The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 12, 1922, NEWS SPORT NEWS, Image 20

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    O li
Plans for Urging
Residence Patrol
System Outlined
Public Service Clubi'Mert at
C. of C to Take Firit
in Modern Po
lice Protection.
Flam fur Urging ujion the city
eommlaalon (ho eitalillalunent nf a '
lie ,ttrnl Ixjuth ayatern fur ltriitertlun
at rrelilentiiil e( Urni wer fnwle a(
a, meeting at lha f'linmlier f Cum
inerre KiMiiy I'Vi tilnn, i-ni)"l liy rep
reeritnMve nt 22 Improvement clubs,
liiiirh ilul mil otlur civic oigimlza
tlon. '
j. TtiovN tirejent i!M not ttn1 tlielr r-mn-rflva
irKBiil7Jii'ina tt aupport of
Ilia projt-rl, hut aureel to place the
matter lufine the fiiemtit-rahip with a
fV'rtil'i H' inim ri'lallon. It In pro
ioett to auk the city coriinilKoliT) to
liiuka pruvlaiiin fur tlie tniTenaeiJ 'TV-
e In Hie) ll'M bll'lK't.
The liter link uf nny pnllee putrul
In l)i r'-NMTiiliil a"ti"tia nt th city
wit puliitfrl out, n ;mKmJ by atute
merit of poliee nuili', title. It wiia
aftiieil tho mnmfi ayatrm,
wlierehy pi.llfa h mtlia wutiM be at at
l r"l tliii.ii. liuiit th. city with motor-1
cycle ulfP I In ut'eniliirire, would
pruvl'lii prutx 'Inn ul tin- I'-aat p'l
hlu ltien-it"l trtft.
John J-M'-iix-r, Jr., ('. A. flrlmmel
att'l Vli tur 1! Hfnltli .nillliietl the need
uf prntTiiun ii nil flip merit i.f the pro-puni-'l
aye-tern. I'ulUw Hupiiliiti-iiili-nt
liiinti vi. -in iiioii-l :j liiiviiiK approved
tl.B e!iitflrl It yir llK'r, but II llBV.
Iiik In . ii pn vi ii' I'll puitliiK It In
uni!ill"M her-miiie uf lurk of fimilK.
IM Whl'i', K;irl Keliin. W, H. Hur
Kilt, II. C. Tlfnriu , II. rl. Hyine iiti'l
o'liira ili'lir.'l tli'lr aupport of Ihe
plnli. I'i.I!'" iiutlioti'l'-K In KntiaiiH
city, N' w V i U rlty mul Waflilouton,
J, ., ci.ti'rlliilti'il b'l'i'iA ni'lornlii
tin! riculi ii".ilii' !l In their rllle.
Kd Cross Will
Act on Refusals
Henry Moiibky Cani'iales
TIiom: IJkfly to Turn Down
1923 Memlierhliip.
Mora thnn tiUO froaa worker
In tho I"uMtini'll hotel Kililiiy nlKlit
wore tolrl to report to the Nrricluierl
Chiirllle the niirno of every rniin who
refuw to Join the Hat Cm durlnK
(he annual mtnticrhli roll call which
turta Momluy mornliiK.
"Th rnnn who won't give fl for a
Ite1 C'rona nienihciMhlp 2 centa a
wrk in A fit aubject for the Aanorl
atel CharlllM," Henry Monnky, chair
man of the apoakera' bureau, toM the
worker. "Theae men vlll he rcfua
lnn to help dlmitjU'd aoWlera and un
drrnourlahed chlhlren."
Tha workere met at the hotel ball
room to receive their final Inatruc
tlona an! auppllea for the campalsn.
lilahop Jj. V. Shayler, Harry V. fie
harty and Ir, A. C. Ktokes, chairman
of the campaign, talked. Director
O'Brien of the campaign explained the
dctalla of the work.
"Won't take 'no' for an anwer,"(
wan the nifMMiige given by Ulrectoo
Jncludrd In Uishop Shayler'a talk
waa thin atntcmont; "Tho men came
hack with (llaaliilitlea. In order that
wa might retHlti our ability."
The ciinipii'KU eturta Monday and
will laat thti'is ilaya.
Victims of Daylight
IIolilup Kout Gunman
A daylight huldiip w.ia attempted
by rt miuiUed b;iuiltt lit Thirtieth
mrwt and lii'ilfurd u venue at i Vi
&y afternoon, when P. V. Dolan,
1109 Kv.ina atroct, and L. H. Jiicoh
aon, .1027 I'oppletnn avenue, wera nc
coated and told to throw up their
lunula. Imiteud "f ohtylnR they tua-
n!ed with the holdup. Ha fired two-i
Bliota at them, neither oj which took
effoct, and ese.ified.
Cabinet Member
to Be at C. of C.
Postmaater General and A
tiatant to Attend Luncheon
Next Monday.
Raven Important noonday and vt-
nlna; meetlnRa have been adieduled
to take tUf at tha Omaha Chamber
of t'ofiimerce next week and to which
the ntlr ntemberahlp and their
(junta are Invited.
Monday, Novemtxr 11, there will b
a luncheon at nHn In honor of Ir.
Hubert Work, poetmiiater Kenerul. He
will be accompanied by John Uarllftt,
first aaalalant pia'miiftrr cenerul;
I.'. Mark, (imnha poatmnafer, and
other poatoffice offlrlal. I'rialiltnt
Walter W. Head will prealde, (iover
nor H. It. Mclvelvle and Mayor Jarnea
iJiililumn will bo gueala.
Tueaday ii(in, November 14, (her
will be a luncheon for all epotmore,
chairmen, vice chairmen and wurkera
In tho Omaha Loyalty Anfilvrrmny
memheralilp aUmuliitlon content, at
which re porta will bn made on the
progren or the cuuipniKii.
Tueaday rilarht, November la will
be the Omaha J,oiilly Annlveraory
dinner at 30 for the entire member
ahlp, with Iho paat preHlilenla of the
chamber aa honor gueata. rrealdent
Waller W, Hi, id will prealde. Hpeechea
will be mad" by Ward M, Hutgeaa,
pi-ealdent i t M. K. rtinltli ft Co., and
John It. Kennedy, prealdent of the
l.'nltei titatea Nutlooal bank.
Wedneaday noon, November 15,
there will b another luncheon for
all aponaora, chairmen, vice chairman
and workeia, at whl'h further re
porta will be made. A almllar lunch
eon will be given Thursday, Novem
ber 11.
Friday evening, November 17, will
be Iho "Jollification dinner," at whl'-b
final report of th" membership cam
paign will be made, The grand prize,
a Ford coupe, and the capital prize,
a trip to California, will be awarded
to the winner m the context. Nil
meroua other prize are to be award
ed that evening. Faturday noon, No
vember IS, there will be a luncheon
for lr, John T Tlgert, commlaaloner
of education. Superintendent J. II.
lieveildgo will prealde.
Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Live Stock
Omaha, Nor. II,
IUr!if rt!l Jftft atlMf).
Orficid Momlar U III tut l'J
urinal TuMr ... In mi
i,fi..4l Hit liil 1nura,u.., t. l III t J .
I' rrhlar .... 1 4 i 4 111
Kalliiiia ealunlui., J l.oi'O ......
Kil .!) Itlla Maaa. .14.711 : 4 I' ttl
Mama .lava laat k it;t J lit II I II
haina l)a I waa a it. li t J!"I 7!. .71
hai..a ! a I oka a lit . II JJ1
Han. tfajra yaar a.i Ju J4 ;,.4 J. .
Chicago Grain
Financial New York Bonds
' I a
f llraaiorla al !
lnahl, Nak , ..f
Ji. in., NuvanibM t
Itat-alf'ia ni d-aiioatilon
tha Ulilea fittim,
h'.ura, nlirif l J
ft Ki'K I PT" f A H lAJtn.
a"ta Um iaai,Jln,a
r u ' P ftr
U alt i. a II ll .. ..
M'l Can 11
I'nl'.n !' irie. II H. , .
I' a V W flr.aaal N,
'' S W liy . wal . .
(' hi I' M l Hr
II aj U llf. a.t
' II 4, U II, "at , ,
i' II I I' af
C t r, woat ...
T'Hil ra.-aiiii
1 1
AriM,ur t I'm
Co ,
Ciiitahy 'kg
Hold I'l'-klna
Mm na l'ii i kim Co
Hwlfl A Co
3. W. Mmi tiy
Armour Muji Tall
i. hi
Yontlis ISaMnvl by Pawmliop
Slriitli Coiifcag Tbefla
John Wyr.oweekle, Ifl, Z9?9 Hotitb
Twetifyel'thtli avenue, and Jo3
Chromatovakey, 17, 3'Hloak atreet, nr
rexted Friday afternoon by Iieleiv
tlve Im Troby, pawnnhop Innpeclor,
are allegid to hnvo cmt'o to
ateallng from automobile, varlou
article ranging from eyrglaaar and
hanehall to a fur coat ami aellin
them in pawnahop Tney were
turned over to Juvenile court authorities.
