THE SUNDAY KKE: OMAHA. DECKMI.KH J. 1 .-'..' 0 C M-U SIC, fly IIKMHK1TA M. lUKS. fTflfci tt two Mki will be busy I on, following uion titi-l of muitio week, and giving ih muido lover chume to hiar muoh that la Interesting bt-for the rush of ilirlslma shopping take tha mind nway from lha rsthcllo enjoyment of it flna art. Ther wr nmr con cert for mimic week than one could attend, and lha committee In charge should feel gratified tot tha wid.-epreiid co-operation of tha local musician, imd townspeople, who tnve of their talent and tlma for Ha succees. While ther will la no such general activity ihli wok and nt, thrra will be three concerts with visiting nrtlnta), and other lurjra musical affairs In which ninny of the landing local mu sicians will take part. Tha second concert In tha course be In if brought here. by tha business and lrofpMftioiml women's division of th Omaha Chamber of Commerce will da at tlio Oinnlwi Audltoiiuin on ! vetnher 4, when thu Criterion Mule iiiartrt will apprur. Following I thHr proa-rum: (j.iurl ol "Tlllhl" Ditrllry limit Tnor Solo "Calr-ale AliU" (Aula) .... Vardl Crunk Hallor. (Jllaplal la) "Jin Sandman". , . rrottixriie lb) "Tha Drum" .... An h-f (Jlbaun Jlarltone .lo (a) "Allah" A. YVellar Kiamar lb) "Tha Vul ili.aiman'a Muni".,,. Kits Vr Jlroiiibar (Ixort Itoartlun. Uuartat (Old famrliaal la) "In the dloainlna". , A. P. Ifarrlaon (b) (nma Hark: In Krtn" I'larihl HI "Tha l,uw-Jiarked Chair",. Old Iriah I'lann Snln (a) "Pierrot ravin. , . .Mr-liul (b) "Marrh, Op, HI" Half KIUnh.Hi (Call Huikar. Ouarlal "Mammy a Lullaby" lArr. Tr. Hui?i'rajiiai Pvtrak-Sproaa Tanor So o Tome Inlo Ilia ilarl-n Maud" fTannyaon) Arr Haifa John Youns. "IJiirnoroua Malacilnna" ....Anon IUa Hnlo "I Am a lluamor lld" (Nun and Mirnnr) Mmdalaanhn (juarlat "Muiiaal" Vandawalar Tha Association Male ClioriiH of I Him ha. (icorgu W. Ciiuipbell, conduct or, announces two concerts with guest artists. iM-cle Unwell, pianist, will ap pear ut lha wlnlcr concert, and l'ran n Nash, pianist, at tlio spring run cert. Tha winter concert will tuke place In the Urandel thriller Decem ber T. Tha Association Mala Chorus la an Onnih.i organization whose aim in to promote good music and develop Omaha musical tiili'tit. Tha chorus In sponsored by the Young Men'a Christian aaaoclntlon and la cniliav orlng to Incorporate tha Idcula and UNtfulneia of t lint orniinlzuUon Into Hi own anrvlra to the community. MIh Decta Ilnwi-ll, the aolnlat Thuraday evening, la a younpr Amcrl tun eoprano who hue niurie rupld ulrldea alnca her debut In New Vork. Hhe, la under the munni?erncnt of Eve lyn Hopper, formerly of Omuhii. MIm Howell woa born In North Carolina, and her early education wan received In aouthern achoola. After liiavlns Hrtlcm college, a Moravian acbool, MIhb Howell went to Boaton and con tinued her vocal itudlea In the New Kngland Conservatory. Rhe haa alo ritiulii'd with Theo. Van Yark and coached with Herbert YVlthernpoon. rili a hue been aoprano aolulat at the Klrat I'reHbyterlan church of Urook- Jyn under ft. lluntliiKton Woodmun, Miaa Howell hai had inuny linpor taitt engHKtnet In the eoHt and haa been aololat at mnny eprlnr festival", and her review from the New York critics have been extremely complimentary. Benno MolBoiwltsch, pianist, who will appear at the Brandela theater Friday evening, December 8, at 8:15 o'clock, under the auspice of the Tuesday Munical club, gave a recital in Carnegie hall, New York, early In November, and the next day the mu hIc&I crltio of the Time recalled the artist a having "established himself among New York music lovers as a pianist of admirable powers, musical ly aa well as technically, of high rank nnd aa a musician of individuality end frequently of remarkablo person al charm." According to the Post, the planlHt was altogether "equal" to the demands of his program. Mr. Hen derson, In the Herald, said in part: Mr. Moiselwitsch did some beautiful playing. He has the technic and the touch with which audience can be charmed and his playing has ravish ing tonal qualities." The public ealo of