TITE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 19, 1022. s-n f i Fitz Hasn't Heart of Famous Dad Bentley Yale Has Never Ily I HMi (i. MKNKE. t'uiirllit. Ufi. (iH4 gusli, Mil brtllloell! AVIint a limi t blrij "Cholly" Kbbets !i.m turned out to be. llnrk'Mi to the words of the Urook lyn nmgimie: "I buve Jut riiii tn tli ciinclu slim (hut Hut prime purpose if the new lMeUill pluyeru' uhhocIiiUhii Is to pry tilwK-r il;iries out if the club lltttl'TH." If "1'liolly " uglle brain bwln't fer ret ml nut the secret of the organlza tliiti' exist enee, every other nwgnate undoubtedly would have thought 'Hint the players had tin nl- together no they could rentiest the m.-ignutes lo reduce th"lr wnges. If the of Hob r'ltzsinnnons only timt t h fighting heart of hi" ilail. what a wonder hi' would be! l''or he Ii.im u kirk In either haiifl, In fist, clever, hus a rugged constitution und all I hi' nthi'i' niitur'nl iiunlificiitlons of u great rliiumiiii. Hut the h"art isn't there. Ami no onn knew It better than olil himself. In the days wln-n the late world' i liuinploti wits bringing his hoy to tlin fore privately, ho boxed with the flotingster oik' ufternoon before some guests nnil the youthful Fitz mudo a fine showing. "Looks grent, eh?" commented Tloh, nr. "Fine looking fighter. But he doesn't like It. Watrh!" Another Imxlng amnion ensued. Then old Fitz suddenly shifted and drove a left to the body then a right. The youngster backed awoy and cov " ered. "If he'd only tear In when he's hurt then I'd feel nure that he'd (ret dome where," na Id Fitz, nr. "Hut ho doesn't And nobody goes far In the fight Rome who can't tnke a beating; and mill fight on." Young Fitz, in the yearn since then, has fought JiiHt like he did with his ' father; shown up greut, lookn like a "world's champion until he gets hit "a few solid ones. Then he becomes a marathoner. Those who control racing's nffalrs In the Empire state paid out $1,910, 104 in purses to horse owners In 1922. That num Include distribution at the tlvo track Belmont, Aqueduct, Km 1iiie City, Jamaica and Karatoga dur ing the 152 days of racing. The aver age puree per race was about $2,100. Tsn't I peculiar that through the yrar they've been trying to find out what's the matter with Yale that they , haven't ever decided Maybe the other teams have better players! Every time a Ynle eleven is whipped they begin to find fault with the conch, the trainer, the rubber, the alumni, the quarterback's Intellect and much else, . But never has It occurred to the folks in New Haven that Yale has been kicked around for yearn simply because it player are inferior to those of Princeton, Harvard, Iowa and tome of the other outfits. It seems time that they quit pick ing upon Tad Jones and his coaching system and started to bewail the fact that for nearly a decade Yale hasn't had a single member enrolled among the truly greats and that the Yale moleskinners, as a whole, have been just ordinary. Jack ISentley, who cost the Giants $65,000, departs from Baltimore label ed in this fashion: "A sucker for a low ball." "Too sensitive to stand harsh criti cism." If both are true it means they'll be Economy Th e n u i n e Franklin County, Illinois the same coal we have served you with for 20 years. Remember, Econ omy Coal is re screened, stored under cover no rain or snow can get to this fuel. Prompt delivery on either size lump, egg or nut. all PHONE AT 2700 ' Sunderland Dros. Co. !Stk a4 Harney 3u. Can't Stand to Be Razzed Had Great Players remarking shortly that John MctJrnw took unto himself a lemon. For the opposition ellngers certainly will proceed to uncertain, as It were, if till this low ball stuff I true. And if It's trtl.e you can be nure that Hent ley will get nothing but the low ones dining his major league existence. Hentlcy Is said to have quit the Oriole team twice beruuse some of the newspapers "punned him." If the riiz reully affect htm In that way, ! Ii'iil It y w ill be quitting the HianlH about four or five times every day. For New York In the home of xivtt berries. livery time u Princeton footballer picks up a loose flock of pigskins uud races yimls, and moio yard down a field, often with touchdown reriiilt, quite a few folks arise to remark: "Ain't they a flock of lucky ginks.'" Which Indictment In riot true. Princeton player have nmde his tory through the trick of picking up fumbles and running nwuy with them, not bcailHe of luck, but becnUNC they've been trained to do It. Ordinary