The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 23, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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Farm Credit Bill
Is Introduced by
Senator Norris
Nfliradan Propor Hovcii
inrnt Capitalized Corpora
tion to Buy and Sell Ag
ricultural I'rodticl.
M'tisiilnston, Nov, . (Hy A. r
KifiiiiroKml by he loliiiiuiiiliitlon
nt I'n-iiMriit tfiirtliitK In TiifwJiiy
liirasuKe, Unit thi' linllcin i n 'Jit M
tuns t tiKtuli nfl lo provide i lief
fiiriJifii, tiiimlifia of cmigreae
fioTn the hKru ultmul mute todny In
niiKiir.'it,r nt-i to liiiiiR Nliont n
ui'tmwit of rui'iil credit I'tOxlNtlun le
fnre the did tit the jr'.nt roriKrcaa.
r.t Mid'h.
M-'iitinpitn ut the outwit wiiti'ivi!
I.H K'ly I" "i" annate iitiil Intliiili d In
triuliiftinn of ii Mil hy I'hiiii man Nor
ilfof Ihe iiKrl' iiltuiiil commit tre for
ITCIltloll of 11 KDViTflllll'Ilt I HllltllllWll iHiriition to buy nnd hi'II farm
Tiroiluclg; an uddrf-as In the smote I
Hfiiator lold, r'liuMIrii, .North Iu
koto. wurrilnK mnilrmt fiunlini'iit of
ruriil credit U'Mlntliu liimcd on the
fHitiTNl r'lwrve system, and n eonfi-r
Take fiotice!!
TK Word Ha Con. Forth That
Stuart't Dytpepia Tablet Rain
data You at tha Banquet.
All you kmi)', tour etomai'h who
frar to wt litHiiM from acidity you
nurfar the pan nf hidiKxtiuti, let it
Ladita and Ceailrnteiti All Who Ara
Not Supplied With Stuart'
Dytpepala Tablet Art
Out of Luck.
ha known that you find relief from auch
dlatreae br almply chewing on or two
Stuart' Pyapepula 'I'ablete after meal.
4 boat of people have gone bni-k to fried
anna and bacoa, aauaaKe, doughnut; baked
bean, pi and ehreae, aleak and onlona,
augimber, cream with coffee and ao on
be.'aun they diarovered that nfter eat
Inir auch thinxa, a gtuurt'e Dyapepaia
Tablet gave the alomarh a aweetened
alkaline effect and there wna no eour.
acid, gaaay heartburn, belching, preaaura
and auch (liatreaaee due to IndlKotion
f r eating. It la well to take notice
vt th la and to get a CO-cent box of
Stuart a Uyapcpala latitat at any drug
tore. Be armed and prepared for the big
dinner and banquet.
ence li-twiii U aiii.itnrs from the
litertot'k arrow us Mut'-a aid a mm
m.ttra i f tlm Ak i h jii National I.iva
htork ni 4K-atiun, ut Vihlrli thu 'I i uft
of a ru iv rnilit hill wna illmli''l.
Mating Srxt tt'wk,
TlK'M ill M-lc'tllfllK, toliCtlier with
rt:itHinenta hy li'iolna, lii'lic iiid that
th" ii;ign of rural iTtillt Irmnlatmn
iuM occupy a foiTiuiwt lui'e on tha
I 'nigrum of th" iiKrliiiltimil blcH'. The
wnat member of tha IiIih: will hold
th flrnt ine.-tlna; of tha nalon next
week and at that time, will endi-avor
to na-n. iiihiii A i'jjrniii.
Tha Mil pimrliltd hy fiiialur Nor
rl for a funn product corporation
I, almlhir to a measure offered ly the
iigrh ulture roiiimltti'o chiilrnitin
tha lnt a-Hlon, hut vlilrli ty iii
.latit.'il by lKiflatlon e-xtrndlntf thu
life of tint war lliwnir rurixiniiloii
mid Ha jjowera In tha furnlahltiK ol
uytli'iilturnl credit until next Junx 30,
Hcnutor Noma would create a onr-
porntlon with a liiuxliriutii oh pi u I etiib
aorlbnd ly the K"veinm-nt of f 100,.
