The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 16, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    rilK OMAHA r.KE: THURSDAY, KOVEMliKK 1G. 1022.
Wirth Cabinet
Resigns; New Body
Will Be Formed
Cliancflor and Other German
Miuiktcrs Resign After Split
Over Plan of Admitting
Industrial Members.
II) LA Kit Y lit K.
t'oprriiht. jut;.
llerlln, Nov. 1 5. Chaiw ellor Wlrtli's
rahlnet realnnd last nlitlit after the
failure of attempt rnde yesttrdsy lo
uvt-rt tho crlsl tho adint
Ion of Industrialist Into a foull-
tlon. Th unltfil loclnlist turned
down tho proposition of ndmittiiitj tho
Industrialist Into IT coalition.
Tht party leader wer rli.iuted In
tbt rtlchststr chamber room fur time
hour yesterday, out tliu socialist
renin lord adamant on their refusal to
partlclpat In a new tfovernnient until
an oIIU'IhI disavowal una made hy I lie
Industrlsl leader of their stand thut
t'h 10 hour day wan the basic n idea
lity fur stabilizing the 'mark,
hticsieinsii It Leader.
Hcrr Strssomn, the leader of the
Industrials, whofte irtllintlon la re
garded hert aa well us hy members
nf tht rrparntl'mn commission ne
necessary to rstor confidence In the
mark, unofficially stated that while
Huito Btlnnes, Germany' richest and
most powerful llnnncial figure, had
expressed thla opinion, It waa not the
official opinion of the party. Thla
disavowal, however, wns not regarded
n a aufllcient hy the socialist, who de
manded nssuraiicw that the pet plank
In their platform, the elht hour day,
would not be changed except under
tho moot exceptional circumstance,
Dr. Wlrth told the party leaders
that It would be ImpoHiilble for him
to remain In nfflce unless a Kienter co
illtlon waa formed glviiiK the social
lata MO votet and the three bour
geoisie part lea, the Cathollca, demo.
crate and Industrials, ISO votes. At
the conference, Dr. Wlrth Intimated
that the socialist must either answer
yea or no, threatening to resign If
their answer waa not satisfactory. The
nnawer was negative and to he stepped
Outline New Pribram.
Dr. Wlrth hud a. long c.unfeii-nte
eaterday with President Ebert and
outlined a program for the formation
of a, new government. The plan waa
that If a greater coalition waa chosen
that Dr. Wlrth'e enllre cabinet would
leslgr. and that he would form an en
tirely new government without prun
ing the membership through dis
missal. Dr. Wlrth, at a meeting of the
Catholic party, bitterly attacked Dr.
Hermes, the minleter of finance, a
member of his own party, charging
him with Intriguing agalnet the gov
ernment with the reparation commis
sion and committing other sabotage.
Before the decision of the confer- i
ence yesterday the preM waa op
timistically predicting a new coalition,
further reatorlng confidence in the
mark whtrh has strengthened from
;,600 to ,900 to the dollar. ,
Faced Troublesome Times.
Dr. Joaeph Wlrth has been chan
cellor of Germany since May 10. 1821,
- when he took the head of the govern
ment on the resignation of Konstantin
Kehrenbach. The Wlrth cabinet ten
dered ita resignation on October 22,
1021, but waa reformed with a new
pcraonnel headed by Wlrth, two day
For tome time Dr. Wlrth faced
troubleaomo timet, owing to hla min
latry'a program with regurd to the
reparation, the stabilization of the
mark and the general economic and
internal and external questions to
.which the opposition parties In the
relchstag objected.
A reorganization of the cabinet had
been contemplated for Beverul weeks,
but the atumbling block was encoun
tered In obtaining a working arrange
ment between the socialists and the
people'a party. President Ebert last j
irldny authorized the chancellor to
enter into Immediate negotiations
with the leaders of the various parties
in the relchstag with the purpose of
Inaugurating, steps tor the early re-'
organisation of the cabinet.
