11 7" 14 THE OMAHA BKE: SATURDAY. DKCKMBKIC 2, 1922. - - Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day - - i , i , . . . . . . 1 L Omaha Grain Chicago Grain Omaha, ltember 1. Our ie,!u market xprn4 hifher thla mirnlnc, ahtet bnif around a Mnt higher and corn around ty hifher than Haturday cloee, tuiif Influenced mainly ty atrorif eahlia. advice from Argentina anj Auatral Ian wheat crop war tl a omtwhat poealmletl Unor and home with foralja eonnertlnn war good buy . Total arrival! at th Omaha roar htt wer 144 aara agalnat 111 eara lait yr. Total ihlpmenta aer 191 eara, compared with II rara a ytar ago, Thar waa a very food demand for eh wheat In th Omaha market, with price unchanged ta a cent higher. Corn waa atrong, generally He higher. Oat wer unchnifd to j va or 2ft,000,00(i tmaliel lee than th Ha up. Rya waa quoted unchanged torrent government return. Auatra to In lower. Jlarley waa a cent '. u rrp waa mtlmntej at 105,000,000 higher. 1 tmnrie) or in line with th trade ... ....... wmhal vlewa; while the 4'aiiaillan crop at til,' l cere (erfiuiiy;, file, ae,e , - . , , int. ... iirnvlnre having m.OOH 000 tuh"la I wna emu Her than looked for. rViitlinent Mlaert. Py tllAltl.FN 1). MH HAFll. Omeka He Iwl Wire. Chicago, lo. 1. firain maiketa wt unsettled and whlla th greater lutit of the new waa of a bulltth character theia waa an undurcurrent uf barUh ent!ment and th tt price wer not maintained. Iecem lr wheat acted tight and went to t: over May at on time, rloelng at 2 Vic; over, g'llnlng 4? for th day, wlill th deferred future wer off Si r. Corn flnlahe.t e lower, tutte 'c higher to He lower and ry MP lower. Mverpool wheal waa ltf 141. high er aa compared with Wednesday's finlah, and thnr wer bull, eh cuhlea from Aigentlna with private eetlmnte making th aurplu 12,000,000 PUHh Nu erk her 4: t rer. II II; fare (erriutly), II Ui I rare. II II; I rer (I 4 per rant heat damaged), 11 II; I I rer fit per eant rial, II. IT. No. 4 (lark ha id: 1 rara (emultj), II IT; i I rar, l It. ' Ne. t dark hard' 1 rar (I t per tent i beet it.riieg.il), 1110; 1 ear (II pf cint I rrei. II. ie. ' No. 1 bard winter; t rer, It. US; 1 rar, II II. Ne. I hard winter! 1 ear (TT tr cent ' dare), l.!, t rare (Tt tier cetil dare I. , li lt; 1 cer, II It; 17 eara, II II; ' rara, ll.lt; I rar (emufty. near dark), II It. I No. I hard winter: I eara, It. II; I rar j (It par rant dark. II It; I rar (I I err ! eant r?e. H ; '"' ' "l rr. till; rar lamtittyl, 11.11; I ear, II. li. No. t hard winter: I r:ar, II It; I car. , I,A; I rar (0 1 par cant btel aamafarll, ' II. 'it; I rara. II II. No. I hard winter: 1 rar (t par cant beat dan.aaad, m'ity), II. ot ilampla liar'l wlntar: 1 rar (live weatlle), II II 1 rara (live waevlla). II 111 1 rer, i lt.lt; I rar (T.t par cam ryei, lt.lt; 1 rar, 11.10; I ear (lira warvllai. II II; 1 rar (live waovlla. heatlne), II 01, 1 cer (II par cant brat dameKad), ItOe; 1 etr, tc, Ne. 1 nilitrd: 1 rar (durum). ll.flH. No. J nilerd; 1 car, II II; 1 rar (einutty. durum), Htc; 1 rar (durum), tie. No. I durum; t rar, etc. No, t durum: I rara, Mr, No. 4 durum: 1 rur. tin; 1 car, 17c. Va. i yellow: 1 rar. t'4. Hampie )llow: 1 rar, tic; II pre rent eeie. No. mlird: t ear, tie, ehlpper w,hi; I rara, tt". .. Nu. I mld: 1 rare, I5e. No t mlxrd: 1 cur, tic; ehlppat'e walvhla, old. Kample ml4: 1 rnr. tlH!. OAT Ne. I white: I rare, tm; 1 rar, lH4r. Vo. I white: t rar, tle, apectal bill ing; 1 car, 41!4"; 1 ear, 41c; 1 care, lev No. 4 whit.: I cere, tie, hrevy, I rare, 40 ; 2 rara, lOfcc, ahlppera' welfhta; t rare, 4Kc Ne, I: t care, lie, Hemole white: t rnr, 4'V. atilpper a walehta; 1 rare. tc; 1 car, 17 'Ac, 1 prr cant hra.t datnaeed RT1'. Ho. t: I rare, tic Nu. ti I rare, 0e. No. 4: 1 tt, Tic. llAHI.F.r. No. : I rora, 4e. Nil. 4: I eara, !. Hampie: 1 rar. tl'Ar.; 1 inr. ''' OMAHA RKCtill'TH AND rM U'MKNT-T , (Carluta. I , Racatut- Today. W'k A T'r A". Whrat Corn Oata Ry Wnrlrf Hhlpmrnte Whrat Turn (ata Rye Hartry ,.14 . .IDt r.o 12 I 7 r. tu 4 4 Jlill i;l m 41 it : is UllMAKV HKOKtl'TM ANT) Bill I'M ENTft. (Huanrla. ) Recrlpta To.lny Wi Aro Var Agu. Wheat S.TlH.onn ..taT.den l.oto.oon Corn l.ioj.ono Tet.ooo Oaia l.OHI.OOO tl,ti) fhlpimnta Wheat 1,114. ton i.nt.ono Corn ST!,ooo 41 r,,o Oata , 1 ,1 ST.ooo t.tiHHtiiD CHICAOO RKOKII'TM. Cerloie Today - Wrk Ago Whaat tt Corn SU lTt Oale I0T tut, KANHAS CITV RKCKH'Trl. Carlnla- Tuday VVack An. Wheat 417 lt Corn 64 2 Oale T tt ST. tot'lrt RUCEiriH. Cult'i Todny Wrclc AK". Wheat Ml 124 Corn 105 .It Oata M 40 KOKTHWKTKRM WHEAT RKCEIl'TH. Carlota Today Wi- Ic Year Alto. A en. Mlnneapolle ?3 liOT rmluth Winnipeg It:: liii 'it l.ntt.oee ito.ooo 11.01)0 S70.000 (13 Out Tear Ago. It 2T Tear Ae. 71 IT Tear A". It 110 21 There waa paraiatrnt buying of fieramber mi. aelline "I May by etrong coinmlaaiea houaee. wlih lo'al aantlmant rather mlaad. riia pit trdra were generally lung ever ha holiday and want out of tlielr hldna im an eHy buiae. At II II for May llu ,'rl reailn "irdera to aell were em nunter. . I whlih ihe.'ked the advanre. Caeh pram lima nn ap.t here wara firmer. Kaport !emand arii.rally waa Blow, wlih aalra ol nmund 'io,(i0i bualiri Manltohaa li.TMnler corn anld up to ll'ie, new Ma-h fr,r tli ai-eaon. In the early