The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 19, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Trying io be Human
inwGw lorn
mM Mm Sent to Mocli ioltoii Mfm Tims
is a Problem
8 A
I apranf from hnm-apun people,
who believed In the Jllble, ha fulth
In the oll and lined thflr farma and
village. It appeare I am the only
wanderer. All my ruunln ar fnrrn
ere or 11 v In amall town. And at
heart I'm the verlnt rube in Man
The nature of my calling- Im tuna
d ma among people of all aorta. I
rub allowt with all romlltlona of life.
It aroma to ma I hut tha lilKK'nt prob
lm that fiicre tha New Yorker In
merely to be htnnun.
Juat thla morning on Thlrty-elghth
alraet I met a boyhood friend of mine.
We uaed to co, camping on Raccoon
creek and onca w hud to bury our
tlothea beraijae wa came too clone to
atranga cat dlHtlnctly not a mat
teaa. Ita haa lived In New York elitht
montha. Ha had a worried look. He
had Invited eome nelghbora to dinner
and tha piny. He (Uncovered that he
could not aecura aeata for any of tha
big hlta. And ao Inatead of taking
fsople. Tha breach now la too wide
between art and life.
At luncheon a few daya ago I eat
next to a man who uaed to grubataka
with ma on I'ark How. Wa wera al-
waya about ona jump ahead of tha
aherlff. Wa amoked eurh other'a clga
tela and exchange necktlea for cer
tain function. He haa written aeveral
playa two ara a hit.
Ha waa talking with a bob haired
girl who wora hoot owl glaaaea. Bin
la one who Inalata, though married,
on prraervlng her maiden name. No
one knowa her anyway. It doean't
My friend of tha old daya waa aay
ing: "Tha Influence of Cezanne and
the experiment! of Pleaaao "
He got no further. I aaked him to
plcaae paaa tha rheeae and then re
minded him of the time we got put
out of ReefntaU Dolan'e for being die
orderly. I know our friendship la
amaahed, But I nailed a four-fluah.
And the crudity of the fllma there
la a high topic for Intellectual browa
iJL -.1 )
"I ran do a nmMi trick that cne tt lite greatest paiions of modern
art cannot perform. But I'm not at all puffed about It.
them to a celestial morality or futil
ity play, ha waa compelled to take
them to a vaudeville ahow.
Miserably I'nhappy.
The poor bny felt disgraced. All
of them would enjoy vaudeville more.
Yet ao greut la the fear of not im
preMlng ono'a neighbor that he waa
living In terror. His work would suf
fer and he and liU wife would both
be o miserably unhappy.
There la a yniinsr producer In town
who came out of Kansas an earnest,
Incere, fine fellow. He startled New
York with his first play:' it ran a
year and made him a fortune. I don't
know what has happened, but he has
luddenly gone in for hih-browlsm
nd la producing freak plays that
iven the critics confess they do not
understand. Of course, he will wake
up In time. Hut it Is typical of a
phase that keupa New York from be
In a real human city.
If a young man or young woman
writes a successful book In New York
tomethlng happens to him or her.
There la a young man In particular.
He waa once a breezy, tine fellow. Sue
stM hne made hia poseur. He likes
to appear a languid creature of a
Jecailent civilisation. Ho looks at
life through dark classes and sits
In a detached way In Washington
Sonure cafee sipping sirreptitious
Main Fool.
Of course, he is a plain ft ml. In
small town they wmil.l yank him
ff his pedestal in Jiffy. They'd
Save him hunting siiIih-s.
Conversation in almost any New
Turk gathering Is brooming merely
nana drivel a driving efTut to im
reea the ottnr fellow, night 1
trashed Into a g.itheiing that
liacusalng art In the near east. They
aere actually thrtlim t attUiio
attltlnea In am It miiumUiar round let
k ttrfbla. ltulieinl. and liulnru,
I tw to titlk atxut tit'ldlierg,
Herrtmai. !rte, Welster n, Tul
And eyra, were tif'ed In uivitlitia
drt'WUun. I lA tut.lrn. how
eer. The r..m.U sii..n f I'uM.w
mean nothing In n.)f life, NeiiS-r t.i
tltoa i f la.U;"i. Tba Mo 4lj,lr
,tainilni, think, ei Ii.i-mi And
shil ni4ny ilte t-i ne t .i m !
r teg In I ttil, I Kt a
nhi put at ivii:i a I e wti t- ml
ht the U( too usoiKg !)
that I know sutliii.g at .ih
f I mi kr
I ke if a u iKt m
let me at the 1ti.r U hH .i
Ike ti rtlmitit l'Wii - tll In
ptl'A, ' "-t J
The 4 V . . r tw
a i ik4it I .! N I 4-i't
krtie fce aV tfcitn ! ' 1.1 I
t ll mtutUt b ti de i tut
tUr, I b k
- f t k .kr. If tiff
1 t t i i.i' Dxt
I 4 M t-a I al I Ma I
t ( a I m lfcroa
It el
It fce V fltNett I .!:
J .' a '- t '
kii 'tM a -'' "
m-k ,l Jbw ttf
, In k '
Ing,- One would thlrtk that a person
who goes to the mpvles is only half
educated and fiuarter-cultivated,
Chinese porcelains are beautiful. I
know as much about them a the puz
zle editor of the Sandpit, Iowa, Btar.
The Kang-She or the Bam-Lee periods
may mean a lot to some folks, but
they are less than nothing in my life.'
