THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 10. 1922. 10 A State Clothiers Map Out Plans for Convention Scions Will He IleM Febru ary 13 to 13 in Logan Inn, Hotel Foiitrnclle, Di rectors Decide. Tha next mntln nf tht Nelinrnka Ilotnll Clothier' aeaoeliitloil will lie lii-ld February 13 to 15 In l.un Inn. Hotel Kontenelle. Thla wna declderl faint KrWay at a meeting- (if the lionril nf directors of the aasot'lutlun nt the Votol. Perry CoKHwell of AIHru-. presi dent; William Wolff of Nelluli, vlee president; 1-ouls livorak of Wahon, nwretarytreaMurer, and Director Westrott, Klllinn, Hamilton, VuiiO-r-lioff and I-eppke were prment. Na tional Director Fred H. lianliiy and I. A. D'Arry, rcpresentlnK tho Men's Apparel cluli, proinlae thiit tho enter tHtnnient features at th mmlng meet Inif will lie of extraordinary Inter est and novelty. Speakers of national reputation are to t brought here to kIvh tlie very lutest Ideas In merchandlMliiB of this Character. The. Men's Apparal club Will have an Important part in tho convention, th details of which are now heiiin worked out. I'mMi-ms which have had it hi place In the development of the retail Iwmlnexa during tho readjustment period will he taken up and explained hy experts. officers predict that It will be the Mirirest convention of the association rer held with more features, more loadinif speakers and better entertain ment than ever before. St. Cecilia Choirs to Give Sacred Concert on Sunday The mixed choir, (ilrls' Junior choir and Hoys' Sanctuary choir of St. Cecilia cathedral, will jtlve u sacred concert this afternoon at 4 under the lotoetlon of ft. Mills Silhy. (in Th.'inksKivliiK evening St.. Cecilia parish will fclve Its annual ro tmloii, card iarty and dance In the business men's auditorium. on ThanksijIviiiK day, solemn mans of thanl(sivlnfr will he sum? at 11 by tho combined cathedral choir. Arch bishop Hnrty will preside. The patriotic sermon will be preached by Kcv. John Oroell. ADVfcKTISKMKNT. 'FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH' IS FOUND BY SCIENCE h'urrpran Discovery, Kasily I'sed at Home, Itcstores Vitfor Quicker Than Oland Treatments. Those who suffer from nerve wealineea aiiil loeli of vigor anil vltnl fore will re joice In European discovery whlrh re storue youthful physical power quicker thuii gtund uperutions. It U a slniplo hom liatinent In tablet form, almolulfly harm-li-w. and yet the mom powerful InvlBorator linuwn. Artlng itlrei tly ami exrlulv!ly on lower spinal nerve center anil certain blood ve.neH, tt often proilur-i-a ainailns l.neflta In 24 to 16 hours anil gratifying riiulta wllhlo a week. It Klvra appi-dy tiutlNftietion In caMca that dt'fy all other trwttmi'nta. Ktdorly poople declare It la a renl "fountain of youth." Instrlbutml uimIt the name of "Uorx oonipouiul." the dim'overy han been touted tliorouphly In Aiiwrloa anil tlie manufac turer! hiive recelvi'il a flood of letters of sralltudo from revitalized people In every etate. One man more than 60 yrara old testifies that the rompound iuli;.kly re stored to him the full vigor of 35. Knowing that this news may seem "too good to bo true." the distributors invlle any person, needing the eompoiuid to take a 7-day double-ptrenilth treatment, suf ficient for ordinnry cne, under a poattlve guarantee of "no results, no pay." Send no money .lust your name and address to the Melton Laboratories, 6fi.1 Massachusetts llldg . Kansas I'lty, Mo. Tay the postman $2 and postage: on delivery, but If you re port after ono week that the Itorex com pound has not given you sntlsfoetlon, the laboratories will Immediately refund your money. This offer Is guaranteed by am ple bank deposits, so nobody need hesitate to accept It. AIM KKTISKMKN-i SAGE It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and Lurter to Hair. You nn turn cray, faded hair beautiful)..' dark and lustrous nlnmst over isiirji If yeiu'll get a liottb of "Wyeih's Sflse ami Sulphur Com pound" nt ti it V rt ru if store. Millions of bottles of tbis obl famous Sane Tea l!ec;p-. Improved by the addition of other .curcili' iit. are sold an dually, i) h well known iliiiKist here. Is-iMii-e it d.irken the hair eo naiurallv ttt eveidv that rio one can (.II it h is been appllnl. Tho whose hai:- i." ttimiinf Kray or oii:l!it l.t-btl i ive a s it t prise AWiiitinsT ttiem. li-tu.M- ufier tn or two ai...n t! gruy b in- Mn jh.