The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 03, 1922, NEWS-SPORTS AUTOMOBILES, Image 24

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    12 C
Man Tried to Shoot
Police, Is Belief
Officers Hear Hammer Click
of Pistol in Hands of
. I'atrnl Conductor Itrljrham anJ De
tective Tri-iflli believe they owe their
liven, or t least thr-ir rood health,
to tha fart that a cartridge ilesiKned
for an fiulnmutlc pinto! Isn't alwayn
Mplodcil when Mt by the hammer of
tt cylinder revolver.
Thrift two mm responded, to a call
l-nm 3406 Ohio afreet, where It wna
r ported a man was disturbing the
jM-ace In a most noisy fashion. They
ntfred through a rear door. It was
"fkt out of my houae," rumbled a
dro them.
'"Oh, I grueis not yet," retorted
Troslln. t
Trt-tclla s.iya he heiard the dirk of
it revolver hammer. They disarmed
Klmer pnlnn, toik Mm to Central sta
tion nnd bunked him for drtinkenners,
disturbing the peiiee and carrying
iv rirenled weiipuns. In the revolver
they found a dented shell, which they
say hnd been struck y the revolver
hammer, hut whli h failed to explode.
The cartririK wns labeled for use In
an autnmntlo revolver; the pistol was
of the cylinder type. .
Classes in Business
to Start at C. of C.
MA. Soli.
Om;ilia Man to He Sneaker
for Ail CIulis of World
An Omaha man has been asked to
serve as one of the speakers for the
Associated Advertising Clubs of the
World. He Is Charles U. Hudson, dis
trict commercial agent for the West
ern Union Telenraph company. Mr.
Hudson has piade 30-minute tulles be
fore 60 different business clubs In this
section In the past 20 months. He
lllustrnles his talka with a chart, Ills
Invitation from the Ad clubs came
from Ci. W. Hopkins, chairman of the
speakers' committee, at the executive
tflicis in New York.
.Farmer Bilked of $20,000.
Kalamazoo, Mich.. Uec. 2. A
time-worn swindle In which J. M.
Kant, farmer, residing near Mar
'reiltis, was relieved of $20,000 in
a fake stock deal was revealed here
when Sheriff Sherman P. Wyman left
for Baltimore, Md., to return E. L.
Tteed, under arrest In that city as one
of three men who bilked East by
promises of fabulous dividends.
8. M. Jennings, arrested in Hamil
ton, Ont., charged with being a con
federate of Reed, is out on $5,000 cash
bond awaiting extradition.
The trio, who maintained luxurious
quarters in a Grand Itaplds hotel,
talked Eaat Into buying In a reputa
ble Saginaw corporation. They got
his $20,000 nnd fled.
Rails Prepare for Santa.
" 'Washington, Dec. 2. All kinds of
railroad roiling stock, even refrigera
tor cars, are being gathered by the;
railroads for prospective use In han
dling the Christmas mail rush, accord
ing to a report Issued today by the
l'ostofflce department.
"More Speeders Sentenced.
Los Angeles, Dec. 2. Twenty-three
more speeders were given Jail sen
tences yesterday by a police Judge,
bringing the total number of offend
ers so punished since November 20,
to- 273.
Mr. AKa Miaw.
Broken Bow Mrs. Alva Shaw, 42. died
at her farm home. She ! survived by
bar husband and on daughter. Funeral
services were held in tha Methodist
church, Rev. David Morton preaching the
Mr. John .lentaea. .
Beatrice. Mra. John Jentien, IV, or
Plymouth died at her home. Bha H sur
vived by her husband and a number of
children. .
Will Ord. m ,
Pawnee City. Kuneral services for will
Ord. stock raiser, who died after taking
poison which ha thought to be medicine,
were held In the First Methodist church,
Rev. Sir. Maine, pastor. In charge. ,
William J. Rlckerel.
Oshkosh. William J. Rlckerel. 14, an
arly homesteader In this county, died at
lila home. He la survived by seven chil
dren. ,
Mrs. Lester Pickerel.
