The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 19, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 24

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    4 C
Council Bluffs
Mii Anna 5S. Ke and Mrs Mllilt
file ars irUing I '4 Ihla artrrnooa,
al lha hmna f (ha (miliar, romplt
tiirnlair ( Mias !.U Jltsll, who,
in a.r.-.lay csrrtlna'. NovamNr I
will tm'iitiia lha nrhla of Mr. K. H
Trtr, al a wm"ny lo t prf'riiid
In iha I'lint rofUdHKBilonal rhun-b
Admit Jl rf Miss liaiawrll'a frland
end iMtca In lu-r lildi school
vturK have rn IrivltwJ by these
h'aiiMWM. ami Mint Klisntoth Koinjt
nihr will rsid at Iha te UMe,
Thursday thin ItrldMu b waa h"n
niH at a luiu hn.n (irn In Omaha
. by Mia. M. H. M. Williams, ami I
vrtilna- Mr. '. K. While ami Mis
. J.ucy liiit'inii'n enlrlalnd for lnr al
!ha home i,f tha f.iiiinr, lin Ilia iO
iruma asliml In pining a very at
tiai lla orchid ami whlla quilt, which
wka frnld to Mlaa llatswell.
Ituffi-t Luncheon.
fiuffrt luii' hrona ara proving to Ix
fliil'a tha mt popular form of an
ti-rlalriiriir In Council Iiluffi thla au
tuinn, and una pni'llculurly lovely af
fair of tha kind wit on Friday, whru
Mr a, lrayton W. Kiiahnt-ll akrd
1'itarla of frind to hrr homaun Muff
Mrs. fiuhnll awnt Ilia pant yrar
ltvllna In Kurow, ami llila first
functlinr which aha hss given alma
hir return waa churnitna; In every
Tha dining tMi waa mitrr! with
an sriani;int of yellow and whlia
I In yi.irithniiuina, and assisting ih
Listed ir Mra. lJIdrni I.oiik'', Mia.
Kdwiird H. limntK'ii, Mra, l'. H. 11
lull and Mra. Aniline III Insmald.
Macrsrs to Have Visitor.
Fiirty next w;k Mr, and Mra. Lmm
aid Mscriic, jr., will hitIvm from ls
Molnt-a, la., with Hulr young aon,
Jinniili), to spend Thi, nltxRl vlnif at tha
humf of Mr. M.tcriies parents. Dr.
and Mra. jiniiuM Mucrae, on Fifth
After a. few days' visit here they
will motor hoint In the new aiitomo
bile which wua offered a u prize ly
Ilia American Kenton auxiliary al
their parly recently held In !h clly
auditorium. Mr. jionnld Macrae of
llila clly held tha lucky number on
the car, which he presented to her
At ('( istriuis time (lift Mucrae
plun to uguin tome to Council liluffs,
.and at that time Mr. and Mra. C'llf
ford Wulf and young aon, Clifford,
Jr., of '.' Rockland. Me,, will ulao be
guests of Mra. Wolfe's parents. Dr.
and Mr. Macrae.
Mra, liemer h'nlertalnn.
Mra. Oeorge Oerner waa a hoateaa
of laat week who, on Wedneariay, Rave
t luncheon followed by bridge, at her
Some on Glen avenue.
The. gueate were aeated at one large
uid threa amnll tnhlca, which were at
:rantlvely adorned with roaea and
Mra, Loula .Zurmuelili n had high
acore for the afternoon and Mra. Fred
Sinpkla,' received the "cut-for-all."
Gueata aufficlent to complete four
tables were present on Thursday,
when Mrs! Gerner again entertained,
ind on thla cccaalon Mra. Ned 8hep
ard waa awarded the high acore prize,
Mra. H. A. Qulnn won In the "cut
kir all." ,
-fermlty Tea.
A beautlful!ea waa given on Sat
unlny at the home of Mlaa Katherlne
f-'earlee for the rnemhera of the The
ta Sigma Phi aorority.
A color acherne of yellow wua uned
In the decorations which were partic
ularly attractive.
To Travel In Europe.
A delightful European trip haa
been arranged for thla coming March
by Mlaa Anna Z. Roes of this city,
who on 11 previous occasions has so
succesafully conducted parties for
summer traveling.
