kl fHK OMAHA I.EK: SATURDAY. DECEMBKK 2, 1922. 11) ilanlioMunlorc(l Aged Wile Pays for Crime on Callows J .tine Maolntey, lm Hid Itody of Male in I.akf, Coll.iii'rt on Slcph of Crall)H. Willi Willi i. W1M1 , lire 1. J. iikh K. Miihuinv win hunicd ul the wiiitu k iiilfiiil.u y In r tml.iy fur thu murder of hi nm-l wife, Ktn Moocia M'lhiiin')', hi Si-uttlo, In April, ia:i. Willi only the nei 'unary witness: lirrwut, tin- nnid inned mnn inoiintd (lii pt.iifiirm of the aciiffold H few i n ii m bifom 7 o'clock. Thu lrp v;ih MpruiiK nt 7 n.' md nix inlnuteii l itir Hi iriM tt pliyMlrliin, pr. J. W. jiilmni, pri .ruin j i I lilm dead. Maho-in-v Ii ul up" ul ii sleepless night hiii! wlnn brought froiti thn death veil wan i ilin, I, lit wonine. )!' liiHliitnliii'il hit riiliipoHiii'H until lie l.ig.in tnoillitliiK thu scaffold when lilii knees, Kve and be cr.isp thn i-ii ill iik to support him 'If. He iinnlx no bi.iii tin nt on the n'uff.ld. Father Hockley, bin spirit ual iidvlimr, who Fp"nt moat of the nlflit In Iiih 'ill. Him with Jiim to the iid. liiiM-inoi lli-iif to riin. ."Viiltle, W.'ihIi,, l)re 1. Acting Goe- nor W. ,1. Vvli', n !' u1"! to hero lust night ill u hist nilniitf; effort to Hiiirii from execution Jiiiiiih K. Muho H'J', niiiViclul Wiff Hiiinl' li'l , refused to Inti i fire, though preseriti.il wllh a I ) iriit rt I v rit t fonfeHnlon hy Mm. Iiolor-n JohtiHon, M.ihoiny's sister. In the piipi'f It wiih fin lil thut Mm. John foil Kllliil M in, Miihouiy, nml Maho in v hud no purl in tli deed, ihirlng M.'ihnix y'n trial hern 111 sis ti r nut ut the t.ililo beside, him. She t Milled for tin: ili fi'tixc. unit Deputy I'l-oMf'ciiliiiK Attorney T. II. 1 'at I erson In IiIn riofjn i xiiiiiin.iiioii sought to Intl matti thut .Mrs. Johnson had a part in tli! crime. In hi nrgnmcnt he i liiiiKi il Hint xlio Mini Mahoiiey plotted i Ixi iiairoYr. State Park Board Will Make Recommendations Mnr-oln, Dee, 1 . SpecnI. Gov. i i nor Mi lvi'HIf ban ifilli'il a meeting of the Ntnii) pink lionnl for liecember & for thii piii'ifuM! of li-i i(llint on recom mendations to tho li-Kiclnture concern lug crotitioii nml ninliit'iinnce of mate pin The principal subject will he Arbor IioiIkii nt Ni liiimkii City whirh hiisbnen iffortil Hi'' ftole with n. provision that i ) I hi lirui i n i i be n i i;i in 1 1 1 "() to main tain It. Tlic iniiiiil.''iiHin' t be Kovtrnor hi itnali-H will iiinount to uhoiit $5,000 innnilly. Then th'Tr Is a lieaiitiful park nwr Diuilron wlili h tiie pi-ople In thnt vicinity want the plate to appropriate money to beautify ami uurli procedure whs a mibjei't In ninny lampalKti n'fe.hi'M of Htate Kuntor James Y UivmI. Money Iti wanted, ilm to beautify n not her park near F.i'oi;..'ji How and for Koiilein lli) park lunr'Onmha. The MafHsrre Panon snnoelatlon al iO In anxious to Kt money for a monu ment lo lie plfu-eii in the canon near Mi-Cook whero the lant Indian maH nnrro In the Vnlteil States took place. lfyaiinis Man Killed y Kick in Head Iy Horse Ifyannlx, Xeb., c. . (Speciul). Harm .Schmidt, a rancher UvlnR Id miles north of here, was kicked in the head by one of his horses and died before medical aid could reach him. Mr. .Schmidt came here from Sterling, Neb., eifcht ymrH .