The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 11, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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Central High Puts Spike in State Football Championship by Beating Beatrice
Purple Crashes Light Orange
Defense for 42 to 7 Victory !
Galloway Big Ground Gaineri
l.mll.V Night.
If.. !;',
i 1 . '
My ICtU'll V,WiM;lC.
Jkiiirt.r, N l . Nov ) i'omh Hchmldt'a Otitrnl high s hool
I'Liyi'is fi.pui (iimiiIi.i 1 1 j . i ' I auntie- hurdle In (lie path lo a stale grid
i hiiinplotishlp Into today when tiny defeated the l'.i ail n o eleven hy the j
s'oie of 4J fi 7. I
'I he I'mi'li 1 1' mt I Miiiilia ' "inpli t 1 v ..tin l:m- and out pin v i d th j
liiliin; of Diiiliiio. O i'tti iihtnl, lluitrloi. put a k"iiiik fight, t.iil t ha
weight iif 1 1 1. soon told nn the snappy In I In gi tdslci 1 from Couch '
lii-M I login s i amp,
Sisut nflif lint firnt iii j 't started, ' ti t 1 got posncssion nf Ihn pg.
ul lii and started u march down the fh Id that didn't t in) until (iallnway iiunlu
u -liv-ird tun for a dim hilown.
I'lillnHllil! II. lf.Jti.ll Willi- (III- i-
mill i f the imiliHi win in vi-r In doubt.
Ill I In second Imlf, I J.-ji 1 1 It opened
Ud Hh HII Wl'llll llll.l'k pI'lVc'I
I.IIMIII-I I :-fll, Ttlloc IMIIt:-; p.!."
v i inli m i J' 'I I v I'ltrplc I-rldnter
Hi l)i- h'ltf if f Ik- h hi"' und t"c
I In ft- p.i n d the v.. iv fur linn l,ii. i.s.
(..illnwity M.ilii- Cuius,
Tl,i- light l'.e..HHll eleven llil I III'
Ci lltliil lit"- lillli' and ay.'llll nnlv In
I I- lnppc tiofmc making it gilill, J .'ill
inns filled lii 1 1 m-'ti r nun li ginuiid
fur Hi" and li was nut until
Hie IhihIm turd tin- iii'iliil g.imo Hint
liny cli.ilKi'l iii any g.iiiiK wmthy of
locution I
i 'mi i h t'lnlili'M team f linwcf upj
loiter doling I lie scemid li.i'f thail
dining tin f.ift. 'I In- J'liiplc backs
din lln ir liid-i i fie int. boiler In the
List Imlf, while llin --n in I line
ili.iiK'1! more im ii unit. 'I'i amwoi It i
nil Ihr- pint i.f the nmahons one !
nf llm f ii dir nf Hi" cniilinl, i
ll illi-wiiy, Ih" ciiliiml liillli.ick mi ;
I he I'nipl" iiKKri-Killiiii. iih Ih" i-liiif ;
trininifl xiiiiii-i. V'lii.iiK-r Im lilt llii",
HimIiIi'" lino It k ni'i.illy k imi uny-,
hIiii" fimii (lircfr d i'l y.tnl". "Islun"
lliiv.cU mnl M irinw nl-'i n rliid'n 1
i myilMlciit ir'il'ifi wliilfl KcyiKililn iihciI
liln hin'1 Kcvcrnl tlmiK to iiink" yanl I
if llii- .,'( lulu IkIowiih ecu '.''I hy (Im i
riirpli-. ll'iwcii l ciiiliKil Willi iiciir
lug three, (iiillnwiiy it pair it ml M;ir
row line. "tilrililliiK. I"iiil r nf I Ik?
t 'en 1 1 ii I itlrvi-n, hruiixlit IiIh dip Into
pl.iV fllpl limited fm ir nut nf xlx kiuiIh
finiii pliu-Piiii'iit, wlilcli wim nut it lui'l
fi'iit coiiMlili'rlnt; th hi If f wtml which
wi'pt Allilctli: park iliirlng I ho on
lint. Ilnwn ll Safely.
