The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 26, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 27

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MUHIC WEEK has developed
from a mall Idee a few years
C o, to nation-wills movement,
whlh la olerved In manjr different
cities. Miuk week for Omaha la from
NovemMr 2 to frecemlier 8, It
la a time when all who ara Interested
In music eet together and at some
time during the week do aomi-thlnK
actively In a musical way. Talented
lirofrHNliinal mualclan will glv of
UieJr beat In recital or concert. Pupil
recitals will Im featured, orgnniHts and
orchestra playera will arronga special
musical programs, nlngera will some
times be heard In recltnl or at oilier
times Join In choruses, c luha, churrhra
and orirunlzutloiis wlikh are not In
herently musical will turn aside for
a ahort time to listen to inualc. In the
great preaa of every duy mutters,
many lit mimic he crowded nut of
their Uvea. During music wei-k la a
good time to panne and link one'a self
If It ta all worth the bother, and If a
certain time devoted to munlc each
duy would not bring hi much reward
In personal enjoyment as ninny other
will o' the wisps one 1m pursuing.
Muny IndlvliluiilM find rifipplnesa In
music; tho purault of Ilapplneaa, ac
cording to the declaration of tndu
pendenra la a God-given right.
The Tueeday Musical club will pre
sent Xlenno Molsalwltsch, Russian pi
anist, In recital at lha Brandels the
ater on Friday evening, December 8,
lit 11:15 o'clock, Tha memberahlp aula
of sat will open Friday rriornlnir,
December 1, at the box office, of tha
theater. Members may reserve five
atula only In addition to their own.
Kxtra ticket may be purchased at
the same time. Thu public aula will
begin December 5. The box office
'opera at 10 a. m.
"I never attempt to piny anything
that doea not appeal to me" ao aaya
the ttuaslan pianist Molselwltsch,
"bwauan to do ao would be not giving
of my beat, which mc-una ceaHlng to
be an artist," Of the much abuaed
.word "Interpretation," he declnrea
there la no atandard Interpretation for
a piece of music; It constantly vurlea
with tha performer' mood. Ha him
self, he admlta, cunnot play the aame
piece exactly the aame way twice,
that la, cimaclouHly. "Without Indivi
duality there la Utile of Interest In an
artist; that la by I am nlwaya thriv
ing to convey what the mualc mean
to me."
The ahort llfo of the nverage play,
the paaalng fame of the average alar,
ha alwaya been the rub of the theat-
rlittl bualneae. When a play goea on
vear after vear. ahowlng to bigger:
and bigger audience; when lla score
and aunga continue to outsell a dozen
tlmea over all the ragtime and Jaza
lilta, It la a matter worth apeclal note.
We refer to "Robin Hood," written
'aome 30 yenra ago by Iteglnald De
Koven and Harry B. Smith, and
which Manager May Valentino will
" :Z -, , a . ,...,.. erti. I
preaeni ai t-no rauui-n
three daya starting Saturday, Decem
ber 9. I
Originally produced by the famous
Bofttoniano, It has been continually
before the American public. And to
day It la "Ull breaking box office
records, allll aelllng out on the first
day of Its aeat aale, atlll bringing
laughter and romance and happiness
to thousands. "Oh, Promise Me" is
the biggest seller of any single musi
cal composition, Just as It waa the
first year of the opera'a production.
A' Thanksgiving musicals will be
given "by the choir of St. Lukea Luth
eran church, Twenty-fifth and K
alreets, on Sunday, November 26, at
4 o'clock. Choir director. E. Dewar
Challlnor; Tastor, Hev. A. K. Wal
born. Program;
Processional Hymn Glorious Things
tu,. I,. Mimken ...........
Prayer of Thanksgiving by the psstof.
Anthem Twlllgnt ana uu
Soprano Bolo Ths Lord Is My LIhj1Ui,n
Mra.'a'race Lsttln.
Chorus Ths Holy City Adams
Tb Choir.
Barltons Solo
Mvurl Reva.
Contralto 8lo Father, We Love nd
Adore The HaU
Mrs. Mabfl Zlminat.
Chorus Hallelujah from "Ths Mae-
aiah" Hande!
The Choir.
Soprano Solo ti.-aih Triumphant ... .Scott
Mra. Hauls Itlpley.
AnlhsmtOnward i'hrlilan Soldiers. Shellsy
Ths Choir.
baritone. Bolo Ths Trumpet Shall
Sound 8cotl
Mr. M.verl Heevea.
