THE OMAHA DEE; TIEMhW. NOVEMBER 21, 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Omaha, Nov. 20. Grain murk hi iirTrre1 act back due largely to profit taking ef hold rtn of long tiiiitracta. Tlx marktt gf well iUiMiit'i on the hieaka and nm reaction noted, Cable from Argantlne Indicated a very fa vorable fomlithin of their growing htl rrop and aatlinatai aiport mr Jtlua M lalaeif, to 1510011,000 buahela. Total rerrlptg at Omaha we-re 174 rara iKimnarM with 4l rara laat jrear und tAtnl ahliniifttita wia !"l crt acxlnat 111 ran a year ago. 'ash lirat tnovM glowly on the. Onmlia market and prlcee wr gen rrally 1 rent lower; corn waa heavy to Ifl lowr gftiorally its lower, ot wne goiicrully c lowrr, H wua fitioterl lo lower and harlay waa Uii'hhng'4 quality rotmltlwl. WHMT, - No. 1 dark haid. I tar tatiiultyl, II li; I . ar, li l. .Nn. I larM hetdr t Ht tamuttyl. II Hi 1 rare tannin I, ll.:o, ) car lelnpMia w.ighil, No 4 lark l.n i I: 1 nr, I' 20 No. I herd wlr.t.rt 1 tar, II 17; lr. 11.14; I car -.liiilera' w.ighia). II. Mi 1 i7, 11.14; 2-6 car. 11.19: 1 car iBmilliyi. 1117; I car (amuiiy, .1 pr Heat damagf'll ,111 . 4. I hard winter: 1 car ( l'r cent darkl, II It, 4 cera, II 13! I car lamully, .1 .r eul liaal damaged), ' , Nil. 4 hard winter: I fir, II. II. hard winter: 1 car illv we. ..... ii ii i m l 1 nee 'lit heat dam ...hi ii 04: 1 rar CI bor cent heat ,).iiiag'll. ". No. 1 fallow hard: 1 car N. I urlng f rar ar tdarki, 112': I "..' I goring ?V car fdnrk. II .!. V I earing! I l,r tdark), II. IT. CHllV. V,, 1 white: J tare, II 'lilPP' Kh' I. M, 4 white: t car, !. , No. 1 yrili.w: I r. 7I14 tauerlal bill inr enii'i'-, , n'o. : n'liow: n i' re' weight 1 ; II care, I. ,11,, .at a ..,!, l nr. 7r; t rr, N." I mi'l: I ' ,n""' mU?V.:, , i.n , iiun,r' wnirhtli .?..: i ai. ! raw. l.e ("lilp- N. i whim: 1 "r, It'i'-l . . u.i.i.a. s . ar i'n lalia.-al bill il.ali' I r, tv: '" 41 "i HI'll'l""' v-Hhtli IS ir, ic, No. 4 !!! 1 tar, 4: (apaclal ti al: 1 ear. 4I'.' -. I r. 1 Qiicago Grain j Live Stock Financial 1114. Maik. II 24; I rar, 112); I car, : rra, IDr, lot; 1 rar bill No. li v. Is KVB. 1 par, i-i rr, He 2-4 rar fuKi,f;r. J rar, I4r; 1 rar. r.J''.; 2- tar, 1 car, 42"; I tar, fin. tVak Tr Am, Af'k if ! 24 4 t 14 1 ;, ) M 61 f i l Vu. i: 1 -ar. 'iV Mmttittf ' t t-nr, no,, OMAHA IlKCKli'Td AND HII tl'M EXT8. Hlpi- To'lay. Uhat 1 l orn &4 nH 44 Uyt llarly .. Hlii pmnta V htt l orn Hi, la llv. 1 . ..... ii IMlIMArtTREV'KIVT.'l AND SII I I'M liNTB. ( :llr.l.i. I Ri-alBt To'lay. Wk. Ao. ttliaat l.3.060 S.Jfl.'iOU , r ,, B42.0OI) 1,1)72,0(10 Data t, 142,0110 1,7H,000 Mhlpmanla . . ... nhral 1, 14. 000 t..000 Torn f.JH.OOO 7t,.(i00 jM-t- fU.0"0 -,',iJ.OO'i CIIK-'AOU HKCrlll'TH. Today. Ako. U 124 22 1S 107 KANSAS C1TT RECKIl'TH. 832 620 3 74 , . ; tr, 7 gT. UjL'I JiKCKIPT. 19 7 . ea Mlnnaapnlla " , 2 iMiiillh 220 1 , a S 1 'I I NJtKlJ TATK8 V1HIBLB. nualirla- V.'llKUt f'urlota Whaal .., Cum ouia Whint l orn , ouia , Aviimt t'orti ,, l rata Vr. Ao. 1.204,000 11(5,000 617.000 452,000 211,000 245,000 Tear Ago. . 1S 14f 44 2S 22 74 100 2t urn . iMia . I!y . . Iiatlty Vhat i 'orn 3U 3M.0OO 24.2-10. 000 (.O.I77.0OO 4 0H2HOO ,1I7,0H0 17111.000 . .u'7 4J,00tl S3,27.00) f.9li.000 t 144.00 0,U.0fitt C.fiJX.OOO '1 z ooo 5 7K4.O0O 4.n2,00 Omaha stock n. ., 1.4!'4,0HO t.V2,000 i Mia 1, a 15,000 Jinrlr-jr 2 SH9.000 ' I 'ia.fPOr) 2,140.000 i,0,000 47,000 Kunaaa 4 . Ity 41rlii. Knnaaa CUy. Nov. 20. Wlir-at-raah, N... I hard, Jl.HfJ J.S1; No. 2 rud. 1.1 '"c.'irn No. 1 whlta, 72c; No. S yallow, 'S'fM Vn-hana-d; No. 1 timothy . lll.M 41ir. 0: No. 1 .ralrl. 113 4014 SO; i hol. a alfalfa. f:r, 0024.00; clover, lulled, l irlit, I4.014 60. . hatiaaa Cliy, Nov. 20 tlhrat Daram 1..r. H.I0H; My. HOI'i apllt aaked; July. 11.01 ' hid. , , 1.r,D.mlr, 74lo ipMt aafcad: Itlay. I7To akad; Jul. 67' apllt aaked. Malhla f.raln Kiipplr. N.w Tork. Nov SO The vialbla aupoly of Amcrliin gialna alioa tha following ihnnaaa: . . . , hfat liu rcaa-d 134.000 buhla. Corn IniTiiao1 IKf'.ooo burhria. oala I'fi'ri aa'd M.imiii. ILajiacrua'd 1.4o,on hnhla. Uarlay Im rii'"l 4 20.000 hiiahaia. Mlnnmpolla t, rain. Mlnn-apC- N"v. 20 shoat--ri N,.. 1. II I7S4JI 3; lavmbr. Il lnS. Jorn-Nol'l yallow. 474ff4Ho. iiHia Na white. 54', 40Si. Iti.rlfv 40f ;iiv ,,So. J. HS44Sf. No. 1. I- 4'42 ' Ht. !ki Orain. M 1 u!a Mo. Nov. :o. rin rnaai; 1.," U,. ILK.: JJ-v. It li.! " l,i,W, 4'.. lv. f'fo; oata. P.m-bei-. 4iWO. anmlnal: May. 444)0. Xlnnmiwlla Hour. II nnaapolla, .Nov. 20. 