trading, l,H lliiul'Tatlon of a Ion line throueb a i.reker, mmblned with praaaure from torn i iealon hnue- cauaed e nartlnn toward ilia laat and the flnlah waa heavy. New .So. t rail' of raeh ern weakened aharp . toward (lie lt. going tn lJc under ik lermhar n.iiiperrd with Stile over re.enily. luinirailo raati l'lnand waa fair, wlih rieli 4!it rara. Naarhy rti llverlra ot naie eoia ai equm to the hlgheet flgurea ef the eaaaon eerly ,n ahuri mverlng, hut weakened later with other gralna. Iieremher finlahed Vc over Vtay. aealnat So oiar on We.lnewlay, J)a. Ilvertra were not heavy. Fltrelpta 171 rr with ehliiplng aalea 226.000 buaheia. There waa a good ileae ef buying In rye iarly, but ae eoon aa It ceaeeil valuee wenkentd anil (ha flnlah waa atnut the bottom. Iieiiverlta of 741,00V buahele went to raeh buuaea. TH Noted. Mary of the pit operatora In wheat and eorn vore,l aalre on buleea. while rloae cbaervera aald they aan nolhlng weak In the altuailnn ami hrllevrd that the weak neaa developed from time to time will only be feint", rary, Korelgnera ware large buyer of wheat end corn fulurea here early winch ahanrb nl aurplua nffertnia anil aealnted In mak leg the lilgheat prlrea. A larga quantity of long wheat end rorn ram nut on the bulge which chtrked further apprecla tlnne. Kffnrte on the part nf the admlnletratlo at Waahlngtnn to ruah the move for farm rreillta ta having a alrengthentng effect on holdere of rorn In the country. Re porta from Illlnole and lowe were of e alight Inrreaae In offerlnea from farm era and alevatori. Winter wheat a"reafe for the United fttatee thla eenaon ta 41.772.000 ecrea, com pared with 44.147. enii arrea laat year, according te report by the National Olntiera' eaaorlatlori. (.'ondttlona t7 agal'irt it. i laat yaar. Many feedere aee netting 1 bunhl for thetr rorn marketed In the ehape of cattle, arcnrdlng to eatltnatra mado by an Omahu man. CHIC 400 CLOSING PRK ft. riyj'pdlke drain Cn. no. Ml?. rec. I. Art. ) oVrn. I J"fghT7Cow7Tiioee7TTeer WM. I ; Liec. I ! 1. NEW YORK BONDS New Turk, lie". 1 Tha bond market moved up tnn ufH j r.-u. l iy the entire Hat, wurt maiked airenaih nhilMte.l ,y eoutn Aineriran laeu' ani (lie iiomeafu' apeeulatlva bond. The aperulatlve rail read laauea waa heavy, nMMtiig ilia biet llllrilveliirlt, rafle'-tlng tlie airtliglli of railroad e'oi'ka The lonl upa,ir1 IliiiVeliient apparently inareeit the eml of Ilia heavy liijui'letioti o( laiea hoidine tnat hia bi-tit aoing on for aoiite time dthnr fa'toie In the upward turn of the niaikat wara the rovering ty anort inter e!a that hava t.een preanlng the apecula tisa teaii.e and ihe a,.e.irni' of new buara atlraHed by the low prliea of a Hole Hal of liondl Kin (trend" da flul ". wt'h 2S polnta ar., Moa J'nulo ta with I I'otitia ail vaurae, were the ootui ending featurea In the foreign Mat Kramenrun l'i and lioideaui and Martin, a ta advanced I 'a pninia eai-h and t'iacho.giovakle a. Km Janeiro and liutih f.t Indira te gained ; ont ea. h. In the apeeuiatlve rallro.id mortgagie gt. I'aul gntieral 4a gained t'i polnta, hi I'aul gvneriil 4S' end (Imago Nrthwatrn general 4a, 2 polnta each, and Kr i onaolnlaled 4a, 2 t polnta. iVfi de I'aero ta advanced 4S polnta an. I (. I, Ho copper 7a, 1 polnta. In aynipatliy with (da rl In e'nrk prireg. 4 i ti-r rong apn'a in (he Imlnalrial end puliin: litllltlea hat weri (;ciii'ral Klectrli f.e, Coiriputlng Tatiulallnti and Recording ae, llanhaltun Klevated 4a and llronklyn llapld Tranalt certlflcatae "a, all up 1 V lo polnta. tha beet buying power In (he rellrnad mortgae group waa ahown In Ht. I'aul i onvertlt.le I. a lijltimor A "Ino gold (a. Chicago it Nnrthw, ati rn ta of 17, lienver Hlo 'Irande ta. and Kanaaa Ciy kniithern U, with edvam-ea of I to nearly 2 polnta. I.ltirty laauea were atrnng''r with galne rnr.lo from 4c tu an.: on lioo. Total aalea (par value) were II2.2H.OO0. I'. a. Honda. High l.ov floae. 4tl l.lt.erly J'yi inn I' g .4 1 no .1 1,111 lat 4',a 4U ' . .Tl "lit 1 7 22 J.ltierty 2d 4',;a., l "0 7S0 t "2 . 42 I.lbvrtv Id 4V.a..,, MM 40 40 HO I. Ih 4 1 h 4'a It 41 ti lt to H Victory 4ti, un. loo JO 100 24 M Vic 4t,a ( ailed. . .!'' 171 New t'4a It II Foreign. 41 Argentine 7a IO0S 14 City of Mnr fa. ... 7 IT fit yof Cop He..lo 14 City of (1 I' 7Vte ... t'i'A 40 I lly of I.yona la. . 72 i city of Mar ta 77 14 ( He of II d J ta., 1 CHy of Tnklo (a ... t t city of Zurich a..lim ti cai vboalovak II t e t Iinniah Mun ta A. .207 It Iiepi of Heine 7a. .. to ti li of C t p n 'It. .101 It U v, ta MVi tr, 12 10 J .104 , 73 34 I I 20 VJ l.l'l l ltu t ie t.tS I '.niii l.lt' May 1 17 1 It l.lt1 t.ti 1.17V, MtS 1.174. July lot tot 1.07V, ! i. oi i,oh ,' l-W'l I l T5i Ry I ( inc. .tavi .14 'i .t 1 .m t4 mv -ii .li .'! u .tv,i Corn I Vre UK .T2't .7Iil .714 71 72S 1 71", May .71 H .711 .70K, .70 ,70' . , I, -7H4I . .201, .71 July 1 70S! .70S .tl .tt'4 70VJ o... ; Tiec. ,4Jf, .44Vi .4!). .4S4i .43 May I .41 ,44 .tit, .43 V, .43' , , J I .43'4 l2rd I ' i 'U '" Jan. 11 (t.t IIO.IO 110.92 10.S7 10 25 May 110.40 110.47 110.40 110.47 10.36 Rlht I ( I 1 'en- I I MT Mar I I. ..,.