The wurn tit tin- ctnl nf Ihc fliHt Imlf
Ulnnil, 14 lo 7. Thn Irinte hi-vpii lai
lin on thn HcilrUo dli! nf tho (tenre
rlipKt ri'iirmftilnl n luurhilnwn anilH
tniil from iilni-ciiiciii Kcnrvil hy the
f)iHnis In th Hfciii'l ijunrter.
Si inn after Ifowrll wurai the h'thwI
Ccntnil tnucli(Jiwn. liputrlca klcki-dd)
rcnlrn!. Tli 1'nrplii rclnrncd tnlhc
21 yard linn, where Murmur Httemptpd
a wldoend run. A flock nf llcttrlca
KildMlfi-i lirnka IlifMiKh thn llxht Hide
nf th Central line and nulled, the
I'limhii runner. uulni? him to fumble
the hall. K'llnnd, Kpecdy licatrlce
ftuarter, Howipcd up the leather and
dniihed fur gun), Mcnrlnif l'.i-utrlco'M
Inne louchilown. Ho kicked K'ihI
from plai'ement.
In tho first quarter after fiallo
way made hln 35 yard run thrntiKli tho
til Ira IlealHco eleven fur a touch
down, Ileatrlee Kit the hall on thilr
10-yard line. ltoland dropped to
kick out of dimmer, and f'entrnl hroUe
through and lilocked the kick, the
hull rHli l.o r-k nf tho u-ml line, It. wan hoijiiced upon hy
rlHoti Scoit 'if lie'ililce for a Hiifcly.
iMirinic (he reroml half, itlny waa all
in llciitrlce'a lerrilory and after f.i.'il
Inway rniido hia aeeond touchdown, It.
wh only a qutmllnn of how linire the
wore would ho at the end of l he
Ken I r lea played ltd heat. The
Oraiwo wan without tho wrvlcea of
"Pln" I'liidy, nll-Mtntu quarterback,
hut with I'u rely in the lineup, Hi'
atrice would probably have ended on
the Khnrt end of the mine mi enm
I'lctely did the Turple outplay the
HKht IVatriea eleven.
Kor Heatriee, Koland, Olidi and
Bcckwlth ji'ayed best. Tho wmk of
l.ayton on tha line, waa worthy of
mention. The lineup followa:
Omaha Victorious
Over lowans, 2.1-0
I'iiiii lining Wi Hlei ti I ' I. ! line
for i iiimlHleol milim, lim I nlvi'iHlly of
iiiii.iIiii finilluill Iihiii piilli d the iniei(
'l i ln III I'l elnhloll field J entl i;iy
l y winning. 2.1 to a.
Tint conquei HI M of Mnrillll"il'l' I ot-
bxe were ublu In liinke only 4:1 JiinlK
finm ncrltiim,n,e att i iiniiiri 'l with
minim' I In.
The firm tally In Hie m-oie cnlijinn
w.m a On pkii If by 1'iiui hir from the
2.iy.ini llin". Thin wim befom Hie
whlH'l" which i-ii'led the font half.
In i lie tbird quarter, Onnh mil
iernliy tccovi-red a fumble on the
Tel' iiiaiiherN' 4.1 yard line, and op lh"
next play carried the hall alx yard
nearer Hi" Koal, alter which Jleanler
inn 3!) yanla lo 11 Inuchdnwii.
A hihk, I'oiicher lo Aclii'iinait, miolc
lim try for point ood,
K'l'Hi nflcr the ii'-xl kl' knff, W'eat
trn I'nloti nlieniptid to put, but Ko
necky blocked II. iiml then Kcooped up
the ball and raced L'.'i yanla to oal.
The hint roiiu'er camo In the final
xtniiza wlo-ii Ackerman of Ihn Ioc.iIh
i returned ii ninl 7'l yarilM. I'ouclwr
hooted a dropklck.
Acki-rman and I'oucher, In tho hai k
fnlil, and Fly tin and f'hemni, on the
line, went well for Omnium, and
Kirk wood played bent for the low.inK.
Tho llnetipK:
I 1 1 .T . 11. i,.
