1 TUB KUNIJAV HKKi OMAHA, NOVKMKKIt 12, 11)22, 27 JU'e 3Tm Mean Something II WIlllBllfll 11,11 I'M T.l nl wauled to heaf Mm led lire, Mb would com would hnr Itcnnctt lull lli epochal Ha iif hi cm eor, ml would uomlude HimI, Willi ( lito'M miiii'lloii, he m hoaxing Ilia nudlenc for Mm own amu- lIMll, Ami how could Iim explnln? Could lin any that Archie waa mlenlng? Poor (ll A rclilx tt good writer, devil nt a fin follow poor old Archie, angulahed I,y Mi recent ex perience With Ilia club women of Alain afreet, might tia ohecrvlhg American life l,y making a teat of tint working of Ilia Ixth amend mentpurely Xpt literary purme, of coiima. ' How could penned tell I loin Ihiit Archie wa iiillng, without be littling Archie? Ami apart from t but, llcnnctt wua determined tu let no mil', not even Kolit, know of Archie' temporary dlMupiM-nrunc, eet word mieh tho headtuurtra of tlm lecture bureau. "It will I li1 enough for her to know tlmt It lan'l ArrM whoa glv I on tlm lecture," Henm-lt told hlin aelf guvngeiy, "I'll try to get hur to keep that to horenlf. Thank heaven, eh 'a coming alone. If aha were with her father or eomebody i-lae who knew inn, It couldn't bo kept quiet, Everybody would know Dint an Impoatnr delivered the loo ting, find then find help Archie." Tho door opened, and , Jlnrrli atood there, fumbling with hla tla. lichlnd him amlled Prof. Knkera, Dm eminent elocutlonlat, to whom Dennett had' been preaented a few fuln utfH before, Prof. Knkcr wna to tm chairman, Prof- Knkera waa rlinlrnmn at all of the Province halt led urea. "Heady," gulped Ilarrla. Itennutt threw away hla clgnr and followed down tho eloep, ilnrk ntuliM, I'rofwuwr Knker. mlllng nnil MtrokliiK hla white mu.diuho, waa the flrarpn tho platform. Ilar rla ptiuwd n moment at the open iloor. Itennutt anw hi eboutder Co up, ax If hu were Inking a deep breath, before ha thruct hlmeclf forwurd, Ilcnnctt anilled faintly: lint a moment later, aa hu, too, reached the. door, hla xhouldera, fil-.o roHN iim ho tilled hla limn ami took the qiilok atep through. Ha wna on the platform, and ha felt a world of eyea on him. Tho main floor mid thn balcony gleamed wllh face. There waa a nolan that 4 he dimly reeognlwd hm npplaiii. A hot eurgo of color ruehed up to lila brow n bo nt down gingerly on the ildlculoiiHly tiny thnlr. What he wanted waa a deep, eg jiai loua chnlr, like that one of 30 rtlght ago, when Kola had lm- ioaed Menlence, On the other aldu of the little table, with KM pitcher of Ice water nnd ltx three glaMMeN, at Ilarrla, Htanillim behind the table, Profea nor liuknii hfiwn to apeak, lie waa InlrodiicltiR Mr. Ilarrla, but liennett did not bear him, Hennett waa xtiirlfiK nt ft balcony pillar, and pruyltiK fervently that he mlKht limiln lila rompoeora, After a minute hla panic abated aomewi.at, and hla eyea nonht the two aeata In the fifth row, on the center alela, which he had reaerved for hlnmelf and Holn, He had left Oil" tif the tlcketa nt the box offle for he Kola waa not thernl Hla heart ulmont atopped bentlnK. If ahe