The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 02, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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'"),!)()() Co mm it lee
Leader Attacks
Head of Dry Croup
Ou.iml I fnlcil on lvt-U nf
Itrwhitimi That I,ijimr j
Va Slornl in Thorna' !
Of fin-.
How to Keep Well
r ' W. A. EVANS
Quattlon taiuaminf aaiiiiatioa ana" prav.atla at diaaaaa, aiianine"
la Dr. Evana by naditi ol The Baa, will aa anaw.r.a' paraonally, aubiact I
prop.r limltatlun, whaia alanipaal addraaaad aav.lopa la ancloaa. Dr.
Evan Ml maka diainoai nor praacrlba lor individual rfiaaaaaa,
AddraM lattar la cart al Tht Baa.
Coprrlghti l2J.
I.ClW Kl(-'
i f III" (' 'Itllllllt'
'It Al)lli-l. 'II, KI'XHP
Iry hijiiiIm, m i'"-
A ll.IITrl
Tli' In id
ilil.'f nt
i:i!nl j-i-MlrnliiV in the hull. i( th.i
n v. Unit Iliii(r K"ii-. In (!
i riil rnl'lM mm MnreiJ in Tlii.iim' if
lii'n. Tlnuim ri'fuM'il in ii-ll "tin- Hi-rrrt
hi T.'iriK' iiiiiil" l.y uliirh th j f i tir.r
tt.m lipt In li: .fl I, tit Imirirlieil
1 1 1 Mt .-ml In I j l'!'tir tirade inralnut
Alnli t mn.
"I runt (in firfjiiTHi n nil t. H.
K'iIiiit,'' pilil Tlii't,nt:i, "lull I lirive ri'i
i Kiict fi r 1 1 ,m kii up ihii f. I h'-ni'il
1.'. K. Ihinl, r- i rn.-f ilMrltt .r.l.-f. Ml
)(niii-r 'Oinuliii lii'i tli-m;. in Imvc no
f.-itr nf A mliTK'ni ' 1
I'J lll All! U'l'Nilll. I
Whii Mil i t Hi- .Iiaiir.-M. .n,l. iHoii ! I"'" f-i"llltiiti- nl.r.tlon
I'l HI.KH I Sr.S M Misl SKS.
It in cuMtuniar' In tri-iitlng miilarm
uii'l dlliir ilipuf-a for the iiylclun
in In kii l y kIvIhk irt!-. Ho w.ll
inlnlillNll.'il i the CIINtom that the lii y
pim.i.) 1 1 1 1 I 1 at I it II. 1 It mill folluw It
wlu-n tlipy umldtuka to treat tli-iii-
If n pii'nli Inn In nkit why lie ilm-
it, ill" cniiitiiiiii i ly Id thai It pro
mt. I'D iitHirptlin of Hie ilrun. If u
ptiyHlriun in imki.1 why In' (five titlo
rni'l or r'iinpourtl rat hurtle pill. he
fnr h Mart qttlnlni In tht trwi
im-nt nf inalaiiii, ha will rt-)ly tlnit lie
lini N It to prnini'tti dl.H.irptloii, rni'l lie
inuy mlil mi experience or two In
u hii li in. fuiinil Hint iulnlni pill or
iiipHUlia iiliKnrb lntvly by wiijr of
proof of thi hhuI of a. preliminary
Ill niONt llltll-HM-N It I will to Rive
MoriiB Hurt of u inirm- i-aily In tmit-
merit for 'nn ihikoii or otli.T, hut
i.ti-nly milo, My roni tin opi-n
Mn'K innii thf tlnn' I limt look ottl.e
t.nili-r liovoinor Xi -villi', I will Wfl
1 1. nil' itny liivi-NliKutlon Into my l i'i'
(inl wllhnut inv l.'iir."
I not tlw i.'inon. Mu ht of johim
Iliipklrm Iiiih pro v.-'l I hat tlto takliiK
of a diilliif pniK, n fur from p-il-inif
tip tin- iifiHorptlon of otlii-r 'Itiikh,
Rreatly i'1-tanlH that priwc.