1 l""r .trid llian 1: 0J4 0. By UIMtl.KN II. MI( IIH.H Omaha Um tm4 W lr. Chlcugo, Nov. 2u, An overbought condition dvpoiil In all grulna aiitl with general arlllng ami profit taking rlrea dropped aliarply after a ainull bulg enrly, and while the flnlah waa on a rally, wheat t'loeed with net loeaea of 1f2r, rorn re, oata '!, and ry mJc. with lH-cem ber leading In all Inatanrea. May wntai aohi at a new nlgli on Ih rrap early, tombing 11.14 "1 buying Induced by utrength In I.Ivor, poiil and In November at Winnipeg, Put loral aentlinent waa atrongly In favor of a reaction n V w of tha re pent "harp a1vance, and aupport waa much leaa aggtexalva than of late. Itxol trading waa active on tlm aril- lug M and aaalNted In mflklng tlm d"clln. Heavy world ahlpmi-titri, over 17.000,000 bueliela, the lurgcet of the K'naon, with a benrlah aiitn niary of the mutation by A. W. Cut ten and a privuio tlnmta Iin1ialln an exiHirtal.le aitrplu of m&.OuO.OOO buhel for Argentina, wt-re tha main (Irpirxaltig Influent'!., r. port Demand fctlffana. Kport damaiid for tlunima and Manl. lol.aa allowed aoum lmr,riivaiiiiit. llh atlM, of ovar 7t.o,ooo huahala In all poal- tioria, Hpot pramluinrf hnro wre S4rlo lor, with mlllln ilrmand Wm a. tlv. I.lvarpool iloaril i.d biMhi-r to '! fowar. Ill laitrr oil May. Corn again aliowxl a havy undertone, and while firmr aurly with whfal and oo buying of leraiiibar by local radr, liroka ahatply lutrr with a ninnh-r of lo. longa going out of lhlr holdlnita on tha way down. Tha alowlng up In tha demand for taah rorn, with mini talk of raaallara In the aouthwaat, had an i f f"ct on valu-a and praura on taah grain la rointniitliig lo he Mt. Around 7on for May buying on renting ordora rheoked tha brak. teoonibr, at one time, a,, I, I ln ovfr May and lali-r with the aanm prlra aa the dfarnd dllvary. Kreelpia 2'if rara with the baala euay aa compared alth I tat-arnber. Trad In oata waa largfly of a n! eliarneter. Domratli' ahliiplng dvinand good, but there la auffh lnt arriving from the tountry to taka rare of rUlrmi-iita and tha baala In the aampla market wua eaay. I(atlla 207 oara. Ilouaea with aaaboard ronneollona were rood buyara of rye early, but tha under tone waa not aa atrong aa of late and wflh atop loxa ordara rnilght, prleea euaad off J tyo from the early top and fliilalwd on a good rally. Nothing waa hoard re garding freati port huMriea,. I'lt Nntea. The grain markafa flt the effeot of the rerant baavy aelllng by loiix, and of abort aiike by Una I nprratora who ware more aa-gn-amve. Tho Imprcaalon among the ludr on tha onairutiv aide waa that lnmr aholt Interaet hnd b..n rrealol and that while thero might he a further rmeaaion, it waa not aare lo trt ahort on bnalia. Thnae who aold out aald thry eaperled to gt th'dr grain brik t lowrr prliea. A fw daja' decline, It wua aald, would place the marlo'ta In belter condi tion for annth.r bulge. Oood buying of wheat waa In i.l.1... r.n tha break, but waa not ,trong enough to make a oloalng rally. In corn and oata covering movement Hfirri i.ii,.u ii.t. ly at (he Mar. One of tha !,,,. of the com bulla aald at the laat thnt he eipected higher prhaa tomorrow dclar Ing that the majority of the largcat hold ara had old out and tha pit element waa abort Thoae bearlah on corn aav thr ha. bem udvancs enough to dlacount all bull lah conrtltlona for the prcaent. They alao point to the reporta from Haltltnore aay ing that there le too much tiraold corn there for which there la no domand. It la alao aaaerted that a great deal of corn and mil have been rolling to the wat and aouthwaat that haa not bean anlrf making i-eacllera at lower prlrea. Liverpool cablea aiild tha heavv worM'a ahlpmouta of 17,000,000 buahela for the weti wre offaot by firmer Argentine of fare, a better milling demand-a ml by few. cable offora over the weekaml from Canada. Keaelllng by continental 'eoun trleg haa atopped and the undertone of the wheat market rulea firm with outaida apeculatnra buying futuraa. Tradera hero aald that aa North America furulahed al moat 76 per cent of the total world'g alilp menta for the week It waa really a hulllKh factor allowing that we were rapidly dlapon- ing or our aurpiua and that the other aido needed euppllca. I4a-etpta weia Monday v,t,inale . . . . 1 4,luu Maine day laat rrk IJ.IX haina day t w'a a'. 12.112 .tame day 1 w a a o. jo 4l game day )ear aao.. 7, til Omaha, .Nov. 20, Cattle, Hone hh'.'ii Iv.auo 4, Hi 4 HI 4 , 4,ta U.lou I4,J I J, 4311 a.fU Cattle Itareliita, 14 100 haad. A run ot liberal propullloiia Monday alidad In alow up lh movrmrut ry niatarlally and while pricea for t-aitle ware hardly hmar than laat week the trade waa vary dull and tha uiidrrtone weak. Tina waa true of both cornfetia and range alexia ami eaa eapec ally true In Ihe taae of cowa and haifara, elthougli the coiumi'ft cun ning grad'e Were In good reiiueat and luo!o!y 11101,4. In aturkara and f"-'J"i tho aupply aaema to ,a n.ui'tl gtaeler than the tiemand and buaina'a In thia line waa dreggy will) the trend uf valuea lower. Wuutallpna on rattla: Choice to pttlne heevaa, 41 l,otl ( I .Jt; good to cholca heavea, II. 0041 ll.7l; fair to good brttea. 17 ;.ijmd; t'ornmon to fair liin,. I; 1,0 'ili)U, en union t fulr hrevea, 14. 2 to 1 i; iiinira to prima ycailinga. Ill f. ' ISOIl; Kood to rholre yearlinga. 