The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 15, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    llli: OMAHA DEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1922.
Free State's Foes
Increase Attack
on Government
Krlwl Declare Free Slate Al
ready IVatai Propa
ganda Camjmign Car
rinl on in Dublin.
Dublin, No. li-lHy A, I'.J-Th
nirrent tncfim. of activity ot armed
t'mm ri.i(lhif th Irish a-overiimi-nt
In ttrlliil-'I to reunion of tha po-Iltl'-tU
aii'1 military wing of r'tiub
lirlsm. This, nrri'Tiir other thin, re
fulled in tht rMippolntinrnt of Kumon
U Valm in jr-MlnnC of the Irish
n-puMle with council of tat
claiming ) I'-gttlmate authority In
Thrri la a wM ilver(rnre t;etw-n
tint account publlsh'-d ly the govern
ment of l' ucc(M against the lr
. regular iti1 tin put out hy In-Vul-i's
party. Th government
i -lalms to be winning; and gradually
rmtorlng ordT when Pa Valet ' fol
- lower record er loase they ara
Infllrtlng and aaacrt that tha fre
atata la elreudy beaten.
I'ropagapda War.
ihn. assertions ara made partly
In j;roarsrid aold upon tha street
and partly through large Inscription
I'Slnto'l nightly all over Dublin, tn
lamp V mm, Mil l.oarle and bridge.
Tha civil guard and the nittropoU
tan pollca ce up and down all tha
thoroughfare, but tey m unable
to rhe k tbee manifestation of Ira-1
land' Internal dlasenslon.
Every day jcovarmnant sgent us
itbnut and smeur mlnt s.l4illy titer
ilia Inscriptions, hut tha nest morn
ing they appear gln.
Tha lntninnilli-n of activity hy
lhi Irregular la auppnaad to ba par
tially alrnad at the Hrltlsh political
Tlala with tha design of bringing
borne to tha lirlilsh tha thought that
tha Irish question remain unsettled
rfeaplt th Irenty. Wbn tha net
l;rltlah parllmn-iit assembles and tha
constitution of th fre alula la sub
mitted for ratification It la ntt-lpat4
that tha aj'tivitl'-a of tha Irregular
will h further Intensified.
KepuMlran forte Defeated.
Eseept In tha south, all lrg bol
lea of ruhllijiii force bava been
dlsptrswd In a wholes! jnanner by
national troops, but smell banda ara
all to Inflict constant loas and
humiliation upon tha govarnnrnt by
their activities In Dublin and else
where, llepresmve power haa been
granted to tha govtrmiient by tha
lrlh pur!lnn M(, hut tha republican
hava lever relieved theaa powera
would he fully txerclNed, and ft fur
their orecnatB hiva leen for tht
moat part (iccuiate.
In tho ArKf"tine, tha Klty of Uua-
n'ia Aire hua 125 motion pl'-tur the
a (era.
New Railway Laws
Outlined by Hoover
(Caallaa4 !M tf )
rkultura In an ra ot wlda dlpnrlty tha furniera' lm:me and that
vt induatry, hlla at tha aame tlma
railway anrnlnM are not lar( enough
to aeaura railway expnliin.
"Horn rluaeea and ureaa of tr.iftl''
are rained," tha rirt dacUrea, "at
actual loaa, other are carried at iower
rate than the relative valua of the
commortitlia wiirrant; and a aerie t,f
aclenlf:c upward reailjuatnienta ahould
Imi riimle In auma cuaaa In order to
tflva tha railway" and tha ahlpper of
primary nonimn4ltle and arlcultural
produce aome relief."
Wae control and atr.k prevention
plwixea of th art era conaldered un
aatJafactory by Mr. Iliwvar on the
ground that failure of tha local nd
Juaiment toarrta for direct contnet !
tween employera and employee h
thruat all labor diapute upon tha rail
rod labor board, reaultlnif In prac
tically government fixing of all wage
and condlllou of labor,
"There can t no quaaUoti," tha re
port aaya, "that a'-tlon In aome direc
tion la Imperially if induai ry and com
merce are not to be further l rung led
by a ahortaa of tranvptJiiutlon, What
ever nmy have been th alna of rail
way finance In th laat geiierullon w
are not only aufffrlng from thern but
wa huv maintained an altitude of
bltteinea In our public relutlonahlp t)
our rullway for which w pay thrlv
over In prevention of their proper de
velopment. e tnuet hava lucnau l
tranaportuilon If w aie to maintain
our growing productivity. Wa mut
tharefoi tlitii a way cut of Ilia cyvlv
of U malic atarvatiiin of a laige
pint of nur mileug and th drnud.t
tlon of our railway manager vt their
renpona.tilllty and Itiltl.itive."
