THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 19. 1922. 6 C Si Bible Is Work Book, Theory of Boston Lecturer Great Difference Between j Religion and (.'reetl, Speak I er Dei lares in Lecture at Third Church. ! J Frank H. Leonard, C. H. H, of Th Iord of I.-turehlp of Tlx Mother Shurch, th First Church of Christ 4cleitiet, In Boston, Mim., gav a 'ectur at Third Church of Christ, ' dentist, of fiinslia, evening of novmnr is una J. air. i.oiisru mM in oiii. I "Whenever t hear or think of Mint l uotitl Inn from John, "Ami ya shall 4fiur the trulli, and (lie truth shall 'nak you fire," I likewise think of ' b question of Jesus, "What If , 'rulhV ' Anil perhaps tha moat Inter sting thlriK, ao far ax I am concerned n the entire quotation, U tin fart hat Ju did nut nnswer thiit qiiw Ion. Ilo practically said: If In view f everything thnt you hnva known o ha don In Judi-n under my ministry on ar ailll anslng Inn question, "What In truth"" then no words would :ver convey ona tlnul Item of In' ' 'ormatlon on the point. My convic tion In nulla wll born out by tha act that when John tht Baptist again tecum doublful, aflor lia had ad mitted that Jesus wh the Redeemer . vho waa looted fr, and nt-nt to Jesue 0 find out whether or no hn ws tha tli they had expected, Jeau did not .iniwer dlr"tly. II did many thing, ;md than ha wild: Now, ko and tell lohn what t huva dour, then let hint ,'ind out for himself whom I am; and m the baal of what Jesu had arcom illahed, John knew (hut ha waa tha 'ldaemer. f "Now, Truth In ona Truth. In my eecit lecture tour In Kurop a very mlrant divine In tha Lutheran hiirrh remarked thiit ft waa danger ous to say Uod la Truth, because, he aid, thera ara an many trutha thnt t would l"t a question an to which one ! Sod la. Thnt waa a theological npln- on, hut It waa not ChriHtliui. All tha human oplnlona on III fur of tha arth as to whnt constitute Truth ! nay ha wrong. There arc nilllloiia or .minim oplnlona, hut when w begin o limit Truth, when we begin to anv I hat there In this truth and that truth ind tha other truth, we ara Kitting -iway from the Bible fact, which tells ii thnt thor la Just one Truth, and J hut thin Truth l (lod, tin- Infinite )na. In order that any one may he rree from any kind of discord he tnuar 'now the truth that proves the dfs- 4 AIIVKHTIHKMKS T Stop Whiskey :"' Won Jarful Treatment Helped Faith fill Wif to Say Hutbami Wkea All EIm FaiU4 GoMca Treatment Did It Celdta Treatment la Odorleii and Tatte Uta Any Lady Can Cive It Secretly et Home in Tea, CeUae or Feed. . Yon Can Try It FREE I Wlvea, mothr, alftMA It la you !; tli u.t the nuin who drinka Whiakey, Vina or Beor to exonaa muat dnpenit I upon to aave him from a ruined life f and a drunkard s grave. Take noea 4m n Oi. . r, t n.n trrtriF in ruin dally through vile, bootlegger' Whiakey and the hnrrlhle attiff called home brew from private atllU. Once he get It In his Hyntem he can't atop but you can aave him. All you have to do la to aund your name and addreaa and we will aend absolutely FKEH In plain wrapper a trial package of OOLPKN TKKATMBNT. Yon will b hankful an long tin you live that you did It. A'ldreaa SB. J. W. HAIVM CO, l8a OlaM Mgt Cincinnati, O PIANOQ U tunc o a atraiaio All Wt Mf.tM A. HOSPE CO. HIS Demlaa DO Mat Stoves Happy . v jT I Reunion Save Money! CLAIRE FURNITURE CO. ISOS Heward St. Ope a Atcawat 1 A Good Investment HOTEL RBEE - Y a tl 00 Dit nrd In fur fleautiful pinir,( IWaa 4 t S 1. M l-ry d at II I S n4 t- f. M. Sjaday! lAMFlK MINU Cktd MwJ NtaiMt ' Otoa Oh . e C - at TM Vi( !)mt Mat BW4 h aW r at f Im4J n dtt el ! la HOTEL cord, untrue. In other worde, nothing ran rually exiat without Truth. "Truth la tha enme yeaterdny, to day, and forever. Truth never began and it never will end. Truth ia ai waye good. It I alwaya pure, It la al waya lowly, and It alwaya acconv pllahea Jiint one iwault, and that la the fruitage of Uod. Humanly ieak Ing we could not build thia building If w did not have Truth, for, human ly apeaklng, nothing on earth could be accotnpllahed were It not for Truth. Why, aa a matter of fact, you cannot even lie until you know the truth. Have you ever thought of that? Ite cauan lie la a miaataternent about Truth. And ao you aee the whole 01 our Inveatlgatlon and reaearch alone all llnea will lead u etralght and ab itlntuljr to the contemplation of Truth. "We miiat anawer, each of ua, to and for ouraelvea the uueatlon what la Truth? We muat every one of ua prove In ouraelvra and to nuraelvea and for ouraelvea the freedom from everything untruthful which a knowj- ertgu 01 tne 'lruin ttiai ia liou nnrige to ua. Trulli ( omea to Human Conaclouaiiea. "Chrlatian Mclence came Into thla world aa It came, not accidentally; It did not coma under the Impulsion of human opinion at all, but It