1 00 lioo; lair to good yeaillnga, !7 2tiuoo; cominon to f,nr yearlmgi., ,'7Sh7 2S; good tii choice graaa hrevea, 4.60'(,7.2&; fair to good graaa hattvea, l'.604( a. 3b ; ommon to fair gra'e becvea, I4 40W4 4U: Mean-ana, II ttl i; gold to choico graaa heir.-ra. Ifif,04i4 20i fur to good grata holfera, l4 2(ivS 2i; choir to prima graaa rowe, j Ittli' !', good to choice graaa r iwa, 14 40',d 00; fair to good graaa ow'., :t Ifiiif 4 .1ft; common to fair graaa owa, I2.00U I 7ft; prime hravy fcedara, I7.uq1.t0; good to choico tYe.lrra. ID 40 447 10; fair to gooit fu.ilrra, t.iQ li; orumon to fair feedera, I4 00vu.t,; gooif to rholce atockera, il eti7.MI; fair to good atotkeia. 5.7rift .f,o; rommon to fuir aioceera, 14 r.O'tf f, tn, almk heifera, 14.00 113.(0; Block rain, I3.0OVJ4 21,, I!.,, it alvea, 1,1 f,oa 7.76; veal cilvea, 10 Ooit 10 00; bulla, alaga, etc, 13 003.40. Iloga Kccolpta. 10,300 bead. Hnppllea warn romparn lively llheial fodny and trudlng woa alow to get under way with opening hide aharily lower, the market finally developed largely low 200 lower a ud ruled fairly active. Light hog, and butchara aold lurgdy lit 17 767 ,0 with top price of 17 Hi. Mlinl loada aold at I7.607.76. and patkltig gradea at 17,104 7.60; bulk of aalea waa I12i'd7.0. Bhohu and Lamli" lleieipta, 13,700 head. There wa a fulrly lllierul aupply of fid lamlia both clipped and wooled on ala today and the market wua Blow large ly at decllliea or )a ' 1 lipped iiimna moved moatly at'n 12 4 with wooled lamba lar gely around g I it, 75. and Uieat finality uuotrd up to 113 90. Feed- era were atrong to a nirie nianer niovuig largely at I3.I6, with one lot at 113 40. Hhaap were atrong to 26c higher aevetal oada or owe, aelllng at I7,2ii anil one lot at 17.10. Quolatlona on aheep: Fat himbe, good to choice, 113. 6041,14. 00; fat Is 111 In, fair to good. 113.0013 .60: fed clipped lamba, 112 .noB,l2 .40; reeding hniiha, IIZ oo 1,140; yearlliiga, 110,6012.26; wcthera, l7,t0WS.76; fat ewi. light, 1.007.60; fat tmea, heavy, f s oown uo. Clib'iigO l.lvrahJM'k. Chicago. Nov. 20 Cattle Itecelpta, 32.1)00; iiuallty generally plain; atrldiy good and choice natlvo atmra aarce, atrong; lower grnlra unevenly' weak lo 1fti lower: nart loud iiliout 1 ,00-Poiinil long fed natlvo alcera. 13,6o; load I.ISO-pound ateera, I3 20; hulk native beef aieera, .26 WIO.00; bulk weatnm graora, i.mi.'); fmv loada, 25 '(.. 3.',; one loud lit 9,00; lower grodo I eef eowa arid heifera, dull; weak lo 13c lower; othtr gradea, cannera and rutter eteiidy; bulla atrong to 16n higher; veal calvea, largely j;,,, lower; kern und teeter, i-inaiiig aico iy 10 unak; bulk ib-allablo veakia lo packera, t 009,00; bulk hext boloKna bulla, 14.,6 4io: moat weatcrn bulla. .;,7.','a 1.00; bulk atockera and feedera, lnHOSO. Iloga Kecelpta, 62.000; market, 1626c lower than Haturday'g averngc; bulk 176 to 210. pound everago, f7.7lf7.i diiik 0 to 240-pound average, 7.6'7.0; good and cholca 225 to 240-pound bulchora, 17.95 fS.O0; top, S, 05; packing aowa, 7.O04jS7. 06; dcalrublo plga, moatly .26i(7 1.35; .callmated boldovur, 9,000. Hheen and Umlu Uceflpla, 21,000; rut lamoa, ateady to l.r,o higbar; top, !4li5 city I utfhere, 114.7!, lo ptekera; bulk 114.26a 14.6; bulla, 1 1 1.004f 1 1.60 ; gener ally, fed clipped lamba, II 2. 90 13.00 ; feedera around aleaily; .good 6r-poutid Montana feeding lamba, 113.76; dealrahle N.r,-pnui)d fed yeorllug weihcra. 11.1.26; aheep, ateady to weak; heavy fat ewea, 13. 00)46. 00; lighter wclghia upward to 17.85. NKW aOKK TIM FN. Omaha Ilea) l.raeedi V4 Ira. Vork. Nov, L'nifoiitillj of trend wni lacking in today a tiiarkvt. W'lillii thera waa a buoyant upturn In tha furclk'u rxi'hungea und a modern. Hie iclvamo In 1 lie (.tuck mnrkvt, the tiiiminotlity iiiitrkt'la weia aufferlliif a pik'o rcOfgHion, both and cot tun moving to lower luvt'la. Tlic uilioii of thei bund liuirkt't waa not of niitatamling character. Until ua to vohiiiii' nml pile cbunt'ea. U wua a dull ttffulr, tha turnover being I lie nmnllcHt uf any day In aevernl wnvka. In Hie cne of foreign ei chunge und glut kg. ai well ua thu gralna and cotton, price movruieuta were lurgply a reflection of the un I'eNtrlcted at''illntloil uf goiiiii day tig". Tha oulgtanillng ilcveiopiiient wa IIih rlHrt In the forcliiii fxchitngea In which all of tho major rate paillcl im tf.l. MlerllnK, for lnalatifc, moved up to I Mil OS nml cloatil only alight ly under I big figure, with the net rlec of the day uniounllng to 1 S-Kc. Illgheal Mlnra June. The rule waa Ihe lafat which bad been ouoted fur exchange on London aini-e June 10 and foiuparee with a hlgtl for the ? of 14.60';. I'lemh fiaica mode a further recovery of nearly 'c, to a high pnio of 7,43c, which compai'ia Willi a low of a. 17c on Novamlier H and exth.nigo 011 Home climbed to 14.77, or the higli.-.t iUoiatlou thut haa ruled alnca June 22. lielglan fiiiuca gullied nearly tie 4o 4. 