8 C SUNDAY UKK: OMAHA. PECKMIiKIl Masculine Stars Center of Theater Attraction Today Feminine Charms Are Temporarily Forced Into Back ground While Wallie Reid, Rudolph, Conrad Nagel, Earl Williams and Lon Chaney Cut Capers. It Boemi to be Gentlemen' week on Omaha screens for the. next seven days. With the exception of Gloria Swanson at the Rialto, every theater is headlining a mascu line star, and even Gloria has to share honors with Conrad Nagle. To review their charms in order that feminine fana may gloat over the array, Nagle Is of the cold blond type, verging on indifference. A few doors down the Btreet his exact opposite may he viewed, the dark-eyed and impas sioned Valentino, who is at the Moon in "Stolen Moments." Willi nld, h of the regular pro fit ml the itrona; arm, la At the Ktranl, arid even it. aa ("Inn-lice, hi hair I ruff ami hi nwiAr falre deeem him, he la o.nd to do aome vt the bt act in ami to is't aeay from hla rimiomnry rnl. No fne fun uri'uaa lm f'huiwy of hinr han1wn-, whatever fine llify way y atviiit hi tc. Kew a:fr are aa bmI on faciei pr"ln and makeup a tho Hn i- of "Kl-ih anil Utoo'l" at tha Hun, J'e played tha part of rln, the. old Jw, in "Oliver Twlat." which l.a Juat flushed a week a rjin her. Then I hero la Karl Wllllum at. the Worl'l. Too ial Karl couldn't keep thin! And there la that t;ruwny and two-flat ed hoi-o, I to bint Itowworth ;omlnf to Ilia Moon lata-r In tha wk, and Johnnie Wulkir. popular Juvenile, at the Mum, Htep up, Indira. "You jwiy jour monev arid inks j'our choice." Comedy at the Strand. ., Tioe ho vary (it Wtillle H-i1 fr Ulna; goodloukinv will hiiv no com-plal-.it to make cwceinlim hla latent iota in "Clarence," current at Hie Mirand. Adance plctiiiv liw hlin to be badly niuaned up inoet of the tune, and he hlika hla regular feature MiUkJ ahcll rimmed HpeHwIca, and toole uiwn a anaophone, without lot n hla charm, however. Tim picture (ollfwa rloaely oIoiik the line of the 'ctne.rty drama which nunie aucli a aun "wa In New Toik on the I'aiUniiite KtaK. Aunt Ayrm and Mny Mr-Avuy re In the UportlnK runt, lld l en aa Clarence Hmith, a colcnpterlxt, and alxo he l the only man In the world who ever drove army mule Without event-In- nt them, lie mi unoatentallounly Into the Wheeler hoiiaehold where barking mid tilting j and bickering la of daily If not hourly : uwurrenca ana ine ntniuy i n i'" point of breaking; up, when he btisln lie work a fixer. Ill quiet lrtit Jut nature mnnifeata Itaelf, and More Jong he become the confident of ev ery one In the houee. It la then that lUlh tnct and pntlnre lie a-t out to Jiulld up permanently the crumbling houee of earde, and In the end ha uc ieds moet hupiKly. .! j Viola Dana at Fmrc. Viola I'ana hue tli rolo of an lr jepreaaibl 14 year Ul in the feature u tha Empreea, '"rhe Kive Pollar baby." Ths atory l that of a baby who la abandoned and pl ked up by a hobo, wh pawna her for five dollar. The pawnbroker, who boaata that he "Ifnda jmonoy on anything," dedrtVa to rear Ihe child hlmswlf. When, U yenra later, he ia aaked to aurrender her to tha man who pawned hr, he ron trlvea a meana of avoiding the per lormanne of hla obligation. On Thuraday begina a three-day run of "Llghta of tha Vcnerl," atarrlng Shirley Maeon. , It relaK-a the adventurea of a girl who la atranded with a enow In a leacrt town in the weat. She la ahun sued Tby the women goanlu of ' the Mown, and makea good In the face 'of untoward clrcumatancea. Mia Ma aon'a piquant beauty and exoeptlnnal 'talant in both light comedy and emo .tlonal work ara a Id to have excel--lant material for their diaplay in thla tptctura. iRialto Presents "Mrs. Belle w" Beautiful vlawa of Kurope'a moet 'faahfonabla water reaort: an abaorb 'trig murder trial; colorful action at a Ana country eatate, and Gloria Swan laon In an Intereetlng array of brand jnew Parla gowna, ara announced a a thigh llghta of "Tha In.noealble Mra. JPellew," which comea to the nialto i ledaj'. Tha Impofiible Mra. l!!lew" telle !of what happen a when an Inno.