Yank Who Left Filipino Mate Still in Onialm VTar Vrt Who Came Baik to Crl (jtize nOiiji Papers Aivaiis QuartermaMer Transfer. Ma B. Rrhroth nf tli t'tiltrd Slntfi nrmy nuai-trrinanlr dfpartnifnt, who ma til ho wny to Omaha from the T'hillppin inland to gtt ej(lzpin!ilp Thht, leaving Ms wlf and t-ight children there, in Ktlll in Omalis. Huh ruth onn't return to tlm I'hllip lne bcune hr is nf 111 In the iinr tiTinntir tlfpurt tiu-nt. ami In Kill! waiting for n (mnfrr. If ha Kur-s lisi-k without ln-lnjf trnnMfr-rrd, he far-en unemplcyniPiit thrre, lie tuld ImmiKratlnti Olflrpr .Inhn CJiirnett. Moreover, he teur to bring hli family to thin country, ieitie of the (llffereiK'e In I'llnmte, Ho In quite pimltlvo thry wouldn t bo nhte to Aland it Xebrankn wlntor, after living lit a tiniii'iil cliiniitu fur so many year. firhroth lit a vctptnii of the Span liih Amerlran war. He received Ills ilivrhnrice In the l'liillpplneH in 1000, and whs married tht're, where he found employment an a rlvillan iithe iJi::irlermiiHtiu' ill pat tment. lie wax born in tlermany, but tume to Omaha with lils pnrontM when 7. A hunt IS minitliM iik'n ho learned that bis father had never arqiflred H' roriil :itlzennhlp papers and that ill Hpltn his years of wrviee for the I nited HtateH, ho was not a citizen. A few daYs later be bade Ills family Kood-bye and boarded a ship for this country, determined to return to his lioirx) as Houn as he ai'iuireil his pu pern, ' Srhrnth reicivrd liis Bpeund papers (ilniiit. a year bkh. Ho proudly dis played pieturea of his family, Uurinff a r".:epl km fr.r new citizens at the Chamber of Commerce, and upokts Joy oiiRly of the liappy reunion which awaited bint In the Philippines, when he returns. Many months have elapsed since, that reception, and Ki In-nth is mill awaiting a transfer. i "Ho didn't want to lie a mm) witli-i out a country, but it seems he's now a man without a family," mused Mr. ' lurnett. Gentlemen Will You Drop in and Let Us Show You this incomparable line that we are now how-, -ing for f Of Suits and Overcoats in We Know that they re wonderful l.uv. nd no will ou. A for !l 'd mate rial tisril, tley fovtT aiti'h a ranwc thjtt e Vnow ITS HERE Thrre are aome prkrd t . J'iS.00, too. Wilcox&Allen Hk l Ci!i' Claa Scott (m I fib 4 IU'f f35; .ill fez ma Midland College Alumni to Gather at Fremont in Annual Homecoming Fremont, Neb , Nov. !, (Hpeelal All r ra niont Is pr pured to wel come home tomorrow graduates, former stu dents find friends of Midland college, who will galher from sev eral slates for the an nual homecoming. Festivities will open at It in the morning with a monster peu meet ing In the college chapel. Madious Learner, football star of '02; Hob tflHty, former football player and coach, and Vhi-t" Wynne, present mentor of the team, will be among the speakers. students, faculty, hoinecomers, various city organizations and the "goaf w ill Join In a big parade through the downtown streets at 2 In the afternoon. At 3 the scene will uliift to the gridiron, where the Midland war riors, state conference championship contend ers, will battle with Kearney normal, one of the strongest conference teams. Midland has suffered no defeats In the conference, whilo Kearney has lost but one game and u real con test is expected. Uetween halves the spectators will be enter tained by the "seminary stimulator;" the quartet of 1903 "famous for sing ing its songs backward;" tho "students' hair-raiser' and other stunts. An informal mixer wilt be held at the president's apartments from 6 to (1:30, at which a short musical pro gram will be given. The mixer will be followed by the annual homecoming banquet in the college dining hall. President .1. F. Krueger will be toastmasler. Short talks will be made by William Mil ler, president of the Alumni associa tion; Captain Horn of the football team and president of the r Indent council; Miss Anna Cameron of the Loyalty Campaign of C. of C. Ends Tonight A total of 222 new members have been gained by the Chamber