This Is the first time Miss Ross haa
planned a winter tour, but her itiner
hiy la a particularly attractive one,
Including- the Azores, Algiera, Sicily
Italy, France. Switzerland, Belgium
Holland, bngland and Scotland, and
aha la already receiving applications
for her party, which will be limited
to 16.
On her return from this .tour aarly
In Juna ah will take another party
ef 14 (or a thraa-montha trip, when
many of tha same places will ba .Tla-
Anotuf tfc Coanefl Bluffs - and
Omaha people who war with Mlaa
Rosa from Juna until September thla
year whan aha toured Europe were
Mra, T. J. Iay, Mlaa Elizabeth Day,
Mlaa Cella Mulqueen, Misa Agnes
wick ham, Mrs. Myrtle Mason, Mra.
R. W. Breckenrldge, Mlaa Lucy Harts
Mlaa Madeline Marr, Miaa Eleanor
Purkley. II. V. Burkley, ar., and hia
anna, Robert and Francis.
A If ali-s Before the J)ance.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Empkle served
a buftVt dinner for 24 guests on Tues
day evening laat, and later attended
the third In the aerlea of parties ar
ranged for tha winter by the Tuesday
Pauclng club.
Another Joljy party for that era
nin was planned by Mr. and Mrs
I'larem-e I Infer, that being the birth
dy ennlveraary ef Mr. llafer and
also of Mra. Roy Mam ell. who waa
una ef tha gueata.
Tha affair waa given at Metrger'a
it-ataurant and the l"nn t.ible waa
Rats and Mice
AreaaaeUume latrudera. Tta
arat animal peat inoau. A
mna-e la go4 Aeaita.
It la t aJ lBrtaa.ea
laal ikalr H attanala
a(4 Wfora lakablUUw M
la iiee,
Rnt Slayer
It a ea.4fnl Ua
uaat reiu M at-
l'al ta JiialMt, T
sraa VwiM aaaaataaeal,
tka 4
tla el r .
raa turn imtt t
faeil lUta,
Visitor From the South
ft I -v
9 - -
i XP) S-i
lit U
1 jL:Lp ' 4
Mlaa -N'cii a Maiiiilng has arrived
from Kiioxvllle, Tenn., to lie a winter
gucxt at the 11. A. Qulnn home on
ink land avenue.
Mine Manning la a niece of Mr.
Qulnn, and since the middle of Octo
moat artlatlo with a mound of yellow
and lavender chrysanthemums for a
centerpiece, and a candle-lighted
birthday cake on either end, '
Assembled for this occasion were
Dr. and Mrs. A. V, Honnesy, Dr. and
Mrs. Htuart McCall, MesHrs. and Mca
dames Fred Raumelster, Oacar Cau
melater, (,'. I. Palm, t'larence Empkle,
Walter Stephen and Roy Maxfleld, all
of whom later attended the dance.
For Oul-of-Town Gueals.
Honoring Mrs. Robert Daniels who
formerly lived here and now reoldcs
In Greelny, Colo., and her sinter, Mrs.
Truax of Tulsa, Okl., both of whom
are visiting In Omaha, a luncheon of
12 covers was given on Friday by
Mrs, R. K Daniels.
.Saturday Mrs. Glenn Reed com-
piimented Mrs. Daniels with a lunch
eon wh"i her guewts included Mcs
damea Reed Fllckinger, Don Wal
ler, Thomas Green, George Wick
ham, Aldls Johnson, Wayne Bogart,
Fred Baumelater, E. E. Spetman, A.
Hennrsy, Robert Daniels, Truax
and I-eo Wilson of Omaha.
Mrs. Reed used shades of yellow
In the floral decorations for M
luncheon tWe.
Dinner and Bridge.
A dinner of eight covers, followed
by bridge was given on Thursday
evening by Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Filbert at their home on Bluff
street. Pink roses formed the table
Cliarlty Ball.
Elaborate preparations have been
made by the Elks of this city for the
charity ball which they wjjl give in
the city auditerlum next Tuesday eve
ning. Proceed from the affair will be
used for local charily during the
coming winter.
