10 THE OMAHA iJKK: FRIDAY, XOVEMBEI. 21. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain I car U jjr cent 1 rtr fhlppr' Omalia, Nov. ;i. Fortisn uliwi cables again lower, cftuuntf a setback In our prices ,0 th early dealing. On tha decline report t rxpurt bunlnees ilnne con. iiitlnc ft MiinltuU wheat lo Europe n1 corn lo go to Holland and aUo it wae euld a cr.nferenr waa belli hM at New York an1 Washington to riiiam-a tha exportation ot fou-l o Ku rope nnil rloa rullM enmewhut. li-o-mrntlu flour enles were Bald to be l.rlek nt there we a good demand from tha wrel fir corn. It-crlpia at (muiha intnled J3 care of ull klmla of grain aa rt rnonrej with 11 iitra 1. 1 Mt inr. Totiil shipments era 7 cum Huainat 14 cars a. year There win a fair ili..iiiil for raah lniit at the going I'rk'ca on the Oina iitt ex'-iiiu.jfii anil aahn wi is mtirle at t to 2 rents lower for tha ordinary, he .lark brlnglne shout tha iimi prices a eaterday. Com wa un :hnrel to 1 rent lower. Oata were 12o lower. P.y was quoted 1 to 1 cents lower and barley 1-2 to I cent lower. WHFAT. No. 1 ilarlc tianl: 1 rar, II 21. N, 1 iWa l.aril: I rar (amutl)'), It flj t or, II J"; t " It 1 ra. Il ll; J ear. 11.17; I csr (mint)'). 11.17. No. 1 hard : 1 r, 11.21 i X -,r. (sniult!. II II; t rsrs, 11.11; 1 cr, fl.li. No. 4 !rU lisnl ejiel. 91-17. No. 1 hur't win! aelelital. 1114. Na 8 hard winter: 1 rar, fl.ltls: I tar. 11161 I rr, 11.14: I car, 11.11: rs, II IJ; 14 rsrs, 11.11: 1 far (inuu), ; 14; I iata lamutty). It If' lo. I Imr.l winter: : rets, II. Hi 1 fr, tl H; I ir idl lr cut dark), 11.14; t ir, II 11: 3 rs, 11.12; ara, 11.11; i rar (aim.?))). 11.16; I rar (nry amutty), II 14. N.i. 4 Irnril elMer: 1 rar (smutty), II li. Nu. I lisnt winter: I nr, 1105: 1 rar S rr r.nt rrj. II ft; 1 rar, II 07; I . ar. II m. Mmi.le hard winter: t car, (live ee vlia), li. n: 1 rar (J per eni ry, 11.11; 1 car,, till; I rar 3 4 Pr rnt hest lamarit, 11.02; 1 isr l I r cent heat laitisiieil, llv weevils), lie. No. i yellnw hard: 1 rar. It .11. No. 1 sprln: 1 far (dark, sperlal bill Inert. II. 17; 1 ft (dark), 11.21. No. 1 mixed: 1 rar (smullyj, II.Ji 1 car, ft. St. No. 1 mixed: 1 iar, 11.03; 1 rar, II OS; I rar. II 01 Kaniple mixed: 1 car (durum). lie. 1-X rar, Me. No. ! durum: t rare, II 0t. Hainpl durum: 1 rar, flu. IKUIN. No. t white; J rara, 17 Vic (shipper a weiKhte). Nu. I whlir: I rar, tHc (17 per eenl mniaiure, ehlppcr'a welfhia). No. ellu: 1 car. 70Vjo (ahippere nrlehta). No, 2 yellow: 1 rar. It k (apa'-lal blll :r; 2 rara, Ilt (auerlal hilling); 1 car. :io (apeclal Mlllnu); I car. 7t',o (apeilnl MlllriK); I car, 7uS (ahlppefe welghte). I rar, 7n'4r, No. I yellow: rara, SV4; 1 care, lc (17 per rrnt umlaturet. No. 1 mixed: 1 r, 7'lc (apecial billing). No. 2 mixed: 1 'r, 71r (apai-lal bllllnx); 1 rar, 70'o (apeilal blllliiif); 1 car, tunic (apecial billing); 1 car. (i4c (apecial blll 1 ti ar ; t cara, lic; 1 cur, tic; 1 car. 47 'in (ehlpper', weigh!,); 1 car, C7c (ahlpper'a welxhta). Nu. I mixed: 1 car, tM,0 (aparlal bill- ir""- OAT9. No. I white: T rara, 41 (ic: 6 core, 41c. No. I white: 1 car, 4H4e (apiclal blll ir.g). nYK. No. 1: 1 car. Ic. No. 2: 0 trara, Sic. ' No. 4 rara, am-. 8ampl: 1 cor, 13c. haht,v:t. No. I; S-S rar. sc. OMAHA UECEIPTU AND SHIPMENTS. (l anota i Chicago Grain Live Stock Financial Br JHAKIJiH p. MKMAF.I-S Oanaae Be laaed Wit. I'h ((), Nov. :i. leplta report that confereneea were linr held with lew of financing purchaeea of aur. plua aKnlcullural product In America and the Introduction of a bill Into the houea of repreaentutlvea to create a 10i),000,lr0 corporation t't handle farm producta, the rHln nwrketa ehowed an enay undertone a, eood inrt of the day and the flnlxli wax ttlc lower on wheat. Corn u un (hanged to lie lower, oata unchanKed to ,c lower and rye HWo lower, Tha nioht effective buy In a wae by houeoa that old freely on tho bull!" Itefeipia eie: OffirUI Iui.1m . . , , Ofd.'lal Tucaday. . . . 0((lr, Cvdiiralu , r.atlmat ThuraUa). I our Uava IMe k. Iani data lat rt. ham : ka. aiu... aaina J wla. aeo. uinaha. Nov. ii. I aide. Mcaa. Mheeit l 7J ." ,2 tilO ?J 4 ..:.;u .4U.I44 ltnie Uaya year a(" I. ill n.ui II. Ml 4 ion 4., In :t no sa.iis ;a i:'. 20.HJ 14 lit 14 -l U.: a in, ll.ll'i 4( (lo 4i.77 ill 124 CattleHerelple, S.auO he,. I. ( aula UP pile, vere tha ainallaat r.r Tliurmlay 111 many waeka and prtcea aiiowrd another uneven ailvanr of moaily innic on ail kllltlig aieera and cua. rholc, aterr, ere larktiig. Whila the market haa ) gi.intl eoin of (be deiMii noie.l early III III week, aleer prtiea ai ellll ff.v nr mora below a week eo. ami If h)lhli, f.pe are Utile lower for (he week Feedera eie atrimg aguin tmlay. Tor the oeek aooil oina me i i rr J hiil.ri and the prevloim day, but the rank and: Q0,,i,ot,, ,.,(,!. t'hoir. i0 prim. rieevia. Ill iill 2..; good to choice heavea. It 00( IU.J4; fnlr to gond I'Hevee, Tlei'elpta Vhat 'orn 'la la lye .larley Khlpmenta 'Vh.-al !nrn lata live (5rley Today. . ,,r.'7 ... 4 ... 2 ... 1 ... I ...St ... 27 ... ... 6 1 Weel Ago, it 77 44 14 7 7S If. 5 6 0 Tear Ago. : 7 i 1 Hi :o 1 0 1 PHIMART liKCKlPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (uuxneia.) Receipt 'Vheat 1,837.000 1.219. 010 ;0rn S45.000 747,000 ,jat 772,000 711,000 Hhlpmente Vheat 1,041,0110 1,052.000 orn 424.000 H4.000 lata 630.0HO lis, 000 fcXPOHT CLEARANCEel. Flour 4:16.000 IS5.000 1H.OO0 CHICAGO RKCK1PT3. (I'arlota. ) Today. WU Ago. VrAgo. 