THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 191!2. Insurgent Band Organizes for Next Congress BoraK, La Follrtte ami John on In Contest for Leader hip f Progressive He publican.! In Senate. Br okokoe r. Al TIIIEn. Waahlna t ml nit Tha Onwlia Br. Washington,, Nov. 14 (HpwiaJ Tslr-iranvrWhll revolting. witrn rrpreint(v. ara pluiinliic to tip tuii In orvtinlMMnn nf tha, newly 'ct1 houK, jtlvlnaT tha "dry'' an opportunity to lt In Die (.pfii Hon, thi Inaurirent filtrnrnt jf the adnata yi'fltTiluy b'aiu to form it own pinna (or th new rck-lma In re publican politic. Hrnator Mi-dlll MrOrmlrk's atntf matit of ywrtantHy chIIImk for abrefri tlon of tha tnilorlty rule whs nn amm ar Imtnul thnn It lrnme known (hat n lnrmrtnt orKanlziitlnn of the adn ata whi In proffraaa. Hnutor llomh was' on of thou who had rrlimi1 to W'ftNhlnifton, and whlla ho ffum-d to Bay anything cbnrenilng the unit-, tor, It la known that ha 8MplrM to tha ImoViIiIj, t'Ktlir with Hfna tor IjH Follctte of Wisconsin. John son of Cullfortila and iioaalhly Mo Cormlck. Iai1wililp to H ConlmlH. That laadrrahlp will La prlxa warmly ronttd and will rarry with It the banner of leadership whlrh probably will lead directly )ntj the republican national convention In op position to tha -nomination of 1'rcnl dent Harding. Senator Johnaon of Ciillfnriiltt la another eandldHt for this lailerahlp among tha proKreaalvoa, who will vary In thflr riVree of proKrenlve lam. Tha context for thla learixmhlp Is likely to b friendly, Insofar an It will sea co-operation anionic (ho pro graftal ve aenatora for tho objerta to b attained, hut It Will bo none the less turnout. Hwmtor 1m Kolletto starts with the advantiixo (if having contributed to tha election of Rrook hart la Iowa, phlpstead In Minne sota and Frpfcler In North Dakota, and has Work pi Wlaconaln repre aDtitlve In tha hmma who will rfo his bidding. Hut I,a Follette I looked upon In many qunrters aa too radi cal, while Hornh mid Johnson more nearly represent the ldala of many who think tha progrenivlm of the republican parly should have a sav ing graft of eonaervatlam. May Kat I'p Farm Bloc. Since moat of the ponaible progres sive leaders are. potential candi dates for the prcaldency, they will seek- to represent a national rather ' than a suctions! or occupational movement. Accordingly there are in dications 1hat In the comlns; two years the farm bloc which has served an extremely useful purpose will be eaten up by - the prosrcsalve bloc which will seek to amalgamate the liberal elements In all walks of life with spedul efforts alonjr the line of combining tha agriculturists and the labor elements, tVhlle La Follette has the greater power In his state, Senator Johnson of: California comes to the bat with thi prestige " of themendous' ma Joijiy In his recent election and Vlth the prestige "that accompanies his try at the nomination two years ago. Borah is acknbwledgedly the keenest debater In the senate and a man of treat Independence of Judgment, courage of conviction and resourceful nees as a leader and aa 'a speaker which will make him a strong con tender for the progressive leader ship. Howell and Norrls of Nebraska are regarded an holding a balance of pow er In the progressive councils be cause of their . known independence and will exert a powerful Influence upon the "progressive bloc" when It gets started. I Man Discovers He Was Flirting With His Wife r - When lr. J. Franklin Monr, Oak land, Oil., (lent tut, Bilvertlxcd as fol lows: "Wanted A companion for Uk end trips; no grafter or cafe fiends need apply," he signed It "W. H. Harris." As "Grace Vance" his cwn wife (above) anmvercd him, and irnv Mm the shock of his llfs In divorce court when she read his mushy love letters. Movie Theater Romance Blasted School Girl Kelurn Home Kx-Convirt HeM $300 Mining. Detroit Jurors Talk Strike. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 14. Circuit court Jurors here are talking of a strike because of lack of work. Owing to a light docket, the Jurors have been placed on a two-itey-a-week basis at (2.50 a day. Borne of the Jurors said a suit might be filed to test the right of the Jurors to work five days a week. Toasted Cheese Sandwiches. Mix together ono cupful of grated American cheese, one teaspoonful each of mixed mustard and Worcestershire sauce, salt and paprika to taste and a tahlenuoonful of tomato catsup. Spread between buttered slices of bread and toast quickly to rich brown on both sides. Parents' Problems How can boys best tje broken of the habit of Jumping tm and off of moving hi reel curs? An explanation of why lie shouldtif usually ansnera with a hoy of brains, 1'ut often experience -ma to be the best teacher. The danger can be 'pointed mit and examples tf acci dent from such eatur brought to the attention f tha bo). lylncoln, Nov. H.