THK OMAHA V.V.V.: THURSDAY. NUVKMHKU THE GUMPS !K IT IN COLOR WELL REPRESENTED Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith U'uPrht lUi'-M PRICES REDUCED Man's 2 or 3-piscs tuilt $ Till MJNDAY Bit 50 iT45 ?Avfc. CAMS TV AT I tOtNC VOT N TVfc fOORta TWVCTS tCAVJlt OF T. VACK O tvoiUUGEKT V0Tt- svf poe k tLuw ovoht to tE A COVUfaE StsVKTt VMM k tlock or Xtfcees as uko claanad and prritad A DRES11ER BROS. s Farnaro Slraat TUphon: Omaha, ATlanlia 6J4B oulh Sid, MArU.I (K)SO 12 1 Returns ro EIGHT 'MORt Show . tOSIHG ELEVEN Vonts -. VOTES IN TWO, Vjat, I HWt'S wwt NWtU.. Vf Tvtx Trh to COUNT ME 0XT THIS VaALC WNO TVX MM MTTIHG ON ONt SEAT ) rM C0N6RWS AHt TWtN VMOH'T VW ME OVr tTHt- TtT ' Luily tv.rr Nllbl a IS KAE SAMUELS q.m.iV Hi a'Cu -DitK CiIm Cr iuiTDE MARCOS AitrUld Hrrrmnnn -1 K Imlir Biol uplt til Dmr -At oa'a rabl I'.lht Nw LEW DOCKS IADER In "Tullilnt Thimifh Hi. H.f KUl. like lu U. N.lilfc ISc la 11,00 CAMtATE WAS . AS MVCW CHAMCE OF 6tTTN0 INTO ?WUC of f vet A? A ftuow CtM 6wt fcXHv TW SAUfcV J OUT tXL FUSWSM Three Days More ROVAMMCs V? HAGARA TAILS WVtH A COVPL OV TOH.E TYW VXT VMM 60 WOVMH TOOTW TICKS- A LOCK OP THt ?0U - PHscilla Dean "UNDER TWO FLAGS" Rifgatt PKolopUjr in Omaha TLi. W.rlc CA.MWOA.Tt, LOSi tV6HT mciHCTSlrt p'aW s II" sir 1 BRINGING UP OU? FOT0tC isMT VERY P,Rilr,HT vN I DON'T THINK. IT Gump Is Rapped at Legion Meeting Kilmartin Castigates Con-p-eesman-Elect for Donating to Soldiers' Organization. Speaking in the council chambi'i-a ut tha city hall before the members ot the DougUia county post of the Amerlcnn Legion, John Kilmartin de nounced the practfee ot eome pub lic men, eepeciully newly elected can dtdatea, for attempting to Influence the food will of the legion by finan cial contributions. "I refer," eaid Mr. Kilmartin, "to Congressman Andrew Gump." Soon after the meeting was opened a ritual ot Initiation was adopted and the members were asked to canvass prominent society women for contri butions to the Salvation Arnty drive In the effort to build a girls' hotel. , The names of all candidates for the election, to take place the first week in December, are to appear for two succeBKive weeks In the Legionnaire, official newspaper of the Douglas county post. An appeal from the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce that the local post of the LeRlon pass favorable resolu tions on the ship subsidy bill was read. The resolutions were voted down. Uev. L. B. Holsapple, chaplain, asked that all, serviceable clothing be collected In preparation for the cold weather, which will find many ex snrvJce men m want. He also asked for volunteers who would provide dinners for Thanksgiving day or do nate money. The surplus money will be held for the Christmas fund. A motion to enjotn German opera lingers, who are soon to tour the Vnlted .States, from singing in Oma ha was referred to the Americaniza tion committee. j Bodies of Ship Wreck Victims Floating in Sea Mrxlcnli, I.owerCalifornla, Nov. 22. Bodies of victims of the capsizing of the steamer Topolobatnpo early Sunday morning at I .a Tlomba. 60 miles south of Meiirnlt. sre drifting down the gulf h California, many jrlles from the sena ot the disaster, I'cordlns to reports received here to nts,ht. ljitet tlniate i.f the drowned in dtrate tha total will remain altne XO, with little prolmlitlity the exact num ber evrr will ba li'rnl. No mora survivors are helieveil to m lout In the dwert along the gulf at. an airplane .r h f lth the Lower California and the Sonora shores failing t revenl any further aijtns of aurh r fn " ltirttn and Death. Mirth. lira 4 Wl!ll VI .