The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 26, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 15
THE SUNDAY r.EE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 26, 1922. 5 b Tom Sharkey Made the Dough as a Fighter; Leaped Into Limelight by Lacing Corhett By AL fiNNKr m 13 I ('ST MEN aeeklnf prisflsfht hotinra hue hard rnw to hoe, but Tom Sharkey la on pugilist who merit to tha top of tha heap by leapa and bounds an.l made a worl4 of money jn no time, al!liou-li ha did not keep I' Whn flharkey met Jim t'orhelt at .San 1 ranrimo In a fnur-round bout, whi.-h fir.-t linniBht him Into prominence-, ha aa new at llm lioxlna: Kama aiid had no Idea how he would f.ue. Hut lie was not afraid, aliowrn no alar,!! of stage fright. mad'-j Into Corli'lt from the Jump and more than held hi tiw n. All tjliarkiy thought about after that whs of whipping Corhett and be cause. h did not do ho wna certainly not his fault. Ho knew that Corbet t aa the man who had defeated the mighty John I,., but that made no dif ferent to him. It tvaa thia ff-urUssnesa on the part of Sharkey that alom enabled him lo make the flna showing he did atant the very beat hoxera. It waa after thia meeting with Jltn Corbett that Mm unknown willor lad din went to New Voik and boxed a three round exhibition th John L. Hulihan. After It Kharkey returned to ban KratKli' where hia neer to oe for. gotten fltfht with Ht.niminona took plae. Kharkey no fool; he felt that the referee had a;lva nhlm the worat of it In hia tight with Corbett. .Now tiharkey Inn! Tom Lynch, n wis gainbbr of fcan Krandaro. as Ma manager, and thla time that gen tleinan Minted hia friend, AVyatt Harp, a western gunman, to offleiate a a referee. In the eighth round of that brittle, in the, midst of a rally I.ynrh raised a cry of font. Flt.Hlmmona' frlenda proteated loudly, but Karp kindly re. speeted the r:ill of I.ynrh and 'le ttered t hat Sharkey bad won on ac count of his opponent hitting him a blow beneath the belt. Fana Sort of Peeved. The country rang with abuse of both Karp and Sharkey and highway rubbery waa charged all along the line. The people of Ban Frundaro, espe cially the union horseshoera of the town, who were great frlenda of Fits, threatened to lynch the referee and hia backera. fiharky, while the going waa good, got out of Trlaco, cam east and hia first engagement waa a week'a atand at the Standard theater In Bt. Loula, which waa then owned by Ed Butler, the old democratic boaa and horae ahoer. Even the Butler followera were eore at the way their fellow horseahoer had been treated. Bo the night Sharker appeared at th Stand ard theater to box alz rounda with .Take Holt man, after, arda famoua aa a race track (tarter, local horaeatioera cam In a body to pan Sharkey. Aa aoon aa the aallor made hia appear ance on the atage all the gang In the audience began shouting: "Oh, you robber! Tou know Frlte can lick you!" Great Fighter. They continued ahoutlng and made ao much nolsa the bout could not pro ceed. The howling waa led by a big hunch of Iriahmen hailing from Kerry Patch. Old man Butler aaw thla, walked out on tha atage and holding up hia hand he aoon commanded at tention. "Upon my aoul," aald Butler. "I (hink you fellowa are daffy. Thla man Sharker a Kerry man like at) of you and thla man Fitzalmmona, 1 that he licked fairly and aquarely, Is an Engllahman. Are you Kerry men going to abuse a Kerry man for licking on Englishman? Then if you are. we'll give you all your money bark." A moment later all the Kerry men In the house were cheering for Shar key and telling aeoh other how he had n hipped Fitz fairly and of how he . v.ns the greatest fighter In the world. Student Scalpers Arrested. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 25. Charges of speculation In tickets for totlay's Harvard-Yale football game were made against two Yale fresh men, Louis Shanok, and Philip Kpstein, who were arrested during the night. Both are residents of New Haven. They denied the charge. William Lewis, of Scranlon, Pa., a Yale student, and Allen Krivltsky of this city, were arrested last night charged with selling tickets. Lewis, the police say, got each for two tickets, while Krivltsky is said to have received $55 for a pair. Buy Youi Buick From H. PELTON, 2019 FARNAM ST. Try Our Sorric If You Already Own Buick ' Tho Greatest VALUE at tho Low est Prico feS975 'A MCIOAY (Co Deinpscy Lined Up for Three Bouts Kearns Announces Condition al Acceptance of Offer of Theatrical Producer. Omaha Bee Teased Wfra. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 2B. Jack Dempsey, world's champion heavy weight who, with hia manager, Jack Kearns, la now playing at a loeaJ theater, announced today the condi tional a'ceplance of an offer that practically assures the champion be ing seep in thi arena early next summer. Managor Kearns announced that he had tentatively accepted an offer by Al H. Wooda, theatrical producer of New York of J 1,000,000 for the services of Dempaey In three contests. Tha offer, Kearne stated, waa made after several long distance telephone conversations between here and New York this week. The only apparent hitch In the agreement la tha "divvy" of the money that would derive from the moving picture rlghta. Minor de tails only were given out by Kearna. According to Kearns, It is practi cally a certainty that the champion 'a first appearance In tha triple header will be a mixed affair with Strangler Lewis, wrestler. Kearna hinted that Harry Wills, the "brown Panther," and Joe Beckett, the. Englishman had been mentioned aa likely opponents. The contract so far la only verbal but Kearns stated that he felt sure it would go through. Dempaey'e contract with the Pan tages circuit haa three more weeks to run. Parsons Beats Omaha. Outbeefed and outgeneraled, but not outfought or outgamed, the univer sity of Omaha football team was forced to bow In defeat before the powerful attacks of Parsons college eleven of Fairfield, la., in a game at Western league park yesterday after noon. The score was 23 to 0. Coach Glenn Devine'a doughty grldsters had the Maroons fighting with their backs to the wall in eyery period, while their own goal line waa never theratened. Before two minutes elapsed In the first period the Hawkeye state rcpre sentativea scored two touchdowna. Lineup and summary: Parsons 2S) P Omaha. 0 Ruuoli I. Boy" Ptie.hro t. T Msasflsn Ksstmin L G Wlllion Krlekson C HIcK Pratt ...R '1 Beauehsmp Fl.vnn K T North K Koncky K E Lawsoti A'-korman Q S-ott Hesslar 1. H Jordon Pourhr F B Smltn WUraouth H H Stavensoo Bee Want Ads produce results. Rco Breaks Record Over Lava Beds of Canyon Country Highway Into Fertile Inter Mountaiu Valley, Where Fruit aud Wool Almund, TeU Motor Car. tx years ten the Valley i,f Kite, Little Zion Canji'n, Hryce Canyon and the North Him of the Orand Canyon of Colorado in faot all of that marvelous plateau region of southern Utah and northern Arluna were name" which meant little or nothing to the southern California!!. Perhaps a few adventurous motor ists had penetrated as far as the won derful lilt! settlement Of Kt. fieorge, l:tV surrounded by colored sand ston, laa beds and basalt covered hills, where In one of bo most fer tile of the Intermo'intaln valleys, lived a ra'.e of real American pio neers. The outside world was ranched by horse-drawn Mages to the railroad TO miles away at Lund. Established by the great organizer firlgham Young, this settlement went on from generation to generation, living very much unto Itself. Then came the day of the motor car and motor truck. The Arrowhead trail became a fact. Los Angeles and fait Lake City became In one, short year closer together by days. Then this colony of pioneers discovered that tho outside world needed its products