.':. ' ' I A 1 '.' L . , ;
i ?L L hatl n
i s - I I n . i - A. . I '
tAT5,CH- J ) UHATD0you (
c rniwi you '
u ( rs-THAT yoofec Si I &j !
tyiM Wl. t lil fin Unm. I !,,, T -"V ft-fl
Fourth Time Left Jab
Artist Has "Run Out"
of Go With Easterner
OiiimIi I 11I (,) Wmlrrn
I' Knliii-liy H K
Klylia It T
I'm it ..." It O
Krli null
Hrntrtra, Vim,
lp!Kt d,K.
Inyoni (C
II. HrOtt ...
X'linhdw . , .
Idinry Scott
llri( , . . , ....
I'ltlllWI-ll ..
lllr.l.ri-i ht
lUikolth ..
Hf'iiin hy
TiMn-hibtwnn: ttuwrll, 3;
Jlnlnn.1. I. f:iftv:
tmw t-lrtcem-nl ; K( ri l-l l n a. 4.
fieri. nl-.
. 0. .
. .
T. .
K. .
It , ,
. ... Ivrrival
fllrlbllna O.')
. ... Thoi.iuN
. .... flillll'T
... R'MKhlS
. . . Ilnlliiwiiy
.... Marmw
.1 t 21 41
. II t 07
llillliiwr, !;
K-ult. i ioh la
High School
Foot -Ball'
If i-MHler ,
' dirinaii
I'eui li.r .
... ..
... i.r...
, ...It.H..,
....i. ii...
I'nlnn (0.)
, ... HollznM
VV I Im I i
. ., llnlili-ariih
, ... Th'Hiiiiii'ia
....... lnl li-n
Klrkwnwl ()
HiilMtltutloiin Oinchm Shiirlleff fur
Krh-aiiii, f. KitnerUy fur Ai-ki-rmloi, Ai-k-
1-rmnn fer wllinaltli, l.fwlH Kfiiifi Kjr.
Wi-niirfi t.'alonr llrnth for Koch. Ilayi-it
fur Kmh, lliiha for Ifiycn, lllun fur
Klrkwimi), Ail"ii for H'-ldi-tii'li h.
Offnliilii: l.ule, C'retKlitiin. ff'-ref,
Morton, I'ri-lKlitou, Hmplri; Hmlth, N
liriinka, In-Hil llnenmnn,
Tlniti ut ituuro.m; 12 minium.
Contenders in
Big Ten to Play
Chleaifo, Nov. 10. Threo undefeat
ed mirvlvlom of the Weatern Confer
enca eharnplonahlp race Chicago,
VVineonHlii and Iowa will nwlng In
action tomorrow In Karnca that will
rettnlt In further elimination In tha
m ramblo for tho titln, MI''hUrun, the
fourth undefeated contender, will be
Chief Intercut will center In the
hoiitllltlen at ('iilumlnm, whero Chi
caicn will minsle with tho twice de
feated Ohio Rata eleven, and 1ho
Inwa-MlnneHntfi elanh at Michigan
WiHconHln will meet IllinolH, a twice
viinquiHhed learn, at Madimiti. North
weateni and Purdue, each minting
two defeat m, will colliilo at. Kvanaton.
while Indiana will vent tiro from the
"lilg Ten" rank . for a homeeoming
game with Went Virginia at Iiloom
lngton. Minnesota is given an outnida
chance to defeat Iowa, but if tho
n.awkfye are In form tho proapeets
of a Minnesota victory nro remote.
Illinois, beaten by Michigan and
Iowa, threaten to aprlng a aurprlno
at Madison. The game promises to
develop Into a real "grudge" fight as
a result of tho charges made hy both
Institutions over protested players. !i 1 1 I Tin lllf l-ami.
i ll 1. ' ! tf , l. V'S' I" llTILll.t
ei!. I l.i ft 1? W o Pi .
Iliin At H.ii .m!i h. ult iti ! 11. li t'i l.
II h I trill.
I ulrfeurr
r.,N'i vh
I.....1 I ..II
ll ..'.'.ft. Iff '. I
I ; 1 . !
lt,. V.'
H I.
Him '
1 , .
O ftl. I.