German Chancellor
to Reorganize Cabinet
W.C.T.U. Wants
Hum Traffic on
Seas Abolished
World Convention Adopts
Resolutions Demanding Ship
ping Companies Take Ac
tion Against Liquor.
Phlladolphla, Nov. 13. Hesoltitlona
adopted Ipv tho world convention of
the Womens Christian Temperance
I'nlon included a ilemiirjd that ship
ping companies throughout the world
take such action na to end the liquor
truffle on the high sent.,
It was also resolved that world
democracy, peace, purity aid patrio
tism demand world wide extinction
Of the liquor traffic.
other resolution declared that all
nations should associate thcmselvea
permanently for world peace and good
will; that the W, C. T. V. believes
In a wnrlcaa world; that nations should
assemble in a , fourth International
conference to eliminate the use of
habit forming drugs, that a single
standard of purity for both sexes
should be enforced, and that law pro
hibiting the liquor traffic should be
strictly enforced.
Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett, recently
elected president of the women'
auxiliary of the American Legion,
laid that she had never encountered
a returned soldier who waa against
prohibition and that a great effort Is
being mado td unite the American
Legion wllh the W. C. T. U. for tho
principle of prohibition and purity.
A resolution of thank to President
Harding was voted for having called
the disarmament conference last year.
Payment of Iowa Bonus
January 1 Unlikely
Den Moines, la., Nov. 15. Grave
doubtir- were expressed by local bank
ers who are In touch with the east-
syndicate which will bid for the 23
10(1,000 soldier bonus bond Issue a to
whether it will be possible to begin
tho payment of the bonus to appli
cant by January 1, as had been de
sired by the bonus board. They point
out that the friendly suit to deter
mine the constitutionality of the bond
isauti must be settled first and then
the issue must lie advertised for 20
day before placed in the hands of
the underwriters.
At the state house it was said that
the plan to hold a friendly ult had
been discarded.
Pastor to Spring
Trap at Hanging
of Iowa Slayer
Governor Refute Clemency
to Pal of Eugene WecLi in
Murder of Grocer at
Den Moinet).
Do iiolnes, 1 Nov. J J. Orrle
Croao, convicted slayer of Gouge Pot-
dick, Pet Moines grocer, must hung
on November 24, lloveiuor Kendall de
clared in a statement today. "The
Judgment of the district court must
stand," he said. "Croat wa given a
fair trial and wa duly convicted."
Croat wa. to liavt been executed
on October 27, but wat given a tuy
of execution by tho governor.
Pal of Eugene) Week.
lie wa tht pal of L'ugene Week,
hanked for hit participation In the
murder of Hostlck at Port Madison
on September 15. Wek denied any
nhart In the murder, although both
he and Cross hud previously con-
teased, in the confession It was
revealed that It wat Cross who did
the actual shooting. Kfforts- were
made to have Cross' sentence com
muted to life Imprisonment because
of hi alleged low mentality.
Cross probably will be hanged by
BherlfT W. E. Ilobb of Polk county,
tho preacher-sheriff, who sprung the
trap which sent Week to hi death.
Governor Kendall' tuteinent said.
in part:
"The evidence established conclu
sively that Cros and his co-defend-
nt, Week, planned the robbery of
Mr. Fejstick, armed themselves with
deadly weapon, to tie employed If
resistance were offered, and that in
the prosecution of their enterprise as
highwaymen, Cros actually dis
charged the revolver which produced
the homicide. There can be no pos
sible controversy aa to tho facts.
Premeditated Murder.
It is insisted, however, that the
defendant 1, and was, intelligently
irresponsible, but this contention was
amply considered by the trial
Doubtless on the unequivocal cer
tificate of mental accountability the
pcnnlty of death wa imposed. A
case of this character where guDt wil
ful, deliberate and premeditated mur
der committed in the perpetration of
robbery it unquestioned doea not in
my opinion authorize executive Inter
ference for the. reduction of the pun
iuhment inflicted by the court." 1
Pay in Penitentiary
Metal to Man Who
7oe 2 llathtubn
OMulimiia Illy, OM., Nov. 15.