-s un I iir bxks become htxuri itn'Iv ittiit and le.tutlf d Tbi I Ihs it..- of vn!i lliat b.Ure.1 un ttrt '.v f !k t n't w ti.l r. anoiti t get bmv with W.-ih Hi an.l it!phii' I'onnxmi .t .-!aht n,t )ng II e Wi-h m l.ik, b'id tnp t.i r fcnd in i intli I d (H"tiat wi hiM it f ilnv ti Hll HI . I f TO DARKEN HAIR OUCH! LAME M. HUB LUMBAGO OR BACKACHE AWRY K . . l- ' ' l-i, 1 , . U. s ' . . i I - ,.-,ii, i tt . ': I M 'i 8. lean. t,4i, i g M I ,. I t ):-! ' , ... f .1 k... a I '" C a tm gi . -a I ' t ..a I" .1 n t . i II ' ' " a . t I. il ' d - ' .,.t !,-. 4 -..'a I I ' A S . e. I .f-l t 1 ... - I - t et ( ata,t . I v Ism Mji t Pioneer Omahans Will Observe Golden Wedding! 3 G f 4BWa An afternoon and evening reception will bs held November 20 at the home of Mrs. Edith Johnston, HU Brown J Ul"f' Kt.eet Hallway con.pany. I Mr, and Mrs. Wallace huve five street, celebrating the golden wed- chnurPn, a living In Omaha. The, ding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. are Mrs, Johnston, Mrs. Karl ('lay, Thomas C. Wallace, 3(160 Ida street. 4112 North Twenty second street; Mr. Wallace Is 73. Mrs. Wallace Mrs. Harry Arms, Haralomi is 71. They came to Omaha to live street; W. U Wallace, Mill North In 1881. Mr. Wallace formerly was Thirtieth street, and Dr. J. II. Wal In the firm of Watt Wallace, build , lace, 4(ll' Hurt street. Inif contractors; and In tha car build- There n.-e 15 Krundchildren. Woman Sijnis Bond of Man She Accused Charges Him With Taking Her Auto, Then Asks Police to Release Him. 1,. n. Uitchle, 2025 North Twenty first street, who was arrested by po lice in connection with the disap pearance of an automobile, was re leased Friday nlsht on a bond signed by the complainant, Mrs. Paul Haze, 2(!13 North Twenty-fourth street. Ritchie was arrested by Detectives Heller and Vanous when Mrs. Haze reported her automobile hod disap peared. She accused Kltchle. Later Mrs. Haze appeared at the police station and asked Acting Po lice Captain Coffey to release Uitchle. Itltchle's bond, set at $200 by Chief of Detectives Vun Deusen, was signed by Mrs. Haze. . According ' to police, Hnze and Ritchie had used the machine to gether and the car was left In the earn of Ritchie without the knowl edge of Mrs. Haze. There will be no prosecution, police were advised. Additional Evidence Found in Poison Plot Chicago, Nov. IS. William Mc Laughlin, assistant state's attorney, anounced that be would go before the grand Jury Monday and seek indict ments for murder against Mrs. Tlllle Klimek and Mrs. Nellie Sturmer Kou lik, being held on murder charges pending examination of the bodies of a number of husbands they are al leged to have poisoned. He said he would seek Mrs. Kl. melt's indictment as a result of the death of her third husband and Mrs. Koulik's as the re suit of the death of Wojik Sturmer, a former husband. Two additional witnesses, former neighbors of the women, were ques tioned by the prosecutor. They are reported to have Informed him that Mrs. Klimek had told them that one of her former huslsmds was going to die and also told of seeing the ac cused woman working on mourning garments before her husband died. Karly Hour S?t for Hanging of Slayer of lima Grocer Vv Moines, la. Nov. is -Onle Cross will hang for the murde of C.eorge Kosdick, Is Moines grocer, nt T.5t) u. m. November 24, The early morn in hour w as set by Governor Kendall on the request of prison au thorities 41 1 Kort Madison. The reason for the request for an early hour was that the execution could be completed, nt the time without interfering with the routine dutie of th other prison ir, wbo wmiM I t yet have left their .