43 21 164 127 12 1 Holiday. KANSAS riTT ISECE1PTS. (Carlota. ) Todiy. W'kAgo. T'rAgo. 15S 14.'. 20 lli 48 Thest, orn , Oata . Wheat '"orn , Oata Wheat '.'orn . 1 .m a Holiday. ST. I.CU'Irl RKCUIFTS. (I'nrlnta ) Today. W'U Ago. T'r Ago. 3 1U 4(1 43 34 43 Wheat .... '.'orn ...... Oale Holldiiy. NOHTIiWKSTKR.V WHEAT RECEIPTS. (Carlota.) Todny. W'k Ago. T'r Ago. Mlnneapohe 2S 241 mluih :2 1 (t iVtnnlpeg is.'j j;4j Holiday. . filet of trader had a rather beurlnh view of the generul wheat lttiutl(jn Htitl with a light out"ld trade the nutr ket wna inxlly Influenced, Scattered liquidation waa In evidence In the De cember at time, and It cloaed Hie over May. mnteg Kxperl Mualaeae gtrength In foreign exchange end tha break In future facilitated export bual Dae and liberal of Manltobae w,ra made la the conl nent with Orrmanv buy log for laat half of November and all December ahlpment, A fair trad wa, on at the gulf In American hard winter,. eftnneapolle reported a better demand for flour while at Kml cily around 3111) cara of wheat were carried over unaold and price there were unchanged to 2c lower. t orn allowed mnelderabl reaietanre 10 preaaure and while liecember declined to about (ha eame priee aa the May at the laat under aelllng l.y longa end changing over to the deferred delivery by eommla alon houee there waa aufftrlant In the newe lo prevent any decided bearlah deni onatratlona. Nouthern and veatern de matid for aah corn remalna fairly good end New orleana outbid Chicago and fit. txiiila In Prie of llllnola. (ifferlng, on apol ter were readily abeorhed with ,ale. or 400,000 bu,liela to exporter, nenelpta, 171 car. Cine et Bottom. rah houee wer moderate buyer, of fiereiuher owla and conimleelon houar. took (he May but when other grain weak one.! local trader, ,"!'! freely, and the cloae wa at the bottom, Iiomeetlo ahlii. ping dvniand fair wtih ealea of 226,000 buahela. Kerelpta. 101 i-ai. Northweatern Intereat wore peratatent ellrra of rye future, while local raah houae and the aen board were on tti buy ing aide. Premium, at Haltlmore wer off He, at 12c over December, track there. There wae talk of aalee of 2no.ooo huahela for export, but the aeaboard failed to con firm the huilneea. Northweatern murketa receivea ivi care. Pit Note. A great deal of ellng by long, w, on In ell grain with no evidence of aupport from the leadera who have bean credited wlftt buying on ell breek. ' f'loa ob aereiT aula th Indlcailon were that price might ear aomewhat and a larger abort lniereet would be created before value would advance aharply and hold tn gulp. Trader who hv hetn favorable to blither price, aald at the cloae that they aw nothing on which to change to theaa milling aide and that tlecllne will b. only t.'mporary. Trade In ell grain waa light and mainly local with atronger leaning toward the hear aid on th be lief that x.11 bull new hae been worked out for the preaent and I lot I the market, scied tired. Cotton woe advnnced at the laat on a noncuruTlrmed report that a loan ot S0O,- oou.oog wa to be mane uermear with which to buy cotton. The Uarmtn gov ernment ha recently aeked for a loan, but it lia not been granted. (Torn trader, ld there wae evidence of nulet liquidation by longa, and a fair ilzed line of May wa aold at th laat by Joe Krhriner. Bo far aa known none of the Inrger long, did any aelllng of conaequenc. IXiluth wa a heavy aeller of May rye a mil net raah holding while the aeaboard did the bulk of th buying. Indication, are that there will be fair dellverle, of rneh rv next month and some December holder are changing to May ft l'e pr vnlum. The United Kingdom wa reported In the rrmrket for durum wheat et the aeaboard unlay but no wile, wer made. It la aald tha' premium on durum have advanced 7c per buahcl In th peat 10 day, and e fairly liberal bualnea ha been put through of lale ao that eom exporter have Utile unaold grain on hand, A reduction of 1o a buehel on corn vie barge from St. I,oul, to New Orleana en fcblio corn buyer, to Invade Chicago terrl tcry In central Illloot, today and pay 1140 more' per buahcl for corn than Chicago buyer. Tnjla Is expected to take consider able corn from central lillnoi aouth. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike drain Co. 10. S427. Nov. 23. Art. Open, j High. I Low. I Clo. I Yea. Wht. Dee, May July Rye Dec. May Cern Deo. May July Oafe Deo. May Jul! Lard Jan. May mil, Jan. May 1.11 1.1'4 1.10, l.llWjl, 1.BI4 1.07 .17 1 .1H .aiVi 70S .71 .70 .70 .SIS 1.11 V.n'vi 1.08 ii .17 ".si' .71 '.ioii ".ii'li I I I .4.1 ; I .41 '. .42' . I .421. .3,,,, i; lo.io I I 10 I 45 ( .43 HI .511,1 110.03 j 10.22 4 10 I 45 1.17 V.07 ".iiii .70i' ".iii, ".ii'vi I .42. . . . . I 43V; .iiief tie 10.10 40 1.45 l.lH 1.174, 1.16ti 1.16 1.07 I .17 ". . . .1 . . I ,70'i ".70: .70(41 .61! .09 1.11 1.18V 1.16 116 1.08 1.01 .17 ".mi .87 .70 ".70 .70 49 .42 .43 .42 '.59 I . ii a os 110.23 ! 