HIE OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14.' 1922. THE GUMPS - - 1 Wl Um5 Juy, 0 Slfc f ACT.& VtCHlM tVlaHiNtj A0JHO Some One Wants That Chair, Davenport, picture or other household article which has been standing unused in your attic. Sell, it through a "Household Goods" advertisement in The Omaha Morning Bee The Evening Bee (two insertions for the price of one). Telephone ATlantic 1000 NOW. Births and Deaths. Mirth.'. 0cr Knit Duruth Wright, 1406 Cent.r tr, fill. Witll.m nd Stall Harrington, Ulltt Doulrt turla.nl h atrt.t, girl. Tolll. an4 Ora Sc.rni, Mil loutb Ttitrf r-(hlrl itr.rt, boy. Jim.a an4 Ball Haitian., tIT Soutb rirt.anth airr.t, girl. Jo an1 Tlllla Ka.nlrwakl, J0 South Tw.nljr-fourth ttr.at, boy. Chgrla an4 Alary Jlobart, hoapltal, girl. Henry tnA Clair gkahlll, boapllal, girl. Antno and Vary J.raliln, 2111 Buuib Twelfth 'rt, hoy. Alh.re anil flay McCullough, tbii North dlxtv-fourih tri"t, boy. rrank and Edna mill.. ho.,!t.l. girt. William and Kulh Tipton, (211 Houth Tw.nll.lh atr.et. girl. William and Mildred Oo.rh, 241 T.m. pIMnn ivnut, girl. rr.d and Anna Corning. Bellevua, N.h., girt. Ural ha. Mr. Kmma 7urrhr Mn, . honnltal. Mra. Mary Mi-llahrn, I12 alret. Itrl.lr.t Conv.y, 102, 1207 Houth Klf tl.'h trt. Tlllla It. W.lkup. SO, hoapltat. William Oradv. Infant, hoapltal. Mra. L. II. W.t.h. it, hopltal. Kun Coyla, (4, hoapltal. R. Johnaon, 71. 0t Houth Twenty, fifth avenue. . Mra. Mary McDonald, 11, !52 Jonaa '"'. Amanda J. H.naen, 4. hoapltal. Mr. Moa.ll Char.ck, 42, hoapltal. William J. Hauta, 67. U. F. ahopa, Alma Heatrlra lnn. 26. hoapltal. Han Horanaon. , hoapltal. Klnrd. Duluth. Minn., Nov. 12 'losing faih trlcea flred: November. 22 411.; I)e. "emher. 22 JW hid: May. 12 2m a.ked. DEATH A FUNERAL NOTICES llAl'PTM AN Helen. year old, daugh ter of Mra. Kreada Hauptman, at tha ral d.nre. 4001 8 t. Kh la aurvlved alao by her threa alat.ra. Viola. Kva and Irene, and her thre broibtra. John. Harry and Deorre. I'rlvat faneral aervlc from I.arKtn Hrca. rhapel. Tueaday at 4 p. m. Hurlal Ht. Mary c.metery. CEMETERIES. VISIT FOIIK6T LAWN. Th greenhou.. la again very beautiful. Ordara bain received for chryaanth.muma. wreatha and vergron blanket., wnkh tak tha place of eumm.r flowera and mak. .urroundlnga bright ., "ut,f"' during tha winter month.. ";;";" th cemetery (north of city llmll, nd 72 Brandela Theater Bldt CARD OF THANKS. Wl wlab to extend our glncer gratltud for th klndneea pd th beautiful flow er itendd to u. during th alrkneaa and dath of our dear mother, Mary Kll.n M-Donald. Signed. haa. C. Mc nonald, Claude L. MrDorald. Mr.. Otl. Bigg.. Mra. A, M. Brumback, Mr. J. liali Pullman. t RUR1AL VAULTS. WOODEN boae aoon decay. Bteet oj If0" vaulta will ruat out and coltapa. Th.r tor you ahould Inalat upon your under taker ualng an Automatto Sealing Con crete Burial vault; water-proof and ever, ala.tlng. Manufactured only by th. Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 2t N. 10th St.. Omaha. Inepectlon Invited FLORISTS LEE LARMOfe.ria JOHN HATH. rrnm. JA. ! K HKNOKRHitN. ;r.04 Krnm J A. Ufa FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha'a beat undertaking eatnb!lhmnt j-feRcr A M B U LA N C E ha" . v Thlrty-tnlrd and Farnam TlEAFEY & HEAFEY fndartaker and Finb:mer Phn HA offc 2ll rarnaig; "LARKIN BROTHERS- ri'NF.RAt, riHrrTOI till " 24TH HulsfTtST Riepen, IMneral plrertor. 2SJ4 Cum:ng CROSBY-MOORE .i PERSONALS Vllt A...Arii N Army fada.trial honi -llclt ur ed tlothlng. furaiKi', i'n.a Weenie, t. e die'eibufa l'n J llli ar t ur . will call l all ea t imiki m new ka.ua 1111111-1114 I' -IOC U I'tfK 41, hntii,aa tattla. ird-r aad et-'d tu.tt rajee, al.tkaa w'l n i AT. 'i Ui!.J.' lr....r H4f VH't'i t A'i ! ' ' " a r 4r. ileUreecee .. 11 lil : , iMi't . a . .l rtl.a'e -e It r. Ill I S -Mtl 4 r I N t ait a... l " .e4 b... a.M a4- llAT 4.2 tktt HI. A 4. h.l ! I (., .t ! SI ea.t .4eMk .1 I ..--.a ' an km tu.a .(., . '' l i f i. h n V t.'i t w It 14 N 4 I ' ' 4. I .... s . . pm. -.4 . It v a.ee F II I- tOIT AND rOUND I . a 1 , i . .. t a - -,i U e. . 1 1 , e anete . si -a 1. t a . al - ' e . . e- a e ' r- a - I .... i.a, w a v I -. ! 44 t .e 4 . . . . . . 4 tee Seal.- .e l ta tea. 44 e I ew I tt't t-.i si' a - ill - . l-e ... aj 4 ,a a . it A . .. a ., I t - - - f a -a . - - .1 a eee. .1 .4 . , a i a t -4 4 . a r . -1 a - . .' 