rilE ' OMAHA UKK: SATURDAY. NDVKMUKU 11. . 1W2. II Attack Cancers Before Start of Pain, Dean Ur'es Dr. CutW Declares Crrat Trouble in ('ooihating Dreail axe T . W Delay. SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. Conllp4 ttm iMlardar ) Claymore tried (o tuna the aetor up j wuM eiK-ape tnii.pllciiy in luth a low 10 the rlltiia by explaining the kituit' trade. t Ion . Terry Iiui1il-U like an old Jut before alia iin to the attack M'liolnr. I'ut IH tere rue, t'layinore li h'lirU CUyimire atop the ramrrni Cunc-er wirk" cording to Dr. and He iii-ii.ik, Irvlna H. Culler, a pp. tile. I 'n llir Uty't ympaihl (or the rhferji'icr, fur hlinlf, I In In Inn moat lnr luiiifx-llmif Intone Init nut u t .ir would urll from III.' ilcKnt of Ten v iliv in Iih. , "Tliluk of your mother being awful 1. k uu.l :lii(. f.u aw.iv frmii you!" Hut Trtry wan lix mu h of an actor dean of ilia rollrjre of iii"l.i'ltip of ll, . to luke (Inn ban. "Whai'a my mother N'ibraaUa unlverilly, la lo irend the lo '''' w"' 'h'" iovin' pitcher?" propound of hnn an. not of f. ar. ' "''"",' "' ."'7 "lm'"'1,- ... .a, , . ,, .. i lav-mure took up oilier Miniioim. Dr. ' addieHed j.ul.llr i,,tltil ,,,,, , 'u,,!v ,.,,, Inurad.iy noon lit the IihiiiIkt ft m ool iilnmai raw. Threw hundred ''.mincree, hel.l Hurler Uih M0.lce , dollar had gone to tlia waala buket the public iiffimn ciiniiiiitce. Hie already nod not u foot of Dim wo even HIHilled yit, Chiyniore did not loir tit temper, for lie could t.- I lint the child wax wrt'hlliiiK with hia own miieionle leer iliuia. Hut he crew atixloii for li! atory. It a ennenilal that tlm child rIioijIiI Keep and thotixanda of f"it lind e'ready hern taken with t Diet acene III view. At leiiKih Im roiiiiinbered wliht Terry's mother bad nld, "Jin only crlen when he la mad." And now iin ehlfted In aiipioadi, IIm inndf (ill ready for thu ahot lln pretended a deep dlxuat for Terry, put blin of hie lap with a curl! "Voij ar h iu liter. The trouble, with you la thui you're not iryiiiK." "1 am o trying'." Terry gunped, UBlounck'd. ( 'liiyinom enacted i;ontompt. "No, you're not! You're Juat In an uly, Htnblrii mood, Vou inn aee Hint vvn'ro nil Wliltllig here, the liKhl i rcw. tli' cuineri men. Vou know l ho pl'tme enn't on till we get thla eaey wcena llriiahi'd, Mr. Wotiurn (the autiiori h ta to hv thla acciie In bin etory or If apolled. J!ut what do you Hire,' .Mr. Ilerinond boa paid you money and wanta to pay you more, but jind t.i uplto him and all of ua you bold back your teara." 'ei.A h,l.i.H,.ta t.t Ihla out luffed tlifl gco ia Tliern win hiho ik- a aerie "l (-hjjil'N aoiil. H atamped hla foot In clinic t the vnrloiia lioKpitnla (Iwriiuf i urofent. "Thut Oil) t ubject covered Ilia reiiaon for Ilia .oliaarviiiii'e of auch u week, which be ft!n next Monday, and the manner in hlch cancir can b'- combiited. "C'uncera," he auld, "nm iWI atiirt lug lo grow for aouxi nnkliown c uice. They lira air'clly n panimtlc growth and In growliig drum the l.dy of Ita vilnlity. There are two lilnda, Uinlgn and iimligiinnt. The former la con tent to atay where It I", but the other la not. Any forilgn gmwth on lha Uidy ahould b ciiiefnlly niched and a, pliyalclm coiiMtiltcil lit lla firat lip jirniiicc. "Tha (treat troubla In combating cancer a Hint p.oplo w;(lt until It U too bile, fr'iiticer c in be curcil 111 (he en i ly ' atngea, but nil eul'ly cXiiiiilnii lion la rieccManry, Do not wait until l bey caua pfiln. "Tlie menKiigea n lupc to Impart lo Ihn public during 'ciincer week' hliould li bccdid. They iin llllcil with Irifm million Hi" public ahould I now." Durlnr "c nicer week'' there wlil In: U aerie of public meeting lllld IcC- tinea by Omaha phyl';lin"i una aur i be week. 