came iHcauae awuy down underneath with every ona in thla world la a dealr and a hope for Truth. And ao, naturally nooier or later, Truth began to appeal to human cotiNcfouiuea In a way It could apprehend, until Truth finally aprung forth arrayed In all lla beauty and glory and majeaty, the inanifeaia tlon of (Sod lllmaelf, In drder that Truth Itaelf ahould be known, and our acceptance of It be Juatlfled by reaaon of what It accompllahe In lh world. "We have had a wonderful experi ence with Truth In our own day aa It haa been prcecnlcd to ua. It hua been a murvel to thne who have known It why or how any one could qunatlnn the fact that fhrlntlan Hclonce reveal the truth. Thla haa been queatlonod UcauiA It baa been queatloned aa revelation. It ha been o.ueatlotie aa a revelation becnuae It haa been quea tinned aa having had a revtlator, and the whole thliix haa been qiieHiloueii becauae the world, until Chrlxtlnn rk lence brought the fruitage of Truth Into It, hn not comprehended Truth at all In It aplrltuul aenxe; becaum men have turned away from the teaching and preaching of our Tord and Maater while he waa on eurth, and have gone away after Mrunffe teachltiK and diver theorle and be llifa. "Chrlatlan Science brlnna thia Truth to ua In aiicli form and manner thnt the little children understand It, They underaland It. ao well thut they are every day of their live doinjf wonder ful thing to bring out the realization of Truth. "I Juat want to tell you one thing that come under my notice. A little girl acven year of age had gone out to play with another little girl. Khe came In In about half an hour with a face which allowed conclualvely that he wn not very happy. I lor mother naked her what wu the trouble. The little girl Juat abut her llpa together uod went riKhl to her own room, eat ilnwn and played with her own thlnna. Htm had been in there about twenty minute when alio came out with her eye wide open and aaid, Why, mother, what do you think? T almoat forgot that we are both (lod'a chil dren," Then aha went back to play with her companion aKain. Vou aee, aha had unulyzed Truth without human or peraonui distinction, and when she hud dune thut Truth appealed to her an belonging to every one In exactly the aume quantity and quality that it belonged to any 0110, therefore he recognized that what whe had been doing waa to limit Truth In aeeing only heraclf aa fiod'a child. It then occurred to her If one of them waa flod'a child they both were, and a oon an he Raw thl the disturb ance wa healed, the anger and re- aentment dlanplieureil, her thought hnd been cleanaed and purified, and with the simplicity of a child aiie Haul ao f lankly and went buck to her play mute. Now that ought to teach u how we may ue the truth of being to bring about a ceaaatlon of dlacord and dlitaenalon, and to eatabliah a uni versal brotherhood of man wherein there shall be no diallnction, no line of Reparation, no difference of any kind, but we ahall all be working for the universal good. That la the mis sion of C'hrlHtlun Science In the world "The only way the Christian mission can possibly be accomplished la by the spreuding of the truth about God, about Jesus the Christ, about man and the universe, so that the whole world shall understand and compre hend the Infinite God and the infinite capacity and ability of His children to go to Him In any of their .mlsun (lerstnndlngs, whether these are cn'len want or woe, sin or sickness, and find for every one the help which the Hlbie t'-ache us (lod has for us. The ('limine of Christian Science. "One of the question that haa been asked very often ia why we should assume that this revelation had come through a woman of whom no one had ever heard up to that time, ratiio, than through some of the men or wo unen who had consecrated years of their Uvea to the study of the Bible Well, really, we cannot answer that (HUM Ion. Only Clod can answer that But w ran any aa did Christ Jesus: "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hnsi hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babea." Mr. Kddy assuredly von form ed to what a babe mean in her lov alty to the teaching of the rtlhle. in lasing mem aa nemg ansoiuteiy true I , ni.n, Well one might snv, It Is c .,h".n -,h"r rh"'l"'n M" hearing !prPltv hard work to be a Christian he llttli, fairy atorlea and thing ot Scientist. Consider, however, your hu that ort to which we all have loved ; nmn ex.eriencea, and all of the human 10 ''n. Mra. Kddy was hearing from ! ,hffei ern es Ih iwc ii persons, and vou Rugs Baiter Qualityi Lower Prlca. MattrcHic$ fril t.Ml Vil " lot- It . r a t 4 i .a, T too M add u U ai. ROME her mother tha hlatory of thing re corded in the Bible, the atorlea of trua eventa. Iler Mother did not tell her alsiut what thla or that