THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. lJ22. SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. (CantlnaM tmm Yntt4i( J iumm was to wooed ty llolliy. The nifi brooding tum him hi a lover, a huMwinl, a protector who would once have ..jivni UBy prol,,m ,nt0 t-uty, irntr(J him to Mem in a Jllit of uir.ptlliiig warmth. Hh tried to oft the but from now on thr wa an aurwile of iivHlrvu lf Mcrin bIkuH Tom llolby thjit (hanet him HogVthr from th niniant. too j,l,t, ami far popular Idol of looli,h KlrU that ha hail lalMt lilm. All throilKh the Inking of that pic tura Mem wal. lii-d him aa from a lat. tl that hid hrr from him, hut din lod inm to hr In the klmlllmt aOn. The picture hail to he innd In re. ord time Iximine tlm protlucara had limited itpiul aii'l an unlimited i x irlrne of the iliHatruua eipenw of Mum ellnrn. The Ulri'ctor, Ki-mtrlrk. wna a Hlave driver, a worahlpor of w'heilule. lie dntiianrttcj that the pMjple he on the ai-t niiiiln up, conumed, roilYed, and wide awake, o thiit the cutii'ma might hrgiu to grind at I) aharp. Hut he wan not ao punctual ulwiit jetting tin) weary trouper knock off at 0. Jia kept them often till nearly 7. When Mein'a day of toll wa over h waa ao footnote, ao aoulaoru, and had aeen ao inm h of Tom llolhy and Ida manufactured love, that die had no Inclination to him of evening, and he made no effort to ace her. Hhi i r"it Into her tied lit !i when n lot fr"JM Wm. Rogers & Son Beautiful La France Pattern 6 TEASPOONS Unlimited Guarantee On Sale Saturday Only for 5L?spetr Only one et to each customer Brodegaard Bros. Co. 16TH AND DOUGLAS he wa not kept at the atudio for iiikiii worn, dtie wa called at and bejian the day with a Ion and dreary Innldliig i,p of a fata, complexion, layer on layer, line by line, he rrely aaw Tom llolhy r,.n fare. Ha alio wa painted Ilk an Indian brave. Hut for all the fatigue and tht artifice, there waa a feeling of delight and of frlomlllnaaa on the alHKm. Co. operation waa neceaaary anil It wa th cuatom. The technical problem were Innumerable and their .lium. alona aa acluntlflo aa laboratory debate. Th reward of rewarda wa the rap tur. of creation. Nearly all the mem. bera of th. company would rather act than eat, rather play feigned Bor row than Indulge In real Jnya. They ought foe d I t!lcult taaka, tiny wer. grateful for demand upon their tit moat resource. They aulked only when their toil waa diminished or they wer left out of a cn. or not taxed to their limit. Mem' affair wjth Tom Jfolby wa aettllnif down nto th. pleaeant hut drab relatlotiHhtp of two buelnea partner. They were friendly nl ready aa an old married couple with out ever having known th Initiatory ritea. Hut In thla dull fact there lurked a reaentfut, Impatient peril, CHATTER XLV, Titer, waa much akylnrklng on the aet a childlike apontanclty of wit and cynlclain and an Inexhauatlhlu fiiaclnatlnn of craft. Mem wa In-coming anmethlnf of a technician. The mechanic, the arllaanohln that auxtaln every art. tho alphabet of expreaalon, the wire leu code for the tranamlanlon of emotion, It creation In a tranamltler, it preparation for the receiver all theao thing no artiat can Ignor. and ucceed. The more eloquence the orator feela In hi heart the more he conaidera hi tone. Th mora earneaf. th. writer th. more pioualy he con hi dictionary. The more glorlou the nl iiner the more he atudiea nl breath control, hi roup de glotte, hi whit, note hi tranaltton color. Th. more fervid the compoier the more h. ponder acoutlc and ton. comblna ttona and th invention of new in atriimrmt. The more eager the painter th. more he analyze hi value, the more he leek new tube, new brushes, new chemlatrles of color. Only th. amateur, the dawdler, the dilettante deple hi craft and de pend on puns Ion or that egotistic whim which he call Inspiration. Ho th. rmhltoua actor iiiunt experi ment' law with the tool of thought, the