. Deaths
Pavlrl rity Ei A. Newtnn of (hie city
ilIM surlilanly. II waa iiiimitr ( tha
Coinmuqliy thenl.-r nl waa premlaenl
la bnnlneaa i trefe. Kuiieriil aarvl'ea
ware feei4 at th hortia. Ida horly wr.a
Uikn to Frani'int fer burial. Ha In.ivu
Ilia wltY anil anrull 'luhltr. Wary Kiu.
hath; la hla father, A U, Nawlnn ef
Kreinoiit and two brothari, Howard and
Clyda of frethont.
r. J. Hueh,
Tork P. 3. liurh, 2, illort at tho fam.
Ily iKinio hf-re. Mr. Hurh waa a rlvll
war veteran enllatinif May 2i, Jc,l, In
company 1), eVveniemth Illlnola Infan
try. Ma earno to yurk counry in itVi ami
huineateudad near Arliorvllle, whxri ho
mailo hla homo f'.r many yaara. Mr.
hurh ruin to Tork to niaks his boinu
In 1015.
Mr. A Ili a Mrhelaon.
Tabla Rork ..Mr. AMro Mekelnon, 114,
wlfa of J union A. NlrkHaon, died at her
homo here, fihe fa aurvived by her hua
band, on aim, Halph Nlr-keiann of
iiiniiha, and ona daiinhter, Mildred, at
Prowlt-r Tricks Landlady.
Canslii Famll. "ins lhitiiiy mi-eft,
conipl.aneil to police yesterday that
while, he wan away from her hoard
lug houa Friday a man wearing an
army overcoat appeared nt the door
and told the landlady he had been In
Htructi d to move the Farrell woman's
The man went to the room and
went away with u miiuII healer, alarm
clock, huniilias and a tKinkit filled
with rnoklnK titeiiHlla. uroeerlea iind
a child' playthlni;, she reported to
f.eorxu Theirbnlil,
Mi'C'onk leom ThenhoM of tha Wau
una Mllla died here. Tim hody waa taken
In Waun.ta, whera funeral "rvlie wera
conducted by llev. c. w. Hay of IrCook.
Msrahnll Pnfmer.
Tt.iilrUe Tha body of Marahall Pal
nwr, 71, old realdent of lienirli-e. waa
taken to iHhhoii, Neb., whrra funeral
ai-rvli-ea were held.
11. It. Illrka.
Kt:lrburyn. 11 Hliks. 33. Rork T-dand
bnikertian, died here, He la survived by
hla wife. The. body waa lakin to Llllon
villo, la., Iim burial.
Mra. rraneea A. Mehola.
Bealite. .Mra. Prunve A. Nichnla, It.
wlrluw of Marlln V. Nli-hnla. HeatrHe
l-toneer, died at h-r home In 'hla rtly,
.She. Ii aurvived by Ihrta (hlldren, Mra.
I' H Vila Aradale and M. V. Nleliola ,.f
Ihia il'y. and Mra. Waller .1. Mrd.u-ai of
New York rlty.
Alexander Kimpl...
Healri.-a Ab-innder Umiiple, It. civil
nr veteran. fe ,end In tha barkyard
it hla home. He waa a liatWe of Indiana
nnd acrved durlnit tha war wllh I lie
Kitfhtli lavalrv. II,, a aun'ived
by hla widow and to aona, Oliver if
liealrlre, and Theinaa Kuniple of Kinaa
i"Hy. e'or the nnat thna yeara ho and
hla wlfa divided their limn between the
failla Itmalpta lla head. All claaara
of caiila wer ii'.iriinally aiaady iolav,
Jror tb week rei.etpia hava daeraaaed
about f 0'i ttead, t.ul (ha of torn
fed lalila la b'.lllh up well and all aa-
t pritfio k'rda ara tUtyUHn tewr for tha
week, ah'i-tfeda brio lb loweaf of lha
aeae.ot. All i laan-a of wertlarn ealtla wara
hiKbT at the atari of fha waek on Maht
re, erpla but tha ailvani t waa loat befora
tho i I'.aa. aioikaia and erdara iloaad
rielwlly oll.
Wuoiatlo-ia en cattle; Choir to prima
beevea, 1 1 I 2tW KWfci ood (0 elle
lieev,a, l 1'I4I 1 1 0"; fafr Oi food b.evea,
il liitii'ih, eoiomon t. fair lieevea, f a fci)
m'U, to prima yearllrura, III 1I.1P .'
Il.'ei; ond to hoii-a yearllnira. I "thlt
II '"l; fair to .,od yearlinna, IIHtKIl;
K.mmon to fa.r yearl.naa, Ii ii'it 7 al;
chotea to prima ra bv, I7 4n4'i;
Kre.d lo rboba araea beavaa, I ftfl7
fair to ii. d r lieevea. t: 74i 4 in;
'oinriiorr to fair rar beevea, tiUitttfi;
Mealiana, 14 lii'S oil; o,4 la chol'-a UTHnm
helfera. I', MH1 21; fair In oi,d raa
heifera, 14. 1'J; choir to prima raa
rowa, l' KtrS aood to choba raaa
eowa, 14 eft '(f r, 00 ; fair lo aood raa eowa,
f t ?i4 Mi; common trt fnlr urn rowa,
$J4',ty3'; prima heavy fefdera, 17 itiffi
1 good to ehol.i. feadera, f,fT;
fa,r to ao.ol Teedera. fi t.t lft; rumrrrnn
fo fair federa, . 0'l6.7a; ood to Ihotr
aioi-kera. t''1f1.1t; fair fo aood a'oik'
era. ir.1t a. 7r".; eooimon to fair a'' kr.
K;t.3H;r, ; fork h-ifera. tiMOUt l'i;
wfmk rowa, 110114 10; roi'k ratvea,
Jri7 7f.; veal eatvea. iUMfHOM;
bulla, alaaa. ell',, 11 an 03 2 r,.
Ilnaa liecelpia a.noo head. latrdy'
I'dbl run met wllh an aetlve demand and
tradlnf w-,a brlak at to trie hlatier
prirea wtih alt vrade ahowlr atrenyth.
I.lahr hoaa and but'-her moved tarfely at
.liJ IS. wllh "or. prlra of 2H, Mlied
loada a"ld al 7 7tena. and pai-klfia
rrlei lnrey at I7.2f.i7,r,l); bulk of
aalea waa 7 f It .1 f,. Tha market haa
ruled ateady in atron. current value 16;
lie lilhr Iban a week ago.
Omaha He ur4 IU.
ChlcaKo, Nov. II Winnltie and
! Liverpool tin In trader paid little at
Itentlou to Armlatlr day, a their
market were oien while all lnll"d
H'ate ex. hanxe War cloned luday,
I Liverpool cloai-d urn hrt r"d to 1 4d
jhlKlur, with tha alreniith In tha die
Iniil futuira ut the laat while early
tradliiK ehowed the reverae, Wlniil
pef wheal advanced I I to I 1 in at
th extreme and clnanl 122lc high
er, with Novemlier lea''iar, Ilye ad'
vuni ! and loaed 1 Z to 7 fa tilKher,
tint latter for Novemla-r. 4iat value
wer a'faT.
t ah fremlama I mbaeaail,
Caeh wheat preiriluma la Wtonlpe wara
lire tiariaed at S'S" over 'heir N'ovarnber
r.,r , I pnr'hero, with aiiivafy tv tso
v-mlr 20 I it Jii told at '4 In eve' No
al e under and No. I al 4' under No
4 Kiport denned for Manitoba wheal
waa a ho, I, won larir export aalea reporte,
of wheat and flour at lha hit priraa "
lha i rot, Arrlvata wara I 474 'ara. i
largo amount of November eonlraeia held
iron Inlareara wlilih will laka delivery
of ilia aah araia fr wii.lir a'oraaa
oat a
Wmnlpa rapor'ad that fallnr of eablea
lo ahowr atrenarl) made hedajea hard fo
ilteooe of early but etpi.rtera took fha
offerihira, eepai laliv of oaarby rnon'ba,
whlla In aooia loaianiea they avild afar
Clear am ea from fori William Trtadr
wara !. bu.eela of wheaf, 401,'f'io
liuahe a of oa'a and ttl.'ilq tiuahela rta.
bedad for Amerli an markal and Cana
dian porta.
Dear Vork Cotton.
Naw Tork. Nov 11 Too cotton fnarVal
allowed an almoar. aurprialn dearea of
aiaadlneaa early in today ahnji aeaaion
on lha fae of continued heavy week, end
toe ailiri and offerlnaa from fli aouth
lha market opened narrowly Irrarular, I
l.o'nra luaher In I polnia lower, but aftar
lha tall dropped alool I lo 2 point
below Kildar iiiahl'a final Hueliieaa waa
lood'-raie in voluma and would hava bean
ouleler bad II rweJ been fur tha fact (hat
Ida holiday at H"H trflean aent tn raaaed
aoiiihern nrdera llllo tha or rlnir.
