The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 03, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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9 A
London Politest
City in -World.
Says American
Yank Woman Bettor Groomed
Than English Sister, How.
ever, Ohio Tourist
f-owlori, Pec. 2, "I think that
T.ondoner are more polite than the
teoil of sny other town or country
In the, world." In then uords Mrs.
Herbert Hoover of North I union, .,
v. ho him Judt completed a J.OOOmile
automobile tour of Kurope with her
IiurIuiihI, hiiiiiiiipiI up her .lill' f Ion
if IiimImii mid Londoners.
"Tli luxl driver and the waiter I
Hunk h-re are the personification of
'ollifin'i(--uiid so very smart," she
"ilia. "I Hunk Unit it li u shame that
I'.irlB should Spoil UN Itouutlful StlCetS
with IIiokp shabby, broken rlown cabs
t r-A their lrl voi-h. u-h'i look uh If they!
had Mcpped out nf n oiil mine,
"I tlihik tlmt tlm KngliNli men are
.tu.nt vonil.'i ful," hl;a continued, y j
"Tim uvi'Mtro Ainurlcuii womuri is
Mtler gi'ooiixjd tlniii the average ling
1 nil woman, t thin!.: Init I do not
think It I no Willi l ho nun, it ap
pears to m that the EnglUhman does
not allow hit business to Interfere
with everjthtnf else, m the American
man does.
''I think, though, that the overact
Dngluh woman munt be very food
natured. Kur lueiance, the other
night (it the theater a man puffed
cigar smoke and struck matches In
our iices all evening. It he lit hJa
ciar once he lit It 100 timea. Matches,
flgar and clgaret n1i were every
where. "In America. a you know, the club
women would etiut a movement
against such a thing and can? tbelr
'Perhaps the men behave so be
cause they are used to their women
smoking In public. Although women
smoke it great deal in America I
have never seen one light a clgaret
and walk into a public dining room
like tiny do here.
"On the whole," she concluded, "I
think tlmt London is 'the' city of
Kurope, botji hi regards politeness
and cleunlliicas,"
How to Keep Well
Quettlent eoacoralaf kjrfieaa, eaaitatlea sad prevention of 4ih.ii, submitted
te Dr. Oaae b readers ill Tke Bee, will be aaewerad) weeaally, subject to
oreper limitation, where a stamped addressed) envelope Is enclosed. Dr,
Evans will Ml tasks a Bar Breeches ler individual diiesio.
Addreie letter la care el Ike Bee.
Aow lie Can't Make Faces.
t'eiliir Rapid, In., ee. 2. f'hurg
ills' t hut lir. II. X. Cirimiu made faces
at hir on tha street, Muulil Wymer
obtained an injunction against the
doctor in superior court.
The injuncllon restrains 1dm from
making faces. Mowing his automobile
liorn and making other u,nnerestiory
noises when he pusses Miss Wymer.
lies Want Ado produce result".
Now that people have been stirred
Up about cancer, let's quiet them
down a bit,
People perish by the thousands each
year because they disregard warnings
which should causa them to suspect
Yancer. I mean such warning as
the blooding from the pelvlo organs
tfter, the change of life.
Supposed piles, which grow unduly,
bleed unduly, or cause much pain,
persistent vomiting and loss of
weight, suspicious breast tumors
thesfl urn warning which a proper
regard for safety by persons of can
cer cull for an examination to
quiet suspicion or to (Uncover a condi
tion which Is still curuble.
I slept one night last week In a
hotel In a small town. The rooming
purt of the hotel wan a lurae space
rut up Into rooms and a hall by par
titions composed) of studding and
pit per. When a porter came Into tha
hcc-tlon and awakened a man at 6:30
1 ""
every person In the section turned on
the light and presently all of them
were up. 4
When a cancer week stirs up the
sleepers who should be stirred, it
wakes up some who had planned to
sleep on and who were safe tn so
Among those who are unnecessarily
alarmed are some with skin blemishes.
There is almost no Justification for
any fatalities from si in cancer. It Is
so easily observed that early diagno
sis for the alort la reasonably certain,
and there are several satisfactory
ruiea. On top of these two factors
there is the natural mildness and free
dom from high degree of malignancy
of skin cancer,
Dr. W. J. lllghmnn think there
are but few skin conditions which re
sult in cancer, lie even goes so far
as to sny that the skin of the weather
beaten sailor, or the wind tanned
fitimer or pluJnsmau sometimes
culled sailor's 'skin Is not especially
prone to develop cancer, lie says
that birthmarks rarely become eun
ceiou. The same is H ue of Uirmuld
cysts and subuceous c)i generally.
