The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 11, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    Sleuths Picture
of John Keclinc
Detrdivf (,'orroliurale Wife'
riiarpc in Suit for I)i
orcv ami Alimony
(f $"0,000.
Tin: omaha m:t: s.v.uiuay. November n. o:-:.
Grace Ballard Loses
for County Attorney i
H'hut i ultra ml (.. a
"ll-l pny" AI tllft holllM f J,,tt
R Knellm". CuUiiril llluffn r-Nfitallat.
( nk uporlrmiiii, dug- anl finny
ilili-kpii I'HruUr, tint nlKlit of lu(
Apiil I, n. ilt m rlt.o.l ly
In I 'func-tl lllii(T ilmliUt mint lfui
.U(l(,e o. li. Wlii-rli-r ymfi'iliiy iifu-r-Ii'hjm.
tcmiiii'iny nut Kivm In the ill
V'rr il ,1 Mm, .linn Ki-Hinr,
Mm i wihins uliwiluln aivurcn ami
'lio.nno aloiimny mi Hhuk'-ii "f Intern-iM-iiiii-i-,
cruelty mul inllilclity.
-Mr. Ki-r-llnn h i n' If wan mi tin
aiiiirl. f'hi! iiII.k.-. (I,. a wlilli' in J'lirtlmi'l,
1 'i i'., lm i ihml' iih liljrli w four
Hlll'llJ llllill.l -li- ji lllllll tcll-
Itiif In r i f jj I lt," 'l imrll'-a being hI.'ik-1
ly licr luiHlmni) In lir iilmcni p. Tliew;
litt'-ra virwi-ll (on. aim teNttrtnl,
mul rrn hIk'H'iJ hhiiuM Uiimi "1'ilinil"
fi ri'I amiiclini' ".Slglilmr."
N iff ( llllll-H llillllC.
Mli? ; in" liiinif, alio a ilil. inn In llii
ciMiii;iny i-f lur, Arlliur Hlnl-I(iiIm-iki-,
4.;'ll J "ji r-i i w cit it iitiwl,
lUiuili.i; hi nlfc, (Irii'-o; li r ftrp-illii-r,
Turn A;irnii; II. ', Vm le y, tin
inuu Htiid' iuji-iiI, mill llli. mi i : I I i -I'm
and I'Vlix ln-lmi, Omiilut Mic
tivca, mil H Ihi iI four )' rwuin on II
1'iiiiy at li'-r honip.
I l'-r IiumIihiiiI whw tliir, ulirs t-nt i
I rl, mi v-rr um Mix. Annii Al-n-mlli
ami Amir lii-ctkln. 'I'lif lil'-nl-tly
cf tho oilier nimi was not PMtub
l'alinl in t rut tiiiriny.
Mm. Kei-lliii! Ii-kIIIIciI thut tlir l-i-iii-nii
vim (IImiii niiiKcil iui'1 Hint on
Hip w.ill nf tlm room, wli"ir it picture
of licrmlf iih'fiyn lirf n I in lilin,
v;ia ft pliongi ii. of A line Ayleg
ol'tll, liolll dr-lei-llvea tiMifiril Hint wlillf
tliey w T in tli" Imu.v, tlm I I kin
m il Ayl-awoilli woni'-n c.miu out In
1'lllllf tints.
I(i'i'iij;uifl Wiiilliill.
Tliry Mat'il they rccoKnlzpd Anne
AylcMWtiih ii m tlm an me woiuiiii who
witM ut the Kfcllni.' Imiim on a, pnrly
Hie night hi fore. Thut nlnht. they
enld, J. K. Von liorn, (nnnhii uttorncy,
w.ia with tlm di-t'i livi-s and ducked
Inlij thn lull Kiima n lli pnrly ciiiiii-
out of the limiae, but lhu Aylc.-i-noilli
woiiikii auw liltn and cuid li
"J An down, you rur."
It waa her voice which definitely re-ve.-iled
to tln-ni aim waa the aainc wo
mnn thn next, night, they testified.
Mia. Keellnn teftlfled that ut the
tinin nf the alleged party her hiiBhnnd
had 135 nhnrea of atoek in the C'riijn
c:.i l'diirTM SavtnisH bunk, note.i from
two or three Council Kluffa bunineHji
liinia, three Birtoniobllcai a Cadillac
rid. in, 1'cerle.ia tourlntf t-r and a
r-itliliiider roadster, from 300 to 4IJ
fiincy chickens which ha had told
icr were very epenalve and a niim-
Ikt of valunhla dosra, among them
one which aha believed he had told her
hud coat $I,20.
Tli-peaitioiiA Filed,
.S'-tn deporitlona hava been filed In
the case, by Omaha reaidenta, alleg
iii jC they am nelghbora of a house
af 2716 North Twenty-aecond afreet,
Omaha, where .leaae Ayleaworth and
hi i- lfe, Anne, live. Tho depositions
al'cKe John Keellne has been aeen
at tho liouKo dtiily Bt various houra of
tho day or night,
Koelina has tiled answer to his
eifa's suit, protesting bn would he
Ulinble t" meet V'fU'OO alimony.
