4-B THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. DECEMBER 5. 192. 68 Improvements Made in Year on' Chevrolet Cars Lcry Part of Machine Wlmti Cue, Trouble I.ciIcigncJ Production Increased IS'carly Four Tirues. Because nf numerous iniii,r.ei a to (lunge In Chevrolet i.nH in til last fw months, A. A. Kli-gfrled cf the Nhgfrled Motoi' t'ufiiiMny hat hued the following statement, i.U'Alnj from tho Wall Street Journal, in irnlng cdl Hon. November 13: ".Nino mi. n dm' output fur (ins yt.tr ttM 1 7 rf ,7 7 1 earn, noorly fuur time thut of tho correspondliifc: pc-ilml Inst year. Chevrolet began In luly. I9II. to build 4 better product. New fi out dllt bearings were adopted it ml bet ter rear axles made, un Improved clutuh developed every pint of the cur which hud given trouUe was re floslirncd. v "Horn Idea of how thoroughly the old '490' Chevrolet has been remade may b gained from the Chevrolet en-(.'aic-srs' report. In the body and top there were "2 changes; In the front i xtt and wheels, 10; In tho rear uxle, (.. In the tronamlsslon, T; In the mo tur, 10; lr. the chiirsls, 13. Total num. lur of change between July St, i'J'il, (.iid July 31, 19::', were tin and winy of thtst wor very Important major li.mgea. i , "Not satisfied with these changes, Chevrolet mudu "4 additional ilmng in the IKi model, vhlch is now huv In; audi a remarl.ubi run of unite. It mil be only a ahart time untU Clisvrukt yeachca a 2,000 per day production, "The Immcnso Fisher IoUy plant now being bull for servicing Chev. rule! only UI give lia a, r-hanc to catch up witli the demands. It I the Intentlnn cf the Chevrolet orgunlui Hon to hate it Klsher body plant with every oue of the 10 factories." "Tiny" Herman, Portland, Ore., heavyweight fighter who ha joined Jack Lewi' (table of knuckle bruisers. Herman work out every day at the Orpheum gymnasium. ! Buick Dealer Adds G. M. C. Motor Trucks to Business II. I'elton. new liulck automobile tieuler, ban decided to ndd (1. M. C. iiiotor truck to hla buiilne.su, G, C. Ilnlsey, veteran motor truck sales man in Omaha, hue been employed by the firm tit 11019 1'arnum street. The ti. M. C. line consists of one-ton, threa und one half ton, and five ton unite, idling from 11,295 to $3.9iO. Mr. Halsey Joins tha Pelton ainff with more than 300 prospects for 19:3. Tha I'elton company also will operate a O. M. C acrvice with a complela stock of parts available through con nection with tha Nebraska Bulrk company. Recehes Many Offers for Postseason Grid Games Morgantown, W, Va., Dec. !.'. The West Virginia, football team which closed its season undefeated yesterday, ban already had three offera of post season games extending over the holl-dajs- It In unlikely that any of these offers will be accepted an the players a ml official are satisfied to real on the laurels won during the . regulur season, Tha team broke training; 'after the game yesterday In which Wash Inslon and Jefferson wus defeated. I mmm Wally Smith Will Pilot Saints ITDMEIEN Tapered ROLLER BEARING OEftVIKDE Telephone Atlantic 2844 Whether it is a car, truck or trac tor, old or modern, the exact Timken Bearing you need is right here in 6tock. Acting as the Serv ice Department tor the Timken Roller Bearing Company, we are established to give you immediate service on Timken Bearings. Hyatt and New Departure Service" Bearings formerly carried can