4S I I 4S .1 .43 '".42 ".89 1.97 10.20 75 I 61 Mew Vorlt 4'otlon. N"W York. Nov, :i. The lemtenry we unril afier early Irregularity in the coiton markit indiiy. Price niov.mente did not eacced li point. In either .Ilrw Hon In the firat couple of bourn, th Hal neing at time, under arattereit Wall atrtet tni, comtniaaton hou deniHitd, hut alump laier In the (ce (,f further long preaaure and a little southern preaaure. Aa bueinos piogrrese.! the mark. t im proved lie position roti,itlrao!y and with renewed demand from (ha trade end local hull liil,rs'a loosed 2t) t 3 point, over leet Bthla close. On the advance i.ervnua ahorte cohered and in market turn. I niore artli'V. In Ihe leal hour the melket waa q.illler and toward th close eased off eiighily from li (..p. at which levet It wa nmre thae 4 poini net high e tr .ri Instances. Th cl.vse ws gen erally firm 1 emcg. 11 to Jl puinta est tigher. Kansas City Ormln. Kansa, t'lty, Mo., Nov. 21 Wheat r'aslt: No. 2 hard, 1.HJ1.20; No. i red. 11 lofl.2t. I'orn Vq. I white, 72e; No. 3 yellow, 7f 73r. Hay Market ,tead to It higher: No. 1 timothy. Ill.totf 11.50; clover, mixed, light. 1S SO. Kansas city. Nov. S3 Wheat tlecem her. 1101 split aeked; May. 11,01; July. II .' split bid. ( 'orn December, Je epllt eaked: May, lie aplit bid; July, ? apllt a.l,J. 17.10'tfloo; cimni"n to lair beeve. II. 7(4 lli; clinic to prim .'sr lings. ll.2liK Nr.W MIK TIMK!, limelia Hee I eased H ire. New York, Nov. SJ Willi all mar ket moving more or ! uncertainly even the etoi k market rt-ijauiliia be for the i lose. inuMt cf the srouiid lout In an curly downward movement ri'iliao the most liitcreHting Inciilcnt nit the? ii'laxalluii In thu demand for rritillt, NlioA'n hy the federal nwrvi, It lit well I. now n that tha tiiiililln of N'ovetiiliui' iilwaye murke the l.irnn In teilur eetllfinent for firet hand nu tunin trade mid lnduntry. For that rruwn t lit money nmrkct'e u". It lull I'.i'iitvs) winlcr uft'T that ilutc, even In o to'ii-Min of exceptionally iicllvo trade. The clliiiiix of the elraln on ciedll f.irllitii-H in the markeia of l'.: waa liiieneil on Novi.-mlicr la; niniiey intta thert-Hfti-r went etcadily down, call New York Bonds U0O; good to choir yearlings. i , ,, . u.u lale to good yearlloga, IJ.2C4r.0(i; " ' " ' " II. 0 common t fair yeailinga. I'.. Duai7 ou good to choice ffras bueve. 6.L0ip7.2l; fair to good grass breves, 5.fc0i 6.a(; common to fair eras hreve. 14.00 uv&. 2s Mexluane, I4 0044.7; good to choir grass lielfera, ta"n.lb; fair to good grsss neners, tvu(v2; choice (o prim rsss row, l4.7StM.I0; good to choir grsa cow. f4.eoe4.ui rair to gooa graa cow, 13 Istyl I't; ronunoii to fair grass cows. I. 3l4f.ie; good to chi.lce feeders, lli'itf 7.00; fair to good feeder. I j.4(i6.26i common to fair fi.eder, 14 00 ft 1.26; good to rholo atockere, I1.6'J7 2J; fair to good st'icker, II &0t4 2ft; common to fntr stock!, 4.2f.a.t!; atock heifers, 13.10(1 J.no; stock eo. 12.7501 j.eo; slock c vea, 111097 10; veal calves, 1 4. 0 (J 8 1 0,1)0 ; bulls, taga. lc, 3. 000 1 80. Hogs Receipts, 4,100 h"ad. There wa, g good deinsnd from both shippers and packer today and trailing was fairly ac tive at (eady to )0e higher prices. I.igli' hog and buleher sold largely at I7.24V 7.4i, with top price of IT Oil Mixed l"'l. old at 7tt7.2l and pscklng grades laigely et !.,(. 73. Hulk of sale wa I7O0&7.4O. e. Sheep Receipts. 6.300 h.Td. Although the-aupply wa comparatively light, trad ing was alow nt price ruling mostly I.'. P Jlo lower. Fed wooled Units made up the bulk of the offerings aod Hold largely at H3.2Si4ll.il6. One lot of fed. clipped lamb old at 112.1a. Feeder wer slow, with price ruling v.-eak to lower. Krnsll lot of aliaep were unevenly lower, bulk moving at a decline of gSo, best ewe, of fered aold at 00. yearllnga 111.60 and wethers 8.(0. ijuotatlons on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, 113 town. 75: fat lamb,, f dr to good, I3.00i$13 60; fed clipped In nil A, 112. (Mife 12.1..; reeding lambs. IJ.00I3 ,2f.; yearllngn. I0.50 12 On; wethers, 17.50V 1.25; fat awes, light, 14.001(7.00; fat w, heavy, 13.601.00. Ml 1.AM11B. No. 71 fed 101 fed 101 f':d 21 fed CMP I.AMflH. "fat 'few Ki.'' A. Pr. 75 11350 II 13.60 71 13.10 ;u oo Chicago Livestock. t.'hlrago, Nov. 23. Cattle Receipt 14,- 000 head; general steer trade aiuady to Ktrong; apot, higher on hotter grade hurt-fed: matured s(e.ra, I2 0ii; part load yearllnga, 112.65; bulk native steers, 17.7(10 00; bulk western grnssers, .i.50 fi'6 60; ahe-atork fairly active, steady ; bulla, alow; veal calves, mostly 2So lower; lockers and feeders weak to 2fitr lower; hulk ranners. 12. 1 w J.00; hulk tokre end feeder, j. 75476.60; bulk veil I calves. IS. 00 1?8.50. Hog Receipt,. ,ouo nean; marKci strong, ateady to unevenly higher than Vednesday best; closing 10c higher than Wednesday's close: bulk, 170 to 210 pound avrag, I7.rtf 7.7G; good end choice 225 to 200 pound Dulcliers. si.suwi ; top, 17 10: choice heavies held higher st the close: bulk packing sows, I7.0ii7.26; de sirable pig' around 18.00; estimated hold over. 11,000 head. Biieep and l.amba Receipt, is.ooo head; fat lamb weak to lie lower; lop, 114(5 to parKere ami snippers; ouin, 114. 2614.60; culls, 1 1 1.00 1 1.60. gener ally: summer shorn 76 pound fed lamb, 113.00: two loads fresh clipped, 112.75, averaging 71 pounds; feeders In good sup ply, few morning sales around steady: de sirable 16 pound fed yearling wether. 112.00; ome averaging loo pounus, eii.uu; sheep, weak; heavy fat ewes, in.OOWd.ou-, lighter weight upwarct to n.ou. f ! St. Iuli Livestock. v.mml St. I.ouls. 111.. Nov. 23 Cattle Roeeiots. 4.000 head: beef steer,, steady; few here: quality common nd medium; some. 6.5ioi8.2S: light yearlings, steady; heifer " tending lower: good and cholio light veal calvr. 