94Vio, and exchaita" on Aruatordaiu went to a new high level for the year, twin the rate tin Itcrllti allowed a alight advance even though there waa a heavy Inurraao In note circulation Dial week. Ho fur aa Ihe Block market la concerned the advance In pilcea waa general, but not of larae proportlona. eacvot In a f, Itelalcd cuaea. It waa luat tlis typa of nm r kit which might bav been ein"ted lo auc'i eed Ihe aelllng of laat work. While there waa lluuldii'lorl a wei-k ago, thert, waa aa v. .-II a goodly percentage of a lllng by , apoculatora lor the tleclina and utter any aharp dip In pricea there la the In evltaldo covering which Itfia niotalioiia, It waa natural that the rotlon market ehoiild bo tiiiaeiilrd In antlrliMtlon of the ginning tlgurea which will be announced Tueaday. alnce thoae flgureg may have very definite bearing on the actual aire or the ciop. r urt hermore, lint mnrkei la en deavontig to readjuat Itaeir after the re action thut haa taken place und aa yet apparently, profit tailing baa not entirely run Ita courae. New York Bonds UIICV.O C LOSING PRICES. My Vpdlke tTrriln Co. iin. 2427. Nov. 50. Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I ('lore. I Hut'dv fn- Saw lark Hugar. N te Turk, Nov : Ih raw auger .,! waa flnnrr and .rl. ' "uiU .11 h l'l ." at ..-. coal ., J freight, enu.l 4 f.-r e.nirifuaar Theia aalea e 21 bage ef tubal f an M't"it r-f'r for lai ..vml..r ''"llaar'augaf ul"-a wire turner, refu. I t,tJ ih a lu ainit aunea lb" it, ,t,d. H,.l ..d let Pt,ii,l,i ai"Wi -.- - - 1 ' 1 .,,.- a ,,,; U ,i. ;, ' lr- Jul'. I'4 , ..,,..1 '. 1 .r (! g'.a l , ,ri,,t.a4 i .i h-h a 1 eat, nog Wht. Dec, May July Rye Per. May Corn Dec. May May July 1 mm Pec. May July Lard Dec. Jan. Rlba Jan. 1 21 1-21 'i l.ll'i I II', 109 1.21 i 1.11 1 10 I i ng I It. I .905, ..111 .71 "! .71',, .71 .71 '4 .71 .70 I I j j .4314 " ' 10 57 I 9.95 .91 'i 9154 .714 ".iii, ' .'70 i .44i4 .43 '4 t. -tosi 110 7 1.95 .47 4. .81 ,70 I.H'a 1 1.16'.! 1-14 I I.MS .-,! .19 I .70S -70 V '.70 1.2044 1.!0 1.14 1. 14 '4 1.09 1.09 '4 .90 -904 .71 4 .7l'i .71 ' .71V, -71 ',4 .G9SI .69SI .7oi .43l,i .43 I. !10 27 ! 9.93 .41S .43 .4f('4 -39' 10 27 9 0S .41", .43S .43 ,4'l4 ilO.JJ 9.97 I 9.10 I 4.10 I .!) I 9 10 I 9.90 . 1 kia-" I.e. 4 Ik, i.t , 10 1 ' ..4 tei-n'r I, tine I ' 4 'tee New ork t.eneral. New Tork. Nov. 20 Klour t'llBottlerl; Prlng patenta, .6'd 7.26; Bprlng cleara. !6.76tl4 2.S; aoft winter atraiglita. If, 9oio C.25; hard winter atralghra, 46.36Q'4.7.V Cornmeal gutet ; fine whit and yellow granulated. I2.10tl2.20. Hurkwheat Klrm; American, 12,00 Canadian, 11.97. wheat Spot. Irregular; No. northern aprlng. 1143; No. ! red and No. 2-hard. I .11; No. I Manitoba, II 214. and No 3 mined durum, II.:;, c. 1. f. track, New Vork apof. Corn Spot, eaay; No ! yellow. 91c; No , white, oc, and No. 5 mined, 90'e'-, c. 1. f., New Vork. Oata rilmt, easy; N. white ' JSHr, llav Kaav. No. 1, 2 !: .No e IJI "0 V4 on; No, J, 2ii.O(i023 00; ahip plug. Ill n0 u It. 00. Hope jutrl; ala'e, 1i;, tltJJtc; T. rifle cal, 1422, lle; 1421. 1 4 Uc. I'nrk Firm; mraa i:,l0OI0 0u; fam ily. I. 0,-1 n ja 00 Lard Kv; mld.Ueweat, 1 13 (10 6 1 2 10. Tallow lirm; apa.-ial be-ae, le; ua, ',e. III. aataJ ; fan. r head. lfJ7e. at. J.pai I l,fwt.rli. l J"l h. 94.1, ... 2 J - ll.ig -He. , -ten I ,ta haad; ma'ket alow, a faw early aalaa tie le, a .i,-r thail eatul. da, average h.-IK itl .. ra ai I -. W- l e,v n II ,1 f ., .h.,!,, l.,(i, he.a r. king - I ', IS, l..,r, 1,1. .! 1: ib : 1: Can :e Ua-'-ilpla, 4 )M b-d n.a! ial ,'r I", ail 1 ia, B,,f . 111 'i-a ,n .- U,a,r, a' , .l.-a b--f '. a I .Arfl,.- lit, .laajn f .Mtt', e.i. ; a ? ; c , i i -,t, H al i 4 f-a -t-l l ) ,1,1 a i? - k. ir'e, I b, t ,1 KnnMia City Live Stock. K.-iiisaa Ciiy, Nov, 20 (II. ei. Depart ment of Agriculture.) C'ai tb- Kecelpta, lio.O'iO head; market for beef aleeia and yearling alow, uround ateady, quality nionrly plain; bulk warmed-up ateerh, f.r0 4 4. 00; weirterii graaaera, lo.oo jr 7.26; few cut out yearlings from rhow loada, 112.50; eicera held above 113. 00; alio ett;k and bulla, fairly active; lower gradea In ilenmnd: few cannera under I2,r,0; choico lat heifcrp, IH.Oo; vmlern, weak to 25o lower; practical lop, S oil; desirable Colo, rado atockera, 17.40; New AI'lco atock Cfllvea. ri.25. Mlga Itc-eipta, 14,000 head; market ac tive, moatly to packeta; iil'iu lower; )ipota off more early; pai kera' tnpa, 17.95; ahlppera' lop, 17.46; llglu llghta, moatly l7.7b4p7.SO: bulk deilmhlo pio to 27u-lb. uveriig.'.1!, 7.KO'(i,7 90; mixed wclghia and I u 11 1 1 1 y, 7.40i 7 mi; packing aowa, 10 'o I fie biwer; bulk, 7.o0)rf 7.16; atock piga, 47.00 4)7.15; alock piga, 10c loHcr; inuHly 17.45 (I 1 ... Hheep necelpta, 4,000 head; market for killing claaaca alow, Hbout ateady, ouallly geriemlly plain; luitivo lamlis, 314.00; 06-II-. fed lamba, t;i.90, soma held higher; odd lota M.I, 17.00-7.40; 36-lb. feeding lambs, 113.50. New York Quotations tlange of price, of the leading etocka furnialnd ly Logan V Uryan, 244 I'etera Triiat building nAILKOAOH, Bat. High. Low. Clnae, Cloae. ..lot 100'4 10014 looi ,. 