The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 03, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE SUNDAY UKK: OMAHA. lUXK.MIU:!! 3. ll22.
Two Powers Fail IS
to Join in Naval
Reduction Plan
France and Italy Do Not
Ratify Parts Itut Harding
Ii Confident Meeting
Was Success
Ilnuht IVa I ' Wlf.
A'nlitiijiftoii , Dec, : Although
nior. thin ft linn piim.J env e
the Washington arms confer.nVe be
tan the work which resulted In the
niiiul four pow er I'ik-i'ic ind utlur
Important It mile, whlrh startled the
world, Kronre and Ilnly still linvi
liiilod to ratify the Important pa-te.
Km ore In rrg:iroil e resionallle
for Italy's delay snd President llurd
Inf ami, Hecrctnry Hughes arm atill
hopeful (hut nil objection In France
which ere centered chiefly ngHln.t
the naval limitation treaty, will be
Harding Confident.
If tlv-y are not overcome, aur
an'es are riven from President Hard
ing, himself, flint the Important ac
complishment of tha Waahlnaton con.
ferenra operating aa a safeguard to
Intornatloiuil peace will not hava been
In vain. Tha president la quoted by
hl sdi'Isers aa hiivlns recently de
clared thnt, come wlmt would, 'tha
work of tlm WaMliltiKloii conference
tiaver would foe undone." fi) noma
nuurters, thia la Interpreted oa mean
ing that Ornt Uritaln and Japan will
stand reiidy to enter lno a three
power nuvttl agreement ahould France
and Itiily eventually determine to
reject the tmvul treaty.
It hns never len doubted by ad
riilnlalrutloii officials, however, thut
rreinlrr Polncsre sincerely desired the
ratification of the scries of trestle
concluded at tha Washington confer
ence, and If la believed this only rn
Hon why Italy has withheld her ratifi
cation of them la the French dulay.
There hue been keen disappointment
that France has been ao tardy while
America, Oreot Hrltaln and Japan
were relatively prompt In taklngthe
stops necessary to malie them effec
tive. Speculation of Taupe,
There In arwulutlon concerning the
real cmiwa of the French postpone
incut of action, some diplomats af
firming thut France hna winded to
discover f ny additional Inducement
night be forthcoming from the United
Kiates, especially wa regards the rep.
arationa Issue and war debt prob
lem. In tha mind of thia government,
the Washington treaties are disso
ciated from ery other question and
will not be associated in the future
with any other, but must be treated
by every algnatory upon their exclu
aive merlta.
It la thought here that M. Clemen
ctau, during his atay In thia country,
will be able to learn America's (rue
position on matters of most concern
to France more correctly than the
Trench government and parliament
appear to understand them., and that
l'.e' will be impressed seriously by this
country's surprise and disappoint
ment at the scorning neglect by
France of the Washlnxton treaties. It
is felt here that If the French authori
ties spprecl.-ited st their full Value
the American questioning pf France's
attitude towards those parts there
would be little further deluy by he
In ratifying them.
- Detroit Plans Subway.
Detroit, Midi.. lire 2,- Immediate
consideration of pluns for a subwsy
to link Iiefroft with lis suburbs was
urged by Mayor James C'ouzens. In an
address before the newly organized
Highland Park Progressive associa
tion. Kuch a development, the mayor
said, might well become a part of the
metropolitan plan which advocates of
efficient government are urgln for
Detroit and vicinity will attain !,
000,000 population in the next few
years, t lie mayor declared.
Ref-e any definite plen Is adopted
the citizens should study carefully
the operation of metropolitan or city
county Rovernmenta In a number of
American munli-ipulitlea, the mayor
advised, lie cited the borough plan
of New York aa one of the most suc
cessful In operation.
Aged Man Drives Aged Car.
Martin's Ferry, 1hc, C A. V,
Johnson, S year-old vek-ran of the
civil war. Is the oldest resident of
the Soldiers' home at Saw telle, but
has many young Ideas. Johnson Is
Mid to on the oldest automobile in
and rear Loa Angeles, it being of
the vintage of "K yenre sgo. The old
bus Is the rlvll war etersn s pet and
J"y. and wnVn be U not drlvlrg it
he Is repairing tt.
"If the car runs ss long as I e
peet in tle I II be drlvlrg it when
I m Johnson js. ' wsnt !
Issue a arnlng lo suns of thou
iung fellows thai when they hear
me romlng down Vili,hirs boulevsrd
H jenrs from now they'd better "step
i'ii tl,' or I'll run over tliem"1
Reform Club OrU Kie.
Monlreel. th. I ( 'e.'i Horl,
biRiiia Jrtn.h besuty and sctr,
aid recently she di I not li enough t g'l anund Viit bU
nfinlis of I he Mont real tlefnrnflife
,'liu.r-d f-r einbrsi Vclle taurle.l
I f r srnis sroviiel the ilisimuii. If C
Ivfnr, ao t Kiiior J. tl, iairla.