englni-. of suffering. Once when Mem wa (hocked at a flippancy of Tom Holby'a concerning hi art, he rebuqed her earnestly: "You're not really well acquainted with your art unlena you can joke about it. What' funnier than th. Idea that being funny I not a e riou aa being eolemnchuly? There wa never a Oner actor than Nat Goodwin, and I heard him ay once, apeakiug of hi Sh.vlock: 'I wa great In the last act. I knew I wa great hecauae th. audlpnc. wa weeping and I wa guying it, and when you can guy a serious scene you've got to be great.' " Mem began tb understand aUo, but slowly, that making fun of one' se rious emotions Is a form of modesty, J a covering of nakedness, a shy re treat behind a mask of smiles. She began to be able to talk flip pantly of her art and to talk of It in trade terms. One day. when she wa posing for a big closeup of herself asleep, the di rector asked her to try to squeeze a tear or two through her great clenched eyelids. Bhe tartled even him by saying, with an elfin earnest nes: "What kind do you want? One ureal blsr slow teardrop or a lot o'- little shiny ones?" Me was shocked, but he hid his own scnae of sacrilege in a careless: "Give me one large tear about five eighths of an inch In diameter." "All right," she said. And she did. It oozed through her long lashes and slipped reluctantly down her cheeck Into her hair. And, knowing what he knew of Its control, he felt his own eye wet. and the jaded camera man whlaepred, awe somely, "Great!" In another scene, where more tears were required of her, he noted that while she waited for the camera set up she had her hands gabled at her lips and she seemed to be whimpering to hernelf. Curious, he asked, "What ar. you up to now?" 1U Owv- A Vanity Case Special $2.00, $3.00 $3.75, $4.50 $5.00 and A large ami exceptionally fine assortment in Vnehettf, Persian and tooled effects; moire, nlk ami plia lined. Freling & Steinle 1803 Yarnm Her 16 yean Kite gaged at him. "I wa praying God to send me beautiful tar." li. hok hi head and walked away, ganplng. One afternoon ihe chief financial power in Tom tiolby' company saw Mem pacing up and down by herwdf at a dwanre (ruin th. aet, II watched her and noted that she leaned against a ranvaa wall and hid her head in her arm. Her almiildcr quivered and shook with forlorn woe. Ills heart wa touched and h could not resist an Impulse to go to her and proffer liU sympathy In her evident grief. I la tou:liml her on the arm and asked, with an almost mothrlng nolicliuda; "You poor child! What the mat ter?" Mi whirled on him In surprise and stared throiiKh a shower of tears. Then a amlln broke from her blub bering lips and she giggled: "Oh, I'm Just gutting rmdy for a big crying scene." II full back as if he had touched a serpent. He wa disgusted with himself for making such a fool of him self and wasting his precious pity on a littl trickster. The ctllllliX of Mem's nhsmelenBlleM waa reached one day when Itohina Teal an.l the great Miriam Yore vis ited the studio anil stopped for lunch in th commissary. Mem ws put on her mettle by fh granduxe com dencenslon of Miss Yoro and by the suspicious tetilntisy of Iloblua Teele. The matter of tears for sain came up and Mis Ynr spoke of how she got Iters. "I nnd that it I use the tone of voice intentionally which 1 use unin tentionally when I am really crying, the teurs come. It may to Just muscle memory or It may be that I grow very sorry for myself." Itohina did not know how she got hers. "M.irg iret Anglln snld she could erf at will over a fried egg or anything. Ho can I. I Just limiKln the scene and say to myself, 'Cry!' and I cry till the director says, 'Cut!' " Neither of the famous women thought to ask the rising Miss rited dun how sliu manipulated her lachrymal art, Tom llolhy, feeling that she was slighted, brought her In to It by asking her her system, "1'rayer and brute strength," snld M-m. llohlna