V Til n omaha wzr.". Friday. novkmi.f:r it, vrz-j. CM Killed lv Auto Identified by Her Employer Long Line of tluriou. Men and Women iew Hotly Held at South Oniiilia Morpiir. WMnlny afimifMin will Elinor Malaiek'. c-My liulf tinliilny ami aha went happily from Inr place of rniploymeiit In the home of Mr. nnil Mr. Joacrpft B. KrailetihurK. i"05 Chi iniro lit re?!, down town unJ tlifn to dinner aiiJ m visit wltli hr frlmK ihe John Xn.al family at 4M3 Smith T ftity tlint Btrof . Al 9 WViliieMay nfcht lnr nVwl h(y brufy lay In the Prewar timlcr taking: establialimenl. On table In the onVe where the thrunc Pumm), Isj a dark brown vel vet tarn c'uhanter with three lurite (told dinks, part of the mo'lihli appaif-l cf the (lea. I girl. Mhe tia-1 been alruk at ItalliiJti'l avenue nnl V eiioet by an utuiimliiln driven by Frank Knitter, who ruim a parage ni Railroad avenue itnd l'olk utreet.. In the car with lilm wore U K. Tlbbeta, 4102 Koutli Twenty eighth aip-et, ami Joe Krtiii'k, lti'JO Drexel ftr"et. All night and until 9:30 yenlerdiiy niornlng the body of th kIH hiy tin Identified. Mr. Kradinburtf wan aur rrlaerl to find thnt her mnM h.nl nut ietutei yealerduy tnnrnliitf. When lie rend in The OtiiHhit Hi of Hie iirrldent In Hniilli Omaha find noted the description of the girl Klie drove at once to the Ilrewer rntnlilMiiiniit and Identified the vlotlm. - "She mas aueh a aweet little girl," she anld, deeply affected, "fiho lind 1 ni Kt'l for me about four months, tilie ; u nt away mi Jti lnt v Wednesday. I i.ni hardly b jl v It." hlionly In-fore iitrfm the Kill broth- i-r In l iw, John I'liWorny, m reached . l.y iid' ph'Hie t Hi-e, JIiiMit county, I .N b. He w:i mi affected t.y the new ilh.it he could Ii unity t ill.. II" ald 'h and Iiih wife, the i)e,id this ! ,IH'. would leave l:.e nt 1 tnd urile here Hf l! jeMeidnv afternoon. A ! ng line of tiirl iiiM 1 1 1 11 mid o iiin continued In vow the body even 'lifter Idi'titilirutlon Wiia ratnlillahed, I KniEir wna aioted and U held, pending ttie lii'iuest, "I wik only driving ijlimit !." miles an liour." Im told police, "The girl suddenly d.ihli'd from behind a tele phone pob'. In my effort to avoid hitting her 1 swerved en aluirply that the machine tinned over." The hri-.il f.itnlly una overcome With gijef uhen liiforincd of the il"tll of the girt thia iiioiiiIiik- Tlm Inniunt, W illi h W H tn Imve been held at I yentenlny iifiernoon. Inn bi-en io.it pmied pfiiding arrival of relltllvea. Flirec Women Suffering from Bandit Attack Nebraska Stadium Drive Started liy Omaha Alumni Thirty leiifni of foinier I'nlverelty of Nf blimkil men took the field JeHter iliiy tn H'tiiih iinwihira Jiid.Om) quola for l he Xi'briiKkn Hliuliiim. They re polled lulu Hu-rdiiy to Chairman i;iin".v. . II In being I'M'lalii-d Id botli Oiiiiilm aliiinnl n nd biiHlneHH iiii-n that, the Hliill u 111 will be Nebiaiikii H great me morlul to world wur aoldlera. The Btjolliini eiitrnni e will be flunked with bronze pbiten benrlng the nnniea of the Unlveralty of Nebnodui men kilt ed In the wiir. together with the I amen of nil KnlilierN enlisted from thin nl nte. who iiindo I he eiiprilne Miiiril ice. Vily a hulf inllliiln dol liira will f expended on the htadlum. Baetl one of 13,74J defeeta In vlnlon la correeted by tho use of eye-glnaaea. One in lloepital, One Con fined to Honif, Third Part ly Deaf from Lead Pipe IIIoki. One" woman was In Frederick hoa- pltnl nnoiher In bed .at her horn and a tlilr4 waa parlly deaf yea- t - iJterday from Mow a U.t..l ,1.... , L. . uraii iiiviii ,,n io head with a bmd iI.m In the band of a font pad Wed