Anthem Day Is Dying In ths Wfrt
Chorus Finals from "Tha t,ord of
dlory' llsltel
Hsceaaionnt Hymn Forever With the
U,rd Montgomery
Sunday, at the Dundee Presbyterian
church, the muaic for both the morn
ing and evening services will be ap
propriate for the harvest festival. Pro
gram: MdRNI.No),
Hyma Kmt to the l.or. of Harvent
Arr. from J Michael Haydn
Anthem Hint praises to Ood Warelng
Tn t;noir.
ioprans SVto I Mill ITiHe the Lord
. .Char'es l Spress
Hymn Ct-ms e
Thankful People
sir Oeorge Kley
Thanktsiting Mul ale.
II, mn Th ths L"td ...Johnn Schulta wurtet it Women's Velce
lha l-t.ver Perf.r
James w and K msaa an4 Teime t',e He tiled
Vs it'hiHs Musmer
Ceelis'l rhanks l t 114
................... iaily l-ukaaa
(Jieltet li Alleluia I'uhb,
... 4!e Htae
Aatern live laid, t Mi M.'l
, . H" a.t
Hens II fief, . Mia II. 'd
kne. I. eis" ' ' I a .. e-
.,ttH t ale e-'l-'e. i.e'i'te iwea a
SeSl telralte. Mas K. V !., Uit,
) k W. I'.adl.n-I, e. ,
Tha Omaha .mhia ft Ifca Ns
lia.k. iht-ef i't
t;i!. l-f iatillelS 'II .'l efats
HH Ittttelt" .'h. lps.l tiiiist l
kuu.fcera wiU U U)ie4 at aio h, srl; duitf Musig If
i lis a.ffrsri imbta l fhiirvha
here ihr tr The Urit -fi.e
III l- S!rl.l -ll I r t
MiiHe-l te 4r t A!l ! .'i-,l
i.iinl, J It :ta., l 1M, ti(nvat sal aioM. a4 l
tk Cstr !.ri.
ckrr, t't4 U. i n, s1irit. a4
MartU tHmk, iaut. TMa
tae)aat4 t tag lVnKf Uhh)
Mr. Hea 1 fjrtks Ji vl
Ik a ' "" ki4 '-'f
r i'- at T'. -t mi. ,, u
Iwr it, A p. in., by tha cholra of All
fcalnta church, J. It. Klinms, organlat
and dlreetor, and First Central Con
gregntloiinl church, Fred .O. Ellis,
director; Martin W. Hush, orgnnlat.
Oifsn Preluils -Psstnrsl Ulllsit
Proieeslonil- "Holy, Holy, Holy"
, 1'ykss
A in hin "Ood la a gplfli"
Solo 'II Is Fnoufh (Elljsh)
Mr. Kill,
Anihern"Btlll, Still With Thes"
.... ' .,. foot
t)rn Solos "Allsaro Vlvai-a (from
Klrst symphony . , , Vlrn
"Ksep Ms siom rllnkliif Vown '
. -.. fit on
Mr. Hush.
Anthem "Hymn to ilia Trinity"
alo "Ixjrd, at All Tliiirs"
Mr,, Msr'us Nlelson.
Hymn "Stand Up. sUsnd Up, tor Jesus"
- Wsbb
Or. Frank (I. Kmlth.
Anthem "(llorla In Kscelels". . . llsrwood
f'oailuda "March aui Vlanibtaus",..
American Guild of Organieta, Lowe
Avenue I'reabyterlun church, Sunday
ufternoon, November 27th: Johanna
Anderson, choir director; Enid Llnd
borg, organist.
Organ: Allafro from First Sonata
liy til Sea , . fcilmlierl
Chorus rliulr: 23rd Psslm ,.. 1'arka
Offertory; A Bong Nalhsnlel Holt
rosiluds: March for Church Festival..
' - lint
Hpeciul mualc for Oulld Sunday and
Munlc week at tha Frlat Preabyterlan
church, Hufiday, Noveniler 26; Edwin
Hart Jenka, D. D., puator; Louise
Janaen Wylle, aopruno and director;
Mra. Verna Mlllur, contralto; !mw-rt-nce
Dodda, tenor; A. L. Ilobba, biiaa;
Doulee Hhadduck Zulirlekle, F. A. O.
O., organlat.