-iko. The body will be taken to Sterling for burial. MIX KKTISKMhVr. Tired Body Cells M i ll FATIIKK .IOIIVS Mi;iKlK If you are tired nml run down, yonv body cells should not be whip ped into temporary activity by d r u k g inc. W h a t you met! is the real tonic food e-le m e n t s of KtitlierJohn's Medici ne which helps vou drive out t in p u rities. ai d to rebuild new "Vnh. nud health No ilrmrs. L ' .... M, ? J lit 'l I'll I III III II Resinol will soothe iliat itching skin Tt'M ff4kikieKMttuil)f I lh It. h 4 tmf I M H 4 M if m '4 ' ''' ! , " t M , k4 trlmt, t Mll Id t ! l-4 lK , fV 4 It nt.kt It h "i f thni Child, 9, May Enter College it: 1 . , S Kliubeth II. IteiiMin of I.os Angeles at Hie flee of 0 is menially equipped to enter college. Her extraordinary mentiillly Iiiih baffled si lent 1st m, HIio has broken world's records In the Inland Nlnnford revKlon of the iinet Ninon tests, iiassinK the entire series without an error. Buy Now, Plea of Browning-King Finn Announces IS'o Sales Will Be Held During Winter Months, "!5uy now, for we honestly believe (lothitig" has reached rock bottom." Thin Is the advice to the public trlven by Brown, King: & Co. In an editorial announcement that there will be no reduction or clothing sales by that firm during the month of December, January and February. "Men who are In touch with the manufacturing market conditions dif fer in opinion as to how the new tariff on grood woolens will effect the retail prices," said Harry II. Abbott, manuser of the company here. "We ourselves refuse to predict what the prices will be during the next six months. "Hut as the largest manufacturing retailers tit fine clothing- In the world, we advise you to buy now. Were we to replace our present stock of cloth ing; it would, cost us from 15 to 30 per cent more, due to the effect of the scarcity of (rood woolens. Clothing we are showing today Is on a free wool basis, because the woolens were bought months ago when wool was at a low point. While opinions differ, the genernl belief seems to be that prices will not bo lower, but will steadily advance, as it is impossible to purchase any quantity of hlh grade merchandise under present con ditions. Tho situation will have no effect on our present stock of cloth ing or prices, other than that there will be no further reductions or Hales." Norfolk Commerce Body Returns to Old Name Norfolk, Neb., Dec. I. (Special. I By a vote of 85 to 8, the membership of the ( : renter Norfolk aPocintion de cided to change the nnme back to tho Norfolk Clumber of Commerce. The name was changed a year ago. when membership in the national chamber of commerce was withdrawn, at re quest of railroad men- Tragedy Follows Turkey Dinner Man Eatu Thanksgiving Meal Shoots Self Few Min utes Later. "Well, 1 guess I'll lie down 4 wlille.' So spoke John V. fiaup, Jr., 33, 2570 fivans street, as lie cheerfully arose from the Thanksgiving day family dinner in hl home Thursday