The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, December 02, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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    1 1 1 1 : OMAHA 1UIK: SATl'RDAY. DKfKMUKU L,
! if
i i
J. ' 'J i I J.- v f - 4 " . I
f 7 f" 1 .1 I 1
cjf i'r w
Johnson Remains Sphinx-Like
When Baseball Moguls Try to
Ferret Out His Plan for Meet
Chieftan of American League Has Power to Shear Tiet
That Bind His Loop With National. He Can Kick
Foundation From Under National Com
minion But Will He?
irniir, tint.
In the year ihnt have g'.ne, Hue ,lohnnn iiK.iln mul akiiIii linn lie(.n
tha vIihhiin i f liiiM. if.ll: 'n riilnhH-Hl mil Iih dominating figure. Yet the.
power Hint In .J"htii.n' Jnai nnw er-lipac nil Hint of the bygone day.
Fur Dm chieftain rf the Aim lb , in league inn--lf he will cliinr I hi' He
thai I Mill I, Ik Iiii;iii (, thf National, r-r- l t n t o haaehull warfare to a flnlah,
kick 'he f.ii'iil 'tiiri fri.iii ii' i. r 'Iih national rnmmhaalnu ami render Ken
aw M, Lanill merely im ofrie.. ,i,y n tin- matter of bani'linU' afC'ilr.
"What will J..hnon d'i?"
I Thai' thii i ti'li. n ihnt h'm .ifiiru n nfirli ' ttci i. In thoae who xri-
nlli-j wl'h the .Vi'i'.nnl league. Tliroimh week and month iIkv have tri
to fi-rret mt the .I'lhriMnnliiti nnt fur iho ntiT!' iiin tiK iiilriir In lii'ictnlii r.
H" h'V hive f", ,'pi' h;i
No mpniuii no thiciit him h'i'n n' '
Iprnl hv h'm Hi- hn friln'nlnMi no
netlt ui1 nf lt nee Mi f u n i,f i),
thoii'i.'inil" unit on riimor wh'ch h ive
..,! fii ,f rii'irco n nil Into
It. Anil Ihnt vitv ulli'inn hi In
cr4nr'1 'h" fi nr i f him Ihnt In In Hi
hfart i.f mnny who rpi'iiftnl"'! the
iMlk'hlv i'iwr thnl l h'K,
All VM (in .ll'llllHllll.
"Will .Minimi nil (hf i llmf
Mud Ii' IcHijiip to Hie Aimo'lciin?"
"Will .IhIiii'.iiii in ii I, p pnliNc rir
lulu rvlili tin' firi'oi'tni'il In In In Mi.
piwHi'naliin whlili Iri'iuls to prove
lh Hi li'iil thrm iiiiikiiiiIi' In Hi'
N'Atlonnl li'NKHi ip "lindi'iiii
Bhli.? "
"Will ilolinmiii Mi k Hie fmiinl i
Hon from iiml'-r Hin nntloniil cum
inUi(in unit mnlip l.nnili mi'ti'ly a
hfcl'iill oniiinii'fil?"
TIhiho lire the iii-Htliin wlih h ur
hurlfil I'm k hihI fori li within halt
dotn now; mik'kIIoiih whfi'h not nii'icly
fhow Hint Jnht'Hon iiKiiln him hfenmo
Ihe tnllfhlli Ht f 'ten l In Hie Itnlin', hut
(iilzz iliKtliiiil to prove Hint he
hold the f.'ite of ln'il"inriie pnarc
and the llfo of Hi" n.iilnnnl roiimil
lon In the hollow of hl hinul".
Mny Shine l'p Armor.
Johnon mny k ln'o 'ht Inler
lengun meeting 'ii Pit nml unpiTtinhed
a dlnilplu of pinro. Or he mny
Invmle wilh mtnnr Khiinil up "nil
wenpon unhi-Bihcil. If ho ih" ' 1 "
latter thewi HilnKH nre rerlnlnt
(1) The Niilloiml lenijii ellhi'i
grunt all of JohnKini' oVinanil
or Hie two li-BKiieH will so alon
tlii-lr own In 1!'2.'l.
(!) The whciluli' of l"!3 pir
liP will ronfllit on all Himilaj
ml hnlhlay dale nml tluie'll In
a fieht to Hi" hitter flnUh for put
riuiHBi' In Nv York. ClilriiKO. Hf.
Mill, Himlon. riiilmlelplila, where
tai li 1-nmii' lin i '"1''
m I nmlU will have ax inuili of
a nay In hau'l'all' affair an oiiri'
tline Knlwr Itifl lia In (ii'rmany'tt
presi'iit-ilny iIoIiik.
Il Im a wi'll eniiili!lnhi-il fuct that.
.lohnHim doe not want war that
penre I hi delr. Ht I' l! J1"11 u
well known that he pri fer war to a
flnlxh to n contliiuiini'e of Hoitm of th
exlHtliiK comlit ImiM In liHHi'lmll which,
Nntloniil h'HKue miiniiaH' havo hred
or fond rod.