Oshkosh. Mrs. Lester Pickerel. II, died
at her home. She la aurvlved by a hus
band and two small children.
' Mrs. Margaret Men-en.
York. Mrs. Margaret Stevens, 74, died
st tha home ot her sister, Mrs. J. A.
P. H. Mclntlre.
York. P. H. Mclntlre. 86, died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. H. V. Price.
Tha body was taken to Bellwood for
Mra. Christian Chrlstenien.
Wolbach. Tha body of Mra. Christian
Christiansen, 70, who died at her home
at Merna, waa brought to this city and
aervtcee held at tha home ot her daugh
ter, Mrs. Chrla Neitaen. She came to N
braska In 1S73 from Denmark.
Mrs. Catherine Oberlnc.
Beatrice Mra. Catherine Oberlng. IT,
wife ef Fred Oberlng, well known farmer
Plokrelt, died. She leaves her bus
banal and five children, two sons and
three daughter.
William T. Jackson,
Oshkosh William T. ackaon, II, a sue
reeeful farmer of thla county alnc 11(17.
died suddenly. He leaves a wife, two
daughtera and on aon. The latter waa a
candldlat for county clerk thla year on
the democratic ticket.
Mlaa Emily IJdtttcott.
Beatrice Misa Emily l.lddlcotf. II, for
10 yeare a resident of Beatrice, died aud
denly at the home of her brother, Thomas
L-lddlcolt, with whom ahe lived.
Pr. ftearge Ewh.
Talmage Ir. George Kwh died at Bis
tome here. I'r. Kwh came to Talreage In
the early 'IP, soon after tha town ot
Talmage waa started.
tleme W acner.
stl Oeorge Wagrer. 83. a prominent
farmer living near Eustle, died et beert
Cenrc R. Mitchell.
Heldreve corge Ramsey Mitchell 44
en b!a homestead la Wyoming and was
'irtd In HoMtrg. Mltrhell and two
ef hie brother enlisted aeon after th
declaration of war with Oermany and was
ent vrpae la Company T. Hth Infantry,
I'lrat division. 11 waa aerloutly wounded
November 7. Ill at Sedan. II waa
wounded thre ttm and at one of the
timee waa !rt on the field fr dad. Th
I. tk C . Crn' d Ourr wuh r'alm an4
th Medal Ml liter war awarded hlaa
tVr bravery. Ill le hrother wr ee-i-OJalv
wunded On f b: kre'bera Prof.
J C Mil'-he:l. I iirntBdeat of th
tlte b'sb srhoal. Th funeral waa
la charge of th Mania ll.ra f.-.i ef the
Imrihii l.egiaa and be d in th audi
torium. Paul KUstet.
aaJ:B Taut a rlene.r ef
K.l;..a inunty. d'.4 in t ttav A.Mua h.t.i
11. hi tO'lv we bought to b:e bem is
lt4 rn. r'uneiat Jr bM tn
th preei'Tt.rtaa rharl. llev. 11. I'rlrk
t th l.alheta ehur-a ef which be a
saenkar, as 1 Re. M' wtmtwrlr f tk
-Tytella (Iwt ftleltlag. H waa
Vera la 111! la A '". and tarn to
Aeuert- la HIT wim hi irt 4 '
14 S kera.t4 la HO M I '
The university extension classes in
business, conducted by the college of
business udmlniMtifitiun of the I'nl
verslty of .Nebraska under the
auspices of the Omaha Chamber of
Commerce, will open Monday evening
In the chamber rooms for the winter
course. Classes will be h'flu each
Monday and Thursday evening, from
7:30 to 9:10.
Prof. Muiirlcu K. Weseen will pre
sent a course of builnwa l-'ngllsh
Monday evonlngs. The course will
Include, general principles of business
letters and reports, makeup of these,
some every day business letters, cor
rect spelling and pronunciation, credit
- w- , v . .
at w. w. .
i it s4?)
