J UK OMAHA in:i:: WM.t.MM ., .MlUJIhUi --. iv--. - . . . . . . . ....... L ' 1 , . . k , . . 1 I 111 lll'll . ... I lltl.l a "All Americans Will Benefit by Ship Subsidy" PreM.I.nt I)cIarfi Bill Will Save rovcrnnint "Slajjgrr ing Loot's" Sajs For eijjiiers Fop. Vi'a-diinalon, Nv. "!. 'i'he test of rif "liliMit Harding' .address to con rs fidlnws: Mi-tuber of the rnni;ree: Iita lt February I repotted to lu relative to the American bier hunt marine and riiiiu-inil legi l.itlon which thi) executive bram-h of the government deemed esiwritiul to uroiimte our riirtvliunt marine end with it nun national welfare. Other I lublenia were pressing and other iiestlou bending, nd fur one reu win or n not her Vihlrh need hot be n-elled, the suggested b rlMitlnii bus in rt progressed beyond n favcr.'ilil rre (.niineiidiillon hy the house ruin- Mlttee 'I'll committee him (flvn Hie iiiinHoii it full mid piiintnkitig In cuiry end study ami i Iiuimi that It pnrt speedily rim I.. .11. rmiil in liiouiiikw hulldln artilial to our imlioiial wrlUir. No invoiiible I Hi veil the forri will ll. of law. Jt will b'i helpful in clearing (he atmosphere K wo mart wlih the fnink recognition of 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 -1 1 opinion and do ii-i mliifd opposition. Ji Ih not new ex peilem e. i.llto propositi liavn dlvld id th emigres on various previous iiKliiiiM. I'cjhiip" a more resolute hostility never waH muiilfest before, and 1 am very Nine llio need for d clxive net Ion ili'clNlvc, favorable ac linn never wan no urgent before. .Not Dealing Willi Theory. lire not now dealing Willi a pulley founded on theory, we luive a problem which Js( one of grim uctu ailly, We uru ftidng insistent condi tion, out of which will come either aililiiiiiiil and ri!:,;,ci-!ng government losses and iiittlt.iuil Impotence on the hum or else the unfurling of the flu a on it great American merchant murine commensurate with our commercial Importance to service us carrier of our angora In pein e and inert (tic luces hide of our defense in war. Dependent on .Mile. There Is no thought to magnify tlio relation of merchant marine) to our nutiouiil defense, it la enough to recall that we entered the world war almost wholly dependent on our allies for transportation by sea. ,W expended approximately 3,000.00o'o0, feverishly, extravagantly, wastefully oud Impructleally. Out of our eager ness to make up for the ommlssiotis of pence und to meet the War cmer neney we bnilded and otherwise so il ulred the vast merchant fleet, which I ho government owns tuday. In the simplest way I can nay It, out' Immediate problem la pot to build and support a merchant shipping, which 1 hold to be one of the highest and most worthy UHplratlona of any great people; Our problem la to deul with what we now possess. Our prob lem la to relieve the public treasury of the drain It la already meeting. Let ua omit purtlculara about the frenzied war time building and turn to note the mere business problem, the Cow Bound TripFares CHICAGO $23.91 account INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION December .- 191 The Omtha-Chicago Llm lied leave Omaha daily t 6:05 p.m. Arrive. Chicago 8:05 a. m. Every car la company owned everv employee worki directly for the com pany. There ia no divided responsibility. Comfort and courtety are anored. Tickets on tale from Dec. ltt to 5th, Inclusive. Final return limit Dec 11.192Z Fur information and reservations aalc W. E. HOCK Gen. A (it. Paas. 0 South lth St. Tel. Jack, on 4481 Omaha, Neb. practical queatlnu of dollar and cent with whl h w are confronted. Half tioprinnent Ownrd. The war louatrui'tion and the later vomplextlon of war cuntrncta left ua approxlmalely U,:0.Ul0 groaa Ion i m ice in ahlpa. The figures are nearer ::,.