-v. TII'K OMAHA IIEK: SATURDAY, PITFMnKlt L .Mann, Veteran of House, Dies at Washington v.- Ciij:roMnaii From flliimis fur Onartrr of O nlnry Strirkrii Willi Pneumonia. Pick of Herds From All North America to Be at International Stock Exhibit Un-liinKton, J li e. I A M - J(eteMClt;ltlV .lutnca I! .M.llin of llll noli "lioil lit IiIm home Ii'i IhM iiiulit aner il I't'n-f iilne. Mr. Miinn, ho him m i vol for n iuiirtT of n century i .1 u 1 11 1 m i' of the home, wiia utrli ki'ii ,( week .11:0, firat Willi H rlilll, I'lieiiniona iltv.'l- 4Ji"l. hlH COIlllltloll teeolliil,; ill Hp(T lilt' lili I tlx- rlnl 1 itlif lit I I 'i. Wllh ltl11 (it llic nt ! Mm. Miinii mol II. c .iyni( Ijiiih, H w.im . il lli;it iillli'iiiKli hi' li.i'l rtriTilly IKIHK'll IVKI l'-'lKH nlKllH. Ilia (olllll- llmi ri.il lift ili finitely ilvcltpi for the worne until I ii. in. l;i v. lie ihIIIimI fishily l . lint .iciilii tuiffeieit u i-i-l.i imi- mill drink i.i'ltlly. Tim ml W.IK pl'll' l fill. Nil .,iim vtcie in. nil' f.H' Hie fuiHTj' Inst nlt-lit, lull II win en 1 1 tin' i"i" Kcitnl tit 111111N tf tin' Ii'iuhi- ttoii.il in1 1 111111111111I1 nl. '.I with -ft iinl;ty to MlMt In ionium; tin- 1111 ;n.;fini-iitM. It Ik In i - : ; ..it ft MJ . IV , . ' TO , 'Kt :'.;::Vg in 1 1 1 1 wrwwrtfc. ; jMmhmw i ' Harvey Outlines Proposed Formula for Pol icy of U.S. Amliasw!or to Fnphiml Would Foster Strength of Joiiib lic ly Jut I.ol.ilitui at Jlomr. Millii'lii'tftrr, I'liclni'il. I'r. 1 -illy A l'.r-'loorKO ll.'irvi'V, llm Aiin-rliin niiilinK;itlor. Mipiiklnt; hh lh? nui'nt uf himor t a TliiinkHKivInu .llniu r .f t OnKliiml, In.. In cmniMiny with k'ili Ti'tir, '.'JU liant treot. tail) Tlnnikaclviiiir liiwriuiitf. tlm la yurvlvH lv hrr hruthcr, i llfili.rt K. T)Ut, tf IMta, C'lu., two I i1.iu:liti r. Mia. tltmign II. Huffman i .if Lincoln. Nib.. nnl Mia. J. K. Ttino r uf (iiii.ili.i, niiil una pun, Ufoiuo I.. .Iiiina of Nlol't.itu, Nil' i!iii wvih Imrn iiciii' lllniliii, N. V., ami n'lti" w nt w Iumi 9 yrnra oM. Kiimnil tti'ivlcia will Ii'M llil iifiiTntii ii nt 2 nt tti himii'. lliit'iiil will 1 In Konut Lnwn crmi'tcry. Iowa Motorist Damage. Front of Ilattery Station Tim front of tlm MMwrnt lliittory Kt.itluii w;m iliinuiKi'il TlitifHiluy nit:ht, when a our dnveii l.y John It. Jioly President Is for Farm Relief Act Program for Finaiirial AiJ to Farmer Inatigiirateil at (lonferenec. WimlilriK'nn, Iee. 1 Tlif iitlmlnla (ration Int. I rfioly t'l.iy a (letliuto luoicram ( f IirlHl.'iiii fur lh finan relhf vt firtnira fornmlnleil In not linrtd aa liava Ida lamer train imil t'tll pro.lu.rra, In lha crtxllt ia lief affonle.1 .y (ha war flnanea cor. Hrn(lon au f limitation" miller whU'li t( tterita.l. Hi-i-irl'.illy lh el m propowa an ln ere.iH In ilia m.nmini'ii I.Jin limit of tlio f.MfiHl fiiim Imiika from $M.i lo :vutiu aniendiiietit -f (hi frm loan et (1 ptoMiln for lh red'' i-ouiit of aBrliulturnl iirnlueti in ai'4 ituir kftlotr I'.iper. ith n nianlmutn ciellt iiirioil of iliii-o yeiira ami rr-v (Ion of a illvlalon In lha firm tank HVMtr in to ilnil aiiiTiflnilly with thl rliiM of crrilila, I'rovlalon for thn voliintiiry rifiiti.tii of IU Htoik ami (icrli'llltiiiiil rie.lit iKN.teliitloiia to deril tided? ot ltnxecnazio&sii. iAve"iocitLxpon Men- me (lie nu n lim it nf I ne lilii Irileriiiiliniiiil l .hetlni It Show. KmVrl A. Knirlmlrii. Wi'tillleM, X. J., Is irr-.lileiil of Hie exposition; O. T. llenMe, I IiIi hk". I tr atiilt'r, and II. II. Ilrlclo in HiH ii lnry iiiunaK'T. I. it Tlilo ill! 1'ilenl Hetlt I lie liiiileiHt.ioil Hint .i funeral nerv,e I 'lli' ih In r; I .in j.l.i t it 'It llli'l Mr. M.nm will l- t 1 1 1 i ' I tlt"ie I l:ia Hon, who ilH'il four yeios hici. in nurvive.l only hy llm wnliw, I or Miippiin llil!. Tim velinm lej'lalii'or. .'in n (oivoeiilc ol the fhippliiK hill, wolil lo hi.ii" e.oei unly III V eek iiimI iiiiiln Weflil'-Hd.iy th.it while h uuM III he wouhl no I" 'he enpitol j. ml h.lp In I hp fii:hl If iiffileil. lie tu uiceil to nlny at