Afier tha early flurry of aaiiln aha
market developed a tetiar undariona and
arly Hi tha laat hour waa no' umhanitad
to a p., Iota hiaber Khorra wera buyer
and (here Wna aom raw b'ltln for tha
ai'o'iul of old bulla, who had taken profile
In rha earlier part or ib aeaaion.
Hut th Hat wa ornewhae iinrarlefn In
Ha movement durtn mot .f h later
Irad na- II. however, dlaplayed lltll ln
of weal(iea deaplt aha heavy volume
of of'rlna that aplearad lo Iba rtn
from tuna lo Urn l.ela lo th ealon
lha trend wa dlaitnrlly reaeiionary, al.
t rum l loaae for lha moat prl did not
meed U point
ffo. Av.
4,. jut
s. .ann
17 ir.
i it
1 t.n
1 ii
1 tr,
t on
t it
No. Av,
17. .247
4'l. .31
J. ,2',
J4. .71S
2. .J9
11.. m
17 2f.
7 40
7 tt
7 0
II to
hen and Limine Receipt nona.
reipt for tha week Included a limited
aupl'lv of western lamb and a fairly lib
eral run of fed lamb. Wnlnrn lamb
old up to fiaiS and fad wooled larnba at
t!4 10 or 2l.Ur.Hi- higher than a week n,
Ked clipped larnba wera atron anrly In
tha week with prlrea hfaakln aharply
the Inrt part of tha week. Karly In tha
week lamb anld up to 111 I", whlla at
the cloaa beat quality aold at IIZ't14P
12,';S. Feeder were mntiy all week,
Hheep war atrong to In apol 21rii0
Qimtallnna on heap and lamb; Fat
larul a. nod to hole. IHMffH If.; fat
larnba, fair to nod, lU.OOei 11 ',); fed
clipped larnba, fl2.ftA4M2.7t; feedlri
larnba. fl2inU2;; fat awe, llyht,
H 7f7 2.,; for ewea, henvy, 4.00 Tf 00;
fr edlriK r'i, I X I" W S f,0 ; yerllnrJf, 110.10
4311.71; weihera, 7 OOf.JS.
700 Attcinl Laltor Party.
11 K. lintea, rhait mail of the local
federation of alioiciiifta. which cave
a benefit card party at the Liihor tem
ple Thursday night, la looklni: f i ur
tha winner t.f a closed car, tha prlti
aji.d prize given at the party.
The peraon holding No. H.".0 will
have to call me at the Ijilmr temple
and present hi ticket le.trliiK that
tittmlier within flv day," aa d Mr.
More than ?M jeraona filiid the
1 abor temple while the .nty wa In
progltaa. accordinii-!!! date.
Kupene (lojlo
lattteiie I'oyle. t.
trt, died Thuraday
pital. He bad tf a
tmiaha 1) sear and
I'll luiinty
In a Imal ho-
a rraidelit of
la aut vtvrd hy
two ona, HuKt iia an I John, and four
dauihtara, Mr. V". F Imim, Mia
V, J. ' Miavaea Nell and It"
Ciiyl. Funeral aerne will I held
MonJay mornln at in Sacred Ileal!
. hutch, with Vuiut In H X-"ii' ht
, nuataty.
Smrltrr Workman Hurt.
I .twat I ll iliit. I '43 X'Urth I. kht
eeutti trt, Irt'k bi-t'd aal In
ki urt ki whan la fan aaaioat
....h In the enirit.r, Hi.'h
IVui'a a'teela, jaaiaidai. a -rtt lo
t r'lb fP t'lll tJ
14 tart a.
H II. iwny, Ivimaf ki.tal. I. t
fu h TU J ' t MM.
.tt. I if l FleUr lhl lb. I
leaalk n I Ar" eiii t ta
k ft-kl ' l
nt H itieil 4 lf laid '
aoidiera' hum at Milfoid and I.tatrb
F.lapalli Orahiinun.
Iteatrlea Klepeih, lha youn daughter
of Mr. and Mra Henry Orahamm of
Adama. died at hrr limn.
II. Hlilnemlllef,
Tleatrlce H. It hinriniller, ti. old raa. of DvWltt. died In a hoantla! here
ly waa taken to iavnt for burial
l ha t
I hlcaxo Ure Mock,
f'hltaao, Nov. 11. (United fttale tie-
partmant of A nrlculture ) Ho lia
celpi, I.000 head; market (Iron to un
evenly higher; cloaa ncttve; bulk 170 to
210. Ilr. rtveraKe. I el no; r,on ana
choice 220 to 2711-lb. butcher, l.S6 !;
topH. 1,,'.; patkln ow, I7.362&; pl
around tKi; eatimated hold ovar, 2.O00
head; bulk. I 10,.60; heavy welaht,
H ji'a ( .', ; medium welrht. M 4H4tlir.;
IIKht wrijiht, n.lifji.lii; UNbt uanra,; parkin aowa. amoolh, 7 7 & t
20; par kin iwi, rduh, 17;
lilllln plaa. t 40 0.
Cattle Receipt, 3,1100 held; market
compared wllh week ao, airlitly cholc
and prima Inn fed aieera ar-arce, ieaoy;
fat fed larey 60c. hlaher; apol mora;
Wiatern graaeera, atoclier and feeder to hlnher; eatrema top matured
ateera, 113 10; bet yearllnxa, IU.0O; beat
weatern Canadian, U Hi; beef .inwa and
heifer unevenly 2H7r up; heifer ad
valuing meet; ranner. cutter and hull
airomt to 1,0c hlirher; veal calve moally
son blkher; week bulk prpe: Native
bei f rteera, l 25 It 1 1 21 ; bulk wealern
raera, l 00; bulk alopker and
feeder, I .V 7. 'i 75 ; bulk beef cow nd
helfera, l4 25?it7; tork canner and
ruiiera, 12 aid 1.40; bulk veal calve,
rr imoiMo SO. i
Hhee Receipt. J. 000 head; motty
direct; market, compared wllh week no,
fat larnba and yearlln, 7Scfl.0O hlah
cr; feedera 2:,!?iv40t: up; ahei.p it, yum
hlnher; cloalli top fat larnba, IH.tiS to
uty butchera. 114 7I to packer; bulk,
114 14 Hi; ciilla Mb higher; generally
111 lot(1 1 oo; rlealrablo fat rllpped larnba,
11.1 no; bulk feedlne lamb, II ;i.7t,4 no;
week'a top, 114 2,'.; bulk fat yearlln
wclhera, H2.tloaia.2r.; heavy fat ewea.
IKiiifi-tlAn; choir handy weinit quot
ablo to H.Ofl.
Korel Klrlran.
New Tork, .Vov. II, yorei Ki'han
irer Hrlfala, demnd. f I 44 1-11 . ea.
hie. II 44 l-l',, t'l, day bill on bank.
14 4.1 1. -14.
Krarne, demand, n'lJ"; eaoiea. .i.
Italy, demand, 0444'Ai tablea, .0447
ftrliuin, dcmaiid, ,0','d',;
Of, 111
r;ermny, demand, .4001 Vt i
O'li'l (-la.
Ilolland, d'.mand, .1111 ; eablea,
Norway, demand, .14.
aweden, demand, .2(170
Tronioark, demand, .2034,
awliarland, demand, ,1121.
Hpaln, demand, .11
lireece, A'tuiti4, .0144,
Poland, demand, .000044.
'3ta. ho.ailovakia, 4mtttiiitt .4217.
Argentina, demand, ,2IJ,
llrazll, demof.d, .1200,
lonral, II 00',
New Vork ITodtfr,
New Tork, Nov. 1 1 Huller tedy.
, I.K Firm; I'aetfln cot white, .
frua, ')ft,c; do firata to antra, f!ri.
C'tieeae HI eady.
Kanaaa (Iff Hiek.
Kaeaa City, 1o., Nov. II f United
H'ttte lovpartmenl of Aartcultur ) 4't
tle Iter eipn, 3,400 head; market for
week, beef eteer avrraalnf a'eady, me radee beln weak and other
elrohx; top, 112'':, alia a'ork inoatly II
21c hiaber; canner rnoatly tic hlbr;
nulla, 2;460c bIKber; cajve moally 21
v'le, blxher.
((,, Receipt, 4,000 head; market ac
tive, around l"e hlaher; bulk 200 to 2J4
Ib. avre, l.J0.2(; op, 14 21; bulk
of an lea. ftAOfaZS; 170 to l0-lb. ver-aa-ea
moally ttnHHt.2!,; dealrabl packio
ao, (7.2J; tu':k pl moa'ly Ik.O'i
Hheep ftaealpta, 1,040 head; market
for week, fat lamb and yearllr, (finally
Ii4t7!ic higher than laat week cloae;
cholc kind up more, cloaln top, 114 00
n weatarn; bulk aneei j'o7iio nmner;
r.,w ewe aelllnit over; reeiin lamb
around 2So hlKher. beat t llJ.Zi.
fiilcaao Wl'arll.