Praluite "March for a Church a-
llval" nt
Artliam "Wiuie Hit Kearth It-
malnath" , .Maunder
orrorlory Honefllctlon ,..,. .ilalut-Haens
iiul "i'owar Kiarnal" Koaalnl
Mrs. Wylla and Mrs. Millar.
PuKluUe "Grand Choeur Dlaloaue"
Ortan Concart Overture In B flat..
,. Faulkea
Rvrla fiirauaa
Antrum "I will Lay Ms Down In
l'acs Ondsby
orrorlory naroaiiae Dlokenaon
Solo "liefor tn Crnns" J. Fores
Mrs. Wylle.
Foatluda Faatlval Si hmlnke
Flrt Unitarian church: Elolae West
McN'Ichola, organiHt; Huzcl Smith Eld
l edxe, antoiat. '
Organ Numbers
nttiiww.nW Pui. . . ymci
postiude shortor prelude and Fukus
J(,i,n Prindie Scott
Hazel Bmllh Kluredge.
MukIc Week program, week of No
vember 27, given under the auspices
of Schmoller & Mueller Pluno com
pany at their auditorium, second
Moor, 1514-16-18 Dodge street:
Myrtle Koy Mulllgaj), Plane
. "Ballade- i.iar.i
b. "Pollchnella" Rarhmsnlnoff
uus Joh
iisoii, Tenor Blanche Allan John-
non, Accompanlet
a. "Ths Last Hour" Kramsr
b. "Through ths Meadow". .. .McDowell
o. "Oo Not Oo, My J.ove". . . .Hneeman
d. "Slgmund's Ivo Kong" WHgner
Clmce htiy Burger, VlollnUt Mrs. Haxel
Trua Ch:tloupka, Accompanist
a. "Am Meor'" Hchubert-WllhelmJ
ti, "Vales Caprice" Wlenlawnkl
e. "First Concerto" Vleuxiemps
d. "First Holo" .'. .Vleuxtemps
i,iine Urlseoll, Dramatic Soprano Carl-
frlrdrlch Kob, Accompanist
a. "Valuea ' Vanderpool
b. Twilight" McLean
c. "O, Ouldcn Hun". . .Oracs A. Freeby
Sophia Noatltz Nalmcka, I'lano Ac
companied by Mme. Alexander Stad
n I tfka
"Flrwt Movement In K Flat, Con
certo" Meit
Mme. Alexandra fltadnltska, Piano Ao-comp.-inled
by Sophia Noallts Nalmska
"First Movement of F Sharp Minor
Concerto" Rachmaninoff
West Slaters, String Quartet
a. "Drink to Ms Only With Thins
Eyes" Arr. Pnnchon
V. "Serenade" Haydn
o. "Hohemlan Folk Song". . . .Kosemayer
Mra. Florence Basler Palmer. Soprano
Mrs. Deyo Crane, Accompanlat
a. "The" Oyrlll Scott
b. "The Gift" Mary Helen Tlrnwn
e. "Two Rosea" Ollberte
d. "Ah! I.ovs but a Pay" Gilbert
Mrs. J. R. Cain. Jr.. loader Fortnlnht
Musical club, preeents the following Oma
ha compoaerH: S. A. Carlson, Stanley J
I.otovsky, Arthur I. Ion, Ml Anna Parker.
Mlaa Madeline Scott, Vernon C. Bennett.
Bob Shechan, Mrs. Edward Weetbrook.
Cecil Berryman, Jean Duffleld, Mrs. Net
lie 8. Bradehaw. Lee CI. Krata, Walter B
flrahem. ,T. Kdward CHrnel.
Trio! Emily Cleve, violin; Loulee Sliadduck
Zahrieklu, 'lolln; Aiielyn Wood. 1'lnno
a. Suite "Allegro Moderato" "Al
legro Knerglco" . . . .Moezkowskl tip 71
b. "Serenade Adagio, Allegro"
Edith I.oulae Waggoner and Edith May
Miller. Two-riano THict
a. "Romance" and "Valse". .. . Areneky
b. "Serenade" . Goldmark
Mrs. Vern Miller. Snnrano
a. "ilver the steppe" Clretchaninof f
b. "Cradle poos" .(iretchanlnoff
c. "In Sllfnt Wemls" .Rlmekv Korsakoff
O'adys McCann Rodman, Planlat
a. "Country Panes" McKayden
h "S'-he-ro Sonata Ctp. No. S.Beethoven
Krl K Tunhnrg. Planlat, and Samuel
Carmel, Vtotlnlet
Sonata No. for Piano and Violin;
AKeero, Theme snd Variation.