O'Connor Valley Itfcovt'ring
From Fall in Crop Prict'n
Among th vlaitor at th atock
yard yeaterday wna John Clhhoii of
th OConnor valley, who wa looking
ove'r th murket.
Mr. tilblMina aii'd lha valley waa re
covering from th full of price fur
product In m:u and 1921 und that
fcinflilt-iic lit future miiikeU on all
crop wua growing.
"Condition In general look much
better thla year than they did lunt
fall In (iraeley county," wild Mr. Gib
bon . "I think there will lx u Uirg
number of bog from thnt aectlon
ahlppad to th local murket In the
very near future."
Omaha Doctors to Speak on
Cancer in Madinon County
Norfolk, Neb,, Nov. U. (Hpeclal.)
i''i,ur Omaha phyali'lana will lecture
In MadUon county during tha proacnt
week under th dunplcca of th local
cancer control campalKn. I,ecture
will bo delivered In Norfolk, Madlaon,
Newman Orova, Meadow flrova, Bat-
tlo tireek and THden, by Doctor C.
I',. Kennedy, Howard Updcgr&ff, C.
Hull and Mag Kmmert.
for Xmas
hcvve brought
hrppinaii to
thousjuidf of
tome with music
II Receive un penenti m our .
Rtcelve th bnflt tl our
junta CItw CmH Coupw
r mm z Our AnnuM
il eranterAtid
Is Worth
to You
Now Is Your Opportunity to Save Honey!
We Have the Musical Instrument at
the Prices and Terms You Want to Pay
We purchased from a well known manufacturer for spot cash, 18 carloads of high-grade pianos and are
the 'efore in position to offer pianos to you at rock bottom prices. You have only to inspect the instru
ments in order to sob that we are giving values which have never been equaled before. Take advantage
of it today. This applies to Grands, Uprights, Player Pianos and Phonographs.
For Music Lovers Who Do Not
Play the Piano
The Schmollcr & Mueller
Player Piano in sold direct
from factory to home and
there is no middleman to
make a profit. Has a
beautiful tone, master
workmanship and will last
for generations. For every
member of the family
whether they p 1 a y the
piano or riot.
Xmas Club Price Only $450.00
$225 Phonograph Value' for $110
rf sin
The SchmoIW L Mueller
Console Model Thonograph,
compare favorably in tone
workmanship and appearance
with instruments selling: for
more than twice the amount
we auk. It is a rare and pleas
ing; value and an instrument
which will always be a de
light to your family and
friend. Come in and have
your favorite piece played
on it.
Only $110 an Unheard-of Value
Only $650
Complete With Bench
Known as the leading Baby
Grand on the market. Will
fit any pace now occupied
by an Upright. Has a tone
beauty and workmanship
equal to much higher priced
Your old piano accepted as
a substantial part payment.
Make your own terms.
Xmas Club Price Only $650.00
Schmoller & Mueller Uprights
Guaranteed for 25 Years $300
This sweet-toned Upright
ia an instrument of real
value. Beautifully finish
ed in American walnut,
mahogany or oak. Has a
perfect sweet tone and is
built to last for genera
tions. To see and hear it i?
to want it. Compare it with
other makes of twice the
price. We save you the
middleman's profit.
The Best in Uprights-Only $300
The Schmoller & Mueller
Xmas Club make possible
your cherished plan of sur
prising your family with a
Grand, Upright, Player or
Phonograph Xmas morning.