&Ti,omj tons now , .owing to the scrapping of the wooden flleet, Mure than half this tonnnKe ia iiuverniiunt owned and approximately i.ItO.odO Ions are under government operation in one form or another. The net I"m to the VnlteJ Htatea Treaaui suina actually taken therefrom in thU koV Liiiinent operation uveraged approxi mately lid, iieO. ooo per month during the year prior to the aaauniptlon of reaponnlhlllty by the present adminis tration. A constant waifaro on this losa of public funds, and Ihs draft to service of capable business management arid experienced operations, have resdltl In applied efficiency and enforced economies. It la very gratifying to re port the diminution of ths losses In IflwO.uiiii per month, or a total nf tSO.OOO.OuO.OflO a year; but It la In tolerable that the government ahoutd continue a policy from which so erfor- moua a treasury loss Is the inevita ble outcome. This loss, moreover, attends operation of less thsn a third of tha government-owned ileet. It Is not n question of lidding new tieainry burdens to maintain our hhlpplnu, we ure puylnK these burdens now. It Is not a question of con- triictliiK an outlay to support our mer chant shipping, but we are paying al ready. 1 am riot nuking your uu- thoilzatlon of u new and added draft on It he public treasury; I am uppeullng for a proKram to diminish the burden we urn already bearing. When your executive government knows of public expenditures aggra vating 5,0om,009 annually, which It believes could be reduced by half through a change of policy, your gov ernment would be unworthy of pub lic (runt If such a,:hange were not in sistently urged. And the pity of it Is that our pres ent expenditure In lossea Is not con structive. It looks to no future at tainments. It Is utterly Ineffective In the establishment of a dependable merchant marine, whereas the en couragement of privato ownership and the application of Individual In itiative would make for a permanent creation. Further Lodhcs. Hut I have not properly portrayed all the current losses to the public this year. We are wearing out our hips without any provision for re placement. We are having these louses through deterioration now, ami aro charging nothing against our cap ital account. Iiut the lushes are there, ami regrettably larger under govern rnent operation than under private control. Only a few yeara of con tinned losses on capital account will make these losses throMgh deprecia tion alone to exceed fifty millions a year now drawn to cover lossea In operation. .Notwithstanding the known war cost In 3,000,OUO,000 for tha present tonnage I will not venture to appraise ltd cash vulue today. It may as well be confessed now aa st some later time that in the mad rush to build we bullded poorly, often very poorly. Moreover, we constructed without any formulated program for a mer chant marine. Our fleet costing np- I roxlmately $3,000,000,000, la worth only a fraction of that cost today. Whatever that fraction may be, the trouble remains that we have no mar kct In which o seil the ships under our present policy, but face a pro- urarn of surrender and sacrifice and the liquidation which is Inevitable un lent the pending legislation la sanc tioned, with a cost of scores of mll- liona more. The Answer. When the question la asked, Why tha Insistence for the merchant ma rine act now, the answer la apparent. Wuivlng every inspiration which lies In a constructive plan for maintaining our flag on the commrclul highways of the sea, waiving the prudence in safeguarding ugainst another $3,000,- 000,000 madness If war ever again Im pels, we have the unavoidable task of wiping out a $50,000,000 annual loss in operation and losses aggregating many hundreds of millions in worn out, sacrificed or scrapped shipping. Then the supreme humiliation, the ad mission that the United States our America, onca eminent among the maritime nations of the world ia In capable of asserting Itself In the peace triumphs on the seas of the world. This prablem cannot longer be Ig nored; Its attempted solution cannot longer ba postponed. The failure of congrefs to act decisively will be no less disastrous than adverse action. Three Courses. and ih i boh o among them la no long er io be avoided. Tha flist is coiintiuetue enact the 1 1 luting bill Under whirl! 