noH.lny night. None of tho three eun Identify tho hlghwaymun. They nny It waa ao dark mid they were ao frightened they do not even know if lie Mr.. M INikhIiI. w:,k 1,1m it (,r w hite. Mm. J. (. Mi-Domild, 67, living al 1210 Mouth Twenty-fifth uvenue, ti In the hoKpltiil. It waa lit flmt thought her Hkull waa fruutured. Jler alater In law, Mia. W, J. Mc Donald, 3043 Mouth Nineteenth atrcet hna a torn lip and a deep aoratrh aix or aeven Indiea long on the left aide of )i neek aa a reault of her tingle with the rave man footpad, St rin k In Mouth. "I cauidit bold of bin hand and bit lil linger; then lie atniek me a blow on the mouth," Mild ahe. "I cannot hear well, either, from a blow on the head." Mr. Fixy Andemon, 1724 Lake T , J . I " if What I Have Learned in 47 Years Practice I HAVE been watrhinK re aiJla of roiiHli put inn for !? yeara. aince I U-gim llio prae tice of medicine lmrk in 1875. I am now 8.1 yeara old, ami though from time to tune tlie medical pro fuasion a umkea aonw woiidenully iiiterefllmg experiments and let, the fundamentals of ruuwfl and relief in this purticular ailment are umrbiuiKel. But the peoplo take grcalef in terest tfxluy in their lieiiltJi, in diet, exercise and the, drinking of water, Conatipation, however, will occur from time to 1imo no mailer how one tries to avoid it. Of next importance, then, is how to treat it when it comes. I believe in getting , aa close in nnliiru as powiblR, hence uiy remeJy for constipation, known as Dr. Culd wetl'a Syrup I'epain, is a mild vegetable compound. It is matin of Egyptian senna and pepsin with agreeable aromatics. t.liil drrn will not willingly take bitter things. Synip Pepsin is pleusant tastmg, and youngeiters lovn it. It does not gripe. Thousands of mothers have written me to that effect. Over 10 million lioulcs of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup f'ejwin are now old every year, and it is Urn most widely bought family laxative in the world. I say family laxative htx-ainte all in the family can use it with safety. It is mild enough tn 1 Via itifunt in nrniM. effective in the most chronic constipation yj, (pA of an adull. The funnula is on every package. Iteeenlly there lias been a new wave of (Iraittio pliysim. Calomel, a mercurial that salivate mid loosens teeth, has been revived; nail, waters and powders that draw needed coustitip'iils from the blood; coal t-ar disguised- in ("yidy form that causes skin erup tions. In a practice of 47 years I have never seen any reanon fur their use when n medicine like 'Syrup IVpsin will empty the bow el just as promptly, more cleanly and gently, w ilium t griping, end without shock to the aystt-m, " Keep free from constipation! It lovters your strength 2H ixt cent, hardens the arteries and brings on premature old age. Do not let a day go by without a Wmel move ment. Do not ait mid hope but go 1o a druggist, and get a bottle if Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. II is a generous-bie lMtttle. Take a teiiHXM,nfiil that night ami by morning you w ill Ik; well. The cosl is only iilxiut a t:ent a dose, 1st! Syrup Pepsin for yourself anil mem bers of the family in constipation, biliousness, sour and crampy sloia ach, piles, indigestion, loss of apH tile or sleep, and to break tip fevers and colds. Always have a bottle in the house, and observe these three rules of health: Keep the head cool, the feet warm, the bowels open. 1 ill Prom a recent portrait ef DR. W, B. CALDWELL Horn bhelbjnrijl, Mo Wt I REPEAT MY FREE OFFER $10,000 worth of trial bottles of Syrup Pepsin free taut ymr f agrtti to ipefld