BRING ALONG $10.00 and
join our Christmas Club to
day, which entitles you to
th special Club benefits,
such asi Special Cash Pay
ment Coupon, Club benefits
in case of sickness, unem
ployment, etc. No Club dues
or delivery charges, Et
change privileges good for
12 months. Written guran
tee with each instrument.
a A9 s(1l am 4li DftivtMAMi sf M M
rwiiaa viuu vasu t ayiiiciii. vuupuu
This Coupon h Good for One-Half Your First Cash Payment
When properly filled out, signed and presented or mailed with your first payment
on an Upright, I'laytr or Grand, we will iriv you credit for one-hnlf more than
your cah payment, up to $60 on any piano. FOR KXAMI'l.K;
Pay u 110 caih and ihi coupon wa iva yait a receipt for $ 15.00
Pay a $25 ch aaW hl eaupoa wa ia you racaipl far $37.50
Pay us $50 cat aai this coupaa wa ia you a receipt far $75.00
On Phonograph
Pay us $10 k aad th ia coupoa w'a fla yeu a racaipl far $11.50
Pay at $21 caih aatt this wa ia you a receipt far $10.00
Pay us $50 fata sad this caupua we give you a receipt far $82 60
Th a offer Is goiid on both ued and new piana priced at $l0 or niure, and phono-l-r.hi
at l-I.Vwl and up. If yu live imUnln of Omaha, just mark tha targain yon are
intrmint in with an "X" and fall docription and details will be a tit to you,
I'mmt this coupon when making ftrtt pa)mnt, properly filled out and signed by
the purihairr.
Only On Coupon Accepted en a Piano or Phonograph
.City aad Stcta, ,
$5.00 reserves an Instrument for Xmas ilelivery, Kemember that your old Piano will glailly b ac
crptcU as substantial part payment on a new Instrument and terms etendinguver a period of three
jreari will b arranged if you so desire. W hav plenty of used bargains.
Phonographs $12 and Up. Upright Pianos $58 and Up.
Our New
Preliminary to
Luisannc Meet
Solved by Notes
Ciirzoii to Meet Poincare in
Paris MuMolini to Join
Pair Sunday War Dau
ger Le.
I..nilon, Nov. U. (By A. P The
troiihlt-Norne queatlon of how a meet
ing of the ii I Ilea coulJ lie airnnged be
fore Hie Iiuanne peiiee conferenca
for the purpnaa of outlining the allied
proiiium, ns Orrnt Ilrltaln haa liiMlated,
hua heeii aolved as a reault of un eg.
chantre of meHKugea by the chuncallors
at 1'orla, Home ami London.
Neither Premier Poincare of Franca
nor Premier Muaaollnl of Italy can
leave hla cHpltul for a conference elite
where before proceeding- to Lauxanne,
It hua developed, but Ixird Curzon, the
llrltlah aecretury of foreign affulra,
hiia urruiiKed to aee Premier Poincare
In Purls on the wuy to Luunanna,
probably on Thureday, and the con.
vernation will be continued on the
train to Lauaunne. premier Mue
aoiinl will join hia colleugues for a
preiimfnury meeting at Lausunne Bun.
Geneva report (hot th Turks
would refuse to enter tho, Luuianne
piinfrence if the allie made any pre
liminary agreement evoked the state
moot of oftlclol circle here that little
Importance was attached to thla,
Ollldul .iiieaHuge from Conatanti
tiople todoy Indicated the situation
there wn somr-whnt easier.
A new agency dlbpatch from Con-
atitntlnople, dated Monday, ald tho
alllea bad handed Rodoato over to tho
nutlonallNt and thut Adrlanopk- would
tm turned over Sunday,
Party Leaders Shy
at Plan of Wilson
DfmocraM Not Knthuhiastic
Ovr Proposal to Revive
League an Political Issue.
Om.ha ra Iaard wtra.
Washington. Nov. 14 Wfin,ii.,.r
Wllaon'a attemnt to regain Tnr.t,i
of tho democratic party on a league
01 nauomi piatrorm ahowe little pros
pect of aueeefiB.
The ieipoiiae to his Saturday
afieecn na oeen diatinctly unfavor
able. i'Jmocratio aenatora, return
ing to Wfmhlnaton. hled at tlm nv.
getion of reviving- tho league an a
pouucai lHsue and declared that It
wag only a negligible factor In Tues
day' election.