-a. I 'karlM ai'-t. a.rL ).,n Siiifc. !! i T s t .! ae4 ', T 5t t- act mhi it k'fr4 4 .Jn Tltl k.ll.t, trltlil. i l.llHa .'lm a . ii. Hi 'a c;i ki.l'l. 4 at ' ii, i t i a.4 W 3l ii a ii" 'a ! . V V ..! H.t a.,4 a a . , lkil l at mi t J . ....aia M.. m( iMIka 1 v.'. ... t !:' v.iii ' W k 4 ' ".! a - 4 m 1 1 rw ' I I . I V e k ,iH lH, i fc. ,.. ' e..- ., 4. j a, i i -j H t ! !. " ! S . i r- v k - - . I. o. i. , - I . t t I ft ' l . - -. . .is 4 a - s V i FATHER v. S. Olllca OH', HOW I WIH I WUZ. BACK IN AMEFiCA EAT IN CORNED BCEF WITH johnt cle art: English Radio Exchange. What is said to be the first radio phone exchange In the world was re cently opened at Croyden, England, the point from which the air lines to the European continent take their de parture, according to Consul Llnnell. The chief use mude of this exchange is to connect the aerial-traffic control ler, who has his headquarters in a control tower at Charing Cross, Lon don, with the pilots of the air express flying between Croyden and the con tinent. This wireless exchang'e can also con nect the phones of the airships and airplanes while in flight with any of fice at the aerodrome at Croyden, mak Mild as 'J.' t,';;Mnwmnlf l 4'vl f , '. it t I Vat 6AY- liN'T THERE ANV .LEAVE HIM .ALONE - HE'S ONE A.WCXJND CONN A TAKE HER;E THAT OFF ing direct telephone conversation pos sible. The pilot of each aarlel transport is now required to report his iiosltlon to the traffic controller every fifteen min utes, so that the progress and position of each plane is known througnut Its Journey. The controller Is of par ticular value in directing the course of the air craft in cusps of fog, and in giving them special directions for landing. Sparks An advance 'in the technique, of broadcasting may be looked for us the result of a new type of micro phone the instrument responsible for converting speech or music into elec trical form. Thei drum of the micro phone Is fitted with a coll which Vi brates In sympathy with It, and be V7 ?fa v CI GrAlKL a May Morning-and as Of 'Xiot N. la'AAf 1UY SmoltesMfooJ A rrotnUa flrauint loua AS you smoke Mo:art, please do ui the favor to ail L yourself t quest ion Ml It tnU? I It frugrantV We have cured anJ Wended the tobaccc In Mitart to get true mildneu without Uwing true fragrance. Hae ue iuc ceeded J Mozart alci-largc and Increasing-" to prwt tt. An uncommonly mild citf.r of Havana fragrance leaut. fully made. . Mv4it Cig4f l mJ H Nw Ytwl t.mK.l by MCOKD BRADY CO tVinaKa. Nks SEE JIGCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL , PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE I PEAK-KE LITTLE. 1 MELIKEN- Vt LL TELL U WHY DiO TOO TAKE J) Copynthl. 1921. by Inl I Fmium vi. Im ing placed in a strong magnetic field, tho vibrations create electric impulses which are carried by radio In the usual way. The voice currents are stated to be remarkably true, and the repro duction of music highly successful. There are so many cheap vacuum tube sockets on the market now that after a litMo use the contact points soon lose their tension, making a poor contact with the points on the .vacu um tube and cuiislng poor reception. This tun be remedied by (uking a hair pin and putting the bent end under the contact points so as to pull it up to Its respective position. -This Is more successful than trying to pull it up with the fingers. When one contact point Is pulled up with the fingers the one opposite is bent down by the first Joint on tho finger, Faint radio messages received at 7W ft V avraaY nn 15; A rr lobarc iV J V a ' - s aCT --i. It,': mi Drawn for The Omaha (CopyrlKhf I ( THE.T COULDN'T HAt4, TOO WITH THEC ON THCM OFP. ARE. WE. ' HAT o WHT Nome, Alaska, announced that Cap tain Amundsen whs leaving for tha Arctic. Add-a-Pcarl Winners. Local winners in the AdU-A-Pearl contest were announced yesterday by the C. B. Brown Jewelry company. "Gift of rhe Sea" was the winning title, submitted by Mrs. A. It. John ston. 3546 North Twenty-savenrtj street. &he was awarded a $25 neck lace. Mrs. C. E. Hunter. 