1 fiiuily be-In-ve an American men hunt marine, prujt-ly owned und pnvatrly operat ed, but serving all tha people and al ways available in the government In any eipci -genry, inay be established and miUntuliiaM. , The second la obstructive continue government operations und 'uttendlng government losses und iMjicoiinige private enterprise by government tompi tltlon, Under w hich losses are met by the public treiisury and - wit ness th coutiuued losses audi (li-teri- oration until the failure ends In sheer exhaust ton, . The third li destructive Involving I (lie siierlfice f our ships abroml or the I scrapping of them at home, the stir-1 render of our aspirations, and the confession of our lmpoteno In the world In general, and our humiliation before the oomiietlng world In par ticular. . A choice among tha three as Inevita ble. It Is unlwliaveahla that the American peopto or,, the congress which expresses) their pewer will con sent to surrender and destruction. It is equally unbelleveable that our people and the1 oongrexs which trans lates their wtsliee Into action will longer sustain a program of obstruc tion and attending losses to the treasury. Constructive Alternative. I liavti come to urge the construe tlve alternative, I have come to usk you to relieve the resMinslble ad minstrative brunch of the government from a program upon which failure and hopelessness und staggering lossea are written for every page, and let us turn in a program of assured ship ping to serve us In war and to give guaranty te our commercial Indepen dence in )we. I know well the hostility In the pop ular mind to the word "subsidy." It Is stressed by the opposition and asso ciated with "special privileges" by those who are unfailing advocates of government aid whenever vast num ber are directly concerned. "Govern ment aid" would tie a fairer term thun 'subsidy in defining whut we are seeking to do for our merchant ma rine, und the Interest are those of all the people, even If the aid goes to the few who serve. If government aid Is a fair term nnd I think It la to apply to author izations aggregating $75,000,000 to promote good roads for market high ways, it la equally (It to be applied to the establishment and maintenance of American market highway on the salted seas. If government aid ia the proper definition for' $15,000,000 to $40,000,000 annually expended to improve and maintain Inland water ways In aid of commerce, it Is a proper designation for a needed as sistance to establish and maintain ocean highway where there is actual commerce to be carried. Without Protest. But call It "subsidy" since there are those who prefer to appeal to mis taken prejudice rather than make frank and logical argument. We might so call the annual loss of $50, Ooo.ooo which we are paying now without protest by those who most sbhpr. we might as well call that a "subsidy," If so I am proposing to cut In half, approximately, and to the saving .thu effected there would be added million upon million of fur ther saving through ending losses on capital account government capital out of the publio treasury and there would be At least the promise and the prospect of the permanent 'establish mcnt of the needed merchant marine. Guards Against Enrichment, I challenge every Insinuation of fa vored interests and the enrichment of the special few at the expense of the public treasury. I am, first of all, appealing to save the treasury. Perhaps the unlimited bestowal of government aid might Justify the ap prehension of special favorlmj, but the pending bill, the first ever proposed which carried such a provision, auto matically guards against enrichment or perpetuated bestowal. It provides that shipping lines receiving govern ment aid must have their actual In vestment and their operating ex penses audited by the government, that government aid will only be paid until the shipping enterprise earns 10 per cent on actual capital em ployed, and Immediately that when more than 10 per cent earning is reached, half of the excess earnings must be applied to the repayment of the government aid which had been previously advanced. Thus the pos sible earnings are limited to a very reasonable amount If capital Is to be risked and management is to be at tracted. If success attends, as we hope it will, the government outlay la returned, the inspiration or op- lean tranapurtatliiii by m.i is mfdh lu.lf.1. Though differing in d-t ill. it in nui Dioie iu troMn tioii to tlieir population and rni'iii liy than other gieat nationx hava ilrtne In Hiding thn rraliih rnent of their mm limit marine. Concern about our polfcy i not iim itid to our own domain, though the Interest librcid N of vry dlfftilng character. The maritime ii.iIIoiik of the world are In i-ouipleie itiiord with the opt H is It ion bete to I lie pending measure. They have u peifcrt light to such an altltiine, When look from their viewpoint vwi can undi