10 A THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. NOVKMUhU IL". l'.iJ-'. Court Refuses tolIcarTicrnan Divorce Action Judge Derlarri He Dofi Not Care to Try Cae Attorney to Ask Special Magistrate Be Appointed. Houth Unl, IikI, Nov, II Mi Jkuguata If, Ticrr.an h.t a snag cter lay In ft nattnnpt t'i dlvori I'rof. John l. 'J1-i tt n. luw instructor nt the t'nlveralty (if Notre Imme, Judge l-enn J. iir of Ht. Joseph rounty auperlor court, In whoan court V-,t coinplDltit l filed, refuK-d to .f. "f don't cart to tit on tha bench t.'l h'r th atory s-nlr.et I'rof. Pieman from thut woionira. Ilpa after tiowlriir th vide in o In th recent 1,.1'iTiiHy case, in which J lurry I'nulln vii churged with belli th father of Ji.r last bum flilM," Judge Oar tit- tiarcd tbli afternoon t'J Kamucl Flo vi)!l, who entered hie apptaianc a iiitoiin'y for Mr. Tlernun. "If 1 were to ak her on question from the bench concerning; her thai ft. her miwr would lot per Hilt m to irrarit a divorce. I don't want to hear the evidence," the court declared. Ak. by Attorney Flewcl what licUon ha alioubl take to proceed with the hearing of tha divorce charge, JuilK Oiiro ijggcted that ba ob tain special ludgo to ait, l lewell declared thia evening (hat l,o would apiear before tha court next Monday and aak that ft peial Judg ba appointed. Mr. Tlernan, 111 her dlvorc com jlaln, declare that aha and I'rof. 'J'lernan separated on October 7. Khc rharg'-e her huhaand with having been truel and Inhuman to her, Hhe set cut that he threatened to place their two chlldien, Irene, 4, and Mary, 3, in a home away from her. Those are ),er only charge. Irene Taut-hen Leading. The Maiden Omaha, content, In con nection with tha Home Industry ex position on tha eighth floor of the Jirnndel alor last week, cloned last evening at 6, The noma of the winner will be announced at noon luncheon at tha Chamber of Commerce November 27. I'rlzes worth 1500 will be dlatribuU-d. Irene Tauchen, L'nlveralty of Oma ha coed, wna lending In the content yesterday with CI, 00 votea, Htandlng ijt the other contcalant were an nounced na Itoao Mancuao, (8,430; Mary Qulnn, 4fl,D40; Maria Adolph, 45,270; Itoblna (Junn, 88,040; Jose jihlne Jensen, 38,500; Kdna Harmon, IZ.CSO; Llnn.m Forstland, 30,780. Gas Laiript for Lighthouses. Tampa, Fla Nov. 11, All light house from Key Went to Tampa on the Gulf of Mexico are to be equipped with gas-burning beacon, according to announcement of official of tha l.'nlted Btate lighthouse service, who recently completed a aurvey of this territory. Tho lintsch ytem, In tje on many rallwaya, la to be In Ulllcd. The chnngo will affect aeveral hun dred lighthouses and chunm! bcuconn. It la made becauae It ha been found fc',i buma with a. more brilliant and ,enetrullnK; lixlit than keroeene and rcijuirea much Icaa attention. Publicity Spoils Prank. iJeflnnre, (),, Nov. 11, Bernard Ka uber found that Hallowe'en prnnka tera had moved Ida new cement atepa Into a nelKlibor'a lot. Poalng na a JInl Inwe'ener hlmaelf, he Induced a rov ing band to help him pull the atepa bick home, hia uaalatantN thinking the tdrpe belonged to the nelKhhor, Huiibi-r told hla friend of the Joke. The tale found Its way to a newspa per.. Next morning Kaubcr found the atepa had been moved over to the m-lKhhnr'a lot again, bin former bene factors having read of their mlataken effort. Many Die of Tuberculosis. Manila, Nov. 11. Five peraon died on the atreeta of