ahnuldn't wrnie, he mlKht ba auved aftur nil. Hhe nilnht never know! Kilt ImmedlHtely be dlalllueloned blmiKlf. (if courae, aha waa com- The World me! My daughter? How do I know7 How ilo h)i know?' He laughed a gnl n. Nancy heurd her voIcd; It unldi ','1 don't know, I don't know. Hut If that box I your, It I mine nlao," "On tho flnnga la graven 'C. J K Jaipur, lluiO." Mary bought It on our honeymoon, and mod It a a Jewel box. That In my proof. Wher ia yoiira?" PhanaHinngurla. To Hancroft'e vImIoii Kennedy became oinelMng unreal, terrifying. To Judge, to miea "t Ion, lo doubl In n moment Ilk thla, when the man ough to he on hla knee, grateful to (ld for thla mlr acle! "I haven't any," aald Nancy, Waa ahe riil? Wn unybmly In thla ronm -rl? Hid the room ltef exlatt "Mlr," aald Pum-roft, hreuklng thn gtue, "would you Ilk Oil lovely girl for a daughter? You quibble) !ok al her, Hh' mor lovely than any Jewel that ever rt-poeed In that Uix. What! !o you need lawyer and document and courtriMima, when by almpln geeture lliet placea her befor you, your dnughterT I milevein lhl miracle, Kennedy' fac aoftem-d and th nuHklng fir went nut of hi eye, Ha laid aeldt) the box and approach ed Die bewildered Nancy, taking her face brwM-n hla hand and eonnlnff tha fieloreM, one be one te the Inif, Hhe ceitalnly wouldn't lnla Arililna lectin, Hha waa merely lutu, aa uunl A the Imp" Viitilehed, ha became cm loua ahoiil theeu fncca that dux alcd him Ilk ao ninny coldcii tnoona Nearly rloalim hi llda, that be iiiIkIiI alur iiiiobMirved, ha b'aan an Inepccllon. A aerloua audience, on the whole, Here nnd there krolip of yoilllK people, Who had come lioplnff In hear the I'nif IIhIi author any aoineihliiis winy uboiit the flapper and prohibition. Hut, mi I he whole, n aerloua Kroiip, linliiilliitf, ha thouuhl, many club women nnd achooj leachcra and ap pretillce nulhora. Word nonndcd In hla ear, and h looked mound. Now HarrlH wna apeajilnif. Hu wna explalnliiK th nntlonul ecoi of the lecture bu reau' work. Ileunett Wondered, "Will h" aver jjet thrmilih, an I can Kcl up and talk ami Kt done wllh It?" At Hint moment the huxofflce man wna tih klritf up tHo telephone re ceiver. A woinnn'a voice linked briailiKHly for Mr. IHnl. "f'nn't reach him, ma'am. Ho' cpenkliiK on thu plnlf.il m " "Hpcaklna I lil.l he t an ol her letcureer?" "Why ,no, tim'am' Mr, Kvllowa la here. ' "Mr. Kellowe! It cun t be!" "Why, yea, imi'am. You didn't hear anything about hla being nick or anything, did you, mn'nm? Hn'a on tho platform, anil he looka fine." "It can't I mi Mr. Kellowa!" "Why, certainly, mn'am. I wna Introduced lo him. mil am, I'm In troduced to nil the Ua'turera rlnlit here In thla Ixixofflco, ma'am. I am personally uciiualutc.d with the timet iiionilnent " "()!" He heard tb receiver click, Mr. Harrla aubeldcil nnd Prof. Knkera waa again on hla feet, I III l.lnit the poor aiuice of 20 mlmilea, Prof. KuUer deecrlbcd the .world we live in In Kracloua plinmeM renil Dim-cut of many u cnutloua cilllorlal. It accmcd thai Ibla world we