ftO.QOO caxh for frrt iamplra of my &yrnt Pfnm, and tend them free and ptttiagt paid io all wtta aikrd. A tremendous mail wa$ the rrtnlt. t lint there must he many who did not write. I would tike to get Uieir addreu this time, Sr now renew my offer, in remem hrance of my approaching 8ftlh birthdnv, ana will ayain denote $iO.OVO in free tamp 1st. am anxious to $ee one in fiery Ameri can, home, t Write for yours today. Simply give me your address. Send it to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, AA Washington St., Monlicello Illinois. Mine is truly a free gift; U cost ihe public nultiing. Urn' a esaeffaitaa fJAlUMJ V5S7 II if A U Ml i n C3T OTTS3T American house wives are using Calumet Baking Powder today with the same success that their mothers experi enced over a third of a century ago. This perpetual Kowth of favor s made EF Vh. Ueonomy BAKING POVJDEC2 sales over 1509fe greater than that of any other brand. There isn't a baking powder of great er merit there isn't a leavener ob- s tainable that will produce more satis factory or positive results. That why the Ursvt baking poniler factor irt In the wrld are alwav tu sy turning out enough Calumet to supply the great demand. A sund rot CafuNMt tls Ml It Wkm $m hah iM pomJtn rm in f 1 mnc9 TUG WORLDS GREATEST DMUSG POWDEll street, a amaller wnman than '.he other two, has B"h on hen fore hea.J, tn vhleh police tui'tPHitia tooli three t lichee; u hole and luinm-a alut tho riBtit eHr, flngei1 luttiks on her neck vni h brulmd ankle wlivrt tha fmitpad kkked her In ioIIihb lier an the Krouiul to tear iff her muskiat roat, valued at Ilin. Mrs. An lerhon smd tlic m on the uy to the picture show to call for her little toy wlii ii tha attack oc curred. The two Mc- I'otmiu women were on their way lo Frederick hen. jdfo pltal where the h' V?-r-fto stork la npvtei V't-'i to visit Mrs. J. O. K'-'''yiiJ MefJonnMa dnuuh- w ter, Mrs. lid wo I'd ViT wl"oliii. MrI, rr Andrrvm. Woman r'uintn. "We Jiint left the honpllal n few minute to yet somethlntf to e.tt anil were on our way bad:, when the footpad Jumped out In front of us anil str'ick my sister-in-law on lie head with a IiIk lead pipe. Hhe faint ed. I tried to run, Mit the man grahheil me and choked mo," the younger Mra. MePuiiald related The elder woman wan carried to the hoMpltnl and placed In a room tieur her dauKhier, tint, on account .if her rendition, Mra, Wilfund wai not told what befell lier mother, The latter waa reported rallying front the ahock and her Injuries yea terday morning', but no visitor were permitted. Itoth attack occurred within n few block of each uther, with ahort Interval of time between, Indicating the name. aaMailnnt. Mra. Andeinon waa attacked on Hi teenth atreet, between Ohio and Ivike, at nearly 10:30; the MecDonald wo man In front of 1509 North Heven teenth atreet, wlilrh ia near Charlea, a few mlnutea earlier. Young Pershing Puts Radio on Dad's Auto New .Bedford, Maaa.. Nuv. IK Warren Perahlng, gnn of Cleneral Perahlntr, w ho la writing hla mernolra on an laland near here In a summer home loaned to lilm for the purpoae, has Inxtalled a radio receiving aet on hla fatber'a big automobile. On top of the cur la a atreamer of eopper wire for an aerial, and within tho re- eelvlntr aet, which waa rigged up by warren, wno waa asdlnted by Ilin futtn-r'a nnny aertrejint ehuuffeur. Tho aon uaeg the car mor than bin father, and eatchea itiuhIp, toi;k market and weuther reports on the fly, aa It were. Detector Crystals. Those not fortunate enough to noa- aegg on oudlon det'tr oliould try to obtain the bent results