one aaid; ah waa roiiatantly telling her amriea of their work, and wlutt the Word of Uod aiconiplialied, ao that Mrs Kd1y waa familiar when a young girl witn all tha activities recorded In the llltile; to her they were not mer historic ac counts or eventa they were real, liv ing, actual fiicta, tha proof of (lod'a alines. Pha clung to them aa ana grew up; !hen when h had reached maturity aha met with an accident which the doctor aaid would result fatally. All of her friend accepted and believed this, and her minister atopped to pray with her In the morn ing, believing, aa they all did, that ah would not be on earth to be prayed with at the termination of tha morn ing evrvli-e. After ha had done hie kindly, loving work for her, aha aaki-4 llioae whlth whom she was slaying to give her her Bible and to leave her alone with (lod. They did aa she re queated, and when the minister atop, ped again luler to sea if he could be of any asalalance, Mra, Ivldy herself opened the door to him, ami stood be fore him for the first time since her girlhood perfectly well, normal and nalural In every particular. "Tha Bible telle ua of many hap pening of that kind. Yea, and there ara many eventa of thut sort about which we know that huva hnpneiied outside of Bible time. But what la the iliffcienro between those nail Mra. Kddy'a case? This the other all uo ctpted their lieallng to be a timnt festal Ion of a special dispensation on the part of (iod, and the next time they had A pain they tool! a pill, They thought their healing waa a special occasion and that a special privilege had leen given to them to be apeclally made well by tho Word of (lod, Mr, liddy did not accept thin. W know in Christian Hclence that there Is no such thing In heaven or in earth aa a special djspensntlnn, because if w believe what Jesus suld we know be said that If we believe on him we shall all do tha work he did. lie In tended therefore to aay thut It waa not a special dispensation which hand enabled lilm to do theso things, but that It waa a universal gift to men when they were willing to follow (lod In hi footsteps aa ho had taught them to do, Mrs. liddy did not accept her healing as a special dispensation, for she knew thut shn had been made well through the activity of the law of (iod, and that aha had a rlk'ht rn her birthright, thn knowledge of (iod and Jeu Christ whom He had lent, which would give her dominion over the earth and tho fullness thereof, and take from her every sense of fear that (lod might be ubsent, or thnt there was another power to which "tie might be subject; therefore thnt (iod might not be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Then she becume student night and day, week In and week out, month In and month out, year In and year out, Khe studied. And what did she study? The Bible. It was the only hook she had to study. No commentaries would help her, nothing but a determined and conse crated effort to know the truth of being In It spiritual Import would suf fice to bring about the knowledge which she felt was her birthright and which she waa entitled to have. So she studied and studied and studied, and then after a while her t.ld theo logical belief, Instead of being a cloud, bfccame aimply a mist, and then grew less and less, until finally she began to get hold of the light of (lod In Its elernal activity, ao that she was able to lienl others even os ehe had been healed, and thu she learned to know (iod even belter, .She found heiwu able to tell others bow to heal us slie bad been healed, nnil then her revela tion fulfilled Itself when It came to her so clearly that she was ublu to put It down In words that you and I can gran and understand and compre hend, so that as we take what she said and go to our Bible wllh It we, too, find the spirit of the Word of (iod which enables us to worship ITlm In spirit and In truth, and so fulfill Ills law. "So we know by results that the revolution cume to Mrs. Kddy, and through her to the whole world. The Bible Hie Guide. "The Bible to the Christian Scientist is not essentially a church book. Or course, he uses it In church but It Is also to him a work book. To the business man it is a business boolc. To the housekeeper It is a book of rules telling how to keep house com fortably, pleasantly and liarmonloui ly. To the child In school it is the text book which teaches that child how to think. And to every man, woman and child on earth it is the foundation of right thinking' wherein we may find our freedom. "Christian Science la a field for everybody on the face of the earth upon which to get busy and work out his own salvation. We have not been accustomed to think that the laity hhould work particularly hard on re ligious subjects, because a man haa sometimes thought that he was a pretty