40. (,',, ,.142 14 141 142 a t & n y ... Halt at Ohio . Can Pacific ,, N V Central . Chea Ohio .. tit Northern . Ill Central .., K ('. Houthern Lehigh Valley ... Mo Pacific N T 4 N H Nor i'aclflo 1; & N W Petin K R ....... Kvadlng C K I P Hnuth Pacific .... Houthern Hy ..... C M it Kt P Union Pacific 141 ik .. 4. 93 94 C, . . r,9a ' si'n 09 . . 44 -li 4814 e44 ..109 109 109 10ii .. 19 U 19 1914 14Vt . . U'i ti3'i 63 1 3'4 17" 17( 17V4 1?4 2344 22 23) 23'4 t0 79' 04 4944 Mi 94 44 44 47 4r 47 44' ... 74 V4 77 S 74 74' .. 34 35 3054 ,. 91 bO'i 91 '), .. U3', n 2'k 22 .. 2D 2614 U ,.M24 J4114 141'A 142 HTKKI.n. . Amer Car Fdry ..10' 179 HO',4 171 AlllaC'lialmera .... 43 41 41 414 Amer Loco . liUVfc 122' 122' 122'j Haldwln Loco..... 125 44 124 J2414 126 6'4 4 3 ',4 77' 31V4 40 60 113 stLi'iti; 3614 Keth Kteel . Crucible Amer Ht Fdry .. I.a.ka Bleel .... Mldvalo Hteel .. I'reeaed Ht I'ar.. Hep Ht ac Iron By Ht Hprlnga .. United Hint, a Vunndiuin Mexican Healioard. 17 17 COl'I'KKB. MV4 65 43 7744 il'm 10 49'4 IIZ'4 113 104'4 10444 1044 3D, i'Ot 17 tii 14 42 7 7 ',4 2414 771 47 tiS 64 74 4214 7H14 U'm hit. 1 .011 in Jhfrttm'k, Kft 8t. I.ntiitt, 111,, Nov. eitj. Shu Hnd launibH ltfc(iitf, J.t.iK); blfady to 2 60 liw ir 011 rut jHtuhw; HMmtly &(: JuW'T mt fut t-wr-ri, one lufttl iutllv bun hi In hutchfra, 114.1"; packer toe. hulk fat )nmi, $D.HU 14.25; ctittB, $y,iM) vj, iu,.irt; bulk fat liXht ewm, $J.7ft; havleii, 4.UD 5.o. Cuttle Kt-'t-ehitu, 6.(Mu; brf uterm ftt.eHtly wit h hjhMii weak ; IiKlit veulers, Btcatly to iiot: Juwt; fotker fctpfm tiiy to kt roti k ; t hr i hiahnn steady ; Ht rn my $7.f'0'3 J.'-'ft; lUiht yeailing, niomiy " s.f.O; cow, $1 ,t03.J.ri; (-antt'-rt, 'i 60 4. i. 7 j; btitoKiitt IjuIIn .mimtly $3 4.5; light atlvfn, iHTK-ly !.i.y frB.7&: bulk SltH k Htt-ITH, $i o)kf ti.'JTi. Hok It (:) pt h, 9wn; slow, 15 tn 20f lowfr; r.lti pHitl fur light litfitta nl ftw nuxtd Juadw averHKitiif up Jt0 pountls; top on butt-her liogn, J 00; bulk HO to I0t.-pout.ft averaui S, 1 H , loQ to 3J0-pounli), $7 HU'tt 1 !; piK. 1UC to I6 lowt-r; bulk. I M 35; bulk pMWff, fk n; packer now, lie to Sic luwtr; bulk, N. Y. Curb Bonds New York, Nov. 2ft Transaction, on ,i , a B M t. at I .'v ai. i. - t ' 1 IM ia I !-, I. I I . . 1 a 1. . a , 4 a.,,,... a I . . 1 .1 f . f '- '' " ' '' a 4,. t I .e a4 at -' - '' ' , ', ., I a I'B I B Bt -i, ae t g - 1 li' .,,k I r.i , 4.' 4 H, I Ita l b 4 4) H- , 4 n J .' II" iob i r tfrala a4 . ' . 4. I tl . , 1 - . . , 4.. r. a - l' I l 1,1I . n. r. r a k I J, , a 14 - 4 .e 4... 4 fa 4J !," H . ,,.-.-- a 1 a, a - . v f l : , I , ... r, '' . n t 1 5. a a .i 4 - I !- a ' , , - - ! e ., ,4ii 4 - ' B I I . 1 , ava 4 ,-.,.( 4--.,, , , 4 --! 4;-; l ,.-',l ,.,.,- l-e II 1,1 - -1 ' I 1 I' I a 1 , I, . I j -! I . .....a 4, I I . e i I ' 1 !,. 4 ' j . 4. I I" a . , . . 4i ., Kctii 1 1. It, . I , a..a I ,.(,- aa, I' - I 4 ',' v I 1 , I . . t aea I ,), i, ' v t U 4 , 1 ! 4 Bwaa Hal, I ai-i, i-. ., m . .1 t Bi 11 4 I -a ! I .B a B, I II - V' " ' f- k- "' I.---.B 44 4 . . ,lf ... j !,, . ... 44.,., 4- h .a -.-. 4 , . (B, ,,,.! . I eat. e New York rurb niat'ket today weie follow,; lN,nietlr. f Allied 1'ark.r 77 77 77 I Am t ot u.l .i.,.. 4, '4 9, '4 10 Am ia Ai Kiev '', f Am t-gt Tr 4a 110 llu llu I All, T T -!l I'll 1" l'"l 1 Am Ton t o,', , o I Ai.aci.n-I (',p ..!" '4 l"u lu'l'a Ana,, C..p 7 '...loi'a 1"J'i lo.t, j I'M c. .' .il', 1 I , !. i I .MI Uu't W I 5 ', j t tieii, i ' ,1-1.14 1 o ; !'''- 1 1 (ten, i-.t : .-..p :, i s 1 - ! , , an .t It ,.l -a. l ', I . .... 'j , - lt I I t 'l 1 I 1 toil. 41 Ire, 1 I, ,4 , I tii 4pti I, a t I o I .-, Ion aa t'l I- ' I ' 2 la 101 1 -. 1 . a . , . I I I , v V 1, I 1-1 !! 4 t I-a 1 ' , , - , j , t , I '- , . , , , . 1 " 1 ' 1 II ',.. ' I I ' I . ' t II. k i 1 - I-- I a I" ' , ; ,1- - l 1. .- . ,. . - , , -a I., . I ... ,1 , B , . a,..,... 1 - " , .1 1 1 " , ' -, ' ,'' 4 ' . I.e.. , i-i , I I ft I I . i - a I - . - 1 . t -1 1 1 ' I 1 1 .:.. . , 1 , . I el "1'1 , . . , . 1 1 , , I 1 1 H .a I I I' B, . ' 1 ' ' t I a a t . a I ', I I f 1, t - 'B ' " ' 1 aal- '. IB . -4, B , t I I . - B .. " ' I B I . 1 ! 1 B ' 1 , . 4- . t , t i a - t B Anaconda 4414 Am Hmclt U Kef .. 64 Cerro dc Paaco .. 34 Chill Z7' t'hlno 24 liiaplratfon 33 Kennecott 32 Miami '.'5 Nov. Cennlldat.d 14 Hoy rotiaollilated.. 131 Heneea 4 L'lah OIL.1". rjcneral Asphalt.. 4 4!s, Coadcn 47 Cal, Peterol 49 Invincible oil 14'4 -Mexican Ceterol. .21 2 H Middle Htatea Pacific oil .... Pan-American , Phillip Pierce oil Pure Oil Itoyal Dutch... Sinclair Oil ... Htandard oil, N. Texaa Co I'nion Oil Whit Oil 11". 4 Hit ' 42 47 6-:s .14 24 2S4 33! 32 25 ',4 13 12 '- 61'4 40' 4;4 4l 1 4 "4 212 II 45 4 5i 41 i 4S 57 6S 31 S 194 Hi 16T4 6 44 '4 64 V, 34 27',, 24 ' 33 32 26 14 12 '4 6154 40 47 411 11 2I2'4 ! 