home, lliuiush noli" of IiIh filenil.s i'eiilleil that lila i niidil Ion w:ia KerloiiH. Due (if lila i olleiiKiics. i:eU'i Henlnllve Hnhlitll, lii llliieinl, Illinoln, nnnliiMt the lull, wrm luhcil wlih him, iiinl ho Mr. M inn wiim lieonlifl In the Vole. In tin? wonlH of friend nml fo. Mr. Mann w.n Hip hent lnl"ni ined in.'in on the iletnilM of ko eminent Mint rver ai. In the luilla of eonKieHs. The oiiiM.ilidlntf feiiiure of hH Ioiik i.J'eel ;im ii Ineinhei- of Ihe hollHP of reprefli'iitni Ivi'n evienilliiK over n pe riod of mole Ih.iu u iii;ii'ler of a reu nify were iilHoItite rniirnKP ami in di'iieiiilem e ami knowIoilK1 f h-Kiela-(ion, peiiillnx nml puxf. There waa MJlhlinr too little lo ene;ip Ilia eye; I hero wan ho mini or meidiin' ho feared to ntlaik. Yet hy his own ill) ei l ion, Ihe record (if III" lliHl iUKIliHhed rilleer Wlia hiiiiiimi'iI up In If.'s than a line and a half of Ihe Coiifci ef-iional KeeonI; "Hepiihliran of ( :iiicni!o; waa horn In ffii!; w;m elected to the. Fifty fifth and each Hiierfediinf ronRrftaa." Served l.'t 'lenmi. That meant l'l contiiillous terma, or III yeai.M. lie waa I e i-lecled thla Inonlll and In- deed, il haa heen aaid that the ppopln of lila dialrii t were determined to keep him In the hoiiac UH Ioiik a hn lived. Only ihree memhera of the Sixty Bdventh ronKieau had anveil lonner tluiii Miinn. Mann rame before the Hpiiulhh war ami .stayed. llm n on a farm, Mann Always be lieved In (he farmer. ll waa not a bine member, b'lt Ilia Influence for fcrni leiflHlallor! waa Kroaler pcrhupa than if he bad been identified with any piirUrulm- group. Tie wn grad iiiited from the 1'nlveiuity of Illlnoin in 1!7U; hfi erirned hla decree aa a lawyer, prurt'eed for dome yeaii, and for a year or (wo waa a member of the I'liii ami board of aldermen. For ! four years hft was maaler of chancery of tlio aiiperior roml of CooU county. After liia elertion to the houae in H97 ha Jumped Into hla work and neer (leHerted. Ilia only other thought naide from Ilia work waa hia garden mid flower yard nt Chicago, and with congrena in rereaa, Mann aient hla mniimeia there, plucking and trim mini; a multitude of plants. No ex pert from tin- Kovei ument could go to eiingreaa ami hope to tell it more about floweia than Mann knew. And that same immune know Inlne of the fiuwrrs that bloomed ami nnule frag Hint (he air around hla modest home, extended to every branch of govern ment servic e. ChlCKm, T'er. ii. nil. n. il will be tin v!" This mux the 1 "Till 1!:2 Inter Ihe greatcHt 111 Ilia be fiaiiirei in thla olllclal ilia- w play. Fourteen iiki Icull nral rolli'Bia ami preilictlon today of ; experiment alatlona will prpaent to (ho I II. II. limit 1 1 . ( I nntl'ilial i retary manager of tb Llvu Hlock expoaillon, which opens here public fur llm drat tlm reatilla of many experiments conducted ut their tomorrow oml I Institutions. These will be vlaiiallzed which will continue until liecember !l. Iteeonl al leiulance of half a mil lion persons and the ahatterini; of all recoid i for iiri I' "Itoiiil exhibitions win predicted by Ileiilo. Fnrniera and hualncss lin n from all p. ll is oi me counii y lino ptii i n nun - ly I lie niiuilie weal will anenii ill" eioalloii. More than 10,'lfiO animals, repre SentllKf the pick of the herds, flocks and studs of the North American con tinent will be on display. The champion Individuals from thn vurlollN alate and sectional shows held during the summer and fall are her broujuht toacther for dual adjudica tion. Many animals never defeated In their respective; sections will meet in the nremi to decide (hn championship of Ihe world. Twenty 111,'liclllliiial colleges Will send learns lo compete In Dm annual inter collcKlale student JudniriK con test. l ulled Slates Participates. The fuller! States Department of Agriculture will have an olllclal ex hibition, filling the entire hall of the amphitheater, which will cover prac tically the entire ranxe of auricultural subjects. Twenty-two pictorial bootha and three animated demonstrations In tint form of booths containing the actual materials used In the research woi k. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace, many governors and oilier olliciala nml reprcaentatlvea of (ho Canadian government arc expected (o be present at the exposition. Morn than S' of the lending agricultural organization will hold their annual sessions during (he week. Auction sales of purebred animals will lie held under Ihe aiiKplres of the breed associations. Steers Versus lleifera. .1. M. Strickland, of Yorkshire, Kng land, will pick (he grand champion steer of the show. Six hundred boys and girls will attend the (list National Hoys' and tllrls' Club exposition to he hpld In connection with the "International" and will enjoy a full week of enter tainment and Instruction arranged by Ihe management In co-operation with the business men of Chicago. Thla schedule includes a series of trlpa to Industrial plants and points of inter est and numerous banquets and en tertainments. A national canning contest will he engaged In by cham pionship teams for the honor of re presenting tlm I'nlted Statea on a threu months' tour through (he de vastated sections of Franco to demon at rate American methods, (irain I'rizo Sought. More than OOO exhlblta are enter ing In the Grain and May show, ex ceeding laat year' record by approx imately 1,000. Kvcry atate In the union and province In Canada will tie represented In these competition for the Chicago Hoard of Trade'a $10,000 premium list. The corn classes Hlone lla( over 2,'JOO entiles, of which K00 aro slnglu ears. Kach evening a brilliant entertain ment will be staged In the immense amphitheater, during which a liorae show, livestock parade and exciting polo contesta will take place. The night ahowa will he much on the or der of aoclcty event. y-Xi!afla!a'ViA S Good Dresses i and Good Coats s ? "Chean Enouah" but V Snot too cheap to have (utility unu oiyiv, 3 gff I r thn Anglo-American ain-lety, outlined In six points what he con-i'lercd a a;ood formula for the national policy of I tin fniteil Slates. The points as given by Mr. Harvey were; First: To foster llm strength of (ho republic by J'lat legislation mid economy ut home. Second: To preaei ve to the nations of the world the blessings of peine. Third: To at rive to cult it am and maintain it concert of Kurnpe. Fourth: To avoid needless nml in tangling encagementH. Fifth: To in knowledge the eiiial rights of all nations. Sixth: The foreign policy of the fnlted States should always bo In spired bv lovo of freedom. jIr. Helen AdaniH, '5, I)ien. Mrs, Helen Adams, , dl'd at the homo of her granddaughter, Mrs. Jo- Claildn Joins, crashed over (ho curb anl tan Into the building. Judy and .lories were arrested after Miry attempted to flee. Jones was charged wllh Intoxication and Illegal possession of quor, Judy with oper ating a car vthllo Intoxicated and drunkenness. Atitomoliile, Overturns. An niilomoblli was seen to overturn at Th rty sevciilh nml Hamilton si reel Thursday afternoon by J 'aul Allium, mils Charles street, who (old police lie saw (wo men run away from the wreck. l'i dice investigated yesterday nnd re ported M. K, Howell, Jr., 4018 Izard street, suffered a gusli III his bead and Jack I'ogllxor, 1116 South Twenty elt lit Ii si reel , esi aped Injury. The i teiilng wheel of the machine broke, the ol fleers were told. both (he a-rlcliu.e ami hanking cem- , l'ri''niy win. me snsit .. o inllteea and to b press, d Willi their ' proposed. support at the shoit session of eon- .... , . . . gress. Approved al a conference yia Woman llljlire.l i)' ltlJtt. (erdiy leiw.fii I'i'i'sl.teni llarduig, Knoikel to the lloor of her k.trhen Secretary Wnllnco and Ki n pnbllciin wlu n n lighted muti Ii In th ca ai tiators, headed by Senator !odge, ; (le, room caused an explosion Thura- majority senate leader, and Senator day which blew out (wo windowa and Watson, of Indiana, who has been n, door fmin