--tHpecinl.) Violet Mlz, IS, pretty Lincoln High school girl, went to a picture show. There she met Hert Harris, recently freed from the stale reformatory after serving a term for petit larceny. Violet "fell for" Harris. He told her the only reason be couldn't marry her, it Is alleged, was that he had no money, "Why papa has some out at the house," the girl Is said to have told him. "All right, go get It," his reply in alleged to have been. Violet went home, ffhe retired at 9 Sunday night. Her father placed 1300 beneath his pillow before be retired, Monday morning his daughter and the money both were gone. At 7 Monday evening she returned home without tho money. Hhe said she met Harris Sunday evening, gave him tho money, and he told her to wait for him while he packed his clothes and got a taxlcab. Hhe waited, but he didn't come back. Karly Monday morning she went to the home of a friend for the day and. then went home. Harris Is under arrest in Nebraska City and will "be returned lo Lincoln, Fuel Administrator Seizes Fuel on Estate of Morgan Nowburgh. N. Y., Nov. k Wil liam R. I'erklns, Orange county fuel administrator, began distributing among residents of Highland Falls 353 tons of- soil, wfilch he said was seized on theeatate of J. Plorpont Morgan in that village. Investigation of complaints that only 85 tons of coal had been received In Highland Falls In three months, Mr. Perkins said, dis closed that 488 tons had been deliv ered to the Morgan estate. World War Vet Trampled in Theatre Fire Panic Los Angeles, Nov. M. One man was overcome by smoke and nearly 200 other persons fled in panic when fire broke out late today in the Nov elty motion picture theater here. Mark B. Jencns, 30, a disabled world war veteran, who was gassed over seas, fell In an aisle and scores trampled over him before firemen rescued him. Property loss was small. Western Pacific Rate Cut. San l'Yanc.isco, Nov. H. The West ern Pacific railroad today announced important freight reductiona soon would be made between California points and points In Nevada and Utah. The principal reductions. It was said, would be In class rates and would average 81 i cents per 100 pounds, or about 16 per cent. The reduction to Reno will be about IB cents; to Klko, 3 cents. Today at Luncheon you may deckle to try dUh of "Cold Cutew rhiekrn, beef, ham, tongue, etc The only caponing you really nerd is few drop of LEA&FM1S' SAUCE I TMt OaUHUk WOSKXsTIMeaet Personal Revolt of Mexican Ends in Grant of Amnesty General Who Lead Rebels in Retaliation for Unjaiiiislietl Slaying of Sons Surrenders. Durango, Mexico,, Nov. 14. (leu. toxallo Hernandez, whose statues as a rebel general had more of a parson al than political siirnlllcance, accord ing to Mexican military authorities here, has surrendered and has been granted amnesty' by the federal gov ernment. He has returned to private life at Kant a ltocalln, Chihuahua. Gen. Hernandez revolted with a few followers last spring and later when the late Francisco Murguia entered the field, affiliated with the new lead er of the revolution. Murguia was accompanied by Her nandez lrf-fore Murgula's recent cap ture and execution. Kariy on morning hint spring, two sons of Hernundez were return ing from a dance and were so boister ous that Inhabitants of Santa Itolalla were awakened and complained to the police, according to friends of Her ns ndex. The Hernandez boys objected to In terference in their revels and a fight ensued In which both were killed, their, mother was wounded, the fight being curried to the Hernandez home, it Wus reported. The general complained to Govern or Ignaclo Knrlquez and President Obregon that his family was threat ened with extermination by personal enemies. Tho slayers of his son not being punished, Hernandez, entered the revolutionary lists. His following was never large, but ho was active in many small uprisings. He foiiKht only one battle and I hat was In Coa bulla, when Gen. J, Gonzalo Ettcobar routcj bis band, killing several offi cers and men. The deaths of General Murguia and Juan C'arraaco left Hernandez na the prohablo lender of the rebels in the north. Murguia Is said lo have appointed Hernandes "commander la Chihuahua." Man Who Killed Man With Axe on Trial Atlantic, la., Nov. 14 8petlal.) JoTin Hchaeffer, aged Panama resi dent, who sU-w Matt Herbst, black smith, lust June with an axe, was brought to trial yesterday at Har lan, la. Herbst yua killed when be at tempted to act ss