Ik', or lux uKNlMtaiit, liit'l n t'oryza,
ami timlfitook to cure hiinwlf. Klixt
ho took n iIoh of ulphritM of nulla,
thn Iih hi-xiin tnkliiK iihuuI rt'tnlle
to top thii fi-vcr unil imlilnir. Thpno
i'rniHllc hinl no rff:t. Finally ho
Mrxitn Cllv. I ,'. I f '.,nirr.."H I tnouunt, i wumifr u iiikuik nun i'i-
W. ilrii-Kilay una nmiotiHly iipprovt-tl of I Ilmlniiry mmi- ol wuipnino oi o.i,l mm
mi niiiiiiHlv h'll. All r.'1'fln now In
Congress of Mexico
Passes Amnesty Bill
of tap worm unit hook
oriiix inxa rint tin" Kovi'iiiiiiinit or who
lliVfi hull III liliflllun HllK'fi thn In
jiliui'int of t In- r jIij. :rirj r;lnic, art- Im
cltiili'il In the iiinitoKty, provlth'tl thf-y
Mirri'iKli'r within 15 day, of llic pulill
riiilun of lit.) rlo'TO". Thl mIvhs thn
t'lffliiilty I'ri'Hlfli'iit (iln-.non hail In
puriltinliiB forntfr officer of the feI-
ral army who htul taken up iirnm
nifalnitt the iiilnilnlntratlon. It I he
lifved the iminecty will eaiiae the nr-r-mler
of ihfl'f.'iv rehel tlll In tli"!
the pursatloti It rauxwl him prcvrntwl
tie no ilniK from ahHoihliiK?'
'h n he got buck to the lutKirntory
he anil IiIm iiuhoi lalfl 'went to work on
thn problem. They provH that the
laklnn of allne purs materially
(lowed up ahHoiptlon of a Itnii Hat tf
ilriiKH with whirl! they experimented.
They found that It reduced tlia h
Hiirptltm of a very uhHorhahle drug In
a Klven lenKth of time from HO per
cent nhHorptlon without purgation to
10 per cent ubnorpt!on lifter purgation.
Ko far ah their experiment went
Vanity' Utile JrM.
Mr. ,. n. W. write: "I, rietme
Blve a remwly or a cure, for corn,
Ulne pain me dreadfully mid, ut time
are almot unheurnhlp. Am willliiK
to Kive anythliiE In reiiHon to Kt rid
of them.
"2. What I the hint thing for a
t. Apply ordinary corn niedlilnu
em h ri ik h t until the corn drop out.
After that (cream' thn un-a cHch nlcht.
Wear iiroperly llttlnK ho.
2. Willi" hroad li.eit hoe. Hold
the toe xlraiKht hy meun tf a pnd
worn lielwein them. There re pad
ni the market fur thl purpose.
Had cane reiiulre operation to re
move whatever Hpieiul the hall of
tho foot ami to hrinif the hone there
hack together.
Wii liny Kr)vei" Inherited?
K. 1.'. H. write: "In a recent paper
I read with mirprlao and horror that
a Minting mother wltn nay rever
would do no harm to a 2Vi month-old
hahy. My doctor told mo the amo
thing IS year hko when my hnhy wa
that age, and I continued to rititae the
llttlo fellow through my regular at
tii.k. "A a conneiiinco I had a very
mild form of hay fever that year and
th hnhy had 'n cold,"
"1,'veiy year after that, at the aamc
time, he had 'a cold.' liy the limn lit
w an 6 year old I hern wa no denying
the fact that It wa a full fledged hay
f.ver and ha grown to Include
"Imi't It a recognized fact that ba
hle numn cold from their mother?
And how could one help but nurne a
(lini-ai-n tlmt i cumtinitionat na
"May 1 al.) add that w k-tt greal
relief from the u of inriithnlutum
appll.'t In eye and Hole? It oolhea
III rneinbiaiiit, rvlleve Itching In thi
eve and vwrlllng lii th none. lon't
tiippi-ie J'oii inn print Ihu, a in. ir
tholinum la a proprleiary remedy."
Mayb you ar right, but I doubt H.
Th probable explannlloii I that
your chleM Inherited your low deme
of Immunity to pollen well a
onie tentlency to nathma. hay fever,
hive and that group of dlaorder.