Ran of prpi of tha le.dln Chlco
tock fiirnlah-d by Imkim A J)ryn, 244
Peter Tru.t bulldin;
Omaha lie iMaaaf War.
New Vtuk, Nov. II. Koreln
1 h int.-a inid the rtok market war
the pi.itiia i f particular Intereat today,
lib Ihey had been the day b'f'de
Hii ke moved mui h 11a thry did on
Friday; fuilhrr detllm 1.11110; In
numeroiia uir.a from I 10 c,'n'
led Wall atreet InctaaainKly nr
With Lurotaan atrhamt fafea (he
movement it recovery wu mora
Ifi nerul than on lha ptevloti day;
nearly all of them advancer, wllh
tri lli'K ft fid lira endili; well abovalh
preceillnif wet'k' final prle, but with
franr and mark at a ronanlerabl
net decline. ,SJt wee, with Ln
hind a $'.l),i)l)i).(iii(i payment, due on
Wedneaday, may develop aoui Inter
eat In; movnmetit.
I'nrpoaala lla.
1a ai'ak loarket ftaed It nond
Karl Motor
l.lbl-y fnew)
Montomery-Ward ...
Nat. Leather (new),..
I'lirley Wlly
Hwift Int
t'nlon Carbtd .......
....... a
....... 21'
llutter Market.
f.'hlco, Nov. 11. llutter market re
acted thla week after period of areany
advance and for th laat two day wer
barely ateady. Tha movement wa lowr,
nlihoiosli price held fairly wall. A acaro.
Ity of all arudea helped keep market
relatively firm rejardleaa of leaaened con-
aurriptlon demand. Cloaln prlcea, 2-acora
butter; New rora, an'c; iniiaoeipiiiH,
(0H; Boat en. He; Chlcaao, li'c.
'w York Dry 4id.
New York. Nov, II, Cotton good mar
ket were ateady, with an upwara irenu
aorna lin'a of Imported colored 100.1a.
Varna wera firm. Raw wool markela were
ateady. .lata ond were firm. I.lnen waa
nought freely for luillday purpoe. Job
ber reported a ateady fllling-ln demand
from retailer.
tltteatl-l anilr.
Tork-ltav nd ItiSlrntl n,t
Chamber. Ii.a'i cf Ttiater, er
by Itec. II Pri. e
ff l'nlverjlr
Ioih wvte
Ten Man . l".r.i,M,a
Pit. a and II..-I K X i l i.l
)Uvd Pair . II. , . e
lil.lrlk.ea MrSrwI.
Y.ok -ll!l,.ll I 'Lit .K.ell .ad l;iu-t
l Sel, b.-tu t.t h.rt -. ae, ured a mr
ru o.eo.a at,. IC,, la.
iv rt t. ... .... . . ...
.araoaae .-I l. i.ii,.mi,i ,i,o,iier la,
'r 1 :e vrrola a. la ,k o f-.r t l.e
.-jn iv'., who. the aj.a, nlr
la ant Ii r.,ta i.f ...
I aaa aaa lhra.
M ju.t nl II- l'. p.ati.a. , f lt lll
ac.rtt.a ,f tl. n, , i , J 11 S.n ,
a.'.tll.a ..k 1 . .t lha b..oia ol the
r i.l. a M'i h lr a I !-. J li.i.a
ai .in.i n-v j I .'I , ,.r ..t lh.
I .at I er 1.4. . ! ,. , a Tfc.j
fen , or a.. t..t ,..- . ih, ii,.., a'
1 1 ft .- ' ' . . t.. ., ia a mi . J- !
Ml. land I.lveatock.
l;aet St l.nul. III., Nov. 1 1 CstlleRe.
ceplla 1.240 head; compared wllh a Week
,130; inuica etcer. chad lower; tdhera,
I-. 1,. li, l,.w. aleera aellln. 10 2941 10.40;
town m'oatlv: wealern eraaaera, ateady;
buhl yeailln and helfera. 2!.i hiaher;
cava and cannera. II to So higher;,
ateatly, light calve. II 10 to 11.71 higher,
linker aleera, SJc lower; lop aleera for
week. Ill M: bulk for week; native ii,
I". 2f.ti in 4"; western, l& 00 4,.;
vearllnaa. ISlT00, rowa,
irann-ia, 15 111;'"; bologna
4j I 21. Receipt. 4.009 he.dy; ateady on
iIiok; anon to l hiher on pia atal
light light, lop, 1 4 : ii-e"'".
average I lip, l4'4l4S; light llghla,
illadva 1 u ii,r 1 SO; ptga, M.sf44ii packer anwa
married i ;..w, nioatly 14 to !' bwr, bulk, i a
I tl ! Ill
ah-..n an.l l.anil. - Iteceipla, h'll: colli-
pared milt wrek ago. fat lambe II liilir;
.11. aa, hiaher: fal awe. 1.UC to
, week loo I a nine, en ie: ttt
l.ulk ( for week, 113 1,4
bulk light ew.a, 4anlii;
l ',i I t
1 7I 4 lb;
bulla, 37
' II hlybc
1 e A . I i
I '1 I I 1
h. av ia,
at J
p.itl ilieitl
. 1 1. ' a. Jo
a ag .
.rh .
l ti
J.iaeph llteal.ak,
V.. . 1 1 -II' 1 ,'"
t Alii- oilura ll lll lie-
lived Market 1 paled won
..f !.! ll eatllitg
. ea-lv . tet l-e. r 10 a. '"'o
a ; 1 I Mh.i, '. kria "!
, j i i i '. i.. v n w a a I ok
I... ...I ... aU'l Ll '''
t.eta (HI .l'Oii
i,l un an.l pieln ',
to u."i-
.... 1 14 .
III it. f .
aw j '
1. vut,.H
!,. ta .
tk, t
1 ., ,
1 1 al I
l.laae an.l
I , ,
l au 11 .
l ' u .
11 It'll" t e
, aoaai, Ii l ' I "'l a
..! .,.., H'. ''
1 1 I ! u a
,. It.,. . 4 btat aloieeia
,,... I! , 1 g I tu .,. it..
I n 1, t. . I . - ' '
II I ) j I a . K aia.v,
, 1., 1, l i'- e a' eaa
1. .. -. . I i at I
1.. t 1 In I Ul Urota.
a '
I., a -If ,
ft ..I. a
Vlietkf Ha. hauia
Satl-a W r.
. I 0. ,
... k 1
.... a a
l'l aa , .
I M I I'a t -a
, , 1, lava It . t attle-
I ... Ii, I .... Hit
it .. I. I 'a aa4 iiin a'e.dw
I v f4 aive.ft i.l 1 1
I.l ... a eel ' ' 4-
N. Y. Curb Bonds
New Tork, Nov. 1 1 Tranaactlona on
tha New York Curb market today wera
ag ful In a 1
I" 1
Kalea )ln 11.004.)-. fl!h
1 Allied Packer a... 77
1 Allied Packer l. . . 7
4 Aluminum 7a 1:5.104e
11 Amer tl 4t K ta..,0(t ,
3 A liter 1. 4x T (la WW. 100 4,
, I Arimr t ti T o 24.101
II Aliacrin Ctii 7 : 1"J'
1 Anglo Ant nil 7'i I'll '
2 Arll.nur Co 7e . .ln u,
I Hell ll Mleel 7a '2l..ll'a
5 H.lh fteal "a 'Jl. .ItJS
I Canadian PaC 4a 111 S
I CetK M.-l I ....!",
1 Char- oel Iron la. , 44
2 Col Oraph aa SI
1 Ct p K Aaa l la 24 I'll
t Itetl'tlt I'lljr tlaa r.a 1 04 1
I lleneral A'pl alt I 1 "4
I lirand Trunk 4aa,4
I Hull oil 7a ...... I I
7 lot R T ta XI 44
ll lot H 1 i tit ... l
i lao leda ta 1 "it . . I"l 't
I I.Hi vie a I lb ia , . H I S , .
I NV Ml a It la ... .'
1 I'lula I.l ... I1 4
i h.itierl Hair 7- , . '
I Nea'e !! la 2 I . . lul '
tMW t.ll Tel 1" I'll I
I aid tui s V I '47 I"'1
It m i no M (H . . !"' !"
I in tut a ..'' ....
1 awifl 1 la II . I"! a ...
I a.ili I i n Ii Il'i
I I a ml 1.1 a ,,,,11
I Al l It 11 . ... A
I m (tuuia r . a a1
I ti.i t ml ta I . ' '
t Kaaaa t) : , . "a .
I alu l ac la I' l ' ' a
Ixeil .oa.l
. t A rBeiit'ae la .1 . ' '
a S . 1 1. .1 1 . mle , 4 'a
I .n 1 i a a f 4
I ale, n tin.t .a , . . . ll
II 4 .1 .... -
It M Ml I "a
I p. I .i . .......
4.S4 1 '
,ui. la
Low. Cloaa.