live In Included KtiKlnnd, and In Knit land there wna n, new viewpoint a frcxh looklntf nt tint world by a newer generation. Through many acnfcncc "d mnny mlnutea Prof, Knkera ecmed determined ao to Hpciik that mmfl mli;)it cviir iolut ut him the flutter of calumny mid tic inxii him of kIvIhk that viewpoint ti way. Prof, Knkera wiim mi epollHpurt: never bad bo betrayed lo a proa poctiv'j rM i lalor the plot of a inyn tery tiicloilramtti nor would he now betray lo thean fortuntitn ainlltora that wmiilerfully vague viewpoint of which, It aeemed from hla pel ora tion, there wiim mi morn vibrant Kpokeamun than Archibald K, Kcl Iowa, AppllUlHO, ' lieiiiii'tt roae, enay now In heart it nd mind. The runny time he had Npokcii in court were fur different from till occaalon; but (here waa yet an eauentlnl almllarlly, You kept you hem if you could. And Hcntiett could. With nay negligence ho ainoottml hla light hair, while hla clear blue eye looked out aerencly from hla long, thin face, which ulwaya t!HV4 the ImprcaNlon of n peculiar refine- jiietit, A rlppla of recognition went through the audience, A typical Kngllehrufln, Ha began to apeak. The accent of an American! Of a typical middle Weelernerl Outside end he dropped hi hand nnd eliook hla head, "No, There I not one elgn," ha aald, hla voice ! round nnd Mtcady;" nothing that remind ma of my wire," "Hut when ahe amlte, air," aald Lsnncroft, to whom there wn no longer any puzzlement, "ahe ra mlmlM of inn, Hh puxy.l, .1 m the fiiMt night, lm you reini mlier when you emilnd at lb chair? Well, Din Mini In ahe offered me wn Iden tical; hut I did not know It then," Thl nil her atnggered Kennedy. He aat down heavily, "You don't linderNtnnd, It would hn winy to put my arm around thl girlfor ah I lovely and vail her my daughter, Hut If eh weren't; and then, JiiMt mm my heart wna full of her, to have her torn from me? You aee, I'm A little eiiepklolia of Hod, na yet," hid hi face m hi ha tide. "A Jnlpur box and a mill! I've got to knowv" "Do to Mm," wblred Hniirrnft to Nancy, "In Mod minis, go to Mm) H I your father," Hh healttttedi but thla healtatlon waa born of fear and unreality. Thl alranger, but lately ft Inleler ahadow thrown acroe their live her fnt her I He might be or ha might not l, A .bijuir Ih. and a mllel Wher waa that altrlbill men called llietlrd? Why didn't II te her, on w nr D othe "Among lb many kind and flut tering thing aald of me by Urn ihiilrmiill," he begun mieiollilv, ' I do not recall hearing meiiiiou of the one fact thiil ahould Inoel iiulckly make you iiiimll me ua one of yoiir eelvin, and that la Dint I wiim bom and have pnaci moet of my lite III l.liff.iriixhlre, I lilt ( Mccluiled mil loll of Kiiglend which bun ret'iilned th old l',ugllti accent nnd the old Dug. Hull phi-iiMmdogy I hut mo gi'iitly re acniblu the KngtlHh poll en III Amer Icn," Ah! Thu mystery wna eolved, The aiullciice beamed nt Die I.uffjiiimlili author mid applauded him luetlly, "Pcibapa It la not unknown lo you that the American mivy'a mill him, on mlngllug