25o lower; nuni, inciuu- ing top, I8.00ful.25; oilier classes anoui stedy; cows .ergely 13. 765.00: bulk can- ners, 3.C02.7&; Bologna nuns, tt.wv 4.2s- . . . Hoga Receipts, is.ano neao: sicauy m 6c lower; moat docllno on butcher nogs, 10 pounds end up; top, 18.00, paid for light lights; top, butcher hogs, 17.80; bulk 160 His. and up. 17. 70n. no; ngnt ngnis, I7.IOQi8.00; pigs, S.l)04r8.U; few plga up to I8 60; packer aow, wek to 10c low- bulk, l.7S. Sheep end Lambs Receipts, 2.000 head: generally teady, 25c to 60c lower on lambs; one load to city butcher. 114.40; packer top, 113 75; bulk fat lambs, 113.00 (W13.76: fat light ewe. 2(.o lower; uum, IS. 60; heavies, 25c to 60o lower; bulk. 4. 00-JI5 00. Sioux City Live Wtock. :oux City, la.. Nov. 23. Cottle Re ceipts, S.OOO head; market steady; goou fed steors and yearllnga. tlo.000 12.26; warmed up sleera and yearling. Is. 0AM 1.00: eras cows and heifers, 1 3. 50 to 5. 60, fat cows and heifer. I4noas.00; canneis 2 00ffl2.5i; vca'.a, 4.o.ne; reeuers. I6.001i6.60: calvia, 40nM7.00. feeding cowa and heifers, I2.75fc4.0u; stotkers, 14 mtfffi -5. Hogs Receipts s.nou neau: mnraei tu.) vto strong: butchers. li-low 7. fill top. 17.60: packers, lfi.75W7.75; stage, 6.25 8 4 60; bulk, 47.oow7.i-o. Hlieep ana i.amoa r-eceipis. i.umu nc.u, market steady. ffure. III 11,, e nnnl t,, tlvn nn,l elv tn.inth'u dlNcotiute from i to 6. Reilurllon Kevnrted. tn the asy money market of the prea ent ensnn, tha relss'ition will hsrdly b measured In actual change of rates. Hut today's reserve statement reported reduc tion fur the week of I3l.6nu,000 In re. In. counted bills and of :l.Hoool) In not ctreuiatlon. The week's reduction of losns follows sn uninterrupted Increase of IIS3.4HO.000 between October It and a Week ego. ll'ith that Increna and th paat week'a report on (which la likely to continue) kre In line wllh th normal movement of Ihe sesson. Th pen. ling release of credit doubtless fore.hadows more comfortable conditions In inaiksts where value, had been llaturbd by withdrawal of funds for autumn business "tlvltlj-s. Today's stock market opened Irregular and uncertain, (hen begun to decline under "bear preaaure" nrd sole by disappoint."! speculators for th rise. Thl pressure waa applied most vigorously to the rsll wsy shares, some of which had fallen by inlil. lay 2 tv f point from Weilne. day' closings. Jteeotery Toward ( lose-. The laler hours were mostly given up to active, repurfhsscs. largely to ev. speculative sales for the decline, and th resiinani recovery brought the asm storkn 1 to 3 point above th earlier price. The recovery wa by no mean uniform throughout (h market, but th bar' " treme:y Irrrgu- Apparently (h attarlc nn the railway shares was baaed on th talk, which ha been mors or less general, to the effect that th "rallies)," alerted to congress November 7 will pull the transportation ct to pieces, Very possibly, some of their lesder mean to try to do so. Movement of foreign exchange rsteg was narrow and th change unimportant. New York Quotations Range of price of th leading storks furnished by Logan A Uryan, J(S Peter Trust building: RAILROADS. Wed tugh. J,nw. Close, cio.e. ..loo 100 JOIU ..41 40 41 41 Ti ..140 140 Itoy, J40 . , ili t;4 . , ; 82 .,10 106 .. 18 17 .. 62'i .. 16 .. 21' .. 76 . . 13 , . 46 A T A ft P.,.. Halt Ohio ... Can Pacific ... N Y Central .. Che & Ohio . . (It Northern ... Ill Central .... K C Hoiithern , Lehigh Volley , Mo Pacific N T Ar. S II ... Nor Pacific ... Chi & N W ... Penn H R Roading C Jt I & P Hou Pacific ... fou Hallway , Chi M & Ht p.. Union Pacific . 'II 11 6 06 84 H4 I"1H J"a 18 1,2 16 21 76 82 46 76 22 81 21 24 17 61 15 20 77 83 46 76 22 81 53 24 1 I 15 20 74 81 46 ... 7 0 74 . .. 22 SI ... 89 88 ... fl 21 ...24 ?3 ...140 13S I, 1-91. 11. Hi STEKI.S. Amer Car Fdry ..177 176 lit it. AMls-Chalmer ,., 42 40 .42 4IW Amer Loco !20-i 1I3U IL'dti emu bald. Lomotfve ...122. 1197 istiti i?ii Bethlehem Kteel S5'i ea. iiu cr.u I'nl, Ifl B. t M... ..7 .... v.,.. r ec iruo ., zoti Crucible 64 Amer Steel Fdry 43 Laeka Steel 77 Mldvale filcel ... 21 Pressed Steel Car 78 Itepuh S (t iron 47 Rail HteerHra 110 64 2 64 42 77 30 77 46 64 42 77 31 47 Hloas.ffchcf. U H 81 eel Vanadium Mex ticaboard , Anaconda. ..... Am 8 A R Co. Cerro Do Pasco Chili Chino Green Cananea. Inspiration .... Kcnneoott .... Miami Nev. Coneol..., Ray Centol,.,. Heneca I'tali 24 2 42 77 .10 77 41 110 110 111) ...103 102 103 103 ...103 102 103 103 ... 33 31 31 31 V4 ...16 15 5 'ea 16 CUPPKK3. 46 45 60 38 25 i 23 23 32 30 26 14 12 74 7 69 lakais Klerks Rase ef Ml. .. ( the les.lii ChUsgo kS ftrlhe4 br I M Hl4n. SI4 I'slsr Tiu.t bulbl, ng. ("... t.n.Mue a Cs tl . ,..t,n.ni.l M..t,.r U trl V..., ,,,,, tlsrtman, . t. I I, ! I t VI .,..!.,) .W ...1 . ! V.rnH.I lmtt ie-t I .,,.,....,. , c ep V. t. . ell o,r .( i Ir win 1st , , I 1 ' , - ,. , I w,k , 1 f !'. IU Xlenewpolia (.rale. Minn. spoil.. Nov 21 Wheel Vo. 1 northern. II II it 1.21 ; Drsmber, 11.17 ; May, II 15. Core, No, I yellow, Tl(J7e. 1 vats-No I whit, ll'.UU'.e tlsrler i tf ! HveNo. J, llltre l :x Na. I. i 4447 4S. Xtawt thy Use HI, a. Ksnss I'm, Mo. Nee. 21 (I'sileJ Stales I'ettertmenl ef Agriculture ) Cat tle Receipt, t. e.e.4. market 'i bulk rue pis we.lem graaeof. medium bef si sets a4 i.srilnss, ir se. fee-te., a;! gi,le se. r s-..ue.l 'ml': belt beef steer evir.. Hii: te h-KI Ui grs4e, h k ers. 1)11 : cane toe mtl . r l.'sStilfl: b-. . buc serai ) iritt f..u. let'!. New W.,... ,ns.e iitii, l.'ll; fee veal, tail. ftbu Its It' - H- .pis II heat; eeaikat ae tt.e. li:tte ms.set .a-i 1 lteeg, l .ee enais.t )! ,-.,. aVe. I. I. " t-e lay. I' . , (,(,i . lit ;'i it ... I' net it. ... . i. 1 -v.a.i., I'j,ai4 1 a el -a. II lit It. 9'sJy I I K : b a w s e It T I t eisa 4 IMI I' llll), few et It 1 1 K..... ..