'14 THE OMAHA PEE: SATURDAY. NOVKMISKK 11. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Omgrm. Nov. 10, 19!! r'meign table wera taily, open ln our n.nilceta around lt nlghl'M urlrea, limly in ihn hipii value) wr Inclined lo drag lower, tul on th dip loriimlaUun firm liuvlng ap peared, grid price t'lli, However on tha nhol tha market wa devoid of featur and trailing glow It wna ml.I that Gnnaiiy will need larga quantltlni of grttln giid that thg ar aituatlnn In (ha aouthwrat wa improve. Ilareipt of wht at Omaha werg II (Tin, cum 77 car, oat !4 car iv tnd barley 10 rara, totaling III ara, a compared with 20 rara of all grain taut year. Total ahlpment m III ram, gnnt 13 rar a year Omuha raah whnat wa In fair A: nianil, with price about unchanged. Corn) waa Irregular, tyc lower lo e higher, oat wr generolly c lower, iy waa quoted ! lowar and barley unchanged. WHEAT Mi. aark baid: I rr, lilt, I rar, li l .ii, ii 1 1 y ; 2 mi, la. No. 3 dark hard: i iar. ti ll; t er, I II; I car, 1114 It t p.r cant heat dMtiisged) No. 4 uirk bard 1 rar, 11,11 No. 1 hard wlnlsi: 1 rar, 11.17 CI par lent dark I; I rara, II 1:,, No, 1 herd winter: I rar, II 11 lhtp laia' weight): I rar, II 16, 10 i ara, 1 II; I rar. l 14 (mutty)i 1 ir, 11.11 (amutty). No. j hard wtnut: I rara. Silt: I rara, II 14; 1 rar, II I I (0 4 par rent liaat dam- gedl; 2 rara, II 11; I rar, II II 10 4 per i a li t lieat damaged); 1 m, II 11 10.1 per aul I m i damagsdi; 1 rar, II 16 (einuity, 0 ; per rent heat damaged, HI par cant dirk). No, 4 hard alnt-r: t'it l.eal damaged). Vo. ft had winter: Hamplt, hard winter weevil); 1 tar, 11.11: wee' III; I ir, II II; rant heal d.imagrd); He; I rar. 'ir, No 1 tirltig: I rr. It. 31 (dark); 1 oar, l 24; 1 rar, II 22. No. 5 prlr.g: 1 ar. II ii. No. 1 mined: 1 rar, II II ("I rent prlag. I par rent winter); 1 car, 1100 (durum, amiiity). No. 2 mined: I rr, 94c (durum). No I mlard: 1 car, Mr (durum, amulty). No. 4 mined: I tar, 11.01 (li'al dam- ai'dl 1 rar, II 01 (1 par I rnr, II n : I car, l 1.1 M' ; I vnr 11.12 lll-i I 'ar, a.n! (it 7 Pr 1 car, '; 1 far, Chicago Grain Financial lf ( II Wtt.KS , MICIIAKI.M. Omaha Heat laaa4 , Ira, Chicago, Nov, 10 Hearinli aciill flient predominated In the) grain nmr kola, ami whlla wlirat cloaml oil M atreriK rally, mrn aluiwrd a heavy u;i. Itrt(ni ami flnlahiil uliout tlm lot- torn. An advnnce of HUM la lAver Phi wheat, and lliia In llui'iioa Alivi fulled to hava much effect early, hut evening Up for tha JiiuIiIb linlidny oil tha part of Iihu) ahorta tiiuda tha r.hmtt l-8o hiidicr to 1 Ic lower, Corn aa off K'tlc. onla, MliIHo, and r 1 2c. M.ty mheat and all dellverlna of rurn wira aold at a new IiU'Ii on the crop tha paat werk, but t li lac It of .('iilllun waa niHlnly ri-apoiinlble fur tha rem-llun from tlm rxirerna hlRh, At tha luxt wheat waa 14c lower to I 8c higher, torn urn: hunted to t So higher, ' (Kit a 1 He higher to lie lower ami rya 7(''114 higher, 1'invlnlona allowed inur activity und lurd closed Hi'uVm and rilm 7 -2n higher aa comimred Willi tlio flnlMh of tli previous week. 7'radara ware divided In Ihalr opinion aa lo whafher war talk eould priiv lo !a billllah or b'an.li Inriurnr l.lvai pool apparmily reaanl.d It a hulliali, hul waa no Imyma of ronadiucn' a un t hat Vo. 9 durum: No, I durum: Vo. No. No 1ll'.f. i ara. No. tMc; 1 rar. II 10. 1 rar. II (ID, 1 ear, . ci iltV. J white: 1 ear lape'lal bllllna), 1 iar, (il'jr; ( eara, ". a v tilt' : I mr. e I rar, nn. 2 yellow: I ear (ahlppara' welalila), I iar lapecllll uannutt iv., "''''. . . , I.I kllll.,.! 2 mixed: l ear iiir.ii ........... I rar (luppera' weinniai, i"-. ' iara (nippr weianiai, r', I rar lahlppeta weight"), lie; iara,4(!. ,,.,,nfc.i No 3 mixed: 1 (p'-ll tllllni). le; 1 car. Ir; 3 rara, t)7'.ie. IIATrt No. 2 while: I ear, 4,'?r,;1?,, No. S while; I rar lapeclal billing), 4 ;"(: I ear (aprrlal billing), 4.'r; 2 ci, II e; 10 rara, IIW". No. 4 while: 1 ear. II !i" II VB. 1: 1 mr, tr 2 : 1 rar. Dl'i''. 3: i i ara. nr. Hample: 1 rar. lc. (Carlola.) Wek Today. Ago ! 1 117 171 I? 102 KANHAi f'lTY nKCEU'T" (I arlota,) Week Today. Ago. I HI i'fi :i 17 ST.' WlflS RKCKIPTg. (Carlola.) Week ; Today. Agil u-k.. t 140 lal Corn !' MIIITHH'KWKKN wnui nr,.. (Carlol".) Week Tear No. No NO. a haul "orn Data heat ,:orn Jala . 4 nn. He. T"ar Ago. Holiday Holiday Holiday Tear Ago. Id I 21 17 Ter Ago. I lil 10S 10 fill no Today Miune-ipolis . 4hft Duluth 3t ti,, if;jt; rim A II A JlKCtOM'TS AND HII1FMISNT8, (I'flrlota.) Hioelpla Ago, 372 am 11H9 Ago. lll.li.lH' Holiday Holiday ther a-lvan.e in that market and at one lima Iwal t.rliea ware off iln from Thura- day. 