9 aa- . i i"1 t I a. ta, wai a 4k,..i4 aa at I KDICATIONAL. I l e -' 4 rW- n t 4 , ' . l t !! e-e - ?".h? IN COLORS SUNDAY tl CUFF ROO.M &V&V "(OV) VoW Mt- WVtN min uh V0H' VMCjVl Boy ix suw.it 'Si 1 !' BEE WANT AD RATES It par lla aacb day, t or t day. II per Una aach day, I to day. 14c per lln each day, I day or longer. Th ahov rate apply elu)vely t Want Ada whit are commonly termed "pobllo want." and do not Include adver tiaeinant of Individual or concern adv.r tlalng or (iploitlng thiir bu.ln.a.a. THE OMAHA BKPi reaarva th right dealxnat wbat constitute a publln want. Want Ad accepted at tb following office ? Main offtc 17th and Far nam flt. Houth Omaha.. !f. W. eor. 24th and N Hia Council Bluff , It Hcott tit. T.l.phon. AT-lantlo 1441 Call for "Want Ad Department. An perlenced "Want" ad taker will rec.lv your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rate quoted abov apply to .Ith.r rli.rg. or caab order. CLOBINO HOUK FOB WANT All Evening Kditlon 11:40 a. ra. Morning F.dltion, , p. m. 4uuday i-Oltloo I p. m. Haiurday, Th. rate apply to Th Sunday Be a wall to Th Morning and Kvnlng Be. All weekday ad verlteemenle appear In botu morning ad vmog edition at the one coat. THE OMAHA WrifiNINri BEE. THK KVEN tJEE EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOIy NIGHT bCHOOL. Complete couree In ftcrountantiy, machine bookkeeping, comptomctry, ahorthaud and typewriting, railroad and wlrelee teleg raphy, civil aervir and all Knglleh and cnnnnerrlal branches. Writ, call or phone Jarkaon 1644 for large Illustrated catalog. Ad Irene HOII.KS tOI.I.f.tJB, Boylea illdg., Omaha, Nb. HKI.I'-.VI ALE 11.201) to 11.600 for gov ernment bookkeeper and ate nogruphei. I'hon AT. 1774 or writ Amerlin Col lege, 1912 Farnam, for fre Information. I'neltlona aer.urcd. n'ANTEU Men, ladlea and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; .trimly modern. Call or whit 1401 uoog Bt. Tri-u t y Harder coneg. r'Olt elior'hand, touitkeeplng, tc, at tend tha American College, 1(12 Farnam. Poaltlon guarant.ed. 1'bon AT. 7774 or write for t-ataloug. VAN KANT HCHOOL OF DL'SINtSS. H. K. Cor. Nineteenth and Douglas, J A. t90. AS'NIE E. GLASGOW, vole and piano, eut Karr.arh ltlk. J A. 101. MALE HELP WANTED. 0 0000 00 0000000000000 00000 O A nationally known manuraciurer o O wanta IS experience blgh claea O O agents immediately. Men and O O women to work Omaha and vl- O 0 clnlty. We have adopted the O O policy of selling directly to the O O ronifumer, which means per- O O manent poattlons for live wire O O agenla who are looking for a 0 O real opportunity for advance- O O ment. Our products are guaran- O O teed household neoeaaltiea ueed O O In all hom every day In th O O year. We hav th most profit- O 0 ablo and best proposition for O O clean cut hustling ag.nta who O O ar desirous of making a reel O O and permanent connection. Wr O O give you peraonal attention and O O train you to aell our lln .no- O O ceeaf'illy, Yuu can begin Imme- O O diately and earn good money O O while learning, with a future O O aecond to none. Peraonal Inter- O O view absolutely necessary. Tall o 0 on ."sles Manager. Flo Voro O O Compsny. 1404 Harney Street. 0 O time ha. Keb. 6 OOOOOOCOOOOOO 00000 0000000 PISTIIICT RKOISTRARS. The largest businfis training Insti tution In the world an Inatltutlon with 27.51(1,1)1)0 In eseeta and 7f..flno active students, which haa added more than lis ooo, onO to the pay checks of Ira students Is organising a new drive In which a few high-class, per manent registrar ar required. THK MF.N WE WANT Must hav th following qualifica tion: (1) Over 34 yeara of age (J4 Strong, clean yrsunallty and superior addr.es ill Liberal education, pr'frab'y along busier lines. Ml Sat.. sperienre, such as M. trig I 4 lfeu.,nce, aecurli'.e or ad-vertl-.bg. d sirabie. , ill rvmrteirat.d earning capacity f at least 4 ttJt a y-ar. M AtHltty to h lt be fneed.h:p ef elud.nie end to a-cu'e he lr-fiu-en e of fcusln' mea end bu.n..e iraeiaU.rs, H as tenir of Ciim u'rc t.J rtutsry data The m- euallfy f e rriee.et at ! aeleit-li's WiU a- t.-t i!u- .ii'e le.r.'.'flel Mln'l W.IH e.i.t ...e '-g ,.-sla f I s .i li . - a f. Tl'iskana F- .lt't4 ft It Cl.nnieet'sm. Be 4k t.t A' Hit. 4. 4fit h'4 S ! . frni a Ai -! I ret ).s at Vlltrl(Pt"t efei.tee aaalet. a I : t,llrea t W ) iifuek lei t t . e-.'V tew 4 e.t iti t t . 4 .a n e . t lie i F-'.el A, I lel I I k t S t e . - l . .aa. .-a a 4 a .a..e geite te . . I1- e a I tit i. e-eitv-. i in 'i a.t a - -I 4 ..'i.. (!. ie I . f A laa If sea net an 4 e-e ee a .aaea, eat- . a e iJ a - a a. a ie. .- 4 te m - e--av4 .e-.ai l-,t:. a... .a . a t i K .4 !-' tab. i" F p..al Hi j4 1 t 14t S - v-a a a4 9 a ' a aa t ttt itUi 4.'. e it- el l leetu I... 4t 4 n ! ae .4 '-a 4 "j'l4'4tl M' 4.'.Vlft4t .II ti l 14 I I. laaaa P (-as. 1 at.