Mlnuett Moiart
I "-ma Oberreuter. Soprano Karl K.
'I'unherg. Aeeompanlst
a. "lon In ths Forest. , Ronald
b. "Vale" Rtieeeil
c "'SetHI "iwer" Campbell Tipion
d ! Ki ho S"ii".., Krkert
Kr ? Tueberg. rinnial.-.
s. "Hells. I In A Flat" Chopin
Ae.Utits Finals ' I.ucla M Left
Hand earhetlxftv
Walter Whrailey, Tenor Plan, hs Allr
j,,hee.n, .- mpnlt
lamtni (pagllac.i) Leoncavallo
.l l-Kel in C'l V-r
STCRIT. nrrl.MHKH !. 1 p M
.ui sttd,. ic ii,t kie'a irche'ra
rf i'he-rs, l--Lr tien hi-erkiets . , , . . , Mltee
tall a (k'U . ,
n heei-s. S..L. I1..B il eu.t del-
Vh.i .!.. . ne f Hillet .. .rHv'l "
I'eiiy E.t.r .!..
'del S-'-o . , ,
Mrs Htulf lal V'JVll ft Mrs
trchsett a'eM ...
1 -a . I H .""
V'-e.le S.,l Me:te Kll ....... kljUe
I 4.4-es a. a fcr
V'kreii i.rre-l s'. I f a Huso
Wtm'ntr Preal ytsitm rhun
TnH stn' and Mae. n s-rests T ill
l in J It K.tnriiS. d j -: I'Wm
!! u n, (irsamai
-ren .t. I 1. . uM.,r-
, m vir l i.,i
I'll.... 1 I... I l k. -
I . - . . v
.. - i-f tii s
a,e k S. " i ;. r
i . . .- :
. I I" i -s.rt
-.-. i...ji m , i a-1
-. ' l klal '. !..
a- I h , t-. ..,
H 4 ss-4 Sie'd ! .
A 1 i . .
f..d -Ma ktak . Ue.
i..t .'-- I'ee.f,- tr, - si
1 1 . , a '.a J glut
an. I 'sita im a e.ft
performed to ame tranoue ac
companiment." ' Tha Denla Shawn and Denlahawn
dancers will give tills program with
an Instrumental quartet conducted
by Louts llorkt, plnno; Claude Mad
den, violin; Augusto Hoiilil, flute;
title Kinney, cello.
Sonata I'athailque," First Movement
Heel ho van
"Revolutionary fctuds" .
Walta. Op. t. No. II."
"Valss Hrillsnta" .
, ., , . Urahme
Mans Zurta
First Christian Church at 7:15:
organ Recital 'Sonata No. i".., Rogers
IS) "Chorale"
HO "Adsglo"
"Hlinetribianra" Plelro Ton
Hum Kethsr Horkwood
Anthem "Fear Not, O larsel ' aplcksr
offertory "Ths Mghtingsls ud ths
Itoau" Saint Saens
Quartet "Roth of Afea" Huck
I'oellude , (lulllnant
MihIc to be given in KnunUe Me
morial Lutheran church, fundny eve
ning, under the ausplcea of the
American Oulld of Organists. Albert
Kmid, organist: John K. llelgren, rholr
Prelude Mailing
Anthem "rials Ih Lord O Jeru
salem" Maunder
Si In "Open (he llstes" Knapp
Prof. Jonea from Midland College.
"Inflammatua" from Stabat Mateh Roaslnl
Mies IJorulhy MlelnOaua't. H'p'0"
"Honor snd Arms" from Sabson. .Handel
I'rof. Jonea.
Offetory "Reverie" ,i Rogers
Aniheiii "Itleseed Ho ths Nams of
the Lord" Maunder
Postlud Ksttersr
Music Notes. 4
A pin 110 recital will be given by
pupils of Helen Mnckln Monday eve
ning, November 27, at S In her
studio, SOS Arlington block. There
will be a vocal solo by Berulce Ltif
fcrty and a violin solo by Meyer
Hlmplro, pupil of J. R. Brill, Clara
Dlnkel, studying the BherwooU course
under Mlsa Mnckln recently received
u silver medal from the Rherwood
Muslo school In Chicago for high
grades passed In the Harmony ex
aminations. Piano pupils taking part in the re
cital ore Prudence Wagner. Hazel
Kahn, Jane Warner, Margaret
Muchnl. Ixrlno Sleeper, Lillian Law
rence, licsslo Mahan, Margaret Croft,
Ruth HudHon, Ottilie Kinder, Mrs.