Miirjll.i recently of tuherruloala. They were till Klllpmoa. Although the AntlTulierculoala ami ety entlmnteit that T0 per cent of the nntlve population la affected by tu berculoma In the province nnd not ltn than 10.000 have the dlaeaae in Manila, the government care for but 80 patient, half of whom bear their own expenaea nt the tuberculoala ho p tnl on the outBklrt of the city, rive dying on the atreet hue aroueed n temporary Intereat In the altuntlon. We out hw fnriti Thr rrn Pa. ti n. I A w present ourai-lvea btfora the throne i f Thy wrr, O Lord, w coma to pral Thy name and to brln with V a large tll.n. We aak, nay, ! even with boldm-a w claim tha In I rrltaiu-e left ua by our Kl.ter ltroiher, 111 peace the pe.ic which the world cannot give, and which the world l.utmt UU - We dare not a ale f r we,lth. with I pa allurement t' worldllnee. we Ut m t a f.-r ler.tih of dya, uh f r,i t f ard n ati I ! lnibnce, dr hkI ff tr feriotnt i' our brethren, realtime that If honor i-ur !. our hormr it no hti a, it due n 't ak I i t ,lo fr-iu a. it. , (emaml emit trial Hy ha ai rio if IM wmlt aball In it w.ilt le t.iMiUnun, but j i ai. ei r 'tlie, h n rf t .,. mar tl in !. ar"tPi .t It that ihiiI n t Hi t '. .-.ut dflltert I M m .p t f a hU e.ih !o 'e. Iieelv ! ua all ho iit. It, lhl the e f I,.. I t k r"1 ;l lih.Wrxaal I I u.i i o eir tieari ftiiJ Kttnd lr .H ah. t. li.i f U I 'tt Ikt Hlii-, T.a r.r W tn . il lli-- ! ' I H.wt.if I. r .: J.a . , ai"n Au. v w I e s ' DRESHER BROS. Uit t, eaa.ei We, at laaH ! . ., . Daily Prayer High Postal Officials to Be in Omaha Monday Pneliiuster (eneral doming to Hig (Joiifercfice of U. S. Mail Kmployea. O.naha will I hoatraa t.in,,n ow to r. Hubert Work, poaitnHHtir gen eia) of the ( ulted fc'Uten; John II. Ihirtlett, flrat arrlatant pon'inai'i r g-nernl and former governor rf New ilampahlre, and 1,200 Nit.i.ink poa till employer. IMwiinl J, Guynor, it'eaieiit of the National Letter i'anar' iin'oiiatlon, and (ilibert Unit and Wllli.-itn into, prealflent and Mce prraulei.t i,f ths Natloniil I'ontiii Clerka' aaaixiallon, III u!o be In the city. The orcaalon i a bualnm confer eni e i f pontinoetera, aui.ei vlaora, clerk, carrlera and rural ennhra with nil idea of improving; the pontal rirvic to the hlgln-at d'gree if eltl-cji-ncy, 111 m U in ( barge. f'h.irleg K, lllack, Omaha po;tiip tT, la In t oui,let charg of urrangi nianta. Conference prDjier 111 be field in H..ottlh I'.ita cathedral. Thi dlatlngulahed vlltora will nr rlv nt 7 a. rn. Monday on tl.o Ml- aourl r'aclllc from , KniiHiia t.'ty, They will be met at the atntlon by I oatmoater lllack, who will full rtnlll them nt breakfnat at Hotel PniifeneJIe, where a ault of room han been re aerved for Dr. Work' puny. lllack Invited Governor M'-KelvJ and Nelaon Ji. 1'pillke, owner of Tha Omnh J'.ee, to bieukfuat with Dr. Work and Governor llurtlett. To Air Mail Hangar. Following breakfoat, Walter Head, ttandiill Drown and A. C. fioit of the Chamber of Commerce will drive th poatmaater general to the air oiull hangar nnd back to the Harney atrcct atillon, where the cabinet of ficer will be nuked to approve proa pectlv change iieceaaitiitcd by th big growth In parcel poat buiilnea here. The official will then Inapect the local central poatofllc and go from there to tho Chamber of Com merce, where a public affair lunch eon will b given, honoring the vial tore. Walter Head will prealdn and Intro duce Dr. Work, who