Mr. Wiiaon'a league talk had a dis
concerting effect upon them. They
are anxious to form an alliance with
me radical and progrenslve repub
lican but they realize that the surest
way of keeping the republicans
united la to resurrect the league. The
progreBtilvcii, notably Senator John
Ron, CaliXornla; Senator Borah, Idaho:
I.a Kolletto, Wisconsin, and Norris,
Nebraska, are strongly irreconcilable
nnd would promptly line up with the
regulars if the league became a major
Issue agiJn.
n Chief Addresses
Ex-Soldiers at Kearney
Kearney, Neb., Nov. H. (Special.)
"The foremoHt fight of the Amer
ican Legion today is for proper hos
pitalization and rehabilitation," Is the
gist of la address delivered here Bun
day of Cnl, Alvin Owsley, national
commander of the American Legion,
to the local legion post.
The apeaker said that disarmament
should be discontinued,- until other
countri?g who accepted the Washing
ton conference treaties have shown
a dewlre and readiness to follow them.
He opposed cancellation of the Europ
ean debt, htating that Europe should
Iw as willing to pay the debt as she
was to thoulder It.
Hotel Company Plans Suit
f to Deterjnine Assessment
Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 14. (Spe
ciul Telegram.) Owners of the un
completed North American Hotel
company building ate planning a
"friendly" suit iu court to determine
the proper awiessment for the incom
pleted Improvement on the real estate
during the punt few yeurs, as based
on Hection 5!59 of the state's atatutes.
This assessment in for $100,000, while
tho property has recently sold for less
thnn 170,000 at loth a public and a
pi-Hale Khle.
Eipht-Iiiclt I' "11 of Snow
lilnt-ks Hoatls at Callaway
Cillaway, Neb., Nov, H. (Special.)
The worst snowstorm of the sea-
hi vUited thla community Sunday.
Holds are blockaded and practically
all 1 1 ivel has been stopped. About
eiijlit Oicliea of aiiow haa f tllen.
Ti enliin, Nb , Nov. I L (Hpeelnl.)
Hnow Ml In lliirbH4-k rounty late
Saturday l,;i-bt and Sundiy niornliiK.
A bud iuntliet wind eaiiKid hray
(!)' Cotinty Sunday School
MrH iii( to He Hrl.l at I'illc-y
!-alii-. Set, Nov 1 1 (Hpt 14I I
. l IUn eoun'V Hu'iiUy liool
, ui.ti ei.oi, wi!l l b--fcl Novendr H
and 11 at In!') Ii'V. .1 r'unklin
li.aa i f llraiiii wl'l ilciivrr li r-llll
ninl on Huii-t it. h ,-i'ii.
tj V -f fir , II
Tm ink More Well.
Winston Churchill
Booed Out'of Hall
London, Nov. 14. Winston Church
Ill, who la recovering from an opera
tion fur appendicitis, waa binned und
booed out of a hull last tiltiht when
ha attempted to addrexa a meet lug tit
Dundee from an Invalid cliulr.
Tha disturbances evidently were
systematically arranged by commun
lata, who have considerable strength
at Dundee. Crowda assembled before
the hall and attempted to rush the
doora when they ware opened, but
th intruder war forced luck by
police with drawn clubs.
Mr. Churchill managed to squeeze
In through the buck door, but he hud
no sooner appeared on the platform
than there was a storm of rat call
and hisaea. Then the great crowd took
up the old refrain, "Tell mo the old
storyf effectually preventing the
former minister of the colonic from
making himself heard.
Finally Mr. Churchill was forced to
retire und the agitators left ths
building singing communist songs.
Hut lis In houses In cities of western
Siberia aro rare, public houses bring
Murderer Convict
Expected to Die
Mexiran in I'Ydoral Prison
Huns Amuck, Stabbing Cap
tain ami Six Cuartl.
Leavenworth, Kan., Nov. 14. Jo
Martinet. Mexican murderer convict,
who shortly before noon today fatally
slabbed A. II. Leonard, captain of the
gtutrda at the federal penitentiary here,
was aald to be In it serious condition
In tha hoapltal where he wa taken
after tut hud stnbled Leonard and
Knifed six other guards.