Whatever plan Johnfon may at
tempt at the liiti'1'lenniie nioetlnff, It
should be
Winter -proofed
at once
And Proxol'a Strtl Shod
Shoos will wintt-r-prooi
th-ni to perfection. Hoy
mut have j'roper ehoes
for winter, whith an
ether wny if saying they
reed our STKF.I. SHOI
SllOK.. Ihfy fand th
racVet loy them
fin you k for more for
the little they t-i.t?
$3.50 to $5.00
Hit lltUM St.
iirii iliinl uphill d like,
How Uri'oln Stack
Vp With Kvartwy
t.ett mil, Mi lnlvr,, IIU.)
I ill, I' Illl'.
I !( mini, h i' II ID.)
I Milne, I ii.. , ; I.)
Illnlll iii. ul, , Mill' )
KIkIiI Im lilc, Hlly 1 1 V. I
Klulil mil I.hMiht lei IHI.)
iliiiirlirlmi k, I ii,iihi (A ;
I if, h.ll(,, (11)11 )
l(llll', Ilnmn I Mil.)
' iiiiini.u, ni.r. ii.-i i
Uriitlit ii f Iriini, I 7!ll liinoilliil ateriiiid,
".i;-ll p'liili.l.. VVrliM ill llnr, I IIH I
..nml. I ihithki.. r,l 11.7 iM.unil,. ivr(il.
it Inn kf Mil, iHiioulai urrn., 1X1
,rU rml. Itcllly ll !H )
Ij II Iiu Ul., I,, Kfelinil (IM.)
I'll iiuiinl, I., Iiroriii (-,(l.)
'Vllln', Hilrf (IM.)
Il.lil mnril, llimkrr 1 1 71'
'lli I Imlilr, Kiinil IINIt.)
'IkIiI nut, I'piikrr u ) (I.V,)
iiiirlerliiiil.', I'nlrlik II'',)
I'll hull. Mm! unify (Mi;.)
Mvht llilll. fUrervrm lllt,
iilll.(ii(, KnXrrlliiK (In.'.)
'Irlitlil of ti'inti, I H'll jiiiiimUt Vfrne,
, iinunita, UXkIH iif line, 1,111
IM.ii ml 1 tirii., l"i(i'4-7 i.miih1, Hrldil
of tmrkflHil, Hilt piilliii)ii flverUKe, I'iJ
I certain that he will hava the hark
Init of at hunt five pei-Imp lx
of Iho chili in hi Ii-iihuc. The own
er of the Indian, Athletic, Tler,
rirown and Hi nator ulwny havo
hi'cii wilh him to (ho nlmoliife finlHh
In everylhlnif.
The Vankee are riullo ceilnln to
at their lot with Jnhnon, too. Vot
the old feud I dead, they're friend
iK'iiln and the Yank know that ono
of Jdhnmin' chief aim at the meet.
Insf will ho to ef for them a favor
ahlo Sunday and holiday eheduln.
"What' Han .lohimon Kolnu to do
at the meeting hi llecemher?"
AiiMWer that and you'll miHWcr for
Iho fato of hHnehiill, Koe t"hnnoil
alone Hi'i'tn to havo the power to
decido it.
State League Heads
Will Meet Today
Inland, Nch., fh'C. I.
('. ,1. Mile of Hie Nf-
i'iihIo Slate llaHchall leatue will
pielile aver 0 mectfiie lomiiirow
at Mucolii, ciill'ng toiii'lhcr Hie
heads of the dull director to dl
i us plan for Hie h auue ilurltiK the
comlne nenMiin.
At this time It I Anticipated that
the chili ini'inheiKlilp III the leacue
will he Inci'i'iiNed from hlx to eight.
A iiiiinher of ritic not In the,
leacue are liiiown In he wlllim; to
try for a place.
Lincoln prolmhly will remain In
Hie Hlale leauue a n re.ult of Iho
calling (iff of iicKiitiatloii (nr a
Western lensue franchie.
Robins to Train for
1923 Schedule in Florida
New York, Dec. 1. The Brooklyn
National league h.ifoliiill club today
nnnnuiiced It had Helected Clear
Water, Kla., for 1 fU3 prlnR training
(;iiaiieiH. An exhlliitlim chedule In
cliiillnt; n;ime with the Washington
n lid Cleveland Aniei ii',111 Iciiuile eluh,
Inih of which nlHo will train In Klor
iilii, i lieiiiK arriuiKed.