Fur run let Ion of a rharce of steal.
Ing two lialli tub from a plumber,
here, (', A. Kenl, will receive a
one-day flip In Hie stale ix-nltcn-tlary
at McAlet-ter, mIHi all ex
pense paid and will come away
from tlm prinon with $.1 and a nrw
uit, tho slate' sift lu libernlid
A Juiy In district court whirl!
found Kreaul guilty, assessed a
penally of one day in I ho peni
If li-'inal hrhaves, lie mill bo al
lowed t lie regular time off for good
conduct, kIiIiIi will rcilueo his sen
tence to IK liniirs, It was stated at
the ofllie of the pardon and paroles
board here.
The iKiilleiillnry sentence abro
gate Rental's i-itlzeimhlp right
which may only lie relumed by a
pardon from I lie governor.
Ex-Convict la Sentenced
for Inducing Girl to Steal
Lincoln, Nov. 15. (.Special Tele
gram.) Bert Harris, ex-convict, plead
ed guilty to inducing Violet Mize,
Lincoln high school girl, to steal
money from her father o they might
get married. He wa sentenced to
five years in prison. Ha-was caught
at Nebraska City, where he has a
Wife Visits Italy;
Man Asks Divorce
Fremont Painter Alleges An
other Man Paid for Trrp to
. Europe Made hy Wife.
Fremont, Neb., Nov, 1C HpecIal
Teli'griini.H-Ilecause hi wife enjoyed
an extensive trip to Europe, for which
luxury another man paid, in addition
to other alleged cruelties, Clyde K. Mu-
Faililcn, Fremont painter and paper
hunger, lias filed suit for divorce from
his wifn, Margaret.
The couple were married in Omaha
November 1, lttl, The husband
claims that previous to the man Inge
Mrs. McFadden was the mother of an
Illegitimate child.
McFadden complain that his wife
constantly nagged him and possessed
an ungovernable temper from which
he suffered considerable mental pain
and anguish, lie name various mci
dent In which the wife 1 said to
have attacked hint, at one time strik
ng him with a heavy piece of coal.
Two years ago, say McFadden, his
wife drew a gun and threatened to
shoot Mm.
Sometime ago, the petition spates,
Mra. McFadden enjoyed a trip through
Hut-one. visions; for emiotime at
Genoa, Italy. McFadden charge that
another man paid expense of the trip
but fails to mention the name of the
third party in the triangle.
There have been no children a a
result of the marriage, McFadden
states In his request for freedeim.
Cedar Creek Store Looted
of $350 in Merchandise
Louisville, Neb., Nov. 15. (Special.)
Merchandise valueel at $350, was
stolen from the Ashley Alt store at
Cedar Creek. The loot consisted of
shotguns, leather crats, watches,
Jewelry, fountain pens and shoes.
Chiropractic Free Clinic
for Children
Dr. Burhorn snd hla arolate hold
a free clinic daily for children unr
I J years of ae from 7 to 8 P. M.
Suite 414-26 Securities Bid.
The Clinic in held in Council. BlufM.
S12 Wlckham Block, from 4 to 8 p. m.
Phone JAcknon 5547 or Co. Bluff
1075 for appointment.
Any child aufferin from any ab
normality will be Riven the advantage
of receiving the benaflta of Chiropractic
adjuttments without any obligation
whataocyer to the patients.
Grain Futures Case Put Over.
Chicago. Nov. 15. Heuring on the
Chicago Hoard of Trade's suit to test
the constitutionality 6f the grain fu
tJres trading regulation net was again
continued today. The matter wa
tentatively set for Frlde.y.
LH YOlik
Are your feet hard to tit?