1104 41) 5'i 41 5 24 64 32 194' 47 in f 17 44 63 34 2i'4 23 ' S3" !f.Vi 13 12'4 ll'i 4 4 47 i 44 14 14 212 II 'i 44 4.', '4 41 414 27 I 6414 ;t2 11)9 '4 40 14 6', 4 New York, Nov. 10, Strength of raat foreign eeciiritiaa. In leapona 10 tha eub atenttal Impiovrinent in foreign eai-hatige, niarknd Irregularity ot donieatie rurporate inortgagca, and fiiinneaa of l ulled atatea goveriiuiwiit bom la atoo.l out In today'a rel atively nuiet uealtnga in botida oa Ike New York Hoick hachauge. Mm, an 4a and 6a, n, Ii up 2 points, led Ihe ad,arn-e tn Ihe foreign pat, other atrong time In which ,' Itraailiaa la, 7a and a, Maalcun large 6a. Italian 4a, Htate uf Hail I'aulu ,a, iitti-h sa and t'nited Kingdom la ami IK.'I, all up alemi a point, Kor daaua Ba itioppeil 1 polnla, but lecovered moat ef theii- I,,,, tufor tha eloaa. and Prague 7sa and Parte Lyona Mediterra nean a drnppi'd I1, and 1 poln'.a, ra apeitlvely. 1111 the curt). Jugo.Hla,un la alumped from 72 to 41 011 reporta of a withdrawal of eyndhate eupporl, Krle and Jersey fa prolded Ilia aanaa tlon of the riilltnad Pat, Jumping 6 poinia. Krle prior lien 4 und couvartllile 4s, Be rira It, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Cbbagn A: Ht. I.oula tie, aarleai A, Central of tleorglo Ba, Ailatillii Couat lina 7a and Northern Putiillo 3a moved up I In I1, polnla. At chlaoii convertihle 4a uf 1910 and Bee boa,rd Airline ratundlng 6a each dropped 2 polnla and carried with them to lower ground Heahoaid convertible 4a, c'hb agn NorlliX'-slarn 6 of 1347, llalllmnr 44 Ohio gold 4a and Chesapeake at Ohio coa vertibl 5a. I'lilled Htntea government bonda ahowed galea of 2 to In on 1100, Total aalea, par value, war ll,9O 00f, l N, Ibinde. Ha I, a (In II.OHO) lllgll. Low. Cln.e, 2l Lllieily 3'-.a U0 22 l0 10 10014 .t! I.Mieity 1. 1 414a .. 94 41 II, ',2 94 61 I 1 or, fi l.lherly 3d 4',a... 44 00 97.44 97 94 1,4 Lolieny 3d 4',s,, 9109 94 ,1,0 94 r,4 :i,12 Liberty I'll 4',a., 94.30 94 23 94 24 InO Vlctoiy 44, uric 97 Lll.erly 4, call 700 V H New 41, a, . foreign, Arg'-ntliie 7a 10 llergen 44 , 6 lierne 4a .. 4 Itordeux 4a ... 1 4 'lit mi In nla 81 . . 2 Copenhagen 61,a 17 Pinaii'i 7'-, a 7 12 l.yona i: 7111 4 Maiaelllea lla 74 0 Itio de Janeiro Is. Viv 34 Toklo 6a .0014 Jl Zurich 4 1I0'4 f ( ..-! Iio-Hlo la c.ifa.. 91 10 Heine 7 46V. 47 Can fit riot.-a 29. .10014 40 i,f C Is 1;,2 99 44 liutch V. Ind aa '47 94 19 lunch K )ud Cs 19)2 94 109 French llepublln la 91 log French Itep 71ia. , 94',, 13 llol-Aiii Line tia. . . , ,'. 3 Japatieae 1st 4H.B,. 43 6 Japanese 4a 44 21 King of II 714a102 6 King of I1e Da 90 9 King of lien 6a. . , . 94 II King of Italy 0',a 95 72 Kng of Nethnr'a aa 9574 14 King of Noiway 4s 110 22 King of Hwed fa.. 104 '4 164 Parla-Lyona-Med. Ha 7214 24 Itep. of llollvla . . 94 ' 1 Kep of C 4a 1944.. 103 2 Hep of f, 5a 1904... 95 1 Hep of L'ruguay 1104 12 Hlalo of Quean 7a.. 1041, 23 Htate of Queen 6a. .101 7 H of H Paulo 1 t li II S Hwlse Confed la 117 263 rKniflHeV.I 6' '29.110', 37 I KolUHl 6 '37.. 102' 61 tl H or Brazil la.. 9414 S3 XI ft of Tiraiill 7 '4a.. 91 29 II S of It-C. n F. 7g 17 '4 40 II H of Mexico 6a.. 491 10 L' H of Mix 4a. . . . 31 Kailnay and Mlaeellnneoua. 17 Am Agr Ch 714. .103 103'4 2, Amer Hmit t,a 92 'a 13 Amer Hugar 6a ...102 12 ATT col tr 6 .... 9 2 Am T T col 4a. , 91 li 4 Am Writ Ppr .. 93 2 Am W WksAKI 5a. 13 27 An Jug M WKa f,a. . 7614 22 Armour & Co 4'4a. 9014 At T ft 8 F gen 4a 41 12 A C L 1st con 4a. . 464. 14 Halt & Ohio 6a.. ,.100 100 100 4 1 It tr O CV 41..,.. 41 41 .100,22 100 24 ,10 24 ,100.06 100 02 loo 01; . 99.60 99.14 99 10 , ,104 ....104 74'4 .101, . 90 100'i .... ii .ii'' 73 1 4 ;', 64 'j tii' 110 ii" 1 on loo '4 94 'l' 93 '4 93 ', 94 '4 94 93 94 'err 1 r fa a t 10'1'i,' 97 ii" 94 .... 9.', 96 1091 110 103 103! 70' 71 94 94 102 102 04 .... 104 104 104 .... 100 101 97 99 1141, 117 110 110 102 10274 94 911 90'i 90 14 .... 4!) 49 i If 97 92 101 14 102 96 96 91 91 90 44 14 75 90 44 '4 92 54 92 6244 ii 60 72 72 Chandler . Oen Motor Willya-Overland .. Pierce-Arrow White Motor .... Studcbaker KUmiKIl Flak Goodrich ......... Hell-Spring Keyalon Tire .... Alax .. i U H Iluliber .. ... 24 .. 64 ' ... S2 J.200 .. 47 ... 11 '4 ... 6 MOTOHH . . . 61 69 61 64 ...15 11 14 14 .. 5 5 6 6 ... 10 10 10 10 ... 44 4 la 48 .. 1554 124 124 124 A NO TIRliit. 12 11 11 30 SI 41 31H 41 6 12 Ml 13 49 Am fleet Sugar At G It W I Am Int Corp Am Humatra Am Tele Am Can INDUSTRIAL-. 37 . 24 . 24 . 29 .123 . 72 entral Leather... S6 Cuba Can Cuban-Am .lug... Corn Prod Famous Playera lien Klrclrle. .... tit Nor ore Int lluivrater . I' H 1 11 it Alcohol. 1 nt M M pM Am Hugir lief ,. h,-ara-lto. buck .. Hi roiiisl.urg T'llis'i-n Product, W'artliing Pump. t IISoll to Wealerll Clltofl . Wealing Flee ... Am 14 uolen 11 . 22 .111 . 92 .177 , J0 . . 1 "1 . 42 . II . 70 . 2N . lo . n ii 4, 94 41 6 12 60 57 24 24 29 122 71 35 4. 11 4 HIS 1-0 1 3774 24 24 21 123 71 "4 35 12. 20 131 91 'i 174 29 ion 40 4, 64 41 60 60 7". 