( I t tl New York drain. New Tor. Ic. 1. Wheat gpot 1r regular; Ne. t northern aprlnr. I1.45V4: 1 red Wlntr, ll.ttta: No. i hard No. Hneton Wool. Ttoaton, bee. 1 The commerciel Bul letin Hatunlny will a4y: 'The market la aicv but prlcea keep firm for all dcMirable wool. Manufao turora ere watching the eltuntton rather eloeely In view of the approaching heavy weight aeaaoa. Un the one lund they find ehort auppllee and on the other reutatenra on the part of the clothlere te higher cloth pilree. Meenilma, they ere well occupied on old rontracia." The Commercial llulletln will publlah wool quotadoiia aa followa: Michigan and Ntw York flaacea ; Delaine nnraehed t4frc; fine unwaaheil, 4te tec; half-hlnod unwashtd. MitMt; three-aighth-blnod unwaabed, M1M2c; quarter' blood unwaebeil. tOc. Wtaconaln, Miaaourl an1 aveimge New Kngland: llalf-Mood, 474c; three-eglith-blood, tltftoc; ..ui.rterlilorol. 4t 4Te. Kcnured baata: Tote: K'ne 17 tnonlha, 1140. fine eight tnon'I.e. tl ii 6 t.IV. ("al'fornla: Nortbern. IliCftLJi; middle eounty. II HOI 20; eojiheni, ticrjtioo. ureg .n: Kantern No. 1 etaplt, II to tIJ; fine and fine nie,1lum combine tllCft iri. eteiem r'.nllill g. Il ltrji ;t; TaUev No. I, ll.iFtrl tt. Terrltrr I lni a!ap: rhgl-e, lllttl t 4?, half blood iHiohing IIJHMS0; tlitee-elghth-hlooJ cml'lng 3c tt 1.0S; ej'iar'erldiMl , oiol Ing. ft4jt:n. I'ulie.'.: Te'itne. Ilieii; A A. 11. ! UI So: A n.iif. It 1101 !t Mehalre Kee'. c.inl(ii. TIVOc. beat carding. Ttf'e KtuMt tlty I tee Nlark. ttane.i ll'v I'ao. I (I'nlleJ Htat'e t et i-linn' ..f gil.-u!ture "atlle tie. ee i a a li head, beef aleeil elee.ty le troag: lop, liv, other pia'n to g o4 te, lte. Ila'oa. weeiema ItKHgalt. all aider rltaeeg. atea'if, a'.'b 'I'lality rlata. m.iel cat-n're it4e. mun.M I. i.ie.luin 1 e li;i''. p.alnei aiaaa he f. a. It ' M Kn "lola. 14 art kee l ica'kel liui i'ehl 1 eMa o .( ll lv. et e -alr t . ii,ler tw. !: eH at loo !. ! li t 'a.leia le k ipm I'lm i'i ! io ie ie 1 Uei. gacaer k ' '- k. bi l ling l- m He ..aer e lgU on ialeei ( ke ! I'l't'll t J.a : t H H l .,,11 ,,l lOlll j li Ip.i n,i I. L I' ' I el t'ta l. It) fa !ar ,"-l 'H!t Haa a A l.nti- Kei t-ia I I 'I beat kn'iaa . e" i l iigNae. ( I KM, I a ka . Irion ti ' t' I 1 tea, IH It 'kt. t, J 4 ;ala a I I 1 4 t I1.34S; No. 1 Manitoba, U StV,, fld No. .,n.i uuruiii, ei.iie, c. 1, r. track, New York aput. Corn flp,.t ateady; fo. ! yellow and No. J white, 93c, and No. 3 mlged, CIVic e. I. f. New York, all rati. "ate Spot ateady; No. 2 white, 53 jf S4c other ej-tlflea enchangrd. It r of C a Ti2.. ti Tiutrh r. I ta '47. . i liutcli K I ta 't2.. 14 French Hep la 2 Krenh Hep 7Ha. 3H Ilol-Am Mne (a.. 1 Jianeaa lat 4(e 102 Japaneaw 4a , Hi Kgdm or Tiei 7Ve..I"'i'4 I Kgdm of Kel (a. ... H, ' 31 Kgdm of lien (a... t I7 Kgilin of Nrth a, . 7'4 4 Kgdm of Nor ...I10 :t Kk'I-ii of rlwed ta 1 J'-Y-M ta 23 rton of llollvia (a it Ken of Chile la '41.103 I Xep of Uruguay la.):i'4 14 Ht of Cluerna ta. . .I'll 4 Ht of 8 ' e f l,.,.100 : Hwlae Confrd ta. . .lie '4 !'. I'KofdMAI tUa 'Zt.llOti tt UKofCHAI ia '37.1"2ta 1"2S 21 U H or llrazll a. ,, IIS 14 t; H of llraill 7a. 43 V B of ll-C Ky K 7a HUM or M11I.0 4a . 3b Knllwnr and Mlaeallanroua. Halee (In 11,000) High. 2 Am Ae Chem 7f.l02 5. it Am Hmelt ta t2 I Am Nuger Ce 1"2 21 Am T 4 T cv ta...llt I Am TAT col tr 6a 97 v4 21 Am T At T col 4a.. tl '4 1 Am Wtr W A K te 3Vi 4 An Jur M W ta... 75 10 Ar & Co 4'a to 2t At T A H Kb gn 4a tty, 2 At T A H Fe aj 4a 2 2 At C I. lat con 4a '. M, 37 Hl St. Ohio ta 100 41 Halt A O cv 4e. I"' i Hell Tel Ptnn 7e .10S 1 llelh Hleel rrf It. . 9'f, 14 loth Steel p m ta fi I Hkl Kill gen 7a D.107 21 Hkl Han Tr 7g ctfa 04 I Can Nor 7a J 1 1 "4 ;' Can 1'ac dh 4. . . 7B' I Can of CleorgU la. 100 14 SI Centrnl I.enlher ta t1j 11 (en l'ac gtd 4a... tt :"t Cerro da I'aaco le.127 lit f'hee A O cv ta. . . tlH 10 Clie( A O cv l'4. IM4 1 Chi A Alton 2a .. 21 13 Chi A Alton 3a .... 63 24 r. II A Q ref ta A. 100 M Chi A K III 6a 10 5 Chi (It Went 4a ... MS '1 C M A H P e ta II 71 27 C M g P rv (tii 17 30 C M ft H P rf 4'a. t2 1 Chi A N W 7a.... 10 2t Chi Itya Sa 71 It (! R I A P gen 4a. 12 40 C R I A P ref 4a.. t3 It Chl A W Ir.d 4a. . 74 411 Chile Cop 7 MSI 14 Chile Cop 6 tt I 42 H it 10014 77 71 ii id" 72 7214 77 77 71 r, .... 111 .... 7 It tr," tt l"0' 13 4 1. f2 1.1 la I7 tt 2 t3 14 0 t('l' 100 .... r, .... tl 11 t7 7 101 1034, J04 72 .... 92', 12 102 103 ldd ioi iit tit 110 110 102 7 7 ii iei Low, Cloae. J02 102 2 12 101 102 7" 17 te ti tt to" t'J .... 100 iod' no '4 to 10 10 'a H" 2 ii 7" 79 ii ii" 123 121 13 It tt .... ii ii ts .. 60 61 tt 71 1st r,v r,l 1 76 ; .'! 11 12 12 is 74 112 113 H tt 10 Colo A 80 ref ta. . IT 11 IT 4 Col ( A KI 6a tt 11 t on Cu.,1 M, ta... ! ta 11 11 ('una Cana eg d le t it 1 I11I.4 K M 7 e A. .103 .. 3 Cub Am Mug e...,t"7 31 1'rl A II 'II 'V (a... tt t6 tt 7 H A n (I ref ta... 4 7 4 ., 4 li K li con ta.,, 73 73 .. It llet Kil ref U ..102 1"! 102 41 I'"' l td K)t 4a. li li tl 6 Mat geu la . I." 4 lionner Ht rof 7a ,. tl 10 11 t I 'im .Vein Ja ..I'i7 107 .. II iMi'lueene It la ,.102 1 113 101 ii K ( A K Ta ctfa.. H :' J :o i:nc pr 11.11 (.... 67 , I.:.', 67 II Kile K-ri lien 4a.,., 41 ' 43 34 I rani I H 7 a. , . . tt It 1 lien Klei: Ij' ll l.a. . . .101 in iloo.lru h 0 a . , t " I 100 101 I (locolyear T a '31. H 'a H T iloo.tyenr T la !! 1 1lt 14 (I T lly of C U 111 111 111 33 it T Ky of (. te..I'i3 102 l3 12 lit N 7a A Ill 0t in It (It S. 6a II. ....