-ent jwtfe'e reputation ia purpoeely blm-k. ' aned by an unacrupuloua layrr In or 1er to aae her worthlea huland I from oonvMlon of a rharga of mur der. Iterotnlng a aortsl pariah aa "Tha IntpoMlble Mra. Hellew," Mie ;Swana'n fleea from America to r.u ropa, where tha atory run thrui-glt a gamut of Intweitlng aei)tnnera to a I romance that promleea hiplnea. t Robert Cain la tna lit!nd who !,auwi ail the trmtlile, while Omrad 'J Nagel playa i pp-ie the nar tn the rrola of noellat. Mt.-key and I'at Moore are en In aynipaihrtie kiddle rolea. The comedy t "Ib'me M.iile Mcv. hn! Pen Turpln and Thjllla ' Itaterford hate both a huiiiiua anj ; fathetlc time tijlng to l--ne pdtitie i pn'bl'r. . i WorM ?lio MrltMltgiiu. ncj'a iipwmiI picture, nt the Hun thla week. It la auld to give Chaney an excellent chfinc to demouxtrat bl eenae of characterization. In theej'ile of a convict, he em-apce from prinoii arid flnda refuse in f'hlnii town, l(n hi been confined for 15 )era. Ilia cup la overflow In .with blMi-rncna. lie h one motive to punlHl) the Influentbil flnnncler who will him to prlwjn. He aluo wlxlii-d to look upon the face of hla dear whe and duuwliter, the bitter grown into womanhood alnce ha entered the blir, gray prlooii, It la a picture which ebftorliH the nttcnlhm of the epectntor. The Week at the Mum?. "Kleah ami JHwhJ," tn Clmiicy'a phtiire of a criminal who plota for revenge and then doea not take It, abowa lit Ihe Muee today only, Mon rlnv ami Tu'Mlay thn feature will be "My rad," In which Johnnie Walker flirhta hla way through the bitter cold if frozen trelle to clar a eunplcion of murder from hla fnlher'a heal, A-tile of the r.-u-e; truck and Wild fire, the ffirnoua thoroughbred, i un folded in "When Jloirmnco nid'ia," on adaptation of Zane tlrcy'a novel. It in wexlcrn dniuia with a cat headed by f'lalre AdHina, f'nrl (lantvoort arid J'8 IIrliolt. Tho Muh prceentg thla picture Wednesday and Thura day. The end of the week, "Htoleu Momenta"' will bold the ecreen there. It. ia a no'-Wty drama In which a wonian murl i-hooee between hf-r own honor and her huaband'a. Ilodolph itlentliio In a prominent member of the coKt, tin la Marguerite Nhiiihiu, Utter known to opera-gfer than to the Moreen, "Stolen Moments" at Moon. "Htolen Momenta," which Ukuh a four daya' run at the Moon yeHlPrday, i a aotlety thriller which waa eMpo- dally written for Murguerlte Namara, who et;ir In the picture with Jto iloliih Valentino. It in one of hla earlier picture. Ml Namara made ti nntne for herself on the operatic ptaKa both on account of her voice and her beauty and her ability to act. Valentino necda no further iiitroduiv tloiia. The plot concerna Iteelf with the price a woman puld to aave her hunband'a honor. "White Ilanda" deplete a atruKKle between a ruthleea men. captain, Hu bert Bodworth, in aearch of treaaure In the Sahara, and Helen .Maltland, aole atirvlvor of a group of mlaaion arte. The "White ITanda" belong to a baby of 3, who aavea the H nation. Tha Moon will feature this plcturo the end