1 11 1 1'13'a
iois i'li',
If appeara lo rr.nalder the aettl.d
boil, y of itoa 'onareve nt ilia neat t.tia
legetdle a lea in iorr,pany eurpluee
Very pnaelbiy aome au-h eapedlenl Itaa
been talked about at W eehlfiglori, but
far aa they here appeared In prin', the
pmpi.eate ara ea'rerrtely haxy and II baa
hot been ea.y Or lii'-iitt )uat what Wall
ai reel imagined. Anyone, ran t.ropoee In
roogrea rlmarii' or even abetird l.giaia
fli'it, but people with ordinery methode of
leaai.ttlng uaually wall to eea what the
bill coiiiinfaee, whether It will ever gel out
of iha ion, mi"., lo which ll la referreii
nnd who la likely lo vol for It-If It
doea etnerae
'fha M'mk !: Ii'.rige. howevrr, lovk for
dlerouraglri newa wberr a market la da
1 llMiig, aed I not alaay particular aa lo
Ifa tioahly. It nevht alao b remarked
Ibat any ruir.or reiaring to a "rorporation
aurplua la n'.wadava aur fo b a fa'tor
to put tha Wail afiiyt mind Into tmnmu
forel T'a'l tUffirt,
Tunny raided report of Ureal firii
atn'a foreign ind la roontN I the
firal of ate Ii fateoief-i for period uh.
eijiierit to Ilia eiieitrrient tif lha Kordney.
M' ' Ulritii r tariff If It hail been f,e. re,
ttiat great decreaaa to Hririah eaporr
would t,e .frown. Ilia atatement. will nor
I, a enlightening 'th tariff went Into
for'a on Hepicmber ii,
J.iiKiaada eieoria durlp October ra.
to b aure, aoma J.liOO.OoO pound tree
than In rVpieinber, but lha hVpiiniimt
lotil had l"cii eilarged both by atop,
tneora of coal to Aroertia and by Iturry
tr forward men band ir lo ai in befora
lha new tariff hedule wera applied.
I'aealli Hi.itTrH't, It will ba aeeu Ibat
laat. riioi.tli tote! Mrllleh eaport trade
wa tiova tha mofttniy Nveraga of lot
ear and large'y m exree of the monthly
Mblpment fioro April to Jtiri. Inr luaive
Hall a I reel Topic.
Wall a' reel waa lotereared In th ra.
port of 1 1. a Adarrie Keprea company
leaumed operation ccompllehed with the
eHtabliabitient of II armored aervic. a
aervpa wlii'-h waa deainbed a eorifll't
lit la no way with th operation of tea
American Railway fc-xpreea company, 'lb
armorad ar aervic eafebitehed lent
March, following a aerlee of Hiefi In lb
fitiani lal diatrn t, conaiata of a fleet of
ateei automotilea, manned l.y armed
guarda. It I uridaraiood that plan hv
t'ven iatd to tocraaa tba number of tar
from if i a fieet of i' or HO wit bin
tha neat (wo year, If (h preaent auo-
ee of tba company continue.
Horn of th prominent Icilll corn.
panle r In a poeltlon 10 cborti over
th preaent prlteg of cotiofi. Horn of the
mora faralghted of them "t,mnt to fb
guerde" on the brak la cotton which
arrid It, aeveral month ago. from lav
dowa to near l'.c level, Irn of tba lead
in eori.oratlon ha a potential profit, nt
al leant a paper prof.t of nior thaa
fl.tO'l.OiiO ft a'apl wlili b It purchaaed
for It own uae and 00 which dejjverle
will ealend far Into tha aprln of
iha weakneaa that baa baan bote.) in
many of the Induatrial laaue inc election
day egiendrd to tha railroad Hat abort ;y
after tha openin of tha Iradln aeaaloa
today. I'urin th flrat hour practically
all th railroad atocka wer offered at.
decllrift from (ba prevlotia rlay' prlcea and
In ome luc ih ira'iin wa eceoiniy
touchy during lha two hour of tradln.
Tba o alled Waldorf crowd, that !',
cll'iua nt bi nr.u;eior who rrtako their
headuuartera at tb Waldorf Aaforla,
bought, a Una of Untied Mtateg ate.) com
nton on Wedneaday afternoon which waa
eallmated at near (0,0i hre Ihey
paid between 107'4 r.d J0' for the
lock. Kor om unknown reaaon, fhey
rtiimiied th whole lot "at tha mfke"
Krlday, tailing a loa whl'h ranged from
'ft 11 I it poirira, la me tranaactton. pin
II I nulla generally known that the Wal
dorf crowd t not ompoaed of phltanfhro.
plat and that they do not trad rnereiy
lo glva commlaaion to tHe broker, all of
V.'all atreer loday wa aakln Itaelf "What
happ'-bcd ?"
New Tork. K II After earif per
tod af d tlleee. tradm In band on ttta
Sew fork )'. I iehan be. ate brod
and tlve, moai of th tlv laauea da
vt loping a-uta
Koreigu in,r,da ttiiiiittued In aa under
th weight t,f ia lerga vntum of offer
tnae litem 7 bfrtk neariy 2 polnta arid
I lintea of iofil ea.h Imik 1'lai In line.
ileii aa, I'.iettbaHett 41. I'l. I. yon.
M .diterrneiui la an I anta, a. I rri H
1 ta gitd la tout tod itewejaw en free
11. .cl 1.. I l.aaea li liTi'itli n 4
teptioo, galiiinf It p.'tn' of pniiii or mot war rjull
ct.iritia.'t III lb railroad lial, at. I'ut tort
vrrlti.ia 4'ra and Hall liiit.r 4 Irblo
gold la drn,. In I'a pnlni e. b 1 11 her
we apnt wera k,,u'beiil llellwee I
.rti eap.aee ult.o 1 ..nverllble le, f.l
general 4a nd fla ronvertllrl 4, aerie
l, New Haven l and debeliluie la of
H7, lieaver lllo urtid fefundln
' god linn.polia at la.ula refundm
I lai'ltavlll Naal.vllla unif'td 4
inoved agaloal tba current trend, legnlel
lag net gam of I in m
Copper oinpany lieoe tear again Ih
weakeel featuree "f Ih Industrial bat, da I'aaio dfoppla 2 ' nollil alid
I hue C.iiper 7 .u'li Vutui llio
ai.gar le, I one I a'alea Until" le god
V.iiaoa I'ai'aii.g 1 i.iivertibl '. alao li'd
uoetan'lal Inaaea
I'niied atelea govereinaol bond wr
triegtllef, but lltalltly dnanwKl l.tberlr
I'a and tt new 4 1 per cenl linrele Irrr.
proved 4 nd rem utt in. feepeeilreir
I, hi in fire' aeiond nd 'Ihud 4' nd
th illed Viilory dropped 4 to )( cent
Other wera n haered
t , . Ilond.
II 'an. Irw ( !'.
I l tit .1"" 4 144 II ti ...
11 4 , . , ,.. .
lit 4 '
Id 4 ',
d 4',
4'h 4 ', a
4i ll'te
lien .
Totala. far value, wer
It Liberty
I Liberty
II Ul.erly
21 Liberty
440 ( iheriy
10 Liberty
42 Vlcloty
l Vie 4a
7f V ley 4
a coy of ttergen . .
I City I.f Mordeeug 4 77
I City of Copeo 4'o
4 city of 111 'f 7' 74
in city f L"n , .. 77 '4
I City of Mar 4 ,, 11
t I Uf i,l II da t . '4j
I City of Zilflrtl I1
Jl Ceh Hep clfg 4"l')
20 ipt of keine ,7 it'A
Ii 1 of C (' p 'l,IM
40 ll lit Can !. '2 . '
21 U V. Indtaa a '47. , 4'4j
24 Ir f, In-t'e te '. , l
20 frer; b fen . - 'i
french pep 7 , , tt
20 Itnl-Am Line f., . , ,
I .Imi let 4'a . . , 42i
hrtdrri of llel 7', ,1'H")
It (dm of llel .,.
Kg'ltn of Ireu ,
Kdrtr l-f Neti ,, IS.I4
. 41 .....
, 74 J
, 1 ott
, tt ii II
tow 10 it tnu 1
,hn 4 1 00 li l 4
, 4114 l4 1114
41 14
I liter Ipr raf tth , ft 14
t Kan 1 11 a " fa I "S
I kallr Biota T la JO'S
1 la'm Ni ta 14 fit
1 I, a a m n 4 4 11. fi
I l.ehult Valley la. ,,,!!
I l.ia a Mrer la,.,, II
L H W ta f4
Ii a N unified 11 , , lot
Magini 1 op 1g ,,,.111
Meliau) Mitger fl, fl
Mm at hr eon ta . 1 1 44
Mailand I'll I'-ti ,.IH
Hid .ale l it ta , , , 14
M l I. rrf ta ... 4014
44 K T a ad la a 41
Ho I'ae ion la ,, ., lilt
ll Ma lae geu le .... 441
I Mont I'oaer t A . 4'a
w 'i r it i itr n'a
o T 4 II In I. 77,
w y t' ti ion,
N V C ,4 i, ,,,,, 4'
M T I' ton 4 Ij'
tv y f a ai 1, d 4 '
N y Id re iai IM
NIMIell v ( ii n.
