The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 11, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    HIK OMAHA r.UK: SAITKDAY. NOVKMKIill 11. 19-2.
Ex-Cop Identifies
Montana Pastor
.Wrajx.ti Umtl in Pool Hall
Shooting Mr, (.'arlrtou'i
Ilii-haud W'iiH (!ount I
for Acnihcil.
I ln r. MMit., Nov. J 0. 'I'trn plM'ft
tim-il In tl Iitlm1r iiil'-ti.i iluulile
I llllnic lirn, i iiily v. a u laltlvi-ly
. -lllli-iI l,y fnMiii-r I'l.lln. OitlriM
iimiri, ,i. niii,tjHV iia Hi wraiinii
lilliKi-il I'l IiiiV" lift it hy Jnhri
-lijltKllia III II n fthxl lilt 111" II 1 1, II.
liiiii.n In i , ,ou hull In
-Oil it ut lit t itli-a iniimuiii 1 limt
i . . . - ...
t WWIIIM Hll Of tt)M" plMtxl Whirl) Will
f MHi, I In h hit nil of Mr. Miirirmi'l
t'lDll'li'l), WllO VUia nlit llfHll Witt)
lin IVv. J.t-iniiiit JiirdlJ ('liriatliir, III
llm Intii-r'a h'im, OridluT 27, hu'1
i'uxlii Ilia Miiiliiiril!i . It wsi nut
iirii i iiiim ii nt tho f 'n urif r' Inijiit-at,
i'l w liji li Mr. i 'in li'lmi whk mM lu
IlllVn d.,i th alim-linK.
Hr.i I'ylo of liiittf-, Mont.
Mm Curlr'nii'i iiiolhrr, if fua-d to nc
Mm initifMt vaMIrt, Ititlmatlnii
Hid wi'iipon liml burn iliici1 In
I'n Hi tnii' Imml uftwr the iihoot
ui'liinf tu llii uiilhnrlHi'K, lh
wnwin a hUHhiiml, I' mull IT
f'illli lull, llliW (if AlIKi l". Hl tl'll
iirt iifturii'-y fir Jimkliia nt Mm tliii'!
of tin- iillift'il iiKKiinlt In l'JI'J, h'l iriiif r
oIIIiit Miimhiy In mil'l to hnv tulit
iiullim ll !( (hut thi pUlul m tnki'i)
from Ji-nkma hy Juliii Kliixkimy, who
tunif'l It cm-r to Htitiitiy. llei-orda In
riiitiil.iya ionm(hhIoii mailt) at tho
Hum of Jenklna' nrreat w-r anirl lo
Hhow tho niiinlir of tlm wnirn aa
lilcnllciil with Hint nil th weapon
fnuiul In Mm, Ctirlitiin'a IimikI iift'-r
tho rriTiit tri:K''ily.
(Courtroom lo He Rcmodeli'il
for Ilerrin Mine Trial
M:iiui) 111., Nov. 10. --Tho venire
men front whom thn jury will ho
rhnspii to try tho livn d'-f'-nrhtntn
i-luirK'''! Willi ll ulir In roiiniTllnti
wlih tho Ili-rrln mini! killing i-tiirm-'l
Iiiimii y sti-nlii v lo Mtvitlt iwirivcnlng
in' court ru'Xt Miiiiiliy. Mi-nntlino tho
ll'tli court rntim of tho Wllllainxon
nullify circuit will he ri'in'J'Irl'-'l to
I kivI'Ih ni!lr fur tho tunny iittornoya
imii the hiinilieiln of witin-na mid
ti)( tnlora.
Road Conditions
(Kuriil-linl by Ilia Oinulin Auto ( lull.)
Duo-lit Mariwiiv, runt: it-iuila rnuull lm
limn ''niin-il Hluffn aii'l Mlnnourl Vmllfy.
lunt fittr tu. I'fiiimin. 1'ulr lu guoil tuil
In Ci-dnr HftpM.