good Christian if he kept a pew In church, saw that his family attended regularly and he himself oc casionally when the opportunity seem ed ripe. Ilo would go and he would listen to the result of another man's hard labor and work, and come away and nod his head, "That waa a pretty good talk." and would feel that he bad done his part of the religious work until he again associated himself with other members of hia church In Ha meetings. "But, my dear friends, there Is a gnat difference between creed and religion. Religion demand of ua that we shall work constantly and continu ously to think right, and consequently will find it N pretty hard -work not hard -work to lie one, The fact Is, that you have had enough trouble In the experience you have had, and you would like tn change It If you could. We have all had that suggestion, No, It Is not hard In l Christian Kclrutist; not aa hard a It la not to be one. "Where do vou start to be a Chris tian tMeitllst? With evertf right thought you think Thnt la your start. Therein Is to Im found your progreaa. and In the miiveiMfut attitude of at tl thinking lk't l vm find tha key of h-;rn. Vou have had the thought that heaven I afar off. and vet, every you use tha lird'a t'raver, what do you pray' Thy kingdom rum. Thy will be don In mill, aa It t In h.aven " IUv vou wennt It When you l!k t.ut "Th .ll I i!"H In earth, aa II t In ha,vn." hie V'HI ' II? !fv ).'U nr t"fl"'d think'e v.hi n,-iit it or id IU II l..-l. ,t t. il hiit ' " !! thei iMn!t t ii utili iu a t tfcn.ii.Sj toil so t In ! i' h t" r.rai.t k .. !. Ik. t.f I id thai in,!. I !. i thuHn e Utf Winn, ant (Kink ai.l tha I'.M a" -I that nil I ten what lt ! taonadl ! wiiih-wBium hefa ia eih- if t Itta .kt (. ... ii.,i ! M f Mme . a ri a tl la I tiHr j " I l. ! e.. ' . . ka I iK ua all I r ilial Ht. k t " ) ist '..ut I n f-'f I at , ho a fltr I !' t n aw'l ; i U ! i.. IKl i" H j m t a 1 ,. k.K I I a a ! l '' at tl, .! (. It k -! t ! la !.. a.o ia -e ;e I -it tit , litUtkia I I w4arla4ia I ife. ' -VI. a kM la fc w t.l ImI , t T - ' I' is-l , 4 U l l Ma I v4i J I.lfv, that ta without beginning or without ending; Life, which manifest Itself to I tn elernal activity and creator; Life, that w ar all longing und looking for. Any on know that liod and 1-ife ar one, and w ar all working for L.if wa all believe in l.lf, and that 1 why w ar working fur It, and ao becaua w bllv In 1.1 fo wa do believe In Uod. "I huv railed attention to th Blbllcul teaching that (lod 1 Life, and becaiiM (lod la Life It I natural and normal that all of ua should b striv ing to know Life and striving to dein onstrut life. That I the reason that a culcmtur la such a llur. When it says life I born, It lie; It lie when it aay that It la a year old; It lie when it aay It la forty yrara old; th calendar lie when It aay that It i dead. It never did tell the truth and It never will, becuua It trie to fix Lifu between the point culled birth and nouther point culled death. The time for us to refuse to huvo anything to do with th calendar l when w begin to think, not wultlng until our hulr la white or gone. Begin It and cling to it, and keep on clinging to thn thought that It doe not make any dlf ferenca to ua what the calendar aaya; that we know that Uod 1 Life, and that man, tha Image and llkeneaa of Uod, know that Ho I not a God of thn dead, but a (toil of the living, and that man' birthright I Life. "Now, wo Christian Bclentlsta do not claim that we have yet reached I he point where wu completely over come what i universally termed aln, disease, or death, but we do call at tention to the fact according to th return of the 1910 census 1 have not been able to get the figure yet of l'jti) that during the ii year pre ceding that timo there wna an averag Increase of longevity of ID yeura, and (hut was tha first 2& year during which Christian Hcience had become universally known and wa being practiced tho world over. If In th first Hu year of this knowledge of th alines and chnngelessnea of Uod a Life In our feeble grasp of It, It could have produced such a condition a that, we know that, a we com to a better, and a higher, and a holier, and a purer knowledge of Uod, w ahali continue to grow In longevity until we shall again have upon the eurth the ugu of tha antediluvians, and then. If that senso of limitation will paaa away, wo ahull know Uod and Jeau Christ whom He hath sent, and to know Him ia eternal Life, a the Bible teaches u. "That age of the antediluvian haa been an unhuppy feature for the natural scientists. They could not ex plain It away. They could not get around it; but recently they decided that they could get around It, for Juat before going to Europe lust spring a little magazine published in New Vork was sent to me in which the editor expreascd himself