-.-Its for their it.iy t work 411 the prison 1 u t-.riev Hjnlitic .Name .Necru .Nrw Orleans Port Chief j N tultJlie. 1.4 , Nov )S Vettltrr I I, Cohen. C4l sn h-eid-r, ! te o-iii nt tt I y as oni'ttr'-aj I r .f t-iteiHiMS f -r the I'oM ff Nr t'H.aiia. t i hen ia tvi'ully ap I el ,1 b 'i. L et lUr.liiiel Ib i -4 a I , -u a ar n4 I'lUm thai i.'to-a t.f ial t t!,jr. I -g eAv.-a st.e MisJ e I ...a. I h H . 4.. t .Mt4 e iia- t t f.a .a,4.iws I - a I I umt f ui t. e.eei i . s I' i eat t' i s li t 4 si t I -a ih I a lUrth n4 l'ftu. Sswaka, , a.., a - ' . a .... a. . . mt a . I , t ! . j a. .-a ll. a- . tint; depurtmenls of the I'lilon Pacific, 'system and the Omaha & Council Driver to He Held in Deat h of Girl Autoibl, at JiHjiir-t, Says He Was Traveling Only 13 Miles an Hour. Frank Kruger, who operates :i ga ragu at Railroad avenue and Polk street, was ordered by a jury Satur day to be held for further investiga tion in connection with the death of Kllnor Matacek, killed when struck by his automobile at Railroad avenue and V street yust Wednesday niijht. The ltuiuest was held ut the Rrewer funeral home, Kouth Omaha, Saturday morning. Mrs, Joseph is. Kradeii burg, G005 Chicago street, for whom the girl worked, was present, accom panied by her husband's law partner, Francis Matthews. Kruger and the two men who were ill the car with him testified that they were going only 15 miles un hour When he swerved his car ns he saw the girl In Jhe street, It skidded and turned over. There were no other witnesses of the nce'dnnt. Girl Scolded, Takes Poison. When Oanzella Campbell returned to her home, 2518 Caldwell street, Friday night, showing rffnets of hav ing taken a few drinks, her mother, Nellie Jack scolded her, according to police, so the girl rushed Into the kitchen, seized a bottle of poison and gulped down the contents. Police surgeons were called and administer ed antidotes. She will recover. Blonde "Bond -Girl" I m - ttxKti ' 'f j (A r r i I V ' I A n : . .-'1 ' 0 ' ""V.1 .'Capper Declares His Opposition to Ship Subsidy Bill Farm Uloc Head Announces Advocacy of 'Constructive Legislation" ly He- ltildicaus. Washington. Nov, Is. -A program of "constructive legislation" coupled with a declaration against the admin Istratlon ship subsidy bill was an iioiinci'd today by Hetiiitor Capper, re publican, Kansas, chairman of the senate farm bbs-. If tho republican party Is In con tiinii' In power, said Kenator Capiier, In commenting on tbs recent elec tions, it must Mulsh a constructive program, Including th following acts: "I'm through tho complete rural credit priigrom, to provide farmers and him luneii with an adequate II nan clal system. "It must reduce freight charges "It must repeal section 15-A (giv ing the interstate commerce comtnls slim control over stats rates) snd other object lomilili) provisions of the K::ci transportation act. For Keller Marketing-, "It must carry out the policy for a better system of marketing. "It muiit put the development of tho Muscln Khonles project In the hands of Henry Ford. "It must nuiko undistributed sur pluses and stock divisions pay their sliaro toward the maintenance of gov 01 inni nt. "It must pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting tax exempt s curitltei." Other Hems on Senator Capper's program were passage of the "truth In fabrics" and Volght "filled ml lie" bills, further reductions in government tx penses mid taxes and steps to promote Kuropean recovery and reestablish foreign markets. Opposes Ship Subsidy. Declaring thai "stand pat leader ship of the old school" atet with de feat everywhere "In fclie elections with lhn peoplo voting enthusiastically for tho progressives," Senator Capper regarding tho administration ship subsidy measure: "1 don't think we shall get anywhere In our effort to restore confidence In government by piling more than $50 1)00,000 a year tin the public's bnck