Your child breathed Ih mime air
you IM arid got the mime dime, of po
I. in
I not (hat morn likely to be (he
rauae than that It took It In with the
breat milk? Ftreaat tnllk doe not con
tain pollen, hut of emu He Hint only
half etiile the cn.
( racked Wheat Ho t.
K. M. write; "I am troubled with
CiiKtlpiilion I hue tried rttryiliing
I ntly 1 w.ia lol.l era. ke.
'iookeil, wu ery iffri'ltve. I l ive
j tild the an iiim Mint f.'Und Hila to be
j "li It (.ittelllllg?"
H l, but . li rail of fx. I II h cut.
ing no aiiuar ami no hr. a l
i Ontral City Firfint-ii
i I'lau Sfrvin for Farmrrii
Cellllal filv, ' I" , !co 1 fa
I lul l A Ciillllll.n. flulll tile t'l lltl.ll
City (tie ci.iiipany in a. 01, King farm
er Wllhln n llmlled radio of I'luiial
(" ty to cioitt ll'iilo toward the ur
chfinc of a lite Innk eiin'ppeil ih
two i h' nili'.il tank of f". galloim each
and ladt'er to he ii.. In HkIiIIiik fli'-a
III thv rural iliHtriel. At n recent
nieetlng the illy council went on
n cord li H wlllliiki to hoim.. nud uiain
tain ut h a ti nt It. Thi brant li of
the department I ml hhMc eipecl.illy
for the farmer,
Frial Marriajre
Kuds in Failure
Ilii-liiiinl ArrfHtnl Following
IfcttiMi iliatitiii Willi Di
irrrl Wife.
over again ami formed a trial alli
ance o lee If they could gut along
hefore they aliould Im married again.
Yinterday he cullet jk)co tn
rooming hmiHe whero they have been
living iienr llighth treet and llroad
way, nnd caimed hi nrreat, alleging
tho threatened to kill hlniaelf during a
sliKht ullercation.
officer cnnfiHcatei) ti .12 rifle and a
revolver, they paid, when they ar
rcHtnl While,
I mi .l.iiiiMty 14, lilts, I ilio.Ii iiii.i
1 TIiiiiii.ih While were married at Itlalr,
1 Neb.
! III luM, Uliodit White obtained a di
oit fnmi her liUHhan.l In (.'ouncll
Itluffa, aliening, iimong other thing.
Hint lie ratl'ine.) thn f m I and fuel
Hiipply of th family, m that ulic
'.II. Ill I K' t Hlllflrlellt
! Then Thuma began willing her
leiier. I'lin allege, threatening to
! kill hinieelf if h" didn't agree to a
I rec.inclllatliin.
I Ho they decldeil to try married life
Holt County Couple
Married 50 Years
O'Neill, Neh., IVc. J tHpeclal
.Mr. and Mr. I.ewl Hteahner of Itock
l-'.illi townhlp. Holt rotinty, celn
hrated their golden wedding mini
veraary at their ranch home on Kagle
creek. About 60 f i lend alti"d them
In obervlrig the day.
Iowl Hteahin-r and Ml Caroline
Prank were married at Grantle rail.
Minn., November 25, 181, and re
dded in MlnnewiU on a firm mini
1 879, when they removed to thl
country and hnmeteiided their pr
rnt ranch home nn Kaal creek, win n
thl country wa Indian range. They
runm a far n Hloux Knlla, Dakota
terrlfcry, hy oi team. At that place
the oxen became footore and wero
Mot.1 and a team of mule purchined,
with which the Journey to Holt
county wa completed.
Mr. Htenbner waa born In Her
man? September i, !h&0, and Mr
Steahuer In WIconln, March 15.
I(A&. Moth atlll are hale and vigor
ou. They have no children.
Hurt in Auto Wrrrk.
nioonilleld, Neb., Dec. 1. (Hiteclal I
Willi Ilnmll w eerlmiHly Injured
her when Die car ho wa driving
turned turtle, rolling over everl
time. The accident happened nbotit
live mile north of town, I 'art Jone.
a companion, wa uninjured. A
broken wheel I the alleged can.
... .. i there can he no (jueatlon a to the
JJltorce Dill May 1 rof Icoirectnt of tho concliwlon. They
i I.e. LoroI I'lair fur DrivPf 'lid not obaervt" whether
r) I ...... .I....1 ,.lhur,lul ttav 19 1,.