and would pay In currency that would mean the education of their children and give them luxuries and comforts. Some 10 days ago a Itoo fix, ntook model touring car from the Beo Motor Car compnny branch In Los Angeles, essayed the arduous trip over thla route for the purpose of Investigating road conditions and determining the feasibility of further extension of tho present express and passenger servb-a by motor car that now exists be tween Salt Lake City and St. fJeorge, Utah, on to Las Vegas, and perhaps to Los Angeles. Meeting with extremely bad road conditions In Utah, necessitating long detours, the schedule was somewhat upset, although express speed was maintained that showed a schedule of nine hours to Bt. George, and 15 hours to Las Vegas, from Salt Lake, could be established and followed even with roads In their present condition. Reaching Las Vegas well ahead of the speed record set last sprlnsr by another car, It was determined to send the Bco on through Loa Angeles on a similar express service schedule, but within the legal Jlmlta on speed. This was done, and on checking up the total time for the trip, it was found that the previous mark of 28 hours 21 minutes had been lowered to 26 hours 15 minutes, a margin of only six minutes, but nevertheless remarkable considering the hardship Involved In this 853 miles of moun tain and desert road. The present plan le to extend the, express service so that the large quan tity of fruit now raised In the St. George, Utah, district, may be profit ably marketed. As In the case of the recent French national automobile show at Paris, E. A. De Waters, chief engineer of the Bulek Motor company, writes that he found the Bulek very much In the limelight at the London, England, show held early this month. Be tween the Paris and London shows, Mr. and Mrs. De Waters and their party visited the battlefields of Bel gium and also made a short tour of Holland. "putil an the famous QeoStr Chassis Hjso Built and Priced to Establish a New High Standard of Sedan Value TNDURING atccl prv C elins crjwtn gturdy fram work oi elected 1mm il wood, brtveed with drop forging and fitted to foil th ravages of time and tnrrtl. Tha twtdy IntarW la rtsaa kajly attrartHa. Tha digntty af atraight Unaa from (rant to rear ta isiwiiaJi hut tha it tmduvtian of cpUct cursaa laa to rant any aiaggaw tasai af aavarity. lnhatwat gnad taata fwawada In tha kw-hung hair. In tha Maa atewl whacaV in tha mnd lahhr faarsksnad haasillghta and InrmamrrmNa athr mark af ratsaarnarst . WVuss gtaaa af unaamsal i atkmtlT alktaa tat fM it all aacwra tha shaih real tat a4 aaaft tuMw. Isja ttaanniaa fta iwlaawdnaaV, tawada la anm a Irua aaawrta ti htsw rya raeawng and twaaW eaeiawa vsaad.wt am aant4aaSy mraaJiad whan anaaaa sasash s ar asset r-r4a4nstl aa a tth-ksk. A. H. JONES CO. Maattaga Ntk. Omahan to M anage Dort Factory Branch Ki inli C, friinilli, who for the bint two yeurs has beru manager for the lHrt Hales company at Omaha, haa been appointed manager of the fac tory branch of the Port company at Detroit, Mich. Mr. fcmlth has been salesman for the Overlsnd, Dodge and Huptnobile motor cars. Quality Depends on Steel Used in Car Parts of Wills-Sainte (llairc Built of Alloy Used in Liberty Motors. "A motor car is essentially a prod uct of steel and the quality of the car Is largely dependent, consequently, on the kind of steel that goes Into It," C. Harold Wllla pointed out in one of the conferences at the Wills Saint Claire factory recently. "Different parts of a molor car have different jobs to perform," says Mr. Wills, "and stress and strain vary. The car owner is. therefore, vitally in terested In the problem of steel, fr durability, weight, balance and many other qualities are governed by the success with which the manufacturer employes the different steel alloys. When vanadium was Introduced to the automotive world a distinct ad