Gertrude Masterson, Alfred Anderson,
William Hogarth, George Freldcman
and Stanton Kennedy,
To ohscrva Music week pupils of
Miss Ida M. Morsa will give a piano
recital at her studio, Schmoller A
Mueller Piano company, 1614 Dodge
street, Saturday afternoon, Decem
ber 2, 3 'o'clock.
ruplls taking part: Mary Morsa,
Edith Epstein, Suruh Fellman, Anna
Gltvlck, Louolla English, Ruth Mc
Laln, Libby Elewltz, Margaret Evans,
Mrs. Hnsen, Elsie Sorenson, Ester
Peterson, I.lbble Abramson, Ester
Kadis, Imoglne McCaaln, Altona Popo,
Lylie Johnson, . Louise Johnson,
fanny Turner, Audrey Potter, Nor
man Korney, Elolse Petersen, Ruth
Snengll, l,ouls Meyers, Nancy Mar
ble, Beulah Brown, Florence Lofir
man and Lillian Bavmlsh.
The choir of the First English
Lutheran church, Benson, under the
direction of Gilbert 'W. Uhler, will
render George Oarrett's "Harvest
Cantata" at the 4 o'clock vesper serv
ice Sunday afternoon, November 26.
Solo parts wll be sung by Mra. F. L.
Stephens, Dorothy Richardson, T. B.
Larsen and G. W. Uhler. At the
same service there will be a solo se
lection by Prof. T. Amos Jones, head
of the vocnl department of Midland
college, Fremont, Neb.
Fred G. Ellis, will present Mr.
Harry Dlsbrow In song recital Sat
urday afternoon of music week,
December 2 at Burgess Nah audi
torium, at 3 o'clock. Admission free
and munlc lovers are cordially invited.
Miss Emily Cleve. presents her pu
pil, Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, aged
o in n vlnlin recital at the First
Christian church, corner Twenty-sixth
nnd Harney streets, Tuesooy evening,
November 28, assisted by Miss
Irma Clow, harpewt, pupil of Mlsa
Marie Swanson, Miss Ida Lustgarten,
pupil of Mr. Cecil Berryman. In
honor of Nebraska composers day,
November 26, little Miss Clow will
play Nomande in A by Thurlow
Lieu ranee of Lincoln.
On Monday evening. November 27,
beginning at 8, there will be
a program of music at the North
Side Christian church, Twenty-second
and Lothrop streets, under the direc
tion of Mrs. J. Stanley Hill, assisted by
Mr. E. U. Rice, director of music at
the First Christian church, and by Mlsa
Jessie Cady, organist. The program
will be in three parts the first,
sacred when the choir will give sev
eral splendid numbers, and Mr. Rice
will sing a solo. The second part
of the program will be secular music.
Mrs. Wilber Baunham and Miss
Gladys Reynolds, both pupils of Mrs.
Hill, will ench sing a group of songs
and Mrs. Hill will sing. This will be
followed by community singing. led by
Mr. Rice. There will be an orchestra,
directed by Mr. Frank Smead. Then
there will be other vocal nnmbera.
The whole community Is most cor
dially Invited. "O Come, let us sing,"
and enjoy tha evening together.
A sacred concert will be given Sun
day evening. November 2. under the
direction of Mrs. J. Stanley Hilt. t
the North Side Christian church,
Twenty second ""'I I-o'Rf'P streets,
at 8. This is the eevnml of aeries
of concerts given by the choir of thla
ehurch. Tlx are given regularly ou
the liit Sunday eventng ft each
I.ii"!! Allen'a vltdin actutol tava t
ptogtant S.-tur.!.y at atudiu. a'st.d
.v hgnu Jtrsdi. Wins
flip -f r-ad hks.
Th t.k p-tri:
t t.,ti,j li.rtn tf. IUu Ntb
!,.. Helen tlriffn, iH.n.thy Hhlpir.
iKihtl llelvte. Lucy Cnruso. l-U
(M. 1,4.1. . r-h'h M.cti.cta. MMrs-l
jMdns..n. Jc li'Jlsll lt
'h-l I't ii a, ralkner,
! Ju.i.r M l '!
