The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 03, 1922, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 52

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f5kn ! I- i..-, '" r ion, aff ,r
'liuH I . f . . f hi .in i n, ..
Oll. II" ii I I. ,1.1; I ,1 I l I I I e , I mi I " I,, I I, .h. , A h'l
III' VI I - il '. I; v. 'lie in u-1 , ,. ,,f
IliT p. I..l It'll ini tio. .
Aid i ..... i. V i.hc I , i
"V,- Ii..,
"V"', . in" In ii, i ',.iii -
t'Mk-lt '
"ii'..- i "
I h i i i r hi " I 1 1'. i'H'1, ! i mil i
Mil III, f. , .'.'., . the. I I. ll. ' Ili l
"lil in hci in.i'y " ' I I li:i ii -"
'"J ill 11 ll l'"ll Ml 111!'." Hill' Spl'k"
Villi P"U" plHnllUI, ''I Mini. '. ll'l
t'liuhl "'I .I'' imi' i i m 1 1 1 1 1 n. Vil
(; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - I .'.il t ,li rash 1 1 1 1 V . I got
holm1 l'i to I mi' In 1 1 ossca ii. I
COIIICX link In ill ill tW'l llolllH. Vnll
tins Hi' i "ii her - an' in gits in a'
ImI. put .-J , . i i . y ymi n miilscs ynii
Itl'l 1 1 glM0 .'III IMC Willi l,
til) Wl'll lllilll Ji'l villi IX gwlnc
llllllll'il 111' lli'll'"
Fhf I., ill li'i ly Ami
quietly Iih i.'ii ) ! Into lis . k t
Tlll'll'l 1 Mill ll" lAM ll ll'll two ('lisp
(( .it, IIiiiii . I J-runi I'iiiik I We )
l.iKi'H In K.'Uil.
Dear Happy: I r.inl ymir RtmivH
very Mmnliy iiii.I liku tlu-tii viTy
much. I like ifaillin;, at'llliiK hiiI
iBiiin.'itiKliii Ui twit uf unythini,
At ai'liiml. I iiiii It yc.ii'M nl.l ami
In the i-lMtli Kr.i'lc nt bcIiohI. 'I'licro
waa a muii'lup Am; nut 1", IK iuhI K
an.l then.' cro Mm fniliuiiH ilnwn.
Th In.llatM .Im I "11 tlii" l.iyn
Knit kill.'.l lie f anil conked It with
out a flii. ' Tt sui'O w InteivHt
UiK to I j tlii'iu dance.
I luii Heniliii a 2 cent Htaiup fur pleimi' nn.l mo t (lollawk
tut ton.
I will dixy tlio riilcn an'.l try t
help aiiineiitie every ilny. I have
two !ntern iiml one brother. Their
namea iiml iiuea are, Mabel 11, Klor
nee 9 niul I'larenro S.
I winh Moine f the flnltawkH
Would write to me. 1 woill.l Kla.lly
aiinwer I have written open be
fore. Katheiine ( laneti, ae.e 11, Neb.
Will Keep I'leilKC
llear Happy: I ven.l the ehilil'en'H
paBC of The I'.ee every Sunday and
enjoy it very much. 1 am sendintf
a, 2 cent .stamp fur my button, and
I promiMC to keep the pledge faith
fully. I am 9 yc.-ir.-i old nnd am In
tho flft 1 1 Krade. I have two pIh
tern and three hrotliers. 1 urn the
tildeHt. My baby brother is f
month.-i "Id. My ulsters' names nre
loris and Wllma. My brothers'
tinmen are Harold. Kenneth and
HloraJ.I. rb as" send tny button
Boon. Howard lient. I. TV 315 Wis
tier, Nell.
A Now t liib.
pear Happy: I'lease send me tho
badMe of the fin Hawk rlub '
boys have a club and we nre send
Ins mitne 2 cent stamps ami we
want as many as stamps. We all
have pets, as rabbits, pigeons. d"Ks.
Cats. cows, horses nnd so forth. We
will be very thankful If '"i "ill,
and our club Is Ruins; to believe in
It: P"t do anything t the birds as
kill them, but when they not hurt
take care of them. 1 hive rabbits.
Their names are M.iKnie and Joe
They are very tame and seiille.
Well I will cl.-se and will be wait
Inir for tho pins. Kiitus Larson,
Mmid. N'eb.
Hilly iiml Hi Pon.v.