seat for the recital Friday eve nlng will open Tuesday morning. De cember 6, at the box office of the theater. The program: Ftrat Group. Waldataln Sonaia llaethovan Nwood firnup. Impromptu rhopln vla O Minor rhopin lUrrarnlla Chopin Maaourka A Minor Chopin To, ana Third firoup. ' Hark, Hark, ilia Lark" . . . .hhutM.rt.UaV Oianl Foltmaia Chopin-!. Ht T.ranitlla Th munUt department of "he Onm h.t Woinan's cliih will give a very iniereating inuaical Wednesday after ikkiii. tuber i, at S nVha-k. Mra. H. M. And, rami, one of th leaders of the ib mi tnieiit, will present tha folluwliig pruarain: Violin liroup liubart I'uatadani la) "M ma lire" from I'oncarta tn 0 - Minur, k) I'.ri.alual Molina frana Rlaa nana, a lii at lha piano. Sopiano H..IO Nalla Atkinaus Kaliar. Maria" u.iunod Violin I'biisaiu Hi.bart Cuatadaa nana f iroupH inifrrd Traynnr. lai - In ll.a Muoiilishl" ,.... harwanka 1 1,1 "Th. Mplnnar" Miojow.kl i- i iniiur buinann. I. Ial on uriiup Mra. Kallry. la i ' Huiiiriixrinna ' Ward-Htphana lb "la II l.l.l. n Vlolal",, Ilrn li I llai, Had Koaa" I'otl.iial a social hour will follow tha pro riiiiii, during which taw will be mm v fd. The publio Is moat cordially In- vlteii, There are no charges. The regular weekly rehear, nl of the thorn will be held Wsdnesluy a. m ut 10 o'clock. The tin heatra will reheurse In the evening ut t o'clock. A sprndiit musical service will be given at the first .'raabytarlun church Hunday afternoon, December 10, at 4 ''lock, by the combined choirs of Trinity cnthedrnl, lien Stanley, or ganlst and director, and the First rriHliytnlun church, Ioulso Junsen Wylle, soprano and director, lionise hliiidiliirk .abiinkle, orgunlMt. This is the second service of this cluiruc tr given tinder the auspice of the American flullil of Orgunlsts. t'nder auspices of the City Concert club, an artists' opera progruin will be given by l.oulaii Junsen Wylle, Mrs, Verne Miller, Lawrence Dodds, A. h. Hobbs, with Louise Hhadduck abilakle. pianist, at the Omaha Au dltorlum Monday night, December U These singers form the special rjuur tet of the First Presbyterian church, The West sisters, Elolso West-Mo Nichols, Mrs. Madge West Hutphen, Miss Vlvlenne West and Miss Ilelle West, will glvs severil numbers. Th quartet from the church will sing the "(iarden Hcene" from ;'Faust," by Wagner; "Dmt Thou Know Thy Fair Land," from "Mlgnon;" an air, "Ha lome." from llerodlade, by Massene; "Celeste Aldu." sung by Mr. Dodds, nnd duet of the flowers from "Ma dame Hutterfly." This will be one of the, most exquisite programs ever presented by the City Concert flub. Admission will be free. A sympliuny orchestra, of to made Its appearance Muslo week. This was the body of players, under the cupablo direction of Htnnley Itovsky, .hlch gave a concert at the World theater lust Thursday, celebrating both Thanksgiving and Music week. Those who know say that It made a very presentable showing at this first nppenrance, playing an interesting program Including the Heethoven Fifth Symphony, the March from Thanhauser Wagner, and among other numbers a work by Mr. Letovsky. This concert was given under the auspices of the City Con cert club. This la one of the largest nd most recent symptoms of a symphony orchestra we have had. and If repeated with frequency and continual success, It might bo the psychological nucleus for many a cherished dream In that direction, A large audience was present and show ed a keen Interest in the music. Music Notes. A radio program will be given by three Nebraska musicians In Chicago Friday evening, December 8. Henry I'urmort Kumes Is the pianist, and also ha charge of the program. He ha asked Mrs. Orianna Abbott Jen nlsnn. aoprano, formerly of Omaha, and Carleton Cummings, a dramatic tenor born and raised at Auburn, Neb., to assist. The concert is from 8 to 9 o'clock 360-meter word length. "If you are listening in," say Mr. Kumes, "you are welcome." Frank Mnch presented a group of hie advanced pupils In violin recital Wednesday evening, November 29, at the Schmoller & Mueller auditorium. Those taking part were