The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 03, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Hooper Charges
Unions Wage War
on Railway Lines
Chairman of Labor Hoard De
(hires Campaign for Gov
eminent Ownership Ue
lug Carried on.
rhlcnro, lw. I (l!y A. l'r-llfll
W. Ilixiprr, chairman of thn Tnlti J
K (ut iH rullrniii! labor lo:ir1, In H
ll In f " IU til" Illinois l!nr HMfill lll-
linn here tmilKlit. clmrirr'l that many
l.illwiiy union lender in waiting
v ii if urn li':iliit thn iiiliH with ti'
iiiiiir' it ili'Mlrnyiiii; (In- i iiiin t : v
utnl f(ii .ii i.,i, ii (ml) i h n 1 oiinpuirfii
fur kovcii.iik nt nwiifiKlilp.
"A linun li'irtii'll (if tli liliii.ii fmitfl-
vlni'H which )i;iMt out my i!ik dii
tiiln litter iitti'tdts on tli rillroail.
tlitir niunnc'iixnti ami th' iiotl-
h nilil. "TIiibii ci'lticlMiiH ;ir
i. nt foniiiu'il to mutters of illicit cun
tioverajr detween the nllrniicl o ml
Ilia worknra, hut cover every ground
en iittnrk flint niinht l rn.ule ly
Unix outalilo of r.nlro.ol fHiiplijyrntr.t
"Nollilng I left tum.iid lliut '!.)
t.i h r.'ilrulut'd to atlr tip Imtri'd
i.ii'onu th ciiiploy mid diHtriist
lii';;jli(y ftnionK Hi" ppnple.
l'lilona Favor riiiinb I'Liii.
' Hiillioad lalior nrp uiiiziitlon are
'.lively roiimiittfil te. thn I'lumh pl'in
of tii'i:itimi, w lilt-ii In ov
rnimenl owii'THlii,!, with priv.r.e
Diicrutlon In which 'lie employes ahull
ji.nticlp'ite ninniix"iiilly and Hh.iro
tl'7 rri.llt flnfi ru-i.j !l If there hIiouIi!
hff lomen inatwul 'if profltx, tlio own
cm. that In, the wnr It?, would dig up
luxes to piiy the deficit."
In their effort to further Kovern
jnunt owneri-hlp i inliloyen urii opponed
to Iho trnnHtiort:ition net mi. I the mil
id.iiI lihor IxMird, liu anld, Iicuukp
tiny feel tlmt th auriH-anful luljimt
nient of wiitren and working rornlltloiia
and the gradual ridiiellon of freight
i..te iimlir th net will roiiilni'is to
the poRtpoiieiiiHia or pnvt ntioii "f
government owneihip.
Two It.finilt' DenuinilH.
"In tlio jxilitlnil program of the lit
l.ur lendei-H," he continued, "two Uefi
nite demandx urn inmle: I'"irnt, that
the Injunctive poworn exerclned hy the
courts In connection with strike ho
withdrawn or greatly limited and, tc
ond, tlmt the roimtltiilloii he ao
emended thnt toiijjroaa can wet aside
l ha decision of Iho federal ronrta
v. hleh pronounces nil net of congrcnH
"The pornleloUM doctrine thnt the
court.i lire dominated hy the rich and
. powerful Is fed to ail element of peo
ple, who, hy ronaon of deficient train
ins and highly enHitized Haaa eon
aciouaneaa, nre pecullurly auscptible
to Ita haleful Influence.
"When a man hecomea thoroughly
' .-uluraUd w'Hh thia iliKtruxt of the
' courts, ho la no longer a good Ameri
can citizen. Ills mind la befougled
with dark simpletons ond ha nut'Hca a
fancy grievance nsainat hi.s govern
ment. He Is converted into a fit in
strument of disloyalty and treason.
Tho man who persisted In laboring to
I destroy the faith of tho people In the
court, whether he in an anarchist or
I "nlted States congressman, is guilty
if the most Insidious treachery to
Anna MacSwiney on Hunger Strike
riernan Sought
hy Police lor
Test of Sanaitv
Wife Io. 1 Declares "He's
Not Crazy," When She
lfear.s New, and Huns
from Home.
Friends See Waiter Potter in Action
Omaha Clubman Handles Patrons Instead of China,
for China Is Breakable, in Fontenelle Dining
Hall Enjoys Getting Tips.
Screened from view of the
her alaler, Mary, was telauaed.
curious, Anna MacSwiney thus kept up a hunger strike before Mountjoy priaon until
'Women Aid Judjre
to Decide Cases
Magislrute Often Takes Ad
lire of Club Member
ilie republic."
