I lt 1HK UMAIIA Hfct.: sSAi'UKUAi.. .NUVKMUKU 23. Fnlcml Control of Coal Continued Until January 1 I iifl Di-trilmtor !iihiU to IM.iin Of fir- Until Fir-t of Vcir at IcfUPt of 1'rrMiJrnt. tn-liirttion, Nn'. SI. Krdrrnl cfn Hoi .f t-in dl(rllutrn munt !? curt-tinii-'l until January 1, PrmiiMit lUrillnir tlod'lf'l ti)y. C, H. Hiwim fdi rl furl (lltriliiitnr, 'rallH fn the ytUU lit lo rlKn hl offVe, Imf, iifnr OlwuiMiitf lh Mlimllon, ho HCf'il to nniuin In iwrvlrs until Hint elm n. Th pri iliknt, It I uiidrmtood, i lwt to dc'-liir Urn twtriitnry during- hlih frirl control opwutu it an -nl nn January I. Iut prnM-r t lint hub clnKrfn of rontml must 'hni I rintlnu4 In force. Hy a vrl'-f cf orilri Imninl r ernily, tlio iBBt of which came out trduy n mi Mrawil hltuininoua cuil mliifi tiM-rjitor in the ilinirM went nt the MlnHlalppl from the nfcrmlty if rrportlnf prima, Mr. Hpfna hua re-lnx-l the orlKlnal rriculnMnii crmt4 tn limuro proper illmrlhutlnn of the i "il aiipply. In Hdilltlnn, (he gradi! iilly Iik i uliijt output of i-nal and the 'lUiinttty of atiM'ka In atore, Mr. Hprne hua anneuncvd, have rvlinvtd f-era of h nhiii luge, particularly of lilt iimlnoiia. Anttiiio lt', howvr, ha pimtntcl a mora anrloua problem In vlrw of tha piblnnsrd shutdown, due lo tha airlka and the impoaalhllity of lni rniHlnif output of mine. I'lidcrnl rontrol of fuel dlatrlbutlon mi fHlillnhd flepU-mlwr 22, under 'timrenfjr luiUlatlun, anj Mr. S-'iri !ma. ti.mil In Ink. ilmlir. of It. on the umtwamlmc thut ha would I fllli.urd to rnurit to liia m aa !-e ' prealiUrnt of tha riiloaio. Hurting I fn tjulhry railroad on November If condltlona warranted. '"Brother Charley" Mum on Johnson Plum Uin-oln. Nov. ft. IHpwIal.) "1 bave nothing to ay fur publication at thla time." That waa the tntmrut mad to day by Ciovernor-tlect Hryan In re gard to the announcement (hat the lata capltol cnninilmuon arrangrd In rt-cembrr, 1921, to employ Oorge l Johnaon, atute engineer, aa iiei-retary of the atate rupltol coinrnlHalnn at a .tliiry of I'p.OOO a year aftrr January 1. VtZi. Thla announcement liaa mide dcino rratlc onVeeelter howl with anger. Thy claim one of the beat blta of polltlcnl pie lit the atata table hue bran gobbM up by Johnaon. Johnaon 'a friend point out that be Im a man appointed ''y Governor Morebeiid, democriit, reappointed by (lovernnr Neville, democrat, and waa ao efficient In hie work that Governor Mck'elvle kept him on the Job throughout hla tenure of nfllce. Pun-hase of Midland Plant at Sioux City Mere Rumor Ituffiilo, N y., Nov. 24 fpecial Telegrom H-At Jacob JoM plant here offlclala thla ufternoon rtVilnreil that the report of the purchase of the Mid land concern of Hloux City waa nmrtly a rumor, but atnttd that official are In the weet looking over varloua pack ing eatabllehmenta. It la believed there la little or no likelihood that the Omaha plant would be tranaferrtd to Hloux City In event the Midland plant ehould be purchaaed. Juror Is Talkative Panel Is Disqualified Falla City, Neb., Nor. 24. (Special Telegram.) Indlarretlon on tha part of lolrt Itowmun, Juror, who dta ruaeml the media of the 110,000 cult Inetltiited by )irl'e I'ratnr agalnat lKctor l L. lluatead and Roy V Kouta for burna alleged to have been receded III X-ray treatment, led Die- trtd Judge J. H. Itaer to ttlaqualtfy tha entire Jury In the caae today. Judge Ilaper de'lared thla waa only the mrond luatauce In bla entire ra t e r of 17 y ara on the bench where he had to dlamlnf Jury on that ac count. The llmt Inat.mce occurred during the celebrated N'eale raae at Auburn a yar ago. The birgeet number of alilpa to puaa through the rnnama camil In on month waa 313 In October, 1922. MUSIC ROLLS Fit All Make of Flayers. Read this list of lata ones: thk