'J'hera waa aoma exiling aarly cred lied to tha buyera of tlm previoua day, r;ri th derllnta good aui.porl appar ent, with aoirm huylng ,,f lieremher and elllng of May l.y eaxtern mlllrra, who wro changing over ha.igva. In soma In- atanrea thu iiervinher wug given up In ea.'hange for caah grain. Itut'HI fradeta ahltte.l their tioaltlon In tha. orn marknt, many of tha pit e. inoiit being ai-tlva on tha anlllng ante, and while iiirm waa a airoi.g tally at one tlmv on chiirt covering, tho undertona wag not alrong aa of lale. although ri-uurla from omnha, Inillrnleit llnrml aiilea of aah corn to tha wet and aouthHeet at pilrva malcilally gliuvg a Chicago purl ( y. r.xjiort d'-inalid waa alow, with Araou- Una grain reported offered abroad t: un- ot (lomeatlc. Kanoitera look. US. mil) liuehale here, llerelpta. S2I cure, wllh the haale Id Ih ea ... file iiniikvl unrioinged. Action of oilier gralna waa Ilia main ' lor In Ihn oaig mark it. which had a rango of mt for th 'l.iy. Commlwlon hooaea i on both aide, while lonul truiler wcra dlapoacd to h bearlall, Ko- reipta, lot iara. Kouaea with aaahoard connectloin waro pcralatent buyer of i and good ax port bualneaa waa under wiiy at thu aea li'md. Ilermnny bought two rurgoc I'll u I a. In y, A anl of JI'I.dimi buul.tla waa iruda lo go to alore. Tho twu norlh wentern lino kale had 171 rara. Winnipeg nuii Liverpool will b the only grain market open Haturday. Thci nil h brariah feeling In the gram trail'i tonight, owing lo th t.- li nk, il piialtlnn of wheat ami eapeeiaily torn being r. grdd aa inor favor able for a further rereaalou. ,1'her waa a lot of reuil.lng by long In boih gram mid mora abort anlllng than of lute. It waa aald that tho corn trailer war moat ly hulllah and long and In tha winter jnuik- ket thiir wan u.J to lis a lurga alio.l Interoat. Thin who aold long corn, baaed their operallona on reporta from th country Indicating Incrcaaed receipt. Th move ment, It wu aald, in ij i, end. .i.l uuon the I car aupply which ha improved In many laecllona. Th country la willing to aell j nior corn when car ar available. The eaen nen. ami, mey aay, la not following th mark"! In a way to mat- new In vealorg feel confident of their poai tlon. U la aald that tha large! holder 'of corn war not dlalurbed by th weakneaa and repoila of probabl Inrreaa In rt ceipta, aa I hey look upon th inuvemeiit a only likely to hava temporary ef fect. Aa on put It, "Why avl torn at 70 cent, when it la worth 0 centa." An other leading bull aald that while be believed that corn noiild be worth much more money next apring and aunnner, there may be a break for a tlm. A Winnipeg meaaage alil th Canadian oat crop waa not a large a repotted and that thre waa a fair expvit de mand. A decre&ao of II) per rent In the wheat acreage la aogeated by relurna to the Modern Miller unlea needing 1 atlmu lated by recent ralna. Katitnutca on the decreaao In oklahoina range from 10 to 2b per rent, and Xcbraaka, 25 to So per cent leaa. . NKW YOltK TIMKS. Omaha lie Unumi Hie. New l'ork, Nov. lu. Klmtm lul at tetitlon waa again divide,! between tlm downward reaction on tha atock market and tha excitedly conflli'ling movement of tha foreign exchange. Opening with much Irregularity, atocka preaently allowed algna of gen- ei ul weiikiieaa, Hulea Imlh fl'oin re cent apeculutora for th rle and from returning apeculutora for Iho (Iodine amplmalzed the reuctlonnry tendency, the clay ending wllh loaea In prac tlcnlly all atocka and with net decline of I to 1 point In many of them. It w a market aubjeet to hlgtlly apecu Intiv Influeneea and not responding ta ariylhtng In th day' iinei, Wall (ret, being Wall aireet, aitlniHted dlNctiaalon at one hegnn iegriing th "ahocg of th lection new.' The near eaatin crtai and tjtt familiar friend, Kuropean bank ruptcy. Hut title w,ia nierely an automatic erfort to produc explanation which would .a. Th xplinallon 'I. at the piihlld waa not buying tock freely bee ua It wa rlulll'l fui over the cop of trade rerlvHl, and liiHt apeeulator wera elllng b-au tli piibllo waa iot buying, waa to'i .'orninon- plr to Iniereat th marknt. Mnnda mnvad with mm h th ame Ir regularity aa on other recent dva; anne advanced, othera declined, and there waa III 11 or no ronaieteney or purpoa In the movement. Kven with t'nlted Htte gov- ininent loana. th old Liberty bond ro a fraction while the new 4 per cm told allgbtly lower, in ti duv'a foielxn ex'-liang market run on the counlrle whoa exrhang ha laielv been th fnena of p.irtlciilrly wild peculation, moved In th aame confulon mm ihm iIhv before. vtBrcantil aaemiea eem to agree at the weeli.eiid that a moderate lackeiilng of Ihn rec.nl pace of bualneaa revival ha or rurred. "Ii regnla rltlea and rontraaia, which "111 rerenl feverlall itlvlty buying haa not hern rnultitalned, Ing that Inrregaa of lul'-ea much furl her, will cheek alownea of retail lutile, markeia New York Quotations 1 1 New York Bonds mi ii :'?' 