Mnenni hlKhwiiy, w'.; Iii-lnur 11 mil'"
"nl. un Lioiltct ruH'l, une nilla nurth uri'l
went, I 'Hour nurih n( t'Hllry iu mllf
et mid thi n nrtli, ,i'uala fnlr.
ii, L, p.: RohiIh imr tu l,lu'-"ln. HMII
pri.ity rouKli Ih-Iki'Mi lirrtna mnl Awhliinil.
I lot'iur lMt'y-ii liorirn'Micr anil Kr!in'l,
fair tu IlKutliiKK. Hiiimh l.itt ween Onford
Hint Ariiiuhn'. f ;i Ir tu lirin.t lu lnnvir.
.MiTt'lliin hiKhwKy: HuhiIh fntr lu iuoil.
('"iiihuiilu'r tiliihwfty; Huii(i fair to
C"rnhuKir hlnhwayi Hoadii fnlr lo
lliKhlarifl rulnff: Itnailn fnlr In noorl,
W MuhliiKlun hlKhway; lluailn null t.rntty
rmmh lntwii-n riilhoun nrl Iilalr, fair lo
oalihinil, ii. mie rna l work at Oakland, fair
tu Miuux ' iy-omuliu-TulMi
hlffliway: Hoada fair ,to
Tupi Un.
(iniiiliu-Tupi ka highway: Honda fair to
law ltii '
Kln ft Trillin, north: Hindu rouah h
twi'i n innnrll . llluffH anil MIhkoui'I Valley,
fair lo iiml tiorlh to Kloux i-lty.
KUi( of 'J'railH, ioulh: lion da fair (o lila-
HIvit lo rfvr road: ItOBda fair.
I. I). A. ahiirtllne: Itoaila fnlr tu good.
White way "7" highway: lloaila fair to
Jlluo (itni-a trail: Itimila fitlr to good.
Collodion Will
Insulate Tubes
Ail Omirr of Gillo.lion Will
I'rewnt Iiiiliiclunrf (!oi
from .Slirinkinj;.
Mnny Hinitli'tirN uao ciinllHiurd luh.n
in whli h to wind ri'. lvintf indm t
miria fur rutiomy Mik nn, i,r,.,.,
hlllty. Wlilln inch tulwa kIvk giKl
I'HilltK, If dry, n km Inalilutliift la
c'liitiTMPil, thf-y will uatmlly Mhrlnk
iiflir tin- wlmlin,; ih itpplii.t, nmll(j
ihll Wlll'n tu hrimilH loono. 'it rf ittlcn
uro oft.n tiaid to hull tho wlrr In
l-lii''-, hut tho IiiIh- tmuiilly rontiilim
a'Uiie luoiatuio mid niiiy iihaotb tunic,
trttmlnn- mi uii'lrniiiihlji i.ipiirity .f.
f'i. Inmihitlng vuriiiih''i friHilu fur
thia uro fxi"nlv mid 'hill
cult to ohliiln,
A t liii r In Kiimimihlo In
plli'it mid iiilti! rimy In olifuln fur
tlila pillpiiHt b rolodlnfi. ft In u inllh
i"ilid nt Noluhle ii.ttoii uml rth'T. An
nuni'o lo tlilN inlxiiiro will cover n
avrmiiB Iniliirtiimn mil uml it will
1'itve u hard, niolatur proof Htirfuro
that will hold thr wlira In I'lm i- rn
gimfli'M of tuhe Hhrlnkiixc Thla On
lh la iiriiotli-iilly the riimo im cd
lulold whrn dry.