now be obtained trom United Motors Service Inc., at 2512 Farnam St. .St. Joseph," Mo DeCj ". (Hpcclul Teles-ram.) President '.' - Gocrgo K. Celden cf the St. Joseph Western league baseball club today announced thHt Wally Hmitli, who manaRed the Saints last, aeason, would pilot the club In 19:3. -1 ' Tha return of Wally to the league will . be warmly acceptable to HI. Joseph fans and fans- around the clrealt, Although not. possessed with the tigerish tacttca of a John McGraw or a Georga Stalllngs, Wally, ap parently quiet and caiy going, ob tains results where : results are ob tainable.' , ,. Tresidcnt . Beldeit t has appointed Warren' G. Giles of Mollner III., secretary of the, club bore to suc ceed (Charley Hunter, who has re signed following- 20 years -of box of fice service with the Saints and other Western league clubs. Giles and Eelden will attend the Loulsvlllo base ball meeting: this month then como here early in January to start tho 1923 business rolling along its course. Joe Bonowitz, Saint center fielder for six years and ono of the best put-fielders- In the circuit, has played his Beariwg. Sert ice Co. 1812 Harney St. Omaha Cornhubkere Turn Attention Toward Basket Ball Season Lincoln, Dec. 2.--(Special.) Now that , the last tootball gunm of the 192S season has been played on Ne braska field, the attention of the stu dent body At the University of Ne braska is turning to winter sports. The basket liad material Is getting limbered up preparatory to first prat tic. ' Wrestling and boxing already , have tin array of talent ready for the. con test, in thu ringed area, while a goodly number of recruits have come forward fc- r, progiapi of hockey. Even th" 'imeii at the university have organized a. number of hockey teams with an instructor or two In charge. . Indications point to unuaual partici pation in-the winter sports this year. last game here and will be with the Minneapolis .Miller. nent summer, or with some other club, I'rcxw Relden said. 81 years in one city Is too long, and it Is figured a change will greatly benefit Joe's, playing. Ills passing is regrettable, I'lans for tho proposed Salnt-Mlri-ncapolls spring training trip to Jted lands, l'n!., will h? taken up at tho Louisville meeting this month. New York Yanks Sign Two New Short clops New York, Dec. 2, Tho New York American league club announced to day that H bud signed two new young shortstops, Ilafael Qulntanno, now with the Havana Itcds, and O. H. Itcdfern, ft collegian from North Car olina Statu university. The New York Nationals received Invitation to "train next spring at 1'asadc-lia, 'a!.( und Victoria, Tex., from tho Chamber of Commerce of those cities. The Giants also an nounce the release of Pitcher Max Uachao to the I'ortlayid, Ore,, club of the Pacific Coast league' In part pay ment for Pitcher Gcorgo VVarbcrg, who will report to New York In tho spring. Ten Cars of CoriiliUhkcr Tires to Be Shipped to K. C, W, W. Wuchtcr, president and gen eral manager of the Nebraska Tire and Rubber company, returned from Kansas City Saturday with an order for JO carluada of Cornliusker tires. Air. Vuchtc reports thut the pop ularity of Cornhuuker tires is in creasing so rapidly that tha capacity of th; plant, on Thirtieth and ttprague streets has been stretched to the lim it. The plant has been running night and day up until this week, when H was