7I 72 72 1, in, "S !".!(, II 71 1 1 'I , in", in', Hange of price f the leading iO'ka f'lrnlahed by Logan A Hryan, 24a I'etaia 'i'tuat building: IlAILIlOAI.g Thura High Low l luae l'i,a l"IH 1U2 e I'.-'i lo. 4'i 19 14! S 71 -4 l 111 21 'I ... Ill .. la. ... ;, . S .,. ... 41 ,.. ... . , i ... B4' p. n- HI. HTI'.KI. . .14 ! ll .. 42 'i . 12I" .m:'. . 71 '4 . . 7' 41 1 A , T L Y. .. Haiti. K I'lilo ... Canadian raclfie N. V. Central .. Cheaa. At I'lilO , . . tit. Northern ... Illinois 1'ential . Kan. City Kmithn l.elngh Valley ... liaourl I'aririe , N. v. AN. II .. North'n I'arific Chi. N. w, .., 1 eun. ft. It Leading C It. 1. P. ,,. Houthn Raclfie . Hr.uih'n Ity. ( I.l , HH. 4 Ml. I' I'nlon I'ai iflc ri CO I', Ui, 2'. 13', 44 If, ', :'.' i, '.'IS it I"1 I 47-, 24S Hi '.-4', III', 141 ', IIS 42 12:.', iz:.'. I2'j 12', il 70 !, n; 75 74', 4 144 4J. ;;i'i it" ;i ei'i lS : is S 4 , 2 , at', 2. VI 2', 111 US 14 i2la 71 'i H'lS 71, II v. aiu, K.f T'r Ago. :ot-ii oata ..... lly tlarlry .Slilpinenta Wheat ('urn fell , live (la rley I 1 I'lUMART IlWC.Il'TS AND Sll I'M KNTS. I Hufh"l ) T'.'lny. Week Ago learAgo. .l,7;7.ooo l.im.O"" Holiday . 113.000 1. OKI. 110(1 . It73.0li(i M),0U(l a I 1 77 S.0 II 31 34 5 I 1 8 (l 2 i,;. it 'i :! ::i 13 3 4 I 1-1 7 3 It.'.eipl Wlienl 'or.i jipin-'iii Wll'-et, I "Hi 11 ... fa 15 k;':,omi :.:-!. Oi.ii K,i,.nmi I.II2P.IMI0 xoi.non itH.ooo BX1HBT I'LKAIt ANtKH. Iti, -h li To. lay Tear Aj h, al and flour. , Mlii.llllO ( 'u-ti . , 3nfr 000 i,k 701110 Live Stock ilrceipt were: Official Alonday ... (irriclnl Tucadny .. HKIclnl Wednesday, (irflclal Ttiurday , Kutiinitie Friday . . Klve day tin wk. Siim day laa w-k. Same 2 wka. ago. . . Same 3 wka. ago.. Omaha, Nov Cuttle, lioga. 12,112 7,814 7.7KH S.202 1.7110 34.414 iz.7r,5 i3,; is 40, 634 Maine dij, year ago. 31, 772 4.SJ2 4 077 1,910 ii.7ll 6.K00 2H.393 ;j.760 33,100 22, Kill 30,401 10. Nheep. 1 n 9.901 9,6 12.IIH 3.70(1 SO, 107 63, n M 3 76,571 :l 130 25, oi3 in of feel If carried conaumptlon, buyei in om large 1 meet eler' vlewa' I not. to be aure. Ilia language or gr-si eniiiu.laatii. but neither It It th language or oe.i.oiiilencv. It Indicate, apparently a rdual and wholcaoin movement of 1 rod expanaion, but no "boom." ( IIH'At.O 'ciiOSINO PKK iiv fndik drain Co. DO. J27. Nov. 10. Al t. r(ienT'"gh. I I ''loa. I Ye. Wht, lec, lay July Rye lec. Hay 'orn Uc. May July Oat Dec. May ,(uly Lard Jan. Klba Jan. 1 liM I.lf'Al 1.1ml I 1 14V,' 1 M 1.14S! 1 jo'.i i.ol ,4el .4, ".45 I .li MV ."! .t'4. .70 . .42 14 .42. . .42'Al .42H. I ti I 10 1.141,1 l.lfi'4 I l.ir.'4 I.13HI 1 H4 14 '.';'' V ".iif .4!',! !42"4' 10 10 LOS .M'i ' !l4 .64', I. . I ".ii'i I .4: I.ODS 1.0f. ,4,J .4'.. .M'.ii I., l.U'a l.K'i 1.144 1 I44 ,3'i III DO ,'4! I- .'It", I .'l.. .42V4 .4 4 i '!4i .42 .42'4! .42'.!.. .394 .It 10 05 I It I to New York Hugar. New Vorli, Nov. 10. Tha flrt ale of new crop Cuban ugar to a local refiner wa reported when 7.000 hog old for Kebruary ablpment at 3 S-lc, roat and freight, fiiual 10 Dole for centrifugal. Hpot prices, however, were unchanged at 3,c. coat and freight, enual to G2c for centrifugal, with aalea of 10,000 bag to an oulport refiner for prompt hlpment and 6,1100 bag to a local refiner for rc oud half November hlpincnt. Haw augar future were quiet early and prlree declined 1 to 2 point under liquida tion for over the holiday, but developed a Utile more activity after midday and ral lied on covering and buying believed to be for Cuban account. Klnal prii:a were 1 point lwer to 2 net higher. (.Toning: He-ember, .7Jc; March, May, 8.42c; July, 3.66c. Ill refined, price ware unenangen at 6 ()(i lo 7 00e for fine granulated, with only a light Inquiry. Good wlimirawai on old order were reported. liar hllver. New Tot-k. Nov. 10. foreign bar allver, Go v, ; Mexican dollara. 44c Am. ''ar Kdry ,, Alli-chlmer Am. Locomotive. Haldwln Coco flelhlelirm Hta'l ,. loloiado V I. ... Crucible Am. Mteel Fdry f,ekawanna Mteel, Midval fiteel it, l're,e.y Mil Car Itepubfic X 4 11... 1'H, II' 42 il' lo-H. heffleld 44 t H HI eel log lo, 107 1, nV Hainan geabnard. I"1, I1, ' Cdl'I'KllH. Anaconda 4 1 H 4 Amer M It Co, Crro I l'co.. Chill Chlno (iren Cunanea Knnerott Inaplratlnn Nevada Con'dated Kay Con'dated ,. genera , , Utah Hen, Aaphalt Coaden . , . . . Calif. Petrol Invincible oil Mexl. I'eterol Middle Fnte Pacific ot ., I' n-A met lean Phillip Pur (Ml ..... lloval Ditch . Hlnrlalr Oil ,. Hid. OH. K. Tx Co. ,. Tnlon Oil ., White Oil . J. 67 2'4 2S li .J:H, 3(f li IS 'a .. . . 