Thn hrMt hu'lhi'd of upplyliiK t lilat
nl xt lire In to hnljn tho tuhe in un
iivhii wlih ii In-lit il-t hot cnoiiKh lo
hiirii. Thla ilrlvia out nil iiiotiir,
Wind tho win! iin (li'Hln-d mid covr
it with the lolodloii. Wh'-n iipply
liur thin coiitlng tho work nhould
doiie out nt doora. Thia will prrvrnt
i-ny rxploHloii, Hold the buttle of col
lodion lu I tin lift hiitld, UaliiK th
lift forrfltiicr na a atfipp'-r, pourlnA:
out ii f!W dropa at a time mid aprmd
Imr It on with the rlnht forrflnK'T.
lirprnt thla opi-mtlon until Ihr roll la
i-ovt-ied. Hrt tho coll hnMi) to dry,
which will only lako a fow mlnutea,
nnd tho wlndliiKa will bo found linn
hud hard.
Tho IIiikt iniiHt bo krpt on (ho
bottle wh-ri not pourlnit for the fol
loitlmi aoon drlca nnd liHrdona, TIiIm
ir.i-thod of arcurltiB tho wire will huvo
no bud iffcrt on the rrcpllon of
with a dittur art whl! uaiiiK
an m-lmir ault-iuiii.
1'oi-liii.iKlrr ly Hailio.
Ttadin f.m Ihri'UKhoiit tint rmittlry
will lave an iipiiiiuntty on Nnvrm
l" 11 to lii-wr poaiitl uprivhn ii-ddi.-by
l'oatiiiaNlrr tirm rul Work mid Aa
aiit Hit ruaimaat. r (li iu ial llurtli-ll.
hin-rlnl arruiiitrmriita Juat t-iimplrt'
id by ruatinitH'rr H.iyha tHriln of
Kniiaiia I'll y providM for the brondi-uat-Inii
of thrlr ndiliraaia di-llvrrrd btfurr
I ha fotifr)' nrri iiiivriitlon of the poal
ill riuployt-a i f .Mikmuiii I,
Wli'ri-aa ii.parnlUM, net hi dlntf In
Ilia pi-alnwmi' r, will bn r Ik ' up In
I ho hi halt nt luinnua I'liy wi-im tho
ii ith-1 IriK' la held.
''Women Must Vote
for Women to Win
Political Office"
Dcfralt'il Woman Camlitlnte
in Illinois "Furious" at
Iilra Sex In (Iain
Woiiiuii (Jopb lo Slalr
l.riblalure in N. I).
I''.nfc", N. )).. Nov. in iiilli Imko
In will hnvo Un flint woiiutri iip-iiihi-r
of the alula liKlalnlUlo with tlm be
rIiimIiik of llu- next h'Klxliitlvo K-'H-hIoii,
.Mia. Miiuili- J), f "riilal "f IIhiiioihI,
Hi liaon couiily, hud bi-ril i-h-rti'd to
tlm lowrr hoiiao and tlm vote In tho
Twenty-ninth dlatriirt Indli ul-a that
alio will have na a -impaiiliiii, Mia,
.Willi! Iiourhifly of Ml not. Mra. ITjiIjt
waa aitppiiri'd In tho (ill ii.i rl -h and
th iIitMhii by llm nolipiiiiiH.'ili lianuo
uml Mra. DiiiiKlinly, who la u in-wa-piipi-r
womiin, hud lh" aupport of I he
Iliib li'-ndont Viilrra' iiHaoclalloii.
IVfiIit Spainer Ilnrnnl.
New Orb-ana, Jji.,-Nnv. 10 Tho
fi'-lvht at'-iim'-r Nolii, whli-h plioa New
Oil".ina and IIouhIoii, 'IV.. rrporl'-d
by win h xa I'ld.iy It waa litii nliiK In
Hi' tltilf of .Mexli-o, aljoiit 40 mllva
fium tin) mouth of the Miaalaalppl
l,nl'-r roporla aald tho ahlp waa da-alrtiyr-d
utid (he crew, t ikliiK to life
lioatH, waa pltki-d up by a Kronen
I'hliHKU, Nini'lnrlir 11 Itriuaika
j attributed (o Mlat Alice I'mil, leo
j pt esiil' iit (if I be Nalloiial Wuineu'a
party, In 'omiiiejiliuK lif WuHhliiitton
I on the ill fi nl of all women l undldatra
fur tiirttit riahlp In III" next i'finKi-i-M,
ni'd i-llf-inii hi'l'i today from Mia
Mary l!ei Hp'licer, lie.i-f a do
f'ltt'd ciiiidliliiln In the llllnola prl-UiHrl'-M
Iiih! i-piiiiK-
Mr, Hiii-iii t-r In a OiIi'iiko atlorm-y,
"Thla woman auya women do not
deni-t vii itin-ceaa U-t-nuae Ihoy do not
vote for women. "
Mra, Kpeiicer aald: "rilu-'e wion."