Il. te..u ': ir-4ltia kt
; t;,.t!i tl Mi. Arthar !. 3
s inw. ,iiV. !.!
;i at 1 wl.k 1 1 - Inks'
IVtit I t. N-at! a-l'-h't, .
M an tt,.r,.i. .tt4 MuiMUnJ, Isms
!..!.,. V!Sf, llulh thotw-
a. Tiin M s tr., Jei ll-lgKlW.
K tk- h lltt, li M lauhvlf.
mtl !', ' I , Vymt l ,n l. l i-M It I. us
Young Violinist to
Appear in Concert
Dorothy I.uslgarien.
Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, 9-year-obi
violinist,, will give a concert
next Tuesday evening at tha First
Christian church, Tha little glrli who
has mush talent for her age, is a pu
pil of Emily Clevs. She will be as
sisted by Miss Irma Clow, harpeat,
and her sister Mlsa Ida Luatgarten,
pianist. The young violinist's pro
gram will Include a Rode Concerto,
and selections from Beethoven,
Hchuman, Lletirance, Bohm and Drdla.
She Is a memlier of the Junior Musical
choir, Bernard Johnson, director; Eva
Nelson, organist.
Omaha Woman's club chorus, Rob
ert Cuscaden, director, will give a
Music week nroaram in tha Y. W. C.
A. auditorium Wednesday noon. Open
to the public. No charge.
Ttrownell hall will nresent a two-
pluno recital by Miss Sophie Nalmska
and Mra. J. M. Alhertsen. Miss Luella
Anderson will give violin numbers.
Students and faculty will be 1he
The Jewish Council of Women will
Science, has found in the familiar cake
of FleUchmann's Yeast a food to combat
three common complaints
Arfrttte ami dijfntion restored
Mm and women trimbled with loss of ap
petite and faulty digestion have found that
these troubles disappear when they tat
Fte:chmann'i Yeast rtguUrly. The great
pfu'.lcm for such people ts first to stimulate
lUt ippettie, and at the tame time make it
m.t!t to digrtt the increawd loud that
it tat en. Fieiachmann's YsU hat this re
ttai kahle tftrct t o the d'(ettve sytttm. It
ertahlet yoi to eat more, and la get more
benefit fwru the f4 )va fat.
sUakts res fc41rt tstls
Ue mm'i teSkSS BakS
wtMkf i tfcet. aisjt .snake f ss
VeJ lAsi fus M kwU) I
have program at tha Jewish com
munity center, t p. m.. Lyric hall.
Special mualo programs will b
given by Harry Brader at tha Flallo
theater afternoon and evening.
Mlaa Oracs Lsnnon Conklln hat
taken ths educational department of
Purgese-Naah mualo section. Miss
Conklln gives educational concerts In
tha schools, churches and before mu
sic clubs with ths Amplco reproduc
ing piano and ths vlctrola, using edu
rntlnnal records. Mlaa Conklln, who
if. herself an elocutionist, often tella
a story about ths roll aha Is going
to play, or something of ths Incidents
connected with Its composition, thus
adding an extra touch to the Interest
of ths roll itself. Two programs will
be put on In ths tea room st Burgess
Nash stores, on on Mondsy, Novem
ber 27, and on on Saturday, Decern
ber 2. Theaa will b In connection
with mualo actlvltlea. Wednesday a
noon musical will b given on tha
Amplco for tha students and faculty
of the school of Individual Instruc
tion. This will be a Thanksgiving
Friday, December 1, at 3 o'clock, a
vlctrola recital will b given. All of
these programs ar given fre of
charge to the clubs and provld an In
teresting as welt as instructive mu
sical entertainment.
EdUh May Miller presents her pupil,
Neva Hellln, In piano recital, assisted
by Frances W. Bell, soprano, pupil
of James Edward Carnal, Marguerite
Carnal at the pluno, Monday evening,
November 27, at 1:16 o'clock, at
Schmoller A Mueller auditorium, 1E1S
Dodge street, Friends ar cordially
The young people Low Avenue
Presbyterian choir, under the direc
tion of Johanna Andaraon, will pre
sent an operujta at the church Sat
urday evening, December 9.