with the I'.ngllrh jni kit-a, found that they were limb I' aliHfd more taally tluin the Kinlh tare iinderetiNid mm iinolliii, au varloUM are the illnlecta epoken In Die tight llltlo lain. Hut I think the li'eemblance belwen the apeech of thime two wonderful parla of Ilia World, the Pulled Hlutea nnd I,uf fumehlr, line never been aufflcleully pointed mil; and pi i hap not th leiiHt of my aervlcea on thla vlalt will be to n ink i" that rexeinblnnce more generally known," Certain now of hla aelf roininiind, Itenneti tinned und amlled upon Mr, Harrla, who waa atar'ng at him In horror, "Many an auditor," liemielt con tinued, "luia compllmi'tiled me on my mimicry, alnce my riwnt nrrlvnl In the atatea, of Ameilcnn elnng mill of many iiccepled American In cutloiiM which are expreaaed oilier wlae In Kiiglnnd, I cannot forbear coiifenMlug that ulmoet Invariably 1 find n fragrant freahneM In the Amei liaiilMin," Tbua hiivlng uiiiiid bltiiMelf agaliial the contingency Diet hor ribly tin Kngllah pinnae might aplll from hi longue, llenii' lt clear cd hla throal nnd prepared lo de liver Archie' hrture, of which ho had miimnrlKcd the printed aynopelN, Ae he did mi hi cycn roved tu the fifth row, mi the center altle, lie allffened, I tola wna thcr! Hhe ant hIoii, next lo Die vacant aeat where ho ahould have been, wlyie lm ahould have mil llatenlng to Archle'a Piccadilly accent, Klie waa there and ahe I; new all, Hhe waa hem lug lila epochal He, linen hour before Die end of the terrible ilo daya, TremulouMly hi linger cloned iiioiind n glaea of water, Aa he drained It elowly be could feel hi A tin ma iitil hob up nnd down In hi throat, like fi rubber ball mi an ocean wave, 'Met ling down the gliie. he amlled'grlmly, He wna Dirotighl He had killed hi clinucea with Kola, Well, then, lei him, like n tine com Hide, do hla IicmI for Alt lib"! Hla voice ami red wllh new nmuf, Archle'a HynopMia, cwthcd anew In Jlimtiell' own wmda and embrold orcd with gaudy fwalhera from hi ImiiMlmillon, look mi life In Pen it-It. m mouth, American humor uml llnglli'li humor, h declared, were dlfferem Hated chiefly by Die Kugllah lov of the pun and Dm American Hair for exaggeration. Ha predicted tlmt ""Ahicrlefi would glv the wmld n new and more artlatio rorm or neiectiv atory. Ha leilnled out the remind able almllarltlea and the mi lee re. miirkahla difference between t'un Hid nnd Hawlhortie. He eipreaeeil Dim view that a mora alatlu bm k- II aniliiiieil Knne fa title "You, loo?" cried Himcroft, who could not utideretand why Dicmm I wo weren't In each other' inn, "Hun t you want him?" "Hut doe be want mr-7" "Do and find out," Mnddenly th coiifueloii went mil of hr, nnd th wenkneM, ami ah comprehended what futa lutemled her lo do, There ta tm blinding revelillli.il, mi Mlldden (mill love: bill Dune wa pity, nnd out of lhl pliv giew hunger and a yearning. No on eJee would ever (diilm Die ,lnl pur box, Thl man, whom inlxfur tun bad hammered Into hrne, wn prolMibly her t titer, hut never Mould either of them be able to prove II, The