K.k 'run I.. t,inl hi I It"
! KIM lil tttl. f'l'lllU.'lt ' til
Hill lull. HH" l 'I 'Ol " Illil
an I . , a I )l l-m b1 t tl lit H '
. Il Ha ii loiirluf'ifiii. I It i mitr follow
lnv Unlit , kwitUMi I nl rittr lbi chm
i t itilt Mit b nit Il ! ruUd thil kit It
tr ot mm l t tmm 1nm behind M
S't Dim1, tkblrh atfiMv Hr itml (
tir rnhf. thp Hull I l.ttrl n thou fit
U H Hit In Id 'ill hl ImiI urtHrrrd.
iV itifi tn. tiiti'd 4 t'rt
d n rft iti H -k liiin
iu ' 'i ft 'It t It 'd
V. -I i .-'4, I' "I M. M '"'I
hl t
' h hi h . i nii
1 "
Hvlerr hmild Ktt lAhen ln n'
ati'd niVHrd tht diiMti will lht ltl
III (4a.r. HllU W. Itm
.. .i 1 a-' i I "'I (
ti - ' .'nt ft m MMI t h l 11'
I -
U . It
Itotaf 4 i ! h
ttH lb MMll a) Ih j f MM I
If M 'i t'Ul Ni l Utt M4(tlf
' Ifc al If ! tlkllktfc iaW- an 4 ! f
tih ii4t hiiIii mill iti.
H ,f.)r Rf4 ua miii Ika )tid
la! "
J 1 ' I I ' - t 4T . ' ' ' '
t i w.i 1 ti 1
kt..H4 ' f Hi . lll I
l K htll I 4 . !
, t . i ' I
t , a 1 - .(, m .
I I I- -t
M fci4
( t 4 '
tvp ! i .l- .a . i
im I ni h Vi 1 -
Il w N kH t 4 '
tv4 m i-4
,.4,., hM r
m I- t ft f' --.1
m - -4 -tU t ft-
Two Nchrlm I ornhtitlter id rmnmli fur pi n e on any nil nicrlrnii Hoi n, TlniC w hut follower of N hniNn a wlm miw ( iiplaln "i hit k"
Haiihy ami luh" Wcllcr, fiilllmi U mid liulile, repi'clUely, In mlluii Kiot Notre Hit l-t 'lhiirnli.
Until Hartley ami Wilhr were prsliil lit Hie nl.y hy euiitctii fiKiih.ill ciltU when Nihi i l.ii plijrd hjniciifce,
In the Noire P line tiunc, Wi lier, Hie Mll poiiml laclilc, pl:ird a wonderful Knme, lie lowed HiioiikU Hi" Node Ihiiue line anil tore l;ime hole
In the .SniiMi Kind from wall. Ihrouiili Ihr.e hei plumed Hurtle)', who neer fulled to gain Kliuind when tailed upon to tarry Hie Ml.
Not only In Hie Notre ll.ime tame did llirllcy mid Wilier pl.iy a wonderful .inie, hut In Hie Miiiiirl, hanai, tM.l.ilioma, Kan-n Agtle, Hyr
i n mid limn Stale eonlnU Hit pair of Ncliraiiiit fniih.ill pluver allrar led the nIIciiIIihi ol mill i rlllc hy tln lr xplemlld plajliiK. Wilier' work In
lirealtlnit Ihroiicli Hie liani Agijle and low Mtale line and lihuMim puiit w only one ol Hie hiliihl pot of hi .n Int;.
No douht tiiil.iln ll ntley ami Weller will he pluerd on nil Welern eleien, hut what Nchrie-linii want U In mo Hice Iwn urlil.ler ml nil
Aniei li an m h i 'Inn.
The we,( dcit ve nine recouiiiHoii from the eimlern funtliiill irlllc ami llirllcy and Wilier are the two player on whom In keiliiw Hil lioimr.
l IWfi'uh.,'.'
Foot-Ball' KUli Wum.
fVMWf.iid, Sftt , J'- . 1, iHi'fi'lnl '
tfii, Cr wffrtj liluli tit-nipi iiof
M.rinm( IH ). lifiOi hrt In lt hi
Hninu lit I Ih IWKiirt fi'tiifi, 12 tn ft. I. Hill-
(urflu l(firif Hhi.
'lJtH(t, Nell, iJtur, ,.-IH;r 1 KTit ti) )
Curt! AHtll1 trvrVftt Will fl'niri ,M':-
'cfjii ithith-m tiftj hy ft. f'urn nf ;( tu 0.
Hi' V' til I pf'OMliMlnt( I'll! '"f't WI'I V lllKCMVI'T'-ll
til t h' AlfKl" M-ih f VtH.
Mim-Miuui U lrt lMt iimue,
HtorWwm, jN' II, !'", 1 Htc l.luini JiUll
cofiij'l'i I'd u vr y B'M-ci-Mf ul n4-u)ii h-i
whi-ti Mi H 'If i w it'-r-sit'l hy th I"
cnn, VI to if. Tli Ik hi Hi. i Mi.-ttn fiiht
yi-HT 111 fi.Mitt. 'J hi It'HJIl WOII C'lir iWlfJ
(jj1 llirPM Hiitnt'H,
jmi (Ily J liilhticN hiiiMoti.