64 OII.H. ., 41144 . . 60, ,, 63', . . 15'4 ,.221 ,, 124 ., 47 ' 91 .. 44'4 , , 30 . . M'4 ,, 34 ,210 . 44", . 17'i 1,(1 it 77 V, 26', 3 4 li 134 '. 63'., 10 iS 31 27', 2.'. ;:3, 36 14 II 134 ' 43'., 1.7 '4 40 2'i 21 U 37 li 14 t'4 64 4' 4t', 62 '4 im 223'4 in, 46 , 44 it '4 17 4914 21 u 41, 'i 0'4 4(14 1.4 , 33'i S34, 204 jot 47?. 44 'i 17", 1 Chandler ileneral Motor.,, Wllly-ovrland ., l'lre'Arrow ,,,, Whit Motor Htudebaker Kl'llHKR Flak (loodrlrh Kelley-Hpgfld Keyrton Tire A.la V. B. Rubber 4' 44 62 V, 1'i i-'3'4 ll'i I',', 46, 79 '4 61 S 33 47S 17 H a MOTOIlS. , .. 6141, tO'i ,,. 14'4 14'4 .. a 44 ,,. 12'4 U . .. III. 41 i . ,,12S'i W, 1541a i: AND TUtKH 12S 12'4 '2', it 41 S ll'i 61V, INOCHTKIAL Kugar., 3Vj 374 27 32'i 33 421 '4 13'., 24 '4 31 t'4 H'4 ', 12 ,12 411 4 US t: 37 , 24 31 ' 6'4 I I I,': 1 14i i'4 ( i:t 31 42S 14 :,1 New Terk Nov. 1 Hond prh: turned dirliled week III today ciiiipratlviy ttulei dealing, fi,rign aecurltie and rail road mortgagee allowing ih largeat loe,a, whi(-h ranged fioin I to I poktita. I'ailal.yolie-4ladtarralieo 4a, which originally were nffdiad to th public at V. aold at 4. a net oa of J liolnta on th day and a new low record. Loaerf of a point tcek plac In Norwegian la, Ptagii 7Sa and lieigen, whil the f rrtn h 7', a,nd aa declined fractionally, th former equaling their low of th year. Kith 7a, which were ak Thuradey, ral lied mora than a point. Aniiiug the large number of railroad bond hleh reentered de' lfne of point or nmr war Mieeourl Pacific 4a, Norfolk and Weaieiit convertlhl , Atchlaon con vrrtlbl la of Itao, I'enttal of tieoigta ' "fl,iliia(ed , at, Paul rolivartlhl 4', and refunding 4S. Mt. tui and lion Moul,t)U liivir ,i Otllf 4 tid Net Vera, Wetclie,tor iid t'Htiin 4M,. There wer a tmw ceptliih to tb downward itrrid, no'ably Krl aentl 4. prior lien 4 nod liniiepoiia-Ht. Louia teruading 6. Kurlber ptofit taking in copper coin- pany lletia IndNaied by lb l-poliil drop In Chll ropnr 7a and deriin of I polle ti Cerre d Pen In. Oilier weak apot In the tnduefrtal group were Month Porto lllro Hugar 7a and Bel hleltetii Htee rteruii'iing orr i.nit a point eit M irlaiid I'll 7', and Wilann Packing con- verdble la W ei alrnpg l.lbeity bond were irregular Th IS dropped 14c on lion and th fourth I', ml uncaihd Vh toriea 4c each, v hll tli Plrat nd gernnd 4'4 dvBced 12 and I' rente, respectively, and the Thud 4', ?c, Total eale. par value. r II,I04,0". I', g. Bond,. a, lea (In 41.000) High Low Cloa 7'i Lllieriy 3' 1 '. 7 1"0 61 43 Liberty let 4'j., tt .! II2 3: Llb'rl ?d 4'i.., 71 l 6 7"! Liberty 3d 4 ',.., t04 14 II 614 Liberty 4'h 4'.a . Unit 91 III 43 Vlo 4i ttnolled.ioo j; ion 30 joo iz os Vic 444 called, .100 04 J00 0O 1004 7i0 tr.g Trtiry 4',. 104.14 9 tt 90 Foreign. Argent'ne 7 1004; too, I city of llergen . , 0 , 1 citv of Hern ...I'm", I'll 10 city of Itorde iux 77 '4 77 : 3 City of Copen 6V. 4 t 4 City of 'It I'rag 7'4 7l'i 7!t4 :: cny or i,yon r,a,, n-, (! City of Maraellle , IHj SO City of H d Jan a. It Ci.Hlovah It Ctf 91 110 lit of gen 7e... 3'i I? riofC t't n' '29.101 II Dom ran f If.... '4 2S I'teh K. Ind 47.. t4S : l.i, 1, V. Ind la 12. . 7 4 1eni h flep . . . II li: Ui to 4 .4 1, 121 IW1, 7 I, 00 91 74 94 94 Am. Beet A. O. W. I.. Am. Int. Corp., Am. Hurnfltr. Am. Telephone. . .124 12314 ia Amerlran Can ... 71vi 72 Central Lthr... 37 4, 2'4 Cub Cane 1214 12"i Cuban-Atn Sugar. 72 21 34 Corn Product ..13044 124 Kamou rlayr .. ', ' (leu. Klertrlc ... .11014 17'4 IH. North'n Or .. 36 3414 Inter. Harvester Am Hide Lthr pfd 704 U. H. Ind. Alcohol. M Inter. I'aper SIS Inter. M M , pfd. 64H Ain. Hugar Itef. Her-K"buck . Siromaburg .... Tobacco Pdcta. , VI!"n '."o. ... Wintern I'nlon .. Weat'gh'ae Klec. Am. Woolen 764 37 61 66 '4 4a Vo'i'i 75i ti r.4 60S 6214 7114 H'.'t r,i 64 39 '4 "th" so lltHCELLANK"! Aro. Cotton "II .. 23 p.naeh Magneto ... 3714 Htooklyn It. T I'll, Continental Can '4 Cal. Packing 3!4 Col. t;aa Blec. , .HOVi columblt (Iraph... 3 t'nlted Drug 7914 Nat'l l-iamel ..... 64 United J'rult Nat'l Lead 115'4 Philadelphia Co.... 47'4 Pullman 1'20,4 Punta Alegre 8... 441, Porto Klco . .. , 40 Retail Hlore n Pt, L. A. H. V 26(4 'a. Car ('hem,... .... 21", 34 1114 94 Z'A 109 3 71 14 73 li 35 4 114, 22 129 f. 179 '4 34 V,i" r,;,'4 r'.. f,3 1, 74'4 r,'g 61 64 39 '4 '." 17 is '4 36 10 --i 01 '4 IS 14 109 3 79 11314 42 2414 2214 33 14 73 '4 24 12' 22 IH 4 lilt 36 V, Vi'k 70 r.', (4 6114 74 17 !,l'i 4 401, 112V, 0i tl-i tt 'ii" 41 4 109i '4 a" 166 1HI44 43 11 42 '4 127 121 li 1244 44 14 44 14 44 14 40 40 .... 77 73 26V, 2414 1044 21 27 '4 Chicago l.lteatoek. 1 hicHUO. Nov. 111. Cattle Ke.