Results in Potato Drive.
John li. Kennedy has returned from
(iraud Island, where ha spoke at a
meeting under the auspices of the
Chamber of Commerce and attended
by about 200 farmera of Hall county.
"One of the intereating features of
. the meeting," aald Mr. Kennedy, "was
the sentiment expressed on the splen
did results obtained through the
potato campaign which was promoted
by the Omaha Chamber of Commerce.
Tha feeling was that this campaign
resulted lit real practical benefits to
tha potato growers of this state."
New Caliph Astonishes Turks
Constantinople, Dec. 2. (By A. F.)
Prince Aiidul Medjid Effendi, thn
new caliph, haa revived the traditions
of medieval times by riding to St.
Sophia mosquai on horseback in an
cient cavalier fashion. Hla appear
ance yesterday in the streets of Stam
houl on a nig gray charger excited
the wonderment of the phlegmatic
Turka, who rose from their coffee
cupa to applaud him.
Akron, ., )ei -2. The cil.-toiu of
iliih women being jucsent at dally
Kt.-lons of police court here la prov
ing tin advantage to the presiding
magistrate, iicmfdlni; to ndinlsfclouH of
Judge A. K. O'Nell. "What do you
think of that decision." Is not an un-
' UHiiiil (iictloii put by O'Nell nfter
lUsposIng of a case, particularly If the
(li fe ndant Is a girl or woman. He
directs bis inquiry to the women
present in the courtroom.
He claims he frequently receives ex
cellent advice from thene women mice
tatora and Investigators, who retire,
sent the leading social and civic
organizations of tho city.
In a recent case the court imposed
a fine of $50 on a woman for ahop
lift.lng and was about to add 30 days
in Jail. It was tho defendant's first of
fense, and when he put his customary
question to two clubwomen in iho
room ho was induced to knock off the
Jail sentence.
Mrs. John Ciimmings, former presi
dent of the Women's W elsh cl.ih of
America, frequently attends police
court. Sho believes her presence and
that of her companions adds to the
dignity of the proceedings, prevents
unseemly talking and behavior and
helps the Judge.
"We study court conditions," she
says, "and make reports to our or
ganizations which later are submitted
to the civil authorities. Wo are main
ly interested In young girls brought
into court and the correction Instead
of punishment which we think should
bo applied when it is a first offense.
"Once we believed liquor law viola
tors should be given the severest pen
alties and as much time in jail as
possible, but we soon saw that would
crowd the prisons and embarrass the
administration of justice. Now we
favor heavy fines. That seems to be
the best cure for bootleggers."
39-Ccnt Wvddings Find
Buyers in I on a Town;
Cut to A''ie for Day
lies Moines, Ia Dee. 2. It was bar
gain day on marriage licenses in
Klugnley, In., ytFterday.
Three couples, taking advantage of
Mayor Wormley'a special offer, wero
married for 59 cents, the popular bur
aain price.
All the merchants in the town wio
offering a general bargain day and
the mayor Joined In the event,
Tho couplea married were Mrs. I.o
von and Delhert Knyder, Zella Wells
and John Ciegory, and Andy Dunn and
Amy oon.
The hurgnln will conU'hue today.
Old maids and bachelors, who will
admit their eligibility in this classifi
cation, will be united by the mayor
fur the special week-end price of nluo
cents tomorrow.
Dean Condemns
Jazz in College
Harmful Influence, Averts
' Ethel Lyons of UniverMty
of Oklahoma.
Pioneer Railroad Man
Dies in Omaha Sanitarium
Andrew Nielsen, pioneer resident of
Omaha, died Saturday morning in an
Omaha sanitarium. His health had
been failing for five years. He was
born In Denmark, April 8, 1850, and
came to Omaha, May 10, 1809, enter
ing the employ of the Union Pacific.
He was an employe of that railroad
35 years and retired 11 years ago. He
waa a veteran member of the Kountze
Memorial Lutheran church.
He is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. John A. Bruce, 120 South Fiftieth
avenue, and Mrs. C. Roby Maxwell,
5106 Underwood avenue, and one son,
P. O. Nielsen of Chicago, and one
brother, P. P. Nielsen of Atlantic, la.
Funeral services will be held at
Kountze Memorial church Monday af
ternoon at 2. Eurlal will be In Forest
Ijiwn cemetery.