The only Infectious of th sMn from
which cancer is prone to liivelop uie
lupus, a tuberculosis of dig U, und
lyplillis; and not out In tlim la
tin re any coiixttlti uble tl uii r.
About the only skin Uciie condi
tion und irritations from whkli can
cer i especially linbl to develop are
the following: rienlle p!;in, dry h.ilry
skin of the old, the hairy growths,
poisoning with arsenic und with clilm
i ey soot, chronic X-ray burns, chronic
long continued Irrit.-itlons, syphllla of
the tongue, leucophiklu principally In
the mouth, and xeroderma pigmen
tosa. There Is no special danger of can
cer developing In a psoriasis pnlch or
on a basis of eczema.
Sleep Between Mieeti.
J. T. B. writes: "Give us some cor
rect advice how blankets should be
used on the bed. Cold weather is com-
jug. Kliould person sleep between
blankets or sheets? Give the benefits
of sleeping between sheets."
Sleep between sheets. They are easi
ly washed. That Is the main advan
tage, It is all right to place a blanket next
the sheet.
If an airproof cover Is used, such
ai oilcloth or pp. per, place it toward
the outside- If how ere It constitutes
the top layer. It feels cold If touched
by the skin. It conducts lieu I well.
Tluit n bed should be warm enough in
told weather, it is necessary that the
ma tiros be heavy, or that It be cov
ered by several layers of "cover" be
tween it and the under sheet.
Ugtils and the Eye.
I. K. C. writes: ' I the light from a
kerosene lamp, well shaded, o trying
en the eyes as electric Usht'."'
The only nuestlon la Illumination.
I'.oth give a steady light. The question
U, which gives enough units of light
and not too many of the face of the
work, ou are wutching. Whichever
does the best la best for you. lather
could do It or full to do It, according
to the lighting.
l'lour beiema.
C. It. M. writes: "I am a baker and
have been bothered with breaking out
on my face and urine for saverul
months, and It doesn't seem to heal
up. 1 have tried quite a few remedies,
but nothing, seems to help. I have
been told tlmt I have blood poison
from th Hour."
It I quite possible Unit yuu have a
flour ccgema.
Vanh the skin well before going to
work and after you (iuit.
Grease your skin well before start
lug to work. Maybe lurd will do.
Maybe lunolln would bo bettor,
Nrth I'epping I p.
A leader writes: "rieai'O Bdiie
what low blood pressure is caused by
and what the symptoms are. Alto
It Is caused by a lack of pep, energy
and enthusiasm. Maoy people ran
train themselves Into enthusiasm aod
pep by participating ui competitions.
Contracting K ph ill.
A Header writes; "Can sypbllle be
contracted by using the same tub or
commode used by an Infected person?
I think a person In our bouse ha It,
and I am afraid for the others in the
house, mtlf included,"
Yen. It Is possible, but the danger Is
not great.
1 Remove the lausr.
r, rt. writes: "Kindly let me know
the cauK of almtmt constant heart
burn and a good remedy for some,"
This is a symptom for which there
is a multitude of cuukcs. The niOht
freiuent is const ipitlion. Atnumt the
other causes are cancer, ulcer, in
fected gall bladder, cull stones, ap
pendicitis, worry, overeating. The
cure consists In removing the cuum.
lien Set Speed Kceoitl.
Okmulgee, Okl.. Dec '.'. A hen
which Intd three t ggn in (he minutes
has attracted tlio utiention of poul
try fanciers mni brought not feW
Inquiries to lis owner, Mrs. N. Y.
lkihuntion. Mis. lioliunnon suld two
of them were Joined together. The
other was of(norinul nif.
Daily Prayer
But w all, with "rn f- tietinldmi
In a (! th slury tr in lot 4,
hsii(il Into lh ixni lints from iim'
to sirr. avtn ss hy lh hplrU of tlit
bsrd 11 Cor, ;it
Loving T.orJ, tencw in us the linage
of our Creator,
We have marred, we have losi,
through ain, the huhne which
makes men like to Thee. Transform
us, conform u in the Image of Tbv
dear Hon Ulnuflf the express Image
of tho Father's Peroon Who came
and died and ruse again that we
might he fashioned anew in th like
ness of God. Give us the vision of
Thee In Thy blessed Word. o that
reflecting as In a mirror the glory r-f
the I,ord, we may be rhand Into
the same Image from glory to glory.