Christmas Bazar.
Useful as well as ornamental gifts
Don't Let a Low
Peoples! Coal Co.
4 :..
, jj
ber haa been entertaining Mra. Quinn
and her daughter, Mlaa Kllzabeth,
who were In New Orleans for the
American Legion convention when
Misa Qulnn waa the piiKe for Iowa,
and cn route homo visited relatlvoa
In the south.
are now being made by the members
of St. Francis Alumnae association for
their holiday, bazar which will be
held in St. Francis auditorium on the
afternoon and evening of Wednesday,
December 6; at which time a chicken
dinner will also be served.
Honor Guoats at Luncheon Club.
When Mrs. Robert Organ entertain
ed her luncheon club on Monday last,
she had as additional guests Mes
dames William Maurer, W. A. Cut
ler, Philip Cogley, A, V. HcnneHy,
Gaylord Swift of Harlan, la.; Arthur
h , .',2 9
1 m
Maay other nifty gift articles on display in
ou? , store appropriate and inexpensive.
We have a beautiful line of Frames. An en
largement from one of your favorite negatives,
tinted in natural colors, if you wish, and nicely
framed makes a gift supreme.
We have a beautiful, exclusive line of Christmas
Greeting Cards.
"Come in and brouse around."
The Robert Dempster Co,
1813 t'urnam St. Branch, 80S So. lMh St
Fool You!
It is the cost per month
that counts, not the price per
Some Western Coals are offered
at prices less than that of GENUINE
ZEIGLER, but heat values consid
ered, they actually cost more.
You will save on your total coal
bill if you buy ZEIGLER.
ZEIGLER by government tests
contains higher fuel value. ZEIG
LER lasU 25cc longer.
Have you any fuel or furnace
troubles?. If so telephone for our
Combustion Engineer, whose serv
ice we offer free of charge.
ctvuaoua eujnvu? not ckjicuni
Brown of Uluarl, la.: Miaa Geitruda
Neff of Salem. Mm,, and Mine Ituili
At bridge during the afternoon
Mra. V. A. Cutler had tha highest
.ore amonir tha gueata, and Mra,
Hubert Somalia received Iha club
Pride Luncheon.
Invitation hava been Issued by
Mra. Nlclinlus O'Jirlen and Mra. Ellen
Htephan to an afternoon bridge, pie
ceded by luncheon, on Thursday
of ihla week at Iha horn of the
Tuetday llrlilue Club.
Mrs. Marshall Bryant, who recently
moved here with her husband from
Medina, O., was honor guest on lust
Tuesday, when Mrs. Reed Flliklngor
and Mra. Norman Filbert entertain
rd the members of their club al
luncheon and bridge at the Fllckinger
Mra. Howard Rutler and Mrs,
Wsyno Ilogurt have been selected to
fill the vacancies caused In the club
by tho departure of Mra. L. I.. lien
(linger and Mra. John McAtea from
the city, and they were both present
at thla meeting.
Mra. I-tutler received tha prlza for
high acore.
Invitations Issued.
Invltatlona have been Issued by
Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Rosenfeld for
an even In bridgt, which will be
given on Wednesday of this week at
their home on South Eighth street.
Benefit llrldge Luncheons.
On Monday, and again on Tuesday,
Mra. 11. A. Quinn will open her horn
on Oakland avenue for benefit bridge
luncheons, the proceeda of which
will be used by the ladlea of St,
Paul Episcopal church to furnish a
room In the new wing at Edmund
son hospital.
A great many reaervatlona hava
been made for theao affalra and aom
very attractive prlzee will be awarded.
A hanilHoiiie vase, donated by Eirill
II. l.effert, will be used aa a "door
prize," and all the guests on enter
ing, will be given a number which
will entitle them to a chance on thla
article, which will be disposed of at
the close of the game.
To Kail Tuesday.
Donald Hcno left Council Bluffe
Saturday night for New York, from
which point, on Tuesday next, ha
will sail on the I .aeon la for a tour
around the world.
He will be accompanied by Andrew
F. Fulton of New York, with whom
he made a trip to Europe last year.
In Cairo, Egypt, or possibly In Na
ples, Italy, they will be Joined by Mr.