-.ir.s (.. 4 best .'. t N. Y. Curb Bonds New Torli. Nov. 23. Transaction on the New Tork curb market today wer fol lu : Itvmeette. 4 Allied Packer .. 7.' 7( 74 Allied Packer . 7 i k.' 6 Alum 7 1113 ....104 106i, 1U4 Am Cot till .. 16 l 7 Am 6 4Kb 7 int. ; 11 Am Rep Coup s.. 8 II Am 7 4 7b 1134.101 10 lo I Anaconda C.p i,a..luii 10 lm I Ant-Am (Ml 7 .11 V3 l"t ,21 Armour A Co 7s ,.l4 lu4 l'i( . i Ail O A W f is.. M 11 l 14 Hem St 7 1133. .I"J 1( 104 I l.eih Hi 7s ltJi..l".' l"-'S, 1113 I n Nai Ry . ;a.ll im 11" I Can Nsi Ky I ... II II Can Pat-ire ...101 HI l'H ) Cent Mieei It H'4 I"t )i 1 char oal Iron la . . 1 i It 2 Cllle Here 7 "C ' lt' 14 14 I I Hie berv 7s l . ! 11 tl'x I Con Us licit t't SS II 7 1 o). Kte A ;4il 1t li 1 Cubsa Tel 7, ...l ! I4 4 t'.t a c .. ...ie; l"i l: 14 Dele 1 11) lis s )e'4 -e lnet4 I lei lji.t Hi ,,!, I" 3 tlslee g ! 7111 I, 1", IH, 7 l.r lionk , . I-4 1-4 l( 4 1.0'f ml t, ... 191 ("'H tJ' 14 Meek Vsll.y . t l'i'(, . iiee n r it .1 41 tntee H T vf II Kx O ti l. j sin In f Is 3 K.o I. li a t .1 Oencrnl Asphalt., t.oaacn Cal. Petena Invincible Oil .. Mexican Peierol Middle State, .. Pacific oil Pan-American ,, Phillips Pierce Oil Pure Oil Royal Dutch . . Sinclair Oil .... Standard Oil, N. J.U7 Tela Co 46 t'nlon Oil in AVhlt Oil 4 MOTORS. Chandler 60 f 'icnei'iil Motors. Willys-Overland Pierre-Arrow ,. White Motor .. Bludebaker 62 29 26 24 24 32 31 25 "i 14 13 8 61 OILS. 40 40 .. 47 ,M( ,.20"fl .. 11 .. 44 .. 81 .. 41 .. 4 .. 28 .. 63 3! 38 45 46 13 203 11 42 79 40 4 27 62 30 195 45 3 4 4 46 60 39 26 23 24 32 31 2.'. H 12 7 60 39 44 46 13 206 11 43 81 41 4 27 63 '.I 46 62 26 4 23 33 31 25 13 13 CO 39 46 47 14 2(l 11 44 81 41 4 27 63 31 195 195 46 46 14 4 15 4 69 14 6 11 48 ,123'4, 121 '4 W3i 121 RURBKll AND TIRES. II II 14 5 10 14 6 10 60 H 5 10 r!'4 . 27 .12'.' . 73 . 34 . 13 . t: nu . 90 .171 . Ill', IS 21 24 26 ' it 1 .... a 1 -IS ft S ' ll.S Is .1"' I 'I IH w ewe. tei V,. ." t . li, h .1 tw .. . . ,.,.! 4 ll. I "" ". ! SI U.JI .. , I fll.., is.es . tn"i 11.MI hum Usee; 1st I I tsll log..; I tl. Lie S ! I vi !' a r 1 l-v I-.-1, l-i t( Sal A 1 e .. , tl , tl , tl , .!t le.ib.e is t-l l'l. It ,1...,! w, .... ..,.4 el .'t-,l .-..- I. I 4', ,e '(!!, 1 I 1 te ase tw .'4 l. 4 41, a, t. si. 4 t t -. . i - " ( J .. 1. . t, at "e l l.ee..4 4 1 - lit eeae ' e--t-l f .!, .,',. I. i.i.i.. 4 r.ai.4 ' l.s.fc. ) . Se - I .4 im i..... , e ssi te . - l-,-ie 1 el m .. 1 . . ! i.t te...g l. ft.!. I be.!, -,s.l. I I I .1 t It ! t ,. r ., -.. ..e-s t.l l.lwv. l-e-.,... tl., t t- si IV .1 ... 141- J. I 't- t . l- '' 1 '. 4 1. sal -- I ,,,'.( c . a . I l l I.e. I S I sees I It rl Ml .' WO - t!-l tl i-' 1 - t 1. ?., s-, t-,t'S tt..e4 It 1 4 t . a 1 ; , .4 4 ftM4 s a -. , e) -. ' IIMIIU ., I. OH ' t . . , (...u, t n-ue " tf It., I we I. tt .a ) . .. .. it te '..., It 4 e t i . t-i 11 v k m it"i .t , 11 I I ' II I 4 I LI I l-V.l t l 1st . I , I.J I 't, t in r. t , 0 i t. iti-, ii-. 11 r, a e t 1 u ', ,MM H,0 t I'v I t ! I ! , t at tn l.o . I ti i- t 1 . ... a 1 t "' I. 1 1 a t- t-i 1 "i 1 -i t e'-4 iai V t I. ' 1 I i t, I S I s 4 . f lilt, t. , I a III If 1. It I- I , lat I I . I 'i I t s, I I 4 . .1 V V 4 ,. t I ' .1 I 1 I I 1 It . tt 1 . I. is i.iw ,.1, 1.1 s 1 t 1.4 Flrk ... C.oodrtch 30' Si, Kelley-eiprlnrfleld 41 39 KryHton Tire .... C 6 Ajax 11 11 L. S. Rubber 4-', 47 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Reet Sugar... T 3J A., 1.,. ei iv. 1 , . . , Am. Int. I'nrp... Am. Sumatra . . . Am. Telephone, , American d,n ,. Central Leather. . Cuba, Can Ctibn-Ain Sugar, Corn I'ro.lueta . . . Kamou P.iyera. lln Klectrlo ... ot N"r ere IM ltrveaer . . Amer If I. pM. 64 c n in, 1 AiioUui.. iii Inter Paper 41 Am H'lgar Kef ... 71 Me-ara-Koehu. k . .. 11 Mt romei.urg 67 T..bc.-w I'reduet,. 11 Worthing i'umu .. ft W umttn K'n 37 I tlieift t'nie ...I't "a Westing I: ee .... M Amer 1 uuleo . - S iitii. 1:1. t. SK An I odes 1 ill , , I 4 1 A -t.l ibtn ... Si A nt Lit ie4 . ... 2 1 1, l'.,:.. fit pft... 44', tl . tl.c .' , ... Ifw.. I. lia tl', ! 1 ', ui, tx.Mel (an , I't, II , . s.i I', a, eg . , t i j .1 A I i.a I ) 11 301, 40 11 41 11 30 40 6 12 47 17 23 s; 8 37 23 : 21 121 Kit, K'S 72 ' CI 7 33 31 34 IJ 13 13 f! 2J 2.' K' 127 11 ai. 171 30 I 1 (', 4' 7: 1?I tl 1:1 8 'I t :. 1 47 7 i, S! 61 I" . 1 -- I " ., 1; 11 2t J ' Jot 4 : 174 31 .7 t.1 ( II tl tl .'1 '-' IJ 1 t ' II J' . ., uiit 4. .at. , I ,l. Drug . . Si, I... a ft , . I ml-4 frmi . , . I-,. .. t '.!-t'-. v.i. .. .1 I.. 4 . I I I l . .. 1 1 ' J w.r . .... tl !-. 4 -..l t't s h I-.m itt a I I ' 74 I- ll 1 1 ) 11 . 14 III HI t e H a II I . 1.1 . . , t .1 e- 4 I t . t ( t . . 1 .. IV.,. I.I 1'iS " II ii s 1 ' I t ll I I ' 1.I-, ll., if It 1 v I111 111 41 tl 11 S t . I ' I H tt ... ? i l- ot 1 a r .... 11 it , t e , i k it nt, . 1 -l. atl 71 tis.y, t -- 1 vt . 1 .. M t , , W.i a I 4l .4. t .a , l l. IS a., eg. use !; ..I,, t It 1 11 "V 1 1 ; "t 1 1 "t 11 i 1 1 1 tt 41 i w...jr . : t s4a4t !m' New I t- . I i t. . 