One sunit.u r mornine Hilly, a
tlttl boy who had ll dapple (.'.ra.v
pony and cart, asked his father It'
b PiiKlit BO to town to net soli"'
anih tor bis Utile baby sister. His
father said that lie tninlit co. Itilly
went 1" town and i;ot smile
for bis little baly sister. Then in
w.ik his pony had a little colt.
The little colt was strmu; so sh"
eoul I . ai ry Hilly on In r back after
a wlnle Hilly ii. (iiii'd his pony .lnf
Ch i l. V Vhlliimtton, 1 ; Sivlh
Btrei t. lb .1 lak. Til
The Poor t at.
P, ii Hippv: Yest.r.l.iy I .i -i
pool In lie cat. It Wis sbil.niU'
With , .1,1. o I let it in the In.usi
It .s huncry. We i; ive it smiie
Olilk I ' alAis stiys with us n. v
Bolr.. people ,1.,'i't pity any .liiml.
anlti is but t like t-, ,iiv ttn'iii
Top ii uly, i ! . i i Ki-'tip. l'" I'M.
lo. .b
S.1 nll.l Illti'C.
P ll tppy: Tin is ii sc. mi I
fc-tt. to you I hive three ki ii I -
anj .. e d.- It, name is Tip My
Utt. V rnitii-n ipf Sii,.,'U and .lulu
and i i net I re a.eii chu-kei,
W l my I tier is q. t aiu b ne
I' ' i I'.-t. ! . A ; 'irot.i.
V 4llt l.t Jirill.
1 . It ! I I wan! t.i . i '..
flo t l. I nn . ii, t. nt, hi 4 ;
Mn, m.p for n y l iitton. I am
I . old .rvl I mi In the ih i l
t'i I .--e 4 H t p..-. ,.n W :i,
1 I low x I M'ff . I'.ilmi
i'i t"li. L'ule I. A
im iv ;a dollar bills in,,) a 10 dollar
lull IH'I" Nllgbtt, l"l 11 III nil! cnil.
'''! 1,1 'I'.ill'l i'f lilM I'iihIi - .1 Hihgic
1 1 , ' ' I 'I'll. ll. In' I. 'Ilil hi, I (i IhX
. . I i I
II" .l i n Mi" H in I n i ).: ti.l
'111 I Ail I M.IU,, I i.lii'V."
' ' I I i' I ' r,u I." I.i' I," a ll with
I 1 , ' I'll.' 1 a I "
I ' e .i I ' ..I,, i ii v. il.P I il. Itrliil.
Mn I ..I l.l. . - V. Im I. ft In I f l lli
I mill' in,. I 1,1 nil i III.' ''I I r Ii isle l'i
I 111' Ii in 1, '.nil ll, I II, III llnl .iVI'lilii'
W In ll' I ll a'll ,. 1. 1. I I .1 ll i"
r. iin 1 1 1 1 1 . in ii,.- iHiiii'i ,i
panlie Hti fimml In" Im."'ivi'
"Mil, and iiiln !" palm ill" puis
i th" I mii crisp, in w il'.llii lulls
iiml tint 10 dollar lull" whl.-h n, ii
i-li :liilv turn ,t nun cud.
' 'I'll. II H lll'lt V XI linn.' Inill t
ii"-, '.'Ki. i. i:v' last i i .if ii "
y.iin.'i nut iiM i ." tn ;i 'pi. iii!
tin' iii. iii. y. Iii fid. Ii" iippi ir.'l
vmy in lull n-lieied.
"An' mitt," 1 1 ii i 1 1 I ,M;i ii'llni. "il
In- mi- great pbsi'iitrc In I. 'II vim
H.iil ! .in' ymi ; 1 1 1 1 " I "ii.'iii,.'' ii" I""'-
N'nt even .1 111 li.t"'
'.I 1. 1.1 Pillion pl'lll".-li 'I she
:r-. Letters From Happijkmd Readers -r
ll .ri v niul M.irv.
Tieat Happy: 1 am writlnii a Htory
f..r Hie clul'Ireti'H paKe. e there
was u lit t tu I ny iiaiiiiid Harry. He
bad n Muter whose iiaiin.- was Mary.
Him tnolhir boiiKhl hint two units.
Harry lliol'.Kbt that bis liiolliir had
only boui;ht b.lm on.. While Mai-y
wa'i KeiuiiK I'liiily tor Sunday
!icho:i. Harry was nut (Ihors play-Itu,-.