of Com merce In their' membership campaign, it was announced Thursday at the noon luncheon. During the previous 24 hours 93 new men had been brought In by tlie 30 teams that were guests at the funcheon. , Tho loyalty campaign will come to a close tonight with a "jollification" dinner. Tho 301) workers who have taken part In the campaign as well as a great many members not actively engaged in tho campaign .will be in attendance. Awarding of the prizes to the win ners will be made at this dinner. The grand prize, a Ford coupe, goes to the man obtaining tho greatest number of members; and a trip to California to tho man obtaining the second highest number of new members. There are more thail50 prizes to be distributed among the workers. Mayor Dahlraan to Write Story of Life, With Lemons . Mayor Iiahlman is going to write his autobiography, he said yesterday. iVi'i i HI I Tomorrow m n E B ft The Story Will Be Told in Full Detail- Get Your Paper Early and Turn to The Beddeo Ad Surprise After Surprise Awaits You ' 4' jt. st y. i -.a Your Dollar .Will Increase Immensely in Its Buying Power, Apparel for Men, Women and Children At Trices That Challenge All Competition Plan Xoxv to AdiUHhW of This Marvelous Sale. Beddeo Clothing Co. HIT DOUGLAS STREET (iraduales anil former students flocMng back to Midland college at Fremont,' Neb., today for the annual homecoming, as seen by Alfred (Deacon) Miller of The Omaha lire staff, who drew the cartoon for the Homecoming bulletin sent out by the college. faculty; S. S. Sldner, representing Fremont business men, and Coach "diet" Wynne. Movies of the parade, football game, banquet and other events will bo filmed. One of the lessons he expects to bring out is that public officials, as a class are honest. In fact, he says,- more honest than professional wen. lEx amine the penitentiary records if you don't believe it, says he. Uo will demonstrate that tho peoplo pay for their folly by following false gods and ho will illustrate this by facts and figures showing that If tho people of Omaha had followed Ids ad vice and extended the gas company's franchise for 2!i years in. 1913, they would have saved; $5,000,000 to date. Tots Wander From Home to Watch Choo-Choo Cars Georgia Christiansen, 3324 North Fortieth street, and Roy Slcow, 4010 Bedford- avenue, each 4, were lost all day Wednesday. They had wandered s way from their homes' In the morn ing. Their parents, assisted by neigh bors, searched far and wide. Police were notified. Just before dark the little fellows toddled Into the Christiansen home, very hungry and sleepy. They were fed and cried over by their mothers. and then tucked into bed. 'We just walked and walked and watched the choo-choo cars," was the only explanation they gave of their adventures. . 8 Tiikc Full llli; OMAHA F.Kh: KKIDAY. NOVlIAUILiU 17. A 7 This New Science discovers falling, lustreless hair due to simple , infection (Sebum). Now quickly overcomes it Hair actually grown on 91 heads in 100. Thfa Is to onr ymi new hair lustrous, beautiful, attractive or money refunded under our t)0-day treatment plan. It oirars. too, to stop tailing hair in 3 wenka. It wo fall, tho treatment conta you nothing. Your own drugglnt signs the guarantee. Hence we aaeume tho rtak. Thousands of women hae made this test Results art amazing. The charm of won derful hair is now available to any one who chooses to have it. The Infected Sebum in Your Hair Sebum Is an oil. It forms at the folllrles of the hair. Its natural function Is to eupplj the hair with oil. But frequently It beromes Infected. U rakes on the scalp; clogs the follicles and plugs thein. , (Jerms by the millions breed In It, then feed upon the hair. VAN ESS LABORATORIES 5007 Lake Park At, CMcafo MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO.. New Tori, U. SAME PRICE for more than 3Q years W (p BAKING If V!) POWDER gSOunceslb. Potato Campaign Becomes Big Move to Help Farmers Ifa Proportion of Midlife WYsfern Aclit ity Oilier flairs lo He Heiiefiltnl Slate lo