Here it a last which thoroughly meets
the ideal of middle age or mature men.
Nettletons " Composite " said to fit
more types of men's feet than any
other fine shoe in the world.
Come in and let us fit your feet
For Saturday.
Wc Announce
Our Annual
Thanksgiving Sale
Utcliia mi trrw U tMfc lfUr
a4 lH Ur,
'4th FiiJjY ivft ter full
t Tint Gttt Slt
or thi "Kill . 1U
J 24 1 Aw
Th Composilt it avaftabl
in tan or black and it al$o
mad in Oxfords.
307 Soetfc) 16th Street
Ha as Brothers
Cin e ma
250 pictures with just
a r? .-wurc of the thumb
all tn ptaiulartl ratv
tiun-l'Kture film.
I 'rice: Sfj't Clncmt
Ca-iura ccmjtlet with
varr)inif ca.e anl i
nu,'i2ine Jiyiti.
A wonderful hand
camera for snap-shots
or movie picture. . . .
A motor ojwalts it
like a watch.
Knlarjrrnirnt may bo
made from your n:ot
inten-tlnj; iH aUvi Ji,
The Robert
Dempster Co.
(Eaitmtm Kodak Co.)
l ink, JO . lt.l
National Capital
Is "Savdl" From
Enemy" Haiders
Defending Aerial Squailroa
'CupIuith' Atlat kin I'Jaiics
in 'llitalriial IliitniintiT
Over Wbhinj,'tin.
'NV'asliinKton, Nov. 15. WhbIiiukIoii
was 'Vnved' from "eiifnty" iur tiiid
era vlun a di-fi'iidinu minailrnn of
uriny plunce, w'linied by siouts, looli
the air and it'iiclli-d the invuJiis In
:i doHpcruto theoretical cucountrr. The
victory of tho Uofoiido vim romplcle.
The entire fleet of live hostile bomb
ers wa "on pt tired" and uftcr suinn
der of the pilots, all hand wi-nt to
lunch at NollInK llidd.
The attacking force coiihIhIimI of
live Mnrtln lioinbers, which li ft lnnK
icy Held, Virginia, this imoiiiIhk ond
under lendcn side and throtiKh oh
sciirlnic ruin showers, drovo tow.'ird
Washington, Intent on "iMirnblng" the
While House, treustiry, imvy jud,
war collKn, capltol mid other Impor
tant government structures. Word
thut the enemy wa on tlm way was
all Ihnt reached the defending force
at Hulling Held.
f'jieiny Is ftlghlrd.
TIllTO big scouting pllines eiiippei
with radio inttrument shot Into tho
air and circled southwurd, groping for
contact with the cuoniy. l,ow visi
bility hampered their work, but final
ly the enemy machine were spotted
down tho roifuniic river below Alex
andria, and the word was H.-mhed by
radio to Rolling field, whllo the scout
iii.iiiniivi-ieU in kit'il ibii liomilu craft
m sit,-iit.
liiuk at tlii nVW. thrt dlinlnutlve
flKhilnu plune of the type used by
th'i nir '"uces" overHen shot up, cire
linit llicl vuy hltth Into the banked
cIoiiiIh iiIhiw. Tlx-y had scarctdy dli.
! nppi an il from sight before thru
hviivier liiilitliitf cruft fullowed them
in I ii the lofty niuliiich that wa tielu,?
liild for tho eru'iny.
Halt If U On.
Tlf (lictant tirumblu of the planes
of Hie eiHfiiiy boinbeiH gave notbe
that Ihev were ut hand. Tho five big
pinni-s from Ijtngley ramv tm with
llin target building they sought
ahead and licuaii swooping downward
to the iittatk.