His fa tin r hail just finish' 1
liiilldini: a in u cellar door. Harry
thought that In- would alnle down
il bi'foie his sister could Them
Aiis a nail Kt'i'Mii': u little aliove thu
cellar door. It was not poiin.led
dear HuoukIi the do..r. Hairy did
not see it. He was not i;nlim very
fast so his suit ciui'.lit on the nail.
Harry thought he would yet a
i p itiklmf aa tli iici,'hboi"a boy for
ieatitik' his suit. He went ill the
house and told his mother be wusn't
;oinp to Sunday nchool. Ilia mother
a.-keil Into why. ", I just don't
want to, said Harry. "Well, you
just have to," said the nmiher. "be-ciiii-e
cister wants to r.o. Siat. t
can't K" alone."
' llli, mother, why 1 don't want to
no is becalis" I tore tny new s-ui!.
And 1 don't v.anl a sia.ik n,:."
"I would not p,ive you a spankiier
any way for I ha ye anolbcr for
Hany tail il mi H" Im'l 1 '-'
mother that he w as .sorry for v
Im said. The mother kissed llieni
both. Hairy took Mary's hand nnd
they went to Sunday school ti'Ktlu r
lilsic Jensen, Ajrc In, Valley, Neb.
Klliott W. Knliib'.ins of in," Col
Chester l'lai e, Hrookline, Ma-is , 1
years old. would like to hear from
some hoys who clti'i t Stamps
Little Haiiulrops.
0' ad Happy: 1 tun scn.ihi a :'
.cut si. imp I'm a pin. This is my
lirst b'lter to the (io I lawks.
Llille Kaindrops. I w In re do y mt
entile from, yoll little drops of ia;ll.
riiter ratter . l'iti'i I'atl.r down
th" yvindinv pane.
Tilt y say I am very nai'e.h;.. . hut
I e untiling else lo do but si'
in re at the window: 1 should like to
play with ymi.
Till me little raindrops, is Hint
iii,. way you play? Titter I'attcr
Titter Patter, all the rainy .lay.
The little raindrops cannot speak,
but Titter Tatter, Titter Taller.
T'H means we can play on this
side, whe can't you plav on that. -('.irelii'.e
Murray, ai;e :!, Til l"n. N'. !
l iist Letter.
l ar Happy: I wish tn join th
tin l , ul, s' tribe. My .-i.L r is a too, so ye are r"Uo: 1''
form a li ihe. Some of my fi tep.!?
are w:'i'it;u too I am sendim;
it. .,!,(' Tie. In, Mini me a ph. nf ih
ihillattks. 1 will. !,'.- '.nr ibis tin, .
k.n heriii" Kunsi h. lejo T.iniyn"
Sir.- i. O'li.itia. Neb . A.'."
My I'cls.
I'' ii Happy : I am Kmn.: ," ' H
v ,.il -ih. l.: I'll' pctM. I !ia i e ii I'll.' I,
er 11. s n illle is l.,l,.llii " i,a"
a pi , 1 1 KiMy. Its name is Tinuni, .
and .- pe; enw that lional.l t i.l. all
the time. Wt- have two I-iu'- arui a
In.. We also hale a labblt. lull We
i in': keep it in its pen 1 am en
. !... .1,: urn 1' cent stan ii f,r on
II" II k pies Will close - Tel-
II. U- I-. Ilov '.'ll!. Ilnnp. ' , h.
LilM l.etl.l.
I', ai Minpi '. I have I. t en u ,i,i.e.
you. l"tt. .(111 (ike tin tu very
I: ' ( '! I ,.-!! tn J. ie t I," Happy
Tl lb .ill.l Wu.ll In e- t I:,' loiltotl
f'nll t .1' , CI . .n i'. .i j , ,-nt
-'.i'n. - Tln-lii. a VI , ' ..a ;-,
1 ' ,"' i -.!" f- i . - i . l-'i ' . i '.!,
JHIs l tll l
'" ." P.! I t I I-. ...-( .Mil . .,
t"' a 'li; i .! . t i . . Ihoi
' I' IS. I., I .1 . .
I Oil I !-ti 1, . ., ' ,b' ... ..i,
i f I- U i- 'I , 1 ,.'::. nf ip. I
I I V ' , ' .. A 1 , ! ,' V ! I I ! '
.' - w .f,. - . , i '- .s ;. - ,, ,
only langlcd Anil filially U turret
away nngi ily.