---, a w - a i --a . ftllc aiii.,ll a.e--ea 4-- .-e't . .f..l a eca 4 ;.at Vt 11 . ' e ntil- iil - -av - a- - ea. j ta t ! aaeaa . ' !-.".. a . .l. ! . It4 , wa I a-t a -. - )' SIMPLE KNOW TO. NOV) AHO t voits for. Nov.- 11 FEMALE HELP WANTED, (ATA 111, t; white girl, between 20 and ii years; general houaework; family two; good wage. 404 Houth 21th HI., II A. 4il, EX I'EBIK NCkF) whl le girl "for general houaawork. heference reuulr.d. lot N, Sth Ht. Tel. WA. On- HOHlKftf AND VKbKRWEAR.' fteveral mora itet pparlng aalealadiea vantee. bell direct to consumer. Kg elualve territory, W, F. Oaborn, Man ager, Ilartlngton, Keb. LAI'IKH wanted who can do art work apar titn; eipertenc unneceeaary. Call forenoone. Boom 20 Dougla Block, op P'ibM llaydena. WANTKK Lady etud.n'e who dealt to prepare for nfftr poaltluna to enroll In our ahnrt courees in shorthand, typewrit ing, bookkeeping and penman. hip. By our method you will .ucceed. W aecure poel tion. for our graduatea. Call or writ for catalog. DWOItAK Ht'HINEHH COLMX1R, tteo Floor Weed Hldg., 14th and Farnam. WANTKIe 2 enpi-rt operators and nmr cellera at the Wrl:lit-lavld Beauty Fr- lots, 4 and halrd Bklg. WA!TK1 A girl for general housework, no weHhlng. amall family, beat wagi. 121f Woolwnrth Ave. WANTED Competent whit cook, amall family, good wage. Tel. HA. 0062. WANTKD-Haleelady to" call on buainea hongie. Hox W-1,97. Omuha llee. SITUATIONS WANTED. NUIHT watchman de.ire. position: good rf Write iare Ho W-t. Omaha Bee. I'AY work r.r ratereea. WB. r 17 S. OKS, housework or day work. WH. 444. GOOD THINGS.TQ EAT. CAKKS, homemade, delicious, angle food, di-vll food, for your Thanksgiving dinner. AT. 6232. CLOTHING AND FUi 3 FULL DBKRS suit, and Tui.dos for rent M ,11 2. in N. Htb Ktreet. I. Feldman ARMV .hoc. 12 10 7I.J No IttB HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SALE Vo. laotrlo aaher, quartef eawfcd library table, Kdl.on phonograph, fumed oak dining room tabl. 1426 Man derann St. WE. 4746. FOR SALE, cheap: Heal Spanish leather davenport and two chalra; aolld oak library table and eanltary couch. 209 Franklin Ave., Council Bluffa, evening.. EXPERT aewlng machine repairing. MICKELS. ltith and Harney. AT.4S61. BEVELED plate door mirror, 15i6, one sanitary couch, 1. burner gas plate, child' bed, clothe hamper. HA. 0400. Flr7lTURE "AT AUCTION Tonight and Tomorrow Afternoon. DOWIVS AUCTION HOUSE. FOR SALE Cla stove, white doors, white enamel and nickel trimming, high ovon. Walnut 0437. 130. FOR SALE Slng.r sewing machine, 935: heavy oak library table, just th thing for office. 114. We. 6746. NEW COMFORTS, filled with finest cot ton. traveler's samples. WA. 6041. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, good ahape, 210. Midland Suply Co.. 1404 Dodge. Baby cab, fumed oak library table KE 6040 7'OOK STOVE rangeT KK. 5430" FOR SALE JEWELRY. DIAMONDS p.b'pr,,,!,;. to but back at small profit. OROS.-I JEWELRY CO. Omaha. Neb, 401 N. 1 )th St. Telephone J A. n049. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on a new player piano Balance aa low aa 214 per month A.HOSFB Co.. 1412 Douglas. REACT I FUI. baby grand, now In aiorage. A real bargain. Address W-611. Omaha He. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE klNDI.l.NU. .awdoat, pl,iner ahaviuga. tail J A 1744. Bradford-Kennedy Lum ber Co. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ilRin KRY and bakery In th llveet town of 2 4t in Nebraska. Now doing a volum of buetaea worth wbii. Tbta I an up. to-dat plac. doing a retail grocery arsl t.akary bustne and also a who.eeal breed buetaea. Alt .iiuipmenl up te th minute. Must eell and will tell at bargain If laser) t once. Th proposition ran t b Appreciated aithuut seeing it. Addre Y lti. mihi H-e liRIM nd Jaaetiy iof la wes'eia Ne- t.rs.lia, an a and fia'ure Invotc etot l;Ve,. Wilt eeii either, tea ' Ufa l.n. ln.e l ml Factory Iowa. 4,44). td lars ( tmtied lerniory lis draw fi,i; cash bus e.sa T ni .asl -4:4 carry part .,' 'liilx I 'll fm as pelt. Ad- : ).. f t'''a tmiahi le i 4lltJ.tN. MY .11 ell B.ee ' !. tb l.i.aal e. .al.e ai.llhe.ry tU't ta a g't . 1 v. t-wa t I t )' eaiafci .bat i biaiaeeai ileet roteUt. Ill haltk lee 'ea f e ..i eg AJllee l t I 'M D I. t-el M 4 4.Tiinia a, ti- It) rm- if 4 t e'.fre,e J .k i Timi tit Fast see. int. i"i v I IN ) a V,e l-t a, .,. e4 '. 1.4. ". a t - I s i. II. 4k.-4, 6.iw . a Ik a a . H III.. I. I. a a,- t.i- .. .4 .a I ae a t 1 i l u 1' t I t .ee. t t I D a . a a aa l.il I a, I a ,.v tt-aar I .in. a 4 lla 1-4 STORK A OFUCK LQUIPMCNr w4aiaw -''J " Use.., a niis'iiisi t A'l 4a 4-dtt -el !I O 1 tae4 get tatl ial - a.