Recause I am not versed In Chinese
porcelains thpre is no reason why I
should be the object of stony stores
Certainly It Is no disgrace.
I can do a match trick that one
of the greatest patrons of modrrt
art cannot fathom. But I am not
al all puffed "about it. In fact, I'm
democratic and very easy to meet;
Over His Head.
Expressionism in the theater, too,
Is something thSt Is way over my
head. I have never felt the Impulse
to reach beyond the limits of realism.
A stage Irishman in green whiskers
who slaps his flapping pantalooned
partner over the head with a blad
der always extracts the gurgle hila
rloun. It is more real to me than Ethel
1 Wry mors talking as If she has a
mouth full of oysters. I prefer the
playa of Hon Marquis, Baminy Ship
man and Gene Puck to those of Ibson.
Strliullterg, Trhekov and Wedekln. I
can make nothing of the symbol. And
the horritically actual dramaa with
their ecxmtl smut leave me cold.
.VII of these things appall the New
Yiker. And, of course, I'm quite
linH'les. I'.ut at least I'm honest In
in v con lotion.
It would I diftU'tilt to convince me
that a neighborly home taffy pulling
Is not mure thoroughly enjoyed by
all ths present than those stilted
niu. Iln where brilliant aophla
tiiis are atteinptvd by mnrona.
I'm iff the mental wizards, the In
tetlm-tuwl stri-ei-ere. enchanters, sue-
ill. I. In.'iibi. instil r'tlntate and the
I.Ke, I want to mlnale more Willi
people who "MUier" their eoftee, read ;
Itir.Jd Well Wrtght and wouldn't ,
kmw the thlvMwy if It jumped! up In '
ihfir Up 1
I in ging In knoik of Woik this,
.iflei l.. n xklp the ethiMl of a CiJ. '
el. lung i f a fief r..-iu gt sri-un-l .
the t.inr and piny rummy with (
M:W l um, whu ).ihii m an arstit
it.eiiis lot. !
,...(.' l t k II Vll
I. I
Irjili'-r (.ir I'niiilrr.
f t .f l.lweJ, M v, .N..V, 1 1 ,f
i..., I t rm' it ih iv i fat in
".'fl f I..I hn i.(t t-jr t,
i. t. UilMawn, f
. . n..e I K h
thit4,fa k4t ea
Ueeee Jttig h Ul
H i l Wuiia..M -
l.t. ui i,t .h IM-. U
A . k.. Kg list
ka.4 t ...4 !' U't . I.
The aim of this great sale is to secure 5,000 New
Customers 5,000 new accounts on Beddeo's books
Such crowds such values never in Omaha's his
tory has any credit apparel store offered such phe
nomenal, almost unbelievable bargains.
Men women from far and near should take the
fullest advantage of this amazing sale. Buy now as
you never bought before.
Jjil I' si J I
$100,000 Stock of New Apparel Just Unpacked
and Offered at Most Drastic Price Reductions
Omaha has never kn own the equal of these values in
rmin n9nn a rm
Overwhelming values Suits and Over
oats in the snappiest models, Hun
beds from which to choose. Styles for,
he young fellow as well as the serious
business man.
Four Mighty Groups
Put on your hat and come down tomorrow for cne
of these Suits and Overcoats at every price you
get a wonderful bargain. Double these prices and
you'll about strike their true worth.
A Reasonable Down Payment is all we require
balance can be cared for to suit your convenience
No matter what size you require, you can be fitted
perfectly in either a Suit or an Overcoat at a price
you care to pay.
Startling Values
Warm Overcoats, built for service. All
sizes, 6 to 16 years. Belted and semi-belted
models. Nowhere will you encounter such
Two feature challenge sale groups that
offer unduplicated values. Styles of the
hour suits your boy will take a pride in
wearing. .
Main Floor
A Bargain Challenge That is City Wide in
Beautiful Cloth Coats Either plain or fur trimmed. Coats that
possess the newest style thoughts. Coats you'll wonder how we
can sell them at such ridiculously low prices.
16 - s23 - !34
Daring Price Smashes on
Two Wonderful Lots
fint quality 8lU nJ Silk Pluh CoU 34 nd 4aimh Jngth. 8appjr ttw .tjlti;
fiat uk UniBt. Na woman tlfurtsf ft fHA coal ihouM mii out m thu opportune y.-
They-re Priced to Bedrock
in This Great Sale
We've forgotten about profits in this start
ling campaign for 5,000 new customers and
this is keenly evidenced in these amazing
dress values.
You 4tt aYiUifJtH'd
ra pyig r ttt
doubtt thtt prUti
tot tUih dtttott.
Silks inj wools, in
cvtry new tyte
tvtty dtiirtJ iohr.
P If
Our Guarantee Against
Lower Prices
Within taty four kun f tha timt
nuk jurchue at BM',
will ftitka a tub rtfun J t ton ( (in4
ft awtr prt uet4 ta OKahA.Uu
f fhfl 4 rwh m U trttit tar
1 " 1
Out-ofaTown Folki!
On Any pure Ka mt $23 00 wr mr
ifrf lrnfiUlHn .
pen f m $50.00 B)urcKM
w r will defray rilrvl far
PIMlMfl, t HiDir II YOU WASf M
;.. K . I t S , t .-HhniM
t le I .i..i.k w ti
r- - if w-'fwi
. t a. r - k. t.e
iitt at ! m is.. -f a e
1417 Dounlaa Street
S & -!t n .lt .' t- k H
t a t t
a( . te H t ' tfnj4 age k l ),