Im might md be her; ahe might have le-eu abducled from aiiotfW houe. Another houeel Hh liNit l-een horn In lhl houee iihnpM, Hhe bad plnyed wllh doll In thl room, ii Imp Her mul her had mux lullaby to her, by the window with tha Mint- perhnpa Al way ami aver peilmiHi' Thla man god and hei wer Irony, fihe went over to KeutiMly and knell, Willi lb eeiiMMiion of going through a re henrenl of entering Into theat ricality. "We don't know," h hin, "nnd w gliMll nevr know, r I (tal ly. Hut what other limine hav ymi of finding your daughter? What oilier t t.ene hV I of find to m t-ihn 'fe Ih.i wm found ground wit who I allowed litiglleli uovellel In Impnil In their Wink a aiiiiinlluii m Hint Aui' ili iin iiovil lacked, Hn Waa Ihololighly mlg Uml; he M.i itl I ii 't I il hm) iibolll pin hlblllon, When he finished be again Miullml grimly, TIicim waa a dm of up ptaiiMi-, and I hen liumnullv ewi pi mi lo Hie platform In hum Din fuiiinmi author, Wnmi u piiilmul tinted, uml emli men a llu ie weie, In ini, 'II mil lied, ineiu inuelly alllii In i liiinoi one women, Wli.il n lovely led ill id Alid wluil frceh, powerful, humIiiii viewl And where exactly waa l,uf finmililM'T And how awfully iiucer Dnil Ihey had never befoie lull id thai Die l.uffiiu lilre dialect an iliwcly le ei inhli d the HiimIIhIi apoki n In Amef leal Why, Ihey could liefer luike lold him from an Aiui'ili nil, md Ml all -If thai were to be ioiiatim, a n compllmeiil! Teiiliilinler Ihey glgltled, HIM bead In whlil, hi. leielved Diem all regretfully t elm l Hi vl tnlloiiN to lei lure In-fore hl or that ilinrinllig IIMle cln e, ainl i,IH ed them all along, Vlimlly be m tended Mm aching hand meehanl cully in tha laet In line, And Hu m . hn liMiked at her, "Will ymj pleiiMe Ink m home"'' It'dli Ol del I'll Cutllly, Mo Ihete wik In be Nliulliel Met lia -again In the libiaiy, pioluililr, Again be would ellp Inln n deep chair Mint would hear her ieiuio h fill wind 1 till PiIm lime he nmld any milhlng, except plead hi Mil peiamentnl Inf irmll y, 'I lil-i lima would bo Din bil, Mr, Ibiril wn olfeilug lilul hi coat and hat, "I've got In inn nliing, linn in," lleiiiii-H whlnpeti-d 'iniiklfi "Alum Dm wold, Pee yen In Hi niniiilng, Mr, Haul itpHared dlxaptiolMled Hi eager, applo face, a I In lit mw wllh relief aficr Dm ni'ivuim len-iluu of Die biel few hour, Klein,.) imnlv to t-iieli word, I'Vr, all. r all. a mtiM luay be expected In luiVe a few ecu DmenlM III fpiee nflei' em li mi ligull.V, Hut PcnncD had liiiinil ami H.i guiding lb. In lh..iili a Klibi dm. i find down a long, il.uk cmildoii Will Hngeilng In Hie lul.l.i, a lei of hi bile am III. l uml ifl-iiii , of lnliiiliiilli.il HI liHu, I ml. -iM r nt her, mm Ihey pijiineil llii.U!li li gia e Die m del In In I w all log i l.aulfi'iir, ami MllcnHy Hut epeil mn iliwiird mi Mb liig.in nudum, (li lik with Die nl.. i tinnier lint "Wl'di eln-'. I e-iV MomeDiMiM." Mill liell lold hllliMi'lf 1 I WHbl ll h . I Willi, Hill t MUlpuK .