-elpla. 6. 61111. Renernlly eleady; no strictly tfood or , -lit. . ,1 beef steers offered; best light ale.. Iir.'.n: l"at yearlings tuned steere tn.l Itcll-eta. Ilfl.6: bulk altorl fed ateers, i (in rfi 1 . r. ti ; several load, western gras ,'H, ti. -..H0 76; light Mcki.au slecia at l-is:.e fiitur.--.; vel caUes adlva; bulla, be. ; built choice lunilv welifbt vealer to p:i. Ut rs. II a 26 ' I a 6" : bulk caiiuera ,.t..i cutler, -..'; 3 ii", bologna bulla, S3 ! 4 ilm lie, , - pis :'.", ttoa ..-, let m.ccly .'111 to lite io.. ,:(. le l 'igiil , . iirs.n : htewil..'. Ii II i li . I'm lo ..-'II ., . iiioetly i ; I'll I 6 '. "I'l I,.,,. ;..', 1 4. ti ". ic. . a-. 1 pig lir...l Hm p Hc.i I .Ull.b- -It ' t-lp'.s, l,,.1. fit lo i.l'.t" weeU t" 26'- I" -.0. ,-.-.t.inHled ,ni: -nrly mar- r than yeier a. live. fully pound aver tt. '.'''.a P"Uutl .. Isle ii , ID . detr- h 'l.bner, 6. oho t 6 ("lu IU. Ill' (Hill 111 I... II en : I.l P'.U, I- i : ' . !. to . II - ,'..': t-out.d : a Hi to t iiv l.ul. lt-rti, I. ril.. It l.' ti 1 I 60; II I t tm. I eil f -il . x e, 4 . ot lie , ariiumt , .1 . I.eti.d 1 ictlw. p.. una I-d - tea II I ml , , ,,l h Cattle Receipt, 1.700 h-ad. Hardly enougli slifi-a were here to test the mar In'. Quality aleo wa plain ami the ft w file iiut'l.' lo'.k'.'l barely at.a.ly al tic. receiil declines. (,'oi.a ami hetfera were lea.l) and oirrlngs aoltl a little more readily than tlit-v did yeatnrdny. Klorkara and ttirdcra made up the bulk of today's arrtvnia and aa demand wan light the market for 1 lit-111 ruled alow to lower, prices being nearly back: to the low point of the aeaaou. Ciuoiatlon on cattle: Choice to prime tettvea. II !.2S4t 11.26; good to clioiee beeves, 9 6O1U 11.00: fair to good beeves, 17 7(.'o l 26; common to fair beevea. .j .60 i 7 76; choice to prime ycarlinga, $11 21. 13 00; -,,,,,1 to choice yearling. 19 26W II oil; fair to good yearlings,' I7 6i26; it.innion lo (air ycarlliiaa I0.6HW 7.6(1: riione 10 prime grass beena, gnoii to choice grass heci-ea, fair lo gutid glass becvew, 1 ttdrtiiod lo fall glHS beeves, .ttesieaiia. II ll'im 6.111I; a-ood to beileis. $6 fni (,.;'.',; f;J,r )o t:elters II mi,.8j; choice lo prune grass .(la, I,.. 2641 S (Hi; good to choice gisa it.wa. Il ic.y6.l6; Ctir to good grasa cowa. It 'iei(l 4.0; 1 oiuiuon to rlr giaaa covib. 42 Ut in I e't; prime heavy teedeia, 17 26 1" ..'!. go el to cholm teedil,. ; r. s i ; . ., ; f.t.r to good feeders, I-..H64 6'l; ctilliuintt to f..ir letder. 10(106.76; g i.kI I., choice atcckcts, l4.Ht,(,7t; fair to good slock- 4.i-Ua.trf; ci'tnmoii to f,m stoi-kera. 1... si. 11 K Heifer. II. no 44.1, 6 i st'fk atoek . alves. I I 6ntr in. 11 10 I'M; bul's. atags. I7.liift.0 IS,liil(u;7.36 16.76(1 ti 10 I4.60lg6.su; clioii grass good grasa I ' C" I . ( ti if I MO ; 7 ta; . ,il . n, , I etc . I .. a J 1:., H ga - lu, . a. is. 6 Ian ,ei a l.. ell., Hc-pt-r it-tti Hading lo I,,. , si-ia . --. 1 a 1:11 Is e. -r ) a, I. I.g I l.ul, hers Ku,as 1 ll I lie aim It. Ks.sss ,l. Mo N- 1 ' 1 1 t' liltaei of Agti ul'urtf I ttl H ,,.t, ttl Itel. MWAl.l, I 4. It All kll!- 1 ue ata ! aicoc,, bat ii-.i, eat l 'a, lie' I ifen. f t ts, o , otasr , .t. 14 I , tsi.ns, and ei,itsr at. -1 a. I I j ' I rows i-,i!i!. i:it fcfi, i.a r ,.ts 1 .Rinf ips, .'3 I ir 4,tv an to Ita. 4t'f I'tJ, ,...i. 19 41 I t 4iii,:t,l ; " ,..-,,'j, te-.glit Tfla ktt ta:. In a,. , : 1 ).-g- ll.ll 4 'tl d otsft4 ( e l,.A, .g '' elf tt -Is, ,1 A ( t K .(. iS i r( I .4 ,' I . I I, !' I 1 -1.. id ... , ... " .v, 'l-' . I I e) 1 itk t, a- a t, g ' , ,1 , s I- , - e I a It, ',4i k - it g ; . .l t,:...-. -Ua..lj.ia ' k.,1 a e-ilt In if !,i, l.st ,,.l- 144' s- 111 1.., , : , as"! 144 I .- ! I. ! . '- I'' t 'fiiera Was ltd tmU) s.,l , at Sle.lw U !, a... 1 1 i..,, il -I ' Sit ... I .... I. ...... .... , , - , . . 1 . e , 1 1.14.14 ao'.i at I, s 1 nn ,n, p4,kln, liabs isigly at I- ."ti, Hal. ot ..i.a w., I; j,,,, 1 . s.lr. p- Hn ..p. s. IJttn , -o, ,'.. ;-l.tll, f.lily ..Ih, (,,,,, o..ul 1 '4.i i ii m ...in g !': ail I ' '' Wllg brst .,.,41, v HVlM,4 at , I : I en 1 a. 1 . I 14100 w ri a acitt a I I .. ! ...rll ,, Hi.-,' I) j al 11. sa .Si-.. ,, , .,!, ,,( ' "' '' " ' 1 ' " ' 4 I W4(hl 41 I13. i vf'i tsiioi n..p 1,1 it,,a g,a,d j ' --e III ie)i 1,. Is I Unto, f.ir l 1 a .t I t. gilia 1,4 v4 ,.p, I ' -tl l f. it. : ...-.a In e.u ti i -t i.a, .J,;i, r.i ...a! II ti,i .4 f .1 - j . " . a lea, 1 t I w4a 4. taw, I M , N . 'a ' t4 1 a. a, wa g- , 4 . ( a .4 1 I ' t 1 ' I . 1 , ) i 44 f . . a 4 4 - .,-',, I' - 44 . t I t i.,t, . 4 , a 4 - 14 - ' 4 I S 4 I M , , 4 ... s.t a I' ' si , I vi ' a , , I a 1 - I -tgl'. g!4, IX I i a 1 -.,- 4-a I W. 44. , , u a , .1 . .... it i- i ' . 