peacemaker at a timu when Kchaeffer was iiuarrellng with some boys, who are said to have whistled at him, Hi hseffer, who was carrying an axe, became angry and struck Herbst In the chest. Ills hrMiathnnn was spill and he died a few minutes later. Prosecutor V. 11, Pycra of Khclny county represents the stute, It Is believed that a Jury will be obtained by Tuesday afternoon. Jude O. 1). Wheeler Is presiding. Cannon-Carrying Airplane Completed hy French Washington, Nov. 14. Completion of a giant cannon-carrying airplane for night bombardment claimed to be the first airplane constructed for artillery material, was reported to the Commerce department today by Vice Consul Harold D. Kinloy at Havre. The machine Is equipped with a 75-mJlllmcter gun, ope of tho 75s of word war. . . Tho plane Is made entirely of metal and is propelled by four motora of 400 horsepower each. Ttii plans call for a speed of ISO kilometers an hour. The machlue J to .he put through a series of tosts by the en gineers of the air ministry. ' Girls of HiIi Srliool Civies CIuhs as Jury Free Man Akron, .. Nov. 14. Sixteen kIH members of a local high school class In civics sat as a Jury today in police court und no(ultted Rudolph Kalian, charged with violation of the state prohibition act, The girls were spec tators In court when tho Kalian case was called. Judge A. F. O'Ncll asked If they would like to net nit Jurors. All were eager to serve. "There Wasn't enough evidence to convict the man," one girl explained sfter the Jury had returned its ver dict.. Judge O'Ncll dismissed Kalian. Omaha Picks Up Chicago Opera Concert ly Rosa Raisa Clear ly Heard liy Radio Fans Mere. The opera season has opened. Al though Omaha ha no warblers and trlllers of lis own- possessors of high powered radio outilts can hear the Chicago grand opera, which begun its season Monday night with "Aldu." Any radio fan possessing a vacuum tube receiving act should bo able to pick lip the Chicago music, accord ing to local dealers. Among the Oma turns who heard the great Rosa Ftnlsa Monday evening were Frank Helby, Ray how, Frnnk Morseman and Gould Diets, "Wo .pal every note of It," declared Mr. Kulby. "It was as clear na if we had lieen In tho opera house. And we could hear waves of applause aft er each song." Mrs. fielby listened with only one receiver, as both made it unpleasantly loud. Mr. Low had the same experience and got the muslo very clearly. "It was fine, I'm' going to listen to Carmen tonight," he said. Mr. Morseman hod some difficulty Road Conditions (FumUbfd by (he Auto lub.) All roadi mra atlll very muddy. Weather nrtoftfid Hmr t till utAtlonn. howpvrr, nnd by Afternoon ron4 should bo In Ainy pans bio condition. m TAILORED with painstaking care from the finest of imported and domestic fabrics Hirshckwire ' VheFineilcf QothesTadytoUaf have the style distinc tion and wearing quali ties that make them,, always, a good invest ment. Suits and Topcoats $50 $60 $65 "Quality Clothes . . . . For Those Who Know" 0 Sixteenth St. at Harney In getting Chicago and only heard the last hour of the pci fornuince. He had trouble between numtwr and found lie had to re adjust bis dials after each chanr of voice or aa the singer mcved about the stag. This' evening Kdlth Mason, soprano, who Is to nppar before the Tuniilay Musical society In Omaha this winter, will sing "I -a Hoheme" for a Chicago audience, and Inci dentally a radio audience. The music Is hrisidcait from KTW station Of the WratlnghoiiH company at 400 meter wave Ifiitth.' Soviet Red Cross Man Killed. Holla, Nov. 14. Delegate Aghcff, a member of the soviet lied Crose dle giitlon, recently Installed here, is dead from wounds received several days ago when he whs shot from ambush. Ills assassination waa at tributed to political adversaries. Third Party Plans Campaign of 1921 Progressive Leaden Hold Con ferenee Herti Candidate for Senator Satisfied. I'rogresslv party leader held a conference yesterday In headquarters, I.yrlo building, to arrange for state wide meeting to prepare for the cam paign of 1924. "W have done what w Intended to do," said llev. J. U. Hcebe, candi date of the party for United States senator at the recent election. "Though I am tie active pastor of u church and kept right on with my preaching throughout the campaign, I f-rl that I rendered the party serv ice by making the race, "We elected the sheriff at riatts mouth and all the county officers ex cept two In Lincoln county. That was pretty good considering we had been organized only a few month, i have no political ambition nowV A rroiresslve KA'onomlo lengue I to be organized to have headiiuarter In the Lyric building