'It la no, no!" 'lay mora Two 7 Slmlt nta in Ontral Hipli Striool Firat Sfnii-aitr .lUlie ItohKilt Ulid fvcimelh Abbott led Iho altiiblit of Ccntrul High bool during the flrl aeiueater of Hit veiir with j Am einli. Two liy und .ghl. girla, Jamea and I'luudc T. Mil sou. .Melon Hill lie, Kill hryhn Indue, Mi.ry I'lulie .loliuson. Kuth MannbiK, i;iiznbc(h l'i:ffnratll. Anne I'erley, uliia I'lou.'k and HHn Htarett, mndc Vj Ah. Dog Hill Paragrah By George Bingham f'rlaby Huncock my ha reckon b it-1 11 Imva to hunt up aome wood, for .Inter thl acnaoii. aa theiH I not enough of the yard fence lo lust long tt than C'hrlatmaa. While trollliiu over Muakot Ridge Momlay morning of thl week. Him Kllnriftra cm ncroa a peralmmon tree liwided with ripe pcralmniona. and while he was Kiutng on one of the limbs helping himself, a possum came trotting along nnd alarted up the tree, hut when It aw 81m, It at once buck sd clown anil acnnipered away, which proved quite embarrasaing to Sim. Tarn ftnia 1 back from the clrcu at Pounding Billow. He report that while he wai attempting to ahort-t-hange the ticket aeller, hi watch dieappeared. ATtantlc .121 ATlanll Sll rREE DELIVERY Morgan's Market Why LUti yaur groierl hn yeo ran hava them delivered lor Imt mmty. Civ. u a trial I ra your rvlc. 2411-2413 Leayanworth Street POTATOES Farly Okie, M lb, te ku. Palt.4 Rite . . . rulfea Whul . Mc ,.ISc ,. lie CANNED CORN t'aacy Coualey Cnlll 'f CM Staaaara Carat fclf 14c PEAS ju.a P, Ha. 1 tl t" TOMATOES Tmlai, N. Tawatwa. Ha. J tl NAVY BEANS C. M. P. Mlekia, J IW- -- CO COA tu ie IK 3 tl .11 C Ch. m Ce t. kalf mtcWn "cliani. ' M( AtS VAiU timi D Je QwalKV I1" I MDll OW1 fTVMIRNtt (ACAROXISPAGlIEni y Ar r.GO NOODLES MtlN tllH C 1 l P. t (ImI, m m t , a,f .Wm -4 - e-l M iUm 44 tLLt 1 1 t a twm . V " ka s " -. .leia a bncl;, ami agnhi I'o Ibiunted the red rag. "You ciin cry a well aa any body. Yimi know thut I've been frb-iidH with you, and I thought you were frbml'i with me and with Hi alar and Mia Kteddon, here, ilul you're wome thim the little baby who wouldn't play with Hie pb'tol. He didn't know any la-tter. Hit you there' only one thing keeping yo" from crying." "Wbtt -j -at?" whimpered Terry, In Dim hhlverlug, hi chin puckering fl with a drawKtrln;f, hla throat gulping III! .Vlcm tould hardly keep from dunn ing to hi rcaeue. llaymora anarled; "If your mean nen. You're a dirty little alley cat, a aplteful little alley cat," "I am not a nalley caat!" Terry nobbed. , , "Of coiirne you are. Vou don t. be long on the acreen, ijo "it hacg lo vour allev. you rat. (So on back to with the word, "fin:'' The tlrnt cament man called to the chief eler lllclan, "Heal in!" Thru the relent le torturer, flaymore, ran forward, picked Terry up In hi rm, hugged him lo hi heart, and klmed him, mumbling: "Thai my boy! Thai' iho good, brave arllKi 1 thought he waa." The briny victim peered through the dripping eavr of hi drenched evelaidu Mid auld: "VVm at nil right? lloiieat? Dl'l f cry goo-1?" And v. In n t'layniora groaned, "Ureal!" Terry laughed aloud and twlHied faynioie' ear, klxned. him, and ihroille.f bl neck Willi hU'dioil arm a he tiled: "Mammii! Mnmniu! Miau-r flny more hvh 'nl WH great!" .Nik. I'M ii forwunl lo euibraie lilm, her heartache turned to ache in pride. In the rood old lit) clnldri n bud liei-n beuien IncemMiilly; ntoul iol were apolled religlouely to apnie the children from the peril of hell, (jloile of goblin, of urge, of child lining win he und wolvca, had filled tint uui'Kcry book und thu