'.i hour after purgation.
The effect followed the line of the
watery nallno purge. It did not ap
ply after the ue of cantor oil, caa
cira agradu, or calomel. But, on
(he other hand, they did not find fin
Increoaed absorption or lncreaed ra
pidity of absorption after the ue of
-alnmel. If the calomel U followeil
' y a aallne purge the rate of abeoi p-
lon of drug should be elowed up-
out on that point no experiment wero
Taking a purge did not promote the
htorptlon of quinine In the expcil
v.intH, though quinine I so quickly
-conipned In the Intestine that the
! lofeHMoro are not certain of the evl-
Chicago. Dec. I A bill fro di
vorce, filed Hgalnut Lout IilHhrow,
M teriin aiiloinobile race pilot, yenter
iiay, thi-ealeiifd to bo the checkered
flag milling hi romance which caufted
bun to foifnke the racing game In
i;iii. At thn tlmu of tho marring!",
;.lrn. Dinbrow annoiiriced he told him
l. would hove to quit racing to be
1 1 me her huMiand."
The bill chained Pwhrow Willi liv
ii.g "too fast a life."
Micrometer h
s I 'I
Now Nccearv
liort Antfiina for 400
Meters; arialile Con
Ietiher Ar-set.
So far from recommending a prelim
inary Militiq purge to promote abecrp
llon they advise Its use when ahsorp
Hon in riot dexlred, a In poisoning by
bichloride, or by morphine, or in the
Rental work of quality
made to comform with
your special require
ments. "You Above) All Muf.
Be SatUfiee!"
1324 Farnam St., Cor. H. .
Pkona JA 2872
One Minute
Store Talk
"You must educate Un
people to realize that this
store i more than a clothing-
store, that it if great
central distributing: point
for the largest group of
fine makers clothing shown
under one roof in the
Middle West," remarked un
enthusiastic customer,
JOHN A. SWANSON", I'rei. ------t---'
WM, L. HOLZMAN, Treaa. ' - - -
The rapidly Im Teasing number of I
) nillophnnn brinnleHMlIng Htuttona op-
t-iitllrig on mill anil 4IH) meter necen-
Mllale Khaip tuning and extreme so- I
Jeotlvity in ortler to .llstingulHli one
concert from another without inter
ference. Adjustment of the Instru
ments must bo ho accurate ami tl.-ll-l
ato that I ho eye of the operator can I
scarcely observe a change on the
il.ala. A properly balanced set should !
be provided with micrometer adjust !
nienl.i wherever possible, so that the j
t p'Tator can select any station he j
wishes with a minimum of interfei
eii' e.
There are several points in a tadlo ',
receiving circuit where inicromot'-r I
ad inst ment rnn be used to the h"it :
aoMinlage. In the llr.-t place, th"
iintenti i must not he too long or the
n. est accurate regulation of the In- ;
Mlt titni-nts will be of no avail. A sin !
,-e vir- aiitetiiia about feet loim j
is an Ideal length for 3f and 400- j
tmler reception. If the antenna I I
longer than this Interference is likely
to lie caused by ulher broadcast hik'
Hint ions and code signals. It also
must be remembered that the length
of the lead in and ground wire af
f. 1 the wme length. i
A variable condenser In series with
he lead In or ground lead to the a.-t j
i always an asset In tuninit Ttije j
ticl.ler coil and variable coitd.-iiHer I
placed s.-ioss the seiondarv of the
tinier flm-ild be prol.ed with mean t
of di la ale adjustment. A itm of
giun I ni rid the li.kl.-r affords i
Mccurate iotl:iMint-nt. A err.ier at
tachiiieni ii-i Hie eeon.l!irV condenser
irvllis tii.-ana it Hhatp tuning at
that point in Ih circuit. Accurate
rKuUitioit i f the aloiime Imieiy cur
lent S'id the "H" baltetv Voltnae !)
a iHei'irlv Impoilant f 't long I lime
i . ptlo't. loud a-k-nal and a inlnl
, II III nf il.ti I f- le'l, r. A,! cm lii!