I'.-th brlr I It.etiiMlves 14 SkuUikuis
f.e!), t . ll Md:
"M r.-pi,M (i Cet has
vi htarty het w sshoiiosj f ibkis
s lej 4rs m enu-U ia ft'llug
terms, I 'H I fel kiss til ef '
lijl fe.! showet etf WS
U the 'shi i-ts-e r sv. KH
is t l iitewse
Yfg Cultlftl Uiriu.
Uaatwt. I -" t -te X stefe.t
f Hseed h mssy snrts He
U)(g i I." li (
NeieraMe I . iVuses II
It.k eet is .'! H
e as ef sat as t
Mti S' f ie m las
isrrH e eil si Wn ese
I if fawl. S a.illS
feee .e 4itoe-l imi s. i
Quite number of our friends hsvg
already decidnd and have written
"rufV more than onts into tbeir
Of course a good rug is welcome
in any home, in fact, all the family
will enjoy it. During the Christ
mas holidays we shall have an un
usually large assortment of givablt
rugs. Tht kind we mention below
are happy fields for investigation.
A xmi nster Rugs
in colors soft an4 rich; designs that
are interesting, but not obtrusive;
these rugs give excellent service,
but at the same time are not ex
pensive, for Instance:
8-3x10-6 Axmlnsters are ss low as
' 131.60, ' '
9x12 Axminstcrs are as low as
Velvet Rugs
are closely woven from wool ysrns,
they have all the appearance of ex
pensive rugs and give splendid
0x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs are
$41.00 up
Worsted Wiltons
These ruga are the real aristocrats
of the American loom by such
world-renowned weavers as Bigelow
and Whittall, who copy the finest
handwork of China and the Near
Kant. It is nice to know that most
designs ran be had in many sizes.
The least expensive worsted Wilton
in the 9x12 size is priced at
Oriental Rugs
Our very carefully laid plans hava
secured wonderful assortments of
fine Oriental Rugs at prices that will
not only be found to be competitive
with anything in this state, but also
with Chicago and other well-known
import centers.
We are not quoting any discounts,
war values being forgotten; our
customers are just asked to believe
that Oriental Rugs are now lower
in price than they have been for six
or seven years,
Belouchistan-Rugs at $42.00, $35.00,
$27.80 and $22.50.
Mousoul and Iran Rugs at $60.00,
$50.00, $42.50 and $35,00.
Oriental Runners at $100.00, $78,00,
$65.00 and $55.00.
Chinese Door Rugs at $90.00,
$60.00, $50.00 and $35.00.
Chinese Room Rugs at $450.00,
$350.00, $278.00 and $135.00.
Second Floor
Nothing is quite as acceptable
as good
to some of our friends.
Really you should see the
BOSTON BAGS Full leather, cor
duroy lined, very fine. ... $6.29
KITTED CASES with ivory, shell
and amber fittings, from $28.00
to $100.00.
LADIES' FITTED Bags in larpe va
riety $12.50 to $J,75
Msia Fleer
O 0
in a Chest
Terhapa not silver bars er golden
Spanish doubloons, bu. all your
prviriou furs and woolens should
;o into a chest of eedar.
I he t htet Is made ef e nuiu H s i
'Irimei I edsr, a4 sn lie at!
its three sites,
mil $u$9
ui) .,.,,.,1., , ill ia
1 7 a II $0
I RulI Ctlut. lUtali
e ISsllttl Inraes, It
sU t.te C-Ussl )! CkMt
is sfff4 si III
An Aisle of Gifts
Arranged in a store just brimming over with gifts, so that sev
eral thousand of the smaller things that you may wish to give
can be conveniently examined on, the main floor of the store
IJs been a great task, buy el's have planned with tremendous en
ergy for this greatest of all Decembers and now we're all ready to
go. Folks who have held back a little for the last 18 months have
determined with the return of prosperity to make it a real Christ
The most exacting man
and the moVt exacting
housewife will surely
be pleased with our
Smoking Stands this
year. The former be
cause of the conve
nience, the latter for
mess they save, 160
The Italian Table pic
tured is 17 inches in
diameter. .Executed in
a two-tone mahogany
that'll win your ap
proval. It is typical of
n dozen unusual styles
only to be found at
0. & W.'s. The price is
$1.50 to $35 $20.00
l , -Ly
jTl j h i.a ojr''Ui jfc XSTa
You'll bei delighted with the new
Spinet Desks-r-every one is a joy.
They come in walnut and mahog
any in all the wanted finishes.
Trices from
$19.85 to $90.00
One would almost make
nips and scraps in order to
give this attractive wasto
basket a job. His colors are
soft shades of rose, gray and
blue, and he'll work for you
almost indefinitely for just
Ter pair
IJ8o r.VM,r
far pair
$1.50 ft,
These salt and iepper shakers are all boxeil
and ready to give. You'll find they are of
very reliable silver pl tvfF l'se rntta!
that is hea enough in weight them and
maV them suitable for constant me.
1 IH IK I'
f' . If ft
.leie far Sst
4 1, IRON
lull of good cheer and well
T fpr-j a t:: f". .rrr "- ;c
Martha Washington designed
her own sewing cabinet and
it has proven to be very
satisfactory for 1&0 years.
The famous Cowun model in
solid mahogany is
Others are from $19.75 up.