UHi.ooq ami a dlmtorate of three
liicinlii ra, the awn-lary of awrli'Ullura
and two othi-ra appointi-d by the prca
hli'tit. TIih' loiiMirnlloii, In brh'f,
would l iiuthorli-d to tn''ulr lo-
uitcirH anil wiir-hoiiHea; to buy farm
produi'tH In th" 1'liltfd Htutu and to
gill them lt her In thia country or
abroad, and to opd'Hle uni.'hnrti'red
k'overtiiiietit tiimuiKu lu curryliiK
of priMliict of tlio farm,
Thu ini'HHUrn wna referred to Bena.
tor Norrla' committee, but there were
no indication that It would receive
roiiKldi-ration niunh more favorable
than Ita predeceaHor.
Would Aid Fanner.
The bill preHftitrd by the National
Llvi'Htixk aaaoclatlon commltteo to
the ni-i'tlti( of aenntora from the live.
nto:k Mtutea waa drafted by the corn
mlttoo. In confi'rwji'o with war fl-
nation corporation official, nnd la
ileal K nod primarily to nld the llveatock
prixlucern, nltlupiih comrniitee mem
bera argued It nlao would provide re.
lief for farmera. Ita enactment or
the tiimhuk of It'KlNlatlon having elnv
llnr features, Fred B. Iilxhy, preal
dent of the unification, told the aena-
torn, wna neceaaary to eave the live
atiK'k producer of the weat.
Kcnator Capper, republican, Kan-
aaa, who p rente led at the meeting, will
introduce the Mil Thursday, and It la
expected to serve with other inpiuturea
now pending; or to ba Introduced as a
basin for credit legislation.
The bill would entail no uae of fed
eral fupds. It would provldo for
the formation, under federal law and
under the supervision of the comptrol
ler of the currency, of agricultural
credit corporations with a minimum
capital of $250,000, to which national
banlts might aubscroibo to the ng
gregate of not more than 10 per cent
of their paid-in capital and surplus.
Would I e Kexerve Machinery.
The bill contemplates utilization of
the federal reserve board machinery
to a certain extent and drafts IhhiipJ
or drawn for agricultural purposes,
secured by warehouse receipts and ac
cepted by member banks, would be
made eligible for rediscount with a
maturity of six months, Instead of the
present three months.
The use of federal reserve machin
ery was objected to by several of the
senators attending the conference, who
voiced the belief expressed earlier in
the day by Senator Ladd, that a suc
cessful farm credit plan 'could not
be entangled with the federal reserve
system. Indication were unmistak
able that any legislation to extend
rural credit through the federal re
serve board, aa is understood to be
favored by some administration of
ficials, would be bitterly opposed In
the senate.
Say Cream Applied in Nostrils
Relieves Head-Colds at Once.
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head la stuffed and you can't
breathe freely because of a cold or
catarrh. Just get a small bottle ' of
Kly' Cream Balm at any drug store.
Apply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic, cream Into yoilr nostrils and let
It penetrate through every air pas
sage of your bead, soothing and heal
ing the intlnmed, swollen mucous
membrane and you get instant relief.
Ah! how good It feels. Your nos
tril are open, your head is clear, no
mote hawking, snuffling, blowing; no
more headaches, dryness or struggling
for breath. Kly's Cream Balm Is Just
what sufferer from head colds and
catarrh need. It's a delight.
Hundreds dome .
to Pay Honor to
iaigliliiiir Bill"
Hmlv of Frank Kaoou He
iiiotrd to niatkhloiic Tlit-a
ti r !n (Jhi'a!n for
St-n iff.
Chicago, Nov. 12. The body of
Frank Macon, noted character actor,
early today was removed from Hie
hole! where be died Huiulny to the
Mlnikstnn theater, where until a
week before his final llliiesa be p
peareq nixnfiy for more tluiii a year
In the title role of "I.lghlnln'," of
which he also wna the author.