footballer:-", seeing a ball bouncing around without an .owner, promptly hurl themselves upon It and are merely content to secure possession of the ball, wit limit at tempting a gain. The Tiger sys tem Is different and infinitely su perior. "Get the ball and then run with It," is the Princeton slogan. So Princeton men the Ham Whiten, the fiddle Drlsoolls and all the others are ever alert for o loose ball. And when they find one, they don't fall on It. They pick it up and carry It n far an they can toward tho other ft lllows' line. When other coaches and teams learn tho Princeton system of "pick-up-and-then-sprint," there'll be more of those lucky guy catalogued with men of old Nassau. "Kid" Schlaifer Shows There's No Glass in His Jaw in Wells Doul Carrying the marks of a turbulent battle, but with a draw nerving as a soothing ointment, Alorrlo Bohlulfer returned to Omaha this morning from Davenport, la., where he distinguish ed himself last night by holding his own against Billy Wells, Kugllbh welterweight title claimant. Schlaifer, after a two months' ab sence from the squared arena, fought his usual slam-bang, riptearing bat tle, with the result that the grcately touted Englishman at times was forced onto the defensive. Davenport fan went wild In the final round, ths tenth, when the two battlers stood toe to toe and slugged, each taking his quota of blows on the jaw. And Morrle can still take 'em. He ha dovelofjed no "glass" In his jaw during hi "vacation," for ho took f S jf. X.. 1 . i e, W Jm J X jmt tI sasll I -oai m "i ( V M S. Here is Princeton univenity't famous eleven, which humbled Chicago and liar vard. From left to right, front row: Smith, right end; Baker, right tackle; Howard, right guard; Alford, center; Dickenson, left guard; Treat, left tackle; Cray, left end, and Snively. Back row, left to right: Caldwell, right halfback; Crum, fullback; Cleave, left halfback, and Wingate, quarterback. v - mmmm !Woods and D' t'l'K fii'iotliiir linn Itn atliactloim when Willi iiialliiiilK and cunvun buck to occupy a fellow's time, but when thu big ('aiiiniil geexo bi-Rill to My and can be lured Into the coi n lieliln you can't blame a hunter for saying good bye to the ilu .k tdioollug and ilevotlng bin time to the honk er. It sure In some sport to bug thcHO hanilHomu bird nx many an old hunter will tell you, Thu Canada goouc, iiIho known as the gray gooso', or honker, Is tho boy that moHt hlintcrn mo familiar with In tho states, and gunners get ruddy for the vlHlts of thcMii birds long lie. foro they come down from thu north. Corn tlf-lils are baited and blinds arc Hindu by the wine hunter by tlm time the first cold weather come along no that the gieno Will receive u royal welcome when they comu winging their way from the north. Homo seasons, if tho weather Is mild, these birds will slick around for weeks, getling fatter and fatter lis they feed In tho coni field (if the pialrle coulry. An long us thero Is plently of food and tho weather n fairly mild, they ure loath to go fat ther south and as a result hunter will everything Wells had right on the button and Just mulled. Morrle tore out of his coiner In the first round liko an enraged tiger and battled Wells onto the defensive, win ning tho heat. Vslng lefts and right effectively, Wells won the second and in tho third dealt Schlaifer much misery with n wicked left, which also gained him the verdict in this round. Schlaifer tired from Wells' lerrilic attack In tho fourth and when he re turned to his corner claret from n. wound over hi left eye flowed down his face. The fifth was even and sixth and seventh went to tho local Hebrew, who Opened up n swinging attack. One blow, In thn seventh, caught Wells flush on the chin and h;s knees wobbled. The ninth Wells took and the tenth was called a draw, Dodge Brothers SEDAN Many who could well afford more expensive cars are showing a marked preference for Dodge Brothers Ledan. . . They find it easy to drive, economical to run, and comparable in beauty and elegance with cars much higher in price. In the vast amplitude of Dodfie Brothers closed body plant, this sedan is constructed with all the studious precision that marks the work of the finest custom builders. Eighteen days are devoted alone to the 18 nib bing and varnishing operations which ore respon sible for the unusual brilliancy of its lustre. Months of seasoning precede the use of the fine, critically selected ash which gives the body its rugged firmness. The interior fittings, too, are chosen with thought fulness and rare good taste. The upholstery is covered with genuine mohair velvet ef a singu larly rich and beautiful pattern. The teats are roomy and luxurious. Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) harmonize in rrtort effective way with the new grace and smartness v.hich Dodge Urothere have recently brought to the lines of the body. Th ' U IIS, itUt4 O CR1EN DAVIS COAD AUTO CO. OMAHA. NKH. COUNCIL l I I IS, IA IUrae si JlH Mm! J! 35 tuuHk Mti MA met 0123 Canatil UUtlt, ! I VH cii 3 ' . ... - ' 1 v y.rv V 7;',t V'Ai Waters 1SnS olleii hiivi) good go!ru shunting ex ti'eiiuly latH In the season, While in Alaska I saw hundreds of geese on thu lido flat of tho buys und coves along tho coast. In Pybus bay on Admiralty iHlaud they literallv cov eted tin, low ground In front of somu of the salmon streams flowing Into tho bay, Anil such u racket .they did make! Thu milliard and teal would nil in inn smau pools on ino hum, oi'cn jn-rnui iiiik us io npproacn qune close, but let us get within sight of tho honker und they would begin to complain find talk uhout us In no un certain language. And then Into tho nlr they would go. One evening when coming down one of tho stream by moonlight we ran Into a bunch of geeso which were occupying a nleo placo on a grassy bank near tho mouth of tho cn-ek. A noon a they heard u splashing along In tho water I hey begun to talk. In flying away from their "roo'tt" tho old leader led them between us and tho moon and It was iioiiif! plct ure this big flock silhouetted against tho yolh-w moon low In tho sky. One evening 1 had thu shotgun along and tried this nilhuotta shouting, hh wo needed wrmo fresh meat for tho pot. It was a combination of flight and nllhouetto gunning with your gamo hitting tho ground with an audlblo thump but taking some tlmo to find imiesH you had u flashlight along. It's nil right when you uro alter meal, but for sport It I far from being all right a you havo little or no chaucij to recover wounded bird. A gooso can pack away considera bly 'lead when hit too much, in fact, as far as thn hunter Is concerned, a a wounded bird, when not seriously iilmt, will usually eludo capture If thero Is any water handy Into which tho bird can dive. That thick coat of featheri which the goose carries, around in regular armor a fur getting shot pellets through It I con cerned. You bovo to hit 'em hard to down 'em. ' 1 '.ccause they are so wary, so largo and more difficult to down that other wateR fowl shifting honker Is easily tho best bet In water fowl shotting among tho shotgun fan. Norfolk Hw it m ft Athlon, NorMI;, N"1 , Nov. 17. Np',lal Tel' Km m. Nor f l clef ruled Albion Much h'-rtf f hit ii t i'i noon, .'(4 to fi. AlMuri' iniv rH on it r'ult'i from u J&-yril run In (ha thlM o't'irtr, whkh wm th only ttniH t ii j vlnltor wero In thu NorrolK territory. r. x v y. is. -z" III I II Vuluiilrcr I KoiiU'd riprlugfielil, Mass., Nov. IS Having received a diploma from a correspon deneo school for detectives, Itettben Ogden canio from, tho west prepared tu take charge, of the detective bureau of the police department here. Ho Walk'-d Into police headquarter uud anilotinceil that ho wa ready tu take charge. I In said lli.it bo heard that Captain Prank Quill y had recent ly resigned from that position. After tho officials had recovered sufficient- ' y Ogden took the nlr. Jack Graney Has Strong Team at Iowa Capital J)cs, Moines, la., Nov. IS. Manager Jack tlrnncy of the 1 Molne West ern leaguo baseball club I anticipat ing a good season hera next year. Thn club finished last In tho 11121 race, but iiciUlred several players who should bo excellent major league prospect within a season or o. Among them is Walter (lenln, a cen ter fielder, who threw out more men ut tho plats than any other fielder lu the league. Ho Is a. .300 batter and a sterling base runner. ficorgu Cooper, a right-handed pitcher, I another good prospect. He wa purchased from Portland, Ore., In the middle, of the season. Jlo proved to bo such a good hitter that he rarely worked on the mound, always giving a good account of himself, however. Ho hit for a .370 average, Jack liaiiner und Miko Wilson are tho two catchers on tho team and mo both fomers. lianncr It) expected DURAM1 CARS WltfTt 4-Door, S-Paii $1365 f, o. b. Factory ' The Durant 4-Door Sedan is most convenient. The ladies marvel at how easy it handles. If you appreciate grace and quality, the Durant will appeal to