Bandit SIiools
and Robs Youth!
Young Engineer Leads
Dublin Republican Army
v-7.'s7t7i Wilson
Snvs ' Uiii kviifd
by fnnHTl of llattlc WYaru Fniform, Hut
AluajK Armed Willi Au
tomatic Pistol,
itliin Hit liy Itulltt While
in Act of Kaisin;
ft mJ!
Maurice II. Wcherri.
and rullectlon letters, effective sen
ti nces, letters of complaint and ad
justment, letters of application and
recommendation, sft'ly of vmnls and
sales letters.
I'rof. Paul W. Ivey will offer a
course In advertlslritr on Thursday
evenings beglnnliig December 7. This
course will include n series of lco
tur s and discussions on writing ad
vertising, copy, preparing layouts, se
lecting typo and illustrations, use of
color and ornament nnd testing the
effectiveness of different appeals.
Jinin VafupoU, 10, Mil South
Kotn lei mil street, was shot under the
left arm by a holdup man at Twenty
ninth and 1. streets, at fi:15 1-Ylilay
night. ,
fier "hooting Vnmpol.i the bandit
HiiMicli-d $10 from his pocket and fled,
! iiccoi diiig lo the victim's report to
"Tin' man came up from behind and
stuck his gun in my hack," sa il Vam
'pohi. "1 obeyed his order to 'stick
them up' as (iilckly ns 1 could, but
l ifoii) I got my arms clear up In the
air he nhot me. lie reached Into otic
of my pockets) ami took out $1H, then Ho did I, to the nearest phone."
Vnmpola said the man was white
and bad a large "blue steel" revolver.
"He scemcil nervous and I don't be
Ileva he meant to shoot lue," said
Vampola, who was ujulnfiilly, but not
critically Injured, "I think the gun
went off accidentally."
Pennies in Gizzard.
Martins Ferry, ., Doc. 2. Six
pennies worn nearly smooth, pre
sumably duo to action of the fowl's
digestive apparatus, were found In
the gizzard of a chicken wlikh Mrs.
Harry Kochnlcln, wife of a locul
banker, was cleaning. Mr. Kochnlcln
declared that no money waa ever
found In eggs laid by the hen.
"Moonbhiiie Shampoo."
Superior, Wis., Dec, 2. Another
kind of hair tonic called "moonshine
shampoo" was discovered by police
here when In a raid of the barber shop
of William Kehwank they stuinhled
over 13 gallons of alleged moonshine.
The "shampoo" was taken to police
Car Overturns- Following
Crash at Street Corner
Two automobiles, mio driven by
.John Ovart, 4111 South Twcntyslxih
street, nnd the other by ( K. Wat
kins, litiOS 31 street, collided at Twen
ty fifth and H streets, Friday evening
at 5:1, iioconlliift to police. Tho fon
der of Ovart's car, according to the
police report, was struck by the Wat
kitiK' car. Tho Ovart machine was
overturned, throwing Ovart to the
pavement, liolh machines were dam
aged, but neither driver wns hurt.
Dublin. Die. 2 "Itory" O'Connor,
thn mull who bits i oiniiifilidc.l (lie
t reiielhotis ri piiblii at) anny In Dublin,
' in not tlie usu.'il tvp" of man expected
lo hold th piiMUou of military die
i tator,
j "ISorj" o 'iiniiiir In an engineer, a
; man of tiudium helcht and spar"
huttd, about :t r viiiih old. Hi feature
are kharply ! f j ti I . Ins iIh-i ks hollow,
his eyes tlaik and deeply set. Hit Is
cli mi shaven, but bis miiss nf black
hair shows mmis of grflyne. Ills
voir" Is dei p and eninc't.