and smoked his after-dinner pipe. He went to his room. A moment later a shot was heard, He was found, lying directly In front of a mirror, with a bullet wound In the temple. He was rushed to Swedish Mission hospital, but died an hour later. Ho had been discharged from the Presbyterian hospital but a few hours before the dinner. He had under gone an abdominal operation at the hospital and despondency over 111 heulth wns attributed by his relatives as the probable caupe of his act. Sniip served in France with the Omaha Ambulance unit. He Was a niembsr of tho Klks and the Amer ican Legion and the Townsend base ball team. He is survived by his par ents and a stepbrother, Marshall, 9. Ills body will be buried In Kearney Saturday. Mears Willing to Enter Race for Speaker of Lower HouHe Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 1. (.Special.) (.rant Mears, representative from tho Korty-flfth (Wayne county) district, stated here that he would not object to his friends boosting him for speak er of the house. He goes to the legis lature for the fifth time this year. He has lived tn Wayne county 43 years and believes he will lie the senior member in the house this year. Roh Norfolk Store. Norfolk, Neli., Dec. 1. (Special.) The Sax Bros, clothing store here was looted by thieves Thursday night. Girls Caught in Raid Sent to Reformatory flrand Island, Neb., Dec. 1. (Ppo Hal ) Violet Jensen and Lulu Moore, caught in a raid on the Savoy hotel, a hostelry proceeded against under the Alberts law a year ngo, were sent tn the state reformatory by the order of the court. Marriage Licenses. Th folitHlns rou, hm h-en 1.ufd t1-,.nen to w,l; t.A'iia S. N!on, J?, f'rpmnnl, N.-t. mid Orn M. Jurgrutull, 21, Krmmnit, N"b. John M. Tei, !. Ifurtin V iili, N T, n.l Ueorgi f An'lirrhiitt, Zi t'ib Moin.k, U ihnrln Mit.-lo.lt. 41, OiMhi, in.1 Dorothy lllkwpil, Jt, Mnittm l!y Y. Overton, ov.r tl, snlt lunklo fltiliock, owr 21 t'mstiA, AlSri r M(in, II. Sioui ITU. I , nl Cor M. rtv, 41, siout city. Is. II V IU, M, luuall. unit OrcI. r l.:l, II, tunah Wiil.r I' M.v.r Omhit, sn4 Mar frtl M. IIr.'h, II, ninth. J WHUrt ilfxr i.r (1. CinaKi il Th !ri.4 C t''.!:, ur il, niiiaft. Arfhur- ft T'lt'l. "rr It, i,i,h4. lot V. k,frt Arti.'S4rt, ' t, iiiuth. J,m I. ltiirtnn. J. Oiiitt. nit ri-r i I fatlMa, ii. ii:uR. mil : rniii., II, (tiuafi, t4 Iti'U 1 !!,, i',. I'h,h n. I J ivil.,1.., 1- M In .. , l H. 4 A Itmt l m M,.in., I. I , , (- It, 'iH.h. il i hn . !'. I . 11lh t i.lm .r SI, ll, ,,,J 4 el fiii'i ii, ar 1. no r4 Birtltt and IVulln. Mink. i.,.-. !,.,. 1 1 y hi t k ), W in ',4 -, l ,1 '. g 'i M I tt '. 1 Hill k i n i 1 I. , t V.iiH I . -. I ....-4 o, . ..,4 i,,l( ,,t Vl . il W mm 4.1 III. t.4t, I'll 4 . .. ft 4.4 4-1 If'il Hl.4 ) I I " t" ft. I lft.4 TtMk7k. ft k 44 , .lr. v,, I 4. ft. I ,,. . ( 4 , I ,,.. I ft . H III . 4' '4 .. 4 . -. - I t IHIH I ' ,, 4 ft , M W ' lk. , . 4 I'll t k I l. Married TiO Years. Wfst Point, Neb., Dec. 1. tpe cIhI.) Mr. and Mrs. l'etnr Paradles celebrated their golden wedding at their farm home. The couple were married In tiermany In 1ST2 and In D; they came to this country. Venture TitmMictions of Lift'stm'k liwhanpe ,V load of h.