of the week. The two principal character in "Anna Aacenda," Alice Brndy'a lnteat picture, have prototype In real life. "Anna Ayynb," the Syrian Immigrant girl about whom the atory revolvea, la modeled after the famou An7,ia Te.b-reka, Runalan immigrant, who won fame In thla country aa the writ er of "Hungry Hearta and many nrtlclea on Americanization. The other character, Howard Fik, a mil lionalre newepaper reporter, auggcata Cornellua Vajiderbllt, Jr., now a re porter on the New York American. By Their Feet in Paris the Head Waiter Spots American Women ia fc't-1 1(1 ll f4l IWS. i 1 we m a'.. -a a t j 1 wfceihn l tt-fv4 i.f f. Klt i ; Wa U fkti'g wnei Ibe rlit... (f e a u nM , aaainet !'. fcte t H , ae4 kti he t tk t.k ' I Mwaiu 1 1 ; -lh Hl-r i u Women who have read of Parlaian Import, who have alghed over their domecHc attire, need algh and read no longer according to traveler recent ly returned front abroad. The hand writing la on the wall and the home of fahicn a about to fehift to this aide of the Atlantic. One 'Of the prophet of thla change la Karyl Norman, "The Creole Vaeh lon 1'late," who will be a fea ture attraction at the Orphcum for the week of IVcember 3. Karji went to l'arla early in the aummer, conducted a atl'l hunt for gowna and after three month came back gown leea. "After an entire aummer apent In a frultlea ear-h for the proper coa tiimea f,,r mv new aenwin," uphilned Karyl. "I came to the eonrluln that I'd have to return to New York f.r them. There la aomeihing about American dralgnere that get the wioiiality of the wearer and fimhliui the cwtiimea e.Hirtlingly, I really jllee that t reatlv arltat aie com. j log nit an I more to the front In thla country, and It la mv piopliecy that lfci kjiti New York will le the fihiin dictator of the world. ' W in il front the f ' t that my i-uMftme eiii t erea Ine letter . w hen they are ilnnml by Amer-'t-i " de.-lare4 Kan I. "it la my firm j belief trwt hut l eruling In 4ur power ! ia'e nMpkij ,nt fe An.ermn during the piuenl In- iiiiiiil rrt., Thn Ncrnti wM en " li'U -t, Hihl .B,.ht.. Hvl ' I'V tlier l.. iljiiie ia i!.. ir to "Vuu Srr Kaew.'' hhh ttn a wttk a iim at the H.tkl tiiuy. iU ui l ,e all lh lin k in th l-.K and I 0 e i en-ma rilt. j It. rtua a t h'M fi-ni the 5 if a ut..i.-l ,le. ill.il lt i.t nt f ) Itlf-W ttietn, l'l iV i iMi' s, tifle m tt itti-r 'r, ; , u to h tU f.liai -lr ol tbe iif.-l t fnm an . ,it,. ,! 4..t--n g r' iu hate b Hi.if ...in J rt e4 , he til : i ,n,fh . V hl n eUt te I Ultt el In t- "t p4 m-t'H !, . m t.t i lit I'at i ta f Ta Mt l rf.i'l)( "f ""tiai ' fci ia i-. ,!- aa iihii t Lt l"4-lifi witil 'li.'H 4 "t ' ,.iv.i, at ', ntr t-eie be t ... ..... II. !k ....II . ...1 ft.ll ak,J I j mm i i ... ...'f.i tit, , H lii I lie4 isfeil ut l iMH-e b-'e t fn t m4 '. W'-g Atrfrt-ea m -r ,ii.i 4 m enh en r t4 twni e t l- ol t.,.r l ie Bj ! lto lt ! eii. wee te Ij.'i ti I ! I ait,t( ' - i U ie t-e ' e'w mib ! en lk .Km mw,!.i im lliX'IkiH f4 4 Ktla tst ' (."i na a ie h ', l' -.-i at at mi f i n at (.- .e ke' tit, " ft j ni l K.co Im 4vr S4$ft,',- I? W. V ' l'l i ! 8un-"Kleh'ond Jilood." 4 f M! MranU-'"fh.rer.c(!." 