Imii f'ny, Ni'h , 1 --I.oui) t'lly fl-
f'ufil (.Jii'ilfv town tt'iitu li'ii- iiv h rft"ii"
fC Ha to (i I.i(Ui I'Hy (tfin-tl t will.
I.tip City h:i wn four kikii' him! I".i
Mftfip, arnl han nnt been hi urc'l upon t Ihh
yfii r,
CiiKf Hf'fi fit til i'utuit)vi.
J';iwjioc I'.ty. N'-i) , J"'', 'I'Iim liiwni'i:
('Ity liHNki-r. hull t licliil", hm h liy himI
Kir It, h f h rfiifiIt i c. Willi t In- .x' 'lit i 'Mi
nf Hliiii'-k, flilw i iir' I ii m vmII ). llii
ttUHli) 11 H HMI, Tilt' to ftilidttM.
Jan. t Humtfililt ulili ln'if,
,ln. 1 2. AutMirn Imyn tlifff e.
Jii n. M" n,
Feb, 2 Wilbur Klrl t h' ffl.
I-Vl,. i;. Kull CUv buy t!rr,
Kb. 2;i A u burn b"y hcti.
M.irrh 2 lluinbiilitt xIiIh Ihrrt
.Inn. f'H bnvn tv.
.run. 19, KwIIh rity bnv Ikti-.
).-,.(,. Willi!!!' bnjrt tlMTw
I'.b fl N- In nxlta "ii buyn Itw r-
K'-b. Hi i-'nlia: CUv m I r fH thr-.
M.ill'tl J - I-mJK tflM'.
Uitliiiit Winner.
Arhlnitil, Nb, hoc, I ( Sifl T I' -Rrnni
i AHhlund li!h vnnt- lh rbl hc.i
fin hro by b'lii fn WmIukj, 2 to 7.
Wflhoo put nvi-r lhrt uui'hil"wn In in
arrnnl (luartur, fi! nnoth'T In tlie nml
fw nilnuicn of jtlay. Kivw of the l'ftl
playtl their lfit gam with Anhlnnol to--lay.
Tiv ii ni He'll legion Winn.
Tfruiniich. Nidi. Dm'. I iSpMrlnl TIp
griiin. ) Mlnlr nun Tf uirirti-h l.crlou taniH
I-lnyd h'Tf, Tf Utnio'li w limnm hy
m-ore of 'il hi 13.
hltlnev IlffeitU ItlufU.
Mnln-'v, U, in.- 1 iHi,.ch Tl"irrm
Sidio-y bU'b defeBlfd Cminrll f;liiff
hvrc bv it f. nr. nf 1 t' 2. Hinultijj 'be
. binirii-n-b,i ..f K..u!hv..-si-Mn b-w.i Th
Kimta win f.-ttninl by ih'-t -t nit; in
Which both l.'it Ml ft U "!, "'JlhT I'UIII b..-
tntc Hblrt lo n.iln by off-fin kl
nonhii. Sidro-v hH .(fetited mm "f tin
bent ten inii In Iho Pini".
Mlnil'n li litw I. time.
Milnti'li,, I .- I i Si.,-, ii. I T !
rsin I Ml nil i-n rtf.-ali-. AravahnH lift.
In har.l fmiKlil nui"." h'. Il ..ii'lwl wi'li
II, l,l. nn Hie I-.mii in. I "f -1 l'i "
., ,,n- M.ii.l. ti ..f ! a .l'.i.n K in i ii
il, .1. 1 iiiailir.
lirii.lli,l.,lill :llll Wlllltrl,
S. ),.,- I I- I --I"!..- '" I T'-l'
(ram I 1h.-tin," iii ttimt ' I " lii-rn liy .,l.-.'i'. ',ii i l.. y 1"
lUirnaiiilnall I' t If' " ''"'
.... - a !..ia 'i '"."i 'i." Inn" I"
Uiaa SI.-I.,. I il l.-l'l 'l'...ll j
t vi.'ral lii a 'n " ' ' I
l'i..-.. Hi I U
w A
il &lfah i 1 i tJy w
- , 5;
High SffaOP'aiivsrt-. -'
I lirl"" J I j
1 ', ,'., I I - 1,. a (-' H 1
' ,. ,i... I. .-h I, i-i ! I. -' ' - B
II,. n..-u l a .in .1 I.' 1.' 11 1 , ll
1 iih iiin imni.i inn ; j ' ,
! N:.. -V-.. ,'rr. f,:-V!: ! :j ntvc- , am
;::r,X.f 11 l; J uiamta smr torhow
: ' l ,1 "t;-! ; 1 stc mow,, a cwtssTttu V
';, ; V ,7 ' ':'..".,"'-. j juv i x- . V
,..,.,!- ! o.lkJt'iAHD VMI4MimV ) S
" . ' , , '' ' I ovi ) J
. ... t.. . .... . i ! ! .
1 a-... (' I- .' I
I k l.lia l II.. , - ... " . V. I
X a. i .,..(, ! I" j . ' -' ' - ' ...