will apeak on "I.'nclu Ham'a Mall." More than 600 will attend. Mayor Dnhlmnn nnd Gov ernor McKelvie will be preaent. Wlille the poatmaater general I on hia tour of innpectlone, the morning aeaalon of the poalal conference will be held In the north court room of the federal building with W. M. Coble, poatoflke Inapector, prealdlng. Thl aeaalon begin at 9:80, Immediately after reparation of vlaitor In Room 81, the auperlntendent of mail' of fice. Srnafor-Mert to Speak. J'OKtmnater Itlnck lilmaolf will pre- aid at the afternoon conference prop er, which begin at Z p. m. In the BcotUsh Kite cathedral auditorium. Black invited It, B. Howell, republi can aenatorelect to alt on the plat form and introduce the apenkera. "Hhop Talk on Live I'oatal Iauea" will ho Bartlett aubject, preceding Dr. Work' addreaa. Hev. K. H. Jenk will give the invocation; Mayor Dahlmnn, "Welcome to Omaha," nnd Governor McKelvie, greeting fronf Nebraakn. An orcheatra compoaed of poatnl employe will play; tho uu- (f(A aV h.' r 1 1 ! dleno will alng "Atnet lc i;" 1'orent V. 1'iilntrr will give a aolo und there will be iin open foriiin for fn-tiloj auggea tlona. Bteieoplco:i picture of department olfliiiila und public hu.idlni: at Waiih Ington, 1). C' will be ahow ii from 1:80 to 2, preccdlnij the afternoon meet ing. AtJla cloHi' t Ii o poatm.-iMer gen eral will greet each postal employe. Into KeconJ ( iiiifcn nce. 11 will then f." into it Hei ond con ference, between the hour of S und 6 p. in., with repreiientativea from the bounce of the 200 he:ivi-nt mailer In Ciniilni. Invitation l aend their mull room auperlntcudenta to thl conference wern laKued by I'oatmimter Black a week iigo. Tho big IiiiiIIi ih' problem will be aired nt I hia time. At 7, the Bunker' club of Omaha will give a Immiuct to thu two hU:h poatul olllciala ut the (in:ha Athletic club, with John L, Kennedy prealdlng. Already 180 reervuliona have been niado nnd an attempt will be niacin to aeat 200, Work, nrtl"tt, I'oHt maater Black and Henator-IIU-ct How ell will Hpcak. HlmultaneouHly with tlila Immiuct, J'Mward J. Gaynor of Waahinglon, prealdent of the National Letter Car rlera' nanoclntlon, will bo Riven a ban ;uet tit thu Hotel Kontenello by olll cera f the local UHaoclatioli, headed by C. V. V. Mlchelacn. Tha dlinur will be followed by on open meeting In tho ball room, to which letter cur rier and their families are Invited. Mall leiii to Meet. Khill a third postal meeting, that of mall clerka, will be held at 8 in A. O. V. W. hall, Fourteenth und Dodge atreeta. Gilbert Iliatt, preal dent, and William Otto, vice preal dent, of the National T'oatnl Clerka' aasoclatlon, and Judge Willi G. Sear, congressman-fleet, will apeak at Uila meeting. Lawrence Dyhherg is president of the local organization. A special corps tif pohtal workers will register visitor !n Uoom 31 of tho poHtolhVe, preceding the morning session. W. L. McCluy, Lincoln poKtmn.iter, 1h chnlminn of tho recep tion comtnittcc. Muperlntendenta Mi tt Hit and litter and MIhs M.iudo Sunder, F Four years ajro the tumult tf war ceased and America's fighting1 men started home. Today American life shows the effect of military train ing on its young men. Our national health is better, from association with the millions of youthful veterans who learned in the armed forces of the United States the value of fine health. . Kvery military encampment, every ship at sea had its dentist, for the government