(01 -on, .... t It M ref la A .... 3 t 11 II a M a. II In- ta 6 6114, 6t 27 M oil A )t.f 6a.. 17 tl . ... 13 III Central 6a.,..10l loo 101 3 III cn ref 4a 6 t 21 III Hleel del, 4a.. l tl l 12 Ind Hleel 5a ! 1110 100 II tni-M't 4a c alpd II1. 0 Inl H T Te t. td'j .... to Im nap Tr ref le. . 74 '. 74 74 It Int Man T r ie 74 73", 74 Int AON aitj 'a wl 4t 4 ( . 23 Int M M e f ta ... to nj 4 Int Pop ref ta H . tt 7 Iowa Central ref 4a 31 3S 31 13 K C Kt M M 4a. , 7t 7a 7t 7 K C H 6a 0 a t 3 Kall-Hprlng T 1a...lot l'H 104 r, l.ai ka Ht r,a 60 to 1 I, A V W 6 77 fO 103 S f. A S ref ta . .. to 6 Manntl Hugar 7a. 17 l to 12 17 10 3 42 13 II Mkt Ht Ky con ta. 10 4 Mnrland oil 7e ...l3 1 Mich Cent ii l 1,,, II 17 Mid "t cv 6a l t 11 I M A t f. ref 6a.. II It M H t'AHHM e ..o:i 103 103 11 11 if t T n d I ii A tr,a; ',', .. j: M K A T 11 ed ta A am, 6'4 21 Mo Pac ion ta t (1 Mo l'ac gen 4a .... 03 2 7 Mont Pow 6e A 7 tn 1 Naaaail l:ie Ky 4e6l t N K TAT lat 6e ct. t 17 7 N 0 TM Ine te,. 77 77 141 N T f (I ta 106 103 100 N Y Cent rAI te. . tt It 69 N Y Cmt con 4a. . . 13 12 15 NVN'IIAII cv a '41 73 7t t N Y Tel rer ta '41 .104i 3 N T Tel gn 4a. tl 71 N Y W A Hoe 4e 41". Nor A Rn ith ta A . 12 II Nor Am Kdl a f '.a 93 37 Nor Pa.: nl te H.ioia, 10 13 Nor l'ac rAI ta (!. 97 17 tt Nor Par pf lien 4a, ( 16 2 Nor 8 P ref ta A. tl 11 7 Nor Hell Tel 7e,..107 107 1 ore 8 Line gtd te 102 102 24 O H I. ref 4a 11 .... 37 O-W K It A N 4a. 11 M Pac r A K e tl .... ! P T t T l 'li rtfe 11 .... 1 Pack Mtr Car Ia..l07 .... 4 Prnn H R ta. . .10 101 24 Pen n K R gen fia..ieo .... IS Pi-nn It ft gen 4a. 2 II 7 Peo A F.aat Inc 4a. 21 27 4 Pere Mar ref 6e... 1 .... 4 Phde Co col tr la. t 91 6 port Ry T.tAPr 6a. 64 14 2 Prod A Ttef aa ww. 11 14 22 Public Hervlre te. 4 II t Reading gen la... It 16 1 Il. ll I A H col 6a. .. 3 10 K I A A T, 4 7t 7 1 fftl.IMAS 4a K AO di 134 t 76 Htt.AHir pP m 4e A, 71 70 71 KM .A ft ed) la 71 76 171 HM.ftHP Inc ta (11 M : :tHt T, S W con 4e. . . 77 77 10 Ht P A K C H I, 4e 79 14 8 A T P lat 4a. . 76 74 It Heabd A I, con lie.. 60 f1 17 Henbd A 1, adj 6,. . 22 21 ::l Heabd A I. ref 4a.. 4(i"i 3t ?1 Hlnclalr r O col 7a. 100 100 14 Mliirlalr fr O 6g. t 1 Ho Hell Tel 6a 96 .... 1 1 Ho Pac cv 4a II 21 Ho Pac ref 4a tt 11 Ho Pun col tr 4a... C 10 80 Ity gen 6e 1 nt 5 Ho Ky con 6a 91 31 Ho Pac gen 4a '1 112 Ho P R Hugar 7. . 9 J5 Htd O of r, deb 7e..106 106 106 6 Third Ave rer ta. . . ti 69 Third Ave adj 6a. . rr. 1 Tidewater oil te.lozv, 6 Toll Producta 7a. ,. 10 2 T Ht L A W 4a. ... 72 4 irn H A P (!a A ctfa. tl 17 It 19 Union l'ac lat 4a.. tl 91 91 22 I'nton Pacific ev 4a 96 94 tt 23 Union Pac ref 4e.. 16 4 14 1 Colon Tank Car 7r..l0 2 (,'nlted Urug la.... 112 111 112 1 United Fuel Gaa ta 97 1 li H Rialty 6a 99 3 IT H Rubber 7e...l01 2 II 8 Rubber r.e 67 17 17 Ht F 8 Uteri f 6e,.102 102 102 0 91 91 77 106 9 2 72 i 43 93 101 97 16 tl 101 21 99 4 61 9 79 71 70 11 , 77 tt 4'i 100 65 91 11 1', 100 101 tt 91 1 .... 91 "4 t: 6t I Ve-Car Ch 7a w w 91 11 Vg.Car Ch 7a ctfa.. 6 42 V Ry 6a 97 96 97 1 Wiilineh lat ta.... f, 22 W Pac 6 Hi 1 Weat t nlon e..u t Weaf Elen 7 107 II Wll A Co a f 7e. .104 22 WM Co cv 6. . . 94 1 Wla (.'en gen 4a 10 .... Total galea of bonda today were 213,000 compared with 110,391,000 nceday and 122,139,000. 100 10J 31 104 93 112.-Wed- NEW YORK STOCKS Kanaaa City drain. Kanaaa City, ;ae. 1. Caeh Whaf Vo. I hard, 11.1241)1.20; No. 1 red. I1.20J1M. Corn No. I white, 70; No. t yullow. 73e. H ey tin c h a n gad. Kanaaa City, tiee. 1. Wheat rieeem ner, ll.nt split hid; May, II 01 bid; July, II 00 bid. Corn necember, t7e bid; May, tle aaked; July, 17 e epllt bid Mrnnewpolla norm Minneapolis, ec t. Flour lnrhanged to lee hlcher: funlty patenta, I4.70O t 75. Krue l'i.60. V 33. 0t. Vrw York Cotton. New Tore llec. I. inlton futuiee ctoeed 14 10 ?t polnta net lo-ver Trailing ea dull and apeculatlve Interenl waa at e minimum. After opening ntrrowly Ir regular. 14 pilot up to 1 net !ower, tber. waa gi-atterval preaaure from Vail atreet lolige, miuthern Intrreata and ring tntarea'a moved prlcee I to IS polnta under U'edneetlay'a f'.nala before tiioMax. In the afternoon a I, 'lie adtlllonal llMUtdattcw developed raualtig prli'ea tu e.-a iff further. There waa no power on the buying aide and the market waa an .aily infiuenred propaaition. aai-eiiaUy by tuofeaetoiial g've a,n4 lake. The c,o.e wae not far from trie day a 'owe!, tpei eciten waa uuiet, tt ponta de r'lne. 21 toe foe middling uplant Hoiltbarg rrarkaia weie (la'veet.-n, t e". I-. p.Mn'e de. llna. New orli-ana, it r.e un'Kaoge.; liavannak, Jt tv. .a polnta dtciiae. Augua'a. s'. jo polnie .lecltea. tieii.prna, title. Uothanaed. It.'tlvMit. t-r, )'i ponla de-i.ea; l-i'.iie Ho. '4 3 It loinie decline Hange of prlcea of the leading gtocka furnlnhed by l.ogn & Uryan, ii Pmere Truat building. RAILROADS. Wed. High. Low. Cloae tloae. A T A 8 F lul 101 101 101 Belt A Ohio 43 42 43 42 Can Pacific M 140 140 141 N T Can 07 93 7 94 Chea Ohio t7 t 7 7 Ot Nor 13 2 2 "2 Illlnole Cn l"l 101 lot 107 Kan City South.. 