4 1 .1 11 4 1 , ik a. a a - .4 . 1 1 . I . I I i. ' , I, is i 1 .... . , I. V . ' s, I A It I , e-. t a . . I ,1. I ! . laawMMiasa 44-4 esu S'W 4' I 4 . a- 7Di ln Jaaittaa at j email n 1 ;t-V J wlwv' i T . WHLN you reach your office, vour thourrhts concentrate v - - on your business. Facts are what you want complete, reliable, accurate reports of financial, commercial and trade conditions affecting your business. The Chicago Journal of Commerce is the nioHt complete financial and tommercinl newspaper published in the United States. It contains over 15,000 individual quotations a day markets from London to San Kran ciwo und you van rely on their accuracy. How many of these depart ments HllYct your business? I elomcMlea Hlet. Halerial Hoard el I rale I Basel I "tl, I kleag I art, I t.l I "ll. t ell.. I dilotiali I alt a4 "lit I ,ll,,4l, I klral 4 I'M I t . I, . finer lerelg 1 1. i.raia 11144 1 I fall, 1 laser eeee roa 4 !! I It Mo, I I aalmr Mela! Herlali 4 aal air releuleaet ttaaa Hal IT I. I . 1, Preetaata Pr4r fak. I Hilda, Ullroali gkkr Meet I tlal 4keia( ar laa la, III,, a M.eai attsrki Coi you nlfprd, lor m Jollttr m month, It Aji lmtr tuaieign mn in yttur tin i'r polJ Jmy Jy than ytwri. Stnd wi a JoUmr kill lor m month' t trial (EliiataaSlounuu of (firaunritt AND DAILY IINANCIAL 1IMII 44. , 1 1 -.4411 liee,tl l leit,ial 4a.( , I Ik I ,4 'tl.4 II ( ail Grtftti Atru4 CKUgit. Illinant 1 4 I I fW, 44 I!), ) ' I VI tlk 41 sa e44' tltevet M'shibi a,ia, eifetw a) a 77 or, '4 901, 21, 1 00 1, !'4'4 94 7", 134 r,4, 744 J"04 64 94 '4 t'i 110 77' 94 'll'i II Hlt T'l of Ten 7a 111', JIM, 1011, I Hetli gtaai 6a, , 4 SI Hath gle.l p in . . 9414 I ilsln hdlaon n li.lott t ll.lt.4t H T li elfa.. I I Can Norm 7 112', II ( an I'ao deb 4..,. ' 1 Central n tla I. . .look, 47 Central l.eatliar la "0 C l ae td' la 17 1, 11 Cxro 'I I'aa. 0 a,,t:2'e el ( lies I 11 rv h til, IS Ch 11 i-v I Hal. . a ', I Chi 4 Alton l',4 ,. In', t Chi Alton 3 , . , . 11 II c 11 14 rf 6 A..H'04 li ( hi K III I ... ll I ('lit Ot Wast 4, . . . 10 C M I It I' 0 6 II. 71' 13 I' M Ml f 4'e. II1, 11 1 M 44 HI P rf 4 4 II' iV Chl N W ,a .,1114 I Chl lly la 19 30 (.' ft 1 ',o I. ,,, lit, i'l CHI ,' p ref 4., II', 7 I hi A W Ind 4s ... 76', ' Chl' Cop 7 114 9 Chile Cop 4 ... 91 ' I I'l l'l Kl I, gen 4 10 I Colo Ind 6a ....... 74 '4 17 Colo Ho ref 4s. 171, I Con Coal Md . . 10 :'2 Cuba Can Mg ,1 I,. 10 c..b Ant Mug , ,I"7, 10 l'e v Hud ( V 6 ,. It S l It IJ ref 6 .,, SO 11 l It il ron 4 ... 76'a II Del I.. I ref I ,.,.0'a 1014, 0t '4 iu h-e 6a .... el 21 Dpnl Nem 7 '. . . , 04, 14 Inniuean 1,1 e .... 104 I K (i 4 )' 7', ctf. 46 '4 3 Krle pr lien 4 .,. Sa', 44 r.rte gen lien 4.,, 474 6 III, f'4 .... 10 30 '4 io !! ii', 73 1314 4 1; lit, lit, .. 17' Id !? 1 1 4 lii'4 91 .. a 9414 ll'i M 49 '4 it 76", ., tts 1IH4 If, fS 4 ii'4 lit, 1091, ;'i 74 H4 "4 ion. 97 13", 44 46 4, 111 U', 11 44 10Hi I'll1-! 10714 10114 l""i 1011 9 I034 104 107 91 I Fr.itrh Ken 7'A ., 11 ',4 II lloll-Am Lin .. "I'i At Jsp lt 44 4' :2 .lap 4 0 39 Helglum 71il IH 4 H'lglum I 14 tienmerk 61 Netherlnd la .... ''' 11 Norway ........ Ill 1 1 Hwedeu 1 14 Parla-l.y-Med ... 4 ill Itep Hollvla I 94 4, 11 Hep Chll ll 41... .10344 f Rep Uruguay I ,,..104 14 cuaet.alantl 7a 107 4 tVueonsland I. . . 17 Han Paulo sf 4 f V li II IV f 6Us 24. 1091. 104 111 1', K ') H I 6'4 37.102 !"S 102 117 tl S llrazll I n 9714 14 V H Ilrazll 714 ... 64 ', 22 U H Hra.ll ; ft K 7a l la t) IJ M Menlco S 491, . . 21 C Mco 4 30 '4 34 IS Am Agr Chem T-.ldt 10, '4 24 Amer gmeltltig 6a.. 93 914, 23 Amer. Hugar 1"!'4 1"2 4 Am, T ft T ev ...11'4 J IB '4 I Am. TAT col ir 6a 97 74 32 Am T ft T col 4... 91 1 1 Am Wr:t Paper . 4' .... Am W W V. 5. .. s4 ::4 A Jurgan M W I. 74', 701j 43 Armour ft Co 4 14. 90 90", 9!! A T ft Y gen 4.. I'4 II', 4 At C L 1t con 4a.. 7 12 Halt ft Ohio Ia....t00'4 J00 II Halt ft O cv 414.. IZ 11 so 7 100 1001, 'ioii 74 74 il lo 7 o4 '92" 44 I. 104 93 7! "4 Total a!e, ll,(iC. Money Cloao. 6 per close, 61i per cent. Mark Clone, .0001 ; .Olii.l 14- Kratic "lo. .040; .0141 li. Kti-rllng CIoe, 14 44; 14.4';';.. cent; Thuradiya Thuraday'i clone, Thursday' cloae, Thuraday'i :1oi:e. 31 I'rsni Ind Dae ft, a 44 II lien K'eo deb 6,..,)'0 IT Onodrli h 114 . ... lul 1, IZ ;!. r T I 'II ... ) 1 ' Hdye.r Tlr la '41 .. 1 1 6 '4 I ( Irk Ity of (fan 7. 11344 ' T'k Ityof'an I. 102 1 'I 'It. Northern 7 A. 110 110 i' ui :vrin a laii..ioi4a 101 .0 Hud ft Man ref f.sA 13 s 14 II ft M dj Inc 6a, , ) 7 Hum U ft Ref S'4 14 10 ininoi Cent S'4e.1'i0'4 Indiana Hie. I ', ,,,eoe, 30 In-M 4a ctf eipi 11 141 Inter ft T 7a 7 194 Inter It T ref f, . , , 7,-. 