...-,v.r i h uli'tl- or
.f.iiil.le ai.-le l iiiing . ,1. . iiitml l
i j e aelnt.k na a in . iicu t
I..-I l:i h en.plova a li lo . ..i.i-ler or
i..o -.!(:. i f'-r tiii-iti
! I
Lour ago, when wexe were driven to market,
they were first made to walk through tar and then
through sandi to form a tough foot covering which
would bo impervious to wear on the road. The men
who drove the flocks had their fect bound in pieces
of hide.
Nowadays, geese are shipped in cars or trucks,
mid men wear shoes. The wiser ones, to prepare
Tor the long foot journey of average living, get lis
to earo for their shoes.
A new full sole, rubber or leather heels, lining
nnd redying shoes to their original color, constitute
the process we call the Elite Shoe Renewal that
is, practically making new shoes out of old ones.
It costs only $2.50. Full white oak tanned half
soles cost $1.23 and $1.10.
Standard Shoe Repair
1619 Farnam Street - Downstairs
Station If. W Tonight
! "i i ,,,! i . i n!oii-. -i.-i;i M,h
VI. . .n '".t I I' il. rPlll ""
. i! I r f ni a i'l-'M W .
I , - , - . vl . t . .'! . 'H W", I
I M !. ,u t'!h,r, j
i- i i ' .
'I I ii i i , . ..- I i !'
, I ifi I ti I nt tv
I . , K ... h I ii. a Mn
. . I in I l " l l Mai.
I I I' r
(I. . ,., a, I.-... I t t -U I
t -. , . I . I i.i-1 ( f IMj
1 I - . I - v - It
4 II I i
1 ?
a w w W v (j w vwwfe'te ,
Telephone Your Sunday
,4WantM Ad
Now to
ATIantic 1000
RVm. Oal Pee "Waal A4 Bio
t4 it Rlt Use sill
lia lka OaaW titi
0pt 4 ! U -" aaf ffita)44.
Winter Clothes Are Now
at Bed Rock Prices!
THE absolute limit of value giving has been reached
in Nebraska's present low prices. Your oppor
tunity to buy is here now while selections are at the
fine point of completeness. Emphatically the greatest
values of the entire season are here for you today.
The Utmost Values in Men 's and Young
Men 's Fashionably Correct
Suits and Overcoats
7 1
1 f , lf
Extra Panh
lo Match
at $7.50
All Sizes
36 to 50 Chest
i c to W
r f 1
y i ( Ci Wr
A vast assemblage of smart suits in hundreds of rich new fabrics
from tweeds to worsteds in every wanted model from sport styles
to conservative and semi-conservative.
Quality Suits $
ii u.j r.. t
Largest Selections
The overcoat fashions include every new and distinctive model
from full and half-belted styles in a host of the popular light shades
and darker tones to velvet and self-collar Chesterfields.
Quality Overcoats 4j
11. J tl.., r
j iiciyuuiicu r utuo
Unlimited Selections
Entirely New
Unique, exclusive styles and origin
al fabrics fleecy weave, fancy or
plain back fabrics.
Other Klavicles
$25 to $60
There! a place in fvery
man' wardrobe for a ('he,,
terfieli! M-lf or elvct collar
drt's.n overennt. Satin lint d.
r in.t value!).
Other ChelcijwU
$25 h $m
Nebraska Special
Rlen s and Young Ivlen s d
Worsted Suits at
Extra Pants ut $5
Nebraska Special
High School tfv
1 1 ran V.I II "
Student Suits at
fcxtia Psint at 5
Young Men's
Sport Tweed
Craving different style, good drese
ers are demanding tweeds we've
the styles of the hour.
Other Tnecd Suits
$25 to $50
"Hard to Fit" Men
Feature Value
Accustomed to custom tailor
double price?, Mout men, tall
men. short men are enthusi
a.stic about these suits.
OA.-r Special Size
$25 h $50
The Home of the Extra Trouser
$3.50, $5.00 and $7.50
Thi'ihatnli of j aits in a wumU-rfiil
tli'montrati(u of va!u u'ivit'j; at
., mmt , l.ii a4 lktfa (.Wiaaa - lal Sataaal I taM Mm m4 Aaa
0(7 0 . D til) 0
n hUu r AH kLL UK Mi ANt WOMIN