as delighted to think that the scientists not the Chrlstlun Hcientlsts, but the natural scientist had found the explanation for the age of the antediluvians. Th magazine went on to say that they had resolved, or rather had determined, after all these year of research, that.the only measure) of time the antediluvian had was the lunar measure of time, which would mean a month, and that there fore in tiicM) storms of the age of tho antediluvians, wherever the word "year" appeurs, there should be sub- altuted tho word "month;" nid then It went on to give an Illustration that Adum lived to be nine hundred and thirty years of age, and the word "month" being substituted, and those month being resolved Into yeura by the division of twelve, It would show that Adam lived to be about seventy-t-lght yi-urs of age, which was a rather close approximation to the theory of three-score and ten being the natural life of man upon earth, "Now, thut sounds quite logical, and coming from the nutural scientist It Is bound to have a good deal of force. But there are one or two little thlnga thut interfere with the acceptance of that theory, and I want to call your attention to two of them. In the aame story in the Bible where they teach us that Adam lived to be 930 year of age it also toll us that when Seth was born Adam waa 130 yeara of age. Call thut months, resolve It into year, and It ehowa that Seth was born when Adam waa ten and one-half year of ago; and he already had two children. "It Is even worse with Methuselah, because the Bible says that when Methuselah was born his father Enoch was 65 years of age, and reading that in tho saino way it shown that when Methuselah waa born, Enoch, his father, waa five and one-half year old. "It is not amazing that every at tempt on the part of human theory to explain away the almlghtinesa of the Word of God and its truth alwaya slays Itself, because It Is not and can not be logical; but when It ia pre sented to ua as it ahould be the logic Is clear to us and brings to us tho thought of the old patriarch, who cried to us, "Turn ye, turn ye from your evil waya; for why will ye dlo . . .?" "I have been much Interested in an advertising sign that is liberally sprinkled all over the United States. I'urt of the legend of that sign is this "Eventually why not now?" "That Is the ouestion which Chris tian Science Is asking. Eventually you will turn, then why not now? I want to say that nothing that was ever good In all of our life, nothing that we ever found good In any of our own experiences, theories, or beliefs, but that we shall find when we come to grow to a knowledge of God and our lord and Master, wherein there la no limitation In our thought about Hia ability or His willingness to help. . "We are no longer to think that the Word of (iod is given just to heal from sin, but we shall know thut it la given to heal from every one of the ills to which the flenh is heir. We shall find coming to us more and more a knowledge of the tilmight Incss of (ld, and tho nnre we know He la al mighty the less shall we be concerned with the human theories, and we shall learn that there is no power apart from God thut can thwart those who have the wish and dealr to make the measure of the children of men unto, rvei lasting I.lfo. "We shall find that the more we turn tn know tlod aa Christian Science i".n lift Gixt to t, lb inoi loving we shall be. the more ennac inuMiroa cf l.lfw ahull have, th more Truth we hull ili. em. and a every step preant Itwlf unlit a the tool we hall bevttni t-oiuK-linia of the I'lln iiil of right thinking, ao that t inn make mi mistake, but shall go on at it It the light which in-ter loal a r.i-a hh h rtiii id it f.,r healin; and lha I mora wo i -In,; lit !ii th inula h4l ' hava thai I'hrwl mind tthiih t-it 1 ai-i-a ua flu i"r urlt an t f..r our breihreaj tn Ih'a world th hl:i, fn.itt atary tl atord lhat an ma la f Hi I lit " Thy klncd m rum Thy nil d lit i!h, it ta I a, hvav.n ' " ! m.(i, Viitt. Vi. llaii ia J -ta i4.f, ., ir-4l fit ' w4 evp " I ti."H lfli k. II dot a d.a I a If I'M. -l ',s. ii fii4 t lii PfMbl4 Willi am if lh t ' t -ij tin kiiua Sua fttluial I I r nn ha itj iu a Mint h, .. U4 Ia ! Wa tttt,.ual Ii t'-4 t aa I kr.-a l' lii. in.. l I. !' j tat.t a l i . i J l a il-l I . Inn 1-'t lai -l A 4 4 i4a. liMwii. IiotdT d) Joppii villi folly Thanksgiving The bare mention of the word, what a power haa It to revive the pleaaanlest reminiscence and re call Hie brightened arenri of other day In many heart. Kverjr hnuge of peace, contentment, abun dance and Joy come back iponlaneously on each re turn of the grateful festival. One must prepare for such day. There will be man new tiling needed for yourself, for your family and for the home, fan I not be of aome assistance to you In preparing for thl day of daye If there I something that you need, let me know and I will secure It If possible. It Wouldn't lie Thanksgiving With- TX7mi th0 'on f'atlvltlcs ot 0V courae you must have om of yy hand a new coat i uppermost th !atet plecs to play when 1 1 in your thoughts of course, th Thanksgiving guests arrive .There Is something delightfully fern or If you are to be alone It will make Inlne In the softer effect of these full the day a hoppy one with a few num.