stand. Hut I wish to slieMS Hie Ann li can Viewpoint. Ours should l the Viewpoint from whli h one sees Ameil can turners nt sen, the dependence of American commerce, and American vessel for American reliance pi i he event of war. Hiving diHCUH'cl In detail the policy and provisions of the ponding bill when previously nildi cislng you, J foiiiear a repetition now. In lliill vldiinl exchanges of opinion not n fw In house or senate have expressed M-ronal sympathy with tha purHiecs of the bill nnd then littered it dis couraging doubt about the sentiment of their constituencies. It would be most discouraging If a measure of such truhsccndijig natimioT linior tance must have its fate depend on geographical, occupational, profes sional it partisan objection. Kiimkly I think It loftier statesmanship to support und coinmeinl a policy de signed to effect the linger good to the nation tliau nrely t.i record the, too hasty Impressions of a constituency. Out of the harmonized aspiration, thn fully informed convictions and the Hilled efforts of all the people will come the greater republic. Oommer Clal eminence on the seas, 41 triple, agendo for the promotion nnd carry ing of our foreign commerce are of I'lie loan fund to t iiioui'a.n building lis imt new: It Is the law ulreinly, en-i.uli-.l by III" 1 ..-iitlally unanimous vote of tougicsx it is only inciuiieii In the pending bill ill order to amend o as to iiSKiire the (taction of a minimum inter t rate by thu govern. mellt. Whereas the exletilltf law b-ilViS llm I. hi lit of blllliling loans subject to any whim of f.ivoiilinm. Ill under View, It should Ih- kept ill In 1 1 1 1 1 also that there 111 nnsilred limitations of the govei uuieiil proMictt, The direct md with ocean carrying maintained at 1 111 r present participation will not iia.il K'a iMMi.imii a Jtur and the max limiiii direct a lil, if our chipping Is ao promoted tnat we carry one half our deep se.is commerce, will riot exceed Jill). neii. Win annually. At llio very maximum of outlay we should be sav log 1,'o.iiau.iHNi of our present annual oH-iutliig loss; If the maximum Is ever reached the estiibllHhiuent of our merchant murine w.ll have been liellnltely recorded and the govern iiienl owned Meet fortunately liqui dated. From this point of view It 1 the simple liM'ontestlble wisdom of busi ness like dealing to save all that Is possible nf (he annual lists and avoid the millions sure to n lost to the government's capital account In sacri ficing our fleet, lint there Is a big ger, broader, more inspiring view point, uye, u, patriotic viewpoint, 1 refer to the constructive action of to day which offers the only dependable promise of making our war time In hrrllance of ships the foundation of a great agency of commerce in ieaee and an added guaranty of service when it Is necessary to our national defense. Foremost 'I lioiif lit. Thus fur I havo la-en urging gov ernment aid to American shipping no less Importance to the people of having on mind every Interest of our the Mississippi und the Missouri vul leys, the great northwest and the llocky mountain states than to the seaboard state and Industrial com munities building Inland 1,000 miles or more. It la a common cuuse, with its benefits commonly shared. When people fall In the nslfonal viewpoint und live In the confines In community selfishness or narrowness, the auri of thi republic will . have passed Its meridian, and our larger usplratlons will shrivel in the approaching twi light. To I'ay h'very Ihillar. -It Is my llrm belief that the com bined savings of operating losses and the protection of the capital account through more advantageous sales of our war-built or -war-seized ships, be cause nf the "favorable policy which the pending bill will establish, will more than pay every dollar expended In government aid for 25 years to come, The approximate sum of $5,000,000 annually paid for the transport of ocean mails is no new expenditure. producing population, whether of mine, factory or farm, bocauso ex panding shipping Is the foremost thought of every nation In the world today, 1 believe In government aid becom ingly bestowed. We have aided In diislry through our tariffs, wo have iililud railway transportation In land grants und loans, wo have aided the construction of market roads and the improvement of inland