you. Andrew Murphy & Son O 14th end Jackton Stt. Phone AT lantic 4411 : M r Srvcn-I'iirnfr ltii ring Car $3800 P. (V IV IV troll Tell Ikkly rpc ft Watchman Hears Yews' Pedigree i!iitilim Hoiiml liy Safe trutkn, I. intent to Hull 1mt Di-t iiss l'uol Iliftoriftf. Akron, o, Nov. 1, llllndfolileil and Iiuih1 w it It wire, Oliver (iold smith, a watchman, enjoyed the doubt ful privilege of listening to three yegg men blast open and roh the safe in the I'fllces of the Acme Stores com pnuy here, Police urn working on lines obtained through (ioldsmlth, who repented conversations carried on carelessly by the, burglars. They deal I'd the hilies wutchuiati Jocu larly uud made no thrat to harm him. Iln heard one of tlm yeggs boast of having learned 111 profession while serving it "bit in stir," otherwise, a term in tho penitentiary. Another referred to his foiiuer em ployment wnh the company they weft) robbing, speaking of Pied W, Albrecht, president of thu concern, ns having done the thief "dirt." "if I had him here now I'd put thesu handcuff on him und treat lilm rough," gold smith quotes the burglar a remark ing. This loquacious safecracker wa called "Nicky" by bis confederates. tloldsmlth told tho police. Twelve charge (,f dynamite were exploded before the safe' door gave way. The robber obtained 92.000 In cash find securities. Nucleus for to be nt the height of hi playing in the next five years. Floyd Chesbro, u left handed first baseman from tho Pakotn Htate league, Is another find picked by tho lioosters. Petey Tuigeon, a shortstop, Is one' of the hardest hitters for u small player that Hit Western leaguo ho ever seen. Thu lioosters have Don (iiant nnd Art Wagner for third base prospects, although Wugner belongs to Cleve land. (Irani played at Kviinsvlllo last year. Joe Horan is the regular right fielder, while Jack (Jraney holds down left field. Otto Merz, "Lefty" Eddlemnn, Coo per, are. tho three mainstays in the box to come back. The Poosters have an optional agreement for the services of Mldillelon from Cleveland. He is a capable southpaw. las Moines will train at I'ouca city, Ok!., next spring. ' LINCOLN Get Behind the Wheel Driving thf Lincoln Iringna nrw wiv of comrK'tr n i lay ct tunc 4nJ nvnJa RhJsng mulct all conJitu n jik! at any ipccJ. w a nMKth even l!ij;ht jco rvritun accuritc toon quartsr thoiwnJth i t an mwh; .2nr op,-f4thr 4CCurat U artf rail th.UMrvhh f u . h; cut rritn-n cruntr in tw ehnuaruhh t in hkH. nuke th l.irwttn the most accurately built cai in the svodj Ai y Authorurd ()mh or LVitK.I UlufU Lincoln nt Loril Dummy Is Sole "Wife"ofCol)l.ler Huston Man Ha Queer Com panion Since SuiiNe FK'tl Seven Year Ago. HoMon, Nov, IS. Kver since his wlfii left him more than seven year ago a st lunge (tummy figure of a wo man bus been the sole "wife" com panion of Louis Vltale, ths "H ippy Hhoemaker," of Grove street, In tho west end. Hale learned the cobbler's trade ut tho age of t lu Italy. As a very young man he enmu to this country, the land of "great things." Ho went to worklmmedlMtely upon landing with a fellow countryman In Last Hi tun. After being there a short time ho opened a shop In Grove street. While attending u dance In the north end he met the girl, "a flower of Italy," who later liecamo his wife. Husines went bud und the wife fled, I Just Say Four" J It Means SERVICE I V FACTORY ) r" ImtiyM fit il tM rnMiM tin Keep Your Car Out of Ead Weather Get Our Storage Price The best garage in Omaha close in, fire-proof. Nebrasl 13th and Howard Streets taking their three young- boys with her. Tha liuctnuker, outwardly all miles, but Inw.tnlly tearing a great sorrow, ubstttind n dummy Imago ef hi wife In his lme street home, upon which lie lavished his affections, hoping at the " time hi wife would some day return and bring him the greatest happlnehS, Men Sing After 30 Year. ' Parbcrlon, O , Nov. 1 S At a recer'l But i anniversary service of tho l'lil llefoi inc.l ihtiich i f P.iibiiton. M. L. Shook Hinl 1(. H. Pi io sang u ilui t,t "l-Mcii Lund." they sang 30 yents ago. Their accompanist was Mr. Llla Asd.ile, who performed thn salim service when they gaw tho duet a generation back, A scoro of communicant) of 30 veins' standing were present. W liav inimbrr of bsutlful fur garments mJt up thai w i an !! to you at a vriy hit d count. It will pay you lo call ai.d logk our bnt ever. DRESHER BROS. I I KKIEKS 22 IT larnaui Hirart Talaplionen Omahi, AT lantlir 0345 South Side, MA rkrt 0050 Company i It IVdlrr I r ) I