Hi Hent fited "Ruy Potatoes Now rampaisii, started se'veral dajs sg'1 by the nun rultuml commllleM of the Omaha ("handier of Commerce and empha sized In a spech Tuesday nlfcht by John 1(. Kennedy, president of the ( tilled Htutes 'Natioiuil bank, at this time lakes on thn proportions of a middle western activity Instead of a purely Nebraska proposition. The campaign was publicly hutched by Mr. Kennedy In a speech neroro inn uniiin.i iiamnir m torn merer. Mr. Kennedy exhibited n copy of the poster which Is to be sent out. It lays stress on the necessity of cre ating a market and saving tlie crop; of buying In lar;e quantities and helping the farmer. Ten thousand of these posters are to be distributed at once in the Omaha territory. To Itislrlluile Fosters. Carl n. (fray, president of the Union Pacific railroad and chairman of the agricultural committee; Wal ter Jardlue, chairman of tlie sub committee; Walter W. Head, presl dent of the Omaha National bank and Chamber of Commerce; and F, J. Farrlngton, local manager of the John JJeera company, will have ac tive parts'on the campaign. The post ers are to be distributed tmder the We Stop Falling Hair in 3 Weeks And Grow New Hair in 90 Days or Your Money Refunded, Under Our 90-day Treatment Plan. Costs Nothing unless we grow hair undor our t0-dy treatment plan. Th Van Km treatment fa abn lutely (uarantn'1. You are tha sol Judge. The war rant la aigneil bf your own drug gist. You awnime no rlalc In making this teat. Way Poon yonr hair begins falling. You note too how llfeleas It appears. In short time, all the natural lustre and beauty are gone. Rut and note this sclentllto fact remove the Kebom and the hair reverts back to the softness and brilliancy It die played when you were a school girl. The Van Kea treatment ae eonipltahes that reeult. Ws know you will doubt It. So w guarantee it. ' We urge yon to give this sew way a fair trial. It Is folly not to test It; for, remember, you take no rick. Co to any druggist or department store today. Ask. for tho Van Ess Liquid Scalp Massage on the S bnttle treatment plan. Written guarantee accompanies it. uean steel knives ana forks, remove stains and grease with SAPOLIO Cleans Scours Polishes (of fil feS3t Large cake No waste 1 A. YOU SAVE when you use KC-you us lu thtin of higher priced brunds. Satire tkwi guaranteed or your rnortcy rcfuxvlej. "HIGHEST QUALITY rhenibif's ngrlcub tural committee. Mr. Keimwly's proposal that every body buy potatoes now, nut with Instant approval. Follnu'liig a conference Wednesday with President llray of the L'nloii fit- , clflc and W. II. Tlm-hnff. general inaniiijcr for the Purliniiton s west, cm lines, Mr. Kennedy announced that llieho officials bad inonirrd him there would b plenty of rrfrigcrutnr Cars to move Hie potato crop, that the r.ulrnada were caticr to Join III the inmeinent In iishIiImir the f irm ers to lull-vent mid mill kut Hull' po tato crops. i I reed to .loin. j livery town and cllv lit Nebiaek will he utEed to net back of th oumpulun throiiKli Mteis and pub licity mailer sent out by the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Willi llio iiwin.iufC of the Viilon Piielfio and Purlliii'toii railroad of f I -cI.-iIh thiil their lines will mkmkI. In the mnveiiieiit of thet potatoes, It Is thotiKht other roads also will Join the movement. Chambers of Commerce, dally and weekly 'newspapers, public officials mid civic oianl.allons will be urged to take an Interest In the i-anipnign In order to assist tho farmers. lb foia thu world war there were -it moiiiirtlis or soM-rciuiis In power, Tlay there are only 17 such rulers. "24 National .