...... ... t. i a ; . I a.aa. 4V , a i. .1 an 1 A '
-i,-. ,-"Tl
AJIIiince Out of ThHnr,
Alll.i in-". N' b , it--. 1 - (Hiifrrli l T l
V t ifo. ' in n-y win f i urn A 1 1 1. 1 h'' lir(
21 tf (I. TbK rrm wild onl'-r-fl jiluycd by
lb Hlitf riiifitiiiimhm to ifflrrniiiit who
It lo I'lny l.incrin fr ihn Utfl ffrld
Albion JrrfoMlfrf.
rotilral illy, Nb, -:. . (Hitnl
Tcb'Krafn )- '''n(rl City iltonirl Albion
h re, ;:l to .
Nldbl WfliN t MMA (illllir,
M"M, Ni'h , ih-t; 1 Hlflln 1Mli
H'lloMM I'dl-'ii l-flDlM WOn It iJitllblrt-IWHllfl
hi ip lhl inMhl. 'lb- mrlw' l'm ib-f"iilil
Hub in, 'i to H. Th b'l'. UiU-'
K'ihIn oil "Nif HiKb '"-L It WuK
liijouBhililH lo Ko'(j rcorn
iilrmvood Win I rum Vllliirfi,
lib Mvi'.il. I-. . J l..-.lHii-1'Ul Trl
priifll )fl"nwo".l flllTh '("f' llli '! VII llftraj
hlith b"f" by it n''rif of 10 to 0, IVfnro lb
I,, i i.-M 'Ktwil of Ibo yt.ii, Hilvem, rlhl
co.l, iniiiln ll "f Cb-nuood'H point m, a
loijcbilowii, ill fifibb k it ml ft try ("t
l-uiiii, Mm',n)il of iho I"wrg WHrt th'-f
I iir'ifini Minn hitnlly,
iwif 'iiii in. S' it., I 1. i.Mi!'liil
Ki-hiii ) - Fii rhiiin flf'-iilcil r.vuvr CHy
I hi: i, y lo In H hIow K.'ifft".
Uiioh WiiiM 'two ii i ni.
V.iym .V-b , Iter. ,fM(M!lfl1 T-IJ
Bfiim,)-Viiin IIikI won fmm Mmluioii
ii lo it. Hyn" N-"'oriiiH ijcfcatM Uni-v-d
lli-urt ' IiimiI of Kncrmin, 4'i to 0.
('uliimlitift I InUlH'M KiHon.
Culiimhin, Nt-b, ittf, 1 ftfucln1 11
Brrmn., 'lb" Coliitubun M-irlii'-m won ih'-lr
Ik bib Mi u i out tfitno- nf tiiy yir n oin
Kft-inoril, M In b. iflilih"" wfoit ovi-r for
i f im fin i Inn-b'biw i) on a Una finthh. and
j ibn nnnMl ii f-vv inlnuici lalir on tv
'.'MiiKl urn
HI'imiiflrld. r, ; I'liilnili w, IK.
I'.iO'illifl' Id ISVb , l" i' 1 . (Siierlut Tflo
jtuiin. ) lu ono if I hi' tift rfHineM fvor
). laved in ii lo'-iil Krfidt kii, Hlin.fiifif.ld
JliKh ii f "at i-il l'biinvu w HiKh by ft .iiii'
of M lo 1, tli'M whinlnii the ('huinplon
ultln of thu north. itt nf the Miil. An-UMtu-n
me! 'olp m.'irrfd fur Itloomf ieidL
l,.ind..ii. N. I . Waller Wllit, llltl
In, i.l Mu-I- hi, .li. tl ,ii rt n-till of lil-
lui h r ,v..l In a .ti,. li.-.i gum uf
Ni'W nrk - lt,..-r 1'i.cll i.f Fmn. " wnn
.i ilii'.--.l.iy l.niiiii.l fr.'iu f'.'liiunril
ll'iiiiiiiiiiia i.f IL'ttluiii, 1ii'i to 1,4H.
1 I 1 I I'M ni 111 ; - 4 1 1 nil i 111 1.11 i'.iiii'kh h i hi i - 1 -
' u-v.-ri i. riii,ii ii, i) v.irii 1.1'Kiini iiiri. ny i
11 K.-OT'. 'if 7 In Ii. A I UK, III -Inter to l-'ol- I p
Well, lll'IH 'l UlU I'HI' lull IWII. I 1 n J
Y 1
1 1 y 1 f 1
rr '' '''' '''h ' :
i . .
fc ' i . ar i i. . i .
Till Khll W'H 1IKKI I.T.I.
N'rliniKku, 11) Nntre Itiimr, .
D.lriill, II; i-riii.iiit, III.
Iliillli-illii'rir, SH; I rMlnim, 0.
MIiiiiiI, tl; I liii'liiinill, A.
Miiniurlli., Ill; fv. tnli Imliiiln, II.