-III- Wlllllllll till Mhii gela me In Die lll.l.iir, Ml Die tegular gulling, before lin luildu colli over me and (ell I be nli-Mtf tu ge Din gitllow ("Mil' " lie glnmed ilown ul u-i. elreel lump cn( el n, itou, ilimliiii llgbla mi her face a they lunn-il weafwuid from Die l.nlie Mlmie iblve, Tim Viiginnl ll(.lili, ih llimighl, JicImIiIi-iii"I Die Implm able MMilueaa of hef face, Mudilenly Mm epuk", "Huva yuti nl.fDilu In nr lm .liniixelf" Her lon Wax lee, "ftame old elmy," he aiiciHil, Mud Wiim Hltmeeil td ieallM lh lllti alemlliiee of hi Voice, 1 Mnttte old lined of lf Mpieiultiii Hul Dial mi em inie in yi nr evi-," ha i-iiii tinned huekily, ' I diiln I make gnuil on your day (eel. m Ditimeh " Mho tillered H hoi I hlUllll II aniimled pleiiHentl He xI.iimI nl lud III MMloulHbmeiil, lit I with lua miliilde a gumf lunirx duuf, Abandnlieit by HlliViM Whit HH a fin Id lo gu mi Willi Ibell 1 1 lllll., fur aotne ihimom, Hul did I imne from Din Miime limine n Hie ln. Only Hod can aiiwer Uml iiiet.iii uml He never will Ph Imp In Dm ilayM In luiine ymi mif ,ii-ki-I Dim) 1 nieeeM noma IIMle biibll Hull weie my liiolbft - yniit M-itv' -klnce In i e I nothing In lur )n Uml alii ymi If I H'cti yull e my father I lwll hevi-l acnpl ni nllu'f man Ho ymi Waul luef "Now t tindeielniid Imw M-tf died. My Hud, alwiiM i liauce lueij ley, I Inlin e liiMdli-y, I 'melee DilevM, taking her Jewel but nml her balivl'1 'Ho ymi WMlit HH?'1 lepenleil Nancy, foiling M hand fiuiu hi eve Th mole lt Ift full e, ,er In hue, lb oft ele of hn y, Huddeiily Kennedy tmik her Inl't hi aim, ei uhlni Iter Inlti lueailo leeane, l it InliMele Wi eaie, In them both lit Diet eiitbMe. Never guy mm ibuibi, wonder, urn -limn f.ither and ibmahier long a life elld Numy kcw niiwi her hem W Metr Heiiiiedy, end,li hail I'd rnintil emu Urn. A ! Knhdr, th hiaf row in hi tm wtm, ami ,e knew IhNt Iheia mi Hmil tmpiiii within hbn, (nil ,,im ruing bf 1liilVt Hi In dinii, il Hti'1 h limh'l her V ( l,ly Miiiml I iiifiiii he i Iim hi I'H III')' , hu tttlttilll Ul III lllHHf PIMOtll lilt III 'I he l l elmiliiuf Mel lm (IhiII ), tl lll ll 1,1 f null nnd f ill H l,hf liitn Ihn Iti.n 'I ha lib) l r limit t liici, Hlnl lh luum wn lili'lilfr III ' H i I ( liali' luihi mill tin n Mr Id I Mil 1,4 if Mid Die Hie luil Id titllt "tU-HH An lle' adilil i. Ami lib dm In e I m 1. 1-1 liunr ' ftllMie' WlDt 'i I l da HlllhllUH tflllltll, lit bg 'lie limit 'llihpitlt il' II i Uti hiiii Hn In, in mm. nil l iff mill ilil IiIiiIk ifi Mlilf Hlhl'1,1 " ImiinmntiKli rl luiii" iiiiim nuim. 'luil l,),n hl,i lnlt H lnilhitimliitH H, hr Hutx, M)f Mil WtlWI full ll-i Ink liliitnl li'iiitiitim Ml mtt'il f'it i MmM ktiltlh Animi it-ft ref leif mi Hi-nnit H tl'tti-t ItllliJl lit tl lluhl l(r Mf Iflll W liM H'l 1- .1 U-i'ii Inlil lut n imtiit' Uml l m-iibl wniti'ilHtm Hiil ll liteillid w toll-Hill- MiN iiHI-t't li' HIM A"llin Unit ll"l-ll hi ll1 lililhf Inf Itiill I IbM I f wlntiy fhtf Ati-Mt wiih t uff, f,e Mnl.t' HHttlit fltg'e'f III III Hfl'lti tialmn luinlt li nil inmiiU ll leilibM Itnj "Ali'li ", -Willi H HWlilt t'll-l -1 Iihhv tf,e, Mfi'l liitiHH l,i,iitiill