and keep track of political and economic movements. Anson H. Illgelow, A. I,. Tldd of riattsmouth, recent candidate for con gress; C. A, McDonald, state prod dent of the Federation of Ijihor; and Hen Italian! were among tin) at the conference. Tu Cere Cold In One Tar. Take t.itlv KUOMx Ql'IMSM The bo i lxar. 111. .iiiitiur r K. W. ilrov. (Re sure ynu -t liUoMD.) inc. Adv. HUG5 (Updik Coal) Is Economical Coal PER TON When You liuy CAKHOX Ll'Ml You f.c a man nt:.ri.a quality rim low cost , W. Can Fill Your Order Promptl. N Waittni $H1 fir 7T ' Buick Light Delivery Open Express Body The Special Delivery for 1 923 A Sturdy Buick Designed for Quick Hauling Anywhere THE powerful Buick Valvoin-Hoad. Four cylinder motor and a rutfjaul chassis are the foun dation of this new delivery model. Kxpert t'liKinciu'inK and the host of materials have pro duced in this vehicle a full powered, economical and well-balanced lijfht commer cial car. Moderate in price, it is hlir in transportation value and will Kve t y p i c a I Huiek Service. VALVE -IN -HE AD fc) ( MOTOW CARS Price of Buick Delivery Complete Opea spree Delivery, aeatplele, fee J9 2 Caaey Tap Delivery, wit fell uMta 1t34 t Will, tra aUe 'iitoaal. silk FeJ SiJe DeUtery, eeraplete sleet ! ... , . Wi Vaauele ! tilt. We M timm k esse! kMk rf.Utetr yeas ! Nebraska Buick Auto Company 4 You Are Welcome to a 10-Day Tube. Simply tend coupon. New Beauty Came A story that millions know Millions of people have gained new beauty through a new teeth cleaning method. You see them everywhere. Their teeth now glisten, and they show them when they smile. If you don't know that method, make this test. Combat the film It is film that makes teeth dingy that viscous film you feel. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. Food stains, etc., discolor it, then it forms cloudy coats. Tartar is based on film. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acids. It holds the acids in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germ breed by millions in it They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Thus most tooth troubles are now traced to film. Under old methods, very few escaped them. Beau tiful teeth were less often seen than today. Old ways failed No ordinary tooth paste effectively combats film. So much film remained to night and day threaten serious damage. But dental science has now found two ways to fight that film. One acts to curdle film, one to remove it, and without any harmful scouring. Able authorities proved these methods effective. Then dentists everywhere began to advise their use. A new-type tooth paste was created, based on modern research. The name is Pepsodent. Thes two great film combatants were embodied in it. Fights acid, too Pepsodent brings other much-desired effects. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is there to neutralize mouth acids, the cause of tooth decay. It multiplies the starch digesUnt in the saliva. That is there to digest starch deposits on teeth before they ferment and form acids. Those are Nature's great tooth-protecting agents. Each use of Pepsodent gives them manifold power. These combined effects mean a new era in dental hygiene. Careful people of some fifty nations now share it, largely by dental advice. You'll bo amazed The effects of Pepsodent are quick and apparent They will amaze and delight you. A short test will convince you that this method is essential, both to you and yours. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence) of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten ss ths film-costs disappear. Then judge by what you see and feeL Cut out the coupon now. 3Mk HaMBaiaMaBaraMrraa t SC.U S. iBrMtaMBaSraararaMrMaMHraW The New-Day Dentifrice A scientific film combatant which whiten, cleans and protects the teeth without the use of harmful grit. 1 0-Day Tube Free est THE PEPSODENT COMPANY. Dapt. A-23S, 1104 S. Wabath Avf, Chicago, Ul. Mail 10-day tube of Pepsodent to Oalr en tube te a family. MOZART CI GAR iMild as a May Morning and as fragrant pp Ju v V MA VV lATvfrJM It is not difficult to produce a cigar which has Havana fragrance and is but moder ately mild. But to produce a agar which has fine Havana fragrance and is truly mild that is a real task. It has been well done in Mozart. An uncommonly mild, fra grant cigar beautifullymade Moaart Cigir U mad by CooaolKUlni Cigar Corporation Naw York mm I Am fir i ral-HrU ft m t- i 2 . If' J fi waa-aMart W ) p f"; that .a a.t rti I . ICS: ! I y icv ! VaaJaaat DEW Lumber and Coal Company LINCOLN h t 4U. r. OMMIA lee II. If. f r... SIOUX CITY i tit, ! ? M.tORUr MAUt CO 0a, T.l ,k. WA Uut 0J0O