Ill, In I ., ;l; Mnrlrlln, II.
MtumliiK, I:'. ; llrlKliiini Vi.niic. I.
Iii n 1111111.11, ill; Ni-ln-Hiku W fulcya a, II.
MiiiiiiI I ulna, till llirain, II.
K-hiIIi liiikulii HI ii If, tr, I relKhliin, II,
KiiriMiiM AkkIch, 4'l; 'IVxim I'lirliilliiii, II,
f nliiriMjn Al ''il I'oliiriiili Culli'Ke, 0.
iitiTM Item'rvr, n , (nut., 7,
llHMIlllrf, III Kmiimiih, 7.
W nxlilntct'iK. Il; llkl.ilii.iiui, II (tie.) In.llBiK, li; M. Xiivler, V.
I ulnrnilii AflKleM, '7 llnivi'r l id,, 0.
M llli-liliiTK, ill (llilii Niirllu rll, 7.
I lull, II; I Inh Ai:li., 41.
llniilli'V. l'4s l iirrlin. It.
I iniiliiiril, 7; Knlttr11117.ini, 9,
liriiilli'.v, 4''; I'.iirrlta, it.
fcr. 'riiuiniiH, I iiIiiiiiIiiii, t.
I 111 Uo I it H l-sl,v it tl, :i; Yiinklilll, (I,
TiiNh, M; Ti'tirliiTH' Ciilli-Ke, 0.
Iiliihii, HHt Miiiiliiini, e,
ilkliiliniiin NiiriliHcutera Normal, 31 1 St.
Mary I'nllere, i.
lllrlKvillii iiriniit, 13; Warrfiiihiirif Kiir
nmt, 7.
'Irlnltr I nlvemlty, 0; Aimtlit f'nlli-ge, 0.
I'limnim (iiIIi'ki, Hi I'ihii lli-nlrjiiti, II. :'.; I.iilllnvilln, 1.
I urni'll, tl; l'i iiii" Ivniil, II.
Km lii'.ti r, l,"; lliiluirt, II.
Mil. I.iu ll, I.l; llli klnitiin, 7.
iiviii-nliiii', .i: HiimiufliiiiinH, II.
I'llliiliiiriili, II; I'iiiii Mute, II.
CiilKnli', r,'l CiililinlilH, II.
rritnklla hiiiI Mumhiill, II; flrllj ultui . :t.
V,( irit! KIAST.
MhIiIiikIiui, X: llnu.iii S (He.)
liltilitiril, 7; KnlHimiiHt, 8.
Mlihlitan Anilra, 7: Ml., 7 (tie.)
M,tr.iiolti., .1; Nmitli llnknln, 0.
Nurlli liukiilit Axiiiin, ill MiirnliiKilili',
Nnuthrrn Ciillfornln, 41; IVmhlnilmi
Ktnte, .7.
KOI 1 11.
Wakefiireiit, 0; ll,inii(lii tiliii-r, .
Hioliir, 34 1 KhiiiIiitii Mi'lliiiilnit. II.
(iNiiKfiimn Int., Ill; (ii-iimn MioIiIhk
ten. A.
Kil l mil, 17; lllhiitt unit Murj, 3.
l.i-iirKlit 'IVrii., II; .tnlnim, fl.
M ttrv . 7: Niirlh iiriilinn tiile. It.
Illilnlmiiiit A. nml M , CI; .ttkmi-iii., I
I lln. Ill, -in: l.t.UIni-, a.
Te AkkIik. Ill I, of Trim, 1.
II mi-, II; rUiin.i. 7.
lHlmitm, Aa; .MIkhUiiIiiiiI A, anil M., 0.
KV . , t vii If
.1 ' v
I i T. ,.
WiiNtiliitfttin sail 14; Juhn llop-
klim, it.
liiilMiiinii, 2A; Tiiliiiie, 7,
l,iiiilii (N'w OrlmiiKt, ;l; Marina, A.
iriilniu l'nl', 7: Vlrglitlit MllllHrf In
klllllli., X.
'I'l-iiiif.nwi', II; Kentucky, 7.
Oiiiirlillif, ; lli-fi'liTHiifi llritwn, 0.
Ilftiilrli, 47; Arkiiin.nn, 7.
( . iili-niiry, 7ii; Mniiiiirin Initimtrlnl, 0.
Msll,, I ., in; Milium), li.
Tiirlli ( iirnliiiH, lil Vl'ninl, 7.
' i-iilr. 4'l; hiinlli t'lirnliiiit, (J.
I liiill.iiiii.iitH, I.l; Oitli lliiirita, 9.
il'illt-rliill, '11; Ki-Hlilli-e, a.
'In lii, II; I Viitrul Mlate lencliern, (I,
IHI. II M 1101)1,,
f'flltnil, 0; Tei-h, 0,
Sliriiiimliiiili, 711; f'lnrlaila, 7.
IImi-iiIh, li; KilKHr. II.