Athletic Stadium
Planned by Denver
Penver. Nov. 10 A liugo athletic
stadium, which will seat 4n,nnii per
sons, mnv be available fur baseball
and football games In lenver next
ytur, If plans being dlwuHseil here ins.
( I'l.tns for the struct urc, which will
j be built n an tiiillvldiinl i-ntri prise,
hav be.n siibmlttiil 1 1) Mavor
: It.tilev, ami It Is -xvt..) th 1 ty
j council will In itk..J to itpprove them
' nil early inieiinj;.
The Piinliiiio will b erect, d In ibf
!i;tte of a rainbow, and pnnilnti w ill
f Mi l le f..r Ihn Stttliinit 1 f (rack a 11. 1
i f-el l t.,.,t,, an ftrtl as and
rt,l f Hull'U.-S I.f tillliiettMK ftlMrtir
lo:it.l of 1 .,!, i(1.i c.., s. ,.n r
I 1. . I a it. ,i! 10 t ti,i. 1 1,, 11 1 1. mr
ci.OI, ! ,,t he ';i,!t,nn. f I! L I loll.
I- r i n:
extruordinary, l no
New York atable
lly JIMMIK IIAI (ill.
AVU HI I A DIC, mitten manipulator
Neither Is P. Klynn, out of whoso
Hhudo works.
Jack I'.rllton weaved such a tantalizing left In Shade'f
face that the challenger was unable to lift the welterweight
crown. Hut Mickey Walker turned the trick real neatly tha
other night.
Walker Is made to order for him, Shade believes. Hut
Kiankie Hchoell Isn't.
Therein lies the therms of Ihls yarn.
SebooJl won (he referee's decision over Hhade In liuffalo recently. Three
times since then they have been matched to give Hhade a chance to qualify
his statements that ho was rubbed hy the Ruffalo referee. But each time
something has happened to Ibo cunning coast welter.
Shade put iqi marly 400 berries , night, with thu
as a guarantee that he woulii fight
Hchoell here Monday jilght.
Shade Knows Kid.
But what's 400 Iron men Compared
with the danger of having one's tit
ular aspirations knocked askew.
Ho it's tho same old story, Mr.
Pave Hhado of left Jab fame, does
tho run out act. ,
His reason this time Is an infected over Ills eye which he suataln
ed In his bout with Jack Perry, whom
he knocked for a flotilla of schoon
ers tho other night.
"Perry didn't lay a hand on Hhnde
during the eight rounds ho managed
to stay In the ring with him," says
a despatch from Iloston, seat of the
Hhade-Perry brawl.
Doesn't liar .Middleweight.
Nevertheless, a long wire from
Flytin says a cut over Hhade's eye,
two inches long and an eighth of
bn inch wide has become infected
nnd Hhade will be unable to fight for
three weeks.
"Then he will be i-earln' to take on
Hchoell," adds Flynn.
Plenty of sunshine that!
With an $8,000 advance sale, Jake
Isaucson, Legion matchmaker, Is hav
ing his woes In overdose quantities.
lie literally burned up the wires
trying to get a suitable opponent last
result that Pryan
Powney probably will be the lad who
will take Davie' idace,
Hume l ight at That.
Downey, who used to wear the mid
dleweight crown, bad tha run out
powders slipped lilm t Iloston by
Marty Hummers, so Downey was all
primed for a'flgbt and had no one
to fight. Therefore he was renrln'
to mix ft with Hchoell.
Downey will outweigh Hchoell 10
or 12 pounds, but the eastern welter
doesn't care.
"I'll fight any welter or middle
weight l;i the world lo fill my con
tract here," said Hchoell In the pres
ence of American Legion officials and
newspaper men this morning.
Pi fora getting Downey's consent to
fight here, Isaacson had sent out the
8. O. H. o Kddia Hhevlln of Poslon,
who won a decision over Hhudo two
weeks ago; Hilly Wells, the Kngllsh
welter champion, mid Pinltlo Mitchell.
Hhevlin nad Mitchell could not get
Into shape, and Wells had about
Ho the way things now stand, It
will be Mr. Bryan Downey, erstwhlla
boss of all the mlddlewelghts, and
Frankio Hchoell, foremost welter con
tender, who will furnish the enter
tainment hero Monday night or later
In the week, for there Is a possibility
of a postponement.