19 11 1 11 Ihlgh Valley 14 M 4 12 Mlaaourt Pac II 4 1 1 1H V Y A N It 121 21 22 21 Nor Pan 71 77 71 77 Chl A N W 3 12 3 Penn R R 4 4 41 Reading 77 7C 77 71 ( R 1 A r '3 32 33 38 Sou Pac t hK 69 l foil Railway 23 23 23 23 Chl Mil A tit P... 24 23 : 22 flllon Tee .140 139 110 111 ST11KI.1 Alitor cr Fdry...l2 l""'t ll i"'t . 43 1:4 4.1 Z'a .121 KB 120 12" .114 116 117 119k, . 13 iio el 1 , :ss , abi, f3 f(H , nu 47 4,1 Allle-Chiilmera Amer l.ioo lu Id win l.oco lieihl'beni H Colo Fuel A Iron., Crucible . Aiaer Ht Fdry ... I.a, ka S' Mldvala Kt I'reaae.l bte-l Car hep Hleel A Iron V H Hleel Van, ttuni . Men, an Heal r.l ;e I" 3N' I ? CfrPF.it New Vaeb I wflew. New Ye k, l'e I The li.aiait fie r it. f. fi'uee waa aaatee, awing ti rafo'ia .,f tteer Rln ei- Heeee at, t ae ea ft i. ae In ct eat f'er' ..(reiiaaa Ho,. ih e veiy au ei h'eaee e4 a'ler "i aM.f a' a te-'na 1 t i la t,inia, In Vaiek a-l.i'. -tt 1 t 4k Ika ' ket Iriil ieearara-tva,ii Hi' a (hiii ! t h waa t la 14 t-tf ; I I l I .VII I 4Im e a eiiviiaet tt e'"t 11 t4i l.aa . 1a,av U 4. a I i ia, t I :. . I J,, v aVr.leo,lf. I In 1 M t . ! ajaiei 1 MS. ew a.4 Ma4wJa Va Y Ma I'ae 14 etef . e- I , a'- . ,1,1. a, al Il'.oa I IS an- t ' t. t. ii nl ti'a-aa it lie I-.jO eaat. pl'vao aa. ,,ae.t 1 eat - ia, l eeot ' I e) liL t .r am l'e .,.! S ai taa . a I I - Tke a' lee 1.(11 ,. e e l !' e a, a ee ( .r e , 14 ew-i iui aie eai ai , I ,, .i--..a fatar1!! j e .ai , t I.. M e,",i i tlx t.t aa . et.Va.e e ! k't ee te t ., 1 v." . , ,,u e a. kii el . . a ....... , ... . 1 gl 1.'l a nr.,,. a 'e.4',,1 ... i.-.Ji i 't i. 4i ' I i M l. a' -i a,.., , f t W..g ee r.eli 4. -' I f...-l. a .-a , a .i .tii-, f i,. Anaconda. Am a a k f Co ! Chill 1 1 tun, t at A Ai',, ita . ilieen ('ana., i t.,at tretl--'i . . . . Katt"-'il M.e.ol S.I..1I Can ... Hay ....... .I...-4 ! t ie ... il. a 'at ! I . I I al l-e'a.w. la. !l. . ."I 1 i a. au t' iti i o il . 1 o t i I ' I ,6 ll 1. t I '.a ! ai alii ' I li. , M -,,1 t'ii-4 ! 1- h a . i II . 1 , 11 t3 , ee i a aa II... t' tl . . I . It . . '1 - ' e a . . .i . a ItOl :s f3 47 7.; :i ;t 44 102 34 i: il s 3 1 1 ' 1 1 a ?! ' i i ' ' ti tt " kt t. It . lot ' a , II l i ' 7 1 4 ,3 ' 7'- : T I. White OH Chandler (Jen. Motora. , . , Willys-Overland Plarce-Arrow ., Whlto Motor .. Mudebeker . . . 4 4 MOT( IKS. .. 11 10 .. 11 13 6 6 .. 13 11 4 4 11 11 11 13 6 6 12 11 4 120 111 120 llt RUBBER AND TIRES. 12 11 1! Flek Goodrich 2 0 Kalley-tiprlngfleld.. 13 41 Keyetone Tire ... 7 1 AJax 13 12 U. 8. Rubber 67 49 1NDUSTRIAI-S. Am. Ueet gugar A. a. A W. I 3i 34 Am. Int. Corp 'it 21 American .Sumatra Am. Telephone ...123 12? K'S Am. Can 71 70 71 Central Leather . . 4 34 t Cuba Cane 14 14 14 Cuban-Am Hugar US t3 24 22 41 7 12 61 ( : l;-s l"l 4 3 lis i ; 4 6 f . 7 :t - , . 14 ,1 it 14 lS tt Corn Producta Famoue Plftyara (Irn 6;iao (Irt Nor Ore . . Int Harv Am 11 U I'M V S Ind Alcohol Int Paper Int M M pfd . . Am Hug.ir It it Seal ItoebUi'k At romeburg . . , . T-iba. cn Prod .. 'Vorlt.lr.g Pump VI!a..n i"o . ... worn l'nlne . Wiklli'g t..eo .. I MI' Si , I A mar i at i oi . . , , - ; Ai l Agr Chin , 4 m.r 1 I n a. e. , , US jos 41 13 60 4t 26 :t 21 '.a 122 7H, 31 It ( .130(4 :ssi j:io l ? i 4 tl . .143 .. 30 . .104 .. ti .. 12 .. II', .. 6n .. 7 . . 3 .. : .. ft . . 21 .. 31 ..111 . . It ri.t.ANEor ., MS lt .. i J'S 91 lo 30 tt ft ! 60S 4 7 I a,' !, 63 27 14 S 11" tt tl 11 112 IM 30'4 J1 Joft tl 2 61 tt .., 1 17 1-1 1 1 3. IM tt 14 -.1 Financial Live Stock NEW YORK TIMKH, Omaha Ilea) lawaaxl H ire. Nw York, Vtc. 1. .No halt occurrtsl tn th fc-rneral upward trend of price today. Th ttixk market again eoored recovery of a point or inure In a long; Hat of u.'tlvg ehriree. In th laitid iimrUctH, numerou advanre occurred, both home and foreign geeurJilcs moving up tnolrrutely and th liberty bon'l Inking part do finitely In the movement, for th fimt tlm In nearly thro month. Furclifn eachange ralea roe rulln-r einihiitlcally, th frnnr: recovfrlng nil (he nick' early dot lino, the Jiullun lira nenrly rcucdliig the ei-aenn' high prlco of Nnvenilier 14 and gterllng getting- link to thu hlKh record rat Nine 1319, the 11.12 1 8 flume reached Uet Tuoeiliiy. It cloeed nt that rata toddy, which did not happen before. Marketa (Iveranle). Tallin altogi'ther, today g tnovemi-nt of prlora iiiillialrd, that all of (beaa tnar- kela had been "overeold" by lilliteealoltol aiiecutatora In the rei-ent viub-nt dei-liiiee. Ill all of them Ihe rhatarterlalle of the eraenn'e hear i-Mlit,algn liaa boen the ii. tint tu wht'-h umlerlylng InflUi-rieea inak. Ing for m atrong poaltlnn wrm tgnoreij and IIih aperulation Imaed on foohah oa eggeratmti (m tha Htork Kkohungo th'-ra waa o, rhaionel reartlon during (h day, but tt did not aeem to hold In the end the iictlvg railway eharea ahowed oven mora aubatan'UI recovery than the IndtietnaU. The Kreneh honda played reapertanlil pnrt In (he day'a advanre, nnd frartioiml advuni-ea of larger ei ope were made in other of foreign eecurtticg, riotably the Duirli bonda. No great attention wae paid in the flrrnni-ea of the rail nmney market, whb-h waa the uaual "flret of the nionih" d. in onetraiiun. The federal reaerve atairnieot ehowMl Inereaee In redlarounl ed bllla vlilrli roae 111.000,000 for the work, thua tieaely onneelllng Ihe rrdui-tion of thu wi-ek before Wall Mteert Toplra. With the gnonunrement by the North ern Pacific of the formation of e rorn puny