realized tho al Aa an example of our make you a perfect I'l.iiiii.n ii t lH.ii k et N-t.iry, will il.l.it .ei(oi to f!m in, iih court room, There I'oatal Iipnliir t'ol.le Will iii umii'. by ll.ii i y l'.lHCl.stone, po. til tanhlir; Money Order Cwahlrr ll'e, nnd Aalataiit Pupei Intendenta h )'.. I'nmlx, Itrown. Iloag, And'-r-ami: Huper.ntendent White, Foreman Mi (!ov rn, mid C. II. Cherry for the railway nuil eri-e, and Carrier Mlcliiiacn; f'lorka Pyhrlwrg and liar ry and .station Fxmilner Magill. Lincoln Ih-li-Eallon Larcrit, Klgl of tho liliove ot.il nlllelala iiIho will b- present at the conference bi-twecn tho poatmaater fenerul nnd l.ia i.xa.i.tnnt nnd the In avy mallet lit .' Ill tha Hi'utllhll Hlte catliedinl to nnawer tiny qui etloiin rc.rardln;: tho loiul airvice, Mlna Annn Murphy will t;il;e ahorthniid tioten, Altl.iiiive piograiiiN curled out In l',l, whl'f nnd llu wT" printed by Hi'- iniiltitjiaph preea In the local poMoffli'o, HeivicH will be aliHhtly curtalleil Monday afternoon to enable na many employe ii polble D utti-nal the conference. Lincoln la andln j. th largeat out of t"W n delegation. Hrolhcr-in-Law Put Under JJond for AllegiitI A-auIl With a turn for tho worse In the condition of hi alleged victim, Bor neo Caa, who I charged with asmiult and buttery, was placed under bond of TiiiO J-'iiilav, Ciimi la alleged to have b'a'en hla alater'a bUHhiind, William K. Mowery, 121 Leavenworth street, Mowery'a eye, doctor auld, beciimo Infected be ciiiisii of tho alleged iienault and ho wua taken yealerdiiy to the Lord Lis ter lioapltal, Caaa inailo his honie Willi tho Mowery. Printer Is Missing. Quarrels with his wife are believed by police to be responsible for the printer on the Swedish Omaha I'osten, who wna reported tnlMtig by his wife, Mrs. George Nelson, 2580 Hpauldlng street. 'Jim wife, accord ing to police, said ho had a week's wages when ho disappeared after luncheon with a friend Tuesday. Khe said ho had had an offer from ft .Swedish paper In Denver. Church Damaged )y Fire. Overflowing of fuel oil connected to tho fuiriuoo In the basement of Walnut Mill Methodist church, Forty llrst and Charles streets, caused slight dnmago by fire at 10:30 yester day morning. The Janitor was the only person In the building nt the time, according to tho lire department report. Mayor Dahlman Proposes Andy Gump for President Because 01 His Ideals Jim Dahlman, Omaha' cowboy mayor, stirred by the noble principles announced by Andy Gump In his cum palgn for corigreus, propose thut the many thousands of Andy's friends or guiiizo at oneo a "Gump for l'rcal dent" club. This proposal had taken hold I!ko a well oiled wildfire among thoso who have heard it In O'niuha, Jack DempHt-y, playing at a local vaudeville house, immediately en dorsed the Idea aa a master stroke of statesmanship. "If a knockout," exclaimed the heavyweight champion. Anionic Gump's chief 'cunllflcntlons They Live Vrr tonal Sptclaliztd work, we will i McKenney Dentists, 'SS? plate for Texan Is Urged for Supreme Court Bench i w 1 Iff" v Sur JH n-m nron'cm nntimr I Many Texas iiltornejs have urged I'rcalilent lliuiling to nniiio Judge Nelson 1'hlllips, former chief Justice of that stale, to tho vncancy In tlu? l.'nlted State MUprema court caused by tho resignation of Justice Day. Illustrated Bill Draws Remittance Picture of Coffin Urines Mon ey When Ordinary State- incut Fails. York, ,H. C, Nov. 11. Seventeen years ago the