Handwriting on Che Wall
"This Way Co (lie
I see that the champion of Rough
town has published his desire to lay
aside the money line and meet
Rattling Hlki. This Is the only re
deeming feature of this administra
tion. I would like to bo Gink's sec
ond when they meet.
Yours sincerely
New Brunswick.
f1 INK'S challenge Is no laughing
Y business. He Is ready to fight
Hlkl In America, Europe or
meet him half-way, We think the
America public prefer the Iat me
thod. diiili has already beaten Hi Ill's pet
uncle. When Ciult was top clown In
Kmightown's dizzy Incubator, Siltl's
uncle tried to meld 40 pinochle wllli
pack of spades and a queen of dia
monds. (ilnl detected Ibo slippery In
dustry and knocked the old boy past
bis station.
Gink's record shows that he has
never taken a backward step. He
eould run faster forward.
What has Sikl done? Knocked
Carpentler curly und defeated a $2
picture of Pempsey In a Pari booze
What has Gink done? He tore up
a row of paper soldiers when he was
only 3 years old.
What else lias KiKI accomplished?
Nlappcd TufTy (ioohulht, the Turkish
prayer manufacturer, for a string of
grade crossings.
Many Upsets Feature Big Tilts
Between College Football Teams
r..,,rlshl, PHI.
do la-la!
What a football year this one Is turning out to be!
About everything twisty and startling that could liapimn has happened,
did Kid lnipo has been knocked askew to such nn extent that he Is un
recognizable, Help's a sample:
(.eoigiti Tech, S3; Alabama, 7.
Navy, 1.1; ;.nirgiu Te h, .
I'eniisvlvmilii, 13; Navy, 7.
And then I'etitwy pl tyed Alabama. It bioKcd line the softt k! of soft
things for the men of John IMsman, didn't It? Put when the sutoka of but
tle cleared, this .-nt of nnwi apiwarnl on the score board;
Alabama, i; Vnin.y, 1,
What has Gink
Mo was ringleader
In every
panic in
Therefore, Gink has bought him
self carload of sponges and will go
Into active training for Sikl. That
Senegalese has stepped away with
murder since he defeated DempBey's
picture In an American bar In Paris.
Gink will do better than that. He
will slap John L.'s picture, Jim Cor
belt's photo and the Sheik's whole
family allium right In an American
bar In America.
I K l
.1.. N
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l.i. I
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Mien tltt-ie wit I Vim Hlitle, It III
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W- ill llbb.'.l ,,, lA ci Ihlng
I III the iiibi,iii Weil l (.f I ; b is lent
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lUrll IIOI k I ,U fitltjilo.t .
iiiipti.s. new ttp. t ai,. iir (. if
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Would tu tnitnt (tin Idt-H that they'll
go throng )i wlihottt a p.tlln.
Waltb Che Irish.
Ma log-in ninudv bis .en siiuidged
I'i u it i ik with .m.lnf l.lti. f..w
built li4-t vt iv many sinn-s S4i
fl. It antiml tlm fM Kno out
tti, Hi. l ill. I tho .in e Hung to I'm
tof ll I.- it ile ( In ft, o ul
on ft.. mi Illinois. 1 l J Vi.,it
i t hrni t4F.-ttii i'lii i.iiitt, th.i s .tali
pik. i.i AlI iot!ri siol Mm.' e
"U, v h . li h id tveii unbeaten t'
f iv ' t ..roll!
Voir ttme i l.iit I l.e titiie
H stuff, a l' i ll. It I' II'1: ll'l I
lll k, M lie i il t.i il III
t.ii . I ...l . -. I .in Hi!