"I iilvMiyn l,i,'.ii ymi wan a Id
Jit!'' Ii" growled hlil Illy. "Ali
woman whuli Ii.. t got li'.T n chain
in in i'y i, " ii. i' il'.;i il'i same lit a
.Maudlin lliu i: ii .1 nf ill" liii'ii'
'I n li.'l nw ll Inn I, i hi,. u. tit and lie
run pa. king ,i finv.'il suil-' ,e Willi
In-!' In, III l I I, g .1 HI" Ill"
i,il in. .,iiv. I ll- M- S.ilni SI ., ;.'
III ,l "II III" y . Al ! .. l'i l'i"hl. fill
llli III.. I I I .!.'." I ' I i 1 1 ,. i , i r,' IW'II' Hiltl-
f.,i Imllv ii, i.l" v.illi t!', II.'V. I'liiln
'l nf I'll'; I .r, -.,:, M i:. rlmi. Ii
nil III" IniH l'i' npiit IM-ll Mi'
ili iilv Mi', f-l.ln; lii'llinii"hl' liiiu-iilf
nf M.irni l lilni.:. II" id hnl intn Int
I n l i' f iiml pt'niliii'i il t h"i i fri'tii !.
vi'tiMini il' liill a f.iv iii' iu'l'
'li'.n ly il wnnlil in v.r il. In l'"f
in.inii'il Willi niily ,iiin'!iiil of
rimll nil Il illil. II" ili.'i'il itiln :i l"l.'
iIi.iih I... ntli iiml lull". I tin' Inill .'
Willi" '"Uii'l Hull'. II H,l.- MlllllliMil
li.'ii ,. kii'lV mm" ;i us '.vi j ". I, KM
n'V Sliir". .ip"k" r itl'.'i h ivhIiU'
"I W.llllM tn HI " nll iilll"'lit."
"Unlit Wllil'll, Mml, ill fii.lKi;'.'"
A New Member.
Hello Happy: As this is ,'i hue
Home day for ine and 1 was sittuiK
renditiK the Colhiiyk lett.-ra I de
cided that I would like to be one.
Tb letters were nil very inter
"sIIiik it tnl as some i-C the other t!o
Hawks, have said "I will try lo pro
tect the birds and all the dumb
animals," I will try and do th"
I am itu ehihth urad. r of Hop. j
dcro. ( wish In receive my button
as soon as possible. 1 am hembiiK
my 2 cent stamp nnd coupon. 1 re
main alnecrt ly l'earl No "lay. :ik"
III, Itelviihre, Neb.
That Dim r Sloivk of Si. Tc!"r,
III., loves phi. otis. rabbits and birds
and has ood luck In ra!s!ni thi'iu.
Will lie liinil
IVar llaipy: am sendinB a 2
cent Htaiup ami a coupon. I would
like very much to Join your Happy
Tribe. 1 will try to protect all dumb
.itiitiials frmii harm. I will feed
at'.. I water I hem. I we-h to set a
button pin.--Fiances Sil':ett,
.V '! 1 1 ' .lucksoti St . iin.'ih a .
A 'I iiii d (..ader.
Dear Happy: I am seii.iin,; th
coupon and th" stamp. I ,v.iut In
b.'eom" a Co Hawk, 1 .'im S years
"Ii'. I Mil in the iliii',1 unnl" anil
lake music. 1 villi try tn help mnLi
some one hajipy. "lour little l'rii'iid
Mary Louise Tnleeuk, Wilhrn.
The unhappy ;.n ;ilw..ys ui'ima,
wrotiK in bcini;' so, wrmiK m sayiin.;
so, wi'iiti",' in iieeditu; help of others.
I'irsl Letter.
I 'ear Happy: I would lil.e to jnin
the (io Haw ks I am sen. lint; (he 2
cent stamp nnd conpnii. I nm 1 ! ,
years old and in Hi. fifth irrade. Afy '
adiiress is 2li.".:i Norili lMli street.
I ; . i y 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 W alkup. (Haaha. Neb.
A New Member.
Dear llapj: I am , years old
and in the fouilh K'ade. 1 wish p.
become a iiieinhir of the I hi Hawks
Happy Tribe and so I have enclosed
a -cent stamp for my pin. Maxine
Weaver, Kalstnii, la.
First Letter.
Dear Happy: 1 am S years old
and in the fourth grade. I wish to
become a member of the t'.o-Ilawk's
Happy Tribe ami so have enclosed
a 2 cent stamp for my pin. Mildred
Mel lniiald, lialston. la.
leSX1A(fW .J&"
1 Did ymi hear alioiit the trayuy
y -st( 1'il.iy .'