-avyueight met rs wns brought t th- t miaha rnniket ty II. U Jtotlms of I'nderwoed. la., thnt wei giKl enough to bring $3. So a hundred. Arthur (ieiM. also of t'nderwiHxl, loot a lo.id of iiteeis for which h re ielvf.1 ! 'rt a hundred, and, sccorij lug lo W.ili Mr. l'oni.rs and Mr. iieme, their ittle or fl on ground urn and to-olc h.ov .iu In a short limr. 1'i tup pin if ill a hundre) W4 JlnrilM l-v l I' .InrS of il'oh ! tr U h i 1 f f tii'ithurn )iilioiS ItiMt ainitol s,l H,iii,iti ll.i aiftv.4 ilfi'iiftlil lo I f i I i f I f Ih-it ,ink J te f, mi U an I M r I I'l lnii.dr. J I Al i r!'y i .m, f jf-...iu. I' lot ,. tr olht t , !!. n.,, .h . ii, .i k. i I y o W i!i. , o u , i, Minn if h, il,iir ll, 'iil ll l-l til tl.ft vuoft loi,. At, ' l4,l,f I i f'Ullllll 4H. (114 '" I' a I kr at I' ... . if lri U. ,1 4 '. ft hnn lo I W.k.H. 444ft i firw.,iilft. .rl tf. HmI( . k.l ! I lift tl J k. .,i4 4l'l Jl !,. I It f. Iltlftft :tlStf I ra I.. . ka.l f II ,u.liLi I III ..Hi. J ftp I l.ft t mm 4 I f ..' I I t (...! .Ii I.,... I ft ft) .. ft i - ISft I,. ft , IwiKf I .. t I I . . ... ! I .-If! 4. ii .f Ik 4- i-l i ll k , ,.. I 1 Hione iiin Awarded Medal for Heroic Work .Miss Ftta Willeox, Night Op erator at Williams, la., Hon ored for Service Dur ing Hank Kohhery. Miss Ktta Willeox, night iperntor for ths .Noi l hw stern Hi ll Tctephont' company nt Williams. In., hns been awarded u silver meilil and $250 in cash by tlu national Vail Medal com mittee of the Jtell Telephone svstem, In recognition of her prompt mid In telligent service following tho robbery of the bank in that town on June 7, 1!21. While at her work In the Williams telephone olllce on ttio night of the robbery. Miss Willeox was startled by hearing two heavy explosions in the bank. Hhn tried to summon help, but discovered (hut nil nf the telephone lines were out of service, the robber, having cut the cables. I Msregnrdlng all danger, die soctired an automobile und dnne to Ulnlrsburg, a nearby town, where she spread the nlnrm. Her prompt service miule possible the speedy pursuit of Iho fleeing robbers and the rapid restoration of telephone service in Williams. The Vail medal committee of tho Northwestern Hell Tclcphono company met at Omaha last April and award ed a bronze medal to Miss Willeox In recognition of this service, A cere mony is now being planned by thu telephone company at wheih she will be presented with the two medals and cash award. Last year two employes of the Northwestern company were given awards. Mrs. Mildred Lothrop, chief operator nt Homer, Neb., received a gold medal and $1,000 in cash and Frank Forrest, manager at Dakota City, Nob., a silver medal und $i!.'0 In cash. Miss Willeox is the only one out of nearly lo.OOO Northwestern Hell employe to receive a national award this year. Bloouificld Store Rohhed. liloomfleld, Neb.. Dec. 1. (Special.) A large quantity of silks, some clothing and shoes were stolen from the Filter store here by thieves, who gained entrance through the