 0 bb * . 'Mo
per lb f . . buttermilk. "** to l.'»oa )h» .
7 1 <• per In.
Kgg .sheiis—jacb d and ground,*.
bags. $2 5.00 per ton.
Known* < Ity I.fop Morh
Kansa* Mu. Ire**. —it’i ?e.l
Siat.-- Depi.rtiu* nt f \gr-ultur- • -«‘at
tb —It- - pi*». Ht.Ot it head ; market, b . f
steer* mostly steady to strong: earl} t"p
load*. ? 1 o.‘2... with $12.oo bid on choice j
heavies; somi* held or-' Mderably higher:
calve** mostly steady; lew veal.-rs higher
at $9.00 fri 9.60; bulk choice knd mound
4*00; nil other clavu.a .i niun< steady,
with eann-*r» dull; f* ch > < • h.ivh. 7-« *26
' o ; bn,.-, mh. ?t». ?.* ' • i 4. ; man> * an
* *
|... 1 Puii mofttlv $ ■ e 1
Hups , 3 ' h » market
m a . i.. : |i-gher 'hH uTcaier
«!.' \ a «!i ,'p« r t p $' *'• • packer
t, i $>. ,< .yhts, $: S" a 7 !*0: bulk
«!• sral>> 1 S * ! 11 7<‘!!\ iiO-r.iK'H, $7 06 nf
^ • i . bulk "f s«|i'«. 17 7 6 ‘i voiK packing
•owe :0 •( l' higher; moil ly $7 %h€P7.35;
st • k i ikn steady , hulk of sale-. 3»-$°®
f» \\ at Jl ''
,Hh»«’|i—Up- < i* s. ;."(■«> h* ij; marked,
81 I fl ®
la tuba ? fl4 * $14 76; clipper*.
I ’ •
most ly $•; •' : 7 ■' •
Wherever you go
by steamship—
7 das * to Europe
14 days to Japan
15 da\s to China
22 days to Manila
2S days to Australia
—go via
Canadian Pacific
with service the
standard of the world
Enjoy a month of summer non
on one of the Canadian Pacific
cruises to West Indies and j
South America.
Every day in the year Canadian \
Pacilic ships are steaming across
tu o oceans—bridging two oceans \
and linking lour continents
Send for beautifully illustrated litera
ture. And think of a ( driaJimn Pa> tfie ^
steamship 'losage to Europe, or A*ij,
or the Heit Indies and South .inter
ne. for a ( hrttlmas Gift. Nothing
could be finer.
before you plan a journev t-re a
i'.ina i.iii P.u. Agent t«r ad(be»t
LU S HI a rrthj. Gen. Agt., S S. Hum.
. ..- 1
Take Salts at first sign of
Bladder irritation or
Tht' Ain* r.‘ an men ami women
im st v mi ll mnstuntly against Kkl*
my !i • jl*!< inv;msi' u • rut often too
Much ltd mtat ami all our food is
i ii-li Our 11.1 is idled with uric
a* id v. lii* h tlm kidneys strive to til
tr out: ill* ' weaken from overwork,
li. i ume sluggish, the eliminative tis
sue ilng and the result is kidney
trouble, bladder weakness and s gen
eral decline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
o* lead: your bark hurts or the urln s
is cloudy. 1.11 of sediment, or you are
obliged to seek r<li'f two or three
times during thr night; if you suffer
with sick headache, or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomach, or if you havo
rheumatism when the weather is bad,
get from ynur pharmacist about four
ounces iit .!ad .Salts; take a tab.t spoon*
ful in a class of water before break
fust for a f”\v days ami your kid
neys may then net fine. This fa
mous sails Is made from flic odd of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia. and lias been usid for genera
tinns lo Hush and stimulate clogged
kidneys: tn neutralize the acids in
Ihe urine so ii no longer is a sourco
nf irritation, thus often ending blad
der disordi rs.
Jad Silts is inixpensive; cannot in
jure. makes a delightful effervescent
lithia water bevct.igc and belongs tn
evi ry home, because nobody can make '
a. mistake by having a gm i kidney
Hushing any time.
there is every
reason far
taking! your
family to,
-this winter
and every travel-com
fort season far efoinsf
via the Santa ie/ 6
YOU CAN motor every day over perfect highways—
by the sea or along the base of green-clad mountains.
There are big resort hotels and cozy inns—or you
can rent a bungalow and enjoy your own rose garden.
Golf links galore and excellent schools for your children.'
Tb« Santa Fa operate* lour daily (raina to California. Ona of them_
the California Limited — ii exclusively for first-claas travel.
Fred Harvey aervea all the mcale "ell (he way ’*
Spick-nod-apan new a reel equipment on the California Limited.
There are Pullman* via Grand Canyon National Park to Lot Angeles
oa both the California Limited and (be Missionary. e will arrange
your Pullman reservations ao you cau stay at
the Canyon nay number of day* and be as
sured ot a pace when lesuming tourney.
Why not visit Southern Arizona going or
returning} It is delightful at Castle liot
Spring*, Iugleeide and Chandler.
May I send you our descriptive booklets and
arrange detail* of your trip?
C. A Moore, Gen Agent. Pant'r Dept.
A T. & S. F By.
61# Flynn llldg IVs Moines, I*.
Phone: Market 10 4.i
<v Grand Canyon Lme*>