0 ni 1 fl rr -i .)', ,,,,,
14 V VV a Mr.. ft, ( ,,,,,
I tr a a.. a Hi I A It' . , ,
I Kor Weal cv l e 1114. 1 1 7 'k
.'.. .....
i't t44
0lt 104)
40 '4
' ..
41 ' 1144
04' ..
14 4 ItS
41 tl',
1014, 1I4
7 '4 1 1 1 1
i'4 ....
1, 4,
I "4 4,
0 ,
I '4
Kadm i.f Hut a,,, 1 1 'a
fcrdrn of a.ed . ,104 '4
I' I, M 4 ,,, '.4
Rep of Mot e , .
II '4
47 41
New York Quotations
Rang of prlcea of the edln afork
furnlabed by Logan A Kryan, 244 Peter
'iiuat building:
High. Irw. Cloae Cloa
A., T. A ft. K,..,.102'4 l''l '4 "l'4
If A- O , 4i 41V, 44
Canadian I'aclfic. . 1 U V, 144', 144 'i
New york Central. 47 '.'4 t.i
14 72'4 12'4
90 'd 17 14
cheg. Ohio,
tireat Northern,.
Illlltol Central. ,,
K. C Houlhern..
Lehigh Valley ...
Miaaourt Pacific. ,
n. y. a. tt. 11 ...
Northern Pacific,
Chlcngo S. W.
I'tnn It. It
f.. It. 1. V
Houthern Pacific.
Houtherrf Hallway
c, M. HI. V..
Union I'aclfic,
7 4i
I '4
2 f
Jl 204 204,
I.', 1,4 '4 t t'fi
114 14', il
2 24 4a '
2 2V, 2S
7 a' 14(4
47 4) 47
It 0 7 72
;;tl, JO It "4
12 l'4 tl
24 24 24
-,t ii 27
. 144H 142 144
Am. Car Foundry.. ll 140 140 1U
Allia-Chalmer ... 42
Am. Iicoinotiv. . 124
Ilaldwln l.oco....K'
llelhlehem Steel.. 124,
Colo Kul Iron ...
Crucible 7'4 '4 71
Am. Kleel I oundry 41S 44 41
Lackawanna Mteel tu M ''t
Mldvala Nteel .... l 11 114
Rep. ateei Iron 44 4 47
Ity Hteel k, ring 114 114 114
V H. Mleel 1"74 l"t lot
Vnadliiin S l
Ilea, Haabnard ...
Anaconda 44, 414
Am. 8. It'f Co. . bt tt
t erm La laaio.. " 4
41U, 41V,
12 12344
1t tit
tt'i 4
7 '4
f hlno
tlteen Can a be
I ii,h a' ion
Kt tinei ott
Hay '
a, ti.oi
t'latl ,
d.. t-'d .
(Irn. Aalbalt
I ail I'elclt.l .
l-ivinillla tt, I
Men I'.iernl
Mobile Hlali
I'a. Ill.l I 'll
I'., n A 'net n an
I'l-r. a 1 til , , .
I'nra tl.
II. let ll .
Hoi, lir 1 ni
M.I ml. N i
!- C.
I'l 'I i t ,
Vt hit tl.l . .
j. 1
. 4
till "
. 4.,
, .",
. l'.'a
. I"
, 17
, 4
' 'a
, H'a
. "'.
. '
. 4'
It I
I .
4 "4
41 '
I a
2 b
1 4
12 Rep of Chl! 4 - . 1' 0
l'li of Cuba fi '"4 ' i.i,
to ftp i.f lf,nmy 8.1414 ""
0. at of Cteen 7 ,,101 74
tar of oeei, 4a, ,1114 I'll ,,,,
I xr of a I'eoto fl ,.,
wa Cort'ed ,. 117 1H4J flf
I I'KofU'lAl 4 '2f.10f l""4 l'
41 I Kofl(l ( '27.102 tut
l; of 1 7 , ; .
II I' U nt tlt.M 7, 4 4'4
II I'D of ll.c Ity t-,1 7- 44 41 a of Meano f,,, 41if, 4i ,,11
i v n 1.1 M'ji'o 4,., it ,,,,
Railway and Mltteellaneoua,
1 Arn At t'Uri 7'4-.l" I"'
11 Am arn-lf t f.4 '
4 Am t ,.,.,,102
2 Am T7r ,.!f4 H4 14
12 rn T 7 col f I 7'4 f7'4 7'4
It Am T T col 4 ,, 41
1 Am Writ Paper 4 44 .
2 Anton hi'wn . ,, 7
4 At T As M r Kin 441 tt
t At Cel. Lb 1t Cli'4 47
4 Late a, rblo 4 10 l'1' "
it lu ll frhlo ev 4a 2 41 414,
4 Hell Tel I'ena 7 ,.1"'4 loa'a '')
I Hath Kteal fef t., "
1 Rkin H T 7 rtf-, 4 "
1 Can Worth 7 ,,,112 ,
If c I'ae d 4 .... 7v, 71
2 Onf (, , ,,,! 1"
2 C1,1, l,earrr (.
Jl Cent I'm gld 4 ,, 44 .
20 Cmttii Ah I'aace ,.! 11'4 .
'it Ch A Ohio t (., J'4 4 .
14 b a, Ohio cv 4 474, 47
14 CM h Alton 2 ,
Chi A Alton .... '
10 ' J 4 (ef 4 A.IHD f l
Chi y V, III (a ... 41 II
Cbi 1,1 Weel'a 4n, .; ',0 MVt
CM,', ,vt ' tt, 71 1
41 CMAXtf fV 4 '. 47 ,,,,,
22 CMat fef ,,, 44 4I 41 '4
M A Korih'w'fa 7 14
11 'blcegt R' I .- 7Sri 74 ,,,,,
1 Cbl ft A V " 4 t ..... .....
it I'M Kl' fef 4 44 : ,,,,,
I Chi A Weal B Ind 4 VI , ,,, .....
r,l Chit Copper 7 ,,112 117 .....
44 Chile Copper '. ,, f'.'4 .....
II I'i.I 'iin ft 4'4 7 47 .....
1 Col Ul ...
7 C Coal of Md (., " tl
11 cub c an de), ,,,,, ,,,,,
Ll A Hud ev Ha,, . .....
I fen A W Of Iff if, 4 44 41
4 Oen A ft llf mil 4 ''4 7 ,,,t,
J droit Kdi t-t tt .,11 ,
20 Jroeiof Ufd liy 4 iV, t'i$ f'4
I ImV d Nam 7 ,1 -
Iotien Lf ,,1''2V, 17 1"74
27 Kmp OA- 7 ctf 14 44 14
7 Krl pr lien la.,,, 14 17 ,,,,,
It V.fin t'ti Ilea 4 , , 41 44 .
Cram Ind lo 7 7'4
I,' r,,odrPh 11 1''1'4 1014
Odyear Tire 'SI.. f
liily-tit 'firm '41 114 115 114
I, I Tk tlv of I' 7 111 ,,,,, ,,,,,
2 Od Tk Ry of I! 4 12 102
loot iofth 7 A. .110 110
12 IH Woffh'n (a 101 104
a. 'o
I H Am I'lba.n af ta tit
I I H Pel Ifn l , , I r.a I,
II 44 I'af If 4 lui, lei,' f i t,
7 H l'c pr Un la ,, B7
4 Hor'bw etn II T 7e,iil i,
10 Or a CI! let la, . II
1 Ore h I, (id ta ,l"7
f Ore ah I. lef 4a ,, f
2 Or W lilt a ti 4 II
I Oil ! II, , , , , n ',
11 I'ae II. t a ri'i la, tl
II Pec Tat ta 'II if II
4 I'ai kd Mol Car I. I"t
I ('eon, )t u i'a . i 1
f 1'eona ll 14 I I""
10 era Maui if ta ,, fl
17 I'titl c rot ir , t
4 Pubiiti atvli le, , 14
11 loading 10 4 , . 14
lieiogi 11 Am, af fa '.
I hit, IMA 4 lti d 44
11 riLl' pr In 4a A, 71
II at (, ay gd) a ,,, 71
l'i ailaur- loa I ,,, ',
7 t I, eon a 71
I ml AHl' III, I, 4l, l
I If 4 I, toll I,,,, 10
14 a A 1 ,)) t ,,, 2'.