vance was achieved, for It made pos sible an alloy that had certain ad vantages that were hitherto unavall pble and vanadium became almost the backbone of the Industry. "In bulldlnp Liberty motors during the war a still better and more dur able steel was needed and we de veloped Mo-lyb-den-um for certain parts of the engine in which light ness combined with great strength was sought. "With this experience In mind, Mo-lyb-den-um steel was freely used when we designed the Wllls-Sainte Claire ear, for we wished to take advantage of Its remarkable qualities. Parts suffering strain and stress were made of Mo-lyb-den-um steel and the Gray Goose was the first car so construct ed. By the use of this alloy we were able to reduce weight, perfect balance and riding qualities and at the same time assure the greatest strength and durability. A Paris abbattoir has installed an electric apparatus that will remove the skin from a beef steer of average size in less than five minutes. The mechanism Is equipped with three blades, shaped much like a clover leaf, which revolves at the rate of 2,800 revolutions a minute. r -f vr 5 - Passenger Sedan The are cuafeson end form fating hack are) unstinted ia their um of eoOed print, curiad hair and wadding. Over them (a a heavy woolen body cloth, amnotlUy anft to tha tauth Kit of leathcr-lika wear ing quailtira. Bnty Icangarttr ia definitely prtsmnud through tha ihn k ahaorNng dcaign of tha Jouhle framexi chaaata. RaJiatr. rrv gina, cluti h anj transmission ara auapmJed in an iruvrr t ram, cradled wit hin the uuter number, Thua tha weight rf thee units, instead rf haing Minrrtntni! at cana point of tha main frama, ia distributed war half tta length. Hftr hsaaa rwr la . nad b tha (ami Ra k ryUndaa narto, ralerwig an ahaanslama af tfaad and am aaa hsf highaa aa hatha high-gaang thnwugh tit r trafW, K king the tan J and gtamfcas v4 tha iranacmtl. Martial run. tha Re awnar ia tlmly tsatdWtanl af f a t a fity. df WeiU I W4 (ss4 taa aVain. JONF OPrKR CO. ttsaaka. N.k Conditions Point to Banner Season for Auto Industry! Prewinter Lull Abfcnt This Year Manufacturers I.oow Forward to Steady Winter Demand. Willi a b:ilanrcd prosperity . Iin'h is ba"il upon cionoml'vil production. Intrenched for the winter and nil Indications pointing to sn even greater revival In early rprlnf, the automobile business, according to re ports from all nor the country. Is looking forward to on of th best fiixons In Its history. The usual lull In automobile munu fneturlng that occurs at the approach of cold months, bus been conspicuous for its abscncit Mils yeur and enpeol ally In this regard has the demand In creased for closij cars. More fEoiid I'aied. h'very winter aces communities bet ter prepared to resist th tleup of traffic due to heavy snowfall. L'very year see rior road paved and great er precautions taken to keep the high way open for year around traffic. And so the automobile owner who ued to park his automobile In the family garage, now drives his machine the yeur around. The farmer I making greater strides In regaining his place In the march of prosperity. While his re turns from tho wheat crop have not been a great a expected, the price in corn has stiffened. Hogs especi ally liavo rallied and afford a better prlca for corn. Dairy products nod eggs have gained In price. The far mer, In other words, is ready to buy automobiles. In the first place he does not strike. Ills stake in hia coun try outweighs his grievance. He works. And thla confidence reflects and lends encouragement to the res toration of stabilized business condi tion. The farmer, too, is more in dependent than ever on the nutomo bile, especially when in front of hi farm well-paved loads lead to the city und town. Business from the farmer alone Is expected to keep the wheels In the automobile industry turning for many a week without regard to the in creasing