Youth Reported
Missing Returns
John Krutky, 21, 2751 Smilh Tenth
street, whoso adventures in lovo aro
said to have resulted In his being
wounded or having inflicted a wound
on himself last May, returned to liia
home yesterday afternoon, after an ab
sence of two days.
Young Kratky's mother asked police
to aid in searching for him Friday
night. She told them he left tho house
Thanksgiving night and had not been
heard from since.
"I am so glad he's back unharmed,"
sighed Mrs. Kratky last night. "He
had gone driving with some friends
and they broke down near Ashland
and couldn't get back sooner. I
wouldn't have worried so much had It
not been for his trouble before, while
he was infatuated with -Mrs. 3. P.
Noniiun, okl., Dec, . "Ja.z is to
muslo Just what slang la to Cngllsh."
This is the opinion of Miss Kthel
Lyons, dean of women, at the Uni
versity of Oklahoma,
Kxterior Inlluences of college hfo
! are fully as Important as actual class
room tcchnlquii and environment. In
molding America' future men and
women, according to Miss Lyons.
"I believe that Jazz has a positively
harmful Influence upon vouthful stu
dents," Miss Lyons continued.
"The purpose of the university Is
to educate tho taste ni much as to
provide technical training. Certainly
a tasto for music should be developed
and Jazz is only music by courtesy, In
my opinion,
"The men and women who come to
the universities will determine the
standards of tasto and culture of their
respective communities, and it is es
sential that the universities endow
them with the best-educated tastes it
Is posslhlo to give,"
Hinton Arrives in Brazil.
Pernambiico, Ihazil, Dec. Iliy
A. r.) Lieut. Walter Hinton, tho
American aviator flying from New
York to Rio Janeiro, arrived in Para,
Krazil, at 3 this afternoon.
('Iiiriigo, Her, 2. At 2 o'clock this
afternoon I'mf, John I', iieinmi had
not been liilten Into custody nor had
lie appeared at Hie psychopathic lias
pllal for riniiiinalion.
Chicago, Dec, 2. John P. Tlnnan,
erstwhile piofissor of law at Notre
Dame university, divorced a week ngo
and murrleij to another woman in 4K
hours, only to return to bis first wife
when his divorce decree was levokid,
today was being aoin;hC in Chicago on
a writ ordering a sanity Inquisition.
Tiernan and his first wife, Mrs.
Augusta. Tiernan, who left South
lteud, Ind., yesterday, were believed
hiding In Chicago. Whether they
would appear in court lutr in the day
or would seek to escape from this
county was a question tho county au
thorities professed themselves lin
abb! to answer.
Wife .No. 2 Also Missing.
The whereabouts of Mrs. Dlanehe
Drlmmer-Tlernnn, the second wife,
with whom the professor went to
Crown Point, the Indiana (iretna
Green, a week ago today and where
they were married, also was undeter
mined. Some reports auld she was ex
pected In Chlcgo today,
Tho sanity test order was obtain
ed by Mrs. Frances puiasid, Mis.
Tlernnn's sister. Mrs. Augusta Tier
nan was nt the Pulaski home when
she learned of herf ister's action, Tier
nan also was said to have become
Informed that a deputy sheriff was
seeking hhn and telephoned Mrs. Tier
nan. "You're Crazy."
Declaring to her sister, Mrs. Pulas
ki, that "he's not crusty: you're cray,"
Mrs. Tlornnn and her children rushed
from t lie house last night and Into
a taxlcab to Join her husband aome-
"Cub" Potter, youthful Omaha,
Iroker and clubman, will terminate
his career as a waiter at Hotel Fontu
t.elle tonliibt.
Ho arrived nt the hotel's rnaln din
l,;g room promptly nt I last night,
the fltili night lie lias been on tho Job.
"Yes, I bullet I have proved that
even I t'.iu give good service to the
public," said rotter, when questioned.
"No, the Job of being captain of 'I
bunch uf waiters Isn't any more com
plex than 1 thought It would be. I
was sin priced how tiled one can yt
standing tip ho long, (hough.
Funny Things Happen.
"Several funny things have hap
pened, and ii lot of my friends have
given parties just to see me In
action, I think, tKniuo people liavn
a way of calling a captain 'Oeorge
when they want lihn. I'm beginning
tn respond qullo quickly when I hear
notneono aay 'fleorge,' but at first I
didn't. I've been tipped n high oa
to cents, too. Once or twice 1 was
given tip for having th orchestra
liny u favorite number.
Prior lo young Potter' arrival lust
night Head Walter Cull Human nd
Captains C.. P. Keller and N. O.
llelln aald many complimentary things
about Potter.