There li liiwj of militiii Isni about
"lloiy ' ( i'('ui,i;or j never wears a
uniform, but bud-i his army garbed
in r daik blue suit and a gray cardi
gan jacket, lie transacts his military
luisiiietM with the minimum of fibs
and paiiers, but always has ri huge
aitloinullc revolver at his hand,
"Kory" Is the mm of a Dublin law
yer nnd has for a long time been
ll jt if itil wiili the movement for an
Irish republic. He was a member of
the young Ireland branch of the
1,'riited Irish league in the sirugglo for
homo rul". Ills scientific knowledge
as an engineer was of jricat valuo to
the Irish republican army In tbu fight
against Knglnnd, and before the split
on thn treaty question ho was director
Man With Gun Held.
John C. O'llrlcn was ordered held
" -:
Tiimpa, Flu, Vif. S. Kunner
I'lcidict V hew Wilson declared
1 m 'pulses me quickened by the
liospect if battle" In a letter to
Fiank !. Ib'iton of the TumpA Til
Imp". iii hIii imlila; ton nbt.
" I'iie t.isi, of J'.ii'l, I III) bttiT i.'lld,
"Is to hii iiadillivn imr Inlellecttinl and
ii forces iis to iissiito a complele
il'fe.ii if the p.uly whlth has done
1 1, riiiiiliy so seiluiis n dlsservlco
and to win again for our government
lh 'ideishlp In the affalii of the
t tuld vblcb thn r- uiili.-an for the
tuna being ham tb-pitM"l H. n'l V
sotitilly 1 fe. I conn di fit this can and
will be done. My pulses ate fl'llr
eio'd lv Ihe prospect of bat'le.
"I think Willi you that thn otr
of the country have already Seen how
.rossly they were misled and havt
nire.idv turned their f ices toward the
trui h.'
r,000 Wild Ilonri Killf'J.
Mnimp'", 1'iuiice, Dm. I More
than I. tifl will bitrs wei Hlld In
Ihe vicinity of this town during the
last year, f'f 'bis number 47 '
them welgt rd ni"i' 'hail f.1 pound.
of eiilneci in ; at ihe (,-i m ial (c ad
qiiarliiis of the iu-li republican army,
During the "war" against (.'real,
J'rllaln "llorv" w.i'i captured by the
black nnd tans and was nt on) time
ink-mod, but mu'lo bis escnpe.
"liory" O'Connor N a man of power.
Whether be is ih:ht i,t wrong in lead
ing the Irregulars he N boiin.l lo be n
power In Ireland's future.
for trial In district court on a charge
of carrying concealed we,tj.ri by
J mice Pa: rick in Koiilli Oiaah.i police
court Saturilay morning.
l,eo Honcrgiin, who was arrested
with fi Hrlen, was discharged when
Judge Patrick declared ho never would
Jail a man on vagrancy charges If
that man could prove be was wot:.
lag regularly,
Our; Motorist Keleasetl;
Other Is Given Fine of .$."
Howard IVushaid, 3134 Haskell
street, whose .mother, Mrs. Chita
Frusliard, eH, suffered fi.-n-lured arm ;
In an automobile collision at Twenty-i
'f:flll street i I 111 Deer Park boilll V1. '
Wediiefda V etcnlng, tin fined f '
fur reekb ss delving in Simlli Oinah il
police court . Inn Cliri i Heine, I'nlfl I
Valley street, leslifjed Fi'tlsbard's ma- j
chine struck the Heine car, taking off
'l front wlii-' l, J 'i n.' li i i i was on the I
near sido instead of ihe far side, ( is j
alleffid. lb' no was d. si harged, I
South Omaha Brevities
J 'lv-,-riiom hiia.-e 'r j.-nt, ell m.f(l 'in. 1
i",ill 41 A. 4'. !,. 1
Turn in Your Scries A' to F
Victory lioinls, A to V, nrc diic Dee cmlicr l.'Hi.
After that date they will not draw intcrcM. It
you will Itrinjf your bonds of thift st'iitfi t "or
Savings Deparlmcnt now we will collect them for
you without any expense to you.
Chetlt over your hands and if you liave any Victory
Hondl, Serira A to I'", I ,-inr; tl--ci in now
for collection.
First National
Double Ve.lillin.