The charm of a "gate leg" is only
equalled by its usefulness. The
table pictured, with handy
drawer and top that measures
34x42 opened, is only
and there are many, many
The mirror for the awkward spot
can be found among six styles like
the above, either upright or as we
show this one. Size 14x24
Other styles, $9.50 to $65,00.
r.r pais
1 J3
Toiih.errs of mrvrd wil
wiili mica slu'lf fittcl wiiH
pull chain, r I' I lied antique
mi Willi t'unh tf I'll',
IVr l; r
I Vt .kil I t !. til VluU
ii-l fip', yiitu!i ; '
S -
Ekctrkul Ciijls Ikpttrinwut Ihinixtuini
considered benevolence.
A true reproduction of
Abraham Lincoln's arm
rocker is shown in an
tique brown mahogany.
The great emancipator
knew how to rest and his
rocker is certainly a boon
to anyone who enjoys
forty winks, As pictured.
Have you a little winter garden
in your home? This one is just
30 inches long and fitted with
metal drip pan, the legs as well
as the body are encased in steel
reinforced fiber. Fumed or
frosted brown finish
$6.75 and $7.50
The elephant in- India piles logs so neatly
that some people think he could be taught
needlework. We know that this little pair
in verdigree bronze will hold your books in
place. Per pair
ll'iilir Letup-
f,iii.h-.l in oil ltry
t iw.l le , . ,
l(iinINT AM
S kt I'.sU l
Ifsiifr -
I Li t IKK
1. 1.11 1 - H iiU
tow i. Iwe.l..
1 ii ..r, $10.
I,, : g
-isr -
i I
4 '
The Tea Table Tea Cart saves
the day when guests are famished
and it's bothersome to set a
table. We show a number of
good styles. The stylo pictured
is in Tudor two-tone mahogany
Other Tea Carls,
$12.75 to $75.00.
Restful Arm Chairs in tapestry
and velour exactly as pictured,
comfortably deep, with spring
seat and back
$65.00 '
Other Chairs, $25.00 to $150.00.
A 12-inch Mirror Blue Glass ISowl
rimmed with ivory and all this fruit
will look well on a dining table, buf
fet, console, sideboard or in the
sunroom. The price, complete, is
Spsmsli Lustre i;ia lii'Mct. iio, $12.00
rhnicne (ila , I0.5U
r'ruii.i 10.50
im t0 5i
rarUils JO 50
I'im'Ii tails 10 50
ahrl or l ie!t l!ti 20 OO
cr Uir.lil,
. ,
i v dim till
I Hit H t I
t ft "
t- !. , . .4
ft , M ft. ..
' w r
Third Moor
Two strenuous shopping days were
Friday and Saturday of last week.
Hsiilu Claua interviewed several
hundred of his little friends,
and. us Uhuul, made a hit with all of
them. As onu lady expressed it:
"Jl's easier to shop for children
than grownups and with the Santa
Claus interview, ono knows just ex
nctly vshat they want, and aren't the
toys at Orchard & Wilhclm's just
nrling and inexpensive."
Christmas Suggestions
from the
Damask, Velvets and Moquctt
from $2.00 to $12.50
CRETONNES A most desirable
material for the making of Christ
mas gifta laundry bags, doilie
sets, pillows, wardrobes, etc,
Triced from 25c per yard up.
round, oblong and oval in silk
floKS and selected down, priced
from 65c to $5.75 each.
TRIMMINGS Narrow gilt bands
and galoon trimmings for those
who wish to make their own gifts,
in a good assortment. Triced
from.. 15c per yard up to $3.00
REMNANTS of beautiful fabrics
from our decorating, department,
suitable for pillow covers and
table runners, priced very reason
ably, in many instances at one
half price.
So warm so very com
fortable that no matter
how cold the night or how
ji6isily the reindeer
prance, you will not be
disturbed when old Santa
3-inch satin binding, checks and
broken plaids; plain blanketa to
match full eize, 72x84, ea., $12.75
weight all-wool cover in most de
sirable colors and color combina
tions, 62x84 $16.79
SILK COMFORTS Full size; a
most acceptable gift; put in in
dividual boxes. .$13.75 to $62.50
and satin coverings, full size,
$26.50 to $32.75.
ERS Complete assortment Blan
kets from $2.00 up and Wool
Filled Oemforts from $4.25 up.
and hemstitched, the finest of
cotton sheets, preferred by many
' to linen, full assortment of sizes.
A Victrola
for Christmas
Munis that the world's
best tmiMc can be at your
S curf your i- ;! !
St OMl-l- lV IIH l'1 uf l),jr
Payment Plan
ur ii!nl4 will le
tliari-d on jour January
!t! s that i: . .tv!M n'.
iv ij b tint Mry until
! wlmh ti'i c ' t MV
IV ('aid an. I ilic ln!r.i'i
Ml ItMHithlj 4 !ti. lit , (
ih j'hhI.
I'ullMili' TaJv ivt!u!.i
SliKMHl to SUS ('a
t'alil-ii t Tvj 'iitr!.o
j 4 !' I . m l H l .i . . I