Misses Fanny Fish, Alice Horn, Clara Schneider and Messrs. Morris Brick, Philip Krasne, Bryson Wilbur. Mae Wetherill will present pupils An Amnlcn recital will be presented r.t the St. Mary seminary for girls Thursday afternoon, December 7, at 3 p. m., by Miss Grace Lannon Conk lln of the Burgess-Nush music section. A snecial musical program will be given at the First Methodist church. Twentieth and Davenport, Sunday evening at 7:45 under the direction of J. Edward Carnal. The soloists will be Mrs. W. Dale Clark, Mrs. Mar garet Hpalding fit urges and Howard K. Steberg. of Effa Kills teaching system In a pluno recital at her studio. 3ufl Arling ton block, 3 o'clock next Hatunlay afternoon. Those who will appear on the program are: Jeunetle Hceriehell. CJenevleve Hoennhell, John Ha user. lmt liitcon, Majorle Kvana, Clifton built h. Iduothy Smith, M.iry l.d wards, (.)lllert IMwards, Kllen Carlo ton. Fay Walters, IKrtithy Walter. F.velyn Wetherill, Kvelyn Himiwon, Km llitniion, L'Ulne Trahonus. Nell.e l'erry. Nellls Jansson, laorotuy foolcy, FniiHl l.ivi. She Sings for the Association Quartette f A ! n- " m 4 n'allmReidNo Longer Cares for Goose Graise Omar Khayyam .1 on the ocreen ' mrr Dumb Show Makes Laughs When Noise Would Fall Flat "The public has been educated to laughter from childhood by the circus clown," says Kddle Shubert, eccentric comedian with Jacobs & Jermon's "Flashlights of 1922," playing at the Oaycty theat'ir this week," and I am taking advantage of (but fact In making fun on the stage, A great deal of my work could be done with out the accompanying word or "lines" tlmt the burlesque book call for. 1 used to be one. of the shouting, knock about type of comedians, but ' I've lately changed my method and now employ Just plain tomfoolery to get the laughs." In past years Rhubert did a "Sam Bernard" type with all the noise and accompanying shouts, twisted Kngllsh and funny falls but his method now approaches inr,re nearly the Kd Wynn type of stage nonsense. He Js finish ing a long term contract with Jacobs & Jermon and will soon pass from burlesque to other realms uf stage land. Meanwhile listen to Hhubert: 'Nobody got as many laughs as a circus clown and he is generally 'dumb' but active. No need to shout Just fool uround and you will get the laughs." Grace Ilennisoii-Sehaefer presents the following pupils In a piano recital, assisted by Florence Long Arnoldl, soprano, Thursday, December 7, 1922, p. m.. at the Kchmoller & Mueller auditorium: Dorothy Tipton, Pauline Pool, Ellzubeth Betts, Audrey Huger man, Keglna Heller, Marie Ptulgles, Mrs. James A. Cole, Mrs, T, F. Quln lan and Agnes Oltter. Wallace Held, on of the leading players In "Clarence," at the Strand this week, won't make any more ex periments. Thos acquainted with the Hollywood studio of Famous Players Iusky are aware that a great number of cats torn cat, tabbies, pussy cats, kittens and countless other types ure constantly In evidence. They are also aware that Waltla has a great In hujent curiosity. He love to experi ment. Therefore, when an agent ap proached Wallle recently and hinted that he had a new and excellent kind i f makeup that was easy to put on and take off Wallle fell Immediately. He applied the stuff and gave himself he up and down in a mirror. Alto gether, he ws much pleased. Then he started for the set. He passed a cat. That feline sud denly lifted It nose and drew a deep breath. Immediately It trailed Wallle meowing Joyously. A second cut Joined the line of march and shortly a third took up the rhuse. When Wallle reached the set, ho turned and saw no fewer than nine cat on his trail. When he walked they walked. When he snt down Ihey gathered nearby and lifted their voices In pleading chorus. After thinking for some reason for the cat convention, Wallle lifted the new makeup box, fretfully perusing the content of the box, he read tho line: "(loose grease, from which this makeup Is based, Is easy to put on and remove and does not Injure the skin." However, the direction fulled to state that goose grease has an odor all It