demand from other fields. Strikes Kemoved. The menace of strikes ha been re moved and wage are maintaining their high etandord. This means that thousands of workers workers who a few years ago were content with bread, clothes and a home will be in the market for automobiles. And the business man, who la also riding the wave of prosperity, is expected to In crease the growing demand for auto mobiles, i With two of the greatest automobile shows In the Industry's history sched uled nt New York and Chicago the first of the year, factories all over the country are making plan to take care of the Impetus received from this source. No greater confidence that the auto mobile business ha entered a period of sturdy and permanent prosperity is shown than at the factory of the Haynes Automobile company, where all departments are humming with ac tivity. Everywhere the pew 1023 Haynes 55 and 75 models are meeting wonderful receptions. From the beginning of the lijade slump In 1320 up until April this year. Great Britain has distributed $400,000,000 In unemployment benefits. Provision has been made for a fur ther expenditure of $300,000,000 up to July of next year. Where Ctosed Cat Dollars Are Moat Profitably Put to Work i.assrf 4ara( Tmp. sskiak ' prmwttm ihs i lla Ilia, at chankaJ rmms. 6laa4 aaa muvautn an4 wis IM MwtMInf, ta ai tfsa star eVsuuna 9 Ute eaof . SmiliaU. wttrm We, lajasar rswt kiivM'tM. inrnm nan onarv Ia4slual4 aiuwstail. Saaj Vumm, aa aaalasv JN aaj it any ata1 'av tMat af lai.aeilansly kanUad at teat a sssuSaM t vaal. in Knk ftami anat Mat amnaiiiswss Mala, af taxMi n 1 till nwwbni liamail s..a aasaas ami akaa 9mii -Mimi. .l. varv W.aiat ana layHa- HMa I i S I, aaaai Mlad Hh lMia lak Nssns as. s..n aVaa) tassai. Sulw I lmiis .!- la W a i)um ia aa m asas- u. f -iniini i ai aa a. y aam aiaSt ara aaa sj aa ismss S-aa.-v kM-aa aw4 a-a waaaM aw aasaU ka ansa aaaa a. ana ia aa ta- - la- 'wast a AuH atSn aa k asaaas. a. an.t l.l..ntM u- aaat ait aMva ivw aaa. i- a aeal aaaSa ta asea t .a a-a- a as t $m-M aal smsi M Sa C-iLf 1 H w'ulIMlCU WW lit 15 I I a f j. it S Aim 01 LadlllaC 1 1 1 ' The bet t th owner of an automobile. If be Is not n satisfied owner he become u competitor," say the IocjI Cuilillac diatrlhuter, J. If. Ilaneen. "We ha had a remarkable busi ness till year, We b more than doubled th business of all of Inst yr, and are a little ahead of the averag of our best year in total turnover. "Our service department ! Installed to make antlafled owner. On a con test running from No iinlier to Christum morning, prize will he awarded to the miIchiiic:i who bilng in the greatest number of katlstled cus tomer are as follows: rirst prUe, an electric percolator with tray', sugar and creamer; second prize, a buffet set of bowl and candlesticks: third prUe, a rlgiir humidor. "Our dealr I to have every Cadil lac owner not only pletisej with his selection of a f'ndllbie, but o happy over hi dialing with our firm that be actually sell hi friends on the C.idlllnc cr and on our firm. To win a prize a salesman doe not have to sell new carl. New Chalmers Ultimate Design in Coach Type Latent Oralion of Chalmers Motor Corporation Is Thing of Beauty With Artistic Liner. For the first time in onialia, Peter son -Mlllard-lfnywurd, loml Chalmers dealer, is showing the new Chalmers HIX coach, the latest product of the Chalmers Motor Corporation, which Is offered as the ultimate design in the coach type. In grace and harmony of line, the coach inherit the characteristic beauty of other Chalmers models. From radiotor to spare wheel there Is no sharp break offensive to the eye. Lines seem to blend one Into the othr with natural sweep. Large side and rear window contribute to beauty, as well as offering clear view for all passengers. The exterior Is hand somely finished In rich maroon with black superstructure, and is made more attractive through tho