Answer- I.i'.' " Kurd and tin :wo
Do.Imc T-i'i'thers im li'iknl up :n
Ml" K-U.Ue.
'.' There a holdup in ear
s.l I y i stetila.-. IL. Jim want to
kllnW atinllt it'.'
A nswi-r-- t Ii" .n;'. t pin in Id im
'In uirl s skirt.
The (iuide I'oat to (loud
Hooks for Children.
ChiU'S" oil" of these l.iS'k.S P
each Week. Tl't ll Ip.i V'.ll I el 1
cut the lis; out i h 'i taoe ami
it to ymir i i' v nr. It i
pared f,.r the Happy land r?..y-
tirl- by Miss Vi, M Jnrd .u
11 l is-of nf ell. Idler's Murk, I Ii
Tulihe l.ii.iary. 'I'...-, v-.-k st
t !!.-
. so-i.-liili
. ,1
Hons I, , I l
U l U .1 "
i. ....( m r
! a - nt
l ii , . I C i .:
i: i.i, "
p. ;: . 3 T .
i ! es
S. tu t !'
V una '.
K si . S.,-
I . vi..--
"Nr nun' 'boul which, UiuUine
lllnlun. I il"niirtiii to truth talK
with jriiu riKlit wf. foa come
ilnwn to lluil lvli.r i whnr I Ll
a' an' ymi cumtm quick."
.l.i.'l cuiiic quirk, Tlir w.u
.'iiiii iliinK In Hl'lii.'y Kkiicit'a voi"
wlili Ii ili' prumpt notion.
Ami lli'Tf Hiilncjr HltiKK oirni'rxd
Ii in ii . I ,'.i,"iin lii H.ik Imii'hly:
'inn' nli-'lit Imut Ilil iniiiilliit
i.ii. r.m'li.'r llinliui, yiiu rninit Id
mo ,ui' inwi-il ymi li'ui to Imve I'O
.y Hi" i i xi fti'i'iiimi . i y M'ii'1
.'.'nil w.ii ainilii' in huy i'ihiim fui'itr
I hi" nr siiint liill," I ;im rmiipliMi'ly
mi' ni.lii'i'ly litiHlfil tlii-n, lliiith.T
Hiiii'in nti' ymi n-iiil lluil If'n I mux
illini,' In xit'n 'i' tintu ilmvn to Sv
innr.i .Mm liliy'. plmi" 1 1 1-' 1 li iivi" nu
1 i.i v tli inmii'y, T diitio uniii" nx
j im W"ll kinivvx: Imt ymi in fell ilnwn
nn yn' p. Uit.
"..'l ' Willi, Cl.lllil'l' lillil.lll, S"-
ii mi- .M.i.- lil.y tnl' tar ymi ain't
l.i Ml' plliil lip 1 1 1 . 1 1 hull' .111' ll"
in. ul" ini- tiny it. I'ifty iliifl.-iiK
ri.w An' I i Miro. AKo I iio.'iIh
tl i'in i.,'1 an' I in i'iLs Vm nuw. So
A Veiv .MciiiIht.
Dear llnppy: This is my first h i
i"r. I am M'udu: a 2-cenl Htaiup.
Will you pleaso vend ' mo one offi
cial but ton? I am 7 years old,
I ko to school. I am in the Third
Intnl.' I have a i.i pets. 1 have Iwn
ilmjH and two pis and one horse
and one cat. I have two sisters tin. I
and no brother. Voiirs Duly, Ku
ipiie I'orier, I'oliimlius, N, lnaska.
A t.iiiiil Time.
Dear Happy: I h ive not wrilt. u
to you for a Ioiik time. I also losl
my pin iis I was playimr. I am in
the Fifth ".rude at .school. There
are at our school. Hallowe'en we
had a gotul time. Wo put sacks
with pictures on our heads. Our
teacher hid peanuts and had lis
hin t them. Then we bad apples
and played games. As my story Ifi
Ki'ttinpr hmff. I will close. One of
;our b liter writers Alice Marsh.
I. ikes Her Teacher.
Dear Happy I would like lo join
y 'Nt- Happy Tribe, f am 7 yearn
old. at d I am In the Seeotnl made
at s, i.i, ol. I am .seiiiliii": a 2 cent
stamp lor my pin. I have iwo and one of them (joes lo ol. e;,) to Hcliool, too. I like
try teacher. Her name is Mis
V'.'ii;.'i'. I kk" In r very much.
1 1.-!, ii ...hnson, Aliiiiiiari . Nch.
Wauls l.ellers.