In the form of a ship subsidy, In addl Hon to Its present burden." Senator Capper said there wus nothing In tho election to Induce lh republican parly to "palter or compro mise" 011 prohibition and declared the evident popular, discontent was "a good omen" requiring those In ail thorlty to respond to the public will Wets Lining Up Forces v for Campaigns in 1924 Washington, Nov. 18, Plans for "intensive" organization work look ing to tho "presidential uni1 congres sional campaigns of 11)24 are to be drawn up at a conference of state leaders of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, to bo held next Monday ut St. Louis, It was an nounced here by W. H. Ktayton, ex ecutive head of the organization. He predicted th.n both of the great par ties would adopt a wet plank two years hence. "We have no desire," he said, "t get into anything l:ke a third party movement. Rut It must be obvious now to all that If tile two existing parties will not settle the wet and dry question, there will have to be an independent movement that will. We purpose, therefore, to be pre pared for Just such an Independent movement If necessary." f Deaths , MIm Hal Mer. BMtro-- I'nlsonlnf iaul tha d'alli o( miss tiuin ih.,., it, a truhmaii stienil l"S Ills lllvtrsia i-iisilliUtit seine,! st ll.'liie-svins sho tha lUiichtrr of tlr sml Mrs. J. Mnyrrs, mil irsnlenis uf lliilmaavlll. h. kilUlon. Krsmnnt K V. ttlllslml 77. vlilla riniilnrnl on tha Northwratarn rail, f" wiian a ass ear Jumps.! tha trios, llrl at lha Krrmvnt iut,iial IMiistun S'KIr.l a bail rut on nils I -a whan thrown from tha gaa car anil at Ilia tlma of arelilsnt hla llljurlra aarr nut tiallsvsil sarlnua. Ila lama to Krrninnt II yrais Bau ana is survnr.1 ty Ills wifo anil alstsr. K. V. Ilartman. Frlruil K I'. Ilarllnan. ulnnarr rialilnt of Salln rouiil), Ukil at hla honia In Oils J. T. (inrtrx. If atnlnsforr J. T, ilsrvry illrd at Ms raaiiianra hrra Ha "aa a ,lnirr rssl ilriit nf tha lilark llllla and tills srelien liaviim liuiiiastrailril h.ra In l4. Ha sarnan tnrnugn tha civil war as a Con. fsilrrata solillrr. A lis) ( Inaarn, llslrea- Miss aaatha I'lasarn. ti, lauahli-r nf Mr. ami Mrs. Jaenh ('Is. sen nf Ihla rliy, (tint at a lioapltal hsrs. Sha la aurvlvatl hy hsr parrnta, two sis lata ami ala iirofhrra, all nf whom ' slrts In Oaaa ruunty, irit J. V. I'liis asn, who llvra In OiSshs. Mrs, Mat lie (irrgorx. Ti'uinaah Mrs. Madia (Ir'Nory, 4'i, wlfa uf II. II. (lifKory. Hint at I lis family honia In Taeuiiiaah. Matiia l)ldfel, bs tmrn and res ml hsrs. Sha la survlvrd hy hrr liushsnil ami Ihrs ehlMran, prsn, Kaa ami Kffa lrnry. Tha funrral sa at tha Tacuiiisnh Mrtlwiitlst rhnrrh, con iluelt'l hy llav. R. J. tli Kriiila. Mrs. V. A. KIaln. Kidney Mrs. V. A. Klein, wlfa i,t tlis proprietor of the Sidney snnri, slit-4 in Lirnvrr and was tiurinl In Hl.l ory. Iiarlil John. flldnry Dnvlil John, ratlred aelmol Isaidisr of t'liiyrnna i.ounty, dud In a hospital at Cliryrnna and was linrlel In Hlilnsy, llniry Howard. Tarumarh llnry Howaril, for a num ber of ytura a rrslilsnl of K.Ik (Teeli, this rouiity, died at the hums of a iliiuith ler at Maromli, III. Whlla a resident nf Nebraska, Mr, Howard waa prominently Identified wit It the republlean party, and waa a candidate for voininlsslorier of puli lle lands and kulldlnsa st one tint", lis waa appointed oommandsnt of the sol diers' home at Mllford, a position ha held fur a time, Mr. Howard waa u vel ernn of tha ilvli wsr, hla si-f'-.a belnr with (Company ''. Sevrnth (ilil nlirnii'er Infantry. Mr. Howard wna born at Kn wanre, III., March 111, 1M". Mr. Ilnwaril la survived by tits followlna; children: Henry Howard, Jr., nt Denver, folo.i lir, H. Howard of Klk ''reek, Nell.; I)r, Kllis beth It. Miner of Msemiih. HI i Mra. t'lina roinsioek of t'hleiiKo, 111., and Mra. Mury N. Sparkhawk of Henvsr, Colo. Alrtnndrr Harris. firnml Island. Alexander Harris. M. dbd at tha aoldlera' hnm at Ilurkrli, Kuneral services wera held at tha sol- dlers' home