Let the light of flu 1st s lov shin
In our ftirea n we xo among our
hrotlier Day by day. Malm us so til.
Him In all our ways that In us they
shsll nee Him and be drawn to Htm.
Hnuhle us to suy tn trulh, "To mo to
live is I'hrM."
Deepen within us the yearning to
see Hi unveiled fnc In the day when
we shall be satisfied wheii-we awaits
In His likeness. Who liveth and rtgn
eih with th Father and th Holy
Ghost, one God, world without end.
nr,' I' ARM AND V1I.I.EP.,
IMUtsiialplns. t's
' The Swifs government has decided
to establish a grain bureau for the
importation of cereals from the Unit
ed fitates and elsewhere.
Make lit a Greater Radio Cforistar&as
Radio has placed a new, inspiring and powerful resource at the disposal of civilization. Radio answers the call for more liberal education of nations and peoples.
It has brought new romance into the world, a richer and more complete home-life with mental stimulus and pleasant relations. To the Westinghouse Electric Co.
is accredited the first successful attempt at organized broadcasting, -This took place on November 2, 1920, at Pittsburgh, Pa., when "K. D. -K. A." broadcasted
the Harding-Cox presidential returns. ,
Let Us Install a ZENITH Long Ditance Radio
Do you want to hear Grand Opera
this aeaion ?
Chicago is now broadcasting its Grand Opera.
You can hear it in your own home just as
well as if you went to Chicago. You hear
the wonderful orchestra, the singers even
tho applause of the audience, if you have a
, New Zenith Long Distance
Receiving Set
Yuu can put the children to sleep with bedtime stories from Kansas City, St.
Louis or Minneapolis and then listen in to wonderful concerts and lectures from
Pittsburgh, Pa., Atlanta, Ga., Denver, Colo., New Orleans, La. or Los Angeles, Cal.
We Absolutely Guarantee the Above
, Ljt us explain the enith to you in detail and tell you how cheaply we can in
stall a complete outfit in your home. . Yi ;i
,,: You don't have to be an electrician or expert to tune in with the Zenith.
The Pioneer Music House
Omaha, Neb.
it Sold and
by .ospeila
1 1 CSpiSf
This tymbol of qual
ity your protection
WE are authorized distributors
for the Radio Corporation
of America, the Magnavox
company and other manufacturers
of Quality Radio Apparatus. We
sell through established Radio
dealers only.
We especially recommend the
Westinghouse Aeriola Senior Re
ceiving Set and the new Westing
house Aeriola Senior Amplifier.
This is proving a wonderfully pop
ular combination and permits the
use of the Magnavox Loud Speaker
if desired.
Tho Wvtinnhouo K. C. Receiving
Sets is running a close second in poj
ularity ami. while it is slightly higher
in price than the Westinghouse Aeri
ola Senior and Amplifier, is a won
derfully efficient Receiving Set ami
well worth the money. We recom
mend it to thuM desiring something
better. It. too. can Ik used with tho
Magnaxox Uud Speaker if de.iietl.
' . ' - . -
HI till IHROilH tttllMlt KM ttUl OMY
Waves of Radio
Penetrate Earth
Experiments Show That Radio
, . May Be Used in Mine
. Work.
The well-known signals KDKA, eaBt
Pittsburgh, have been beard in many
places throughout the country, but
it Lb doubtful if it was heard 100 feet
below ground and at a, distance of
18 miles from the station," until 'the
bureau of mines experts beard it re
cently in a test made in a mine at
Bruceton, Pa.
Reporting to the bureau of mines,
C. t.- Coldburn, C. M. Burton and It.
B. Freeman, jr., say that. In response
to many requests for a device per
mitting the una of radio In mines In
the interest of safety, especially fob
lowing disasters, which frequently
break mine telephone systems, they
recently undertook an unusual experi
ment, in co-operation with three engi
neers of tho Westinghouse Electric
In their official conclusions they
"The present preliminary experi
ments, while unsuccessful In Indicat
ing any practical method of using
the wireless waves for underground
communications, nevertheless Indi
cate clearly that electromagnetic
waves may be made to travel through
solid strata. The "absorption," or
loss, of intensity with distance is very
preat for the short wave lengths tised
in theso experiments. Longer wave
lengths are known to suffer less ab
sorption and may possibly be found
practically effective under certain con
ditions." It was found that with a receiving
Instrument set at a point 100 feet
underground, signals from KDKA
could be heard distinctly. About 5ft
feet from the receiving station used
In this test was a six-inch bore hole
from the surface, lined with Iron pipe
and containing electric liKht wires
which extended therefrom throughout
the mine. The presence of thmo
wires evidently assisted greatly In the
reception, they report, foe, when the
receiving set was curried to another
point removed from wires and tracks,
the signals were barely audible
through SO feet of cover.