In I'm s..iitlt lb l.k .i tat.-
I . .i i i ii ci;ir it I i t lin
I I. 1 1- 4 V m . ll It e 4!fr . i I to '4
.li..l . i .1. t. f i -n oi l N. -
4i,itv. ri -i'o it.. ....i i i
I I in III- ll I -H I-
I I. II .-l. I Jig ".I t .1 ..I
I OH tll l4 III tt.M t I.I .... Iftft.l
t 4 I I' li 1. 1 C J I
i H a. . . I t ki lo .. I "
l . . I . I4 l 'I t - 4
Ik.M H !, U. t .. t ' ll
Ift 1 t.ftl "t ll.l I " ' S 4 t
I 1 40.-.I I . . ... - I I 1 - 14 ' 4
,. ' I 4. .1 t. . . S
Ho refuses to hide behind tho At
lantic, ocean. He challenges Pemp
sey to a penthalon. Tossing the
towel, throwing the sponge and tak
ing tho plea.
All he wauls Is per cent of Che
gate hinges, two tlt'Uels Cn a specu
lator' picnic and lo coniiiuilalliui
hooks of slitlting plaster.
llo Is now training In ttmightown
Slid deilis Hlkl tn (-'"ess the dale on
I the penny In- IomI Hi R raliroifi cut w-
(tig jrui'l m.n hine.
Noire Panic on Sttic f
Cliisli W ilU Army CaAvU
Wk-i Pi in'. N .!.. Nov. t The
N'otrii pitoe fnoiblll iniioi I. J1 I" all,
under t l'i-e of le.i.h Komik P-mWik,
ntrlvrl it lo'i'll to.biv tr'er a lo ittiey
from Hoittli ie I In I . In H"t 'be
A-u-v win loi no t! ' I' 1 ''""i
Ioimoiiiib Ti" iiiinv w.ib H'4 l.l
t, ,m -ii. . 1'i'ii I .t l.'-.b ol 'f
Willi. ll It ti.ioolf'W llf"! .IOSiJ
Will, ll U ,'l '.1 b lb- lll
i ot I,... mn.. , .t g
i I
! . Si
, ! f
H 4l
hit M '.
li . I II. ... M
. t I' ft I " '
I .1 H't
i ,fi
f7i n I r ( Hie' (' '
n ti
: t I...
, I . " ' t
4.l t
Vrb. M.l. V. M -li.k
.Ii l lbs Mi lot 4 W t-H l !.
dill li tv tdiJ
t. , wl IM.M lUlM ttl
lt H4 lt I't"!!"!
!..t -Ul u.4 ..l
,l.b .! hlH hi..4 .
Hit !. Urn .. lJ I"!
K 4ii, I I. I.I.H l.l di t Ill M''
O I II. J IV l ,.l Oil !
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Champion of Australian Turf
i:ili)tlunli', owned by K. l-e Steere, Is the biggest money winner In
Che history of lite Australian turf. At Che iom lusi f Ills (1 year old
rsiupuigil he had won IH.'i,otHI, far more I loin Cm bine, I'ollril, (.liiaiiiliig
ml Hrsufnid. The AuslralUil raws, which gol untler way In September,
will iiiiilhiiie iinlil April, when, II Is believed, the horse will bve nelled
more Chan 1-IOO.mHi.
" i '0'f.-' ''V'4..44..'-'S.
Tech to Uatlle
liluffmrii iiiAir
'royi7 Vsv
-4 a
1 'V
tto46t &9C'M. int.,
Midland Invades Omaha for Tilt
With CreightonCouncil Bluffs
to Play Tech at Buffaloes' Park
An a.-iial tittink will b" used el
teiisively ly 'JVi'li when It renew ll
.'tiinuiil grtillron slrifti with ( ndl
Plutrs at Wist, in league park Armis
tice il:.y.
Huniison ami 'u wf , two ground gain
ers tf nil aot'illiini y ability, have been
doing soion si liiiillnt't work on the
reti'lvfng end of p.tis"S dining prill'.
I lii. this wt'i-li and thn n pilot's air
game Is utmost pcifect, Concli I'ruin
lllolill dei 1,'IM'H.
The uncoiiiii'i-ci Midland college
gridiron warriors of Fremont will step
out of the Nebraska intercollegiate
conference today to bnttlu Crelghton
university eleven on the locals' shav
Tho game I comma ndlng attention
throughout the state because It brings
two undefeated conference elevens
Into action Midland of tho Nebraska
Intercollegiate, and Crelgliton of the
newly organized Northwestern.