This afternoon, with hundred of
friend and atnrs of the world of
make-believe in attendance, simple
funeral service will be said, and
Mghtnln' Hill June" will be laid to
rest In a Chlctigo vault until next sum
mer, when the body will be taken to
Macon' native California to find It
final resting place near where he wus
Kenesaw Mountain I-utulls, commis
sioner of baseball Hnd former federal
Judge, clone friend of Mr. Macon, will
delivery a brief eulogy, and the church
service will lie that of the Church of
Christ, Scientist, of which the veteran
actor wa a member.
Hundreds of friends and admirers of
Bacon' art have 'passed reverently
before hi liody, They came from all
walks of life,
Prairie Oil to Iluy Crude
Oil on Gravity iais
Tulsa, Okl Nov. 22. Tho 1'ralrlu
Oil and Uus company, the largest pur
chaser of crude oil In the midconti
nent .field,, today announced that ef
fective today It would buy crude oil
In Kansas, Oklahoma and north Texas
on a gravity basis Instead of paying
the one price of $1.25 or more a bar
rel as It ha been doing for 15 years.
A Queer World
2.."(0 rnw li Siu;:f Wild Lit-,
nor Piirl), ; llaltlc,
I'lirkrt Diifli Aliotit Pond
(i. ts It Hack.
Sali in, tire., Nov. I?, According
In a local Jimllee court jury It la
Jul n nccesiiry (or a nung
mini In return s talking machine
lo a nuns iniin nfter their enlace
incut la broken as It Is In return
diamond ring. The cse w. that of
ll.irry llile temti lletly Marrow.
Mclly ioiiI ended Unit he phono,
graph waa a glfl and I hat she was
entitled keep II. Harry whs dr.
terniineil lo get II hack. The Jury
held I hat lie should.
Nintellilng Am fill.
I .on Angele. Nov. 23. Hilarity in
i poultry yard where S.AOO fowl were
said In lie ilrunk, resulted In the ar-
ret of O. S. Slcglalt of Cudahy,
suburb, mi iliarge of dotation of the
Volnlead act. Neliililmrs sent call lo
Hie police "Ihiil'siiincthlng awful" was
Rolng on In Htrgliilt' poultry yard.
The officers responded and, I hey later
declared, saw 300 gemo fighting, 200
diirlia dashing madly over Hie sur
face of small pond and 2,000 chick.
ens either lying on their bucks, skim
ming with outstretched wings about
lit yard or siding with the geese In
their baiilea.
The officers pronounced Hie fowls
all drunk and staled they found evl
deuce I hey had been pat raklng of
silur ntasli. They confiscated three
stills, 100 gallon of liiuor and several
barrels of niash,
live I Colil. s.
Kkowhegean, Me., Nov. 22. Mrs.
Louis C. Britton of this place now
is lu the second week of a "nun
ger strike" undertaken, ihe an
nounced, in the hope of winning
back the affection of her husband,
who has brought suit for divorce.
Take a grlass of Salts if your
Hack hurts or Bladder
troubles you.
No man or woman who eats too
much tneut ean make a itilalaka by
tliikhlng th kidney is v.itoimlly. n
a well known authority, lug eat
log nmy develup uric acid, which ex
Citea the kldn-; thev lc,vnie over-woike-l
fl i-tn the liain. grt alut-glnh
and fail to filter th- want and Kt:aon
firtni th Mood; then w get sick.
Itheumalldii, hr.i.kti h, ltvr timitik.
hervouaneaa, d:(iiea. letln and
urinary li.ntr otten coin from
igitt kidn).