"The (IiImk Hint iiiiiIion me furloiiM
la I hat nny wnmnii i-hould Imply that
women in - their a ua u weupon In
U polltleltl Killlrat Willi nun.
"In thu prlniurlia hint year 1 re
ceived VJ.fVK volea and I'd die ot
ahnnie If I thoiiKht 1 d one of thoui
nlmply boi aiiN" 1 iitu a woman."
Mra. Wliiiilfn-d Miinon Murk,
elected Tueadiiy to coinpleie I liu un
expired -otiKriMloiml term of her fa
ther, I ho lata William 1-3. Muaon. mild:
"I do riot .think wurneii are the
Hhi'lieiN in lh" iolitlcal battl'a that
Alice I'll nl would niiike them appear.
Hh" la rlnlil. however, about women
Imvlna: lo aland by women If they
ever Intend to aecure their new place
In tho aim."
lice Want Ada l'rodiico Ucaulta,
Several typea of apeakllil? inovlea,
baaed on the pi Inrlplea of radio, will
bo tried out on tho Now York public
lu I ho next few month. The moat
Korloua competition will be probably
between the (ianeral Klectric com
pany, which la report'-d to be perfect-
li.K ita talkliiK lllm lu a attidio on
Iong lalimil, and Dr. I.t-e do Korea!,
who la worklnK wlih mollon picture j
actors and directors at a studio near
this city. The Ornernl Klectric talk
ing film and Ihe De Forest invention
both consist of films in which the
voice mid other Hounds are photo
graphed at the edge of the mollon
picture film Itself. The photographed
sound waves are reproduced lu each
case with the aid of (he photographic
cell. Those who have heard the JOO
de Korest photo film and tho (lenerul
Klectric talking film say they have
both reached a high degree of perfec
tion and l (-produce the human voice.
Itead Admiral W. 11. Billiard, U. o.
N., who was In charge of the navy
radio service during the world war,
says that live powerful radio stations
would soon be lu operation In China
with sufficient energy to communicate
direct with Sun Francisco. Admiral
Billiard says that radio will not sup
plant, but ' would supplement cable
lines, telegraph and telephone. '
Don't expect to get loud signals
Buy Your
Vhere Quality Is Unsurpassed
Where Prices Are Comparatively Lowest
Where Service Is Unexcelled
Continuing Our Demonstration
and Sale of
The Kozy Wrap
Mrs. Franklin Hoy, a trained nurse from the
Minneapolis clinic, will be with us a few clays long
er. She is here to be of personal service to the
mothers visiting our Infants' Department, and to
answer any question pertaining to the care of babies
and to explain the uses of tho Kozy Wrap.
OJ Kozn Down
Corduroy or
Sale Prices
349 to
ft Vis
1 ,w
Thf Koi:y Wrap h known the five-iu-oiu-rr.u
s.t, Hoil. coat, mittf jm, Uin anil tU tach.
aWt .smit.tty j".nl an- all cumbinetl in otic jtarnuMit.
It U m.ivKMif xarioiwmtttfrUlj wahub!o ctnU!ny,
Kozv down aiul Kosy chinchilla cloth.
1.98,. 2.39
Koty NVrp lUth Rib, jitU!ly
prf4 l!,ft
Kaiy Wmp i f wn.bu!.!1 iiit 4irl iroy lakv
Iho i!i" if wft-!c.l , CO
Simmons Four-Poster
Steel Bed 18.75
In Walnut or Mahogany
Four-pouter eds have been the choice of people of
good taste ever since Colonial days. But it remained
for Simmons to create this attractive design in a steel
hed. Just how good looking they can be are shown in
these twin or full sized beds.