chape). William Nolan. (I rami Island William Nolan, 3, a former well-known resident of Weed ntver, died nt the St, Kramia hospital In thla rlly. Surviving him Is a daughter, two sons and one alsler. Funeral services were held In the 1'sthollu ihurrh In Wood Itlver. Kdward K. Ilagley. flrnnd ImIiiiiiI Kdward Kara Hualey. It. died at hla home north of tins eily, Sur viving him la ins widow. Funeral aervbes war held in tha soldiers' noma iniipri, Hev, W, I. Austin offielatlng. llelty laiu Dlllikle. (Irand Island Unity liunkle, J-yenr. eld daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. !unld, ailed at tha St. Franeia hospital In this rlty, Funeral eervleea were held In tns home. Iiev. A. c. null or wie iiapust church oftl'iutlns. i. K. lltH-ke. firand Island .1, E. Hiirke, 7, resi dent of rna,j!r, Colo , died suddenly at 'he noma -oi ins eoo, ... iv ,,i,,ew, n city, where ha win vlslllng. Healdes Ills widow ha la aurvlved by six sons, a dauiih ter, a brother, residing In Omaha, and a sister, residing In Denver. Funernl ser vices were he d In the home or w, . Hurke In thla illy. Hev. Mr. Herman of ihe Kngllsli Lutheran church nffleiallng. Tha bialy wna tnken tn valley nir uurisi. K. V. Ilnrtmun. Friend Funeral aervlrea were held at the Congregational rhurrh for K. V. Hrt- man, 71. He waa the owner of a valunliln farm located anuthesst of thla city. Ila Is survived by hla widow and one son nil one daughter. William Henry. Tocumseh William ilervey, S. died here. Mr. Hervey was a native of West Virginia nnd had lived In Nebraska slnee 13. He wna a farmer. One ann, K. T. Hervev ef Cook, survives. The funernl was held at the home, conducted by ltev. W. II, Cooper of the rrrehyterlnn church. Montague M'orloek. 4) Kearney. The funeral of Montagu" Worloek. 77, was held In the Kplsenpal rhurch I'rofessor Worloek wna a bari tone singer, having appeared In every European country during his career, in IfllJ the fnmlly moved to the United Slatoa, lnrtlng In Kearney three years Inter, when he accepted a position en the Tearhera college farulty ns Instructor In voice. He suffered a stroke of paraly sis two yenrs ego, neeessltatlng his re tirement. He Is survived by hla widow one daughter and a son. John . Ilnssler. Table flock John N. Hasaler. veteran editor i.f southeastern Nt-lnaaka. iin-d very suddenly at hla home at Pawnee City. He waa editor and publisher of the 1'awnee Itepuhllran for over a third of a century, but owing to his health retired a few yeara ago. He la survived hy a widnw and a son, Harry 0. Ilnssler. one of the pulillshera nf the Pawnee Republican, and i daughter, Mrs. tieorge M. 1 unison of imaha. Mra. Frank it. Jenleon, Aurora Mrs. I-rank O. Jetosun died at her home. The funeral was held In the Methodist ehtireh. with 'lev .1. i I Ttult nc off irlftMnir- Mn. Jnlton ni1 hr i huahand Imv llvt'l Ion if irt Hnmll(nn ounty, hetnc marrlPtl her In hh U mirvtvfi y hr litirU;. ml, n Hm) Uran.t Island K O IImhII. T3, dtfd 1 nt th hiin nf tua (Uuhtr, Mi KnU tr n4 thru onu survive t u--rtl rv. j wr hrl't th hni.t if a ''n. lUit ftwil. nv, K lie,)!,! i f tha Klit I'hrlitUn -hurt h. (ffi, t.. tti-a ' Hhy IWIitvlann. Iii(n1 lalnii't-Mr nrnl M ' a J -fi T Rrtli iin nvum tht !" f htr I n ft nt in. at1 T vW. v. hi itit At ! h tn tutta th iri,tH. t hr m ltl hrr h1 ftu- ai'f iirvH. tin Iuni4l hi1 in tha 1UIU ui'iri-nh.n ifoii, ; tv, W, U A 14 ''ic i ff iiting . Urmrtm MrMtilne. Urn I !'.! tirt'il H n lf f. rt,nt wt lltV tlirl m t.-p HI Vri ! Oi).l..h Vlf f hH It 1 ft tt h"H h le.(,K ft ft. it., ft 4 ,l : Na, alxks ff 'a'i J'l;. K ,1 IM t ll tl t m r Mf I V l . t 1 t J M 1 kt 1 1 l tH tft t h Mea'a 11 ) piaxa tail 1 1 10 Uaaael aae) ajtetaaef DRESHER UROS. 141 1 tarsteaa oee Ttla(aaaa faak, A I ae'M Jt i rfa. aaA.ket ewaal COAL laeaa t ! Iff $9.90 Mum Coil Co. Omaha Finn Buys Lincoln (wus nnd EltHlric Company Continental Can ami Klcctric (Corporation to Assume Control January I, President Announrcn. 