1h rnullieiit )U fel dull ache
In th ItMiiey, or our luck h ut,
If tha urtn La itoo.ty, ortiiv. full of
erUtmeiil. lrruUr nf u.n, er at-
tei,.trt hy a k-iI'oh of . iU.. (.(' i
e..i.g HiMt and g I t-'Ul f r ciiK-ea I
t J4 Im!i from r I'barajKcj , lk
a l In g!.. f W4ir I i
,. IriavaiiUat, ai..l la a r tl )our j
w,tt niif t " iiii t
Ml ia iiW It. .i.i ii i f i !
-4 k.a Ju-.a, ihttifc itt
- .1 h4 ewi U-t f gl.4.-4t.-.. t-
i.a hJ ailianUt the k -lo ;
ha aeutt .r tho i 4 li U'i'H a.t II
a t rue it.t('i.. ILu tV-m
V fl !,.' oh -
,14 iM ia ... Bnl '
a- , mkee a Jt (Mfut 1 1f . eel
)U Ji'Wfc -
t I -! I
e fcsinat ! $
IH IfcwJl
t t aiiad kl- !.. ,
Millionaire Kadieal
Spends First Wight in Pen
.Toilet, III..- Nov. 22. By A. R
William Hross Lloyd, wealthy radical,
today discarded hi civilian clothes,
donning instead a suit of prison blue
denim and became simply a convict
with a number.
I.ate Inst night Lloyd, convicted and
sentenced with 20 others for radical
utterances, voluntarily surrendered to
rlson authorities to begin serving his
sentence of one to five years.
For six days a search had been
made for him by ofrlcinl.
The wealthy radical's arrival at the
prison last night was shrouded In,
secrecy. Hut he found a small army
of newspaper men waiting at the gate
for him.
Six of Lloyd's co-defendants, who
also surrendered voluntarily, started
their third day of sentence a Lloyd
began his first. They arrived at the
prison luxt Monday. Seven others are
confined In the Cook county Jail.
For years, Lloyd has been known
as a radical. Both be nnd his wife,
formerly Madge Kird, were active in
the movements of the left wing of
Ihe socialist party.
Among Lloyd's radical associates
were "Mig Bill" Haywood, now wild
to he In ItUBsla. and John lieid, first
bolshevik envoy t the I'nited States,
is the reflection
of radiant health
To be beautiful, all many women lack is the well
rounded figure, sparkling eyes, curving cheek,
cherry lips and clear rose-tinted complexion that
come with vibrant, glowing HEALTH.
Burlington Starts Suit
to Knjoin Tax Collection
Lincoln, Nov. '.'2, Suit to enjoin
State Tax Commissioner N. 11, OS
Itnrne, Jr.. and 72 county treasurer in
Srhraxka from collecting tax nn val
uations fstililihd list June by the
Mnt. Invxrd of e.i ii.i I Ion wan filed
In h t'ntted Hiati district court
h.-ie tod.-iy by the Chicago. Burlington
and Qulncy railway company.
Tli wtltUiiln plnlnt.ff il.iliua that
ttie roH-i ty i.f Ihe road wua .iluil
t a blgher ftur tbin the property
of n.ul.r t t'lt'setis of the elite Th!
the nva.t cla:n la roiitrsrif to the
e aiitiitum of II at ite, wliich prtt
vl.t- . In effvt, ) Miwrtv i f nn
i" , ,,! and ah.i! Ik IaxikI
lOi aa eii-tl Kiatw,
l"i Ni lrj.kan Ailinitti'd
tn Prat tire iw lu State
i -, - iew! i i-. ,t. tin
I. ltt,,n f -l..i l I -iut, l... ..) w t lit. J I It r
t-ff a n itc, -I itht ,
I , r i li.,,i
1m i .h pri
' S
l t IT f
th W '
I h,-H, J l l
I I k ,, 1 1 V;!
M, N' II. ,t
t o H I iniuli
is nature's great
health builder
PWh Oaa
.a ee i
il"izrl !
Hi' i t-atra
wi a i s-j
r ! - - ol Ma It Wl.l l"
. ' ' - i ..ft . t. i,ii'i a .