Two Good Mattress Values
The Strand is a 50-pound cotton felt mattress with
Imperial stitched edge, covered 1 A 7Cj
with heavy art ticking. . 1 Tr O
The Supreme is a 50-pound cotton felt mattress
with roll edge and covered in 1 1 Etft
attractive art ticking 1 lOU
Seventh Floor
Don't Delay Decorating Rooms
Wall Paper
Spr Room nj 1111 Bedroom Stripe and All-
!;:r, 2c rKM- lh
Kitchen, Hall ml Red- Parlor, 1 111 nd Dinins
rom Ppm C Room Paper- 11
Ut nr.II. I'll.
Out of a Special Purchase
we have grouped:
BIfncU Two-Tone
Satin Stripes Vf Erobord "Papen
FloraU W 30 inch ()tmeli
Valaet fifirt 22 la 4 !
A t j ,.tl -4 rr - n .ii ! 'tl v 'ti t w
tutMtt I. .nl'ti nt fr.l tcrtl if I.
ruts Mr Wfl
I !
Dav nf Otinortunitv
aCliroaV for Economical Men
A Day for Right Thinking
We will act the most mil of Arniiilicc Dav in the degree tvi'i D'iri ne rise lo its real meaning. For the mtr
period it reminds us of blood and tears and sacrifice and suffering. For the future it gives us the right to hope
that there may )d be a day when men and nations will have learned to settle their differences in some Way other
than through the appeal to brute force. Bui Armistice Day reveals that the opportunity for jervice to one's
country is not confined to the battlefield. "Peace Aa'i her victories no lens renowned than war!"
This is a day for right thinking. When individuals build for themselves within the great while light of Love,
then governments will be liclped to turn from gods of War to stand within the gentlt benediction of the T ruth
that ma!(es men free and nations really great.
Let us, on this great Armistice Day, resolve to be Worthy of a pail in the making of a country and a flag
good enough to live for and good enough, if need be, lo die for,
Winter Overcoats
In Fine Fabrics, Style and
At Two Low Prices
Ad J
A 90 Cfl Chesterfields, Ulsters,
aMl LiU.UV ujsterettes, Box Back
and Long Motor Coats-r-New, snappy
styles in the finest of all-wool fabrics.
The materials: Plaid back overcoating,
rug back overcoating, two-tone' over
coating. Tailored by master craftsmen
and guaranteed for wear and service.
Plenty of colorings and light and dark
shades. All round or half belted coats.
All sizes, 31 to 48, including longs, stouts
and shorts.
At 1A 7Q Illt Schat'fncr & Marx Overcoats An immense assortment of
afl ilrD these coats of nationally known worth. Wide and varied se-,
lection of colorings and- styles. Big burly ulsters with half or all round belts; with
large convertible collars, in double-breasted styles. Swagger Town Ulsters In
raglan sleeve and kimono sleeve effects. Conservative Chesterfield Overcoats, hand
tailored and with loose box backs. Materials are all-wool plaid back and heavy
Fourth Hoar
Sale of Men s U. S. Army
O.D. Flannel SHTR TS $49
Tlu'sr all-w.ud are the regulation ww of the l .S. Army. They are caiviully
m;tlr in a-hiyh-ela way with two tailor d ioi-t t4 and ivinfoivoti for wear and
warmth with an intrilining ami elbow pati hr.-i.
This hind of a shist iuo-t satisfactory. Tl-eiv's no iur-tin ab..ut U comfort and
fivicf, Fr men who work outdoor, for wii.trr siK for huntinvr trij, in fact,
for any Mi t of outdoor wt ar it's a coikiiv; pmd hiit.
M. a 1 1 ... - )4i
Pi k.
.1 I.
iT&t JSB. JSX few, zi