1 ! Newr Tork, S"-. '3 Renewal of Miner heavy liiiuutstii'ii liM.k pi" in tmlsy s bond IlisrUet, t'lllted Slle got! Iltllrtll securities iteidlti 11, or readily lo pressor on sn sj'pMrei.l sl'.enee of .s and vigorotia buying pi.et'l. Ilsiitoad (Mortgage wer deprie.rii lu syinpaihy Willi in fall in aliH.M puree. li.duetrUI liens ufiered bet ler leelalsnee sod tile I 111 e f osse In the foreign l.at luok pls.-e iii tlie mur spu u Ulil. Iau. a Th first 4 per 1 cnt soverpniel.t bund drul'pe.l 14 Is ,ii leo; th l.lli.ily s lo.l 2'c .end the setond 4l.c, 2ne, wlnle losses of '1 to 16 cm took place In (lie ithf r si 111 laauee Dissppoln'dient oer (he October earn. Ing et.t(em.iiie ess held' responsible for the f,e of(e:!g f the. rHlouU boilil. Miiineapolls Ht. Louis tefuiiillng 4 fsll tng V'y point, sfot lntirintotii and Ore.t Northern edjii.tnienl as, I,. hesbosid Is, urs W'le Itilioill oll(. the insrket In large volume when (lie raiitonii list be gan to a -is, the Coiiaoildstea I.B slid liiljtief incut ,'s, Norfolk Lualern ion mur s illd a (itiinlM.r ff other, liiclJillng I'hirafco lit,. at Me-tein 4a, f rleet, , I just nie,l aa en. I Incoine r,, "Italty" ad jueiineitt r.n, Norfolk ami l'7sstern ci.n vcrtil.le fa and Alililnai.n sismp.il 4 Atni ri'HIl T-li-l'liolie convertlitlo dropped 1, ami Chile copper a 1, wllh loss of a point, escti being suetstned by Marylsnd Oil Is, with warrams, Wit s..n ciinvcriible tie. and American Agricul tural 7t,s, Ml. hale steel 5 wer up at th close, climbing nesrly 2 point Total sales (par talus) were 111,110,001, I sited Slates Hood. Ssles (In II.O'Hi) High liw Close 114 Liberty 3 100.41 I'm 21 100.34 I l.llieny i-t 4a .... HI t't 6 Liberty 1st 4a., 1181 1126 1126 101 Liberty 2d 4 .s 1206 Liberty 3.1 4 407 l.n.erty 4lh 4 101 u'. 15 , , I. Ill J in; 10; ai II I "7 6 1811 97.66 17.74 tm.66 08.44 91.44 .100 34 100.20 100.30 4 3 XV. .101 . 5 . 18 . .109 43 l ie 4s UHCSlled.tOO 4 100 80 100 80 r33 Vie 4 "4 called . Die 06 10 02 1"0 08 Hi V M Tr 4'A 62 4'J 1142 Foreign. 22 Argentine 7 1 00 19 Cily of Hern 8 . . n LL Hordeaux i'S 77 if Copenhsgen (s ,. 10 HI Oreatsr Prague 7 73 13 l.yona r, 77 14 Marseilles 6s 77 17 Rio de Janeiro I .. 4 21 url. h 112 II l ie, h'.Mo Rep is ot It 3 Dun Muni 8s A,. 107 (4 Dipt Heine 7 66 32 Dnm Can l 29.100 l'io 18 D of C I'S 1162. . . , V I Dutch K In a 1147.. 3 26 Dutch K In l,s 1162 3 lol French It'll .... 08 82 French llep 7.. 3 g Hol-Ain Llll 6s, , 51 Jap 1st 4s 67 JapalieH 4s :u King of J'.'l 7. 15 KlnK of Hel 6s. ., 2.1 King of t'i'tl 6s , , 50 King of Nelh l. i King of Nor ra.. 4 King of Sued ta, .104 105 l'arl-Lynna-Med 6s 72 26 Kop of Itol 8s ( I Rep of Chile 8 46 . 102 f Rep of Cuba 6 1004 t. 0 Rep of I'rguay 8.. 10.1 ll 8 main of queens 7 .H'S 17 rliule of queens i,a..Dil lot R.HInle of M 1' r S VI 1 Kwlas Cnnfcd 8s.... 116 73 I Kofi HI I 5 ':..! 111 J0 l'h'of(illl 6 '2L.103 44 li' H of Hiaiill 8s... 97 17 I' S of llraxll 7.. '.') 39 rSofll-Cen R K 7. , 87 12i; S of Mex 6s.... 41 26 V M of Mrx 4a 30 KnilwHy anil Mlscelliiriroiis. 10 Am A Ch 7 103 102 20 Am Fiuelllng i.s.... f 2 34 Am Hnxar s. . . . . .Ins 158 Am T A V c tr ts. . 97 X Am T T col 4s. . vl I Am Willing Lap 0 83 i Am W W A K 83 t:: Anion J M W 6s, . 74 13 Armour A (.'o 4s. 28 A T A S K g 4s.. 8 A (.' L 1st con 4a. 4 Halt A Ohio 6s... 25 11 A O I V 4s 4 Hell Tel of I' 7s... 15 Helll Hlnl ref (a. Jl Helh Steel p in In. 2 Hklyn Kd gen 7 D..108 100 100 Iol .. -9 ii 72 72 ' 76 76 71 96 111 .. 11 II 85 !, 100 ... 98 .... 92 93 92 13 9 13 93 'tB" 3 79 10 100 95 .... 98 9 96 16 103 I'll" 72 72 92 93 102 103 lite" 103 loi" W.i 98 116 114 114 .... JH2 103 97 97 90", 84 66 48 .... 26 36 HI 1l ; 911 90 88 86 89 88 85 .100 100 . sue. nil .IOK'4 108 ' . 92 9J .91 91 107 93 75 91 4 Cal O Klec It. .. 96 1.1 Can North 7s Ill"; 110 111 07 Can Par dub 4s 7 79 22 Cen of lla 0s 100 100 100 17 On Leather 6s..,. 9 96 H8 135 Cen Pac gtd 4a..;. 85 85 15 28 Cerro d Paaeo t..122 121 122 63 Ches A O cv 6s,. 93 l .... 17 ('lies A Ohio cv 4 88 87 43 Chi A Al 3 26 2S 20 21 Chi A Al 2s 62 62 .... 48;Chl A C rcf 6s A 99 99 29 CHI A Kaet HI 6s 80 79 17 Chi Ot West 4s .... 4ii 48 .... 17 Chi (11 West 4 .. 49 4S .... 7 C M A St. P ovt 6s H 70 70 -. 19 C M A St P CV 4s 07 6 66 7 C M A St P ref 4 62 01 11 1 Chica Rail 5s ... 77 3 Chi R I A P geh 4 81 8.1 r; R I p rcf 4 82 4 C & West In 4 .. 7.1 145 Chile Copper 7s ...171 39 Chile Copper OS .. 96 1 Colo lralus 6s 78 5 Col 6c South ref 4 6 5 Colum O A K r.s 97 6 Con C of Mary 6 88 11 Cuba C S deb 8 89 6 Cuba R R 7s A ..104 ' 2 Cuban Amer 8 8a ..106 2 Del A II cv 6. . 97 10 Den A Rio (I rcf Ds 47 1 Den A Rio (J con 4a 73 6 De K.illson rcf 6 102 81 De Culted R 4s ,. 85 2 Distiller Sec 6s . . . 62 38 Emp (JAP 7s ctf. 94 28 Krle pr lien 4s.... 67 .14 Brie, gen lien 4s 40 1 4 Framer 1 D 7. . 84 1 (ien Klec db 5s... 99 14 Goodrich 6s 1 " I 25 (loddy'r Tire 7s 91. 97 15 C.oody'r Tire 8s 41.116 I H (Id Trunk Can 7s. . Ill 21 iV Trunk Cun (is.. 102 5 OtTsorlh 7s A 110 6 tit Nor 7s A 110. 21 Mud M ref 6 A.. 83 n H M ailj Inc 5s. (8 25 Humble O & R 6a !8 If, 111 Central 6s lno Ind Hleel 5s 99 2 Iliter-Mrt 4 .... 11 9.1 Inter R T 7a 96 128 lilt R T ref r.s 7( 134 Int R T ref 6 rtfs 74 18 I 4 II X'.r adj 6s.. 5u 16 Int M M sf 6a 19 I I lot Paper rcf fan. . 87 3 Iowa Central ref 4a. 37 17 K C F S A Mem 4. 78 16 K C Mouth 6s. . . . 