3820 Charles street, and Irene McCalg, 609 South Thirty-fifth street, tied for second place with "Pearl of the Mist." Third prize went to Herbert Kampiath of Steward, Neb., who named the picture "Undine Rapture." The Judges were Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Dining and Maurlc Block, direc tor of the Omaha Society of Flno Arts. Jragrant IMI Sh rVaunslr - ana i4 Mil,. . I1H-23" h Bee by McManua I TOOK Girl in Jail for Speeding. Los Angolxs, Nov. 22. Miss Mar garet Henry, 19, Kednndo Beach, was one of J persons sentenced to Jajl here today for speeding. Police Judge Joseph Chambers sentenced the ac cused to terms ranging from 2 lo 10 "days. The girl was allowed to go home and tell her parents before be ginning her Jail term. We'll Let The Reviewers Have So A Screen Masterpiece "A screen masterpiece of hu man i n t e i e t." New York Evening World. r A Big Triumph "The film's power and beauty are beyond question." New York Evening Telegram. It's Amazing "Without a flaw. Entertain ing and beautifully done." New York Tribune. s 100 Pei' Cent Perfect "The production iu perfect. Personally we should say it rated 100 per cent." New York Globe. A Matchless Picture "Make no mistake about it, this is one of the matchless pic tures of the year Jackie and the rest are the essence of Dickens. All the scenes are .'o vivid and arresting it is hard to single out any." New York Sun. NOW PLAYING DIAMONDS r Ihejr maitett r rcktr I rmce ? PINK GODS wild Beb Daniels i Kirk wood - Ib Saaaaa's Hl Caaa1s Rhubarb Vattllno 'MUJ rid SAND" (ti4 aa 'Rtawl anJ laaJ?' EMPRESS s ai ItHtat 4. Iaa4 awa S tMa Jtw ha 'hM ta " k I Mwa S4 A ( A t I '4mii a' W ImwM 4ut' Ittata ai taa laaa fx Una m rk aaiia rats a.iiiii a a mi aMa a- a, aa4 ..a t.i -IM tia Hit tst- MI4IU Mtlll MH lull NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS CRAND .... llh and Rinnty .HERBERT RAWLINSON In "DON'T MIOOT" "BUFFALO BILL," NO. I HAMILTON . 4Mb and lUm.llon EUCENE O'BRIEN In PHOI'HLT'S PAKAIJISE" AMATEUR VAUDEVILLE VICTORIA 24th and Furl NORMA TALMADGE In "IIF.R ONLY WAY" Three Days To See The Queen of Artist.' Studios IT?V ra TLB vv KIT in a Story of Her Own Life "Heedless Moths" Lays Bare the Soul of Truth and Proves That "The Jtide Is the Newspapers Write This Ad! Used Up All the Superlatives, We Give Up JACKIE COOQAN in "OLIUER Timsr Cast Includes Lon Chaney THE TREAT of THE SEASON . STARTS STARTS TODAY Dorothy Dalfcn with , David Powell and Mitchell Lewis in- "The Siren Call" -a a tti cifa- tCrmt rlTT7 a 4i 4 H laaai i. m a.Mna mu HNhtl rthVUt -W.( , 4a SM UM F; ANK rUNf.lf f iuHZY NF.W SHOW TODAY GEEQ U U 4 Wf)a Oa -THK IONF. HAND' Ac lion! You 5 id It " tarn WirT i NOW PLAYING ROBYN ADAIR and a.r SUNKIST SERENAOERS The California Jan Dahcrr ami lici Syncopation Band 4 5 OTHER ACTS I And Fulur Pholonlaya I More to Not Me" -f7l tohight In All the Woild No F.nlrrtainmcnt lo Compara Wilh A. L. I'.rlanger'i Prrtenlation of 2 Att 19 Sccnri of GranJaur PMiltvly Oiiiik.I (ait. ( karua m4 PioJucticut - AniniiaUtl lim.H Orikttl.t CooJ Sralt Aiiailakla for All Pari urmoc.i t , SOc la IX Mai.. 50c lo 2 4 ! .HUftnt ttszi Thanksgiving I f If vrp W TICKETS onSaU TODAY M. , J4 r ,. sd 1 ftfdiiiTlaW Wait - , STARTS SUNDAY jtA fifliaKaHafaHa4 I FED I fw M., ItaJa.t fU..a M4 IS . Im ta h l III Nrr.l .f II. )( hi Ht ut ,U Ml. UiM ll feMSt hMllta