Beno's sister, Mrs. S. Evans Hodge,
and Mr. Hodge, with whom they will
go to London, where the Hodgea re
side. Mr. Beno plans to be away until
some time during the summer.
Directly after the first of the year,
Dr .and Mrs. A. P. Hanchett plan to
AT. 3421
lm fr tlm west and will spend
senul weeks touring California.
Mrs. . D. Maiden la visiting rela
tives In Kaolna, la.
Titer Mudaen and Henry Tetersnn
are In Ht. Louis, Mo.
A. K. Kff left Thursday for a bue
Iness trip In Nebraska.
Mr. and Mra. Edwin Mitchell ara
visiting in riioenK, Arlx.
Mr. and Mra. Bernard Brno went to
Chicago on Tuesday evening laat.
MIhs Joun Muiich'rnth departed
Thursday evening for El Taso, Tel.
Mrs. E. A. Wlckham hss returned
front n short visit with her parents
In Mason Clly, 1 1.
Elrlon Anderson plans to motor to
Lincoln, Neb., on Haturday next for
the football game.
Mrs. Taul Husse of Chicago, sister
of lr. A. V. Ilennesy snd Dr. M. C.
llHiiiisy, is vislllng In the city.
Pr. and Mrs. Mae Hanchett hava
returned to their home In Chlcsgo,
Nebraska Power Co. Preferred Stock is SAFE
$100 Shares now selling for
afttr a biu-C tiit beta wiiti the doc
tors parents, lr. and Mis, A. 1'.
C. T. Close, who waa heig for the
Horticultural show, left Friday night
for his honia In Washington, I), C.
Mr. and Mra, 1". J. Alnsworth and
small tluiighler. llulh. plan to leave
early In January for California,
where they will remain until spring.
Mm J. fleorge Pulley. Ma brother,
Chester Dallry of HI, Louis, and their
sister, Mrs. Ernest Johnson, with hrr
husband of Molina HI., arrived In the
city Friday morning for tha funeral of
Mrs. Mary E. Iiilley.
Miss Vera Cady arrived In the clly
Thursday morning from Chicago, and
her sister, Mrs, Hervey Jsckes, came
the day following from her home In
Ilrglna, Canada, owing to tha srrloiis
Illness of their mother, Mrs, K. M.
Cady, whose condition Is now greatly
Ventilate tha rooms In which you
sleep and work.
Hundreds of Nebraska Power Co. customers
and other local folks are providing incomes for
themselves by investing in shares of the Com
pany's Preferred Stock. These shares pay divi
dends every March 1, June 1, September 1 and
December 1, which amount to nearly 74 a
year on every dollar invested.
If you had only 10 shares, the dividends would
be $70.00 a year. What better use for your
savings than to make' them earn some extra
dollars for you? Extra money you won't have
to work for. It's just like working at one job
and drawing a salary from two.
Prominent local Men
Are at the Head of the Company
The following local citizens are directors of Nebraska Power
Company. You know these men all Omaha knows of them.
Every one is a successful business man and personally contributes
to the success of Nebraska Power Company,
Jos. Barker
Foffter-Barkar Company
Ward M. Burgcag
Burgesa-Nash Company
Thomas B. Coleman
Asst Mfe-r. Omaha Branch
Pittsburgh Plate Glaaa Co.
A. B. Currie
A. B. Currie Company
Gould Dietz
. N. Dietz lumber Co.
Walter W. Head
Omaha National Bank
Glen C. Wharton
Kirkendall Shoe Co.
share pays over
lllri UuilJ nf, Omaha
riesM aJ m illustrated kookUt, cnUjnin mot information aWut
yur frfrrtl Stock ! details of faiy ra)mnt Plat),
Camp Fire Girls
Aer t'aniMtix (ill oi.hlus In qualify
f"f Itpcrul iv honors will rui, i.ty
lu ilu if liixy tall i tui ll.t .lu ihiii.I
lllf. f lflr..,lh l, I (.! alirl, iha fan.