Madison Mary Melater, claiighter of Mr.
nrf Mr. (leorue Melnter. and Krert Uleter,
son of Joe Uleter, were nisrrled at St.
Leonard's rhurch. Ilev. rattler iirans om
clatlnr. Mary Dieter, rtaushter of Mr.
...a T th.,.. an.l Alhort Amrlln
Hi mrm. mm ,.,., ...... - .-- ---- -
of Heemer were married at the same aour.
Tork C!lark W. Howard of Benedict anil
riorene M. Wlndtleld of Tork wer mar
ried at the Methodlet parsonage III Reward.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard will mak their
bom on a farm near Benedict.
York Vivian II. Jewell of tavenport,
la., and lleatrlc Hi. Dyer of Edgar wers
married at the Melhodlet tiaraonage. Mr.
and Mrs. Jewell will mak their horn In
Broken Bow Mies Hanel Klmes, daugh
ter of Tom Klmes of Anselmo, and Dr.
Tom Mulllns of Merna were married at
th hrtm of the sroom parent. Dr. and
Mrs. C. L. Mulllns, In this city, Juils
C. H. Holcoinl) performing tha ceremony.
The eoupl were attended by Mies Cleo
Kennlmore and Walter Burk. Dr. Mulllns
and wife will reside at Merna, where hu
la engaged lu the practice of medicine.
Beatrice Frank R. Ueran, Jr., 11, and
Miss Anna Prebyl, 21, both of Odell, er
married at Lincoln. They will make their
horn on a farm near Odell.
Oshkosh Oscar Rentzach and Miss
Helen Beam wet married nnd will mak
their home on the groom farm near this
Oshkosh Oeorge King and Miss Letha
Miles of Lcwellen were married.
Randolph Wedding.
Randolph Nellie Howell and Otto 01
sen were married here at the home of th
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea
Howell. They .vlll maka their home on
a farm. .
Irma Copple. ilauchter Tjr mt. ana Mrs.
E. Copple. wos married to Homer I.en-
ton at th home of the bride's parenta.
Weat Point Licenses.
West Point The following marrlair
licenses were Issued here this week: John
F. Heiman and Miss Anna Kampius, ana
Conrad Stieren and Justina Orovllahn,
all of this county. Andrew Hi. I.lndalc and
Anna wachtier, botn or umana; nwiii
Jacobson tinrl Ethel Oatzemeler.
ITTN the selection of
111 the leather, the shap
ing of '.he models, the
workmanship and finish,
nothing has been left
undone which will add to
the style, fit and wearing
qualities of
Douglas Shoes and
Stryker's Foot - Fitting
Service provide a happy
:ombination: Style, Foci
Comfort, and Lasting
Wear which, of
course, results in SHOE
Coaautt our Suroa
Chiropodist your
foot (rouble ; no cKargo
lor lamination.
DoutUt Shoo Store, Inc. j
117 North 161a) Stroot
Opooailo Peatoffico
"foot fitter
IGrover Shoes fRJV
W aie Blocked on a niuft coinplcta ahowlna; of
Crovcr Shoe, for Women. iC
llltllNFl AMI lll llllK
for finlntlnc nei-da anil md
28c packa;o Rroni! for
10c packano Colors; 2 package, for lft)
llmnxina; I.linild for ..iftt
Rruslic for woi-d palntlna; at 10J
Attrncllve aaniiilc on illnnlnr la Wnll Taper Itrpt.
A New Selling Precedent Established-Monday the Third Day
v rain vx. -r -
Just Ihree Uays Lett to" Convert $100,000
January Prices In December The Savings Are
Most Unusual Right Now
Worth of Stock
Into Cash
lur ( on Is nt I1!).(MI
Fur Coats Mado up of Kusslan pony, wolverine,
marmot, French seal; many with collars of Siberian
.squirrel, marten and braver; lengths: 36, '10 nnd 42.
(.'oats In this group worth up to $200.00;
on sale Monday at.