'I'ho Continental (bis und lOleclrie coi-xirutlou of (iiiiuhn has purchased the Lincoln (las and Hlcctrlc Mght company of Lincoln, according to s statciiKjiit Hat unlay by Iltifus Iv l.eo, president. Under the ternt of the con tract made with the City Kervlre com pany tif New York, the now owners will assume control January 1. Tim Lincoln company supplies gas for Lincoln, llavelock nnd Univer sity Place, and electric liKht and pow er fur these three towns, lis well us for Wnvcrly and (ireenwood. The iicihiI Inn of llirHei properties will ineitn that Lincoln will become u bin lower house KclieratliiK center, Mr. Iee said, a IiIkIi voltnse traiismlsslmi linn now beliiK surveyed lavtweeii Lin coln und York by way of Heward, and also lo rieatrlce and Crete. It Is ex pected, lie said, that some of the V.11 ter power Kenerated ut Jlarnestnn will bo delivered to Lincoln over this transmission line, Deepest Hole in Pacific to Be Plumbed by U. S. Huu Francisco, Nov, 18, J'reparu thins ire belnn made today aboard Ihe United Ht.itts destroyirs Hull and Cory, anchored In Han Francisco bay for un extensive tour of the I'selflu ocean for the purpose of chiirtlnk" Ihe ocean's bottom with a lo w typ" of r.oundlnp; device that has proved suc cessful on tho Atlantic coast recently. Two sets of apparatus arrived here yesterday ami are b"ln fitted out on tlm lifter end of each destroyer, The device operates on the principle of the speed of sound. A sound Is emanated from 111" apparatus which carries to the bottom of the ocean und Wedfl inss llriiliirer-oeeker. (Ir.iiid Island. A unlet wedding took place at the Knglish Lutheran parsonage In this ' Hy when l.ou a 1'red Heusingi-s' son of Mr. nnd Mrs C. K. Ileuslnger of Ihla city, snd Miss Dorothy Noe. lo r of NorfolU vvere married by ltev, '. II. Ilar innn Tht griiinii Is enginc'il In the rn cery business In Ihla city with hl falher Iltikliiniin-'I'lMMiilel. ;ri.nil Island. TIpi f mi rr lit f Ml" ClirK Thomlel nnd Kliernmn llusbrniin. both of this city, took tilae,. at the home of the groom's inrenta. Mr ami Mrs. John Itu-O.eiaii .ltev. '. H. Herman fer forinlriK lb Impressive ring ceremony In the preseii o of the linmed'tite rein tit m. Mlsa lena lllishinan, sister of the groorn, and .Inliil Thondel of iimnhs, brother of tho brldn, were tho only at tendimti. Mr, and Mrs. liiishrnun will reside In this city. Illll-I'rovln. Crand laland Miss Huth Provln and Wilbur U, HIM, both of Hhrlton, were murrled at the inurthouse In this illy, County Jurttfe Mullln officiating. Heine-Hrllstid. t.rnnd Jsland, The murrlnge of Miss Katie Weilsnd nf Iluffaln, N"h., nnd Chris Heine, Jt. of Lexington ooK place at the courthouse, County Judgo Mullln P"r forliilnu the ceremony. Hiilriirtls-I.ngnn. firand Island Joseph M. Halyards and Nellie I.onun, bnln of thla city, wera married by County Judgo Mullln. Marples-Mnore. Bent rice James W. Miirplea and I"" rilancha Moore, toih of Ulna rUu'lnge. cie ,.,..eei..,i ut ihe eie.irthnuso by (ouniy Judgn MeHSinorn. .Mr. Miirplea was el-cted n,.rvlir of his illstrlet ut the lata else- Hon. He wus fornu'ily ninyor of Hluc Springs. llimnrth-ttsbnrne. Toetiniaeh lohn II. Howarlh, one of the best known fnrnir's und atortimen of Ihla c-ounly. and Mrs. Minnie A. n.oiiii-. boih of I'onk. weie married In Teeionaeh The reremony w;is performed by County Judge James Livingston. Mr. nnd Mia. llowart will continuu to live In Cook. Mother nnd Daughter Wed. NebntMoi City. Mr. Minnie V. Whlt more and tlenrgo Seliueffer. both of Au burn, and Mlsa Nona M Whit more of Au burn and John II. KublnH of llraf. ere uni led In miorliiK" In this eiiy at I h.j Methodist parsnniige by Hev. N. A. Viirtln. the psstor. The luides are mother and dftUKllter, and are l lleve.l to bo the only Instance where such u ilou'ole wedding has been Milein nlze.l In llloe count;'. Tho nniiher Is 4i and ih" dnunluer 20. AriiO'tllesa. Crand Island The mini Inge of Mies Father Lillian tllrsa of Schuyler and tier- . man into Arps of Itotoia tnok plus ai the Kllt Mellellt imleoliin-e. ltev. .1. II Pit it t nffleiallng. The couple Hill leslde at it.ig.