IN A I, ft 4 41
it ah '! K'.'p A,, l
I am con oil cv ?' lut
41 airi I on oil ol 7a, no no
17 win r rO'le 101 1, ! a
I Ho Pan iv 4a, , , , , , II
a I'ae f t 4a ,,,,, 17
I Un I'k ml it 4 ,, ti-
4 Ry gen ,,,, I'rl
10 t tty . on (.,,,,, f ' V,
11 an ff eo tt 47
II tt'iu'b P II M'gar 7 f
I 'd O of Cal d-b It Jt
I 'bud A Of 4 ,, 44
It Tblfd Av d ,, , t
I 'C, oil , 'v. I'
I Union I'a. if e let 4 42
4 I wloii fi Ur y 4 4'i'4
4 I'nl'W Tati cr 7 11
4 I r,iid lit$ I,, .112
4 I liKed UI ) HI
12 t, a Rubber (. ,,,, 11
20 V n a'. .1 f ( , ,0i
2 Utah Cow A Lt f,a , 40
4 Vligliila Ily Itn. ,,, tl
I W'abaall I.l (a
1 IVe.l fid let 41 ,,04
I 44'..f I clofl , l"4
f Wel Ytl'H 7e. , )'i1
I Willi pe ail 1 , tl
10 4Vt A Co f 7 ,I'tt
14 veil A tit l.t f
Total ttn nt laind today war 17 DM..
4 oinred with 111,201,040 prevloui day
ind 4,I4,00 year ago,
f 1
7 i
I "2 4,
I of"
Omaha Produce
It Unit a. Man ef ( A If
4 II At M adt inc ta, 40
flora O a It (,, l
f lillirol Cent l -l'4
t llllno, hit deli 4 41
2 Indiana Hteel (,,,14)
124 Inrer I'ap 7rn 7, 10
it Inter l T fef ( , 74 4
174 In ft f fef t, crf, 74
7 lotAtli.V d 4 wl . 12
4 In Iferc Mar f 4 10
' 44 '
f Wl I
Uf mmt fe'irtmaf of Agrlcult'jn
Koreeu el Darker gad Mtkai,i,i
l'i jV ATOKH.
CfSnl Botato fepoo for 54 houfa end-
lb f m, Halwrday. 'I ni,eretijra ai d
weather i 4 111 1 4t degraea, clmlv
'two tneirf, fv ffelraaka, on North
)'') rata arrived. Tlilfty-ona 011
limn, lacludin broken. rmnd and
looveinetif o,,yite uiarkef 'dy. ' ar-
I I'd n.t MJnei;ia aaked Rad River
fiM'i; tintli aim, partly graded on r
at II per i wi ; Wianeaot ked Rd
River fili'nt, ebowie effei of field
I ni.i, II H uiu'lif Sin- I, tin itr t '
p lVebrel 'kd Karly Ohioe,
U ft, Ki1 Sv, I, two cr al H pur
swi, i
UnrUH tdy, firm,
l'i n,,tyf H a gi t; 0.)b, tub,
line; tdfda, 44e; f(rt, 44c,
lelryliuyer p)'i iii for dairy roll;
titj'tun fonkwat paalrt' gtock; cbeeay
r,d dirty, coneidro)y lag,
Market rdually advaiicln Dilation
prut, iUi dellvarec? Omaha, 4t,
Warhet dy and firm, but buyer
pyln titer lop prl'e nir lor gelectad lot
of e.'a fuallry; mlellieou flrat aell.
Ib wl'bln lb fan of quotation given
balow on b ca count baaia;
HflHIy freeh, delivered Omaha, 40a
pay do,; Un, I, 'm ; r.ltt, w , moat
dealer paying tlnl.ntillMi tut freeh
eg, re ivuni Jobbing prp 10 retail'
eia VlftH No, 1 fancy, 44. ; eelecte, 4c;
'or eci, 0; Ind, 27c; check,
lf UrMltm, 21c; i"ln, 14a! heavy
hn, lli;; libt , lie; rooeiar, lie;
oapon, over 4 l', ttu; leghorn noultry,
bout U, tea; dU'fc, fal, 14c; ea fat.
full feathered, I4, ulie. 4t ,
turVe,, J! 10 Jit, -iordli,g fo air. and
eoiedtlion? tbln lurkee not litd: bia-
eorea, tint , II 40; HO li k, crlpple4 Ul
gcrawny pouloy waiit.rl t guv prii.
Oreaa-d Mprlna. 11 a '); brollen, 0e;
h. ,, uriutAlim ttt ', tiifitr.; roogteri,
!;; du-ki, 21c; larke, 0t,
I, net! buyer r uumlng th following
prlcea fur freed dillver4i raaay, II
I 111 ib. ur ia, 101 nr, ;
4 Iba, per Ib, 4i liver, kiarl aad
lunn ntual bi lafl la veil.
py.rr cut
HUa Ne. I, lie; No. I. II.
I oil, -No J, lie; No I, II.
rtoui,,!.-No. I, lie; N. I, It.
Cbu. ka No t, I Or, Na. I, f.
l'lateeKu. f. la; Na. I, I.
Amirlega ho I femyi Twin !
flil d.leiea 27c; duubl dnele. ffl
on wg Amei'a, lc; aute frlnia,
in, kilik, ;
K ailrarie.t fl, Mm. I ta
raa. par ia.e, S 1; ! rotnh, 14 aee
llnli per raae, 14 4u; tiew illlt'led oy
tr. IV II tana, I iaea to reae, par lb. II.
I HI' 111. . .
Iletianea- llaaed on aellln prlr ef ll
ler Ib , II on I e'l
iirrfi.a'a-l' tt'e fancy fgllfnrnl ai.
II aire and latger, per Inn, 11 If; It
ana, lu itt tit'. I'! 001 ttt !, M t
eo alt, !' OB; Horn) leuty, l III,
i f
Leiiuii.4-f lira California, lo iJ ia.
per Pot, llu on u 1 1 an, 1 hole 104, llf
l,,e, Id low 10 'to. I. Intel 100, II 01
iliapefruit riuril fancy. 14 14 alia.
II 71., tl 11 lu eue. It tin, 14 44 alia,
I2I.. bra Waahlitgtun rreeiltin per be.
II tl
Craltberrlea-lllil , lot Ibl . IlllfJ ao.
It ib, ft to; Juinboa, bill., llllo.
Apelea lielb luua iwi, ucoidini fe
,l.e and riuallly, 17 loot 110, Waahlniloa
J., per bm, iltltfltll; Idaho
InlMlliaiie, bbll , Hit, btl b"k . I a r. j
llrltnea Hold. 11, bu bek II 10, Men LvH,
em fancy to, fam y Mo I'limlna, per
Ibl, lit", Null lorn Hple. par boa. lilt
rj 1 (11 VVIiiier banana, per b", 114.
I'eera -Sib liiaaii Kelfer, bu l'k. II 7l
Ciiloiedo Ketfir, per bug, 11 '; fancy
Weebltiglnli I'e AUloU, per b", 11 14
tlieiie-Tokay, fbaakit rlgle, 1171;
Red I'.mperiir, rule, 12 71; Almarlal
Iwbllel, k,g. IH 00,
fig - 'California It rg'lnn bog, it ll!
10 tart-11 M.a. II (0
Lalee- lli,l.,wll, "4-lb Initial, lb, e
Lomi bu v i aea. II 0; boa 14 71,
Aviicadoa lAUVetiir peiiral. aecordtn;
10 a a nor. 11 14 lli'0 I III)
Cider-New N braakg, 14 gil kgl, per
ke, 1 1 en
VflKTAIII. ',t
l',,ti,,, ,.. Mil, lie t (led lllvef Ohio,
Vo I, l 40 per wi ; Neb eeka Parly
illrta. No I, It 21 per twl ; No. I, lilt
per iwi.
Nweel r"ine Virginia, bu bak.,
11 I'd; , I.l '.'f,
Ktifghgnae I'.-r Ib, 14,0
lleeta, Carrnie fumlia Paraitlpa Pef
rnn eel bark , 4'4',tr; In lerka, per Ib, In,
',.eie 'tin gou, market baek , 1,00
f I 'ant- r-1'oi.d doin II 24
Tornaloea Itolbouee, l-mrlnn bog, 12 14
per diiou: Caiifornn lug, a oo.
iiolooe--Hiiu'liern, doen 0c Ohio
wh'iia, I ion cwi: liniioiiad Hnanleh, 12.(9
rrgte, ynllow, tl per CWI; (llnneanl
lltd Iflobe'e, rwl. 100,
Oarln p. r lb . ;'nc
LetiuiaColnradu bead, 4 dnien, ert,
It tl,; per dnjori, fl , Idaho ciatea, 4 10;
hoi liooea Iciif. do , 7!,i
Itadlahea -Koulllerfl, dor, , 11.00.
H.nci far bu ll li
Cetillflowel Callforiila rratea, 12 71.
Cabbnge- 1 'rail a, per Ib, lc; rked,
1', ti d cabbnge, Sc; cejery rabbag, per
lb, oc, ll,,,,. 11 fpruig, ii,, nc
Celi'y 1, hlg.'li. per dnisan. 40eJ71C
Idiibo,. fer diUe'l. t lltQI It
llnriey lo w Melon -t rateg. 12 01).
il'w '' " '""ronr market belt,,, ,v
flraf patent, one-fourth. 17 tt: fnrv
eier, niiana ive, 'i.7e, iiuolatlong ar
f. a. b, imba.