- d) 44 4. lee a .a aeV 'let a.t . a O ,A W4e . Sat . aaa-aia A .4 -'aa4 s ftv-mi tirwrea y $ 4 l I r a o i,6. 54 fll ft 4.- .. i . a i . ... . ..... ... . a. a - a- -4 I... al I ...a al at a . t - a mat uta tktu a M tv, M I e. a -I a I . ' 4 t 4. 4, . sale aa e) . e -- t 4?a A b.f a 4 . a ...... I 4 i a t a 4 a e aa i a . . . tl ANDREW! AMD V4l (kW- COM I VH.M"t I M VAki WtlaVVN MOVX MllllNtf I N MI& tSf A. 6RtKT laNf, WIS CWttKi .CflWuBYiSMiM. f f a aaa . . . IV XI i FAtt. Ut rtCHVI I "-pa. WANT TO BUY CALL AT 7494 firat. Oat highlit price for furniture, rug., atnv, and offle fur nittir. National Furniture Co., 204 N. Ifcth DKHKB. L KS Kb. DESKS' New desk., oa.d desk bought, oil snd traded J C. Heed, 1107 Farnam, AT. 4144. WK buy baled waate pap.r, old newspaper and magazine, t all or writ Om.be Fa par Stock Co., lsth and Marcy sts. POULTRY AND PET STOCK VKIIY choir S. C. Willi I.eshorn cockerels, 21. IS ( h. C. M. Aldcoek, Alneworth, Neb WYANDOTTE" pullet, now laying. KB, O.'mt. ROOMS FOR RENT. OUT AN OMAHA BKE ROOM DIRKCTOKY If you ar unabl to find Hated below tb room you deslr In the location you want, The Omaha Hi maintains a department, to aupply you with a room. Call at our "Want" Ad counter for Room Directory. New lint leaned every week for the bene fit of our reader, and advertlaera HAVENS hotel Is open) in room, alao light Housekeeping: steam beat' and hot running water all hour, Ratea 43o and up by day; 12.00 and up per week. PARK Ave., H31Nli eljT f urniehed-front room, homo, privilege, refined family, house strictly modern with aplendld heat. HA. 7620. HOTKI, HANFoRD ltth and Farnam. HOTF.L HKNBHAW 14th and Fsrnam. Hpeclnl rate to permanent guests. MCaU.Y furnished rooms, prlvste bath, reasonable, day. week or month, c.ntral location. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. CALL AT. 4161 At 2007 St. Mary Av., for sleeping room or housekeeping apt.; heat guaranteed. TH ST. NEAR FARNAM. Comfortable, convenient room, near bath and phon. Gentleman. HA. 4644. CLAREMONT HOTELTTTth near Jackson. Inqur for transient and permanent ratea, THIRTY -THIRD St., 20 No Large, well furnlahed room In private modern home. PARK AVE., 609 Furnlnhed room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private family, ref. I1INNEY ST., 2114 Two nicely furnished room, with or without board. ST. MARYS AVE., 2463 Modern large room In private family; 46,60 per week. MARCY ST., 2667 Nice clean room, ateam heat, walking djatanc; AT.jOOlf. HOWARD, 2710 Ideal rooms: mod. borne. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. GET AN OMAHA BEB ROOM DIRECTORY If you are unable to find listed below the room you deslr. In the location you want, Tb Omaha Be maintain a department to aupply you with a room. Call at our "Want" Ad counter for Room Directory. New Hat leaned every week for the benefit of our reader and advertisers. CASS ST., 1417 Two large outside rooms, acrOH from achool. No objection, to chil dren. FIFTEENTH ST.. 2601 N Three nice rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Heat, electricity and gas furnlnhed. WB. 2491. Davenport St., 2618 l rooms, electric llghta. telephone furnished: ateam heat. KITCHEN dining room and living room. 22d and O Sta. Phone Market 4644. ROOM and kitchenette for 2 or mora girls, walking distance, JA. 0612. MODERN nicely furnished large room and kitchenette. Ji;ol Capitol. Ha. 7112. BOARD AND ROOM. FINE room and hoard, close In; ateam hi at with bath, 19 week; alao board and bed. 27. JA. 3096. LARUE attractive room for 2 with board, home privllegea. Hanscom Park. HA. 2164. MASON ST., 2664; dealrabl" will heated rmwithboatd; home prlv. gent AT. 2664 WARM, clean room, g-ioii board, home prlv,. very rea. 641 S. 24th. Ja. 2459. MIAMllr.. 2i:t Bd. and" Rm; WE.2U24. HOUSES FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM hotta. modern eicept heat, good condition, IJO lilt lake St. Five-room huae, 3 acres, barn. chclten house. 1)4. 7?nd and Bedford Av. HIRE I.TT j CO. 3Srelers Trust Hid JA J1 ELF'tANf lu-room house, located at 23rd and llarrey; be two eeparate entrance, and ran be used for two families. J0. Telephone HA 2114 Hoi its fr rent, partly modeta. with ga rage. I0 IM XI. FIVE Room houaa ur rent at l:.'IM.iui l.'ih at AT 7aT Partly molera V ilutltl upelalr iHllit"eBid. M.iJ.ra eacepl kei. a;., ehlldrea H'a 44!t tIS's: lue.le booee, dclil garege, 2 enuiilh. tr Itii.ra V4 A, Aa T 2. 14aa I K I II k ST .'.. iMiit. m ..l- " ..u.' d utle rea 11 1 I . e'-r at , 4 r-era m ,d-ia k w.a. d tila .iaa i II . I a a ream koua, luauir I4I A ltth ateeel. 