-re heo' the groom ia engnKed In bualneae OMllUUrttl T. ( tlfiilll w -Mi . i n n r it. f 1 Kim. r iiiAitit-tl nt th hri'lt-' pi- MiuMi'.mt r iiv-rt hy Hw Mr Hirinltin .mm of th- ,M 'lh.'iit church if thia lty. McKENNEY DENTAL SERVICE "You. Avt At!. Muw Vt I t. at a ti.- I- t aa-- si, i I -i I i l ti .i I ii Hwy8ll Pruci I I - a . I I I l . I - $5 i al le --' Inns b.ok lo (be ship. The W.i(ied tlnm Is a measure id the depth. Ity Ibis method, an .iiinn't Mill be lll libi In usceilulil tint depth of Neiu'S l-i-p. In the Hmilll rnclfle. Nero's Keep is n hols III the Ui"ir of Is isriin. bebetrd by luany to b the opeuliiK nf a luiiiiel cimiieiiliig til" Indian and the Pacific ocean. Tim deep bat frustrated the efforts of 25, : vol) f ii hums of rabbi to reach Its Ud- hum. (,'oiinlrrlViU'r Makes fVHUMH) llnplihli Notes Han I'liinciscii, Nov. IK. Ivan (Hu vadovle, lit a confession whb h secret set vice iiR-cnta bete today said he made, tuld of un alleged counterfeit Ink plot whereby $&no.onil In Ihkus Hank of Kniilaiid doles, mads by s photuKraphli' prm-eiia, were to have been placed on the market. Ills purported confesslcin followed the arrest of Osciir Hlmon, s lonmier clal phutiignipher III Los Angeles, whom ho miinea ns an m complice, (Jbivadovlc was arrlsteil after seven Him Francisco and Oakland bank hud cashed tho llrst crti-ililK- i f Hunk of LiikIuihI coiinterleit noli a tuiiillntf Dr. Kurl (Vnuicll Answers $50,000 Ifiiirt Halm Suit l.'r. Kail Council, In an answer In the .'0,DO0 heart balm suit Instituted iiKalnst blin by Violet Johnson of New York City, his former nurse and pri vate secretary for 11 years, made it Kineral denial of alienations iiKalnst him. 111'. Coiiliell denied the rhai'Kcs of Improper advances us well ss the pro por;il of mariliiKH chniKe. Dr. I'on ncll was married In Lincoln t'i days before action was started In I lunulas county district court. Bolshevism in Cliimi, Washington, Nov, 1H, UolalievlMi.i Is rampant lu China and seeks control of tho east as a weapon uifalnst the west, oecordlm: lo repot Is leeelvuj to day by nxeiicles of the Kovernmelit. Widespread Krowth of InHueiice by the IlusMlan soviet in China was ru Business Activities lluys Drug Store, flahkosh, Dr. C. N Moore, who looted hero front Seotisidiiff, hue ptireb ised a diug stole at Sutherland He will con Uinie tho praeiiee of mi, dPIno n i on nei lion with the drug business, I'lun ( onioiiinlly Hull, IP-ritrlce. The House building at Ply mouth, west of hela. Is being remoileb r and repaired, and will be used ns a com. mutiny hull for pellicula of the luwn and vicinity. Ml llculrlie Cnfe. Heal rl'.-e rVoliye csfe, owned mid op.iinti-I lo re Mie pssi flee jt'tirs by W, A.'Jel, . iis biiil, eeld lo II U. I, em hi. 'I he 'aiion v as flfCOu. linker)' for Orlieoah, rishkosh I, . Travis and son of Huthei'lnnd buve bmsej ,i I ending for a long term ninl liii.fud to fi stall a bakery and t-otiteclif.iiery, lluys I'awneo fiiinige. Pawnee C.ty A deal waa rlneed here wherei.y Hen II, Henry becomes the owner of what was formerly known uu the Uvar land garage. Improve friend lliikery. Friend Hush Urns,, linkers In thla have Just Installed a large stesm-henu-d I . ,. nf the flnist bnkery eslnbllshmenta In 'h state. Thyy have two ealerronnie In the clfy nnd in connection operate a restati rnnt and short order house. Thrv ace also managers of Ilia L'oronado lintel. Stoves Open an Account at W. I Cat tf A Roamvlt I CLAIR FURNITURE CO. 1503 Howard St. AT Untie 1034 Beds aaatta Easy fullrn iiiehe. hy t!:us exercising and .'trenTthtTiIni; the niuscleg. CANT1I.EVKK SIIOKS proviile room for tho toes. Tho heel seat is nut rower, t its mom snugly than in or dinary shoes. There is no rubhiinf to blister tho foot. 