"He's lieen giving Very good rv.
Ice and uuly u night or mi ngo lm
took the order for it pnrty of seven,"
remarked Captain Kollfr.
Mailed at Tup.
"Yea, but of course b started fit
the top," (hlmed in Captain Ilellu.
"Put wn haven't enough surplus
china to atart him In na a bus boy,"
explained Head Waiter Hamuli, "so
we had to make him a captain.
Patrons aren't 0 breakable as china,
ami he certainly hnows how to place
them with very little confusion.
"I gave lilin permission -to lalt
Thanksgiving: nlKht off, ao ha could
go over to Lincoln and see Nebraska
beat oNtr Dame. When will lio bo
paid? Oh, Monday. I aupposo. It
won't be much pay, though, for w
really didn't need him."
wher In the lty. fclnce then the
couple whoso marital troubles were
ulred In Mrs, Tiernan' sensational
paternity suit against Harry Poulln,
Houth Lend merchant, have been out
of sight.
Suit on Iowa llonus Planned.
Des Moines, Dec. 2, Preparations
for the entry of a friendly suit In tho
Iowa courts to establish beyond (lis
pule the constitutionality of the Iowa
soldiers' bonus law will be made at a
meeting of tho members of tho bonus
board and members of the state legal
dwepartment, In the office of Attorney
General lien J. Gibson-
A full litigation consisting of the
submission of the question to a dis
trict Judge for a ruling and then sub
mitting It to tho supreme court for (i
final decision is being considered, it
is said.
Once the constitutionality of the
law Is definitely aettled, It I thought
that the sale of th atut bonus bonds
will be mad.
Auto Jumps Bridge; 3 Die.
Dubuque, la., Dec. 2. Nicholas Con
ner of Dubuque, publisher of the Dally
American Tribune, a Catholic dally
newspaper: John ricbroeder of Du
buque, and Anna Conner, the pub
lisher's duiighter, were drowned to
day when tin ir automobile went off a
bridge near Houth Wayne, WJs., ao
cording to word received here.
William Raymond Sill Dies.
Now York, Dec. 2. William Ray
rnond fill!, former war correspondent
and one f the founder of the Friar'
club, died last night at Flushing, N.
Y., after an lllnes of two year. H
wa t.i yenra old and en mo to New
York 23 year ago from Hartford, hi
native city.
.lilted Man Runs
Amuck, Wounds 8
Filipino Throw Girl froir
W indow, Slaves Other
With Knife.
ManiU. Pee, J. Kstanlslao Puyat.
29, a Filipino, whose love was spurned
by his lllece, , threw the girl out ft
a second story window 20 fed from
th ground, grabbed his bulo and ran
amuck down tho street, eil.usly
wounding eight persons, whom he at.
tacked without provocation. H
reached the Isiy and threw blniat !f
Into th water In un rffort to cud h.
crgy of crtm with suicide.
lie tabbed mil an ye of a Filipino
woman, 5, cut the bands off ft two
other women, lah-d another, 4n, In
the face; slashed a Chinese storekeep
er and a Chinese rait drlwr In the
shoulders, Inflicting serious wounds
on both of them; wotimbd another
Filipino woman on the forehead and
hft arm, atruik a Filipino child
years old an ugly wound on tho nerk
and a Filipino girl, IS, a nasty
blow on the head.
II waa 40 minutes in the bay be
fore Cnpt. It. If. Klatth dropped a
noose over hi head and brought Mm
tn shore,
Tho niece Is paralyzed from her fall.
When Filipino thus yield to pa
slon they ay afterward that they
wer "d mala," a corruption m
Hpanlsh, meaning that an evil demon
noasMsed them for the moment. Puy
at give no rational explanation of
his crimes. "I do not know; I don't
know wluit happened." This Is nil th
police can get out of him. The doctors
who examined him pronounn blrn
Mother Drowns Child,
Tjia-renee. Mass.. Deo , 2. After
holding her 11 year-old daughter under
water In a bathtub In her home Here
until sho wns dead, Mrs. Hose Oolser tili-lif committed suicide by swal
lowing a tumbler full of poison and
then turning on the gas. The bodies
wera found bv tho woman' buaband.
Christian 4Uer, B ra a i 1 worker, when
he returncf from hla work.
Plot to Kidnap Member
of Dail Eireann Alleged
London. Dec. 2. Every member
of the Dall Eireann has been warned
to take special precautions for safety
rliii'lni? the week-end In consequence
of tho report that a plot had been un
covered to kidnap them, says a ois
pntch to the Daily Mail from Dublin.