Its hlnfe nml slned making nil iietlm survey (tf tin- qucs tiiut, thn progiam continnplatea utll lz.it Inn i f the federal f irm loan board as the agency for extension of laiger ami more lib' Mil credits, both as to Interest rates mind time, to meet the present agricultural necessity. The relief plan, deslirned to reach tlm small farmer ua well as the iaige cattle raiser and grain groweia, waa outlined In a statement following Ihe conference by Secretary Wallace, nnd Senator Lodge. It Ii proposed by use of the farm loan board as the medium of government relief to make It avail able to the thousands of small farm era who iieid It ami who. In the oplti her hair nnd rhww s. Mia, Wllllnm Kvana, :isaG'6 South Twenty third street, was carried out by K. U. Ifreese, 3112 South Twenty third stieet, who rushed to (ha rescue when he heatd (ho blnat Investigation of Fire. An Inveatlgiitloii Into the Valley of f-'weets fire lust Tuesday morning waa Hindu yesterday by Slate Flr Mar fhnl C. I.'. Ilirtford, City Flic Mar Kim I John Trouton mid II K. Ilnyduk, deputy statu fire maishal. The three offa ials yesterday after noon questioned witnesses behind cloned dnois III the office of the county ion of ilmae at tlio conference, have attorney. swca's's'S'cs'sts'S'S'stsw if 9 9 t 1621 Farnam Irisli Free State May Sit in Imperial Conference London, Dec. I. 'lie Irisli free stnle will be invited to representation I:: the next Imperial conference whleu 'he government hopes to convene next year. Crime. Minister l'.onar Law told ,- questioner In the houae of common today. MIL! We Can Make Prompt Delivery Franklin Count,. Sf.'i.OO Charter Oak I lU.OO Central SI l.Utl Liberty MO.50 SMOKELESS LUMP Wyemint Sl'J.r.O ColeraJa SMO.MI SPECIAL CLIMAX LUMP $9.50 All Coal Freih From Ih Mine PHONE UH'tt CRDf KL ntJ 241 KLhI 2262 ' 24 Ttatianal Institution 7rom Coast to Coast' 1'Tht Store of the Town". To the Public A Diversity of Opinion Men who arc in louch rvith the manufacturing market conditions differ in their opinions as to horv the nen tariff on good woolens tvill affect the retail prices. We ourselves refuse to predict what the prices will be during the next six months. But, as the largest manufacturing retailers of fine clothing in the world, with a purchasing advantage of unequaled magnitude, give Jiou this advice BUY NOW as We honesll) believe clothing has reached "rocl( bottom." Just as low as it will be, and in all probability will be higher during the next six months or a year. Speaking from a manufacturer's point of view, were we to replace our present slocl( of clothing, it would cost us from 15 per cent to 30 per cent more, due to the effect of the scarcity of good woolens. Clothing we are showing today is on a free-wool basis, because the Woolens were bought months ago when wool Was at a low point. And, as we s,iid before, while opinions differ, the general belief seems to be that piues will not be lower but steadth advance, a it's impossible to purchase any quantity cf high gtide merchandise under present conditions. However, the situation will have no effat vn our pieent jh; cf elothing or ptUet. vther than that there will be AO MMCTIOXS or Cl OTHIXC S. II IS rv Ihownini King ft G. during the mvnths cf Ktcmfcr, January and februaty. rouinino ICmj S (To. lunar m a neon. m, Our Xmas Club Coupon Is Worth $25.00 to You "si..rji:iria Lb. y if JUIia 'lf'"H'aH. aaartiaa ialT'.taAaaaWPw- 1 W If, Yearx Schnoller&flluelfer have brought haziness to thousands of r 9 o--- vwiii nun n v Recelv. th banafiti ofour vi. Xmai Club Cftsh Coupon- Our Annual Chrisms Club is ercater And better Ihtfear than ever before $5.00 Reserves an In strument for Xmas Delivery !0Y YOUR CHRISTMAS PIANO NOW homes with music PAY AS YOU PLAY- PRICES IN ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HAVE BEEN SLASHED & TO PIECES. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ! WE t HAVE THE INSTRUMENT YOU WANT AT THE PRICE AND TERMS YOU WANT TO PAY. & We purchased at our own figure the entire summer's output of several factories and have about 300 high-grade Grands, Uprights, Player Pianos and Phonographs for our annual Christmas Club, and are passing on to you the tremendov.3 saving which we achieved by purchasing in carload lots. We are giving values we have never equalled before, and the instruments for your selection cannot be equalled j$ this side of New York City. We welcome comparison in both quality and price, and with many of these instruments we give a written TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR GUARANTEE. MAKE YOUR SE- LECTION NOW AND PAY FOR IT LATER ON. 9 THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN ENJOY a Schmoller & Mueller Player Piano If you love and appreciate music and only one or two members of your family can play the piano get a SCHMOLLER & MUELLEU PLAYER PIANO. It is sold direct from factory to home, and there is no middle man m to make a profit. The savin? is yours as it s sold at slightly over the factory cost. It has a beautiful tone, master wormanship and will last for generations. Xmas Club Price, Only $450 A Price Slash Which Has Alarmed Dealers A GRAND OFFER!! The Premier Baby Grand, Only $650 This tiny grand wili fit any 5-foot square space in your home. Has a tone beauty and workmanship equal to much higher priced instruments. To play it and see it is to want it. Remember, your old piano accepted as a substantial part payment. Make your own terms. Xmas Club Price, Only $650 We cut the price of our Schmoller & Mueller Con- itffliMSIIIIIIMli oIe Model Phonograph 4!ratgPili from $225.C0 to $110.00, in oraer 10 introduce 11. Some instruments have al- eady been sold. It com pares very favorably in tone and workmanship wiiu lusu mucins iiciiiiig for more than twice what this instrument will cost you a pleasing- value and an instrument you will always be glad to own. Come in and have your favorite music played on it. Sold at the Unheard of Low Price, Only $110 XMAS CLUB CASH PAYMENT COUPON This coupon u good for one-half your first cash payment up to $50 00 SIGN AND MAIL OR BRING THIS COUPON AT ONCE This coupon and $10 00 c;uh will credit you with $15 00 Thi coupon an. I $25 00 cash will credit you w.th $3760 Thii coupon art' ?iJ0O nh will ere lit you with $73 00 Ot et iiM B J a t' P tr .r f.it at J 1 ' "( Oi fhtr ' I'-P' ''" wr y u My f.r s - tr Jl i ii ' r j.'-. -c. Jft prcti at li P'c. It Isn't Too Soon to Be Thinking About THAT CHRISTMAS INSTRUMENT FOR YOUR HOME Good Pianos are going to be scarce and we do not know when we can buy so advantageously for you again. There is an unusual demand and a Christmas shortage is pre dicted. Better come in and reserve an instrument now I while our stock is as complete as we can make it. We will deliver the day before Christmas if you wish. Every instrument we show ia a leader in its class, and your eld Piano or Phonograph will be accepted as a substantial part payment and the cash coupons mean money in your pocket. OUR CHRISTMAS COUPON CLUB BENEFITS The Schmoller & Mueller Xmas Club makes possible your cherished plan of surprising your family with a Grand, Upright, Player Piano or Phonograph. Join the club tnr'iy and derive al; the club benefits, such as: Spcchl Cash P.iyment Coupon; Club Benefits ia case of sickness, unemployment, etc. No club duel or delivery chargeg. Exchance privilege good for 12 months. Writ ten guaranteed with each instrument. Your choice of a hure number cf instruments. R.oi.mb.r that 1" i th. nly tor In ( middt watt hr yen r-tv ( crp9'tunty et mailing yeur M'.ition from inch v., ili Id r"eeft n-Akt a Sinew,.,-, Mjrdman, St. n.rt, M.-Phtit, Lmilfxii 4 ia. 6hr 8ra. fim tr, Jahltoi, Irving o4 tcnwglitr A Mir P.not, A GOLD WATCH FREE T raj attrnij a m (h tit t a" '' f:injf.pn ka'a't Jtnu.'y I. it gu'itM(l wori iui (J 4 .lift, ( ' it ' et ' w Invite Cjr.'.iMt.'-.t (' . t'.T't.t.BBt.'l ilidkr Piano J- New Uph3n a - t-jf Nunuer is AT, ISM I'M 14 IS tU Slrrtl I 0