necessary to shut down for one week for repairs. The machinery has been running since the first of the year almost without a stop. The plant will reopen Monday, I MthJhePi mmm 1 AutRIl AN RV. I..I'H IX AC I f.sni ni4iiiliii(, Willi. I.livti. ,. ' '' llul. '. Illrmiii ., Cult. , t r. . lit 17 Prtiimya 1 ti llr'liiiarUr I AuilMor . H I.V-rk. t-t .UtuuMimii If Inilitliiiuil Airriigoi, Lo.t. 11 l 1 1 in limit ... Nudum U liil Ursraurff r. P. t .';" i.K .!3 .;! HI ....I .iiii inn I'll! i.iit.' Mi.THoroi.ir i.i.At.ir. truin susillni.. ' Won. Ut. !'. Ir-In ml-lit. '.' ' iirdlii llr... , ; I'i " I,iii.rn Kunllr iijnltn.. -" ii I nit lli tlrmii Co It l .! lUf.-llall I'lg. to It '' ' I. ui-kr KH I t'i . McKt-nnr Ufni, 1 I" . II. inrri tl 11 SUiiil.-r. tl f 11. I'. -Ilnilli imort t S 'im- -'I' Ixili virtual Atrrase. Mist MublH llnu-Minn Mm. W. 11. Huff Mr., (ilia tUm.r ......,.,.HIr Ml.. I-IomI buiitnn nKSTKH IMIlV irAcrE. Tessa Staadlnga, Won, I..t. Tc. i"nnlrurUon -I 11 Audliors it t'lunt it M I'.ciuipmtnt ,,,,. 17 1 f'i Hupuly 11 '-'I Imlfio e VI ImlivlUual Aternge. Teivlngtnn I Ml darker ,...13 Aa;.viuc i: i-;ii(it in rAR.VAM ALIU S IF.AOlC. Tfum StSDiltiigs. W. I.. Announcing the Good Maxwell Sport Touring Car The Em car at anywhere ner the price to display such striking beauty and ccntrous equipment. Its distinct individuality and pronounced charm arouse InMint and out spoken admiration. The. same mechanical goodness, Ener per (ormance, and low cost operation that have enabled the good Maxwell to make such deep Inroads in public prelerence. The price and value art almost beyond bdieL fUiitnJ to WfcijnaOT)Ulsi la4aitJXM:W:t.k.u)WlSlaJ.kMlrta. i tk fcax Iyt 4s rutbovaai tUavCf ai.k4 rAw HU. k S. W4 Ua4 ! lhi A' mvm laJt-aaas, pi una WOfw. ruk k aa4 4m KJ Wtt fmmt hbm f i totiaua, C wUm sJi M mm ei tws tiual Uu tf nk Oaiaa. Nek. PETERSON-MI LLARD-HAYWARD CO. Frnim at 27th Attnu Tie Good mi AXW H Star Kurnar Co, l-'arnaiu Allfya l.hfiiyitllo Cafa i'iiin:ratA Ksstnearing Co. II IH 1i 17 fi ftnn, Trllitlng Co ,11 CIi.m Printing 10. ..,.,.1 ('pi'o'a ...1-I Koiay linn Hal.amn ..,.13 Wnndmrn lif th World Pslior ice lH':hln Co.,.,. ii Individual SUnitloga. Woorlhuiy UtiKnoakl .. 1'laniteik KfcKlnu.man llonSTKU I.KAOie. Tram Slaodlng. a. tt. W. J., Navigatnr Cigars t iilon luttlltliig Co Ml I'untorlum 24 I'I Swift 4b Co 1 11 liarnav Auto Raoalr )' ) - Hiyl.t.r 14 11 King Col u.tr ,. ii ii Indian Mntor i-OD ii i Photo Kngravera 7 ;l Il(brts Dairy Co 25 Individual SUndlug. H.-lppl. ,.,,,14 llarron , WortctioHr ...,,.lUliorn Pet .III ,7'J(l ,7 ."7 .1.41 ,:m. . II ,10 Trt. ,70 .tu .w .181 .117 .117 IMO.V PAtiril) I.KAOIE. Turn Standing. W. h. r.i.ni-niii-r Acc'ta 1 1'ralnmon .......,.,,...,M It Car Hlior,. .! It Car llooriln ....14 1.1 !iieral Au'Iltora It M And. of I'rl. Aeo'ts ! , " Diva. KnKlneora ,,.13 14 Mnchln.i Hhop .At 14 Aii.l. at riiabrmts. ' Inter. Liept ...7 Individual SUndlng. H-.nlio , 17'MrAullff ..... Kanka US Bflir.na MERCANTII B I.EAOIE. Team SUadlnf. W. T.. Nabrgaka Power Compajif , , , JS II M. v.. binltn company i,.... nil in i-iijarantrii Fund ....It 14 City Hall 1 14 Ainorli:a.n T. T 1 a ID Oinaha Printing Company. .. .16 II Amnrli-an Railway r.xpro.a. , , I n Kllpatrlek it Company 16 II Atom i'reaa ...1!) ii Melcbolr A Ron U Individual Averages. Huntington .....l77IHarliri ...... Jen.cn 17trfiiirur ret. ,7"4 .Hi ,m ,iiia ,1,15 .431 .nt :,::n .in .111 .17 Trt. ,KK7 ,' .M .Hi .