cellar door. A truck was used to haul the I hinder. APVK.KTISKMKN f. PUTSTANLAC TO TEST AND GAINS 20 LBS "I know thousands have spoken in behalf of Tanlac, but I want to add my sincere praise, for 1 have put this medicine to the test and it rings true." This emphatic statement was made by Mrs, G. A. Herra, highly es teemed resident of 229 2nd fit,, N. H Minneapolis, Minn. "My health gave way. I became weak, nervous and terribly run down, and fell off to only eighty-three pounds," she continued. "I would have terrible headaches and fearful dizzy npel!, and my stomach was badly out of order too. My food would not agree with me and gas in my stomach kept me in misery. Some times I would ache all over and was so played out my sleep was badly broken and restless. "Reading so much about Tanlac led ine to give It a trial. It helped me to gain twenty pounds and overcome my weak, nervous, run down condi tion completely. My digest Ion is splendid, by stomach never troubles me and I expect to enjoy this Christ inas nnd the good things that go with it mote than I have in a long time. I simply cannot say too much for Tanlac." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. All KUTIMKMEXT. Blackheaded Pimples Quit WithS.S.S. VV)iT?PimpU.Poiftoo GoeWho Red-Blood-Cell lncrft! S. S. S. Build That Red-Blood Cell. Ton nn In mr of thin, natiirn kit no !!ht!tut for rd-tdond-rllii Pimpl. rpolftiiB rtn't llrt lo ths red rlrera of your blood na long ttaer tr nouik rich rM blood ceil la it. lor red- it' (A sTtie shame of n bletmsherffiice I ift ri!l Til I ki . it " ftlWylftft (lfttle ft Ik .ll'-.. rU kt-ftlfti l etr-ft t'ft fttftftl I-Win ft l Vftifta ' l.vlrtft Iff Martlai'. it t. -fault Hftf ftftlf (ft , .) n't ai l fftftf Ui4! Ik l'ft,aftl,uft fm ft 'lift fi, .4 kf ! tft. la r.a U. K.ii it .a, ,1 Ik ft i,l ku4el ft . ! .:' s..4 ttft. f .r it-k it Ikftft km mo ii it laftftbl (ftf .4lftft ll.f ftt.ftft ftarift .(. kie 4 fill tatft-ft fftft kf Nil ki ft 14-4 K.-44 ( c-l m I urn l a .' In 4 k Ikaa l f ,l k.. 4 M ft, 4ft k 4 14 4 llfH.II, (' m H..ft I 0-f .il Iktl IKftt. k. .l r 4 f.ftt ft k.'l',,.i tft ift ftlft lift Ift'l4 Ik ( I. Ik i I H ! a ii kml Ik I i . k kit a .-ft . a lift. .1 144 -4t III lll,l. 1,'k !.' I.I tfti Clftftfti ftftftafft .( l . . l ft l ft 4- . ft.. . ! k 4alk Ik . k.,u k 1 4ft atari M..it C J f!,,l' i 1 It l in ii1 .it'''; it - Sale Continues Until Wednesday Evening: 7m 3 ow' 9 S.Je Continues UntU Wednesday Evening Thousands of Customers Thronged Our Aisles Yesterday -Tomorrow We Plan on Record Crowds X $ 1 00,000 Stock Profitless Selling Marks the Second Day's Sale of Women's Apparel Into Cash Days in 5 Jewelry and Silver Fancy net hair oniiiinciits and hack combs, each 2.to $7.50 Silver plated and gold plated mesh bas at $1.2:5 to $23 Novelty car rinps 29, $3.50 Novelty n eelt laws and pearl beads on special sale 25 to $1.' A big sample, line of French ivory finished brushes, combs, mirror trays, boxes, etc., on special sale. Smokers' Articles A special lot of ash trays at 25 Novelty ash travs and smok ers' sets at $1, $1.2:, 91.50, $2.00 and $.i.)0. Child's sets $1.50 Baby spoons 50t? 26-piece dinner set of knives, forks, spoons, etc. in case for $10 Six-piece silver coffee, sets, special at $G.98 Fruit Bowls $2.50 Fruit baskets, sandwich trays, etc, at $4.89 Bread trays at each $1 to $7 Sterling handle cold meat forks, ladles, berry spoons, pickle forks, etc., at. .