possible from their cr.vat.ll. The first thing to observe about the proper eare of crystals is to ace that their eurfaoes are kept absolute ly clean. Tho experimenter cannot hope to do this by continually handing them, as this will depoult a thin film of greaay matter from the tlngera which will greatly Interfere with the efficient action of the crystal through Its high reslstanee. To keep crystals In a sensitive con dltlon they should be handled with a small pair of tweezers. When the operator Is through re ceiving, he should, It possible, remove the crystal from the detector mtand and place It w here It can be kept free from dust and dirt. By following these simple precautions, the result obtainable with a nilnei'a,l detector will be entirely satisfactory. J. M. C. Sparks A large factory here haa Installed radio' apparatus with a loud speaker in the main work room, where em ployes at work will be able to listen in when broadcasting Is In progress. Similar installations are being con templated for the ciim rooms and res taurants provided by many other large establishments. It concerts are to be broadcasted at lunch time for business employes aome modification of the hours so far arranged by the British postmaster general will be required. Japan proposes to come to an agree ment with the Chinese government aa to the disposition of the radio stations at Tslngtao and Tslnan, and to ar range for the continued operation of the submarine cablet between Tslng.- tau and Raaebo, which were part of the communication system developed and administered ty the Germans, but taken over by the Japanese O'lrinar th war. MORE rubhtf dcn' make a rfl pneumatic truck lire. Niihf dort more cotton. Hut the right amount of ruhher, th right onmittion, Uxxkear rHenc, (SooJvear deiim anJ licodvtar wofkmatv ihlp uV tht Uxvlytat CorJ Trvxk Tirt. ft M MUeWm h tee CeeeStet trt f fWir. oooiirteAn I W h RUSCHTIRESERVICE AT NN IMI fm t Striker Shot at Plallsmoutli in Street Affray Shopman HeM for Shooting With Attempt to Kill Street Crowds Are Forbidden. " riattninnnlh, Nov. lfi. (Special Telegram. VIOrb Cotton, employed In the Hurllngton shops here, waa ar rested I.ibI night charged Willi shoot ing with attempt to kill Thoiiuis Itobb, foinier Nhiipni in, now out on strike, Three shots were fired, one of which entered Kahh'a bmly mid may have punctured hla lung. He is In a criti cal condition. According to Andy l!ubu, father of tho wounded num. he and hla son were wulklng downtown and met Cot ton, who waa returning from work. He asserts that Cotton was carrying n flashlight and directed Its rays on Ihcin ni they approached, The father says that he first passed Cotton, and as hla son passed hi accidentally brushed against Cotton's Ulnnr pall. Father Sees MhiMilliig. Tho fat her alleges that no words were passed from that time until the three shots wer fired and two boys w)u witnened the shontlnt, corrobor ate hit atuiy. Cotton, the father Miyii, stepped behind a tree aa he shot. The senior Itabb carried It's son's body to the home of O. P. r'nindlii and phsiclans summoned. Pherlif C. I). Qitliitoii arrested Cot ton on a warrant sworn out by Act ing County Attorney t A. Itulls. lie was given a hearing before I'ollee Judge William Webber and pleaded not guilty to shooting with attempt to kill, lie waa held under K.M'u bond, which was signed by his brother-in-law, Allen J. Heeson, and William Kami, f iiperlnteiident of the Hurling ton shops. a('roitda forbidden. Considerable feeling was anthsed over the affray, and us a precaution ary measure, Whei lff Qiilntun Instruct ed the police