(4b .41.6 .CI, ,4i.6 .Mt .174 .114 DOl.D S0-0A ri.DB lXAOlK. Stand inf w. l. ret. gunflowara 1 .705 Whim nous A .....17 H ,:iH Wculphalm , ....15 11 ..(. Vallayhrnoks .....14 13 .CM Dold -quality ID 14 4h9 IWk.hlr. 1 IB .4f,0 Strllna t" 17 .I7 Riirfalnca D (ilrl Team No. 1 15 J2 .50 Olrl Tm No. 2: 13 15 .460 Individual Average!. Tarn IStlW.l 181 Djck l'tlsmltb. lui CHEAT KB OMAHA LEAGUE. Tram Standings, W. T,. Pet. Vnuraa Oil Co 23 II . Koatar-Bnrker ' 14 .llt Orniha Towal supply J .bi C. at Garag 11 1 5 .645 Sanford Cafe 17 1 H. Y. Cady Lumber Co. ,.1 17 ,4 Omaha Alloys 15 H .4(5 Gordon Chocolate .......16 IS .455 "Bugs"Baer EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL Si I pen Heavyweights Reported Miss Inc from Today's Census. Illua tuM 4'u. I llU lllu.ll Si. Ma... II llullx lllllnl (rrjlai'. H un in. II. (I. i . Wei-Ii y . lilt I V l.l. l.ir, I V. M, I , . I I. VI. I I. 'I'miu Slamiillitii.. Mm I. 1 I4MII.I-I , ,' H-'inn. , i XV ulifitia ' ' l';-.ri ,, iiniahA 1 uwi ;a 1 ruhi.a ; Huiiiiti-. . 7 k, and I- y, Indiildual Kl mling.. 7'"-gr U , , M l'ui.liutis 1, t! K'-rrl..!! V U Kf.Ks' I f. OI hlaidmg.. w un Snlft'a I'lf itilum .. Iniia lu-ii) '. ! ( uiluhy's I'urlian -Jl Armour' ttiar II Armour's al ,. hi Cudahy , lfl nrmiMklil ).' ImM'a Niagara 4 Individual Average.. Ii.i Men I...I, 4 I I 1 J I'I I Ham Clailt . I ;, I aar.uli I'i; 4.i .114 414 4"i WO 173 , 171) ,i,li .it .4.., .1:1 , .171 , .1,4 Maxwell Offers Sport Touring Nov Mo.l, l With Kakish Fca Inn s Lists at SMlHKVbove l'tniriiiL' Car. The burnt ofteilm; of the MaJll .Motor ciirpoiaiinn n 'tMiie touring car" llins at leas than u 1,Mj(i lil.H fair to rank equally as senan tloliul ai the llilriidlli'tioil of th new bi'llis Maxwell a year axo. The ln w spurt i ii'. nmv tbsplnyed in the show room of 1'itersnii Mil I nd 1 1 1) ward Im al Maxwell dealer, Ih a companion for the presi-nt .Max well, with riililltloii raklih features and C'luipnient. Vn far aa recorded, in later years at least. It is tho most completely equipped cur of Its type eer offered at lesa than the ll.OOif fiigure. It is an attractive ear that elveg l(loin e of k'erniltie ai tistry In design and nppoiiitnient as wi.-ll as careful consldcritlon iif the owner's require ments. Tho body and hood are pauiivd Chester Hunt I'.ed, Hh iiltiu star unJ diso beela lu black. Prnm-typa bead lumps sucj tiarod, parking lamps, radintor, and water meter are ifU finished In full nlckal. nutslile door bnndles nra also nlikel villi blael, iilninlnuni Inlay. A" aluminum bead runs around tho tiood at the cowl. The upholstery Is cenulns tone .-ruined .'itetit leather snd tha top i nllvediiib duck two-ply with rub r,iT Insert a new materia! recentlv mlopted by nmfters of much higher prieed sport models, Ijppiiient Inidudra n spare cord Hr enrased In on envelope t)pt olive ill-nil duel) lire rover fitted with flme fiiHti'iiei ami iml.el stran rlntf, The left front f' lnler Is sperlally i.