6 Iti'iiU . th d.i ii k W; 4!. t tea w tb e.ra.a WA 4111 URNI$HED HOUSES. j IMS N 4. 1 It ?... ... .a a. i4.a ! n.f . f f-.t , .es-4 .aMft t.. e 1 il ia ar la.i " APARTMENTS FOK KENT. tuin tt.t r ti invt ail t 4t'4 4 Still ' I Y 44 ( 4 I, 'ia H I I .1 I a I. .'.i. t.S b-4 , lea,1. a... Ida, 111 t. Ill a l It .l I a - Ht a. . I - t a A.t a -'ll'a le la.aaa.l tl I . ea-.ia ianjt iii.t.i it s . . )., isl l.l'ii i e , ; . I, 1 M t'l. l !m a. .! ,4,.. I I . a a I a. a . b a. a a . - -a a". I 1 ' . 1 11 e.aa 1 t .. - a S .., a ... -I aa a. : 1 , 1 t , ei 1 . . 1 1 t .. . 1 1 .... 4 1 v. . 1 a i... 4 .. 1 4 a. t t a 4 ..a 1H I I a , . .. , ,l Drawn for The r NvJVM ON SUPPOSt Nov oir vmjs mvl APARTMENTS FOR RENT. omaha "Car li'E s r "he n t a l a ii e n c y Tbirty-four anarlment buildings. 111 apartment, reinforced concrete, abso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bedroom apartment. Call u. and w will tab you out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, fireproof Apartments. J A. 1104. AT. 1701 Corner 17th and Howard Streeta, oooo 666 6"6o66 6b 66 6 6'6 oo 6 66 o O APARTMENT, I rooms and bath, O O with 6-rocm accoiu modal loti. L'n- 6 O dins, 22 Dewey Ave. O O TliAVER Hit' 'S., Inc. O O AT. C144, 419 1st Nat. Ilk. Bldg. O O000 0010 0 00 OOOO O0O0 OOOOO Til i N. 2311 "s'l 6-room7 all-inodrnflal", rent 3J per month. B, ! AUSTIN. Atlantlo 0766 1206 1st Nat. Bk. Illdg. AI'AUTM ENTS AND FLATS 122 "to IIOO". W. 1. PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE Management. AT. 49110. Knelln Bldg. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. ELSINOItE APARTMENTS, 414 North 29th Street. On block to Farnam cur; eaat front; pretty location; ateam heat, llghta and water furnished. Adult only. Apt. 1 First 4 out, 2 large rooma, large closet, kltchelH't, private bath, polished floors, 476. ' Apt. 6 Sam as apartment 1 except on second floor and nicely furnished. 176. Apt, 7. Second floor: one large room, private bstb, kltchenet, cosily furnished, 140. Telephone HA. 2114. OOOO 00 0000 000000000 000 OOO O O O MORRIS APARTMENT HOTKI, O O 14TH AND DODO 13 STREETS. O O 0 O Apartments consist of living room, O O dressing room, 'kitchenette snd O O l.ath. Weekly rental, Including O O heat, light, kus. phone and maid O O aervlce. Either weekly or perma- O O nctit gueats. Phon AT. 2210. O O O OOOOOO0000O0OO OOOO 0000000 2-ROoM furnished apt. Steam Ileal. Strictly modern. Apply Palac ' block, 220"4 N. 23d. HUNTER INN AT. H960. 2406 DodKe. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT STOREROOM, 22x41, all modern. 202 So. 13th St., rent 1100. B1RKF.TT aV CO. 350 Peters Tru.t Bldg. J A. 0631. STORES FOR RENT MODERN atore room at 904 N. 40tb St for rent reasonable. Apply F. J. De Temple. Omaha J4e. AT 1004. FIRST NATIONAL HANK BLDG. Desir able office. Apply room 400, kIghkIVH 8T 2oT8. One-haft space. Vafuette Sale Co. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVINfi PACKINO STORAGE SHIPPING. Hnuaehold Uonda and Piano. Roductd rate tbla week to LOS ANOELES.e SAN DIEOO. 1107-11 Howard. J A. 0211. ESTIMATE furn. on packing, hot. and atorlng. Contracta taken by Job or hour. Glob Van A Storagv Co.. JA. 4334, At 0230. Grossman A Son, ownero BEKINS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sta., Packing, mov ing, atorage, ahlppiog. After Nov. 4. phone J A. 411,3 Moving Packing Storage Oordon Fireproof Warehouse 42 Van Co. 219 N. 11th St. Phone JA. 3032. CHATTEL LOANS DO TOU NEED A LITTLE READY CASH 7 2060 100 200 600 DOLLARS or any other amount loaned at less tlitn legal ratea. No red tape, no publicity, easy pay ments, confidential. Thirty y.ra In bual ness. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 604 Karhscb Hlk. Tel, Ja. 1211. Southwest Cor. 16th and Doug. Sis COX Co.; loana, 15 and up 00 wage, car and furniture; confident!; 26 yrs. eatab nil World-Herald Bid J A 2244. E0?3-??' MORTGAGES JtHiriKrtge tr ranh? If i-j, K- C. llormrk A Ca.. K!rt Nt'l Hk. UK! g. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have taah oa hand 10 loan on Omaba reaidenccv , C II I.OUHEE. INC., Jtl Keellne Hi.tg H44AIIA Unstk. KA.sr St II FARMS uKICHt HKAL tHTAlE CO. 114 i.nt Nst t Hid JA t"ll Farm Loans r-atn western trmi. ten.. n Kick Invea.ment ('a. til lira, Nell I' a 4tut lo Ivab. made promntiy. F r WeiAD l4 l M. HiJVlAN II I t k, ,11 W eed ttldg AT eltl (liner n .nsaaa loan ti.a.le pr.-m pur a jlimaha t.'al Calais ea.l.a A la. Real 1 lore J t.ti 1,1 k.-. i.ia Hid ! "nW RATE MuNEY, I -i deta lo " I- r W T tlKAttAM. N F4.14.ua tS Hl.ll I n Alxll I I eac .