wlfu of Ueorgo Camp hell of clover, a town near here, died. George, the husband, lacked $17 of having sufficient funds to puy for the kind of coffin ho wanted to bury her In. Ciylo Ford, embalmer, credited him. Tho husband paid no attention to statement for tho balance duo of 817 and Inter lift the country. Ford located lilm nnd sent n state ment. Nj attention wna paid it. Then Ford drew up a statement In rod Ink nnd pasted a picture of a coffin on It. In three day he received a post off loo money order for $10 and this note: "Dear Loss Fo' Cawd'a sake doan yo' nil send me no mo' of dem red letter an' coffins! Ah is gwlno pay yo' do rest in cr few days." us set forth by tho Omaha mayor in his demonstrated ability to win the woman vote. "Any man who can spend $,15,000 on a political campaign and make his wife like It, can do any thing with tho women," declared May or Dahlman of the "man who wears no man's collar." "Andy Gump Is a man of the com mon people," the mayor pointed out. "A man entirely humun, with faulty like tho rest of us, but with high Ideals that he is willing to go to any lengths to carry out, even to spend ing mosb of his money. That is the test of fire. Get behind Gump." In Our Memory St rvicc M .., .tJWf Ml, .UL Mow to Keep Well tv 1K A IVANS Qurlliunt insctra iif liyilrn, im.i. Iioa and arevciiiiun ef rfiwata, aub milled t 111. Evn by idi el 1h bee, mill ka nii.iid perianal V aubiatl le eioinr I miiaiion. haia m lamrxd, add, ' anvalopa la an. elated. Pr. tvant will sol niaba diuinoalt ar preacrib lor Individual diaaaua. Additat latter la cait el Iht H.. fopiir:!.t! 10: I.HMiTHI'.MMi III MN I II K. j Tho American 1'ublio Health ni-j elation, after careful consideration, i lias sold that tliu ater.ige Iciigt'l of I l.fo of the p"oiic in America, sl'iuldj reach yen by lli72, I Jut ,i sear ago Dr, Stephen Smith.! tin 1. Hindi r of Hint society mid thu founder of thu New .,rU c.ty health !' p'irttaeiit, then v it Inn a few weeks if his il'.ith birthday, aiid the spun uf human life III America should be I'll) yeiirH. lie culled ii hi child, thu public health association, to l ack up I hia position and to help hint j ut It I acroa. I Dr. Smith died n f w week ago,! some mouth before nltnii.ing l'"i tiiir.o, I ut more than Hill years old If; ngi' be ri ckoued from the dale of con-1 K-ptloii rather than the due of birth iiio committee cnicf.illy reckoned tho prospects and consulted with In surance, actuaries und vital stall tuinna, They reported that 75 yeura was a probable iiccoinplisliiiient, and th association adopted their report. It 1 not easy to Cet-rmliio what wa the a vi ragn Ban of liftf .Ml yenre ago. It Is generally accepted na hav ing been around SO. It la now thought to lie nl out TiJ, ' In New Zealand It Is raid fo be f,5. The method of determining till I to add up the age na shown on the death certificate for one year nnd to dlvldn this by the number of deaths. Slnco deaths In babyhood add to the sum total of deaths, hut do not add materially to the sum total of ages at death, they markedly nffcit the aver age longevity question. Migrations nnd average nge of tho population is another disturbing fac tor. The committer) tool: nil this Into consideration. Because of the heavy death rate of growing children, nn average ago lit death of 7!i means that a great many people must live Oft nnd n fair num ber rniifit live to ba I'lO and some must reach 123, Thei-) are