Dresses at $2:5
One big lot of dresses In
ploth and silk, suitable for
rtreet, afternoon, dinner
iud evening wear; styles
mltablo for ladles or the
wi.sses. Many samples and
odd dresses from our reg
ular Btock; values to $;"!).
On sale- Mon- (POO f7K
day, at tPali. I O
Ladies' Coals nt $'A
150 distinctive styles, lu
bollvias, marvellas, Ara
bellas, fashlonas and hlgh
grado .plush coats, trim
med in black wolf, opos
sum, platinum wolf and
squirrel; sizes 16 to 40;
coats that sold to
$79; now at
Fur Scarfs at If 19.00
Group of fur scarfs, stoles and chokers, made up
in American mink, double fitch, foxes, wolves
and other novelty furs that are worth
up to $35.00; Monday, at
(Second Hour
furniture Reductions That Are Sure Interesting!
On Sale Starting Mondo
A Carload
Of Bed
A solid car load of llcil Davenports in polished oak, fumed oak
anil mahogany fiiiisdius. Upholstered in cenulno moleskin. In
cluding davenport, chair and rocker. Davenport makes com
fortable bed when open. 1'ieces can bo bought separately. Dav
enport priced at $!9.7f
Chair or Rocker, priced each 81).9(J
Library Tables tit $10.11(1
Mahogany or oak library tables. These tables have a top 2(ixl0
inches in diameter which will harmonize wilb
davenport suites; specially priced, at
Cedcr Chests
Th Ccdnr Clients tvo a 10 imw of
fering are very atruntrly nindp
from jremilno red Tcntici'S. n cedar.
Thy are nitUi-irouf, il'.i.t-inni.f
nnd moistttrii-iu'oiif and fti'i-oriliu
every pn.Kiihli. c!"llii n pi of.-r! ion,
it will be fi ph'HMire, to in.-ik
SBlccttiin. Tlii-y in-
priced an low n.
Holiday Leather Goods
Hand Daft a, I'nrty Iloxea, Head
Baca, l'uraca. Bill Books, etc., on
apcclul nle Mondny.
Children's Silk KaK. . . .25-504
Children's Pui-ty Boxes,
$2 Ladles' Fitted 1'arty Boxes, $1
$3.0l) Ladies' Compartment Pariv
Koxes for 91.89
$5.00 Ladies' Party KoxR, on' sale
at only HS2.50 to 3. 50
J3.0u Hand Liags Sl.SKN
J4.50 and $5 00 Hand Baga, 2.9S
r!.0 Hand llas $3.RO
BOc Jlen's Bill Folds 25J
H.00 Men's Bill Folds 75
3.00 Men's Bill Folds 81.25
Ladies' New Neckwear
A special lot of Embroidered Col
lar and Cuff Set for 29
Novelty Embroidered and Lace
Collar Sets, at SOt4
Bertha Lac Collars. SI to 84.75
Fancy Boudoir Caps. t
59. 81 to 82
Linens, Scarfs and Napkins Suggestive for Gifts I)
During This Sale at Very Decided Savings
Pore I.lnen Table Scla 2x2 yds..
hemstitch J(oth with s dozen 18
Inch napkins to match; specially
priced, at, set... 812.75
Pore I.lnen, Soft, Silky, Heavy
Weight Table Cloths 68x63 sizo;
beautiful quality, each... 89. 75
Pore I.inen Pattern Table Cloths
63x81, made for the new ob
long dining tables; satin damask
cloths; each 87.75
Par I.inen Napkin to match;
22-lnch siie; the Va dozen, 84.65
Pure Linen Damask Pattern
Cloth 2xJ yards: heavy welpht,
serviceable; special, each, 83.98
Pure linen , up kins 20-in. size,
dnmask styles, small pattern;
tlio dozen 8.1.95
Kmbroldery l.lnrn White si .i f-ing-,
lS-inch width; yard. . .U9l
llnihritldery Linen Tan scarflnff,
18-inch width; yard 50
llnndkerrhlef I.inen liiinnre 20
shades; bi-st grade. each...SO
Fancy Urraaer Scarfa A real
Iwreain assortment on sale Mon
day: 2,500 scarfs In the lot, at
81.25. 81.00. 69, 59
and 49
Fancy Dresser Seta Pur linen,
18-lnch oval and two 12-Inch cir
cular pieces; embroidered In col
ors; the set 81.98
TohpI Sela lii Ho.irH Heal, s
stnntial glfis: set
9S. Sl. and gl.OS
PMIiiw Cain'M
Kilts; pair "f
inch cases for
Xeatly boxed f
luce triinui''d
Mndrlra I.lnrn Napkins Itichest
crude linen, best linnd work; J-..