owns and Dint cats love goose grease even Krnzy Kat. Wallle had to crub for half an hour to take away the odor. And he won't experiment again. Title Editor Has Nightmare V "One Stolen Night," "The Man from Downing Street," and' "Lucky Car son," two "Kestless Holds" went In "The Hllver Car" to "The Show" to see "The Olrl In His Boom' nnd found it was a story of "A flirt's Desire" and "A Woman's Sacrifice." "Between the Act a trio sang "My Wild Irish Hobo" and other songs. Af ter the show they went to a cabaret called "The Purple Cipher" and there they met "The Mysterious Stranger" better known as "The Fortune Hun ter" who had become involved th "A Matrimonial Web" with "Rainbow," "The Flower of the North," a famous actress who was known as "The Charming Deceiver." Six months uf ter they were married by "The Little Minister," "The Prodigal Judge" granted "Divorce Coupons" because he pleaded "No Defense" and she "Re ceived Payment." "You Never Know" how "Peggy Put it Over" but "It Can Bo Done." They also met "The Hon of Walllngford" a wanderer who had a "Gypsy Passion" for "The Charmed Life" of the south seas, and he would have married "Island Wives" but "It Isn't Being Dona This Season," so he came back to help his brothers, "The Bcmunce Promoters" who had "Too Much Business." Men's judgments ara A partial ot their (ortunea; and flilnst outward Do draw tha inward quality after them, To auffur all a Ilka. Shakeapeare. fost 'Omar tlie Tentmi'wr' "Omar, the Tentmaker," the film version of the famous play, In which (luy Bates Post is leading man, Is soon to be seen at the Strand. The picture was glowingly reviewed In th December number of "Photoplay" as a series of nmials, done In the manner of Maxfleld Parrfsh, come true. The rare brilliance of the orient blended with the mora sombre shadings of real life. "This would sound like over extrav agant praise. But In reality there Is much that could b said of Itlchurd Walton Tully's second picture. Ouy Bates Post Is the star of the produc tion, but though a the old Omar hi Interpretation touche the high places Virginia Brown Falre curries off the real acting honors. Her flhlreen I sweet and tender yet fiery. She 1 gen tle springtime In a rose garden pa tient old age In a slonn-flagged kitch en. Her emotions are as varied, and as beautiful, as the changing colors of a prism, "The plot Is, In n truly historical sense, a chronicle of the life of Omar Khayyam poet and astrologer. It tells of his trials and disappointment und of his finul triumph over despair. Almost a tragedy. It is. But there are touches of finely drawn humor for people were human, even in the Persia of a thousand years ago." Betty Compsnn, tho slur, and prin cipals of "The White Mower." writ ten and directed by Julia Crawford Ivers. left Honolulu last Saturday fur California, where they expect to com plete the -picture after about one week's work In the studio. Word from the Jarne Cruce com pany making "The Covered Wagon" Is that they are snowed In, but that It is possible to reach Milford, Utah, from camp, 85 mile away, on snow shoe or by sled. Word has been de layed to some extent, but every avail able moment is being utilized in work ing on the big production. OMAHA ART C1LD TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS Omaha Public Library December 1-15, 1922 Tha Works of Forty Artlata Admlaaion Frae During Author Is Honored by His Colleagues fa ft ft 15 ROSELAND 24th and O Sts. STARTS TODAY 'Ashamed of Parents An intensely human drama, full vt ,t-lii.j: heart intm-M, with a rapM-firr ft-otba!. jrame. K..ninl in thv? Yale llusvl. AN ALL-STAR CAST t-Mttk S6's ), -at,L ike-ate teatlee taatea Fteeeatata tth ttl aa eet. Ilea a W h tai I 4 ea tit eautetaf Bwf Ghsfcwms We Will Intelligently Assist You in Your Purchase of a Leather Article That Will Reflect Good Judgment on Your Part When You Present the Gift. X Ladies' Hand Bags and Vanity Boxes If you desire to enhance the beauty of woman's costume, we suggest the purchase of an attractive baud bag. Any wom an so fortunate at to receive one would