88 6 Kellv-Mpgd Tire 8s, I07 1 l.scka Steel fs '5(1. . 50 3 I..1MS ileb 4s '31. 91 6 LehlKh Valley 6. . .Dn 1 I. IX A Myers 6s. . . . : M 1, A NW I.s 77 1 LA V ref rs. ...D'2 3 I. A N unified 4s. . 81 7 Magma I'opper "a.. 111 2 Mntlatl Sugar 7. 96 1; 14 Mki Hi lly con 5t. . i Marland ml l..l.i III Mo li Cell .I' d 4a. . . HI 212 M ..I vale SI I cv 6x. . I M it Si I, t.f 5. . . 7 is M.vl'1Sl l, ...Kl.1 I llkir pr lien s 1'. I I lllitT 11 pr III 6s A s. kT 11 'll 5s A fit it Ma Pa" run e. ,,, !' !, ... 'I M'i P'i gen la ... a.", t.' i; MoM l'.mir la A . I'". t" I Nsessu Klec Ity 4a. tl :4 M; TAT lat Us tta. l . .. ... r NUT M III" 6e . ;i !( V f I' del, 6S l"l ' 1,1 .v Y 1: tf, . 1 1 m :s NT I.' SI I, il.b 4a a'i . .. I ... . e N r I..II ref .nl l"l loi WMieii .. i. it 7i', ;t :i :l N V C l-f '. 1141. i'l I'.it I N V T gen I s ... 3 II , . , . 1 1 8 V IV llroe 4s 17 (4 1 .Sue A to. nib La A il 3: Nur A We .v 6s 1)1 N Am Ld f ia. l 4.. ,V Pi." ref i H. . Do ! S I' ill I imp r.s c si IJ .So Pc pr lie nls.. 8 UN Si I'ow ref (a A l ' 4 N IV ll-ll 'l . l 7 . . 107 I the A C.il let 5a. leu 3 I t S I. XI. I 5a l"3 11 nr.. S I, ief 4a ,., l 91 l 6 I He- IV It IIS) l , !' . . J 1 ills HI eel 7 s. . . S 4 Pac lias (V Lie' I . . Hi . ... ,-. Pec T T 5s ''.J V Hi 9"'. 1 I'll. I, lloi Car as. in, i, ". Pall Am P f ia, . 1'iJ I', p.iin 11 It l, s ,, li' l" I a H I 'r 011 II 11 S II '.a inn !' . - . .', I'eoll R II gen 4.e ll " ... I, I'hllU Co ml IC l.. . 1 I 1'oi t R I. a I'ii" is m 3 I' Ref In ..!!' e I I'm, M-rvlce Is a., II llesiilllg gill 4... , .... .... ) I Rein Arms s f lie, , 9 1 I R I A A I. ' 37 S I, I AS RAU 7l' 74 S LA H F .l) 6, , . 7; lli H L A S r 1110 (.4. 15 Ht I, S W con 4. . 54 Heah'd A I. on Da. 81 H.-al, il A I. u'U 5" 12 Heal.. I A I. I' t 4s 34 Siiiclnliil'oii 1 ol 10 Sinclair Crml l.l c 78 6i 3 1 . 39 I 7..,, l'i"",s 1. 98 81 81 82',t 109" ii 94 95 96 97 ' 88 .... 88 86 104 4t; 47" io i ' .'. ','.'. 85 85 107 " 107 102 93 93 56 45 .... 86 lli(i Ull 97 97 116, 115 110 .... 102 M2 109 1 OS 'ej .... 82 .... 97 97 1011 99 .... 9ii" SH 73 74 73 73 411 89 .... 86 87 78 .... 8 .... 106 107 D'i'' iii! .... .... D'l lio" 89 !'..'.' it ii , i, ;' si" COAL SOLAR It t INOI, luewete 5990 T III 11 Nm Dalivsiaal ADVANCE COAI. CO. 41) Jsaulh lata, SI, eel rhex.a Alls.iw tail. AfUuos 13a? 98cf $1.25, $1.60, $2 a pair for LACE CURTAINS Saturday at lh alee.-t.lt la) ttsjt. I4..,4, TM, l Hi 11 15 "in" 70 76 . . . tn 60 e t " .... " ' lull 100 ; it Hi 91 87 16 84 .... 101 ;, . .. 68 08 96 82 62' 651. 66 97 97 94 iii. 8 1 .... . rouiTRf. Live- llioil. . , . e,in.e. l-'Cl heavy, helie. :; llghl li" II.'. MHialer. 1 11.-; .,1... us, over lbs, Vic: leehum poultry, sbulil I,' leaa, ),i(i(ig dili'ka. He; old UMi as, Mi ; geeae, (el, full feathei.d. lie; guineas, I5e each: turdeya, 25c to 3ln-, Bcioiiillig 10 (. sua i-onailinn ; thin lutkeia not w.uit. "I, lilaeiitia, dna . It 110; ti.i atfk, rrli'pled ir S' lawney ,oullry WHiitcd at any pru.e. Divastil Moat buyer are now 111 the iitmk.'t fur re, . Itits of ilre.se.t ttoiiitiy for til" ho'elav irnde, prices being shout at follow No. 1 dry p,-Ke, tuikaia. Mill bens and loimg ("ins, 4.1. : otd ton) tilr kris. No 1. 10.; No, 2 turkeys, Itol culls 2uc; ,o. I dip ka, fat. '.'0c, No I ge.a fat, 18c. Some bin,! ale uciepllt.g receipla and reselling 00 in per cent t ommlaeton Couhirv "hint. is slmuhl leave heads slid fert on dree.eit poiiltrv. Dre.ssd Jolihltig pilce, (0 retailers: Springs, :3tt22c; brnlli r. 30..; Io ns, r.' it 1 2c; a.'-oulllig lo lie; route, He; geee, ! 25c; ilu.'ke, 2c; tmkeis, 4045c, ccutd. ! ing to kind r"1 condition. VLAI. focal buyer r iiin.ilng th following: l ri. es for fresh teal ilellv. re.l I'sney, tl ' to 115 His, per Id, lie: heavy, pot over, lio li.. per (ti, Jin, liver, bsail anil, lung must be Ief r, ve,, HKKP CITS. ' fill, No 7. 2lo; No. 1, IV, Lotus No. '., 26c; No 1, 15, Rounds No. 2, l.'lr; No. 'a, (lc ' l iiticks No 2, lOc. No. 3, Ic. . Plates No. . c: No. 3. 5c. CIIKKSW. American No I f.isryl Twin. 7e sll.al ilaiale. I7c; iluulil dalele, 27; Vi'U.s Ailierlca, ,7ct Ions bo. IIS, 2"o; ,'iuar puma, :u; brl. e., 24C, 1IONET . Nsw eitra.ted. 21, ll-og., I doien t c-w. per t., lidOi new comb, li a (ton ier cese, 14 60; new exlructed clov er, 10 K, etna. I tan ia oaa. lr lb., lie. PKl l rs. Heiisnaa I in... I on selling price ef I' jmr lb tl m.tj I .11 oranges Km fstiey Cltfornla nysl, ris sue an. I laiaer, ier boa, 160! IkO eie, in in, ,ur, o0; 360 use, 11.09; t lorl.ta, all .lues, S jot Lemons-haita, California, 3", It s ., r bui. 113 : o: i l..il. e, 300, III S, .ee, I7 Oil l.ltllee, inn, 1 1 on. Iiraprftull l.'..rl.l.l, Ian. y 64-K al,e lli'li; H-..JIIJ i.,.i, I :.i'n; 36-44 sues, ( - I'lnlllirrrles-Ilbl, 100 lbs. 1 1 3 0fl 1 T.OV) bot, Ml ll.s 1 1. Jelsey Howe., )7 00. A)i.ieM- Del , lone. ..,t, si', in .1 1 II St to slf nnil ifUiiliti, 6 - Ml " 4 on , ! usi,, net on Jona thans tit lint, II i..ii(2l.i', I'.vmi Jons lliiiita, i " r t.ki. !: 'in; buetw I l.ii.ket, li.al; run. y lirlm.a l.nlileti, l.l.l . L l; rlii.li lino; l:.,n I'aii. .1'iji f.iiicy, 14 :,o; Ml. .o.itl Ditipina fonv, I. hi., 81..0; Northeia 4.i.e lii'. I.' .''! I !". VVinier Hunan. , pi r box. I : on. I'ears Color;'!'. K,.:tec, f.,n. v, ber hex, I;' Uo; chuli e, I .''"i. N i-.J liigt.iii d An joua. fancy, pet hot, 1150 14 S I'acir!'