,1Jllnli'fl, H; Ariiinliiip, 0.
Aiili.nii (tvin.i lilnli. W; Itratrlrr, 0,
M.llii-v, K; ( oiiiii II lllufm, t.
NiIIkIi, 111; Nrflik, II,
Ni'IIkIi iiiiinil, II; Niirfiilk friinil, 1.
M-nlLlilllff, a; llrrlll, 7.
O'Ni-lll UK; ,lll(, II.
' enlriil I lly, 27 1 Allllinl, 0.
Hinrney, '4; Allinnii., II.
I.riiml IhIiiiiiI, 7; Viirk I rplon, .
Mnllne lllirh HI; liiivrnii.irl, A.
Ki-iikiik MikIi. Ill; ( urlhilKe Itijill, II.
Ii lill Irr, II; llllil.l I lly, II.
f iiliniiltiiH, t'Ai rri-niitnl, li.
Aurora, l'!i i'hriiki Alea, 0.
Hun Quentln -Jhn Hinm, 13. wnn lfi
t(l yard liana fr.r mi-n iivit fi:, yenri nf
! at ilio Annua I 'l'lianlBivlnit ilny Inifk
nnt fi'l. I ni"i-t hi lln- liiii i.rlm.n hra
It.s un.lTw.-nt a lil.'in.l IranNplaritlng
i:intallnn Hint. yiftr,
Bws" Baer
SuM'i-liir. Neb., Dec. 1. "Bugs"
liner, Omaliit I tee, Omaha, Nel.
I.ikiiI fan want to know If Gink
Fowler waa ever ruled Inellcllilo for
l:i Itiif nn Kmiiililouii i li'M'ii, anil if
so ill the Ni'liriislia llikh ailimil
allili'tie Iiuiinl perfiii-in Hid hIiiiiI Imv
ranse he liail nnin atlemled the
tiayely ami there aw an inellullile
pla, Iiik end itli Hie )nnie? KAN.
TIm W inniT St:ilt tor Time.
GitU wAMtS1
7 i T .. v
' .t. t
V t Atl..
. '. '-
',.ilW, ..
1 .
Lincoln and Kearney Elevens
Will Clash Friday for State
High Gridiron Championship
Ily lUl l'll WAt.NI K.
Tha Wi fimlliall w iiai.n 1 fat ImthiuIhk liltiiry In Hi M1buuiI Vull
rnnferenee, Hie Ni'lnaeku Klatn ixinferenie, anil tnnat every other ennferenae,
hut thu Htiito liiih w Inn. I Ki'hl i'iiiii canni't I. iiflli ially i-lnaeil until next Fri
day Bfterndi'ii when I.lnrnln nml Kearney liaitle fur the tatu cliainiliinhli,
Kearney, His only timlefented team In I lie male healile Omiiha (Vntiil,
wnn tha rlnlit to hattln Llneoln fnr the hamtimhlp v. hen It defuatiHl the)
Alllanre eleven at Allliinra Tut key day hy thu rnre of 2H to 0.
In the Alllanre game, Kearney neatly di'inmttrated It atrenjrtti, Imlh
on th offenae and the rii-fenae, The Kearney eleven nulilayed Alllanea
fmm Hid Htart and It wa nnly dtirliiK thu aermid half that tha Alllani grl't.
tr en lined Hin vlhltnr tniirh tnnihle.
Nebraska Slrongrel
Middlcvvesl Team
Wnn l.'ial Ti"
t null
I. II '111
Ni.litnaka , , , ,
firiika Aua Ira
allraiiurl .....
A ini-a
i tklii tinitia ,,,,
ilrlnnull ,,,,,
WaalililMtrin ,,
Kan City, Mn , J)ee. 1. The N
liranka rortiliuaki'i Minmi on the foot
hall horizon Unlny not only a Hi
IliiillHpiiled rliatnilnn of the Mlandiirl
valley conferenra hut one of the
trotiRet eleven In ,Hi tnlilille wt.
Iirfeat of th mnrh touted Nntra
Ianii tniiti) t I.lni'oln yeteri1y
added niueli lo the gridiron tfory of
thn Neliruaknna.
Nehrnka iilayed fiv irnine In Ihe
ronferenrn, wlniilm? all hy wide mar
(tin. Tha vletlm Wern MIhudiiiI,
KineaM, Oklahunm, Knnxa Akh'i'
and Aiim.
I irak e alo jilayed an ever vln
torloua aeamin In thn valley, rtill Ihe
I)e Molna Itillldoif wem nnt
ncheduled to meet a many Htrnng
elevena In th" eonferene a went tha
Cnrnhtinker. Nehrakn, ulnK larxe
ly a eeond aliinif eleven, over
whelmed Ann-. r,4 tn 0, Jiiaku hud
d'fi'fllel Airie 14 to 7.