surely be delighted. $2.00 and up Practical ' Sift Selections for Your Approval Cigar and Cigarette Cases Purses and Card Cases Toilet Traveling Sets Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks Ladies' Hand Bags Portfolio Cases Photo Frames, Collar Bags Traveling Bags Gladstone Bags Manicure Sets, Music Bolls Leather Traveling Bags S9.85 I i & a $ $ r i s'5 i i ' ; $ 3 , 5 3 m ! S 3 ! :1 (live tilui a Kod durable band boarded lS-lnch cowhide ln with welt edges, sewed cor ners, leather lined, three roomy pockets, snap far-letters nnd Inside lock, In IlUrlc or Mahogany, at the tow price of. Traveliiit haa In all styles, sUes and price. Dressing Cases Tittecl and Unfitted He rlr a pleaaing arttr of Itreaaini t'saea, la kit leather and fain T llnlim, Tie fitiints si if Whit I tor?, Tuitoi ie ri4 I.I-eny, (,r ewitt Udi and ma. $2.00 and up Fitted Suitcases 1 In a Most Complete Selectlou ttitr aa-HiitiiiFtil if thu tlltid l'isita'a ii ip-)M th tniat !l Ilii-lu-Ut In t He ah 4 and Imll ' ka t ltittl mr ttttettlnn fir rhn-.Hu.ia m Vixli-r it-lf I'rtird. From $15 and Up ORDER BY MAIL OKDCK BY MAIL Hh th etmotl eoafU!ttic of attjtiaittjt 4tU ImUoii. Out of towm patront iU t aVi or Js J iL mui cartful Mwrdioa M II tbt y trt tr U proo. ui trdr f rtpaiJ. FREIiMS & OTBINLE ia03l'arnam St. Here 1G Years. A author nuiy tiauip the uliilnj ii a a hnbo, sail before the piast, drink I urn, smoke opium, tx-at his wlfo, nut Jonuh Jniiiih unit Ih whaK rival the tiutlnnnl debt, wear ImiK hair nd a CowIiik tie, write imetry and seen nrloa, commit imiwl Inrceny, go tn Jail, die In the Hioihouae, on the sal lows, and yet nialnliiln the tilth Ntiitid Ing nnd lltemry prestige that ha has vim nmoni his f.iinous eniiteinixir n r lea anil the Immortals before his time. Time and hlatory have proved these UiliiK to be true. Hut the question arose whether su author In perfectly kooiI standing could write motion picture advertis ing nnd Mill hold high place among hi fi'llnu. It remained for Kill l'urker Tttltler, the noteil authiir of "1'Ik Is I'Iks," nnd mnny other humorous works, to tuke the bull by tho hums and prove thiit one rould do It. 80 he took pen In linnd and wrote the nutlmuU ad vertising on "Knst Is West," starring Couritnnce TiilmnilKe. And hnrdly hud he fulsheil doing so when a slgnnl honor was thrust upon lilm. C'oiniirenttnir on this, he snys: "It bus nil been kooiI fun, and the fact that I wrote the nds has not prevented my being elected president of the Authors' leuKUn, last Tueadny. In fact, Harvey O'lllagln mentioned these nds Just before he nomin ated ins." I'ola Negri Wears Clothes Daring in Simjilieity "American women would not dure to venture as fur towards dress sim plicity as I'ola Negri dues," That Is the opinion of Kttiel f'hnffln, screen dictator of raxlilnns and ad mitted authority on style matters, voiced Bfter Mrs. fhaffln find the fa mous Polish star hud concluded a se ries of conferences on the costumes to be worn by Miss Negri in her first American picture, "Hclla Donna," "Hlmpllclty of the most extreme type li the keynote of Tola Negri's cos tuming," Mrs. Oinffin said in discuss ing her fiiHhlon lmprekNions of the star. "Simplicity ot line and pattern are both essential In the gown or frock that she cholines. Hhe looks with dis favor on big figured material even If this Is to be made into a gown of tha most severe lines. "This simplicity even extends to colors. Miss Negri prefers black, while and gray to all other shades. Most of the gowns- In her personal At the Roscland 9 ;x - V,' 4. ,-v .v . The henuty of New h'tiglnud, will) all lis charm mad known to thou sands upon thousands of readers by flctlunlKt and novelists, In addition to a story that unfolds n modern drama of doniCNtlu Ufa, Is to ha acen In "Ashamed of l'arents," which comes to the Itnanland theater today. The rural atmosphere of New Eng land Is said to be shown enveloped In mid-winter, and the little town in which the story Is laid seems to be literally swallowed with snow. Thu cHt Includes Charles Kldrldge, Jack Lionel Kohn, K'lith