' K !. Huh H
I i titiva I. ,tw t,
'' i t. t' -!... - i
., C t' IUiMm. J M
takr.4ia. ilk , l , C
utt U )ie.
u - ...,t,.,l 1, .
, t . .. j ,. tt e,
I .,. .'. i, ,
' I . . . . k
How to Make Pin
Cough Syrup at Horn
Ita ne, eiiajal for pinpl reanlt.
lake but a mmeut preiiaret
aad ae abaal Si,
1'ine ia u.ed In neatly preerip
tioo unl rvmedie lor eoiigui. Ihe
ie.iua I that p colli, u aeverjl
eleim-uU tiiat hata a renuikuhla
etfect in HkiIIi and liealug th
BirnibraSe ut t! tliroat ani rkeat.
I'm I'ouch v r u ara ciniti on
of p. i.e n. I imp. 1 lie "a'rup" pail
i u!ul n iun syrup.
I it niAi Ilia brt u n I'oiiL'h remrdf
liiat iiii'lu-V cu but, put ." j otiiit
i t I' n in a 1'iat U-ti.t, au I h i ui
itk koine ivi,l aiiujr avrup. t'f
nu eta ue i'mi dit uivtl !, ku'V,
r r.i, a tu, little I ut ai'ii.
t ithef watt, vt alalia a) lull t-ilit
hmie lUa i van tut Ki ll n i l
l.if tkiee t.mra t . noa It t
jiii'. g.l aa I li.ttl terv I' '. I,
V I levl t . . UV lo ll t s
e-oif vr .1 a sy 1 !
k.i kta. In nuul attt W' dif,
k.'4t a i gdt, tu k )(
tat V t- (, un h l..inil,.. t
t ' t- l. f ix l S i - 1
l, l faitii.B i I1, I h't
4ml "' . -i,t.,t I, at , ,
- ia H a...ii ei k- L-a.
4 J, t -, I V l ! . r n
v ml " l a. I m l a . at,
I" a .-lie aaii !
Hikl t gra i 1.4 Va I-aa e
I -a. I ia i ... - .a I ... I mat
it ivwi-l I b -i e
t ii t I ., HI
4- . ! t "i't . . f
ib . , kI t a-..,.!
t 4 mk 1--. at4 l' W
tu Ml llwl. ml ' ilK44
ike fvMti, ft. Vi-, 1
U hrlt ill .Nffd .f llrl
tn u ui Ad.
Daughter Took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound as Mother Advised
Wauaoon. Ohio.-"M
lwahad tail. a'h and kK-st-hsst
and could not to
on her ft st
thoas time. Wi)
rrSil shout Ltdt
V. I'inkBsm's
YfgftaU Com
pen4 dolr-t
an aha !() Id
talis It lt U
two )rfin l
he M tlilfarent
lift stnrai than,
Sbl t 0 say woee. Ae cants U 4d
-althnugb ai i SUil fsrvful Mil, t
bV ssy tltSA4 a it S"4
'ea?. rcMnnn4 I JtlS L
litkkni's VcUtl iusspaMiw) In
Sit m, I tvrl wua , itaugklerm.
SimI I f v )Kt wrwiaab t tHil iiai)
M Ktt. f sl'mioi'l -'.
A M In sun ins, tUi NaIUwI
.miU.n n, rf ts)At Tiilt f
fact Um rtaawt list, u"J II U
am vt kua. t bat fnwf J jvtaas
ta4H, U a wed, lM II IS '
. ' twUi ssa jl
Li t hUan's Vtsls
ta.-.n,t w. l i.fmt lk t
Neiglilxira who called today at the
f.inutioiiNC where the woman Hvcm
alone suld tlie.atiuiu of .hunger was
bei-oiulng apparent lu lnr appear
on ce.
The liitslmiid, who lives on an ad
joining farm, refuied to discus bin
w ife's ai l Ion.
Oil Bearing Sand
Struck Near Blair
Herman, Neb,, Nov. !. (Special -
M. I Cameron of lli-rnuni, a mem
ter of- tho fcyndlcnte that In putting
down it well nt California, Junction.