Martinet wua captured by guards
only after he had been shot and after
he had been pelted with coal In the
coal bunker where he hid after th
slabbing. Hospital authorities state
thnt he has a fractured skull, and may
Captain W'uh Fearless.
In the opinion of Warden W. I.
Illildle, tho man fancied he had n
grievance iignlnHt Leonard, f.iHldoned
the knife from n piece of stei I and
used the Improvised weapon at the
llrst opportunity, Leonard was looked
iimiii lit the prison us a feurU-s guard
and It Is said numiiiou tht't to "get
him" were made by prisoner. J I Is
survived by u wife and tluee children,
After prisoners had been taken to
the Imrber shop this morning, on of
them warned W illiam llildge, a guard,
thnt Martinet was carrying a knife.
lHddge demanded the knife. Martinet
reidied bv atabfillui the guard, Joseph
Uurkln, another guard, upprouched
und attempted tn disarm the appal
etitly crazed .Mexican. Martinet
stubbed him.
Malm I.i ft to Itlghl.
Cnptalu Leonard theii rushed In and
tried to obtain the knife, Martinet
stabbed hliu In tha left side, th blada
entering the heart. Captain Leonard
staggered f'-et and fell.
"Ho got me," Leonard said ti a fel
low olllcer.
By thla time other guard hud been-
uttructeil to the scene. Martinet waa
slabbing right und left. He knifed
Guard Martin Lengyel, Gtiorge Lo-
mill. M. V. Duiikel and Jarne l.alvln.
The last two named were only slightly
woundi d. The condition ot jioinga,
Ingyi-I and Durkln, while aerlous, I
not thought to be critical.
riiforo tho world war there were
41 monarch or sovereigns In power.
Today there nre only J7 such ruler.
Cadet Hosiery
for Kiddies
This hose has scientifi
c a 1 1 y strengthened
knees, heels and toe.
They come in heavy, me
dium and light weight
in shades of black,
white and cordovan.
If Cadet hose do not give
satisfaction, send them
back to the manufac
turer and receive a new
pair free. All sizes.
Price, 50c a pair.
Malp Floor
Wednesday the Last Day
of Every Woman's Sale
We have a. most
attractive line of
needle books
priced from $1.00
to $4.00.
Every Hat Must Go
Regardless of Cost
A final clearance of all the remain-
ing hats divided into three groups.
Lyons and Panne silk velvet, , v
satin hats, satin and brocade P c O s
combinations, gold and silver D
turbans, fur trimmed hats
Fine nattern hats, cooies of Pa
risian models and original hats $ C O
ers in a large variety of mid
winter styles, including satin
Trimmed velvet hats, all nj CC
colors in Matteawan velour j
tailored and sports felt hats, L
A Corset You
Can Rest in
Imagine a corset so com
fortable that its firm
support is just the thing
for perfect relaxation
and at the same time,
a corset so trim in line
as to improve your ap-.
pearance a hundred
fold. Let us show you the
Warner's for your fig
ure. Prices are moderate,
and every corset is
$1.50 and Higher
Second Floor
Sorosis Boots
For women who desire boots, we are showing
several smart styles
Boots with military heels and medium narrow
toes, in black and brown colorings. Price $12.00.
Quite the smartest for morning and street wear
are those with low heels and round toes.
Price $12.00.
Main Floor
N b ... 1 1 ih -i
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At a i.
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Miss Vada Masden
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Eczema
" Ecimra Wot eut In sort of
llt o Ih lift o4 my fini.
s. soon iH. v try
l antu Snntn4 tvhed
nj utd diaadtully.
Ma"T Mi la lb oifht
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How I Provide Against Coughs and Colds
hy A motiu:k
Tat wu.ter I iolve, to frt.vl.l in ajvan' for the u-ina'i
ri!.N sm1 cnufh-anj I It. eury aa4 I ha4 aa
d.Ktr fcil!. I ,itfrej rn rfraJ, Ro aimrty; I h.J t !rlilca,
iirrii l iTt! - trhinf n.y rhil-
dien thttititrK the t)ati-roa r
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