Helfast. Dec. 2. Uy A. P.) Bombs
wero hurled today into the home of
Dr. Thomas Walsh, professor of pa
thology at Galway university, and
chairman of the Urban council. The
missives shattered windows. It Is be
lieved that the demonstration was an
outgrowth of Dr- Walsh'a refusal to
permit tho council to discuss the re
cent execution in Dublin.
with our
fH. it !.
' if.' iV f
Jf -B n Cap
V"1, 100 ft Pui
100 Pur.
' MtU Weather CoU AStorm WWW
MwilW Bw1 Ahsit. C aMIUt ArtmJ N4
mmmma On Sale at Leading Store i
XlSn FATtXT Mil Kin CAP CO, Io-M W. ink Y.
Omaha' Larfeat anj Matt Complete Aiort
went of "Tim'a CapH at
Mt N t j f Tiii
Public Utility Companies are obliged to
sell their securities at prices reflecting
current costs of money.
Due to present market conditions and
the fact that lower money rates are gen
erally prevailing, the prices of high-grade
securities are increasing, and it becomes
necessary to advance the price of our
PREFERRED STOCK from $97 and
dividend per share to .$98.50 and divi
dend per share. This increase will take
effect on
December 11th
Shafts for .xulo at our office or can ho
bought from any of our employe.
Nebraska M Power Q.
rU.I' t H.J( , Omtk. N.k.,k
J m I:IIJ kiUl, tl4iaia(
111 fcl $!, (Il
t.i.U t fr frat FU. til M U
Jade l.t'
, ,
Gifts For Everyone To Enjoy
Fancy Combs
Are ho delightful and
their prices range so
wide that it is easy to
gratify everyone.
Some come in crystal
and shell and others
of jet studded with
white and colored
stones priced from
$4.50 to $17.50.
Barrettes set with col
ored stones are from
50c to $1 each.
Main Floor
u7 -4WfH .lira mMK
Irish Linen
Always a Thompson,
Belden specialty, are
lovelier than ever this
season. There are
colored ones and .
white in a truly won
derful selection of
both plain and em
broidered styles. The
prices are ever so
Main Floor
The Delightful
Novelties From
The Art Department
include Christmas
gifts for every mem
ber of the family.
Listing these for your
Vases Candles
Party Hags
Pin Cushions
Work Baskets
Ivory Lamps
and many other it
t cresting gift things
Second Floor
The Costume Blouse
A Lovely, Practical Gift
Many wardrobes will be enriched
by selections from this important
presentation, for such blouses are
perfect as gifts and so lovely as to
be quite irresistible.
The finest of crepe de chines and
Georgettes in navy, brown, henna,
barbary, bisque and buff.
Decorative beaded designs and
richly colored Bulgarian and Rus
sian embroideries lend distinction to
the mode.
$15 Upwards to $50
New Aprons
Decorative at all
times and especially
attractive at the holi
day season.
75c up to $2
Second Floor
Imported From F ranee
I'li'nnt livautiful
aiiil a riji tk-al k';i't in
M'.t And Tiffum-
kid kIowm are ih
Jmrt ft nil. Th"
tw !'-tu!tiu tt'iit'th
in, whittf,
lU'iwn, uiul tifjvrr
I,r $7.
it Urt.
Boudoir Slippers
In All Their Variety
Dainty tmos anil warm onea in every
stylo and coloring make such de
light fill Christmas presents.
Those of felt, in vwvy desirable
clor. $ 1.. 15 lo $2.50.
Satins aivhown in D'Oray, Mules
and r.oudoirs, from $2.25 to 4.00.
An Appreciable
Gift Is a Pair
Silk Hosiery
From the umallot
kiddie to t!n grown
up lolk.1 it Chritniiii
gift of t.ilkMI hosirry
ii always wcn-putd'.
Black fonii'H in i-ry
weijrht irii!i the
her'st hit' ion to
the hrii"t 'ilk,
A1m many the
Icadinir a1"' nd 'o.
tnnii hhadt, for the
rit part in nn'iUuiti
w fit: lit !k,
French opttiwoik
k! tt ft the rry Litt
drin an hun mi
a wry tttv hir
All m jp h 'l ry are
uj aie h itA.
aide a, thvy r lm
lirnvh kid in
t!j(", h,t, tiuwit,
M V Mid l'tfl f'f
$2 75 anil $1 a pair.
M... l
A4e. , , ,