$1.25 Jam jars at 39t? Clotli and Plush Coats, $65.00 150 Cloth mifl I'ltish Ladies' and MissiV Coats in (.oroiia, Mai"; vcllas and Vclvon ttos, trimmed in heaver, squirrel and wolf, all silk lined. Latest mod els, hlonses, side drapes or straight lines, actual values to Coats at $42.50 SCO Clpth Coats, all late ! nod els, in Geron as, Fashiimas, Arra hellas and many other high class malcrials Trimmed in wolf, opossum nnd squirrel. Kvery size and color. Values to $00.00. Fancy Frocks $24.75 J,?l) ladies' and misses' dresses suit able for street, afternoon, dinner and party wear. All ffood new styles and all shades. Sizes for everyone. Many of the garments are samples and many from our regular stock. Values to $50.00. Children's Wear At Very Drastic Reductions Lot 1-150 -irlh and Misses' l ine touts . In fine all wool velours, bo llvias and heavy mix tures. Many fur trim med and full lined. Val ues to $35. c99 rr a Saturday, $Ltd0J Lot 2-i!00 (iirls Conta in polos and heavy wool mixtures. Slz"s 8 to IB. Values to Q1 9 HZ $19.50. Sat, t?LA IO iM S 100 Girls' Coats Sizes 8 to 14, in polos, mixtures and velours. A real coat val- C'7 OK w. Saturday, 150 Mttlo Tots' Cunts in velours, mixtures and chinchillas. Sizes 2 to 6. Values to $10. Saturday only Holiday Handkerchiefs The best values for yean. Cotton, Swiss anil linen. I'lain, fancy, eolid colors and embroidery, llundkerrhlrf In Holiday Bnin Three handkerchiefs in each box. Plain white with white embroidery. Plain white with colored embroid ery. Solid colors with contrasting embroidery. Ter box 25J Plain white embroidered coiri'is, per box 35tf Solid colors, embroidered cornrrs, per box 15 5 f Plain and fancy embroidered -or- ners, per box 50 Noveltv embroidered corner. Very sheer material at 75 and 91.00 All linen, plain colors, embroidered corners at 91.25 Special lots on sale at 5ft. 7'.t, IO4. 12'vt and 19t each. Mens cotton handkerchiefs, at 7',it, 1214 1 and 25 each. Men's linen handkerchiefs, at 25, 3r nnd 5Q esrh Toilet Goods Statiilitnl Goods at Cut Trices f IPC nil 11 it H SSS mmk. f-l Second floor K i . $6.95 Tis the season for hand lotions and throat antlncp tics. 50c Hind's honey and al mond cream 35t 35c Jergen's hand lotion, special at 25t? 35c Frostilla hand lotion, special at 25 25c size Lavoris ...lTt 50c size Lavoiiis ZlTtC 25c size Llsterino ..lSc' 50c size Listerine ..S."C Azurea fare powder GC Le Trcfle face powder, special at 69 Kor the Hair 5Uc Welkins' Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo, upecinl at 35 Iludntit's marvelous cold cream 3')C lludniit's Three-Flower Vanishing Cream .39 Iludnut's Thre e-Klower Cleansing Cream -39t Armand's cold cream face powder 89t Iludnut's Thre e-Flower face powder 0J) Iludnut's Gardenia face powder at 89 J. 1 Leather Goods Our big holiday line of high grade leather Roods in purses, hand bags, party boxes, wallets, card cases, etc., on sale Saturday. See our specials In fitted partv hoxes at $1, SI. 75. $1.89 and 8U.50. Tarty boxes fitted with electric lights, at $3,00 Special lots of hand bags' at $1.98. $2.98 aud $3.50. Children's party boxes' 29 Children's silk bass 2."ir and 50S -Men's bill hooks, 2." 