dozen at S6.2.i
pniilsli I.aec 13x20 oval hand
made linen plecfs, each.. 81. 50
finny linnd Mnilr I. ace S'rf
Wido lace, 18-45 size; ca., 8.I..5
Point de Venice I.ncc 25-Inch
circular pieces; linen ccntrs; nn
sale each. 4 at 87.95
Filet anil Ilnllan nt Work Oa-a
Towels Linen buck; a . 8.1. 50
VfmmVT,Vm naayuasin n in
Child's feels 81. 50
Haby Bpo"tis 5(
2i-l'lec I 'inner Set i.f Kmv.-s.
Forks. .Spniiim. etc, in t.iM-..HlU
Mix-Piece Silver 1'mIu u .'i, i h-
eiiil at 8(t.l)H
Klillt lion K SilI.O
Fruit liaski-t.-', ,:ii.dn-i. I, Ti n ,.,
etc.. at 8I
Ifefl'l Tra ).-. ot. ---1 . 81 i.i 87
SiliTlniff li.-i n . 1 1.- d, Id M ,u i-'i.i i,..,
L'i'ii'.'s. li'-iiv Spi'-.i's. I'i. ii!,- I'- iJ.
etc., at 81.25
Jam Jut i'. at
Fancy Kit lUir i " nn mini an!
Pack Cnmba, rm-h. ,2." to 87.50
Silver Plated nr.d li"ld l'lil.-. ;it. ,
l"B t 8 I. "5 t- g'J5
Novtlty Karrlnna... 2(, ),'t.rl)
Novelty Xecklacra ati'l I'l-arl i : . n I n
on special rail- 25C t 815
A b!r sample lln.i of l'li-nrh Ivo:y
Finished Hrusbes, ('unit's. M'rrois,
Trays. Ho's. etn., r-n sp'-'al snl.
Smokers' Articles A spulnl I"' of
Ah Trnvs at 25r-
Blankets, Comfortables,
Robes and Robing
Unseasonable Weather Conditions Make
Necessary These Drastic Price Reductions
Down Comfortables,
qualities; special ..
15 tn fit
Wool Comfortables. Illfft to
Hi qualities, at 810.50
Peacon Comfortables, I17S and
;.SD qualities, at 81.95
Beacon Indian Flanked, t'eo
quality; special 85.75
Auto Rone. Il-oa. all wool
coating; HI robes $S.98
Auto Shawls, frlngsd. plain or
plaid t.. W. fll to lie 50 Tal
us!; sptcial 810.60
Wn id Manfaeta. 5 lb. a-rav:
) . pur wool; plr....8tt.95
All Wool P.d lt:nkts. Mali";
Hi qialily; pair 811. OU
AH Wool rule Pullman
1 nk. t, t 'l quality;
at. -.h . .. 8tf.5
All Wo. 1 ft-nci H'idsrn P
Liankeit, 111 .u q j jij, 89.75
ri 1
ftwUl Mi
hit. 1'ie "! w V
, Jrl 70r !,,
81 lit Hit: , .ll'k I."