Just across the river from Klnlr. un
nounced that a 12 foot vein nf nil
licurlng sand has Is-en struck st i
depth of T0 fi-ot. It will lie some
days liefore the well can be put in
shiiMi to tnnke s test that will show
the Milne of the stride, but the mem
bers of the syndicate feel coiitliiont
that tholr efforts have Imen justified
and that u paying oil field will be
developed here,
Several g-oluglsts, including some
lu tha employ of tho government,
h.'ivo expressed the conviction that an
oil strain extends from the vicinity
of I'l.ciliir to soma tttilrs amitli
I tiuir on ixitll aides uf the riM t.
Potato Salad
with Egg
(Jhop hitrtl lanilcd rut)
VfTT fine b'fon niiiing
with MlaUr.Th'npoar
ovrr thi nuyonnttiM
dmwirig vihrrh shooM
be well (tranorrrd with
thi omaiNAX woncimssrimt
Furnace Dl.yU Ton
Elf or Nul '"''' 0,11,,,.,!
413 South tilth Street
Phone ATlanttc ISM, Atlantic 1507
lyU Paint (Ohio Spaeial f!rA .j
eo i. m. i mo ,.. JrvXA
2Sa.m. I OS a. an. 1 fV
'M.n. Silt a. en. " f
Pimrnt a heriule Moral Palttr Arrrea Jaikannville 1 1 .10 ai.
SchaHuU Ml MX lea Neawanber IS Royal Palm (Ohio 'rialtl
Lf. I hltato
Le. I h,
Ar. t k-"
Ae. i4. an. I tile a. .f.T
Ar. Jachaawato ., , , iU a. aa. I lilt a. m.(K.T.)
Ar. lamp Sdlfkm.
Ar. St. faiTarnu rg . SiS.m.
lndi.innli Hnvnl Palta asjrprr ready VflO an. !
nigral rum rrina,ea niicri cuinn i awe m javaamtviiie Wlin flanrnute
H um lur all r ka-iila pmnla. Ihnaiirrar arivae ba all mnue.
i nu.i.t ia, aamville- lainna-M. iTierai.ina I wousli Nreie.
Iinui luuiial tK, Uonialrdjilr. tottililJ alomv nriviletn
Kor booblet, datatM Irif.wmalUei r raaa wtbw tvplf
It nmCeaaral .al PaM. C.CSTTWAST, SWlk.r
7a,;v'i rM"1 tr ir!-T - c
. f t rM pit. t
Uli4,0,N. Oe-., f
gi luu j jiiiji ai y
V t'fW .
tt m -- r . p j wt m
3.SO Mil'flloT
at Sl ue
1 , I o pair af
ladles' atriip wrtat
aueilu and mo'-li
Ulovre In brown and
a-ray. In the lot are
k-lovaa worth to
13.(0. Special Thiira.
ilr at 4119
sr? 1 f i- M 1 Wl rXMr
llki irter Suarf
at 4Uo
HtaiiipiNl lrar
Hurra, tieniatlli-lie,!
ami a aM"ll, 1 a S
liii-ltea. Itaaulnr Tto
value. Thuialuy al,
mi'li 4
Art Nee.lle Mtirb
Hrpl. breviid I luor
Here's Some Welcome Coat and Dress News
For Thursday Shopoers A Typical Hayden Bros.' Sale
200 Stunning
New Coats
200 Ladies' and Misses' Coats
in pluwIieK, velours, polou and
mixtures. Many of tliesc coats
fur trimmed and full lined; all
sizes and all new winter coati;
extra special for Thursday
fmmm . ' iM--
Fur Chokers, Values to $13.50,
at $8.95
100 Fur Chokers in fitch, opos
sum and squirrel, values to
$13.50. Thursday, while they
Dresses. Special For One Day
150 ladies' and misses' new Dresses inj
Cantons, Crepe Satins, Tricoshams, 1 A QC
Tricotines, Jerseys and Toiret Twills;!- t I
all good styles and high-grade materi-l
als, all sizes. For one day, Thursday. . J
54-Inch All Wool Coatings, $3.75 ValuesThursday, Yard, $2.29
Warm Winter
Greetly Indtrpriced TLorsdajr
" $1.35 Sepursto (arments, 79c
In fine quality; Just the best
kind of a garment where sepa
rated pieces are worn. You must
see these to know the unusual
value; $1.25 values, at....70t
Women's Part Wool Sleevelets
Union Suits, $1.60
Ankle length, a splendid gar
ment for this time of the year;
cream white.