-.ea 4 v vl seal M a ,ilifn t,ki.. tat ) !' itarri t T IM4 1AKVIS Ihi.- alt ,'iao. Na U 1 1. M nif i-H"t-ri sn iri.Af I II all Hi M. at 4 I I tilt r 1 hl.M.. 1,1 , ,,, n.ii !,., Hi. 4VUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS I " t 1 until ri 4 him. ! i. i . i el . si li.f. I 1 I'lHI . ... I Ici'.t 11 a 11a he.i.. 1,1 .e j a it e v it. 1 1 a, Haii-M a ,. 1 . .1 h a ! a 1 au.ba Sag t.K'.K .4 nil aVfh. rating uv:;:,vl-... ,-! I 1 v a a a - ) I a I 4 la i iim. i a i iiigi 1 lr. t.ruur le. it t t . r i..t a a 1I4M lit. 41 tl'iaill a a t .la... I It ' a. . I a M l t . a . t . a , -ill sa I l ' a . -a I . . t 1 a II a ta' I f . a ! ..,' .... a , ..... a it M j I'tallal. it s - tl a a ... .a 4 II I.I a a a. - h. I, 1 ... I -j 144 I 4 a ax 1 ii 1 1I1 I I . 1. . 1 a 1 4 t ' at. 1 eat it 1 Omaha Dee by Sidney Smith tCoa.rtfbl mi) I viX AlVw-tNS CP 1Vt COU-AOM 1M .V ttrVM. ANt OOOO. VUC0MCV4P BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. " DRFHNMAKINIl." DR fcbrt.W Ki., alterations, WA. 2440 rea. i by day. DREMSMAK1NU and plain. wlDg rea W B. 4966. FURS, suits, remodeled, relln.d. II A. i'ioT Fl ttltlF.KS. L' TTtlJ R.motl.led, rellned, cleaned A U JVU Latest model Berk llerknwlla Fur 'o., 2114 .eaveiiworlb St. HA. 2762. li1 1 IT?! repaired. emodeld, lowet prlc aV UiVO Ooldstejn Fur t o . 1620 Douglas MATTRESSES. OMAHA PILLOW CO Fthr. M novated and mad up m new ftbr- proof tlckli.g ll)07Cumjr,g. J A. 2447. KODAK ilNteilllNti. FILMS DEVEIyOPKD FREE. Tha Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. MATTRKSSK1. "FEAT It Ell" 41 A T T It ESS ANl) PILLOW Co 1412 Lake afreet. Call JB'ii?: i'M9'HimNM. r 0000000006060666600000000 o o o o o o o o o Or. M. Mcpropian Specialist of 0 Rheitinatism. Kidney and o ttenltu-L'rltiary Diaeaac. 0 office! 0 415 Bnindrls Theater Hldg. 0 Telephone: Atluntln 12. 0 Otiintiu, ceoriieea. , v roNSULTATlON FREE. O o o o o 0 o 0 o o o 0 o o o o o ooj215002 I'HINTIMO. EDDY Printing" Co2I2 S. 1 St. J A. 6064. iA'f FNT AnoK.NEi. J. W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 409. Aiao Washington, u. I help Inventor aell their ptenta. MIX EI.I.ANEOI S ASNOI Nl F.MEIH. ' ... liAHAOr.S bunt, any ty a d .1., v Concrete work. mcsnn wmw at Wrecking Co Tel WE. 4444 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Shenaan McConnell Drug Store. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 0000000000000000000000000 MOTOR TRUCKS. Ford 1-ton, cord tire, covered body, 4)90. Republic 1-ton. expreus body, 4326. International speed truck, cord tires, 2J00. a. International 114-ton. allghtly used, closed cab, pneumatlo tlrea, stock body. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF AMERICA, ' 714-14 S. 10th St. 0 000 00000000 00 000 0 00 00000 " FORDS-DROP AGAIN. WE TAKE OUR LOSS WITH A SMILE. Our complete lln of Re-Nowd Fords will be reduced to meet th reduction on th new Forda. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. SO HURRY. YOUR OWN TERMS. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO, Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealer. 16th and Jaoksnn. At. 7711 000000 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOO 000' Hudson Speedster This 4 pa.henuer speedster haa been nmd Jest enough to wotk the beArint.' In good, Six tires; m.nv ettras su h aa side letups, shield witiss. bumper nickled rsdiator shu'tcis, etc. This is our popular suort imiilel and :a it eacet.llonally giiM.t on- Tii. prue I. dt.-oun'ed to II. ie o for a qui. u aale. S- this car to, lav end tak a gO'.d long d.llt.e.al i 'tl. Ii lo l v L Smith OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00 0000 0 000000 0000 00 00 0 0000000000 I V I (!urs Motley K. k gusrante gaea with ex. t on. 1 ate Me lc!s Opened and Clc.ed. I a. 'I tu,- Vi me, e l haiga. A he! l'n.. a luy l's.. Willvb-Ovrrbntl, Iiu : ' ! Feru.m t -.i it,.. a 4.e.,l'.a i.i-s ant (0.00i:"1ogglfCO5J000a5C-,t o Palis! CtHlpC ll ttir le taiv ... . I Fat I rat- o O e . -e i. .j. . t. a Is I-.. alt.. 1 f .(..- a at ll ..! f.Miak.4 0 0 tHf .it a'ld eel bit . -I tia 0 tt . 'ai,vi... kWii1 ih'i 1 1 4 I . A t.a-ie l .1 i. a la 0 I 3 ;.:,.Vr e.''-" '.' " ' ' fill Cnv I aiiiil!i 0 I . 4 ...4 .. 4 a -I tl ''0.1 Le t.!',! Cll I 0 .I'd c) .1 h i.i .a' f... I lt e 9 .' I l l.e ea-l at.ei.e l-ie. n I ta j H .y At f 1 salt t i. I llt (lit ' l at 4 ll'it'il I ... I 9 I, teea-et t .'. .a- a .4 a - I t i t . . e . 1 ii .teet C- Y Mia ia.a.1 a i, I , ..I .. ii . tt a I'll I'-.'fM l,rw.i!.t Titurinj A 41 I Kit 4 a a 4 M t . 