union ronaiailrig of gome 5, 0"0 of lie ahopmen, the elluallnn among the weaiern ronde hag been practlially rleared of iroubleaome reeulta of the ahoimien'a atrlka. Aeie riling in g ti-ntaUV' gi hi-dule of the wage, the employee will receive mora tinder their company union plan than they did prevtoualy with their na tional organisation. The opening of renewal rateg of 6 per rant for call money and Ita lator advafo'e of 6 per rent had no more effect on the bond market than It did on the. atock market. Prlrra or "filed arrurltlea'' moved upward In aynipathy with the better tone Retelple werel Official Monday 11, IM ilflli'lal Tueeilay . , ,., Hit (fllilal Wailneaday., 6.01.7 Thuieday l hull. lay I Ketlmato rrulay,. .. t Ion Fne dale thia ween 71.111 Ha me dale laat wk..tt J( -9 Hiu.e 3 weeka ego. ..24 lit Heine 1 weeke aa 34.6.4 heme daa year agu.2n.att Omaha, Pee, 1. Cat (le lloga. gheep !.. ie.. i IT.. I 23. , il.. ..int ..1147 ,.1414 ,.IIU . . I.'u , .11.UI .. ttt I It t 74 t td St I to t te II vo It. II ... I 20..., 3 It.... .lull , 1 1 2(1 I Tl It vt Id td 10 (0 N. Y. Curb Bonds t.t'in t.t.'a lo.tliT I I 4 34 j ; i (.!' It .ft 2t.t3l 41.014 1.713 13 694 t lit l.uoo 16 W 14.742 4a 7 14. 701 tl.Kt gTfKltM ANI HKIKKII Heoelpig and diapoelilnn of lltranok at the I mon eto.'k) arila, nrneha. Neb, for 34 houra ending at 1 p ni . Iri ember . it:a i'a(tlr Mo,, Miecp ( M A HI P lly 3 I Waboeh It II I tin l'ac Ity t I l iii.ui I'm ific II It .... tt ; l CAN VV Ity e.i-t ,.. i .1 C A N V lly v.ea ... 119 44 M P M O lit ... . St I CHAW Mr i'1 i' it A w Ity weat , .. 6 1 C R I A I met I? 4 ( K I A P weal I I llllii. -I. C-nl ml lly ,. C il W Ity 3 .... Total receipt a .211 130 IMHPt INITIOS MKAIl Armour A Co to 1137 Culohy Packing Co . 1 1 t lt,o I. olil Pai king Co . . . 2"4 1"I2 Morrla I'.i'kH'g Co. ,. !"! 77 gwlfl A Co t; 142 J W Murphy I'i'l Harvey ,Vo. M Ainioijr, r(oiii y'alta , ,, :".'. II. ioiov , .'" K llortg 104 it aim h liroa I'eiivcr. . f 7a .... Welliier A lug'll I COM4 Ollilloyla 1.14 .... Ml.ln.i.c I'n.-alny Co , . 7 .... Xlfl A Cn So Ht I'l.'ll ll 3 9(i lilt 670 AV , t(3 . t Av . 71 .11311 .1130 . M .1044 A . 715 . 9CJ Av . 1 ' .WM , ;', . :i7 . i mi , tat Pr t II T it COW. Nn. 4. .Nil, ., I" I i .' Ir 3 at 3 2t 3 1) t te t 2t ttKit i:n I'r No vi I., (l IH'l.l Ko. 10.,,, li.... No, 1.... 4..., 4 ... I. ... to.... Nn. It..., I.... No 1 . . . . 1.... I..., ... 4... . 2 ... lloga-Itecll-ta. II 40A l ead Hiatal run today met wlih ilcmniid front Imih etiipi era and pacfceie, with nioietnent lHrgi.,y at an eil-urn-e uf Im l.tglil hoga end buo lu re aobl laigeiy at l(M,i wlih top prlie or t" 2'. lined l.-.i.ta riiuvid at . at) ,f 10 and pa. I'll, g gi,i,l'a l ig.l) at I ioig I 76. liu.k of aul.e urge I ,' ' I'l." IIUi;:' l'r I I .3 ti) 6 oil 1 '. t 0(1 No. I . . I , 7,, Av lit Av. . 1(7 . aj7 .lilt . t.t Av lit Av .1710 .II-.i , l.'.l , J'l . )'. Pr tv Pr, I ne 3 no 4 (III t It Pr 6 26 Pr i 73 4 iJ 4 !'. 7i i ;i The fairly en mi tlva New Y"tk, iac. 1 Ttaneai'tiane ml the New Vviik curb market ,.day were ee follow. I hmieattr. 4 Allied Pack ta 71 73 74 1 7 Allied Packer la.,. ( It tl 1 Alum 7a. U ml In l 1 Amer Cot i ta ., 91 7 tl I Amer II A K ta... Hi", t tS t Amer 1, A Tr eg..i'S t'S " M Am a A II It w . tj S 91 91 I Am Hum Toll 7a 9n 9 t I Am T A Tel an.' 3 Anac i op i a III Anac Co. 7a. il) 2 Aug An. i r (i i i, t Aiinoui' Co 7a 1 ll-tli Ml 7e. '7 1 t ll.Mll M 7 '3a V Can N it I'V 6 1 Can l'"C La 4 Cot Med H 7 Col itrapti le . Cm, (iia Hit 6a t Con (..,, I'oll ' 3 Con die Halt 7a 5 ( oi, a Tel lie ta 4 I U'1,1 by 7a ':( I let City i,aa (,e )n a l'i A. li'l aa iil 110 ions ii.ii lout, inns lini, im l"l'M Im', ui lius I'll, l"4 101 ln( IMS l( i.ijs i"; i"-' im li.i, -, ) i I i, 01 I ill, 1 11-. 31 31', I).', 9lM H'2'4 1U2', 111)1, 1 ll'f lull 99 im '4 nn 1 no lml .loot,, 1iii, nn s n 31 t' ll'I 1 tlva I"! 100 100 3 ',1.1,.! Trunk .l"i l"4 l"l No. Av I'r No Ac Pr. ! II. 4?0 ,il(l 7 36 ."if, 340 ati 7 0 ( ,?JI 40V 7 70 67. .;' 330 ; 71 j t.t. VI 70 T 6 r.0,.: IJ'I 7 96 i .'!. 10 ') UK. . )a .0 06 4( , .nil , , t(l 72. .i'.'O ... 16 I 4(..:.'l ... 2o 25 Dull Oil .a ii i, ilf i HI 6a 4 Hood Hub o r 7a . . I li.l, r II T II. :! no Inter l( T e nf , I han (la. A I I !a . I'd l'" 97 99 ti'-t 9 7 Kim ei r a 4 Ken I o. er 1. t.a. 9'i I'l'.'H, 97 V" '. 91) 9 to l".l 97 tt . td ta km. 7a Hlo Ite oirl eiou Kii I, ... John Km n A hiba ... 2 lloffni'ill llroe 1 1 II Hull A Kona Ixn IM V.'liy. A Mat. K C. 4', ll.nlon A Van Hunt . 11,4 .1 II Huilg . IHgglria John Ituri'ey W W 11,11 A l u llegell he gt-fit A .ll'lill'-Kafi . M K A ( ( o fol L .McAdia .. J It llllot A Co III,: t,l oi l; It!,,, ( o in r btmyera , Kreba lobloTgvr Hi (loto Ilay Ml ,i(o Nagln I I' 13 t'l 41 1 i ll e;t ... it ... 17 . 21 . 3 . 11' I. I ll.te. l.OnO bead All killing ,,a tin, ved rcait'ly today nmetiy at en Vance it 2ie. red woolcd lanil.e gold 114 ("H( 1 4 IS and fed .-l!,n-. lami a 112 7', t iedoia weia .juoled aa llolill lly alead,. w.tii rei'iii'e too I glit ("r teei )! tn iiiiiikei rlbeep fu'ly ,i iiuartiT hlrlier. light ea,-a -illng ei il7tw7lin anil yearlll.iia nt 112 00. yooi,,".!!,, on ebeep: rat lenine, g'-ml to i bone. Ill' 7t'Tl4 2i, ful lambe, f.,lr tu goe,. l2 7f,'gU16, fed (l!o'l iMinba, l!2 rtfll 76; feeding lamlia. 