Den,' Happy: I am gitlni! to write
ymt (he bride of the wind.
It was lotK fi;o. Wind was vouiik
and he played like a child ripplint;
ih" W.I..T of its quiet juiol beside
the mountain. There, one i ould no
lot.ip'r see the peaks which were
paint 'd up side down by the sreut
N'ii it- 'A'iud played also In the
.rest, laii.'hintf wilh tho ferns and
luui m.ii inn in the pines, throUKh
the ilae,-) prairie Ki'assea. As my
slory is ".citing h'tiff I Will close.
Will s me of the Co-Hawk (rirls
please v.r.le to me. Florence Clraf
tm,, LeviiiHion, Neb.; T.ot 302.
ll ii
To. .
73 7' ) 3o I7 j
V 72
" 79
7S 7l 73 3 31. 3pM
74- ,2a 2b .23
1 fc7 .66 . 24 J
S8 . .37
1 r . -4'
I U you it a yuu wanu to
lnnp I.awynr Chew olTi-o you' trail
you liiki' riRlit out n" iclti rn
tliom CO. An' git 'em quick!" Hld
H"y pauii-l and itlnrt-d. "Itnim yuU
KU Kit ui Unit inonry now dr ilona
ymi Kit Into tniublo?"
Mr. Z.i'klH Jtlnlnn wm fnt vcn
lliHii'i.-.l Mot for nn ill.l Ii
liim Ihh pi-rfiirt ioIh. II cvtn al
Inwfil a Min-cr to ili'cuinto hlH pin'lfy
"I nm't kwiih' ilo niiilluT," lio un
imiitii'i'il ciiolh'. "Jhi Rwiin pay you
lii.lil hcnli!"
"Nuw?" .Siilni y wax HiiipriHi'il.
"Hlio'ly," ilniwU'il Zi'lilol Krun'l
inni'ly. " alMiiyH rn'liM $.i with
VS'liii.-iip.iii Mr. .ulilnl Hinlim
iinni'lialaiil ly pr.iiliii'i'.l fmin liln
H.ill.'l tti i ri'ii tL'iJ Ml In iiml mm
f 1 0 tint'' Hlixlitly turn at the nul.
'I'liiHii ho plnri'.l in tlm IiiuuIm of
Mr. Siilni y SkiKK-
"Now, M i- t nh Kkii!K. I fiirktin ti
is Miuai'",
''I'll hull!" ii'iiun.'.l Sl.ln. y Sklnif,
"I I'-i lvmi nn is!"
t iipyrliilit, IH'.'i.
A TliiinksKivlni; Slory.
It was draw im,- near Thnnksjrlv.
Inj;- 'me inorninif when Harold
awoke, he jumped nut of bed ami
dressed V'-ry quickly.
Ilo was Kctliuii r;idy for pehool,
when his mother came In. She mild,
"Why, Harold, what Is the matter
with you? It Ih Thunks-lv ln." "Oh,
luothii-. I forgot." So l. t,. irt
bi'eal,fa:U and went out to help his
latlua- Willi Ih" chores. Ills father
wan jiiHt killing tha lurlccy for
tunti. a1.
lie helped his father with the
chores for a while.
Then hia mother cnlle.1 him to
come in and get dressed. Ho naked
Ids mother so many questions, but
his mother just told him to hurry.
Just ns he came down from dress
ing there drove a car on the placo.
There was tfrandiiia, grandpa, aunt,
Uncle and cousin Harry, They all
had dinner and had a pleasant time.
I.illi" Monsoit, Craijr, Nch.
First Letter.
D'-ir Happy: I am sending a
cnt stamp for a button. I am in
tic third m-adc. I am 7 years old.
I have a lot of toys.- Phillip Whit
icy, a-,-.. 7, Columbus, Nch.
A (iooil Member.
D"'ir (''in-nd Happy: May I join
I In 'i" Haul; cluli? r would like
to join and get some other boys to
join too. I am a Tloy Scout now,
and 1 think T will get the other
si'ouls to join too. There are a
reat many boys in our town that
I. ill birds. Some trap them for
pots and others kill thein for sport.
So please send me a pin ri.uht away
if I cart join. Sincerely yours
Diii wai Mi'l''ailden, Tonea. Neb.
A New Member.
Dear Happy : I would lil.e lu join
your club. I will try my best (
keep the pledge. So. will ymi phase
send me a button. T am 9 years old
Mid my nani" is Marvin Iinberg,
2;la Ximli Fiftieth street, Omaha.
j i
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