4 I . I 4 t a . a .r U "II (Itiintt a. a i . a 1 it (v !! I . , I l . te art .1 14 4' 41 r 4 t'a.i .-t t.t St .. ' 11 Hit r s St., t.i .1 k. - AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 'I'HKirCAHS. O. N Hunner Motor Co, . 144 Faraen. KEWAND (rSKI"TISFai, 7i ANlTllF II. at II TIHR AND AUTO CO. 4t Fsrnam St t4,t404. IiiiUY. fender repair. iTls Harney JA. 21.4 AL'TO PAINTINli AMI PKCORATIN1. JA. 4741 llul South llth St. I'rrVr rnr thet ran be uaad NF Hit ASK A HLIlHUullII M CO, Howard at 14th AT. 17t. f Cmift. SERVICE FIRST! Atlsntln ltt ONE in ITi nr IIAKI'll with Big 4 mo. tor, Ills; bargain; rune Ilk Raw, Call ii a mo 4nl Hi,l: l llKAl'-FilMi CI'K. 1114 IN FX. SIIAI'K ALL NI1W TIRES I'HONK J A. 424? SKVhN-lASSFNtlFH limousine body for t'sitlllac, lino Wiuild trade Call Ha. 144. 'INK !.' I Bulck, overhauled and painted. II A. 1144 t'Nrf lll" Naah.dllve"n only 4 0lTillea! I'an'l tell It from a hew car. II A. 4744. TCP, celluloid and gtssid "curtain7 oulck aervlc I'FFIFFEIt'B ll'il.l.V. eiperl ul IrliiimerTiis-S24lb NEBRASKA LANDS WAST to hear from owners of NebraeW ran. he abu wish 10 en-hang for other property. M. A. L.rsoo Company, C.ntral Cltv. Neb e WYOMING LANDS. F"R HAI.U 4.4 acres Wtoniing land, ea lellent oil poaalblltllea cheap for rash end quick deal. Adilreaa Y-.U47, Omaha Hue. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Charles W. Young & Son Reel Fatal, Rentals, Insurance 102 City Nat. Hk AT 44. Ti 111111 "l m "ii i Tit h ' " or" i 1 uiiV sites. J. L. iliult Company 1251 First Nst, Hank Bldg. AT. 4444. To Hmv rr Mel (irnahs (teal Eslale Se FOWLER & M'DONALD Mmhri Muinpl I.ltttm Vt Httori, Lt vour hom Buy jronr tinmi, BINDER & OTIS, ftasl Fatal t.oana. Rental. JA. 1641. "Tulcey Sold It" A. V Tt'KFY SON. Retnre J A. 4121, JrViNTED REAL ESTATE. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors tot reier trust mag, ja tstT. nPTTP.MTr:'i'x t u- "h u for (tulck resulta 1411 Flr.t Nefl Bank Btdg. J A. 1IM. Ill fVf I'TT "real f.statf. 1)1 lr Li 11 Sella. Rents, Insure. ir.O PeterarujiJBJdgJAilJI GOOD LISTINGS t'-OMB TO V. WE SELL -THEM IIOMIO FEALTY CO. AT. till. LIST your home for anle with us. W hive th customers, rail. i.a.ao.- MENT 0,. Realtor. WORLDlteallyt'o,, Realtors. ATI442. "iTi sfi.l see Olover Morell. AT 24.4. WnlaTdC Ta biiug hR 1 1 of. 5 A. ill I S F"boSTWI'K. real estate. AT. 1604, Western Ileal F.atat Co. J A. '441 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 3 BRAND new duplex., northeast rornr of ii.'.th snd Dewey Ave. On aid of ach b.ilidlnar ia baaed for 176 per month. let on aid" help py for your horn. Prlc l 3 .sou for each building. Ma, p..) or 11 a, SI96, GREAT BARGAIN. 46 feet near P. O., 17.600; 4. room home J A. 0327. ALFRED THOMAS A Son Co., Ballor. SALE OR EXCHANGE. GOOD l0-cr farm, beat of Improva menls neae town snd school. In non hesst 'J k-; .. fatnb ... .antril tn e fc h SO- - i "-.- V:i,7.,"oV.ha Be. IMPROVED 220-acrea, stock aad machin ery Included, IJS per acr. Part trad. Write A. Iwan, Stamford, 8.. D. riot it) natent on a farm Implement for sal or trad. Writ to Bo W-641, Oma ha Bee. ACREAGE FOR SALE 0000000000000000000000000 o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o 0' o o o o o o o Dodge Street Country Home 4 acre. 3 mllea we.t of Falracre, north side, nice grove, modern 1 siory bungalow with large room, fireplace, furnace; 2 wella, garage, large barn, chicken house. A fine show place. Improvement coat 112.600. Price 1666 an acre. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors ll)l Omaha National Bank Bldg. JA. 2716. 0000 0 00 0 0 0000 OOC'0000 00000 One Arre, $1,600 On of th finest scr tract In Benson, few blocks to car line. High and sightly location. South arid east front. Can be cut up Into 6 nice lota. Priced low et 41,600 for oulck sal. A real buy. Sun day call KB 4176. 0. T. Hamer, 1604 Farnam St AT. 1149. VACANT PROPERTY LOT. aouth front, high and sightly, two blocka to car. 49th and Corby. Make offer. WA. 6472. 46x17(1 ON Sherman Avenue, near Corby, has two frontagee. price 14 600. JA. 1294 ABOUT half price for a wonderful home building alt. (n Cedar Note. WE. 4147 LOTS SO ELM WOOD PARK. JA. 4142. J I 4 11 III I I I I I I i : III H I ; HALTED UNION PACIFIC .: RAILROAD CO. First class, all-around railroad j a machinists and boilermakert. J Apply Room 605, Union Ta- ! " tific HeadtjuarttTi. ', 4 I I I t I 11444444444144444 tl" WANTED Dy M. K. & T. Ry. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS a'rta TrAP.4!HirtaUn I i,i. 1, a ArPl7 J M.tl.r Me.heaie. Pertaa, I p"iM,a Te. I V. .UU',,"a1,';, IUUl I Cailieta. Oawaka, Nb. The C. P. A Q R. It. Kaa Itia.i f rarhBt areenitnt ,tfe l ll4.t, ernnltt). H ta- (n.t (jf a l.m,t4 (umli f MtaHinUti tlailarmaktrt BUcktmilKl Tin SmilK A"4elt 1 IUet Riiliia a. faeib a1 taiaeea VACANT PROPERTY. .1 wi.i.' v I... s,,. i ,1 .... (..,e. Ml - V far. panii uin'iie , e n-r eenhla offer, 0 A Orlmmel J AJ4ll. alDliKUN Iota, paved St , aear car end chnal, cheap. I'hon AT. 4044 or MA. 41Q4 evening. WILL aulia to eur orr e.r w.. ful lot In rdgewood. rery ee.y Uiaa, AT-lantlii 114 CENTRAL PROPERTY I.RilliM modern. 114 Mouth ltth SL In. coma and Investment, 7,4ft. T.ima. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. R. R. Man Trnfcrred Prairie r.rk Putrid lla rooms and bath strict!, modern, choice corner lot, all paving laid, tchfle for 14,741). Terms. O-liiirne Really Co., (I Peter Trust Hldg. JA. 1241. OnKoi)f Hunealow 4 room, on on floor, Hied bth, all oak and so. incl finish. In fin repair, now vacant, garage, on block from Millar Park. Pru only Ii 4i0; real easy terms. Rasp liros., R.sltors. AT, 47 Jl. Ileal Mimic Luna Himpalow Hrsnd New Five rooms, breskfaet nook fireplace, .stage, 43 H, lot. Plenty lum ber, plenty Hal's and labor. Priced I. ell en JA. 9261. Ev.uiliga, II A. !-! orIIAti4Jj. "Volt ivh.okkTi 1629 Parker. Sl roume snd hath; bi yard, bnrn, 16011 rash, 10 per non III Call owner, ,tll SeVen-Rootn Mudeln Oak Finish. Oaras. coiner lot. elo. in; want offer, r.ll Owner AT 4HI nr HA. ITI4. Rapri.ro8., Bungalows ArbiPIt right. T' 'i"' 1717 DFf ATt'R I.Km , Mod " E,""hari I Iota: IIOO cash t-.lanr monthly. Cielgb. 104 Re JA. I4 NEW 4-room colonial, all modern, up tt list. NDRniS NOjtRIS. .IA. 4271 It F. lll'i'k A CO "hur and sell home SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. 0000 000 00 000 0000 00000 OOOO C o c o 0 o a o o o o o rRicrri TO SELL 1740 CASH All modern home of I room nd fin eleeplrig porch. Cemented baaem.nt with attain heating plant. Paved tret. Call ua to. day. PATNE AV CARNABT CO. Tour Resltera." Ill Om. Nat. Ilk. Bldg. JA. 1414. o oooo oooo oooooeoooooooo ooo COLORED 4 room. 6214 South 40th S. 69 cash. Ml. mo. E. M. Davl, till Grant St. WE. 2424. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Montclair, $9,500 Attractive 4-room. two-atnry, 1I modern kellaaton construction; osk and whit enamel finish; fire place. Deairahle corner lot, one car garage. About 1. 600 cash. Glover & Spain, Realtors JA 2460; lt-J4CltyNaMonal. BUY from owner, 7-room all modern brick veneer h Quae. Price 14 600 Call HA. t 6 4. New lloinea -vcur Terms. AT. 4414. Grove-Hibbard Co. BENSON PROPERTY MAKE ME AN OFFER. 1611 No. 40th Bt. A l-room, trletly mod era atucco bungalow; paved tret: t l.ara old; In excellent shap. AT. 1412 daya, E. R. Cars. DUNDEE PROPERTY $8,500, TERMS S-rma., mod., 2-sty. frame Dundee home, 1-cer gar., oak trim., bullt-ln features. Located near car and atpres and In an excellent condition. BELMAN .ut 722 Peters Trust Bldg, HAPPY Hollow Blvd., ill North Brand new and never occupied, nine-room and I bathroom, hot water heat. Phon HA. 0927. Dundee Homes, Lots GEORGE eV CO.. Realtor. AT. 2024. FOR Dunde property see E. H. Benni Co . 404 Keellne Bldg. r.ll us. JA. i4. FLORENCE PROPERTY Home Agent !;, . Kf;Hf.7,AT- RALSTON PROPERTY. DANDY 4-room home for 11,100, easy terms, partly modern, full let. Phoni Stewart-Ralaton lft.W. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY "wTBuiTd to Please"-" Temple McFayden Co.. 1101 Farnam It. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. Realtor. WANTED BY THE Wabash Railway Co. Skillet mechanict for th rail way (hop on thoir ytem. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS and other killd crafts. Fro lranportation, ample pro tectioa and permanent poeilions. Wage and working condi tion! prescribed by tha U. S. Railroad Labor Board. APPLY 190S HARNEY ST. Omaha, Neb. tin in 4 it i in 1111 1 14.1 j at Firosco i yir.es j vnt I Machiniiti, : 75c per hour Boilermakerii 75c per hour Z Blackimithi, 75c per hour : For Fprinifi!J, Mo., ni I Hhcr puinti on Frisco , Unes. rrt.in4nt employment ; Titiveljf farntefl to (host vtro can qualify. I .rrtfmtnt th fitW J tmploycfe now in f f rtrt J covtnnff 4trkipf eoPtlU Room 11 f, 1111 CtrlUn, I Hat van Harney 4 HtawartJ fi If iW St, I 4 t. ' I ' a I a. 4 be at tt tf ll Ul II aiabet ill t 14 49 in Ml t a 4 I t a aa a a,. et 4t4 alieeie, IsajtaW. hek. .. 4 tm tlte v ' t U 4 4. 1 4V Ifk . 4- . . 1 . . - a a a . a-. t a , , ., t JOl t'.ttl t a . a a . -u. a...i.aairaa at lft I 4- I4 1 1 1 --. 44tt44444444444e4W t ) t - t I , . ... . t . a 4 1 l-iill raaaaj t