'I In H T ref t elf 71 13 IftOV ad) r,a wl. .. t:' 1:1 In Merc Mar af 4 90 11 Inter I'pr r-f 611. . , 17 0 Invincible on 4.,.)1" i'l Iowa Cent ref 4.. 34 36 K C ft HM 4a... 79 6 Kan city Houth n 6a 40 4 Kan city Trm 4. . 1? U HhftMH del, 4 '21 2 1 Lehigh Valley s. .1021- 13 Ll ft Meyer ts. .. 14 ?4 fame ft No'w'en ,'a. 77 I 7, ft N ref 4a. . .In3 '., I'l L ft N iln fl-.l 4a. . 4 1 Magma (.'opper i..1I3 4 Manall Hugar 714. 97 o Mkt Ht Ky con ',.. 10 Marlnnd oli ;'i..107 2 Mich Central dl. 4 91 61 Midval feel ,:v 6 9 2 M A- Hi 1, ref It., 41 2 ktXtPftrlHM ... 103 I M KT pr lien sil 'isi, 11 MK'f n prli..n I. A 1,1 MKftT n adj CnA . . '.I il Mo Pacific con ,, i 20 Wo Pi). Ifle gep Is , Ml, 7 Won'ena Pwr be A. ff-7 SI V V. TT 1st !.e (tt 41, I .NOTftM Ine 6 77 '4 46 .V V Cent db .J'if 204 NT Cen rfgftlinp 6. 7 4 NT C Ht L deb la ' 11 NT !MI ref t.'i...110 14 NTNHA1I r( r '41 79 2'.' N T Ttl ref r,a '41 .104 12 V T Tel gen 4'2,., 94 20 N T W ft H 4. . 60 7 N ft H it A S74 g N ft W cv Is 114 4 No Am Ivdl f . 4l'4 16 No Pac ref Is H..104 I N Pac if ft lin r C f 20 Mo Pac pr Hen 4a.. 47 4 No Ht P ref f A. T N W Hell Te 7a. . 11 O ft ',' lat 6a f,l Ore Hh line ref 4. 13 O-W R K ft N. 4s. 4 Oil Hteel 7n. , . , 13 Pc li ft V. 6a... 13 Pac TftT 6 '62 ctf 12 A Pkd Motor Car ..1071i Penn R R 109 2 Penn ft It gen 6.. 100 41 Penn K R gen ",7t 91 4 Per Mart) ref 6n,, 97 24 f'htl Co '.lit tr 6s., 100 4 Public Hervlre It.. 16 24 Reading geu 4s.,.. 14 1 1 Rem Arm f o . 9; 13 Ht L I MH r rftg S4 102 14 47 47 si 100 I'll 14 I lit 91 94 91 tit, 47 101 100 . ;" . .107 . i "0 . 93 . 41 . 94 92 7 77 77 1"3 IVDli '97 1 1 0 ..... I 102 'i 'in i; 1 , . , , 1 4 03 14 'tl'' 94' 106 l'oS 94 90 109 7A 7t 101 104 93 .... , ::::! 117', ....I 1 : 11 101 1 17" 17 ' 92 .... 107 107 I .... 92 .... 41 11 '., ! ':' 92 I .3 ..... 4 at I, ft a p I i A 71 31 HI 1, a r d 4a , 14 71 Ml I. MS Ine U. II 4 t 1. M W run Is . 11 'I 4 a p a k c 1 1, 4 11 II N A ft A V 11 I.. 11 14 Hssl.uar.l A I. rn I 17 I HeaiH.srd A I, ad ! 14 1 Meohiiarri A I. rf 4a 42 I Ml., ton HI llu I A 94 II Minelalr Con rul la. 100 I Hinriair Cruil S',a 9, Ho Pa.i rv 4 91 loo Ao Pae ref 4a .... 17 10 No Pac rol tr la . 16 it Mouih Ity gen . .101 11 Ho Ity ron l-a ... , 97 44 Ho lly g 11 4 .... al 43 H.I Pit c 4, fa, . Ill, ;o Mtaii oil Cal tl 7a lin. 1 Te, ft pac lat la ... 96 60 Third Acs ref 4, ., t.4 41 Third At ad Sa .. 64 , It Tt'lewater ol 4a ll II To Prod 7e ..... lot lit T Ml I. ft W 4a , 74 2 t'n II ft I' la A rtfa 4, tt I'nlnii Pertfle 1st I, t'l, 77 t'nioa Par cv la ... 96 I t'lnon I'ac ref la ,, ft, I nion I k Car 7n. I"l 24 1 nl:.. Iiru t ...112 11; - lid K.iel lis. Is. . fit, 10 V lly Ine I .. Pit le 20 (' t4 Realty fa ... 44 99 I C g Hul Per 7.,,I"4S 0I 11 C H Rubber 6 . ,,. 44 19 S7 I' H Hteel af fa.,., lo;,, 0i I V t't'h ) win wr tl 11 Va l'ar Ch 7 rtfg , 6 Virginia lly ' ... 91 Wanaali lit 6 II Western Md 1st 4. 14 Weti'a I'a. lfic It. . 14 Weal n Colon lit 109 Weat'gh'h :ieo 7l.l"7 Wbk-Hpeti Mil la., II., 41 Wll 10 ml 7a...l"6 106 I ".'1 1 son ft Co i I. 7 4 Wl Cent gen 4a. . . 40 4 kelley Hprlligfleld..107 107 107 i Lackawanna Hie-I. 91 II 91 Total sale of boiida today were 111,. 20t,ooo, compared with 110,031,001 prev. It'U day. 41 I 1 00 91 IV IT 1 101 97 1 lS ii i; -' 9.. 101 104 117 It. 102 I 3 1 I I 90 91 97 I in," 1"7 '. II 107 17 N. Y. Curb Bonds Ilosloa Wool. HoAton, Sit. In. The Commercial Bul letin Haiurday will ear: "There 1 a lull In Ih wool merhet fill week, but no abatement In strength, r'all Teaaa woola ar b'lng bought Ihl weeg I, 11 th clran basin-, lan'led lloamn, at II. 10, although 1 line are tin..., an Ihlnk th prlc dengerou. The good market, however, I hrglihy and continue fairly active. "Knrclgn Market grnerall'f ar firm, although Toiksiiir em Inclined to uuol (op future down a bit, Inferior wool at the Hull, Kngland. colonial wool auction were off 10 per cent, compared with 1,011 rton, while medium to good atyied wools ire firm. Australian, Mouth A'berltan and lb Cape i firm and poell.ly a bit Imager, "Slohair la In light aupply but very strong, with pile, allowing a harde.ntng tt.ndtury abroad." 'I h t'oinioeri lei Hulletln will Pwidlnn wool prit-ea s follows: u.. in, tie: Wis. on sin. Missouri and ptr- ag New Lngland, one-half blood. 47K44c; three-cigblba blood, 4142 i"'.-; one-quatier biood, 4io. Hcoured basin; Tena, fin IT month, l 70 4; I. :.5 ; fin eight moll'l.s, 11.161 32, California.: Northern, 11 a"! mlD'lie county. II. Itlfl. 20; noutnern. ihii.". Ongon: K,.,atem No. 1 aluple, l,60'rt. 133; fin and Y l, romblng, II.Sti 1,26: eastern ch. thing, II, 1 i f 1.20 ; valley No. I, 11 I'll I 20. Terrltoiy: Kin gtapl eliolre, II 36tf 14o; one-ha!f blood l-omblng, II 2'4fl 3H; three-elghtli Mood cumblng Mctyfl.03; on-'UKi ter blood combing, l.'