-iKned ami i iiun'i . sunk to leeeive thu tire NleMeil spiinii bunipers of the best nimbly ate regular eiilpiuei,t, frort ;iiii rem-, Thi-re Is also an fittraetiv, 'ili-keleil water Indicator In placo of the regular radiator cap. Insured iitalnM loss fir theft fur one yeai. The spurt t.iiiniiB also l leRularlv equipped with n lare trunk with diiHt. rover. This is mounter! on a lieiny nlrkled trunk -rack In the rear, va 1 1 Ti bricli finish aluminum trunk barn to protect the body. The sport touring lists at ll'm nlxne the standard Maxwell touring car. Jl.M.Mf JOHNSTON'S hea weight Klan slugged eai'n other for a tieiaea eonirrees 1iat vili?ht. Ami when all the teeth had bon checked up, titers was enough loos bridge work to wreck a train. Vlsts were flying around lik ele phants' trunks trying to locals pea nuts In tha dark. Thsrs war always 409 pounds of chills and goosrflusU lit tha ring snd when on man. put up hts niitt, th other guy atopiwd aa if h thought 11 was th traffio cop. liu) you aver heur 100 pounds of ambition play marblvs on th caiivaa? first, ther la a wet, halibut ainaelt it leather ii a dump wharf. Then, tod mor territories becom statra snd their stars sr siuvhed la th flag, Mvtt-e-t lin-enaa from iirlvtital abbatoirs f.l! th air and th tinkling ef sleigh UP mlngU Witt) lb conlusvl ahadrs f twilight. A grntlo watting ln tnruh a rdibov tt Hot aid t n.ln(. an I thn a tlp on lbs ran taa lika iv wid I. I btwutta trettU lug Ih Ul-U lo. llai! Th ktltnsn dr. i i iit ef th CK'ta aa l Ih ahi 4oa IhruugS lb pluiiiiftg I'al l hm aaj-atu. Ta r tii'lii i w.uklns Ul iiihl nJ n l'a 'r- j ti m $ t lllM- ia l I Sl4' evtS jU4, i a Ihmgh HUsd t-l ft I r it. fi. jivi tH.i lv if rr. bu g I 4l aJrJ viil diJirf IH ) ,i tVt.1 it... abtrl s -. (4 Afe 4 it .hip M m vise tU .i-.'l ....i . -l tl k t " - '' t . II l'l.Vlf , J..-..V ..t f.i .af V i !. a i ut t ;. I 4 1 ... - - lb.:. ,,' I t.l. N Vi-ISV t '. A Remarkable Sedan! Styled a Ye Ahead Fisher Body, Metal Covered Five Passenger Size And It Is Mounted On A Six Cylinder Chassis ALL, that ciooed car coenfort mean in L protection, heahh, pride and botspi taBty is broaght to yoa in this new 1923 Cleveland Six sedan at record low ctmL Its quality acclaims itself in both the beaotifal Fiaher-boih metal covered body And in the perfected design of the Lifosnu Cleveland Six chassis in which the acknowledged superiority ot fts sts cylinder power and flexibility, goes hand in-hand with sturdiness and economy. Pullman front seats and deep, roomy rear loonge are luxuricnsly upholstered in rich taupe plush. Doors are unnsuaDy wide. Head-room and leg-room are gen erous. Comfort is complete. guv, ELAND SIX THE WONDER CAR OF THE YEAR Ralph W. Jones, Inc. " Friendly, Efficient Service ' ' 2421-23 Farnam. ' OMAHA rhonttt Jackfton 1515. CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE COMPANY CLEVELAND The Steaf ns-Knight "6 Commands the Attention of the Lovers of Fine Motor Cars It is built to weur, and it tlucs. l'or, like its 4-cylindcr mate, the fi-cylindr Steams Kniglit Kngine improves with ngc. The motor does develop more power. It (tains in flexibility, smoothness and silence, tharacteri.stics that belong practicully to tho Stearns Kni;ht. If you have but setn tho Steams Knik'ht 6, ami had a rido in it, you cannot apprehend the smooth and silent flow of power of the enpine, the sturdy construction of thu ihassis, the graceful snd distinctive deiign of the body. It's aa inv.tlm.nl in a motor car, not a mr purchat. Built in nin body atvl.t. The Steams-Knight Auto Sales Co. Diitributori Ntbraaka J Wtiteia la 5AI.IS AND SLRVICF. 20S4 larnant Sir.. I, Omaha !Mt ( Sir. I, LinU II . I L, I Ml.lll.. .1 V Ul 0(ll W III. II fTUM7iteM a. t