waterways, Wo have aided reclamation and Irri gation and the development of water' power; we have loaned for seed grains In anticipation of harvest. We expend millions in investigation and experimentation to promote a common benefit, though a limited few are the 'llreft beneficiaries. We havo loaned huinlrcilK of millions to promote the marketing of American good. Chief Hnirerer, At the present moment the Amcrl can farmer is the chief sufferer from (ho cruel readjustments which follow wur's Inflations, and befHtlng govern ment aid to our farmers Is highly e FATIMA' CIGARETTES Three eoursea of action are possible ' portunity to earn remains, and Amer Many intelligent mothers overlook these feivsimnle a -----r-- now for TWENTY If you could have asked for more in Fatima, would it not have been this lower price? lS! 7' Let Fatima imtktrt tell nu Liggett Sc Myi Tomcco Co. ET:KY mother interetcd in her chilJren'i welfare meet a problem in the proper lecJin of her bo arnl firli. rrent olicn di rmt re!ie the evil cfTccU tl rvul-mttrition; mi that rare in the clcvtinn of Iikk ill avoivl a large pervert Ute o( chilJren'a ill. Ono $t ihc bcl tit (tMkJt ur provklini proper nourishment .r rv)in4 ho) n4 IrU i (irpvNutt mJ nf wbolo wheal flour ami rotli4 barley, anj wieruilkally hVeJ lor I tnty hour. Tlii Kn baling rin out a Jcliciou flavor, mike iht fooJ gvy lo Jiel-iih4ul ftrmcnutioit. ftx-Xut with milk or warn l com pic l I00J. 1 Icr It uii for hiur healths !rt i .rapNuli at often at iht Mk with it. 'There's a Reason" tvld by Croccr Every hrc ! M.-t? fvat-sa t fsl 4. I" , Una t l,a roiws msss HE? WL W 'Kilt' J 'w 1 $i 1 1M m erlitlal to Our ImHolial WrlUlf. No people may safely boast a kikhI for lune which the farmer dix-a not shin. Already this, congress and the ad mlulstmtlve branch of the govern meut have given willing ear to th ugrlcultural plea for wr relief and much has been dune which has proven hi Iff ill. Admittedly It is not enough. Our credit systems, under government provision and control, l must be promptly and safely bro.nl ened to relieve our agricultural ills tree. j To this problem and such others of pressing Importance as iviisoiiuhly j may be dealt with in th short sesa.nu I I shall Invite your attention at an early day. 1 have ihnacn to confine myself to 1 the specif problem of dealing with our nitrchunt marine Im-cuiisa I have aaked you to assemble two weeks In advance of th regularly upioirited time to expedite it consideration. The executive branch of the govern ment would feel Itself remiss to con template our yearly loss and at tending failure to accomplish If the condltloi) were not pressed for your decision. More, I would feel myself lacking In concern for America's fu ture If I failed f aires the beckoning opportunity to auulp th I'nltej titutes to assume a befitting place among the nations of the world whoa com merce Is Inseparable from the good fortunes to which rightfully all peo ples aspire. A national exDnsltion of power and mechanical engineering Is to be held In New York next month. rrsit Inflates ran fimif iM Uiilita tAlmH iA Uli'lw IIROMU OliMNK Tatilrta lll ap la aMM la li.alliif i-amtaiMi ai-4 ihna anl all laia 4 OiMla, UllS InflUMiM. .'l"c A'll. Consolidation Hearinjr Ilallet Itih rsl.Uc CotiiiwriT Gmimi sion W ill Hi.lil Hail Kxaini tijtlioii in ,ortliHBl. Washington, ,'ov. Interalata coinnierca eommlssiim hearing on railroad consolidation In the north west nn tviiiporaiily suspended to day, to le resumed In western fltle affectvd by the plan. I'lacos and date for tin' bearings will be determined later, und It was Indicated that repre sentatives of lbs public In th tcrrl Lory concerned will be given nppor (unity to present views then. Chief executives of the oro carry ing railroad if iinrthern Minnesota the Duluth, Messnhe A Northern and Ih Duluth Iron ltsuge, submitted a joint statement st th hearings to day flatly opposing any merger of thes roads with any group. To In elude them with the Chicago, Mllwao kee Ht. I'uul and the (ireal North ern, a one group, the statement said would di-siroy competition ccinplele- 1 Offlclsls of the Hilt group of rail roads, lb Northern I'sclfic, Ureal Northern and the Chicago, liurllngton t (putney, who have opposed the com mission's tentative plan to separate either the Oreat Northern or Hurling- tori from th irnup,( will h present for cross examination in th western bearing. It was Indicated. Advice That Is 1 68 Years Good Come here for information about painting, varnishing or interior decoration. Devoe experts draw on a fund of experience that goes back to the days of George Washington! DEVOE Paint and Varnish Products Store 1322 Farnam Street Or Se th Authorited Devo Agent in Your Vicinity. INituav Will He Starts! Tliurada'. n.lcag.i. Nov. $l.