Hfcminl in Maissacliusctts
KoqueMnl Iy liotli Parties
I :..-to-i. Nov. 1i. A stali-nicle re-,-ninit
of the vote cant lust Tuesday
for I'nltod Slates aeuator was nuied
jeslenlay. Col Wiliinm A. tiaston, the
democratic candidate, who was ap
vaiently defeated by S.4:'5 votes by
Senator Henry Cabot Lodj;e, republi
can, directed reeount petitions in
every el'y and tnnn, In the hoje of j
upsetting Ihe result, I
Thn republlean fctnte rommlttee t-ml '
ainiilnr action to assure ropieventn- .
tion in the recount rroreedlnsa and
last night had filed petitions in more j
place than the democrats.
. I
Michigan Senator-Elect
TMaus Fiplit m Ncwliciry
Bui Rapids. Mi.-h.. Nov. In Wood-elet-t
from Michigan, plans to do
"whHt one man can to ouH fenatof
Newlierry from tlm senate, re an
nounced here.
Criticism of lut he termed "New
lei tx nun-' a Mr. l' errls' chief ram
puifcii avgiinient, and his election, he
ileiliied. ma-le it 111 fust duty to
hn.lgi N. IVrrts. detuc-ratlc aenutor-'iiaiirh-n
out tbia mutter."
Ik jfi rh
(luce llfillnr-l. niiliiuii coiiuiy at
torney of Washington countv, wan
defeated for rcrli-cliou lust Tijeaday,
acrordlnt; to uiioltlclal returns.
It was Mrs. Ibtllard who tigered so
prominently In the Inventlgatlon of
the "tnyatery girl" cac In Novctnbrr
of mil. A girl atlll unidentified waa
found In a ravine near lilulr.
Mi a. :.illard chiirged Omaha nu
llioilrlea villi fiill.ire to aid her In
In-r irivi-H Igfitiou.
ISo Fnlrral Fiiiaiiciiip
IMaiincd Until Dcct'inliPr
W.i diiiiglou, Nov, l'l. I iccl-loii to
defer fin I her governiueiit flnrinclnij
until the middle of Ileccinber, omit
ting any offer of federal securities on
November l"i, Is underatooil to liavo
been reached by the treasury.
October 15 financing, which includ
ed the floating of a .'.00,rtiy,0U bond
Iksiic, has bft tho tiensiiry wit It a
working biiliiiico on hand of about
$27I.W,fiiiO. Ofi November 15, $76,
Omr.iMiO of liilcreat on tin) second Lib
erty loan f-'illa due. but (hero are no
treaaury obllgatlona maturing on thai
date, so that it is felt the balance on
hand will cure for the Interest pay
menta mid eurrent rxpcnscH for an
other moii Hi,
Hoy llreiidwiniKT
in Omaha llo-)i tal
Cliirf (!iiiici rn of Injured Lad
I Widowed Motlii-r VI lioin
lie ll.lprd.
AHll"H..ll CIil I l. i II. It) III II)
Lord l.isler hoKplial uffeniig from
a roiiipoiind fracture of Ihe left i
land liwtiieroiM brulseH about the body
as the result of an nutomnhilx Meet
dent, his thief concern while conva
tearing in his widowed mother, Mis,
Cardeu, rH Ilrlalol street, and her
brum I of children.
"I iiin t help but worry how moth
it will tii-t along," he said yesterday.
"Vou see, 1 wus helping to take rare
of her with what 1 made working for
the Midwest Hospital Hupply company
ind tlm Western Cnlon."
Carden was hurt while riding a bl
cycle at Nii'liolfia and Sixteenth
when struck hy an automobile which
sped on after the accident, 1'ullee
In lleve they have the license number
of the car and are seeking the driver.
WliMcv Vi'artdiouse Looted
I 'curia, III., Nov. It). Ilobbery of
poHslhly more than 25,000 gallon of
whisky, vnhrd at $500,000, from the
Woolner distillery here waa uncovered
by authorities when a tunnel was dis
covered under a ronjway nd leading
to a whisky warehouse.
Just Released
fnmKCrumit A-TTO t&
Muo Iter Oua You
fx Trots trf hd Imuit and his Bo4
fw Imu Ruby Rings
from uctfr&ilt
Schmoller& Mueller
Piano Co.
Ocda St.
iH sToen
For Prompt Delivery
Genuine Pennsylvania
Nut, Range, Egg Size
Spadra, Lump. Grate
Blue Flame
Franklin County. III.
Nut, Egg, Lump
Colorado Higgerhead
Petroleum Coke,
By-Product Coke
Pea, Nut, Egg
Phone Atlantic 2700
Sunderland Bros. Co.
15th and Harney
Dr. toward' Olive TMeU Get '
at the Cause and Remoe It '
-,l I'I've Thl-i Ihe N
,.lgl .-r ilomel I "()' v lh
i-a. n-l iimfi ) I' -'il
tSvpie atfi'inl i'!i l-tl l-rih
I uU k l'- f t'eu'i t'- I -J nl ,
i r f iM-1 I l l..nt j
. -t lii:'ti ' I.W.n I ( I I
I . , I. tv el hn W " lH. ni 1
! I lx. I OI lH I '
1 , i.-,. . h U-sv!. an I lnr,
,! 4 Cio I tiiiiil tice
. i 1 r c --I il- I d-C !' I
, ! ".. e,. : , lh) fl II1-!