A red la I will ba given by pupils of
Eleanor Jane I .ear December 1, at 4
o'clock at her studio, 20D Patterson
block. Those taking part are Jean
Brownlee, Anne Marshall, Fred
Jacohberver, Natalie Dale, Edna
Smith, Elizabeth Lane, Florence
For fifty years the familiar little cake of
Fleischmann's Yeast had been in daily use in
millions of American homes. Yet until three
years ago it was considered merely a neces
sary item in baking the most wholesome
And then a series of experiments in some of
the country's greatest laboratories raised the
familiar foil-wrapped cake to a new importance.
In three years three astonishing
First it was discovered that Fleischmann's Yeast was
peculiarly rich in vitamin without which no amount
of food can nourish the body properly. And now
millions of weakened, undernourished men and
women are finding in it the very elements necessary
to regain their health and strength.
Wixtdworth, Albert Lucke, Florence
Hlnkley. Mdly Sehwarts, Pauline Kop
pel, Dick Anderson, Hope Lyman,
Joel Llssltl. Gaorge Marshall, Suaan
Hosier, Francos Llndee, Mary Louise
Brown, Margaret Martin, Virginia
Langfetler, Harriet Oulld, Barah Rae
Fish and Bernlre Pugher.
A melodious waltt. "Love's Hong,"
the words, mualo and piano arrange
ment by Jacob Tierce of Albion, Neb.,
haa recently been published by the
The Omaha College rlub, mualc sec
tion, will meet with Mra. J. E. Hnor
man, 1324 South Thirty fifth avenue,
Saturday. Deeeinlwr 2, at 2;3U o'clock,
leader, Mrs. Robert Rosa Wado. The
subject. "Composers," Dudley Buck,
Frank Vun der Stucken, Edgar Full-man-Kelley
and Cecil Burleigh. The
program Includes vocal eoloe by Dud
ley Buck, sung by Mlsa Alice Fry: by
Ldgur Stlllman-Kelley, sung by Mlsa
Ellrabfth Fry; violin recltsls by Cecil
Burleigh, played by Mr. Homer Hub
bard, and reminiscences of Frank Von
der Stucken, by Dr. Behune, who for
merly was In Frank Van der Stuck
en's orchestra In New York. Miss
Isable Alcorn will present current
topics. Mrs. Dean Ringer Is the ao
companlst. '
Mra. George C. White, violin; Mra.
A. S. Anderaon, flute, and Mlsa Eva
Nelson, piano, a trio, will play at a
Thanksgiving feitlval Thuraday, No
vember 2, at ths Zlon Lutheran
church, Thirty-sixth and Lafayette.
Thla will be a concert preceding a
Frederlo Fremantel, formerly of
Omaha, announces the reopening of
his vocal studios, (0 West Sixty-seventh
street, New York City.
e 1 '
Twelve of the most important opera
houses in Germany, It Is announced,
are co-operating under the auspices
of "Das Deutchcs Opernhaus" In Ber
lin for a season of Wagnerian opera
in Germun, to It given at the Man
hattan opera house. New Vork, be
ginning February 12, 1923. The
"Ring der Nlbcl Ungen," not present
ed in the United States since the war,
Laxathxs made unnecessary
Fleischmann's Yeast does for you naturally
and permanently what drugs at their best
do only artificially and for short time.
In hospitals, even chronic cases respond
to It, and normal functions are restored in
from i dayt to 3 weeks,
Fltiachmann't Ytat is assuring to thmj
sands a complete daily elimination of waste
matter a body kept cleaua ami free front
Pn. . TOl WedvSRMtn ttreeS, New TS. N T.
fteaas sea! exe) ftes KoaWt, T"- Neej tmpyetssve
Ne , i . ... i .
and five of the ctljrr music dramas f
Richard Wagner, without cms. will be
mounted by George llartmann, the
successful director of the "Deutchcs
Opernhaus," which Is said to be the
t nty theater In Berlin not showing a
deficit In the laat year. Practically
a (ru le act of principals and conduc
tors will be carried, and tosttimea,
poiertlea and eli'tiMI erTuctk, etc
will I loaned for these special per
futmuncea In New lork. The annual
performances of Cie operas In Berlin
will be postponed from January until
March for this reason.
Tha pupils of the Fourth, Fifth,
Sixth, Seventh snd Eighth grades
of Henry W. Yates school will give
a musical program for all the pupils,
In tha school auditorium on Wednea
day, November 29, at 2 o'clock.
This bsa been planned by Miss
Edn Reap, principal, and Miss Mary
Phllllppl, muslo supervisor, In recog
nition of Music week.