Children's Fleeced Union Suits
at 89c
Gray, white or cream; values
up to $1.50; advertised for this
sale at, only 98
Women's Silk and Wool Union
Suits at $'.'.$
Elbow length . sleeves tailor
made, all sizes; regular $3.50
values at 82.89
Women's Knit Bluomers, oOo
Regular 75c value. Elastic knee
and waist, flesh color, warm and
Thursday the ,Silk
Department Offers Un
usual Values
$2.50 Charmeuse Satin, $1.58
Cbarmeuse Satin in black and navy, all silk; regular
$2.50 values, at, yard, only $1.58
Canton Crepes, $2.65
Canton Crepes Fine heavy all silk quality, full line of
colors, also black; special, yard at $2.65
$5.00 Satin Canton Crepes, $3.65
Finest quality in black, navy, seal, cocoa, ,canna, tan, etc,
40 inches wiilc. Regular $5.00 value, yard S3.J5
Suede Finish Charmeuse, $3.50 Quality $2.39 Yard
In black, seal, navy, brown, tan, etc.; beautiful for the
new draped gown; 40 inches wide; yard S2.39
All Colors Crepe de Chine, $1.39
Crepe de Chine, heavy quality; all colors; very specially
priced, at, per yard $1.39
$6.50 Chiffon Velvets, $4.95
Chiffon Velvets, Imported in black and colors. Regular
$6.50 value, at, per yard $1.95
Linens and
White Goods
on Sale Monday
Ing Cloth In 10-yard bolts, best
quality offered at, yard... 25
For this sale, 10-yard bolt, spe
cial at only $1.73
Linen Toweling, 17 inches wide,
red or blue fast color border.
This 35c quality In this sale;
at, per yard 21
Flannelette for house dresses,
kimonos and children's gar
ments; 36 Inches wide; figures
on well-napped shaker flannel.
This sale, yard 22VS
Cheese Cloth in Packages of S
yards; the bleached kind, in this
sanitary package; regular price
45c for this sale, pkg 29c
Top Prices,
Quick Returns
With Check for Balance Dut;
on Each Car
careful hamdlinf of
lost and drUjp cUims.
(iuarantrt of Satisfaction I
Tlak Aflaalw till
TJpditte Grain Corporation
Reliable Corwgnment Home "
(.! M.'vaafcea (lit
( i
Service Without a
Service Charge!
? That's rare, thi-se days,
, But that's ht you ret real tlme-snd money !,iin
service hen you turn to the little ails in the "Want
Ad section of The Omaha Hee.
Ami the only thin? it coots yon is the few minutu'
lime i ttakr rach day to look ovrr tlicae opportunities
for thrift ami tifai-tion.
Ti If aoma-one told yu where you rotiM find exactly th.
ttrt ef i-laoe you wart to liv., nr whore you coul.l buy
soma hourfuininhuir jru rJ st s bitf savin. t.
ynuM ra! lht frvic.
U. ohrii Ihe Omaha He "Wsnt" lell rnu three
Ihirts n. tkore f other that yull want i a sew a l
Iho ixne, that's n if aej Ihrn nm'
1 Ail. if )m nt tn rt an s4 ( 1r alt
Al lanti 0o and at, for "Haat" A t taker.
Om.ka Be. -Waal" AJ. f
Belt Bl at ll Ceil.
the lev .' I s t s.taat'vaoU f
WV WtJ V4s4 i