..ll I iiv II Ki
III. -l; I.f 1,1 ' -. E(
' 1
iii mm-mm f-"7Tr '"- I
Hosiery Sale' Monday
Wool anil Silk Hoar, fl.ns
Women's standard makes. In all
wool and silk end wool hose; pl.-iin
and fan.-y culors; nil C
sizes; $2. JO values, at
Silk Hoar, SI. ll
All Silk ll",-c Willi lisle
tops, dinibbj soles nnd life!
med nnd rlbbrd tops;
tl.Ti talma fur
. hrtn-
4 hlldrrn'ji I'miy iltitf
JJa' ami tjirJ.V I'or;y lln. lu
a!l the wan It -ii Wfihih flii-i t:i'l(-r.s
tut tho new ltu-r jr .Mfntl.iy.
prr rntr ........... SOf mul HOC
( hll'lrrira Ml Wool llnxr, 7.r
rhtltinii'.s Ail - In
MhoIc and r'rlovan, I'trst t,uni'ty;
.fll i z at. -. - 5 5c
and Bandeaux Reduced
Well Iinown lakr of OtwU. H t Hnnd. au for M imi
lot 1 W.nncrs, ll. and i. Ijniy
Icuth and l-ai lid' r HiiikIiuiii Sim. ri I ,"""'". "'"i
I'or.-etn; .-..m find eo tm-in; i I '' lti: it. "!"; I
alue: all sm-n. to 33: Oil I 1 I'
rpccitl at
orrta at St
Corsets i.f m nk, and wlilt coutll,
ha. 'It lacs, itti'illa frton our reg
ular stork; si'.fs :l to $2;
special at
v '
it coutll
our rrti-
:: S)c
rct llrpt, era4 I !
Iliiiiil-ua for 36
I'iiik I 'otle l C 'itt'1 Ur
Hack fulint;.. also oiiln
to iii. lour (lia'u ti
lay In supply, rp.-. iiil
d.-aux -
I. it!
),-crsil 1'lMor
Bearoa It i.
beat q'iaiit
flannel (
Wool IllU'd
weight. :
ii iw t, v
Gloves In Monday Sale
85 c
ttitilr"' My Miiicn hi i'i.-
III Hi n J I b -I i ur 'I ,' Mill! i, I.. i... S
a ii't , i . ' : pi o-. d fir M 1 ii 1 1 a it.ii t; ,i -
katitnlMiieile l.lnr l vr
I m t . i' ; t:i.i I iiii'-.i.j. m i,. i ) i I 1 i
Ii Him. .oinr i tiuii f"r si"i'.ii, ... . ...
I Mna Itld .! al
I 1 I j' I-' Ill-P ll.Bll Kt lli'V i I! I ll Oli I t 4 t
. ' , alu-. sii.iiall irn.'l fur M im at ,
Silks and Velvets
In Monday's Sale
The Savings Are
I anion trrnrs-AII c lois. ettii 1
vii'.l, in initics ik-; talma to
liU'j, aiiri-lally prlifd. iird.
la.-k ud l.avy; J.,.iji), pn- m i
y 1-o.d, at. p,r j.r.l ..;)()
For il!s, dre-s'l., un
ail llk Psiij
in lia-k and
'"' Sll Sardr I'lht.t.rd III Ids. k. Ill' y
broo and two, tn ann a dr r.l fni.'iir r .r
tb uraprd K-.wn; ii) liK-l ta wide. I ( i'i ,-i
lues; aperlalljr priced. pr jard ,JM
llrara.lra fr I lalaaa Al.o .oitrd fur a
ilraprrita; sprcial, at, ard Oj ,UO
tvrdaray re Klaaa Royd a btst aui.l- a
IIV ,.!) lln . A
ailai (islsa Irrtis t itii qnalttr In Ida
i. i la, iFhuiar iu val.i-; C't 1"
"" I" ' " ).().)
I n ilili-.limv .(iiji 's In J1
i'ii r. tit v-lt-i. at.
I ktrloa trl.rll ,.
it. I'
f ,' J't I . ; 1
I t, .;-, V :: I
S7.!K S 1.9.1 S&mti:
f M w ', I e " "."