- tnutcrlalcd and simply gathered coat Ders to play. At Hospe's Music Shop, 1612 Douglas, they ar recommending the following numbers a extremely good: "Honeymoon Chime" Waltx. "Don't Hay Oood-Bye" Fox trot. "It's a Wonderful World After All" Waltz. "Carolina In the Morning" Fox trot I'm Through Shedding Tears on You" Fox trot. . These popular numbers are priced at uc eacn, Of Course You Need Exercise this Winter. WITH the is necei sort of TH the winter days at hand it necessary to resort to some athletics to keep your self in trim until next spring when you can be out in the great out doors again. You will need "gym" suits for any exercise you will do. At Townsend Sporting Goods Co., tliey have cotton poplin one piece suits for women at $5.00, as well as the be- coming white middles, black bloomers and white shoes. They are selling these outfits comnlete at only $5.00. I will order them for you if you want them, ami mouses are in sucn a snori a a win snow you irocas, con is ana uu time and so well done that it hardly yUMg llie Dining Koom Keady for thftt 'ou cftnnot n"iKt Tiava one to do It themselves. a a a New China of Course for the Thanks giving Table. WITH relatives and friends com ing fer the Thanksgiving feast, the mind of the hostess natur- ally turns to the china which must aaorn me leaiivo uumu, n.. a Jan.- is a very handsomely decorated jet and is yjJ'lll initcu iv "iv""i - " only $28.75. Don't delay sending In your order so i win nave iime io uei. them to you before the 30th. a Style and Comfort. EVERY woman is interested In these two attributes and hardly realize that they are obtained in corsets. Hattie Putnam, 602 Karbach block is a trained NuBone Corsctiere and will fit you with the exact corset you need. She will make it to the - . , .?-."',ltS,hf lively vour Individual corset. She will gladly send you further information on request. a a Wool slip over eweaters are as low as $3.98. The Vogue. 0: N THE corner of 16tU and Doug las there la an interesting shop where you can select dreasea, coats or suits from large and complete stock and the heat of It Is the price are so very low. The quality and th styles are up-to-the-minute and you are also assureu 01 personal anemnm In making your aelection. Remember the address of the Vogue, 1123 Doug las St.. and the next time you ar down town let them show you their beautiful displuy of ready to wear, a a Velvets and crepes ar nip and tuck In popular favor, aometlmi iven compromising by creating a dress together. For My I'rlend A 8 a Thanksgiving tieat I ba arranged lo secur for my frlrnit beautiful lai ga t ill ) tail- theniuiua for lb special pric of $1 a ihurii. 1 'lira w.ll be e v pt lnnll f nu but remi-mU r th ffr la only for order rweive.1 during lh com lug wavk aend in your erder to--uv and lb flown will ! yetl Tbiii.iUin t .nn n nfrKanMvA aot rf iwtiPM - - - " i iuy iimi. j wuiiiun iubcb inure Rruutv wlh Zmr S IncludTng w,1 19 locateJ nt 604 SoU,h 8ijctee"th ll,e P"""- h0M wlth tne T'd atrlpe ., lnU by Uie mm Bppearanca f 7m nieces with scrv icT' for r U Btreet' ls an tailor onl one th"' that preve'lU run8 'rom g0i" bey0nd her hair than in any other way. Per- 100 Pieces With SerVICO IOr 1. It v. at.antntalv n in tl, Ur I'limr ..-a v,.oiitl,innll Imu . .... .. ' I I y " ' w J ' The Newer Coala are Becoming lo All. which marks them as favorite for the seajion for every woman. At Orkln itos., in me t.onant Jiotcl r.uumng their dlnplay of coats Is so complete that one may easily choose the atyle she has wanted and which suit her best. Th. prices are so very low and the quality Is so very fine that even If you had not intended to select a new coat this veur vou cannot resist. Perhaps your preference Is for quiet tones and conservative linen or your fancy may run to imported textures or striKing weaves witn garments cut high to give the most novel effects all can be found at Orkln's. A 1Ut f Knibroidery for (he Christ mas Gift. TT7 IT1I Christmas creeping on you W unaw,,re' you huvu vrobubly found that embroidery is out of the question in audi a short time. But don't let it worry you. The Ideal But- ton and Pleating Co. do the most beautiful embroidery work by hand macnine. iney are locuiea on lne m "oor or tne Brown block n1 their charges are exceptionally reasonable, feuch articles os