'SJ?i I 1 ' . Oil 1 lUallo-'Tlie Itnpoaaible Mr, A'' Jt4V.'4 f jtrfcH, ', i ! Kmpreea, Hunduy to Wednca- i4'f k T r,ji' ' Klve-IMIar r.aby;" W fa&i r XL0' f i Thursday to Huturday "Llghta of , fry ' j Ihe Dea-rt." f sf - eJ '' " ' World "Von Ncvt-r Know." "mWf e ' ' ' j MKiit Hiinduy to Wednesday age l r 4. "Hudeii Moiiientu:" Thuraday to Ij ' ' ' I I Mat urday "White Jin ndH," 3 8 Mil Sunday "Htolen Mo- I iiicni;" Monday and Tueaday, ,: ; '. I "My fxid;" Wednewluy and Thura- J i 1 I It ,t.,v "Wlii-ri l.'nnianci, IH,Ipb" Vrl. I 11 day and (Saturday, "Stolen Mo- Confucius Inventor . of Shatiow Pictures The pttblln In ariiciiil hit been led to brllev that mot 'on picture, our grrutcat "Infant induatry," urn morn or leaa recent invention and that the new popular iimuaemvnt tunic Into being only a few yeara ago. It la true that the development of the motion picture la a matter of leeeut year, but Dm litlereMlnii infur malon hue Juat come lo Unlit via Im doll that Confuclu, thn t'hlneeii aagc, wo familiar with the gcneinl prin ciple of motion picture oh far back a bUO R, ". In lain lent I'lilmi be tx perlmetited with what were then known a "Shadow Show," The Indication are quite clear that lliea rliMilow allow were the forerun ner of motion picture a we know thom today, Therefore, It might not be am! to cull i 'nnf uciua ho fit a motion picture producer. ii A Yymmt i rr rra ft r.tt A Xmas Suggestion by the Strand Theater AlTROIWATfcLY tlcaik'ticJ main flour -miaaion ticket have been printed In book form and would make an iippiei-lutcd gift. Book of 10 tickets. Bopk of S tickets . SI.OO $15.00 Three ticket are good any linio and do not huva to bu cx hntiKcd. NOW ON SALE AT STRAND BOX OFFICE 5,;,i,;,j15ii,5,s,515i.5ii,i-,:5:-.:-iii-S'5oA Ivan Llnow, who play the Jiohdie vlk leader In "The Kncinle of Wo men, I a i baiiiplnii wrcntler and la known in thHt aport a "The Olant Coaaack." In the picture, it. I necca anry that I,lnow wear a beard and he now claim he ia the only bearded wreatler in tho world, That I-lnow la ar good a tvreatler aa an actor i evi denced by the fact that, beard and Carl WtUter-''V0fLO' all, he beat Carl Vogel, the "(iennon Client," In a match In New York a few day ago. TfU this - !pii(hhorhood Play Houses Konchiiid "Ashamed of Tartnt." I, rand "Raga toJUche," Hamilton "The finoeahoe Trail." Victoria "The Imv and The Wiunoii," AS yoautere 'ajstou.ndb&d, ai his Vork, as "the Frcx in me Miracle Man'.re vv amazed at the on&erfhl charactxrization'Of "Dlizzardb in &Ae Penalty So you xPill aain marvel at ILC K mmmWmMn If atK If I V 5 ft I 1- L WaBSWHr- ii, M i . . 11 1 1 1!. !' aV at l i I I at U am a m , I il l i I ; .' ' v i(t 111 I I ! ; V X v. J ii i - Starts Today. as iUKat neiflibornood neaiit Today Only. IK. Caicsl success . Ileslni viUi a peri bet caat . CDITM ROBERTS JACK MUIMALL DiWITT JUNNIINOS RALPH LLWIS - NOAH OCCRY. , 3un Stccia 1 C imiuV ifZz uta'ntai SUN IrtCOHPARABLE ORCHESTRA l .wl ate- Si"lH.a5CK. " ..Ue- "eW Gloria SxlMPOSIBLB, MRBELLEW' Here is lorlotiS Gloria at her rcsplend--entbest. Ais the mother , she vas never so poig nantly appealing. As theadarlxn leader of aMonte Carlo society, she vas never so lavish- Conrad Nagel andL Robert Cain in cast Mack Gennetb's So6es JPctupA 'Producer BEraKPIN a. A wvaa HomewaaeMovies oiill rojar till -oiiur sides ache at tie criss cross Hoiro vamping his blixo- -eyocL j.aay love. i SYMPHONY PLAYERS Overture Pique Dame Suppe Standard Prices Eve'gs, Sunday Mat., 35c Daily Mat., 25c JULIUS K. JOHNSON Premier Organist "Baby Blue Eyes" 11 mJ 4 ' " a 4 .e.i - f !-4 1 1 si t I.- , t s t a , '.V ' . "k - ejd . . a i , t-jo; f f i I T LJe aaa aM aW t aV HaV aTV I . . i - naaka e- , r -. m . e , " ir aVl II . KL llll -I V J V f . 1 a. I II 'aV . m TSaltt,' 1 1 ' 1 1 t UST TIMES TUES ') "S!l! jet MOM1EMTS II i l UtJIWVt J I -I n TirL tMwn in Omaha.. '.s ",i C WlliTlV IIANDS t i is IS i ft 1 A