I lillheX ldiHerad Alltl tll Hit I II i nplmte' ' htilll fi III till H hi'i,t gmim I g kllltH hIIid 1 4 int paiioeif i tiiiiuihlil imiHHllVi liltH III (lie iljn,f H'llH'-pUtt lillll, Itlit lull 'H' I V, Ul iiiiilH till 'I III til' Ulllg t f4, fl bf' ll l,H lllll llll'th Hell Wl hid HIIlM Hli'l t'll'IH-ll Hi bbUM fit III fl'llllll Hill llllllHl 111 II iilM4 irt. AH-lllK lllliltH flH UH I Mil nil, l if III lIlH VIlU lH'll Hil-tlD pnllcg 1 1 im, tulihth lm Inli-nl it cell M iHHH Iih miin filil,iirl in' M M l lll-l)fllHH IMKIIHH llllU hi Ida foil" 4 lm fiid mijM filll Hsu a wxr'd 'HiitHiiii1 mm, "Tim l fiU'lu-'l lil-J fullihl U) Dm in fn iillii-.i- " liilhtiiii h.il An hut. j(y( -yii i,l i luiii lm it puliiinii llnl.f Wtiilbil HI liil Iim mil Ui i Imt tin ul nlplil ll M II I AlliOH I'll-), litlili ll'i imiMii'i iuit ilsnih- nt iiniinti nt Iim !liM ll,liil lulu tllilt lUilil I'lllU-r li il lililn.iH luiliih A A A Wiim' ili i li 4iilf ilu imii'i' Hi Dm -bm m fur Win I hH nlii a Ml A b.iiiii i' bin tin 'lit I, Vl-hulrll hllllll lllnl Itlllt't Hii, viw iiliiml in I' if ' ''Uifi. lulvlnu in Hn- '' vftvH Vf Imii iiinl i hi hi in I 'i u l'"f luum: ilti-n h ultl-nl ni ttitliil III lt.H t)l lUtlllllt l II I It'll- II id I I -l M HII lUl llll I III ItM III! HiiitK nl,l whi i,ii "!, fii'l Urn iflhltmiH lln Mt- 'lllltl Itlutfli l-ll till ''li I In! will l''4li. II-M II - in H hili t'l-i lii hut" lil Item , t. fyi.. tlliu'il, ll ni Mil I - titHl mH li, 'lit.'" I )HI III fill Ill-Ill The , i-b!mn li-liee II Weill ' Mi-ln I eri Idle If ! lllllllllO . "Wil, tiell I. e mi i 'I, I UUHl; linyellgl H'lflllflHf' (' fl 1,11'llH III lulu bc 4 lift hlllnl lm Hiif-lwtt i , i lm mul mi I, kil. Htllniitttl ultlhllf I lllll" Hit ttlhil, ''k'Htl fin0 Utx Mi-f Ami mt, Muh In filuf Iim imtiliii! Mtllg Wlli" lnllltllhll lllll i iM''ert mi niuui'li nun l tllmtUHrli lllll, Hull I III I llllltk I II lll'l-lllllf II tllH JI." I t.iUKUIUail 1 hi i dill M Uff I III III Uniiniiia aaMtH-aia ' hit. I Hli'l I luiif ilmiltlnl i.nit, ii mi (iiifih, uml iiml I nlei M M-itp' itiili 'h, iwiii muni Hung 'if Uml liilun In Him IHIH - tut lllil-U IllUlfi" Will Himlfing tan tttiiiiiul) nil (iMiii' it I 'llW itiitiu iiliit luum li ul '"I I k Itilmi-i-lil Vnnlttmli'iit, I li lllllllel) (lllf Pll'llMf IIH HllllU bill III. 'tlH'l A'llimUllH l-llltlliHlt r unbi i (.li l-Hhti ft III Wmn-1'ii fi nun i.mii. f'iM Inf t'ilmi'1 Hhinii't ', biWaid Hmtiiull, wlfi Mindi m iml h llim f,-liiii' Hu l ton lot ni'ln hmuH, I'llHIII: lH 'tni'i hun. fill H WHIM SI HI iM pi vHhti imw Iim Mul It luimiii f . . I, .H III eMllll III III Old Hn H) MllMtd-D, Dm M,r I Id ll hifihli 4 III Mtfelt fl, fimil pluolcf Hi i mill l m i, ha mm Alli-iiii uml Vl eMue lilim ' ( fib 'M ), m ) Miiie m timiiH Anil tm In lhl umi'hr iK'I'fl" fe? l-ili lit luln't Hal buni-mUil, luil h k Heland lb fm Hi " AngiM ,iiembf ami ni-M t ell tf l'h KihH)h" IiumkI Hi rtlii'' fei I'd '" tyiiild fg h'dit Mil M lb "l' Hn ) mt"f Hi l"ttn ffl '(( re mid M 1 "rtt r win WU,n in, nil hh khn link' ) eell,