fm:AK- lit 1,4 DHL. 4 MS TIKt.lMA VAKKKK DO0DLR T0(T. TOOT, TU0TSIK HOXI SM K hlSMUMv ALLEY Come in and hear them or take a selection home on approval Schmoller & Mueller ISM-Ifl-1 P;,- AT laarle iode t riano to. JM9 24 National Institution Jrvm Coast to Coast. aaMaHaaHMHBaaMaaaHMt TJi4 Stort ot tht Town" Our Windawg Tell An IntereKtinjf Story Clothes That Stand the Test Have you ever figured out that in the long run it's better to pay a little more for a good suit or an overcoat that will give satisfaction, than to pay less and get clothes which have only price to recom mend them? ' ' The Browning King & Co. label is a pledge of 100 value and a satisfaction guarantee. "Every favored fashion and fabric at a price you are willing to pay." Overcoat and Suit Special Overcoats Warm, stylish, serviceable, double-breasted, belted models with large storm collars. Hard finished wool ens. Specially priced at $2qoo, $2200 and $25 Suits Broken"' lines of this season's styles that sold from $30.00 to $50.00. Specially priced at For Service and Big Value- Boys' 2 Pants Suits Knickerbocker Style $io f Alt Wool Fine Pattern! Boys' and Children's Overcoats $1500 Handsome belted models. Nice variety of patterns. Boys' Blouses Collar attached and neckband, perral and madia weave. Unutually handiome pattern. 95c 'ST Boys' Underwear Globe Union Sui'n, heavy cntton ribbed, t 51 IT.. Wool I'nion SuiU at and Boys' School Stockings Heavy and Medium Weight Illack Storking, 23-S fr SI AM Llr o4 quality of white, tan and tla.-k, medium and heavy weight5f Men's Shirt Special Fancy and ttf hi stripes in per. rale and madrst Hi'avrs. 8 1 .-." frh for S3.M1 Men's Neckwear Special I'fo'nen line f rut :!! (o u r-l n.hmoU, tieautiful attern ant iolrtrins. Tie that Id up t I. ' $1.10 2 t or SLVOO We Are Agents for the famous Muaaer make hoaiery for bny. Medium and extra heavy weight cotton in hlack oniy-r4 orr. I.lnen tt and heel Men's Hosiery Special Full faahlaned fcilk and wool horary in new heather mlxturrs. 2 rrs. for $1.50 15tH anj Douglait Harry H. Abbott, Managtr 5 Three Groups of From Our Regular Cloth J Plush Coats $39.50 200 nigh Grade Cloth and Plush Coats Nearly every one fur trim med in high grade furs such as opossum, wolf, nutria and caracul. These arc all late modclH, blouse styles, side drape or straight lines All the pood winter shades; vn! ues to $59.00. NEW DRESSES $24.50 200 New Dresses In Cantons, crepe satins, crepe reneau, poirct twills and serges; in the latest styles and colors nurl all sizes in cluding stouts to size 52; very speciul. Coats for Girls, $15.00 tOO new coata for girls 6 to 16 year. Theae eoats are mada up In velours, polos and wool mixtures. Many with fur trimming, full lined, good warm comfortuble coats and a real value. Little Tots' Scarf Sets, 89c 10 down little tots' wool scarf and cap sets In pink, blue and white. For one day, Saturday 89 Fur Coats and Capes Taken Stocks at Quite Drastic Discounts It T TeM si kVI ..m "aw m W'MH, , 1,1 TVi i ibtl I 1 1 t i -i f n fi nfiifi li ir if Hudson Seal Coats $295 Hudson seal coals with squirrel collars ii nd cuffs; maiti-n collars and cuffs or all seal. French seal enpns, genuine Jap anese mink capes, caracul coats, rac coon coats; lengths HO, 40 and 45 inches; fur garments in this group worth up to $400. Fur Coats FOR $195 F u r Coats of S e a 1, Raccoon, Kolinsky, Mar mot. Capos of Real. Garments in this group worth up to $300 Fur Coats FOR $119 This lot consists of French Heal Coats, Russian Marmot Coats, Silver Op posum Coats, Rus sion Coney Coats and Muskrat Coats. Many with collars of Squirrel, Rac coon, Seal or srlf. Values in this croup worth up to $250.00. 