wa In an assertive mood, and, a one violinist might challenge another to a concerto or an orator propose n deliate to another, sh. culled for a duel of team. Kh thought she could send Ml" Yore back to the grand opera she had come from. "bet's have a crying contest," sh. said. "I shnutd have to hsv music," said Mim Yore. "Come over on my set and we'll give you your favorite tune," snld llolhy. Me dragged Itememher Hted don along, thoiiKh the two veteran did not take her Into account. llolhy explained to the director that they weni to have a field day of emo tion, and he consented to defer the scene h v lis about to shoot. Miss Ynr. wanted th. them, of th "Uebcstod" played over and over. The wheijv little portable organ made a nl mess of Wagner' braid ed harmonies, hut the violinist caught the cry of the melody. Hohuia could cry best for "Just a. Bong at Twilight." but she grara fully ylelled th choice' of music to Miss Yor, Mem had never beard an opera, grand or comlrt. Hut the strangely climbing Miguleh of the tune caught her up on Its pinions, and lifted her Into that ether where the souls of Imaginative artist tly In all dis-gui-es and asutn. all personalities. Th. reel of th ooinpuny and the crew stood aloof nnd watched In nmiiisement as the two world fumed aim and tho rising young asteroid, Mem, begsn to war with their own features Ilk athlete tuning up or snndowdsixlng. The three women walked apart for a moment, grimacing and forcing themselves Into a stnte of agony. Ito hina achieve the first ob. Bhe broke and Ihing herHelf on a couch and nobbed aloud. Mem Jealously de cided thst she wss cheating and rather looked down on her shoulder work. It hs pumpy. Khe stared at Miriam Tore, an sm bulant slalue of Inrolo tmstures, lin ing her linnd to heaven, carrying them clHspsril to her fulsome bosom, and Indulging In the despair of a Mde or a Cornwall princess whose draperies must also weep about her beautifully. In Mem's eyes Mis Tor. wa a stngv as Miss Teele wa screeny. Neither of them seemed quite humiin. Orlef to Mem wss a homely, un'ovely, tearing, disordering thing. To cry gracefully whs not to cry at nil. (To He f'sallnsetf Tomerrew.l Dally Prayer Our Heavenly Km titer, w e thank lliea fur this new day with Its new mercies. Help u to live this day with a high purpo and a worthy reaolutlon, We would mak tliy will the law, of our live. May we seek dally to know thy will. We thank thee for the gift of thy Hun, who tains to give Us the abumlant life. My his life he lived In us ao that we may glorify thee. Take awny meanness and iltlletiess and si Iftslmess from our Uvea and make us more like our Master. Help U to be thy fellow workers, seeking first the Kingdom and thy righteousness, knowing Hist all other needful things Will be lidded unto us. Teach us ef control and give us strength for all our Uks. Hli us, guide u and protect us in our home and when awuv from II stuttering rare. lvn u day by dsy new rtvelntlon of t Id tie Infinite love, thy boundless comiutsninn and thy matchless sympathy. We ask It all In the nam. of Jesus Christ, our lord. Amen, A. r. KHNKT. raetiir l.enre Annul 'rl)(trlsn Churrh Uncle Sam Says: I'srenl' Literature. The home I th greatet educa tional fore In the world, hilt H h never fully carried out the work for which It w destined, Relieving that mother and father would gain experience and would welcome suKK'stlons for met hod of the fullest development of Ihe physi cs.!, menlsl and spiritual llf of chil dren, the Home Kducntion invlslon of the I'nlted Htales Korean of Kdura t ion ha prepaied ttds booklet con. talnllig a list of suggcated book for IMireuls' resdliig. ' Headers of The Omaha Hee mav ob tain a copy of this leaflet fien ss lung a the free edition laets by asking for "I'londlng Coiirs No. J," address ing their reiiiet to Ihe lluiesu of KducMtion, iM-partliirnt of th In terior. Washington, V. C. Ihi not