economists who nre nor-ilnst nil this. They say, "What's the use of living beyond the nge of iiLr-fnlness'" The answer I that when the nverage length of life Is set forward 20 years, the average period of tisrfulness, of cnpocltv for efficient. pef.snsta)nlng work, will go forward 10 years. B. .7. Bosrnthnl Is right. The aver age length of efficiency has moved forward about as manv years ns has the overage length of life. but. we need some cort of n movement to convince emntovers of the fact. While round, In ills 'iron Min of Imlosfry," Is rlvht In saying that organized Industry has put forward tho ago nt which n mechanic earns his maximum. It Is nl.io true that It provides n plnee for profitable em-j ployment. at living wages, of men GO venrs, 70 years, nnd even morn than 70 venr of nge. j However, there Is another fMd that needs B. ,T. !osenthnl. It Is In the teaching of men and women how to earn fop their bodies nnd minds, so that they will be hi rood condition when thev reach fiO. That Is, with good health hah ts, i-nod vision, good hearing, not too stiff in their iotnts. not too short winded, not oulckly ex hn listed, nnd organically sound. Iron Dust In Subway. B. K, writes: "1 am working as a guard in the subway and, though I fed healthy, I Imagine the foul air nnd tljj steel duct might affect my lute necessity of sound teeth among its men. The evsoldier, sailor or marine is putting into effect in his civilian life tho high regard for sound teeth wheh he learned in the service. You. ton, if you give any thought to your health, should see to it that your teeth are sound anil healthy. In this office you will find facilities for the most careful dental work. Tse them - for health's sake. Must I'r Sathfhd hint f ill ii loin Mm!, In a place l.l.e ths and til! feci ell Hthl . ' BWI.V, I h.iie i,i-MT S'i n any t.ititi a ahoniug the l.fo ikpciiainy of auh w.iy woilicn. I h.ivi' seen tituditJ which show Hint Hi" air contain n L'ood deal of lion dint. Thi Is pot a good foim of dust to I, rent he, l'i!liennoie. the b.Hierhiil.il ac ta, a of sunlight t nursing, mid, at tuner, thu lempei .itute la bint) and tie crowd are an great that lloae ni" biouht closely together. If J-.it ini'Nt woili there, g't a much sunlight and air n pissihlo out of working hours. Nil IU Slin'nes. it. .1 U, wiltes "I. Is an ii.eni t.on for vaiico, vn a serous one? "I'. How loliK would one be In bed after such mi opcr-it on? ".'I. How long bifote one would completely recover? ", 1 lim e heard of such nil opera tion causing stllTlies ,,f the b g What I the reason for this"" nri'LV. . No. 2, Half fi wetli. 3, Another w ei ll 4. Don't believe Ua'-.i is It ndvh or nthci wis" treat It. able to n ( v arli-ei elc. to on Mlhc Oil Ih Hn itiles. A. t., writes' "Having ci.ustlpn. Hon. 1 found out that one tcnspoonful of olive oil every nmrrmur I bnufnial for regularity of evacuation. I thl hnhlt harmful?' ni:i'LV. No. l et Her Try I ho Coiisf, W. W. N writes: "My daughter is subject to vore nttnehs of t ronchlti every winter. ! you h'low of any tiling Sl'.e can do to prevent them? Would wintering In Los Angeles help to prevent them'."' llRBLY. Assuming that consumption has Lien examined for nnd ruled out, let her try a winter IiiLoj- Aiigeli a. Thirst for Literature. Sin Francisco, Cul., Nov, 11. When prohibition enforcement nuents 'ntered the I'olk Direct simp of Matt Mlkcly they discovered what ap parently waa only a thiist for