.V'Oc, pulled: Delaine II 2.' f l 30; A, A, IMS 01.20; A aupers, I1.06OL10. Ner Tork. Nov. 1 Trnetln an th New Terg torb niarkt lody r aa l"i iaa: Hameallav I Allied Pck la- ... J, l, I Alum 7e, !i 101 l" 4J I Am Cot oil I ... MS MS MS f Am ft K I0 .J J I Am L ft T 4 ww.K'0 104 1"'S 3 A.n H t! 4. 91 3 Am T ft T 4a, '.. ..! I Ana Cop H0 ' J? I Ana Cop 7a. '2 ,.11 . I An Am oil f...1l l, J"J I Armour ft Co 1 ..IMS 1" U At ll ft W I 14 ... 61 II I It. Ill HI I 7. 21.. 106 164 '04, Met It Mil 7. IS ,.IJ l7 l"'S I can Pacific ...,ot 0 181 I Cant Mteel ,.0I (04 IMS 3 ( Its recti Iron la., M M f 1 Clllea M 7 D . . " '4 ' " I i id (irsi.it 4 .... 1: IH on lisa Mall l4 tl Con Ilea Halt I .1"' 21 loll Has Halt 7 ,.l"7 I l op Y. A la, '34. .102 a 1 ,.0 it a la' IS . .1" I Oman Tel 7e . in' I Deer, ft Co 1...l2 S ' if Deir.ilt C .101 00 ! I y.A I, H 4. Wl !'. 100 too'. 19 (ten Aaphalt I . l"0H jo '' I dulf oil It '"54 I llershev Co 7 M 2 160 Inter H T 'if.. 91 96 2JS 44 K C P ft I. I ... 0 S V I genn Cop 7 ...1031, 10, K', , "."ted. tie 7. ...0I )OI't ' S S N.l L.ih-r . l"l ".V''' I p,l l, a 1"4 l"4 104 1 PhM Ll 6a '00 3 P P 7e, . te..0t 1o0 111 2 P H, C of N i. 7.1'I2 102 101 II Roberl Oulr 7a 9 I Hh.wsheen 7. .,.,103 134 10. 1 Hbef rrni .!" 1"0 10" t Molvy ft ( i 4,,ll'S4 )" its M. O. V T, 7a, 1424 101 1"4 17 M N T, 7. 1427,107 ti6 4 II. N V. 7s, 1471 101 14 I H. ii. V T 7a, I.-. I'll 1"l I M, , N T 7, Itlo ol to! 4 g, O. N T 7, 1911 109 l('t 26 H O. N. T ..1'i l" l 9 IH 17 lit 11 in. 91' l"1 lt 11 13' 104' 1" 1"l 111 toi l' 104 94 ft 14 101 11 1014, 17 M O 7 I Hun fill 7. 14 ft C. Is, 1131. .10) 10141 T4 Hwlfl ft Co. :,.,., 44 44 16 l II Col ! l"1 101 2i l ruum 'Ml 7. , , . o; 107 Wayn Coal Is 71 1 1 Koreig. s, H.73,loei, 94 , II Atfentln I V, Kin. Nth . 27 k M crol la. . . 7 t Metiro 'lot-, Is,,, 63 14 Menl'O (lot, t .. 14 14 Mei'ro 'lev. . . , 10 276 N V N II. I r. 7. 70 6 Russian 6 .... I' 34 Hwisa 6 ',, ....... Oil V, II I'. M H.,. 4 36 t 44 74 6314 14 10 10 il l"l it jo? 4'. I'.l 1"7 11'. 1"4 44 74 i", 14 1 70 11 101 ti ( lllraga Win ha, Ilang of price of Ih lead ng t hi. eg" atoiks furnished by logan ft Hryan, ill Peter Trust building: Cn, i: io3 i 21 Armour ft f'o pfd, , . Armour Leather eotn. Continental Motor , . . Karl Mo'or Von'gomwry.Ward ... Nation) l.ea'brr .... Pigglsy Wtggly Vuaker "am Vtiaker out ,.,,.,, Htev art -Wsrner Hwift ft Co ,, Hwlft Inl Colon CarliW Wrlgley ,. 44 .101 . 104 109 100 1 ii iu 96 14 100 l Bankrupt Hardware Store lo Be Sold at Public Auction, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1922, at 10 A.M. The Aaaeta' ef the Big H. Hardware Star, f2M Magi St., Benaen (Omaha. Neb.), will be offered al Public Auction I th hifht bidder for caah be order ef th Co, rt. The Aatet, eonalat ( over 1 0,000 werlh el ftaeral hardware at lialur. Alao Automobile Trutlia, etc. 2S Ch deposit en )t l al balance ea ceallrmetiea el aala by the Court. REMEMBER THE DATE, TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 122, AT 10 A. M. R. E. 5WAVN, Auctioneer B. H. DUNHAM. Referee D. E. NEAFUS, Sale. Mgr. C. H. CHILES, Trwale ft 'i . UpdikeService ' ' '.H ' S 4 L-IO ,a I J 1 si - e 41L..--e-e . rtrr:- v. n m i it i t , " y "4, s. .. ' l m - ' wm . ra -4 '-- "iiii4,yy i i ' ; i ! I r . i , i i . ' i t -uT.i i ' ! i , i a j 'ft ,-riillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiilliiiiiil iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiosi5i;. Consignments This progressive company makes a specialty of handling consign ments of all kinds of grain in the Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, Mil waukee and Sioux City markets, and the large volume of business handled by us for country shippers on consignment is the best proof of our unexcelled service. Our consignment departments are in charge of experienced, con servative men, who have had many years of experience und training in the handling of cash grain and who devote their entire time and attention to the handling of consignments for country shippers. Our private wire connections with leading markets and with many interior points help make our service superior. Ample finances assure country shippers that drafts will be paid promptly and balance due always remitted with returns. Telephone AT lantic 6.112 "A He liable Vtmnignment Home" OMAHA KANSAI Cltt CHICAGO MIIWAIKII ..lauiuiiiiuiM itux cut IBHBnnvilw a,Ml4M14,iHla.uwetfUllAkaMngWS wmii'Hwwalie' iwMlMlesf ft tat. t., ,. - 4 - 1 . ,-. I .... - '! ii. M ! . 1 v.. ItilH, ,4. 4 I l tS4, as 4 v. 4 4..4 1,-,' . I - . 4 , , 1 . a , 11 1 ! '4- I If I l 4elli I I 1 4