Price at whlh inanufartiirer nd Job.
berg ar tcllin iheir produclg In round
Iota In Omtili follow;
llran fit no
lli-owa Hboria-27 04,
Orey Phone 1.4.110.
M 1,1,1 1 1 o a a I hi no
lied LoK--rilli'iill04
Alfalfa M. alchon a, I21.04f2t,n; No.
1, I2 to427 on; No 2, t'.:t lo 26 00.
Llnaeed Mi l I ',3 f .0 47 64 00
Ciinoeend Ml- O." doniln SO,
llonilny Kecd While, 2 0; yllow,
124 (0.
Huiteimtlk Cond' need, I to f,
I I -10c ,er lb; flake buttermilk, (0u 1,,
1,104 be , 7c per lb
Kim hhella Lried ind round, 100 lb,
lack, ;i0 per ton
7,0' al buteri ara biyln th follow to
prlcea for field eeed, delivered Ontabn.
Vuotatloria at for hundredweight meaaitre.
Alfalfa, 112 out i); rid t lovei, lltiou
714 00; aiayke, 1,4 ooj;22 On; tioioiby.
It '4,(il, Kiidan gra, 112.40; wlilt
blnaaoui aweet clover, 11100; red ton,
174 00; nnhard grate, 114 00; rye. III tin;
fancy rnilleit, 13 to; golden mlllett, 13. (0;
a oilier gureihum can. 1100,
There hag been conelderglil Intereat
and Uvlty, In vanoua way, In hay
during Ilia pan few Uav, nd price of
plain hay olid atraw hav been ad
vanced. Alfalfa ll urn lionged, but firm.
Tha demand r all kind of hay hag
been pretty heavy, but not go heavy
Ibat r,"lrni did not nearly caver lb
demand. Tha total number of car re
ceived on tba local hy market wa only
45 car for lb week ending riniurday
morning. 21 of which wer prairie and
17 alfalfa. Two cur (rnw wer received,
Tha railroad hv furnlahed rnnn car
lo ehlppai during tba paat few day ind
In roiierijuciica It i emiecied that re.
cipu will be conalderably larger during
tha pgt few day. Heavier receipt may
affect ih mitiket lightly, with lower
pri -ea liet week.
I'rlcea put In effect Friday are printed
below, and ir on tin baali of carload
)ot; It
( bland I'ratita No. I. 116 noer in 00: No.
t. 113 04914 01); No. 1, fDOOflll OO.
Mldlard I'ralrle ,,. 1, 1 1 4 .Miff 1 6 (0;
No 1, 112 Go fr 13 60 ; No. 3, 60', 1 0 SI).
Lowland I'talrle No, 1. 1 1 0.00 ti 1 1 00:
No. 2, l 00 ; 11.00,
; I '.and'' r
! H. a M..I..'. .
I W illj ' i.eiUlid
j I ri ,
; it Mi, it.-ir
gil l. I eW.t
j iii un.. 11
' 1 1 . . , , .
134 1 J I li I
a 'id liir.
t ',
r-Tbihe Points
Pi to Tnurl,
I 4Ht '.
n I ht
1 -.
la 11 li.l f
an'-.i t
I. lee
-.. t. I
I 4 . t
l - a 1
. 4, ,
4 i
t'4 '
eft'! I
I CI i
1, , ,.l
ft. if
Ve avaalfc, HHH 41. t ! 11 total
Mia r e '
tMi 4 444
4 mmJ . '
.. Vee tJFftf ' - J f .4
a 4w44VB4lll 4
- i t
I.....,-! A Oil
lie a. i l'ta f '9
stock rmvn n.rt
lj u I Ky
I a ' ti. le a ia
wiia 11 14 it
4 raadaeg
New I ail
rtoodrlh J2 it '4
Kall-Hprtngfleld .. 42 41 41 41
Keyatona Tir ... 4 4 4
AJ. 1,1 17 ! I4
U H ftublrer 41 (0 (0 (2
Amer lleef Huar. 7 17 17 17
Al flulf a W I ,,,, 24 74 24 24
Amer lot Corp ... 3" 40 l
Amer T'lephon ,,123 121 111 134
Amer Can 73 7 70 73
c.nfrel MUher ,. H 34 lt 3',
Cuba Car, , 12 17 12 17
Cuban-Am auger,. 21 30 o 22
r'orn Print'!, ' ....lit I2t I2( 121
ramoua I'layera,, ft 41 41 1
lleneral tclelrlc ,,77 1 77 177 174
)ri Northern Or, 31 14 14 24
Inter llarveeier ..lot 14 lot
Ant If A L. ltd.. 41 It
V mt 1 Alcohol... '-4 ' tin 11
Inter. Paper ta (( lt 11
Inter M M pfd,, 13 41 11 11
Am, Huger Rrf 14 73 11 74
era ll'-ehtnk , ., 14 12 13 t'
fttrnmehu. .., II
Tnbecio l-rndot le,. 1.1 41 11 II
Vt 1,11b. Puma, ... 13 II II
H liana C 31 31 31 11
Hut, Kleirle,,,, ( ( (
Am. Wm.len . t ( 11 tt
Mint LI.I.ANr.iil
Am Cotton tin , , 21 11 14 It
I an.n t pfd ., 44
Hi,.. M.gli't.i , 31 11 11 3
lira.. Pa Trie , 14 I
1 anil ten II S l
l',l I', kin .. . ... 41
I'l.lilltl 11 4 I. lee 11 11 ll
" rriTA
r vaaae kMtei aauilljltui 1 ifl(.e I
rel .. ft!. .11 v I
r irm nioriyage awning r una
7 Gold Bonds
Uattd Utt. Ith, Due Oct. 15th, 1942
Issued $6,000,000
Intereat payable April 1 6h and October i.vh, at the Nallnrtal City Bank
of New Vork City, t'oupon bonda in tUnomuiei one of .'i00 end $1,000.
(td, enable at fHU I'rineipal eed Intenat f"e fri in Cuban line.
Price $97M and Interest to Yield 7lA
J Omaha Stocks Bond Company
rivb tt, Tuu mAn, mgr. .
Vhr-jr jt zj
1 0H1111 llrai h. , , , I I
I nited loug ..... , 1 7
t'nit.,1 frmi ... It) I'l Ml .
V. 11, .nil In. 0,1 1 , a ! 1 14
National .ead ,, ll 111 H4 111
lulltitan . IH l4 ! '
limi Al" .. ,44
anulii I' It Mitgef l' 4 4 4
h.lai 't.e .. ,. ' '4 11 14
ai 1. a a r . tt US US I' l
lie Hi ele, III '.
tl .ii.r, I int., 1 I. I
M.ik. nun, ae, ftftiy eia, I
eel . 1
yran-a. 4i.e Hi, fUDef it,,
tl la
ki.r .I .e.. I 14 f 1 4a e ei- ae. I 4 ,
Public Utility Bonds
The uteadlni'M of l urningH, the uri.sintinl nature
of the KvrvlctH rt'inlcrctj. nnd tho uniformly good
maricjrrfment of Public Utility ('oiiiinnit'n mke
their londn fxcpjitioriHlIy high type inveMments.
V ftt.miiieinl th fnlliiwInK reprenltiva
rulilie Utility
Nal.ra.lia Pawar g, IM9
Cimmirl Parr Ca. I, 1 1132 ,,,,
N.w Orlai 5er.ii (a. 8, 151,..,,, ,
Lauiialll Ca tt I U.lrii Ca. 8. ISJ
Oanatia A Cawaill Itlulfi Sir! Kila 8, 138
... ,145
,...8 50',
, , . .1 70"
... .8 80
Burns, Drinker & Com pany
t lteaVf tkM
$ 90 fmm9 194 f
fl.' rlt Uvltfilirttll !( II milfll" "'I
I at Mai il fc4 eaea fa4Ae H4.
A af la Ir.,) w-iea-i p..- ''il'iiil' " 4' " ,
4. I . at. It kit a. t'tl'Alt I ' a lit.
In 1 1 4 a 4 imr Utttkl f l . . 4
lllllllll Mlif lllll, lliMal lMk
k tl liei.,Uillllill.
In Ik Stock Murhtl
Mi! fra laaall laiilaaaU
tarn fef It a llel
TK Mail Hieeal f lalU(i
a frafiUbl Ileali 1f4laf
VI fMealM ) Ikal aa) aai I
1,1 fee 4 444 ) ll .4
Bankrupt Hardware Stori to Be Soli) at Public
Auction, Tuesday, Nov, 14, 1922. at 10 A.M.
Ike Ami al (t tif M lldea-a Itaa. !, Maai ,
(leaaee). eia4 I, k II fakie, I lk 4.4el ka4e
le ,aa 4 al Ik laail
He Aet -'! el te aaaik ,aaiU la.,, ,
llelier 4a Aataeaiakiti t-4l ll,
4 I ' la ll ! latuald u 4
44 I rat
aimuaia fin nor, lutim, aov u u in h
f ! Aaa4tael H t I.l Sill. U .l.,.,
ft I I ,. M.. , n,i, t ,,M