under- wear- towels, napkins, handkerchiefs ' " I " Blouse Pattern Willi llaiik lie- signs. I FOUND the most beautiful blouse patterns this week at the Silk Shop, 1517 Douglas street. They come ready to cut and sew In a fine seam. The designs are' In the batik effect in gorgeous oriental colorings. The pattern .Includes enough for one of the popular Kusslan blouses wllh design In the back and front as well . US on tne collar ana currs. rney are priced at only $9.50, much less than If they were completely finished. The materials are Horshanara crepe, Can ton and crepe de chine. The Well Dressed Woman. IVERY woman strives to get the name of being well dressed and indeed why shouldn't she for there is nothing that makes her more attractive than being dressed proper- hflg been mad(j t0 fjt pt.oneriylt lR ly. In a tailored suit or coat one tnai nualty of workman.h,p and prices, If you are intending to get a new suit or coat wny not nave u maue onjRr fln(J be perfectiy satisfied. to Metal laces and monkey fur are al most always present, singly or work ing side by side for some unique ef fect. 4 Community Plate for the Thanksgiv ing Table, YOU will have the assurance that your table is perfectly set If it is laid with Community Plate. 1 rtlA not reatlv n nnrecln te the hcillltV 2 iSJiX plays at Burgess-Nash during the past week. It won my enthusiastic ap proval for Its exquisite beauty and re tlnement of form and ornament. Dur ing the year, and especially at Thanksgiving time, you want your table to look Its best. Why not make this a silver year and give to your family a set of Community. No gift could be more appreciated. a a a You can get a clever sport hat of wool for $5,00 with a scarf to match. individuality pressed In Christmas Card. WITH CI more cornel 1TH Christmas cards becoming e popular em-h year it lie s more difficult to select curds that are Individual. At the I '111111.-1 unite Shop, lti;, South High teenth street, you may make -your ae lection In tho pleH-intrt of surround Ing and choose cards that are dl tlnctly diff-rrnt. The pi ice for auch curd are no higher than elsewhere. But let ni warn you make your lection early. Ilaudloadtt li l.i. f In kiM lot-i-ihir with auhil gift r (irkd at in u Knuwf tlAT iu Ii4t your I whita or link In ili:kll il lim-r if )nu IaT iu n Ii4t your ihnu 'f n your II vu j al th Itatiroa HihuUjT . . V,-, n.n11 ,l,, HI H I. naotaK i ii f I 11 AllasAnrad CrtrAt r l-AlT I T IH .... ... Make Yourself Attractive for Thank giving. t 8 your bnlr arranged aa attrac easily In the new tyle of today lively a poaainier 1'oea ii put. ui or do you need an extra puff here or a mnft wut. Ihern tn Olflka It heCOm Ino- and no fo-ilate? At Hchadelle's i.i h,.uio. ni.rie ir,22 Douifla street, you can select becoming Anette pllffa llK iw as ID 00 and $7.00 each. crnot nPa(,a, w,eh they also have, ,., very becoming to aome. A switch thlU , ll9 arranged into various way, cnn bfl flad in two, three or four slem. and are priced according to the ,.ii. v,. h. i.i.. hnu, HitTer. cnt you will look if you nuy a little axtra attention to your hair. Why not tell me what you want and 1 ttm get you prlcos? Slippers of Colonial Day Style, S; UPPKUH that trod etately meas ures of the cotillion of the French courts or the Colonial, balls were like those shown In the Shoe Mar- Kot 3, So ith Bt- 0nly th(S lnHtn,,r , niU(.h flner quftiUy, tne nfla are Hn rnuh ,. rra.Bfui ,. thev are munn better flulnjr than thoae of lhe ,,.. ,,. rphev in ntnt autin and c(mit,inatlon leathers. Some have 0aHtlc across the Instep; others a tiny H(rap ThHe attractive and poulur Colonlal vie are very reasonably nr,ri mflV h. ha(1 at aimo.t anv ,,rl(.e you wjHh t0 pay- inaimsgivinB. M AKINO the dining room worthy for the festive occasion I many a matron's chief concern. Quite the nicest thing I have seen is the eight-piece Italian dining room set In Kensington two-tone walnut, which is being shown by Orchard-Wiihelm Co. It is priced at only $181 and Includes a 60-inch buffet, a 4.1x60 extension table, 6 delightful chairs and a corn- '"rtnble host chair. The seats of th Khnlra nfa r-ilvamd tvitn nefllltfflll TH -- peatry. This set would make a home complete for Thanksgiving day. Logical I'lace to Find Your Hose. WHERE place t A. hoot HERE would be a more logical to get your hose than at a boot shop? At the Walk-Over Poot Shop, 317 So. 16th St., you can make your selections from many fa- mous brands of hose, among them the uotnam uoia mnpe, tne buk nose xnai wears. jna w ny snouiun i wear for it (fl joo per cent pure silk priced-from $2.00 up, according to the weight. No matter which style you choose you may rest assured that It will wear. Houbigant Our Nostrils. I WENT In search of a "scent"- while- "bobs" give a youthful appear this week and I found, much