ritockton, Walter McKvan and W, J. dross. wardrobe sin In one of these three colors, And not all shades of gray ap peal to her; some hav too much blue or are characterized by her ss 'illrty,' "The one bizarre note In her en semhlu Is the headdress. Hers sgaln extreme simplicity dominates. Hut It In the one point of her dress In which brilliant colors find favor. A simple bandeau of emerald green Is a favorite of hers. Rut even here she has th excellent taste to omit a crown tn this type of headdress permitting her hair to appear above the handesu and thus heighten both the effect of slmplli-lty nnd the appearance of the coiffure. "All of the gowns worn In the early scenes of 'Hello, Donna' reflect this ex treme simplicity. Later, In tha Inter est of the characterization, Miss Negri will wear some rather more bizarre gowns. "Hut her personal taste Is towards dl?nlty stid simplicity," Oalhar ya rnaahurie while y mar, old Tlma la atlll a-flina, And ihla aama flowar I hat aiiillaa today Tomorrow will ha dylnr Hobart Harrlrlf. Glass Suffering From Bite of a llattlesnahc (Inatuii (iliias bears the doubtful dis tinction of having ecaed unscathed from a burning building that collapsed two minutes later, only to be hllten by a rattlesnake that wa making II es cape from the fire at the sam tlin. This double thriller fur Class, at any rats cfttnii as a climax to a series of unusual scene that were filmed for the production of "Th Hero." In which Cllass enacts an Im portant role. A school house, constructed of tht old lumber from a school thst ws about to be abandoned because of It old fashioned arch I tact tire, wa found to suit the purpose to the story. It waa removed to the studio grounds, to lie burned fur this sttraetlon. disss, who had rsrlred llttl Frstikle from the hissing struc ture, was about to Jump from It ond story himself, when the entire rear of the building collapsed. He leaped Just as the flames enveloped the spot on which h wss balancing; himself. At the atne time th he. nd opening of a beam r"lesd nest of rattlesnake which writhed out to liberty st ths precise moment thst Glass landed on the steps befor th budding. Three of the snnkes made off, whit th third one struck with lightning rapidity. Four cameramen who were prlndlng Ihelr machines on th seen simultaneously sine fin sctor cannot be asked In repeat such scene In tha Interest of accuracy reeorded th snske bite in a reok thst end st (Hum's leg. Oasnler wns about to rail ft halt to the scene, but nisss continued hi part In It until he was escaped from the earner lines. Then th line of pain about his y showed thst they were not there for hlsfrlonli? Pr poses. Dr. Philip Newmiirk, who ws summoned at once, treated th Wt, He raid that had If been neglected it would almost certainly hsv resulted fatally. Hannelore, who I appearing In "Th Knernles of Women," by VlcsnU HI co Ihunez, Is one of th most fnmou classical dancer in Kurop and Is, special favorite among th American soldiers (n Coblsrit. Prior to her vltt to America Hannelore, danced fof them, and their enthusiasm for her was so grest that they hav engaged her for serlt of dam recitals on her return from thl country. filorlu Hwanscn started work last Thursday on "Prodigal Daughter." adapted from th novel by Joseph Jlocklug. TODAY kncL AUVeel; SHOWS AT 11,1,13, cr, -7, 9. BOOTH TARKINGTONS ' STAGE HIT y&ul6j ccded (Ajnjzrccds Greatest Com&cbf n ISAM NCI TVU.K WALLACE RE ID AGNES AYRES MAY M9AVOY KATHLYH WILLIAMS chis is Positively allr Relets Best Picture AAI US WOVE IT QZeuork roared ati6Tor&io years ot tfee, scayes UU Clarence 13 a saxa- phone ploying ex ooldier vho iincort scioulybecoTrico a dome-stic hairiness expert and general 11 x x fixer 11. the squalbl in family vhero he lo3sc3 and jazzes the players licarta axray with hia moaning oaxaphone L TDoxotliylpeVbre CW7P SUSY' Lyman liowet Hode lod'o Strand QrcKcaira iSclintclc jNcwo MOTION PICTURU Of 1 1 lu "..'Nebraska -Notre Dame ri CMral M.t I) 1 . ,, ,,S, , jia,a4a,,j I 4 . W ufea tab aa a aa tjf J i J J 4 1 at ttiaita't4vJltfU,.aWttalibiatafialU