24 J,., Hill, B 41 4', 9I i: 31 41 S 6 i: 60 37 121 714 If 20 177 J0 101 61 49 Be ', 17 40', 34 tl ' tin Cotton till ( Bin A,r I'hain. i 4 in ,tfiee. t 1 ,tin lag .f. . , . j nr.H.kl n It T . :. -,,t 1 a 'i , , ,1 I'a- t. li g ' -- t.-, a K'au '. I 1.1.1-ri S'..,eal ,siK.,l, t on, 4 I lull . . . . : I -1 I't-r-l Ift'lf, I it,, nil Lip, I . , 'u s ! 1 b t o MISt'I.LI.AMil j4 1711 29 99 4il 50 1.4 41 II 6" : 11 t'B I I ! I 4 eug IB'l . ;t , SI', . BS', . 14 , I".' . bi'4 1"-'a 21 I IB? " ,111 H I ' 4S 19 11 ' 'f B 14 , I 14 41 1 31 14 1-1 41 II at 11" i 1 l-'-B It 31 If" 9B ' 1l 15 1le Tel of Pa 7a. 104 104 10 Heth Kleel rcf 6a.. 92 92 3 Heth HM pm 6a ... 91 4 Itklyn Kd gen Ill Can No'ern 7 ....111 111 19 Can Pao deb 4a 79 79 2 Cent of fleorgla Ca.100 100 13 Cent Leather 6a.... 99 94 14 Cent P.-io gtd 4a... 45 36 20 C.erro d Paaco Is. 120 120 170 Cheaa A- Ohio ev 6a 92 92 10 C & Ohio cv 4a. . 47 60 Chi Alton 3a .. 23 27 11 Chi eV Alton 3a .... 62 62 24 r Ti ii Q ref 6a A.. 99 99 17 Chi A B III 5a 79 79 4 Chi lit West 4 . . 60 60 37 f M Ht P rt 6a B 72 71 14. 17 M & St P e 6a 14 72 71 14 H M Ht P rv 4a 67'4 7 20 C ill St V rt 4a. 62 62 62 6 Chi N W 7 107 107 1074 13 Chi Bra 6a 71 77 77 II f R I t 1' ref 4a.. 12 II 32 73 Chile Cop 7a 110 110 110 31 Chile Copper 6a ..96 .i 96 3 Colo Col lnd 6e . . 77 2 Colo Ac Ho ref 4'i. 16 9 Col 0 K1 6a 97 94 .. 3 ron Coal Md 6a.. 44 44 14 Cuba Cn g d a.. 44 17 II 45 l Ac It fi ref 6a.... 47 44 .. 10 II & R O con 4s. ... 74 73 .. 4 Pet Kd ref 6a 102 101 10 3 Plat, bee 6a 63 2 Ppn Nem 7a ..107 107 1074 6 Duqueen Lt 6 ...102 102 102 42 Em O i K 7a ctfa 94 93 94 67 !?rte pr lien 4 67 6'i 67 Retail Store, 72 70 Ht. L. & H. F 23 2.1 Va. Car Chemir-al iii 25 Total aalea: 619,400. Money Cloae, 6 per cent, Mark, Cloae, .0001; Saturday .0001. Franca Close, .0719; Saturday'a cloe, .0092. Si crllxn Cloae. 14.48; Saturdoy'a cloae. 14.43. 72 70 2.1 23 26 .... close. For Investment M. E. Smith & Co. (Omaha) 6V4 Gold Notes Due 1932 KKtablisheiJ in 1818, this pioneer wholtanlc dry goods house is closinij its ,ri4th year of successful business. Ruck of every dollar of these notes are over $1.00 of net assets, over $2.00 of which are net tuitk aiM-ts. 1400 ana l. OOO Pewem.eatMea Yield enr Writ Ial cleaifiaitiva cirular Burns, 6rtnkrr(& Co. iioa Seutk bo.ata.ala St, OMAHA, MB. 1) Hrle gsn lien 4a I Frm Ind 1 1. 1 Urn 111.0 deb 6a It II. null I, h 4a . , SUdyr Toe la 'II. II II. I) r Tire la 'II. J tl T Mr of c' 7a. 11 il T Ity of i' Be, 31 lit No 7a A... X III No 6a It. SI II 4 M.ref 6a A. 43 II It it'll lee ,- it lluinble li a It i I III Crlltral .',. I III Htl ile ii 4,a. , I Ind Heel Is 9 'n-Mit 4'4a 46 ln-M"t 4a rtfa at ii4 llitei Hap Tr 7s , , II ,1'to I'M 41 lo , 91 ,1 91 .1111, 111 II-1, .110 H'1 I I K, .101 PL'S 102 ,1111 U 110 ,ll iiii . BI 6 97 .. 69 a 94 ,.I""S .. BI ..I"! . , 12 It 90 II !. II 90 II- B2 Inter Ititp Tr r-f 6a. 71 61 lot It 'I r r. f le i Ua Ji', 3 I a tl N a ll Ba w i. I I 41 Int Merc M a f tia. . 14 II Int P ref la II 1 1 la ivntial tef la.. 34', 13 Kt? FiH v M 4a... 79 4 K i' Hii l,i I 21 If c T rinlnal 4. . 2 Kelly-Hprlng T 4a , 104 1 Lack hlerl tia !. . 40 I I. S a M H tl 4a '31 I. 4 l.uniiiird 9 i 30 I. a) N VV 6a 71 1, 1 I, N ref 6 ', a 104 I .Magma Copper 7. . !" If.Manull Hugiir J1-,, . 97 .1 Md Oil 7a 1" I Mich Ceil di Id 4s . . 91 3t Mldvale Ha.l cv 5a l 11 Di , 71 t J ' I,' ' 14 31 71V, lull', 19 ' 91. II 6i 9 .!', 94 61 i;, 76 104 96 . ", 47' M H I'aVHHM 6',a .102 I II K 4 7 i I lie C 94 24 M K T n p I l,s A 43 111 M K m T n udl 6a A 65 31 Mo Puu eon tia 99 3b Mo Pac gen 4a , . . , 61 4 Mont Power la A . . . 9 21 Nas Flee Ity 4a. . .. 3'. 15 NUT T lat t.a c 94 It NOTA- M Hit! 6a. . 74 27 N Y C del, fa I"4 71 N Y C i-fg I a, . 9n II N V C eon 4a 4 1 , 2 N Y I" AV H I, d it. . 7 4 MNHAIl cv lis '44. u 13 NY Tel uf i,k '41,,l"l I')!', 44 NY Tel g.-il 4s. , . 93 91', 20 NY Weet lloa 4a 46 3 Nor a. Houi li'n 6s A t;t 10 N Am Kill at fa PI "4 B4 No Pac ref fall. . . . ol 12 N Pac itinn. 6aC 97 7 No Pan pr lieu 4 4J 6 N Hlatea P n f 6a A 91 17 No'w'ern Hell T 7a. 107-4 1 Oi At Cal 1st t.a. .100 23 Oie-W' HIl.vS 4s. . o t Oil, HUel 7 l-i 97. 3 Pac 11 Kl l.h 91 'ti 11 I'ae TT r,a 'il cif 91 2 Pkd Mot Cur 4a 107'. 2 2 Perm It It n 109 20 Petin Iflt gen 6a. . . I ail 2 1 reilll Hit geil B'B W'1'2 3 I'eor.a AV K toe 4s, 27 f4 3 Parre Miir ref 6s .. 94 95 14 Phlla i! col tr .. 9 99 I PaVH 4a with War.lil'i 6 Pub Herv r,a 63-, 43 1 Heading geil 4b 4,1 13 2 Reining Anna ef f.a 92 5 II I Ark it I, 4'i. 40 40 29 HLIMH 4a Hard dlv 434 4 37 HI.4HK pr lieu 4sA. 7 70 44 HLiVHF adj s 77 70 70 HLHF Inn fa 42 61' 10 H L H W eon 4x 7ii .... 1 14 A 4V A Pasa 1st 4a 74 .... 37 Keuhoard A I, con na 44 62 3l He'ihoard A I. ilt,a 2 1 21 34 Heaboard A I, refta 40 24 6 Hharon H II IsA 99 99 23 Hllleluld Oil onl 7a.. 100 100', 21 Hlnilnlr Cr Oil 5b. 94 97 1 Ho Hell Tl I.a. , . . , 94 , , . C4 8 Pni'iflc. cv 4a 90 90 4 H Pacific ref 4a..., 46 ;, 30 H Pacific Col tr 4. 46 44 .... 4 Ho Ity gen 6 101 l"l 0 Ho Ky con 6a .... 