1 1 2 'It'll I 3 4'( . leiiill-g", ll((-'i"ll!; ve'lore, I7.6(" f,n, fn( v-'. Hunt, l'i liHi 7.ou; fat e, lu aty, 1 1 no tl " t lllcegu IJie.tiak 'h;iNgi, I'ec I - -Callio In Ip'a ()ili, gi-oeia) ate"! llade ,oiiieA,al ei-,,,, . gi'i.iiilly ale., ,ly on ebon I- o j i. -t'ln ara.M,.a; i,iiifi.'ioui- lo'e ,.l.o-.. !iu inil'i'led In ieipi, l ink aiim ' II.- Ull - ami i .i i - fell Total IJ97 1021 3277 a '(14) jll .".o, ,,m, A lipwal,! to W ii I .' ''6, lop eni luiya f, d v. :i Ii enow c it 1 1. tnur,, ,..vcrnl I. ,ia a' 1 1 3 noi I 3 ' : a.ie aio-k. atea'ly lii i'--. lowir, n y P'tllii' off; (.HUH ra .'l"l lU'lerg lUi,g lll'iel decline; iteairobl'. ho.ivy boioyna bulia, l-ed), oilier, wink to tli.e.eiily lower, leiil calvee, a'rong in 2in higher, atiokera and f' 'I' ll about a'cady, bulk lantiera i. inl niiirii, 2 7.',3 'ii; bulk deelieblo bo Irigna bulla, alnutld II 26: light and me- iim wi-ight kind, rnoaily 1 '.'n l.ulK Cattle Iteclpta, o.soo r,eud. All grade of cattle were In active demand and Ihe liberal rrblay a am ply found a ready erne at good firm prlcea. Heat vearlir.ga here brntiht 111 HO i&mi .. .1.. In (he atock market and aome good galne,,,, rlKtn ,, (lnrl Inmr .1 4.i,o desirable .eglei, ('0 paekeia, I9ii'i')t 2 were re-omed. i 9 60. Theae prlcea are aloiil II iO higher Hog--Id-ceipig, tt.Bdii; mark. 1 npening Virtually every Induatry In the country, , thnn a week ago. Cow value, have ideo ' !"( Ho' hirh.-r; doamg dull, varly gdvo. egcept the railroad end the tobacco In- I advanced 6(1i 7f,ir or more alt.ee early (net ; holding lower, bulk early eilea 170 duatrlee, have taken part In th recent w j, uni) ,h. eiork,,, an(1 e,.,)era have (' 2mi i.ound meiagea, lliw 1 4'.; goo l nurneroue atock dividend gnnnuncemnte gained all nf too. land , h"!e let , h.-i n. s',ii, t un her (op thla yar. Block dlvldenda on the part of Quotntlnna on cattle; Choice 10 prime I l 60. f.. light liui.'e, f :,:,) .r,0, hulk the rellroada appaar remote, hut aoveral 1 heevee. 1 1 1 ihi,(c 1 a nu ; good lo choc c 1 ).h. ,ng ,.-., I; n i 01 on. d"ainiblo plva, rarrlera have declared utru ca,h rllvl-j beevea, I 60 r 1 1 (111, fuir to good biew-r, ai oind l;,n, li-lhii'T, liberal, denda, and while Iielnware. Lnckawanna 1 17.761 9 'iU; common to fflr beeiee, go 'Hi J "li nud l.aiutiM--l(.."e.ioa, 1 1 .000 ; fat A Weatern made euch e dlafrlbuilon laat 7.6o; choice to prime tDuillnya, tti i;a Umba. airong 10 1..c b abai; enote. iii'- up: 13 00; good lo choice jearl.tiv,, .2(i lion. Hi 60 111 i:y butolii-ie. Illt'l on II 011; fulr 10 good yearilii):,, I7.6uili 21, ' 'i'l'P"r m eounla b'j'.li ."'.lol laml', roiiimon to fiiir ycarlltiK. I ' Hi 7 ,'.'); ! ' ' f 1 ' ' 'u;la inotly II I on 4.1 1,1,(1, good to choice itruM bi-cvea, fi; i'l'U 7 26, ! ' bone li pound Oetob.T ehoru fc. laml.a flilr to good KIHH bee.ea, t. Ihii 1; HU ; j f I ' 7 6 ; fr,.h ilippeil, 1 1 .1 26 (u I 3 40 ; good ciinimon (o fjnr K'i'aa Innv..,, 14 00': ! i.njrit fe,i yeoihrig w),i,,-i, fliteo; i.--6.26; Mealcurie, 14(105(4 73; good In ebon a "iri nl" J J 3 pound ,.-.. I Heihera. tllii'i, glaia hlfrre. II, in 'it t.,21 ; fnlr to good ( feedere. eirong tu 'itii: nigiiri ; (op T."-'f In k Inl 91 9.', oy lni'S 91, IM 7 9 1 1'2 II I, Kile. Ii. I l.ig v nn II ia . . 1 lona i I'll 6 2 M.oi,,'.il 7i ... f. Mia i. a I' . I tlori'.e A Co 7 V 7 N.O A m 7 a . j Vol l.eiitii-i a M N V N II Ai II 7 ' I'l.ll I', 1 1 ii ; Pun n ( of N .1 7 l'i I Km,, it lie r 7a . . 97 6 Hln-f t in in. 1 , . 1'0 l HoUnv A ('lo a ...lit It MV If II 'l"l 'ie . . 102 Hid (I N V 7a '2Ii l"C, 4 hi-l ON V 7a ':.,.l".' ', 4 Hid il N 7a "il ICit, 1 Kid 11 N V 7a "i-.1"'. I'l M'l II S V 7a '2'l l'"7 I hi,! (nl N V 1 H f I"I4 1"1 1ii3 10.1 1'I3 91 ta', 9'. 1'ioS IS H'H 111.1 l 'a la', 9, inns tt He , l"l 7t A Co la l"2 102 11)2 102 97 IT 1n(l 1011 1 'ic lot H'2 li; I "3 103 i't l"i,. o6S l"6S (tf. "ei ' j I'i7'. 07'a IS" l"'i 1'", lor. S '111 l"2 l'(2 l"2' 93 12 H-vlfi 4 'I I, la I ' le , 7a II to ml pi oil I ' t:i,i Kv liovati 3 ,i uuiil Mil 7e 107 107 Foreign. 93 3a 3 li't I02 -, I'U lit Inli. 104 l"t 107 ' i7 ligenimi. 7a 1923 .100 99 19 111 king N"Ml a .... 9a i s 9 ) K.'iu: Held Cr 1. 74', 7J', 74 ., ii.,i,- ilnv 6a... 16 16 16 37 N V N II fr It .. 7 1 17 3 Hep jvru a . . 97 7 97 lii liiii.a,an t,a ctfa. 10 10 10', 11 Kuaeiiin 6'ia 11 1u 1" I" Hie. inn ,'.a elfa.. II l" -0', 12 Hulae 6 102 101 102 b IJ K .Mono 4a.,, 37 87 37 A Co . lo aih. pf'1. i orn, year. It ha again been whlepercd that an ether peymenr mtghL be ripeoted. More than the urugl amount of Intereet waa paid to (he copper group end galna of 1 (o 3 polnle were acored In eome of the more prominent laauea. Including Armconla, cerro I)e I'aaco, uian copper, Kenneroit, mid Amerlceti fimalttng. Nt. laiolg I.lrealock. Kaat gt. Iiula, III., Dec. I Hoga Hereipta, 11,000 head; opened 60c lower, rloaed tc to 10c lower; ecllvg at decline, top, 1 60; rough end light plga, l to tchtn; plga under 100 pounde alow, g 4.00 graaa helfera. 1 17. V 6 6o; i-bol' e to prime griaa cowj, ... ,. (i r, on ; good 'o choice gra co-a. 1 4 43 " i i fl": flilr In good graea cowa, 111 10fr 4 40; common to fair yrnaa cowa, 12 604) 3.6"; good to i-holei. feedcl. 