75 $1.00 and up. 50S n Hosiery Extra Special for Sat. J $3.75 Heavy Silk Hose, $2.08 Women'! heavyweight glove ellk hose In plain and drop stitch. Thread Silk Hose, l.7r Thrp.nl silk hose, full fashioned, black and colors. $1.D0 Pure Silk Hose, $ 1.00 Pure silk ho in black and colors, fashioned back, double soles and heels. Wool and Fleeced Hose, ,0r Women' wool nnd fleeced hos. black, cor dovan and gray, hemmed and ribbed tops. s:ic vulues at, per p-iir Ti9f Hoy' aud girls' ool hose, $1 values, 7T0 Men's Wool Union Suits and Sweaters in a Sale for Saturday i'V-t ,.'i(iiit.xv- mm at Men's All-Wool Union Suits, $2.95 Uirlit, medium and heavy xvcinht. Worth twice the price. Sizes 31, M. .3 nnd 40. Knit Coat and Slip-on Sweaters, $7. !." Our entire stock of men's nil wool shaker knit coats an! v!ip over sweaters. $9 to QT 1 P $ 12 values, Saturday O elt) Iftln I lfr Art Needle Work A M cf impd heuift'lti hud b itk, tiinHa. ILaMtlful irnuii litijiiUr 'r 4, I tr, dt . MILLINERY $;.oo I he . c. alin, iiurtli ;i and lo.m, ( Afirt It iiik.-'ulii ! ,de.-tnnft Utir.l Si,4, ,v i ff tl i f ii if, tile t ut nt tn t.i!. i fiber. '1 v l.iti Ji,.l t:f Itltli f,. K. p jr l t ,,t i, f,,,., .drift, irhtl Irlwtird lints "mill ii (. r ij !. i o I ,;;) .i:oi, ,t,in 4!.:.. i.ff it (t. at)',, (ii.t. u,. a '. hat in t,,,ir ,P1 S at ,, Jl I hiljr.n', Hal, , (,,, ,' '.J '',0 M.lM Prlaf Ik' .iJ lie U Hidrn' an I .tM rl.4 frm l Utv. .r. r,ia M iii4a. J $2.00 Clovci $1.29 (.a til. ' Hfin r I ft 1 4!.! : i 1 Had i iMi' t, tf", ! t , t i -''t jt.-j-i t .ft :! a'!. i t "11 4JI. 1 1 ! '4 a I-.. '.la. K ml : L ' ' I 4M S - .SI. 29 Bedding, Blankets and Comfortables ta4 a r 4iR, IHta i'l I t" 4.,..ttaM' ti i I'a-'ia t W i i. , tl ltt-ll f Ik ll. I Hi:ll 4 1 l I lit ,.!a . f t I' ty It i tin Hi-ii J4.7J' i' ' ' I' al ftia ftii 1,1 rn'i'ft tft'ftt . W ...it r,,i'nt ' M ft fc. il i , ' , I. I t-t 1 ataithr! Ull I , I -a ... I', a.-u I .-"! a' t P. - ; Ml l','1 I . i f i a ll I ! nn, f4M YtTi van ftti . ,M,ima;, is f . , t :..4 .,. fn.-.i .u..i In,,., M . I !!.,,,(,. ft,. at 'pit4t 9III.MI '-..t-f al- ; ti ; .,,.,., t. ...... .,, I ""I " ' ''' fin! t4 I i ,.,il l.f ,M Hi I, I. Ii .... , J h ', i , I ,fc , 1 VA ., j, itnki'iMCIji 41 VI ' , - ! k' l i : 4 i.l ! ... i , a ..i. ( ,. ...., j; ... va t ) , t .llt l. , ..a!,B 4 a aiUft HH 5 M t )H 'll l ( . ,"0 , i, 4, M41 -4 ft" I I .ft S I ft ft 41 -f,rt., l. I f ft 4 I . ft . - ,ft I . . , . . It I.I , ft. 1 k. . (4 . 4 ,'fti 1 I.. t 1-.. kl 4 4 . . fc .' '4 t ti,- ft 44 ii , tk nil It ... 4,4 - H r -.- . i . V ' . - - . 4.ft Mft I1, ! . ll i CROUP th KINGS WIS - tW iwoiimwi ftftl.lv., ii - Stfc- Mk-jft. n.-