hraake A...,, i.iiihi fr jium.iraa Yliililian
Tharaj Is ala. aoina a,ial ,t,lt i0 ha
"" '"T ma Snral,a Tultar.ulnala aa
am lallatl. Ihla ll l.l.a Iha la. a uf Iha
rasular aal aaia All iiu.a !. hava
M1 hal4 aarvua maaliuaa Ihla lliimlh tail
I OmahaMUa ail'l s Ihla malarial
AKlte srut, f t ainani a. I.ihi a
niaalms Tuaa.laa 'I li.' Moiliad on I hair
halhaata an.t than ainl Iha laiiiairnlrt
ul Ilia lima Olali 1 1 ( v I lis apl'laa
Taai.nhu ir..up n,al Tlimailar al l"
Inn a hm an4 airlillo hontna l
M-ni If i ,.aj fu,a ,,( in nailona snd
l.lllna ai...ei ih'ir invariunania.
Wafihafika I'aini-flra araun ,,f R.-finlns
In,. KaK l..l. ...
I ar M aain ,; Mahal Tlllil-arlr.
.riar. a hi laiil.Mii, lihrarlaa
rhia rmii la ragrarama fur Iha
"Mmiialoaha'a I'lram," ahl,h Villi ha
l.l.l at tiffia' hall, llaiitiiiiun, rrll
evanlNS, llafarnhar I.
Tha H.I. ,ha mup hall ihalr r'ilar
eiaatinf si iha S'ltili rhriad.n rlmrh
T hui. .la afi.r hunl Ml.a II. Ian W ll
ila ina, auatrllaii, aaaisn.4 Iha i-aila for
On Your Money
G. W. Holdrege
Former General Manager
C. B. A Q. B, B,
Ford E. Hovey
Stock Yards National Bank
S. E. Schweitzer
Secretary and Treasurer
Nebraska Power Co.
J. E. Davidson
Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mnnp;er
Nebraska Power Company
per Share
7 on your money
(Wilaaal OU.saWa.)
Iha I..UM-II In lo ta hhl lia.t aiaak
hii.a i.iaiinaj fur laal eaim.iay h me
Win.lia grouu ahan.luHaa) ba.aufe t
ram. I'n.lauiila. Iha ! ui SU""".
all. a rlaamir rwma, lila.l ih.UMira !
Iha r W. C. A. auil kiul IU III ('al'l"a
I iai ll, li, amiga.
Il.ii.hl mui mat Mondajr at tha rl'tl
rjnaravaiiMiial churt'h ami alat'taj nffia
iia. I'livilia I'arlhars. Iraaaurar: aliriana
Nalanri, widiih ami UariiKa KilliU. ra.
Tha W'hhaks sruii hM a family ra.
iintiin al iha W hr.l.r lamrlal ihufh.
Miaa Jaan Ih.rgvr. gaaidian nf the
Ulrlnkt arane, lialit a rounrll fi' sn4
Ihra of h-r sirla ha now ara guarilians
l.r.iuahl ihalr rnuia, Iha kliuws rou
with Mlaa All. a I'f'ldar, unr.1lan
HI li a Mil a rolli. Ml.a Haiiriclla Vaaak,
Suanllan, an. I Iha Wanaha sruuri, Mlaa HaMtk, aianliaii. Jilaiithaia of
Iha Wlrhaha fnmp llahlai Ilia rand la
Nil tha I'OUIIlTI file.
Tha Ivan sraup mat Mntar at Maana
I' hmil anil ia, llrai fainfflra annga wlta
Miaa Imrnlhr Jnhnann ami Mlaa loule
Itnaanlhal aaalallns.
A inunrll fna waa hald hv Mlaa Valor
llntina a e""iM St liar hmiia hiirulay j
Alahl srnilli in a I laat KrulaV si fll
hiima uf llHrnlia Ati'laianii an1 hrsaa
tool I ia laalhar hmfra la ha gvn In Ih
ti .ni.r r.noilara il iha Klama, tha Cam"
Ilia ,aiar I
1'1'iaa fruufj halrl a hnalrfaa in.allnff
laat Krl'lay al llailianri B'tinnl. nfllrrrl
ala, lafl a.if Alha Kuhat, til.ldatil : Anna
Hnall lavat', aarratary; Kvaln Klarllu
lr..irar ami Kvalvn Hhaltim, rapoilar.
iii nil
( drill'
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