1 7 ft 4)1 7 e 0 ; fair tn g"od federa, 6t:tt 0 10; eoinnion lo fair feedere, Il766,i:; 1.36; packer aow. ateady lo 16c higher; I e1""' choice atoctiere, i ;tte7 60; fair bulk, I7.26tl7.40; few up tu 17 60. Hheep end I.emba Reeelpta, 1,600 head; clneed 26c (o 369 higher; top, 314.16; hulk, 14 260M4 16; rulla, I9.60&10 .to; heavier. 14 .0041 4.10. cattle Itecelpla, 3,000 head: eteera, i steady to atrong: cannera end cuttera, l ie No. Av. lorver; other claeee, ateady; bulka fol- 13 loit low: Nteera, $7.269 9.00; light yearling. 12 92 IS.6O4J7.60; cow. 2.754.76; canne-s. I 1 9 Il4 126; bologna bulla. J3.T64M.26; light I 16 43 veaieia, llO.OOa 10.25; etocker e'eei, 22 1105 4.267i.00. 25 1300 to good atiokera, I i 7 6 'ti 0. 60 ; common tn fa'r atoekera, 14 606.76; atnrlt helfera, U.bOUb un; alock cow, I2.7&B 3 f.ll ; alnck ciilvre, 13 1041.10: veal calvee, 14 OOflt. 00; bulla, gtaga, rtc. II 2.ifi 3 dfi. IlKKie HTKKIta. i'r. No. t t tr, in 7 10 7 40 7 no I 00 I 40 if... 2". . 23. . 20.. 19.. A v. IS 69 , (') .1029 .1203 .1211 . 11P4 Pr I 7 00 7 26 7 60 7 16 t 26 (0 hiinbe. fill e to (7. Ill '.'; eh, SI 7,-. f'lllV Hem el ell '.': I)' l,la n Mom ( lly I II, Mock. 'ou Cit, la., I,-,.- I. -ial!. Ha. ie,!a, 1 . i"i'i h.-iiii; inaikii alow, eieM.ly; good fed atei-re and yeiniingM, 19 604 12 26; wainieil up atcera and yenrllngM, tl (Miry) (,(,, graaa cow, and h-lf, ra. t3 2.rt 6 60; fat cowa nnd helfeie. H l.Jf; canneie, 12 26'o3.2'j; veula, 1 1 00 it 9 no ; feedcra, li.DOfyt "0; calve, 13.644 T. 40; feeding cow and helfera, 12.764 6"; ttoekel , II 6ina 6 00. Hoy he elptK, t.OOO head; market 10 tn !ic higher; butcher. I (Mir 20; llrlita 1126; p,'kr 7.7i4f g.OO; bulk nf galea. .iilli5rt 20. Hbepp i,n,l Ijimba Itec-fp'a, 100 h'gd; market, eteady; liinh top, f 1 4 .00. rhlrugu Hlixka. Hung" of .tl. eg nf Ihe lending Chlcagu Hocka furtiiel.i'd by l.ogun lliygn, 444 Peter Truat bulldlrg. Cloec. , 9 12 f.3 l(i". 11 7'. 2 7 41 ,, 15 62 )" 1 6 67 118 Crd Arrtiour A I'.-iiour C'liinhy ... t.ill.oli ei-ni Colli. Motor Hoi! Slotor I . ' h t -V , l.e MolCgi'lneiy n(. 1,c:iih"r. new Piggley Wlggly .,UI Her I till a , H'.min ( Wh i ner . . . Hi, ft iv. in Hift lot , I'nU.'i carbldo Wi.hl V. ilgley Total anUa. h7? 100, Swift & Company Ookn 8teailc Yard, Co lean Dividend No. 148 Dividend of TWO IXJl.LAHS (U.0UI ghar en the capital atock of Swift A Company, will he paid on January 1, IV28. to a tort holder oi record, December 9, 1122, aa ahown on thi book of the Company. On account ef annual meeting. tew-Ic tranefei booke will be ctoeod from tiec. 10, 1MZ te Jan 4. im. both inclusive. C. A. riACOCI. AWwian t;sa 14 I'm. I ll li lt l l' IT-, n ' 3-" I "' i' , 1 I I " t- : 4 S '' s . It , i 1 t .IIS 1 J . 7 tl S l' . IS ' , t 4 t I 1 I'l Hi IH4 . s ,l rt ' . " i' in IT li s 1' ! , ! I 111 1 -. II t IS u t:. ' 'S 103 l 49 11 71 1 87 (3 16 II n s, j lot, i n ! it lT ti : Ml', j " t'l 1 1 1 I. , t I I" 4S ' I . t 14 Hi, pfd .. h Vagna'.e .. Ka tr I .nt an l al 1'. king , , , , I ol II A I,..: ... I 'nl t.rapk . , . , . Nil f'i.u'1 ,. . I'.e 4 ftu -nl .1.1 I k ... Sal laat , fiul " "at wiaa I im, Ala ', . a., fori.. N e.ig , llalall i..ra. a . 4. ', . 4 ,e t.a I heiii Val f.'i a. ,1 4)4 4 4 j M..a t liaga. I ' aa I .l 14 " , ( ',-! ., I t . ' ..e, Mt, .ltii ,!,, tit . ..Mag-Claae, t '1. la.a4 . .aa) t IS 41 1, , K Tt ) " ' t tits' 's j .ai , 1 , . at I . t II t a im -'ti lb .). tw.itttyt fc Hv,'l tfc 11 t I, ftc I ik t. ,4 ttil 9tM l tawej i - ' ti $ WJ I fc M $ ! tm-m " (V4 ft 1 I 1 i J fee ft e - ! e ' I l ' t- i . saa,. H fi k I' Ml M k t I I " H ft I W I - v, ..ifl I . ft 4; I ! ?-i tla. il t I tjvi. li , T ,t ift f ' M -4) ,-' ti It 4y. -ejte laM W tva it tt-4 - e.. t f-4 (aa . t at l y . 4 V f ,1 '-I . st -f a- ' i h i i .,,, ,i-i;e.wj 4 .. t - V i t n. - b ar W i. ,.'"' I , . f - -1 '- aH t ' t i i - ' ti ' 4 MM' ( - . i"4 I, f f . - . V a a - a -' ' i' " 4jf ' 1 - ':-, a . . ill I a ft a m " a - - - t ' a a ' I t '.. -a - ' 9 f . - 4 t ' - tll 4 m I Ik t Milt lba lHftl lta t4 ptmm l I M fr tV-r e.J 4 It' a., H i 'tt ! ltr M M l.l l t (rg Wlai - Mai ft ft, UPDffiEERVICE i I J -m 1)1 a I ;T3 1 J 9 IIIIIKIIOIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllUH III1IIUIIIII9I wiiuiiiiJiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiTuitiT Consignments This progressive company makes a specialty of handling consign ments of all kinds of Rrain in the Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, Mil waukee and Sioux City markets, and the large volume of buaineos handled by us for country shippers on consignment is the best proof of our unexcelled service. Our consignment departments are in charge of experienced, con servative men, who have had many years of t-xpfrience and training in the handling of cash grain and who devote their entire time and attention to the handling of consignments for country shippers. Our private wire connections with leading markets and with many interior point help make our service superior. Ample finances assure country shippers that draft. will be paid promptly and balance due always remitted with returns. T(U phone AT font ic 63K Updike Gram Corporation -.1 RtUablt Contlgnmcnt tuw" OMAHA CHICAGO MtlWlH i i. limit fit e teaat 4, . le ,i f t,a It ,