The Mlaanurl-KanKii ic ni yealer
duy, Important heraiiao of the. tradi
tional rivalry ht-lweon the two iinl
veralfle. had but little effect on tha
conference alundlriit. Tim triumphant
TlKera retained fourth placa In the
valley, while, the KanHiiH AkkIc, wha
had defeated MIbmouiI, remained In
third place,
VVaHhln(fti)n unlvrity which had
lout all prevI V rame In the valley,
ended thn witV'iri with a degree, of
Hiicce yeali'iday hy holdln Okla
homa unlveralty to a aeorel' tie.
New York Yanki Sif:n
Two New Shorthtopu
Ni-w York, Meo, 1. This New York
American league club announced to
day that It had lriied two new young
hottatop, Itafanl Qulntanno, now
with the Havana lied, and O, II.
Kedrern, a colleiflan from North Car
olina. State unlvemity.
Tho New York National received
Invitation to train next riprl'iif ut
f'aaadena, Cal., and Victoria, Tx.(
from tho Chamber "f (,'ommerce of
thoo I'ltie. Tho Ol.'inta a!o an
nounce the releo of I'ltcher Max
rtaclmi; to the Cortland, Ore., club of
the I'nclllc Const lenRiio In part pay
ment for I'ltcher f.eorire WarherK,
whu will report to New York In the
MincrH Outclass Colorado
College and Win, 2.")-6
Culorado Hprinis, Colo., Dec. 1.
The Colorado School of Mine football
team defeated Colorado rolleee, 2B to
li, ThuiKday In a name featured by
spectacular work of the Gulden buck
field. The Colorado college Tiger
were outclaed In every department
.f the KAtne.
and after all, what
oilier cigarette is to
highly repe( tetl hy
m many meu?
l.liunlii Heat famlirhlKi'i
Mncoln, HlthnilKh defeat e.1 Vi to I
by Cent nil, wa put bm k In tha
running when the Hlate Hoard ol
Control oiiHted Central from tha Uinta
race lHeaun Coach Pchinlill, un
knowingly, played Arnold McDerinott
iigAltiHt Lincoln. Mi'liermott, av tha
hli ih record, I over 21 year of age.
Thn "Link" on Thanlk'lvlng day
defeated ('iiiiilirlilun high, 11120 cham
pion, by Hie acni of 27 to t. IIn
coin tiai'd Ihe nerlal gam to good ad
vantage nud thl mode of attack will
b llaeil hy Coach Urown iigalnat
Kearney next Friday.
"iiriibrldKe aenred Ha lone touch'
down ugaliiHt Lincoln In the third
The Lincoln Kearney gam, thnt will
priiliably be played nn Hi latter'
Kildlron, prnmlae to be one of tha
Inn ileal fought IiIkIi achool game of
the HeaHiiti, Much got to th winner
of thl ciink'Ht and It Wtll b a fight
from wblailo to whlatla.
I .Ink Oulwelgli Kearney,
Jioth Kearney and Llneoln ai
about evenly matched In weight, Lin
coln high weighing only 29 pound
more than Hio undefeated Kearney
The Cenlral Terh anorelea tl gnma
played Thursday afternoon at Lengue
iark, Hiirii wa nn iipmit In tha dope.
The I'urple entered the content favor
lie Ini'AUNe of it Hiring of vlctorlea,
Central, however, wuh niliiu the r
vice of "nine" Howell, one of the beat
bai'kfield men in th alula high)
achool. Till, no doubt, hndlcappeil
Central' play aj.'iilnt Tech. Then
again, being ouated from the lal raca
Jut becnimo a player over age played
In one game. Injured the moral of
tho team a a whole.
Tech deaerve credit In holding tha
I'urplo to a ooree tl and rnucli
ermllt rnimt be given to Conche Drum
mond and White for whipping tha
"Uookkeeperii" Into fighting trim for
tho annual contect with Central,
Ileal rice High lMse.
Beatrice high Journeyed to Appleton,
Wl., Thutmlay for It annual gam
with the Appleton high and loat by tha
"core of 13 to 0.
South high clOHefl It aeaaon by loa
ing to North I'latta, while Crelghton
high kt to a Kanaa City high school
team nt Kann City In Ita last contest
lit the 1922 aeaaon, which, after all,
wa ono of the grenteat In the hltor
of high school foolljall In Nebraska.
Denver Loses to Aggici
Iienvi-r, Colo,, Dec, 1. Maying old
foahloned football, the Colorado Asr
gle (TtiHhod Denver univeralty'a as
piration to tho championship of tha
Rocky mountain football conference
In the final game of the aeanon hera
ThuiNd.iy, winning, 27 to 6. Had Den
ver won today, It would have been tied
with the I'nlvnralty of Utah for tha
conference title.
Criijui Is Favorite.
1'arin, Dec. 1 Kugene CrlquJ la a.
ilronir favorite In th betting on hia
bout tomorrow with Billy Matthewa
to ant the European featherweight
champii.i ship. Tha money which
croaaod the channel from England,
today to be wagered on Matthew wa
eagerly napped up.
' ta