In sending waves underground, the
Westinghouse 10 watt vacuum tube)
transmitter wus used in such a man
ner as to send out continuous waves
from 200 to 300 meters length; but
they say that additional experiment
with waves of Increased length are
much to be desired. It wau found
that although signals could be heard
diHtlnctly through 50 feet of coal
strata, the audibility fell off rapidly
as this distance Increased.
In all experiments, the vertical an
tennae was found to give the better
results, the horizontal antennae giv
ing practically no reception, A loop
of a single turn was used, however,
with fair results. Radio World.
City May Get Big
Sending Station
The telephone company has plans
for, a big commercial broadcasting
station under consideration.
"If we should decide to do it, we
would put in the best," said A. J.
McAdams Saturday. "We would in
atall a station like that, of Atlanta,
Ga., which can be heard all over the
country. It would be a tremendous
advertising agency for Omaha, but we
would not be Justified In Installing
such a plant unless their . Is a real
demand for It among business- men
here, and unless many of their tran
sactions should be carried on by
Mr. McAdams Is taking the matter
up with some of the prominent busi
ness men and the Chamber of Commerce.
Minister Preaches on Radio.
The Rev. C. W. Savidge will take
for the subject of his sermon this
morning, "Is Radio the Angel, Spoken
of in the Book of Revelations, Who
Preaches the Gospel Through the
Mr. Savidge considers radio "The
Greatest Pulpit in the World." He
preached last Sunday evening to radio
audiences and received many tele
phone culls afterward from his hear
ers congratulating him on his ser
mon. I la is considering Installing a
sending apparatus In his home, and
preaching over it certain evenings
each week.
In Mr. Savidge'a estimation the
growing popularity of radio sermons
n ill not hurt churches or church at
tendance. "If people's hearts are
really reached by religion over the
radio it won't keep them at home, it
will send them to th churches," be
1412 Cuminf Street AT lanlie 9749
The Original
can supply you with the high - jrradu
WstinKiioue Keeeivm, The name it a
guarantee. Our stuck of sets and parts U
the nujt complete in tho city,
Wolfe Electric Co.
Ill 5lV WIS Slrval, AT tantia Ull
The last word in Radio.
One. stage radio frequency
Two stages audio frequency
and loud speaker.
Complete except headphones
and tubes
See this set before you buy.
0-B Radio Company
1730 St. Mary'a Ave., Flatiron Hotel
Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
ATlantic 0643
With a (sod ln.Lll.tlon you won't ml a thing
Coin throufh th ilr. W can how you how, by tho
addition oi a (w attachmaaU, te bur lh tar-sff Iraaa
atlanlle nation..
Wa can In. tall a at (or tlBO.OO complat thai wfll
fcrinr tn oil tho hitb-pewarwl stations ia tho country.
This is abaolutolp fuaronttod.
Complete wfth phone, and serial, $21J50.
' Short Rans
Authorized Dealer lor Radio Core, of
America Menbor Omaha Radio Aee'a
1S06 Dodio Street . JAckeoa 1414
illllllili:. I ISillilll 'Jll,iliiliiliil,ll,,ll,l,l,lliil, JiilMli J,,,.l.litili,,T',j!,:i'lii,.ii;'i,:iiii;,,;,i..liili!l,i, nl:,;i;, I' I I I I I I I I I 'I. I rll f
; i ' : .
The Family Will Enjoy
a Radio Set
The Aerolia Sr. is one of the Kieate values offered in
Kadio. The set includes the Receiver with detector
tube and head phones. No storage battery is required,
as tube will operate on 'standard dry cell. Complete
with antenna equipment, batteries, ready to work, ?7o.
Amplifier for above, complete with batteries and
tubes, $7o,
A complete line of parts, "IMtild-lt" sets and
Kennedy equipment.