-lty A. I'.H-lt-rule t-tweeil tha Urotherhmvl t ... .1. ...t, eaL Kijell. Hallway n.l Hieaiimnip ii". - did not strike during the rtx-ent shop- -i.u....u v.iilutf In do and 41 carrier will be h'urd by Ih I'nlted rtliite railroad Thuie.lay. WW Desks DicontlnueJ patlerna ami floor aoniplea that are slightly damaged but priced at reduc tion that nuke real bargains. Many of Ihe K. , pieces are in thi lot. One CO in. Oak Roll Top Desk 9U8.50 One 60-ln, Oak Holl Top Desk $17.50 Seven 42-in. Oak Center Drop Type Desks 820.50 Four 4-ln. Oak Center Drop Type Desk $37.50 Eight 60-Inch Oak Pedestal Type Deft-ka $-15.50 One 72-in, Oak Flat Top Desk $03.00 Two 60-ln. Mahojrany Roll Top Desk $58.50 Two 60-in. Mahogany Roll Top Desks $18.50 One 42-ln. Mahogany Roll Top Desk $30.50 Five 60-in. Mahogany Ped. Typo Desks $47.50 Five 64-in, Mahogany Cen ter Drop Type Desks $38.50 One 42-ln. Mahojrany Cen ter Drop Type Desk $27.50 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Office Furniture Dept. AT. 3000 OMAHA AGENTS Dundee Hardware A Plumbing Co. . .40th and Farnam Streets Hunt Flynn 1914 UU Street C. C, Johnson ,. ,, Benson District Its d wood Drug Co. 30th and Ames Avenue E. Mead Hardware Co 2202 Military Avenue Fred Parks Paint Store 24th and L Streets Herman Vierreggar S220 North 24th Street Vinton Hardware Co. .2310 Vinton Street .)tfff Ull-l ijipH ipiANOn II tunso a scpaiseo All Werk SuartatMS A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas DO 6SS8 We Give a ten-day test Simply mail the coupon Even the Orient Now cleans teeth this new way Do you know that careful peo ple of some fifty nations are now brashlna teeth In a new way? Aad largely by dental advice r If yoa have not learned what that method means, msk this test and see. Tbr combat film This new way flints th film on teeth that viscous film you feel Fttra dings to teeth, enters erevkea and staya. It absorbs stains, the forma dingy costs. Tartar la based on film. It also holds food substance which ferments and forms acids. Il holds tha acids U contact with tha teeth ta causa decay, 0ms breed by tailUona In It. Thy, whh tartar, are the chief cause at pyorrhea. If set texxn trouble aro due ta vim. are snoet slotsif teeth. Under c44 method vert few sec seed them, fer m aediaery tooth pasta can effectively com bat film. New methoda now Dental science has long sought to aolvs the problem of that film. Two methods hsva been found. One set to curdle film, one to remove It, end without any harm ful scouring. Able authorities have proved their efficiency. Now dentists the world over srs advUlng their daily ua, A new-type tooth paste has been crssted, based en modern research. The name Is Pepso dent In that tooth paste are em bodied thote.two great film com beunta. Fights aciJs, too Ptpsodcnt also multiplies ths alkalinity at ths saliva. That ia there te aeutraliie mouth acids. the cue at looth decay. It muliiyUes ths starch divt eni U tha sUa. That ta iheie to digest starch deposits which may otherwise ferment sod forts scids. Thus those two grest natural tooth-protecting agents are given manifold power twice a day. Modern research proves those things essential. You eea new baauty everywhere) Now millions use this method. You see the results wherever you look, in shining teeth wbkh give to people new beauty end new charm. Those whiter teeth mesa cleaner, safer teeth. They rtua to those people a new dental era. Send the coupon I a 10-Dsy Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mars the sbeenca of the vieceue him, See how teeth white aa the film coats daMpyear. Tine test will ba a revelattuaV Maiektnew. Cut out ths teupoa sa you won't forget Itw a la-aawwawsBaw Tha rVurDaiy f i(ti Haw a.lvtsed by tlaMnia tha wot 14 Ail a1rvista supply tha latga lubaa. 10-Dsy Tube Free TNI ririOlINT COMf ANY, . A IN . WalMaa A. a, (aKM. te Metl l-re Te f Pssedeai le . f a I. a