to ance without sacrificing your own my dellsht many new and delight- hair. At the Black and White room ful frangrances that Houbigant of Paris Is responsible for. If you turn l"a ... - Bee 'ou wl" rcaJ abollt them and lf 'ou 8"ml to ,he ontenelle phar- 111 1,1,5 i-e them sent to you Vour per- turne anou.u , u. ' 3 and Houbigant will surely fill your every need. Perfume, toilet water, scented talcum, sachet, and the like are all here in the daintiest of bot tles and boxes Ideal for gifts. Krai Silk Hosiery That Is Beautiful. THERI2 has been a new hosiery expression coined by the women who wear Real Silk guarantee hosiery, and there are millions of them I am certain, lt is "Ankle Kit." The Real Silk method of knitting gives I'ure. lMhread silk auch pe rma- luun- tiem y of shape tllat rcpeuiea ilering dia- not produce alack ur wrinkle. Everywhere women are get ting aui infliction from Real Silk ho li-ry. They are snug fitting, and fheir shimmering beauty and durabil ity make them extremely popular. ou can obtain Real Hllk guaranteed hOH,ery at 43 Hecurltle Building on direct from me. They coin In black, white, brown, cocoa brown. l:iiii,io calf, navy and fry. They ara uicl at 4 filr for $500. Jewelry lhe alurd l.lfl A Tllid till ZA meana axi inl lb Tllol HUT of hrlatmaa now Ktfji-tioii N'lh In ii-i ret-lptanl To Iuk your Jewelry c ft now t,l aiin ka in the varimi '" ar t-ompiei aa eiltra iron, a ii iniieiuai hiimiii(- liii ai d iIhhbi I nu ahop fur yon iy an I i4 Unlay. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving I comln' tn' it'i time that we re joice. Fur bleaaln'a that th year haa brung our way; For lh' rain and un In aeaion, for a harvest rich an' choice Fur a aoU that careful 'lentlon wjll repay. No we're goln' to assemble 'round I he royal ban quet board, riingln' pralar for III' hlftNln'i receive. An' we'll Kneel an' give thank off'rln'i to our ever gracious I-ord, K we gather 'round th' Are Thanksgiving eve. It's Old and Then Treslo If New. X - T HHAlirl almost like a tale from the Arabian night but no the aceno 1 set In the Neble-Overholt J"' iP. Heyent.enth. r' - ' en nu uiiiij n iiiiiii try i ii in 11 thy Prfonri They will tak your old Jewelry and skilfully dealgn to "ur '"" . . "aln. It will be Individual and ' ''" fl"""1 ;i'lr """i-" 'l,h- '"" g'ird for its lovellnes, Vou have no ",ir ,'r V""" Vr never leave the hop until placed in i""? hand. Take In your old Jewelry tlmt valuable because of assocla- tlon" r"1 ,et ,neni """ " ,n, "on' ,rn PfCM which you will be proud to wear. a a Dignity and Grace. A' T the Dress Hhoppe in the Fax- ton block your dreams can be fulfilled. Dresses for evening, for afternoon and for street are there for every atyle. Coat in straight lines and wrappy effects vie wllh each other for popularity. Miss McUuir and Mrs. McCoy have personally l,',:'el their many costumes with a thought , to atyl and becomlngncss. lne,r v"ce are aucn inai win "VPem 10 tnose wno want aistmctiv U"1 Individual slyle without spending a Kret,t "i"1- They will be more thun pleased if you make them a visit and rtir,i ii,n,.v,. ..i.h na!.r.A border are being told at $16.00 a set, t'nlldy Hair Detracts from Lookf. Iff -.ow ()ften you M a pretty jac and when you look again th effect of It U lost because of utv halr )f ,0 lt cafn easy tne UM of a -chignon," I remedied by that la three ,,nia)1 wflvy plcccl, of nalr that can be ma(ie nto a beautiful natural knot to be placed where most becoming. i;,ir puffs are becoming to many. at Burgess-Nash company, at th Salon de Beauto In the Fontanel ho- i aim m "iuim nuici you can secure the most becoming pieces 0f hair and experts will help you iiihh jirar ni-imuuin, ninny women looks are spoilt by superfulou. hair on ne race or ny p npies op ri.acKneans. Under tho direction of Mr. Frank and Mr. Roberts at any of the three shops you can have them re moved easily and without Injury of any kind. Don't put It off, call them today for an appointment. You will never regret lt 1 can assure you. a a I.lncn towels hems are $1.00 with hemstitched xLanUaglving Demand Kliwers ., . A .1 if l U1MII f 1'14 Will I IIUMHV "mums," great big beautiful ones of yellow, pink, lavender or whit. And then too, ther ar th pom pons, ao dainty for briquet. They enter Into the spirit of Thank giving, giving joy to thoa around them. At I, Larmnna, Nineteenth anil iHiugtaa, they ran be had in every -.,.),, r,.,lu,a . I'" " .." V .1 "TV. poaaibla ao that there will he no de lay and dlaappolntment. I will order them for you If you en tit hav m. a a Soft luatrou rliitfun v-lvrt ar prionl at only l Ji a ard. a a a l lh Salon d't harm, tt'l Hn. Hilt St, J i'U ran git a mar-it-ll (or wtiii a bob curl. II; inant iiira, t"c. An aaaniimenl of biau liful ruiul-a ar apnUliy jiua.l I til nave iittie