V . J, I c'l'HI 4 'I 'I tt,UIl
4 - flli I 1 1 ' I
I .- t- ' . I . I..-..I t
, l . i, I h 9.'i rl "
. I : l IK
Every new pair of shoes represents an
investment in good appearance, comfort
and healthy feet. Be sure that investment
pays you dividends like you expect by
attending to those shoes promptly when
the heels need straightening or the soles
repairing or replacing. New shoes will
stay new a long time if you let us take
care of them.
Prompt Care
Full Sewed Sole, sad
Win. foot Heel.
S.ed HALF Sole.
$1 SO and tl 25
Shoe. Shined
llt r.reeai St., Dalir. J. L. Kr, Uee
,. i '
. t .
i r r
1 1? J
,t .... l -
1. . t
t ?
..... to ... . i. 1
, ..... I I l .11. - - - ----
. .t I r " i ! - "
i l I '
, t-t v . '.
in om
l . I v
Tho lafe family
tnedkinc for Colds
and Cought.
Build now itrtuslh
tlaasi ! f
- -: . . 4 t
I - 4 4-
Store Talk
"My la.l Iria U Omaha
date Wack
year. I cam Ul Ihi
lor and h
loni.hed I your
low price. Today I'm
m e r forcibly im
r..d ikaa I
year ago. You ar (till
at it Hint at the
lowed price, in Ameri
ca," remarked a fU
known retail clothier
from another city, a
visitor at our itore.
.-.U'M. L HOLZMAN, lrca.
Vakae Leadership
Gives You World's Best Clothes
at Lowest Possible Prices
DEMAND the utmost quality at the price you elect to pay for clothes. The
"cheap" price lure is the enemy of economy. The sure road to clothes satisfac
tion is the short cut to the Nehraska, where value-ivin is a reliion-where quality
is sold at a price within your reach.
The Overcoat Styles of the Hour
The West's Most Wonderfully Attractive Styles and Compelling Values
Every new idea in Belted and
Raglan Overcoats. The color
ings reveal a vast range of new
shades-many magmficenflm
ported fabrics-exclusive models
not shown elsewhere-
Nebraska's Feature
Value Suits
Ml. 1
Extra Pants at $7 50
You'll realize what new lower,
prices mean when you see
these superb suits, rich weaves,
masterfully tailored models.
Nebraska's Special
Worsted Suits
Extra Pants at $5.00
Men's suits suits of sturdy
worsteds like you used to buy.
Suits sound to the core a host
of dark and medium mixtures.
Olhcr Sturdy Worsted Suits
$30 to $50
Another Demonstration of
Nebraska's Buying Power
Four mammoth groups of new Fall Suits for youths and
Young Men Sport Models, Double-Breasted Models, Two
Button Sacks. Exceptionally good fabrics in attractive new
Student Suits
Sizta 31 to 36
Aairy B'iJi Extra Panli
at $) and $5
ijkf: Lit.
rmm) r X -n
IPS , v?r . - nJt 4 I ,
- "-tip fei
I! IH l
p mm
Smashing valtiesjr Mgjjjjradc
overcoats-'jull and half belted
models. New browns grays,
olives, oxfords. BeautifuljMd
bacft fabrics; greatest overcoat
value in the city, at-
$20 10$35
Young Men's Suits That
Are Different
Discriminating young men who
demand out -of -the -ordinary
fabrics and tailoring Nebras
ka's finest tweeds and import
ed fabrics will please you.
Other Smart Suits
$25 to $50
Super-Quality Suits
Such rare fabrics many rich
est imported weaves are in
tensely interesting today
we're glad to be able to feature
them; custom tailors' prices
are double the fit is right
Stout and Slim
JVlen's Suits
Young Men's Suits
Siiea 33 to 42
Many Dii Extra I'unU
at $5
You so-called " hard-to-fit
men find here one of Ameri
ca's greatest stocks of smartly
tailored suits every propor
tion in stouts short stouts, tall
or short and extra big men's
Other Special Sizes I'rkcd
$25 to $50
Men's Warm Underwear
You're sure, doubly sure, of Rotting tho untlmvcar you want here
larsrost tock of every size in all wanted styles and brands
Mrn'a aai a4 SuMner heavy Men heavy fine tMi !' lute M ' Ni-r h t y rttl j Mrn' r iU ii4 oel fni.
i::r.7:4.r.?....$2.oo i rvrn.r:':,.$ . :,m::!::v:m.m:: $4 .00 1 r:: $8.00
$3.50 r;,:::,r,:;;;,t;r...'r,...$5.oo
lERY r.tTtJN' sroRI. IS lUIII HMU. OM'i t:Mt. Mt.t:uriilrN 1.1 .u IONS
w tto
ka Crfotfunq
t K Ut )
, I '
- 1
I - -l
.4 .