'Ihe heel is sluhtly tin hi-r on the llwele than oil the nutsidr, that the brunt of yur e;ih i not home hy the inniile uf Hi. an n, tlattemnv the foot, hut I illsll and Hie ot the f.iot. the natural inmr-.le line, hirh alloms I'm stianhi f.woanl in thu nuiinal m, Is i n,. Ii.r of tANIII.MKK MltiKS h eh nuke the roierl I j No ll 'la I ef liooit l.e..!, he. I.ei n Sina l, irm f t, vi,' - tul I....I-. I n. bather, smarl, n'e.t.u n vei. i. All. GIFONWORK IIIMINAIirt, IVIHV Ml(: It NOW HI1IU HV X RAY VYI litOtif FAtKA CHAR.. I. IO oU .Sites I I II, Ws'l., AAA A IT., ler M-a are) Vr n IIO.SIIHV, .SI AM anal Ml Hill R) .Nelal la Ueaaha tt.ily hy Cantilever Shoe Shop N teetai If. a II ,..,4 l. Ovf-fls V W Aiile Is I lee --.e,:l t Anr-t nrs evl lr-.r-v t rr? Free Proof To 1'ilii'ia I 'i e I a i i-e ee I . a i - . I t -s m il 4 etu tuvi, a; ev I ti. 1, I,, 1 1U.1....1 .-01 II. lwat Iff t. ..i . - . a., I" ' - "e a. I .., 14 .. I e. 4 t,e i-a., .,.. el IM Ui mi hiiiiii i. 1 i-in u r.i l in .' I .-. - a- .e. . I 11 lii I a- tla..ifcn,.,..! .,..., isi I ii Iaiuiin4 a . . 1. 1 t , -. , . , . , I .. a a is. a a ... . v, -a. .- . au y, ., n. , ... I tes e a. h..,i , . I.- ea, Raiajam. VI as . 1 . a, 1 . . . . '';'-'' ! , i iitf -tin,. .... ii .. . - ... ... , . , ee.4i , ! I 4 . aria .-., . .1 .e,i. e . . t, .1 I"1"1"1 iisiiiiii ml v a4) WAV likiLA aaa aiiani, , .Miams) i, t'. MVHIlIt, !... 1.1, N. 412, V,, al , , , W,,,,, t.J Is.eia.ll4le.df .1 MiMMral tt tt I mt I I, i .s at.elelita and Inl'llci tiniie M.t. i, i.uiiii a us ' I bu Anil ,-i....i,. " "Thi New 'lid'' society." ''The And lielismns i" lciy und "Tho l'i.iiiliis of Kail Mat riety." Wt Are Espa-rli on Clesnins and Slsmin Pluah snd Vel vet Carmants. DRESHER BROS. 2217 larnam Slie.t Teiephoaeti Omska, AT Untie OH3 South Aula, MA tkel IN'SO Our ' arvw at e- r m Ail cvnil will' h yo"i alioiild not fall lo Sltetnl -Our 'J'lilnl Ainilver Mary rials oh I him. Superb Values Luxurious New The most lieniilirnl nnd desliiilde fur gin meats ver dis.ln e. ul . I ' I . i it i li piiimlni ,n siiop Inilliig our A itnl vri km i y fiJe tlli ae v I ll'-e) l more I illiill li able Hum i vi r. 25 to 33'3 SAVING III home liiilancr l.renler, 1,'oinpnre tlicp from very ttiii.r. pniiit. I l ew iiMIic Aiiiilieriirj Values 1.1-lllel, liny grill I npe rope . I ;- -t tj 1 1 f ll liillnu,. elillii., el l 1 1 1 ei 1 1 I y II i). i; t i-u ii lii i 111:, mi mine Ifh2.7ti III-1 mil N in urn I DnrW aluskrnt I o i 1 1, aiitif ii well inn t cli 1 oit r U 1 1 1 ; hhuIiii' tan mi viil- uea a3IIH.(H) lO-lnehllnr-XInk oole . Kirn ct 'lUilltty, soft well llllltihed pelts, cl ii rlii d eolliiis, Mnndeiln sleex-g; ret' ii l.i r liM,l;il valine, st S115.0O 4::-In rli Hudson Sen I Cnnla l'ull Hi.-ippy iamb Is of beat uualliy pelts obtainable, deep mpo eol bira mil culls of flneet natural -kiink; i'1-Kulnr $ 1 .) u. 0 vilms, U Ciislnitirrs witlioiit cliiii'KB scciiiinls may apply for credit If tiny go desire. I I II III IMIMIM, AMI HCUoliM ; lllglieal aklllrd acrilce nod Morkinioialilii at loit isl-ln-llie.i'lly prices. TarCo.. WM-Ti lliiiiuliia f, Jtf muted itli tbs riim.ttiie. Ilii-ie iif nuiiierous urtsi.ciatloiis of CeCalla in Rugs f J. Better Quality; Lower Pricet Mattresses on Your Feet CANTII.KVEK SHOES are easy on your feet. Thev suiiport the arch with a tu'ien tific 'shank, which relieves the hone.'! and muscles of strain. Hut t!iis shnnlc ii floxiblo ns n mo.' cusin. Instiad of binlin;r and restrain inj: the foot as metal supports do, it bendst with every movement of valk inr. C'AN'TIi.KVFU SHOES correct .huti d over the hrr!, tin ( You JJ. ' .aV" . r I v U T Jr. .V fit. Cttu-iitttia McKcnncy DcntisU 141 laiaaea t . Il k 1 1 -a. M i . is. I .a taa. i lt a "'a t!ia a. ) S ,4 tl . !,, , il a . i i f Ii. . ,a itt i. l tH ee. s,.f ia..iaa h i . I . f I ii me i ta imiii .( I t i iti4 i-u.i, lUt til aa ieaal ! I ateltee ( s iv l fceveX. s, , ae ..,, I . a a l ... - I . a till I a e i-.alii lt.:ii! H w. i i !' "I t t -n j L it ' 1 1 .. t t At aeeua till WI i..i . aa II, t ,)! . ..... leraal al V' s..iill a .... '""- l t a , H tHt. I