enclose return otage. far I'nlil. I. rid ar InflueHi i.S I'rmwllw, UU HUOUH JJ k W lie. IH. w " BISIMOI W-t. House of the Two-Pant. Suit IS fftDP We At Olf.n.g MnW-Gs.4. Ui.lL Colorado Lump Coal DtlUertd $9.00 per Ton Vie Ut Ql a Ism1 Ctej.e New Consumers Coal U Supply Co. a fian4 feef AT - MW HtAT Barker's Friday and Saturday r a. EYC For Men of Every Type and Age filter wear Don't M This Overcoat Opportunity Offering an Incomparable Stock of Overcoats Ulsters - Great Coats - Dress Coats - Sport Coats COATS for every occasion. Super-values these, for dis criminating dressers. Quality, Style, Finest Tailoring and Warmth combine to make these coats demand your preference. Many fully lined with genuine muskrat pelts to make them ample proof against winter's coldest days. Priced at $50 and Lower Warm, Snug Fur Collar Coats In wanted styles and finest cloths, these coats look higher priced. We oner them wnne tney last to attract new young men customers. $25 Carr'i XXX Melton Montenac Shetland, English Plaid Back, Rug-Backed Scotch Cloth Three Other Coat Groups Friday-Saturday Special $45, $35 and $25 I l J Oilier Store yjl I J Can Offer OTJjy VW, o More Varied JgjD Array of $5 Buys Your Choice of Newest Winter Silk-Lined Velour Hats Regular $6 and $7 Values Nobby hats for heads of every size in the new light and dark shades, favored by well-dressed men this season. Posi tively the best hat buy In town for such shape-retaining headwear. Every Man Needs a Cap! BUY YOURS NOW AND SAVE Men's and Young Men's Caps The kind made to fit heads snug and tight. Splendid materials. Light and dark colors. $2.50 and $2 Value., Now. $1.50 Men's Winter Gloves A Timely Offering Well-known makes in cape, chamoin, silk or fabric material. Othm to $5.00 $1.50 Long Winter Underwear 2-Piece Heavy Cotton Regular $1.50 Values Omaha Holds No Suit Values Equaling These Stylish Durable All-Wool Double Wear Insured SOTS For Men-Young or Old Special Friday and Saturday $2250 $2750 $2450 (Including Coat, Vest and Two Pair of Pant) Barker's famous suit values prove them selves supreme at a glance. No other local clothing stock compares so favorably quality, style and low price considered. No matter what your taste may be the suit style or pattern you most desire is here if anywhere. We are famous for perfect fit tings of our suits. Our tailors see to thai Hundreds of single or double-breasted, plain or fancy checked or striped suits await your choice here, in sport and conservative models. Remember, There la a Barker Suit to Suit You Very Special!! Friday and Saturday Silk Shirts A clearv-up offer of our regular S6.50 shirts of silk in neat and fancy stripes in every size. While The) Last Manhattan Shirts Kingsly and Other Makes White and colored, plain or striped, in fin est madras, percale, wool, silk, and silk and wool mixtures. With or without collars to match. $1.50 to $10 Full Range of Sizes Men's and Young Men's Sweaters Values to $7.50 Friday and Saturday $5 They come in coat, Klip overs and students styles, colors plain, and heather mixtures, all wool. Others to $12.50 Night Shirts Pajamas Of good heavy weight flannelette, cut full length and roomy: refuUr tl 35 values. Well made h e a y weight flannelette, plain or with ilk from ta match. $3.60 rr-went- No (hat winter chilly Uyt are lmot o't u, U'ttrr iihik la Friday and Saturday $1.25 All-Wool Including Vaisar I'uii'ti wI ( ifilciulul veik'M, ( irnt-.l mUh" tory garment, NU.te .. trll ( 1(1.00 n. T,00, Union Suits nd Superior Brands. $5 Friday and Saturday Now $1 Now $1.95 Wool Mixed Union Suits Miltur.t of wuil and cotton lib. nrinl nt-mut, milium and hravy vvlUI Kslirl.fa. Khlelttlltl V.turl at triru. SP $1.50 Ur 12.00 prit. Friday and Saturday STORK HOURSi 9 . m. to 6 p. ro. Saturday. 8 a. m. to 7 p. ro. TO) ) O A Q) c TH) CLOTHES iiv, SHOP SECURITIES BLDG. Three Handy Entrances FARNAM AND SIXTEENTH , X- --4. -A