(Uspl'es of the "Th Stori of tht Town" Our Windows Tell an Interesting Story For Immediate Creighton Home-Coming Don't forget the Creighton and Michigan Aggie Football Game Saturday. , N r i I If : 7 r 15th and Douglas Streets SrWIAI. I.t Ml. p'r tm lion i:t;i;, per ton ...... $9.50 $9.50 $10.50 Mt IN' I.I MI'. p-r t'ti . . , p-r ttu , , . lVU.r.1 All D(rr ll. City Lion .Coal Co. III.NuUU.5t. EI.01 " " '' -" " : i ... li tun in lima tut htofHiti iiotel kome:: Instruction Aim of Women Voters j jNolieli'l'tioll to Of fite Not Held Milrayul of Lruguc liy l'reeidnit. I la-dings, Neb., Nov. U, Cotiven lion himlurfS mid repoils of officers a 'id ei'tnmittres oci'Upbxl the opening session i f the third annual conven tion of the Nebraska, League of Wom en oh is, which convened hero to day. ' That the ! ague's purpose is to In struct and not to elect was routslned In tlie report of President Mrs. C. O. Kyo ii. "The notielectlon of Nebras ka women in the last election was not necessarily a betrayal In leiiKUO cir cles," Mrs. Itynn's report said, "be caus ths leaguo's purpose Is lo In struct and not. to elect. Mrs. Hyan reviewed the Work of the league In Nebraska, outlining lis enthusiastic beginning, Hi slump and lis ptesent constructive activities, Tho report of Mrs, filndys Fhatnp, Ireasiircr of (ho league, showed thnt tlie league I standing on It own feet financially. A pamphlet surveying tho legal and Institution from Coast t$ Coast Disposal Men's and Young Men's We offer no particular excuse other than for good business reasons we are anxious to sell the broken and short lines left from the season's assortments. They are all our own high grade manu facture' and are backed by Browning King & Co.'s reputation and guarantee of excellence and absolute satisfaction. Divided into 3 Groups and 3 Prices These suits fiffer a selection so varied and a saving so great that it's worth the atten tion of any man. Group No. 1 Men's and young men's models, two and three-button in weavesi stripes mixtures. K e g values that sold '$nn no Now Group No. 2 Men's and young men's models, two and three-button, in mixtures, plain colors of soft fabrics and hard finished worsteds. $ rp r values that sold up $40.00. Now Group No. 3 Men's and young men's models, two and three-button, in a fine variety of plain and novelty suitings and A f worsteds. Values that $ 9 M O ) soia up to $au.uu. g ZJL.: Now kj mr Overcoat Special Heavy "all-wool," rubberized, double- breasted, belt all around, self collar., proof, in tans, browns ana grays A Wonderful Value Harry II. ARE YOU NERVOUS? SLEEPLESS? WEAK? llrKt. I.imiIi HUH. .'urn il ;lulf, i . - .: 4ia t mm r .! I l n it l- i ik i''h I 'i l'na "iii I'm. iH.i.i.m I n all h- ta ti.l'h l-ie lu nit Ii4tin vt.utan .. i.luu. enf;.r.-l ti, mil. Atlfe !. ki ttr, latins itt lugr arte ah.l Iji,i, .ii. ar.. .-..1,1. ml , t n, i"t '4m.i l'i . i lU.. ... I- liim.o I. I Id -I I ln lb l .t. ii, en ii ivM I.. I ail (Mi i ul l t t . -MM Iru'.'-U t'l !' cue (.( m kf.Nk ski u .. ..K.fMi if. itiaj r r H"n I iMta Mi litmi PMftke. lilt III political status of women In Ncbra. ki was Issued ut tha convention by Mrs. I'athtitis Watigh McCullocI , chairman of th committee on uni form Jaws for thu National I.esgus of Woinen Voters. The bureau of standards In Wash ington, I. C, which houses many inventions, has a delicate machine which measures the beat of stars loo distant to bo Seen by the most powerful telescope, This Instrument i an measure the beat from a candle burning f'' miles away. $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 Trimmed Hats $2.50 bl-' Inrnum rRICF.S RKDUCFD Msn's 7 mr a plece suits clnneri and prmted hr stir Scientific Odorlst Prottss fl.M. DRESHER BROS. 2217 Fsrnsm Strstt ' TsUphonMi Omh. AT Isnlie 0345 South Sid, MA rket CO&O Suits plain colors, herringbone and u lar $ Ljb O U to I A r to : Am $ f Q JLt' '. Abbott, Mgr. onslipution Rtluntti II if rViwl ih In NaleJ U lubriraat H adriM U tna ast rtp, Vha at a tvmUpl4, t tanufls ml alar'a lulriflia lidaMil M (' 4m4 la Ua fc-eirl U it tha I ml .! al a4 tiag. 1 K I M yme-rth NhJI baxawaa il a.u lit lata Mlaral IwKiKaat tm4 Um ttpUrta i. Tt it i f'j At V MILLIONS OF POUNDS l-4i.fii a la, a H liOUGHT IJY THK COVKKNMLNT - !.,. in lm, n I .t'a t W liru in ,Nrr llrlji l , :,g Ii ! ), ." ,-, tii., DRESHCR BROS. p. Si 1 1 v iu.it an.'- mi (Ire Waul Vd III . W M UMISU I.. t lit