. cv 4s II 2) M Pacific ref 4. a I S I'n.'irii col ir 4., 64 Si South lly geu .l'il 7 Houili Ry con I.,. , 9' Souih Ity goii 4s. . 67 2 M Port Rico bug 7s, V7 3 Sr Oil Ciil db 7s. . .H'f. 10 Thiol Av H'f 4 .! It " hlnl Ave adj l. . 66 3 Tol St I, W 4a... 70 21 fill. ill Jl P 61 A 94 l nli.ll Pan l.l 4s , . 91 7 I'nlon J'ac cv 4a , , 85 7 I'nlon Pac r.f 4s . . 6,', 3 I'nlon Tniili Car 7 J4 1'nlted I n tot 8, .,111 111 111 I t: S Really 6s .... 91 6 I' S Rub 7s , . ., 108 108 2 f S Rubber 6s .... 87 86 67 . V H Steel s f it 102 103 102 6 Ctah PA J. 6s ... 91 90 90 Va-Cnr C 7 w war 83 92 .... 12 Va-I'a C 7s ctf . 96 96 .... I Virginian Ity fx . . 97 96 If 3 We.leni Klec Is , HlO 30 Western Mnry 1st 4s 64 H .... 3 Western Pacific 6s 82 1 West I'nlon 6s ,.109 8 W'-l Klec 7a 107 joi. 107 2 U'lrkwlre-Hpill S 7s 96 18 Mil Co s f 7a 104 104 VU i VVII A Co IV lis 95 94 .... Total sales of bonds today were III.3HI. 000 compared nlih IIJ.to,000 previous day and holiday a year (igu. AUCTION SALE of tha BANKRUPT SUPERIOR DAIRY CO. 5073 Center St., Omaha, Neb., Friday, Nov. 24, 1922, at 10 A. M. The, Anel, eon, lat of Twe Lo with building; alio all dairy equipment, urh 2', .ton Baker Ice Marhlna with motor, Paiteurlxer, Killer. Hottl Filler, Dslval Cinm Separator with motor. Milk taut, Bottle Washing Machine!, Electric Kan, Milk Bottlra, sir. On Hee Truck 1 we Dodge Truck, These item will ell he oil, red el Public Auction to lli high! bidder hy older ef the court, 25 caih day of , balant en confirmation oi tale by th court, REMEMBER THE DATE, FRIDAY, NOV. 24, AT 10 A, M. R. E. SWANN, Auctioneer . B. II. DUNHAM, Feferee D. E. NEAJ-'US, S.le. Msnsg.r RAY M. HIGOINS, Trustee rexyssw wu Sill It ij 48 7t -JA Omaha Produce ( U'hol-ffiala. J. BtfiU rptirtmriil "I A? f Icull'jrt Bureau of MHri(- un-i M irbetutu: , J'OTATOKt'. Carlot potstn r'pirt for 24 liours tM .fiK 9 a. in, 1 hurtiu': 'JVmpr.tturi and wttH I ik"T ill H i. m., iii il'Krctiif, rlfr. I Mahf, 1 W Innepoiu, 2 Nl)rjmk, 2 North lukftn f Hrj iTtv"l, Twyiity-nliit rara on trHtk fn'rludlna )tiok'ii. If-muit-I anl movcnitftit moijera (, mirkt ftllffliliy wtu ktr. Curot nniftt, StthrumUn parhc'l MrJy lihUm, I'nllt-d Hiatr n'l No. J, onto If Mil front wl, on; lur at 0 cetita r T.rTTRft. frHBrnry ICxim nt ii'; fiO-Ib. tuba. IJalry Huv-trn ttaylnir 4Hr. fur ntWct-d tota of flalrv WrnZ- for liHt pm-U- In n: atock; chffy ami flirty, conatdemljly lot. WTTF.nF AT Stntion price, 42c; .llv. ri Omaha, 49c. Kuy?ra 'paying th top prica only for nnlfcAed It k of extra quiit-iy; in-fellan- oua flr-Hta litis within lie rana; t -rjuotatloja given belovv on tha en) count bawl a Hirlrtly frMh. flPlH-c-r-pd O ins tin. 4.if. por dux. : No, 2, 2jc ; tcrnck. Xlf. muat dfalra paying nbout $11, 0 for frh egK. o count; aoma paying $12. dti, rota out, Jobbing prlca to rctoilera. Xreh No. 1 fancy, fK: f1ot, 4.c; Ktorautj uvleclu, 32c; trade, 27c; cht-rUa, 22v. Omaha to Chicago and Return m Florida 1 he fairways arc green the win ter through and there is golf in the feel of the air. Perfect weather, too, for tennis, bathing, motoring, open-air dancing all less than 40 hours away via the toQy Florida Special An All-gleel Through Train Lv. Kansas City 5:30 pm Ar. Jacksonville 8:45 am (second morning) via Friico Line and Southern Railway Dining' car service dll the way Fred Harvey meals on the Frisco For illustrated literature about Florida, ateeping car reserva tion, or (or other information, write, telephone or call at I O Frisco Ticket Office Jf tna u.l... c. V . i-:. u. F. R. Newman, Diviiion Panenger Agent December ht to 5th Limit December 11th, ' 1922 Lr. Omaha Arr. Chicago Chicago Express 7:35 a.m. 9:30 p.m. Atlantic Express 2:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. Chicago Special 6:C0p. m. 7:25 a.m. Ijw Angeles Limited () 7:32 p.m. 8:50 a.m. San Francisco Over land Limited ()-- 7:35 p.m. 9:00 a.m. OrepwAVa.hington Limited--9:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Continental Limited, 2:31 a.m. 3:55 p.m. (' First 'daM StaniL rd SliM-pinn Carn nl,v). l et tHtt 1 IHtl 44 aeatwJela, aeeW al (uJi4ilsi lwl UllMe. Hit lUstfe Id. I. Tele. t.Aeee At Uelte llti I'aiata ! luh.l Oil, v j .. i a i. 4 A K W I . I lt I let. eaa Si. tl, 11 Alti' til I20C " tiit- Frisco ILime-s !v . .TAfiL Z k-S 1 Tj s 7b M&ak a V We- r g e tlie Smmy side Orange graves and Snow-capped mountains bordering a summer sea Perfect motor roads and wcll kfptclf links Excellent schods for thf chlWrengCoiy inns and luxurious resort hotels ; or you can rent a bungalow and enjoy your, own rot? garden daily trains to California Taste ere rvtlataaa lie ('teej re Ntul rtl, N I Aefesee, ea -aih k t atttueaia i ilst al IM H'tiuet, a will ere Fuilaiee ttitw ) fn ee al Ua t ea)) aT .. ef t i ee e.-MJ eee tsi4 Jui, rJMe ' "U ii ! " It iiVitlire I '! el ieltaw4' l m eL(Ui Caelif lUl $(t4te., I,, l,ee4 . i t, . , .s 4...I t,mi..,' t 4 I . I i, ( ,, a.,, I , ' - 4, . I. e V i ' f v teeMw M ll-t . a t s., i 1 l),H.,-r 9t..k . e., ve 11 . .'. . I. a.., ,t,t4i, III . . - a. ' I t. t . a s, a. .a X.-4 b.' -' i, ---! i-l. I'll e-t t., .a a t.t ea.sa It- ' t l' t , : ' '' l t , . I, Hotel Rome t.t fc I tt .art. ,,.... 1 s , s. 4 . . 1 M,... . -. a int -i ... I-t. t . ! ' . 1 1.4 t ' - ea - t s, t .. . . t.. .. I i - t r . t V 1 t i't i ' t . . - . l t I l. l,,.'. , 1 1 . , It It. -s I .' ,4 . 4.4 I. , . as. .e. f 1 l VI a...- 4 t I t J. f f)