A not lo r g.imit will bo fought out on
an Omaha gridiron when Council
liluffs High tinkles Tech In a renewal
of annual struggle nt Western
league park.
Houtli High also is scheduled toper
form today, meeting Norfolk on its
opponent's field.
Omahan Says III Breaks Enabled
Syracuse to Beat Nebraska Team
Syracuse did not out piny and out
guess Coach Fred Dawson' husky
Nebraska wurrlors, and only ill
breaks caused their defeat, In the
opinion lit C. 3. Anderson, 3005 Chi
cago street, who Journeyed to Hyra
cuse to witness tho game.
Mr. Anderson, In a letter to The
Omaha live., takes exception to an
artlclo by a (Syracuse sport scribe.
published In Tho Omuha, Bee of
Wednesday, to show how highly
Syracuse treasure Its victory over
the west's "wonder team."
Limited space prohibits the publica
tlon of the letter verbalism, but ex
tracts follow:
''Syracuse played a mighty good
gamo and went Into the fight with a
determination to redeem itself for Its
rather unsatisfactory showing prev
iously In the season, and it is entitled
to all the credit due It, hut to say that
the team outplayed the Nebraska
team, man for man, Is quite a stretch
of the imagination. If there was any
Syracuse player who outplayed Wel-
ler, Nebraska's right tackle, I'd like
to see the color of hi hair.
"The field was wet and heavy, mak
ing trick plays and forward passing
dllllcnlt. This resulted In old style,
line plunging football, and them was
little to choose between tho two lines
In the manner In which they met the
"Tho most unfortunate part of the
whole gamo Is what happened In the
last few minute of play, when Ne
braska was ahead, 6 to 3, Hyracuso
punted from about, their 30-yard line,
tho hall going well down toward Ne
braska' goal where the Nebraska run
ner was tackled with but a short re
turn. On about the second play fol
lowing Nebraska fumbled, and the ball
went to Syracuse. Hyracuso attempt
ed threo line plays, making perhaps
six or seven yards, and feeling the
inadvlsablllly of making a fourth line
play, attempted, or wero about to at
tempt a place kick, which, If made,
would have tied the score. Tho teams
were lined up for tho kick and the
ball wag already on the mud "tec," Innovations In III ', plajs
'dsn me expected lo bn liocoil-ei
IKllll'it till' Phlflloell, who ha vn bli'li
I'oiiilltig for the itaiiiii bv iliivlng th
mfond strlogi'is, using Tei li s l st L
Tho foinaid wall aim Is woiklog
In en onliniitlon Willi III" bio I. field.
Wednesday afternoon 'lecli bn i d
Aditnirt' tlniilrt team In H
good woikoil'.
when the h'ad llii'Miuaii in out on
lite field and culled a penalty on No.
britsk'i for being offside tut Ibo third
down, nlthoili'li be made no cffoit to
cull the pinaliy at tint proper time.
This put I he bull mi Ni br.iiiiia s lliiie
y.ii'l line, with first downs, mid mi
Ihn third down H.vl.n use Went over
for a toil' iidown. Thompson, Nebins
k.i's rig bt end, who was suppoied lo
t...... 1....... ..It.., A.. .1.1 .... M !...! I...
was not offside, nod the Nibiaskit
mail tit on" end of Ibo yard line, who
Was in position In see, alh'l ilnl.ires no Nebraska mall was nffside. It
was Ihn first penally called by lb
bead lliiisman during Ibo eiitiis
piine, although then- were seveial off
side plays i n the part of cither learn,
and bis mi Ion in cilling (he penalty
dftir Hie team weie llm-d up for Dm
to xt down, was decidedly Irregular
und should not have been a Unwed.
"It was a keen disappointment t'l
Nebraska follower iliat the team lost
after being rated highly by sport
writers, but, connidi-i lug till tho lr-
utnsl.iiict s, there was no disgrace In
lulng beaten by u team that playnl
like Hiacils j layed, and tho fact
that Hyracuso is taking upon I'self a
world of cndlt for Us victory. Is an In
dication that Nebraska, ranks prelty
well In tin. fool bad world. Had lb
field been dry and fast, there would
have been nn entirely different story
to I'll."
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