Krwn the clouds bov droppe! tha
hix defeiidliig planes Into the rtldt
i,t the enemy (llit ami the biitllo of
WnNhiiigton was on. The fighter
elided find twlated around the enemy
machine in every nimieuvf-r of t attlo
pi ni l Ice, picking off the txtauhlng
plaiM-s one lit n tlinii until the Inst of
tlm ipiliitet .had been forced to earth
Tho nctual landing of sll the plane
was inndu Ht Hulling field, whera the
umpires ruled that the enemy hud
been repulsed and captured.
splMcy to coiiicul .iitU of the bank
rupt ni' irhaiit.
tin the tild Hiluiiffcr (ratified
(hat none of III stink bad b'i sent
to hi lu'lii or ntheiwlse Ihth concealed.
Jturt-h Trial loIponfd.
I," AukcIis, Nov. 15. Illnesfi of
iHpuly Iilri t Atlorncy flark cMiise.l
p,alHinriiieii( todlay of the trml of
Arthur liiuch. charged wllh mur
der of J, Helton Kennedy.
iVo Sign of .Santa Fc Strike.
Nov. Ii. Hlit
tier said t'Mta
shop liero a
Ji o'clock th'
A!liiUUi'iic, N. M.(
Ke railny oltlclnl
Dial mi n it'll at he
limie on strike t
mm nlnir. tlm hour get for U nCOrl'
strike In a circular recentey received
olong the Ha lit K yteni. W. t
I'stteison, rcielury of th mucliln
1st' Union of Ihe sysleni. said he lid
no advice at 10:30 at to whether ny
men went out hro or at other plc .
Iluiikriipt Mcrdiant, Found
With Shoe Stock, Kills SH
.Memphis, Tenii., I.'ov. 15, During
it races In m bankruptcy hearing, u
which l.eiiis h'tlMcflYr, a iiinbaul
wa iimler ixamliiallori on a, charge
of having concealed his ussel, Wchaef-
fer went to the honi'i of a relative
iiml ended his life with poison. A
fw moments be torn Hclmeffer' body
wns taken to Ills hoiiie, Depart men t
of Justice agent found 10,000 pairs
of shoes, valued at 150,000, alleged
to have been purt of th bankrupt
stock of the meichirtit, concealed In
false wall (it Hrhiiffur' home.
Hchueffer and four other had liern
arrested last week on charge of con
1(M Rational Institution"
Jrom Coast CpaU'
"Ik tr ut Ihe Itsa."
Milady '$ Wardrobe Should
Have Two or More
Woolen Frocks
Fashion is resourceful, to say the least,
for she has sent us a mode that agrees to
almost any variation. Hencq we are '
able to offer woolen frocks becoming
to every type of Miss or Matron.
Skirts in the circular, draped or straight
line styles, accompanied by" the long-'
waisted blouse, reveal the interesting
diversity of the mode. Poiret twills,
tricotines and serges cleverly adorned
with embroideries, beads, braids and
contrasting shades fashion most of these
charming models.
$18.50 to $98.50
Third- Floor
3 Great Values
is an overcoat event that
Money Saving Opportunity
Here uf. Oic'ifiih to meet vur -pectutiont for
fc u Vevtth Jouhle iusfi, full bluJ, pakh
U'li till JtOt(Yft, Kin J full kl.k fh'ii'l- 01
jMtjnfT. hewn end Sa-Uh w.uiuie t fiCiivj
u'ij h.uJ tm thv'J ji'ifi'fu thitt vMite
&amth. inj Bear adj fvfj hk u lotij ui
Ij Bejf t'lc-m.
Il J t to jut a iM''vtJ, KlYHtahlt tOitt fttl
Wtfai Jvl'j' i ...N.S thvi jit tethJ t tjjf,
a ul that Y!iir bti ut V -u bu
linoiuninri Kiiuj & (To.
lUtry H Abttl. Mir.
The Sale Sensation
of 1922
A Challenge to
Omaha Retailing
Watch for It-Wait for Itl
Your Dollars Will
Double and Triple in
Thfir Buying Strength
Bcddeo Clothing Co.
tin Whit
io Lbs. lm
. w