100 Doz. Sateen Bloomers '1 100 dozen ladlos' and mltaca' bloomers In all the dark ahadca Juat received. Thene come In radium, Jcraeya and natlns. For Saturday only wa will have on pale an extra quality oateen bloomer In an extra full atyle. An enp6 clally well made garment In all the dark ahades. A real value. one clay sale- Juniors' and Girls' Dresses, $12.75 A new lot of girl,' misses' and Junior dreaie In Frencb nerge and wool crepe. Nifty style and very well mada. Very special for Saturday 912.75 School Dresses, $4.95 250 glrla' school dresses In navy wool serge and Jersey. Size S to 14. For Saturday only S 1.05 Jewelry and Silverware To accomodate our customers we will accept a part payment of f0 on Jewelry and Silverware and hold same until December 15. SILVERWARE A Bpeeial lot of Silverware in Bread Trays, Vases, Sandwich Trays, Cake Baskets, Silver Candle Sticks, Bud Vases, Smokers' Ash Trays, Humidors, Tray Sets, etc. ; in big spe cial lots,at 25c, 39, 50t?l up to 94.89 NEW JEWELRY SPECIALS A new lot of up-to-date Earrings on sale Sat urday, at, only 29? Second Lot at 59 Third Lot at -..75 Here & Jm ) t m Hello Children! I open ITayden Bros.' Fourth Floor Toylaud Satnrda; with myriads of Toys, Gamp and Dolls. Holiday Handkerchiefs Main m r Make your selection early. We have a wonderful assortment In fancy holiday boxes. 3 In each box, at 25, 30ft, 50, 75, ?1.00 Men's fine linen handkerchiefs, 35c quality at 25 COo quality at 39? 73c quality at , 50 Children's fancy silk handkerchiefs at 10f Children' plain white handkerchiefs at 5? 25c ladles' embroidered handkerchiefs at . ...19 Ladles fine linen, both machine and band embroid ered at 25, 35t, 50 and 75 Hand embroidered Madeira at 50, 75. 81.00 nd 1.50. Hair Brushes. Mirrors, Etc. Sample line of Ivory and Shell Finished Hand Mirrors, Hair Brushes, Trays and Combs Satur day. Less Than Half-Price A Splendid Line All Perfeet Goods. Ivory and Shell Finished Hand Mirrors nt 75c, $1, SI. 75, $2, $3 Kepular Values, $1. to Hair Hrnhcs ut -85c, $1.00, S1.50 Values, f!.." to 0 Trays, SI. 50 lo S1.75 Values, sjs'MK) to x: A ipeeia! lot f fA A-!i Travs nt 125c each. SW Winter Winery? Just Arrived For Thanksgiving Special Offering, Wonderful Values mm if 1 '42 $72 58 WAlA,) Largest and best selections. Gold and 'kVtn!.V lies in new styles that have come fron Pans and New York. W9 Children's Hats $1.95 r w i 1 mvkmi in r I ! 1 IU if r in Unusual variety of becom ing styles and colore ca- lore, Saturday bring the ,Vi(srT l.t'JJi A- TT J--l J.-.X V K Kuuurs 10 xiayaen s. Toilet Goods The best goods for the least price. Only standard prepara tions. A big special sale on the fa mous Hudnut's products: Iludnut's Gardenia Face Pow dcr for 89 Iludnut's Three Flower Face Powder for 65 Iludnut's Vanishing Cream, at only 43 Iludnut's Brilliantine ..43 Hudnutj Talcum Powder, at only S9? Iludnut's Assorted Toilet Wa ters for 91.25 Iludnut's Marvelous Cold Cream, largo 89 Iludnut's Marvelous Cold (Vi'am, small -13 Audnut's Assorted Toilet Wa tors for S9 MelU Hrilliantine 39? Melha Skin Massage... .39 Melba Greascless Cream, 39 Arniand's Col J Cream Pow. dor for 89C IVbrro Tooth Paste. .. .35C Dairgetfa i KanistU-lPi Cob! Oam fur 39c Hin.J'a Homy and Almond (Vain for 3.V Lavoris for 33C PivprVAiurra, I. Trefle and Floravm Fa Powders, af only ?.)C Striking Reductions in Most Desirable Wall Paper 1t -t (ii. In I l I. tll - . 12k I'nt Ut l U Mm i .ft r H"., K J Ir I W, ! I. i 1.. . I .fkiu4 irJrwt rr - In . Umi M iil t ''.!., !, ua ,iri, rw. - tc i. t S. it (M Butter and Eggs at Very Remarkable Savings Saturday larg W.I 11 Stm fitt Kr.it. ft urt . ft l I.'if i rtfliM T.ri.ja HiiMr r i. ... ! rvtt Si :: r I'-itur, S5 l'i'4.ri4 !, ....... .i tMM.ni!iw, tw . .. ;t Niini o;-iif !. l We Pay the Highest Market Price for Freah Produce of All Kinds. 2