The school orchestra of 20 members
which la being trained by Mr, Robert
Cuscaden, will play,
Nineteen Eighth grade pupils, who
graduate at the end of this semester
to enter Technical high, will sing on
the program.
Tha Muslo department of the Ben
son Women's club entertained at a
musicals at the home of the leader of
the department, Mrs. Richard J.
Skankey, on Thursday afternoon when
60 ladles were present, Mrs, Helen
Sadllek Kyhl gave ths entire program
on Interpretive music, playing several
numbers of Brahms, Beethoven, Mc
Dowell, Caesar Cul and Friedman. She
was ssslsted by Mrs. Harvey Wing
who sang the "Cycle of Life," by
Ronuld. A Baldwin grand piano wna
furnished for this occasion by the
Thatcher Piano company.
Symphony orchestra concert will
be given Thanksgiving day st the
World theater, 11 a. nx, by Omaha
musicians, under auspices of ths CHy
Concert club, Stanley Jan Letovskey,
conductor, and Miss Agnes Mercedes
Wlckham, soloist.
Mrs. Jean Buchtn I'rotzman will
present three of her advanced pupils
Then came the discovery that the tiny living cells
of Fleischmann's Yeast help to cleanse the body of
the poisonous waste that constantly accumulates.
And an ever-widening circle of users throughout the
nation are finding freedom from the bondage to dan
gerous cathartics.
And now it has been 6hown that Fleischmann's
Yeast by increasing the number of white corpuscles
in the blood acts as a powerful agent in clearing the
complexion of many skin disorders. And so a third
group, large and growing, are finding relief from
painful and embarrassing skin disfigurements.
' Everywhere physicians and hospitals are prescrib
ing Fleischmann's Yeast today. Eaten regularly (for
it is a food, not a medicine), it is helping hundreds of
thousands of men and women to regain the joy of
perfect, vigorous health. Letters pouring in from
every state in the Union bear daily witness to the
new place Fleischmann's Yeast has achieved as
health-builder for the nation.
SUn and complexion clWim!
Skin troubles are often danger flags of low
ered vitality. Fleischmann's Yeast is now
established as a food which corrects tha
basic cause of many disorders of the skin.
That ruddy glow of health that free
dom from such unhealthy skm conditions
comes only from perfect health wit hut.
Fleischmann's Yeat rids you of these ii .
orders by budding up the whole system and
kteptng stomach aij uiteituiei in a natural
healthy stile.
Yttt k, rt
at a musical lea at her realdenre
studio, 517 South Forty first street, on
Tueedny, November 2th, at 2 30 In
recognition of Musio woek.
Miss F.Mu Moore, Miss Marguerite
Kenner and Miss Uallngher will pre
sent the priigram.
Too Many Hunk for Girl.
Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 25. No mor
atargnxlng stalks for Aurora college
maids these Indian summer titghts.
The ubiquitous mephitis niephlhlc
holds the answer.
Yes, ma'am, that meana skunks,
So thick la ths skunk population
In Cayuga county thla fill that It's
dangerous to stroll abroad In the moon-light.
Hand Kscorts Prisoner. !
London, Nov, I .'. It Is not liifre
quent that members of the unem
ployed aio baled Into the London
coiitls, but Hall Richard had the)
distinction of being escorted to court
with a band. Rlcliunl vtiis chargerl
with writing ptoclamatlona to Hie un
employed on thu aldewnlk. A band
of unemployed played "Onward, Chris
tian Soldiers" when Richards marched
off to the Tottenham police court.
Hoy Form K. K. K. 'Jfraiirh.
Bucyrus, O., Nov. 2,1. The "K. Z.
P." club, comprising 13 members, alt
achoollKiya In the upper grades, has
been organized here. Tha youngsters
rail themselves "a branch of the Kii
Klux Klan." Officers of the club ri
If. C. Stevenson, ace; W. C. Br, Jr..
king, and Cecil Rhodes, jack. Tb
officers were chosen by cittlng a
pack of cards.
Widow Too Long.
Iondou, Nov. 25. Described on the
court pupers as a "widow," Mary
Johnson constantly Interrupted pro.
ceediuga at the Shoredltch county
court, until Judge Cluer said: "I sup
pose It Is a long time since you had
someone to keep you in order,"
The bureau of standards In Wasb
Itigton, D. C, mousures standard
black by meana of a hole lending Into
a box, blackened inside and out.
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