no to allow groupa of more than three to congregate on the streets. Cotton did not utait woik In the khops for several weeks after Ihe strike started, lie declared that ibu strikers took all of his work aa a painter and paperhanger away from him after they left the shops. Aftc he slirtrd work hit house waa painter! yellow one night and later night marauders damaged his tiiitoniohlle. Wine Interests In Kuropo have planned it campaign against prohi bition In the Cnlted Mutes and other countries. The fight will be waged through the tewly organized Interna tional league Against 1'ruhlhltlnn. Others Tout Gump for While House t .a. j, i (diinpuijiu Started by Mayor Rililnian Spreads to Mithi pan unit California. The Andiew (lump fer president i aiiipaign, stalled by Mayor Puhhuun, li on Its whv. Already the laiiipalgu has leached to lietioil, Mich,, mid Kerto, Cel. The mayor wi'iinl Jwo letters .v. tc ulii v moriiiiiK ri liitiui to the cam paign. The Hist, from It. '.. Jnhnaoii, truf fle manager of ih Kurroiighs Add ing Machine company, 1'etroll. en eloseif th cliipltig frnui The ihiiaha Hi n nniiinincinK the miivor's stand. .Iiihiisini wn-l" that ha "fo'ls eer lain tiump "III be our next president If he can have sin h an able orgaulier as .Mm; nr llahlmnii running his emu palgn. The oilier letter was from Herald Miller of the 1'aclflo t'll eonipuny of Korto, Ciil. "As a former resident of Omaha," he wrote, "I was overjoyed tn read i:i The Omaha lw that Us honored and pri'greKKhe mayor has started a movement which hide fair to sweep tlie country." Miller rein led that two residents of hla community. "Kr4 0. Uweeney and myself," already have started an An drew Hump for President club, "with ourselves aa charter members." pee Want Ada Troduce ne.ulta. Is Your Estate a Fact? THE MONtV yen expert in lens mir fsinlly -Ii it dream or (tel .' GOOD INTKNTIONS nvr t hi'Utfht food snl rlnihiiiK for a dutitii!" hiiIiiw sn'l kr ehllitren SMALL AMOUNTS lnr.l-r-l miuithlv will mli'wri e ,! In Ihslr jnmer tn -inrresss. I'nileel Ihscr futuie ml let us show you hiiw elly II.OOH rsn be ei). with sb ulnl siMirity ef prin rnial ami timliiit st t lie rte of torn loun4d quarterly. ASSETS IO.1.W.20 KtStUVE 42O,aS0 BUILDING LOAM ASSOCIATION lath Hrny. 33 Ytara in Omaha LAf I Bond's fi JfPi "",MTa I i V-e---4 W vim....- muioMM-ym Creighton Univertity vs. Michigan Aggies Saturday, November 18 Tickets en Sal Hera They re Great! Beautiful plaid back, soft, warm fabrics grace ful and smartly fashioned mod els to suit men of every taste. Come to Bond's for Your You'll Save Money If a saving interests you-you'll lose no time in coming to Bond's for your Overcoat. When you consider that the saving we offer in no way affects the quality then Bond's method of merchandis ing becomes doubly interesting:. Because'we make Bond's Clothes in our own factories and sell them direct to the wearer through our own chain of outlet stores, we can and do sell for a much lower price than the ordinary retailer. Direct to .Wearer M m rieaal a Fall Dreaa seal TwaU $0750 c s Bond's 2 Pants : Suits Ike el bm ef pels i eM alaoaU lle eat i alsltke ktll tat k.U. 1 $25 ! All wo can tell you isn't half so convincing: as the clothes itself. (!ivf iu five minuU s vf jour time and ht us show ymi. Try on a few ganm-nts? fuunine tht-m vaufullv; com pare thorn with clothes you have con Hm v here .-elliou im t Tlun you will 1m- eun vitH'ttl that u Kould wear Horn,' ejualitv eltitht-j. Open Saturday 7;30 V, M. Viif lUl I'tlhhut gh lU'lt't(.tt'l fC 151$ FrimSlrreil tmuvt.'t Velumhut L ifH innart N'. Lomi f jut