use of steel disc wheels. A large trunk, mounted on tho rear, is a utseful ac cessory as well as a pleasing adorn ment. It is fitted with a dust proof cover; trunk bars protect the body. Notable features, which, it is claimed, will place the Chalmers Six coach to the forefront in closed car markets, offer convenience and com fort unusual in the conch type, Ex tremely wids doors, with front seats that fold and then tip forward, pro vide a means of easy entrance and exit. The driver's chair, when folded away, completely clears the steer ing wheel, a point that is given em- lla4.a ( Maaaa a' l. Tli Msg 7?. Antonio. ? I e-i!risK' .saw J .m m m A a - Jsasc. ' " -whin is itnisnsit. a a i a mi aa. I ms -a N-a sa,ai aa, aa4 aa The pawugeway from front' Phaal. to rear aeata la of generous size, and ample leg room is provided for rear conipaiimejit paager. The lody. 1'aelf, is said to be several Inches wider than that of any other car of the type, and will comfortably seat five fullgrown paeaenger. Ilitrdwar i of satin finish nlekul and upholstry I In full broadcloth. In addition th equipment comprises a wlndthlcld visor o constructed to carry off tain without plshlng th windshield, rear view mirror, dome light, parking light and windshield cleaner. Speclul care has been paid the windshield construction. It Is the double ventilating type but of original Chalmers design, and control ventila tion with tlm utmost efficiency. Kirmly set all around In a special frame, it is also water tight and luttl proof. Plant for D-A-C Auto Nearing Completion The plant of the t'etroit Air Cooled Cur company, Wayne, Mich., In which will be produced th I-A C car, I ,, rapidly being put m condition to' receive production equipment The first enlargement l now being built. ("(tlcea will be provided amplw1 spec on th second floor, permitting , lh entire ground floor spue of I. Cadillac Prices Reduced December First Special Low Prices Now on Good Renewed Cadillacs of All Styles J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co, Omaha Lincoln er--r-:, . JL il IT "avi f -sSS' ing on mansion and tiny home, on winding palm-lined river and the dignity of stone; caressing, with its welcome warmth, the gran vjur of ancient missions; revealing.with its bright rays, the modern conquests of commerce; smiling lazily at the whiz-zz-z of golf ball and the soft buzz oi thrown reel. For San Antonio happy contradiction!. Shoulder to khouldcr stand work and play; hand in hand walk the old and tha new. It's fascinating this mixture! The sportsman, the worker, all shake hands in sunny ntooio. A city tf beautiful park, vi busy strcvit, of active life; a portvlniu city, ttiih its golf, its niotort, it polo, its 4e fisliin' hutcV; a tity of quiint reminders of the long .i'-thit i Sin And'iik. -Tako the iiOaX( train ,ooum to vsunnu 6an Anfomo 7 a ef eiU4ie feet to be devoled to produc- I linn. V. J. IVuglily. piel'lnt ft V company, announce tht It l th expectation ti begin production Janu ary 1. Th embodying many Innova tion and patented features, bs rot only demonstrated it rtllciencv, but lH.-nu of It simplicity and accom plishment h become widely d: cussed. The demonstration car, equipped with th patented twin 3 alreooled motor, has been driven .,0t0 ml.ea, and has avera.ed 30 tulle per gallon of eiisollne, Tim 1AC llii Itvlude thre models: aluminum, fcd.m, roup and louring nr. Although a big, roomy and truly beautiful cir, it weigh .ni pounds less iiiol tin from 760 to 1,300 fewer parts than any other air cooled car. t T'e Omaha Bee "Want" Ad for Belter Ilesiilta ut Cost, Tele- phone ATlantic 1000 and ak for o pv anl" Ad taker. PRICKS Rl.pUCtD Men's lo nr IhrM pli- suit! srltnlillc.llv drsnsil an prtisW by Odorless Precis DRESHER BROS. 2217 taream Mtut Ttlrplionasi Omaha, ATlantic AS43 South Slit. MA rk.l OOM Order Your Cadillac Now Sioux City is the city of the locr of mk