litera ture, A large library of leather bound boohs was a consplcloua fea ture. However, tho mlder reported today each volume had between cov ers otherwise hollow a neat bottle. Tho place was said to have developed In tho neighborhood on astonishing taste for books. Mlkcly wna served with a citation. Crane Operator Stricken. William J. Ilouts, 63, 2110 Iik street, crano operator (it tho I'nlon I'aclMc shojiB, died of heart failure while at work shortly after Fri day afternoon. He had been suffer ing from heart disease for thu last three months. W hava a apaclal department under lha auparviiion ef an expert tailorcn end dreatmaktr for chan-inff and re modalina; of wotni-n'i dreitra and tuits. Abaoluta aatiafactlon Runrantred. DRESHER BROS. 2217 Farnnrn Street Telephoneii Omaha, AT lanlic 0345 South Side, MA rket 0060 BIG 1-CENT SALE at Sherman & McConnell's Start Tueaday Morning Read Monday's Paper Sua Pi. mi Saud Dim. fi C..' Nov, II - An U'ltomn. bilo diu.ii by Itev. J II D. r.i.i'X. pn-salinj cld.-i cf h" ! " ' Metbo.tiil circuit, ni'iiilv Uuiiii" iio'iintroll able on i lielg" and du-ppi-d u Miltoml "ack i f'Ot l.ii. w. T. iicgioc r..iuu with Itev. .Mr. Ii.iil.-y Wt'tM eeriously Injiind iit'i 'I"' reverend rn-.iped uiihai mi-d. "I asked the t.oid to tain' Cilie of ni. bi'fure I left home 111! luoililotf," was the ceintuiiit of the pieailur fob lovMI ;; thu llci iileul. oiiiun l!ol.!s ManV Joli. Akron, o. Nov, 1 1 Mi M, C. tipeer of A I. ion was ciiloMilg ttol. I- lull' Ugh: long htf.ue the ' -rugo I Wiiliiali ILUill'la-d In her pun tlhllit le. I For 3ii Vol sh" las li",i employed by the )','! Mimic A HI, In Ihliliond Iciitnputiv, ;a yi.us of wliii h sho spent a agent at Shir,wi"e, u Si months ago she v. us tun; fi I led to llolzuin, whire she now pu-Milci a pai-ton-I g'T, ficii:ht lil:d ticket a;:nit, t'ie- graph opete'or cii'i luiggage Mnmiier. A Certain Woman and Her Shoes A cci lain New York young woman was diiisnlng to go riioppiii;: with a friend. Shu rank Into u chaii- und gazed sadly at her feet. "I have il fit iiK of chocs," she lamented, 'an, I not a single, solitary pair that it l-n t torture even to think if putting on" She ha, hi t a shoe with it fl -xihlo urch. She wouldn't hate faced a shop- ping expedition with such ilre.nl if 'there were one pair if 'afillliv r.t lit I her outfit. Also she would b.ivo saved herself mm h inoiii y If she ln ! brought fewer palis und more com I fort. In the Cantilever Shoe a tenon ably low heel, a stylishly touinl toe, a natural sole line and an auh, lieili like your own, unite to give )ou foot comfort und efficiency of the higlust order. The fhxibili.' inch conform willingly with ivory step: the fli-xiblo arch draws up, whin you lace Canti levers, to hIvc each i:rch Just the de gree of slljiport desireil; and the fb xl bio H fi ll permila the bti cngl In nli.g exercise of auh luiiscl-s that rut reels and prevent "weak foot," For real comfort In a good lo iking j shoe splendidly made und reasonably I priced, you need at h-nst one pa.r of j Cantilevers In your wardrobe, I All fiticssworli eliminated; every ! shoo Is now filled by X-ray without J extra cluiifie lo you. .Sizes 2 to II. Width AAA A to LK. For Men and Women. IIOISKUY, SI'ATS and KI'IUIKICS. Sab In Omaha Only by (WTILKVMK SIIOi; SIIOI. Neiv Liiialion 1708 Howard Slrect. Opposilii V. V. ('. A. Write for Free lloolilet. HKK WANT ADS IIUINti ItFSl LT.l 1 ( i v fe I i ' m , a,1 1