94 96 90 II Ho Ry gen 4a 67 41 17 8 Pott Rico Hug 7a 96 94 90 11 Third Ave ref 4a.. 62 1,1 62 S4J Third Avo adj 6a.. 66 6i 6', 6 Tidewater Oil 6a,102 6 Tobacco Prod 7...103 t Union II & 1' CaA.. 91 3 W . .1 I II t, i,, c . . . . 4 We.lillg ll 7. . .I"7 X X 01 I.' t ( :a n4 l "l l"4 : vt H..,.i C i v a, . . 5 41. B- Total eiilea ot iH-nita todty were l 412 cun ,-uui. iri-l wi'h Uli'iiO pre.ioua d and 1 1 '-.ID1' '"' a ear ago. New York 1"ll"". N.-W Y.ok Vn. i'e Pirvaiita In.leaaed In t'.da. a coiion Int as l,l,r.oo lurtled w. ak, ae.l b'ee. a of n- aiiy OM.l .,ill...l a aieauy the . hti t l"l" alllld ,Utilir I' illlie. l'-,.e lower In II... atiiiporl iiiiiih de- teie f.,ne. I 4u In 62 I'oliiia ir..ieitg when most of Hie f i profit Inking prnlea. Mi.,nl .il., It.. WHO Wal.r L II,, II- 1,11 , lie .. . - - - - , ,i.i.u but a. tl. It, waa icineaiwl. Atl.r meeting added pr r. from num. ,,e, ,.f aouic.a and n. Hug to ,''"' 6u in 73 I t. under M.ui.U), ''"' i.el mvril aoiii-whal In Hie eatIV aft. ,,,,...i. und towaid ina and of the bout waa olf imiy at-tul in Hi day. howe,..r. lownwain aB'tin mo..--. - ' (otirtal 3D polnla. lata I., li.i iinlnlea in nay, nowe.... .. . . - wnwald again under renewed aalllrg PF t -,.li, anil Hie wlinriL.i,., l..iing fur trndo coiinl. final liheS kit around Ih lowest -a Ola hpoV wa unlet, B4 p ta tlacllne. .1 for inldilliiig upland. 4 SHE'S , HERE ii', ii:: 1 1 il ft .... I . aW 'Al . j . io- 107 ry ,( Il ' ::::: VW' 91 914, A-i ' ti -if 107 I"7" .-."e- A 40 40 4" J 'tl', f 90 I i7'.. r P'9 .....I I. 91 loo i L i Glorious Sparkling PRISCILLA DEAN an Cijrarcttf, the DaughUT of the H e if 1 m c n t, in a HcTppn vernion of Ouitla'n novel immortal 13 63 23 ii" ti4 20 fn Pac lat 4 .... 92 il tin I'ac cv 4a 9) 1 Un I'ac ref 4a 46 2 t'n Tank Car 7,. , .104 11 Utd Prug 6a 112 2 Utd Fuel flu 6a.,.. 97 2 Utd it i 1st 6a P.. 14 lt U S Realty 6a ... 99 4 IT H Hub 7a 104 ij 24 X! 8 Hub 6s 44 33 U H Hteel f 6.,.. 102 23 Ufa X' St Tj la 91 13 Va-rar Chm 7.. 96 14 Va-Car Chm 7a ctfa 95 22 Va Hy 6a 97 I Went Pac 6a 13 102 97 92 94 44 103 84 104 10 4714 101 lo; 90 96 .. 94 .. 1614 17 7S NOW PLAYING DIAMONDS art tha m niters or wrecker of romance x), K Under Two Flags' The things youVe laughed and cried over all brought back. lACKIE In STARTS SUNDAY i 99 frond dmoK "PINK GODS" See with Babe Daniel,, Jamea Kirk wood, Anna Q.Ntlaaon, Raymond Hattoij The Seaaon'g Beat Comedy Rhubarb Vaselino "MUD and SAND" Did you aee "Blood and Sand" Five OaysfVIore To Wait TO SEE The Queen of Artists' Sluclios 'BsaBaaaaaaaaT Matin Daily SilSl tvery Night a. IS RAE SAMUELS The Bine .Streak el Vaudeville HwvIBm l,4lu, A C-0a,i4 Oaliaa ACe, THE DE MARCOS Wlih i.ven Moaiial keili. AdrUid He,, mane Ib I o. lejiHa I tvA.aag'a I aalea P. ik. , LEW UlKKSrADER - "t.lliiH, K,o,k 111. Il.l" rial.. IS le ai N.ikla. Im la tl 'HI in a Page From Her Own Life "Heedless Koths" Lays Dare the Soul of Truth and Proves That 'The Nude Is Not Rude NEXT N WEEK 033 - .e'a I a II 111 i . i , i i I i I I 1 1, V t 9 .. t 414 B4 .1 H 4 ' 11- I ' t il i i a o li , . 4 , , t t't 1' , - l 4 '- ' it a i t -. ' . , . : .v... . . , W - , . , , . . 1 1 t , ( - .11 l.l.. ... - 1 ' 44 I seeia , i , ' n ts , ib , 4 , ' ' B ' ' B i -- t s a- -t , , . , ' "' ! ' 4 . i 4 4 J. S. BACHE &. CO, I a 4 a.l le V. kteewKera f m. vi I t B ..a. a mt I'. H I K.a I v waa, la. a 4 a,IBSB W.- ta-a.rt .tartl 41 P.oaJ-., CkUagai lea V,. laUlla H f. Vm -J .BBwaiaWrMl .' a !. fv! .bmi Stocks Hondi Grain Cocton Fore inn Exchange tottght anj S!J tl CaS Of tarnaJ i4 lor4tvtiv Msrr vhiaS4 Nat l lUnW IlMf . Omahi M. I:. H.nJUr m ,,, a lea,,,. 4,m lift , . a.-- in,., , . . a . a -, . LiiXsV-' ie e,aa"li TONIGHT Oaaaaaa Oaa Maaawelk 4j4wbwI I alt. aa anie Al Brit I lrBwle P'teea UB Meal I (eMail, I II I'. M. "HELLO BILL" r O li Ne Be it, ,4 ii ua TODAY and WEDNESDAY Mm. IM)NH II I I HKIIIt 4 Impreaaien, et tantati 4leilie Marl HAKHIS A I 1.MANI la ' I , 4 t.levaa'' l,.l,.'e, 4 Wllaoa Nsvelty l)an,utg III t. HO. I I AH a. ra-vuMaactir-ia-eliie I l tk A,wr ef I ua laiMla, Ml la HT AMI At "I M" a,iv I .!,, ti X'WaaWtilTTae&XgggWgWBEBaatyj NOW PLAYING rob yn adair sunkist'sefTemders IK ih,aMia J ur 4 Hit 5 OTHER ACTS And I e. I li, fhwIaaiUl .i,,,. tl ".-. I Ik,.. t. l.,, a lk. a4. , 91 A. t lai ANuia rai uni Alms or tki- Atl - I MIMI lo 4 M.i, ga. t. He i'i i ral all 9114 B4.i a a sbj w see,"! 4B ,. -an FRANK WWW fUUlf .4 eal 44 11 MW 11, A i ISi, MARY MILES WINTER TOM MOORE ii "The Cowboy and the Lady" lOUAY IliMdKKliW "The Snowslice Iril" IBukJ.i , .4., - kaiM Ug Hoot Gibson -tits: LONE HAND" NCICHBOSHOOO IHCATCSS i.a ami . . . HOI ,E lit aasl asr I aa,, rr.ii kll MIS VI t,l a' MAMll 101 . h IU.M Mllt".HI AM t ( U tnt atllkf I All" K I if I . , , i .d I l Veltl 1AM I 4 KM. M let BH4.I kill 4 l-'llf FrANK IUNNV FINNEY lieaa' t-aB., tai a, ,t. , "i I '4 .t Mb , .- Vm It , a . I a , . la 8 4 I .,. 4. . Hlll4' . tl 1 1 4- It , il -