uumcry talk, Myriud of children bait laeu alalu lo linnlhllule their nice. In Kuida ill thl time children dread of miirviidon were heaped in window by the thoUKand. KihII"- arinie had been dent lo thu ioiiI mine, the fac lorlea, Id Ilie atarvatlon and dure of foundling ayluiiia, oor furma, In old Kliglnnd two little girl of eight had been kept In ollinry cell for over a vein, hundred of children were hniigcii for Ihefl. Thu liable of devout pnrinl bud been doomed lo gloomy home and dour repreMloii for their aoula' ake. Little children hnd been trained to aob and weep for the alna they Inherited from Adam and for IIm fire of hell awaiting their leant nilHilip. Thl child bud been coul rained to weep In n game of preieuaa and per lierhHP ( .1011.001) people would ween uiuppeil J iipcutiae lie wept, J,llnO,(MMI people turned in t,ui in work in l.'l;i moi' cant. Hut Hi re wa a xuliow In her heait, tfhe bid found fill bl..ile of h-r brilliant iniperaoiiatlou of the pitfftll I. 'Ho M l. l II, II. f I'lpld "l'i- Iin i-oiifiixvil b'-r chin ucit r wuh b-t characteriaiion. In ,Mini)'n"'li ebc hail merhfiird a re axi-nt v he would riot even racort her to lh theater liecauae eh wu uch a vlen! Hlie loved I t-r public, and It a iMtterneaa to lone ll p. i m-U d lie wn iiiiloviil I" Iler eternal iba wn now f r aome wen wolll.l iiilnlil her iiputn llnll. Hil l bingcd Itl lloW InfolB llf camera the kindly plri( he revcilid uwny from It. Hut niiiHt of all "he longed for what all actreaac long for l rrvlng at i lie Two iIiIoki th iioininl iictreaa il. -iiit-a HlK.Ve llll II iliJ- lo Wt.p ri"l to be murdereil corn in populo a every Prayer Each Day roiild (t. I be iibv of chlldbiioil, and fhnuKiind or children would he bet ter cht'i leiied for I he ,.i !i i' lui.r yinoui of Terry I Kick. "lie who wonltl Ini lo r v.- p InlKl fli-it hiive wep lili.nelf." Vnd Terry had leuriied the "getille art of nil nilnllc I in i M. Hi hfiirt had in larked I' education. To hi lech nlcel e'liiipiiient u great weapon had been added. Iii a Inter acine he had to cry nun In, nnd now It wn he Hint pleaded wllh I'layniore In hi anxiety for per- fecll,,. "I'll cry all you want ff you'll only mnko n." iniid iiKUln. fnb lot- n nnllcy t fi Tint infii-e iik' nwfi'l in" ! " Obediently l.'luymore called hlni an alley cat mid even a gutter anlpe; and he laterwanW) magnificently with neat nera nnd illnpntcli. And to In miiny layer hi little aoul worked, uliivln'r o n wniknl'le pl.i'i "f the tii'na ",l do in u ll.l '.' To t.ilie rath iluy u It cane, do merely what Iwippen lo colne up I u vt iv Inly, iiiinli'e o.i of l;t to l-.itl. on Hie otlcr huiitt. you inny pl.m a lol of thini;. and bring Ilinn iilmut I I,. .1 ir v..ii Iiuvm tii.t ti i ii t ...fl Hie cut.! hkht of l.fe and from Whom to depart j J(11J f)aJp fm,, y,lra,.f ,m, pu( it ; In t In1 ahattovv of deuth, giant u the to jur iHa, aome iliV. even j Joy of Thniii abiding prrnciicv Hit j though you do hitv a gotal Income, dtiv. Hint In U there innv be no i l la line to be f ur, nnd gent roo 1 ilai-kue 'it all. We me not children of nnd public apli lled and all thai, hut if ! lull v., an. fo.,1 Ma whn '.tail '. h r,.i U wiih all ttir lirarl .lr. ' IS O Thou, Willi Whom lo dwell la Ilie he din kneaa, o Fnlher, but our path ttii dny inny lead n Into the tuldat of human aoi-iow- and Htrlft) and ln. Mny vm- wnlk a be Iin the chlldiril of the Light! 'live lit. we pray Then, oi n and iilci't nilii. i lo ditcover Thy will, and a holy purpone ladh to hive and lo do II Help ii h lo be true. In the ml.lft of at tor niuiit iooi of nil lo p.nv llinn- i uattiMt I fnle, pure wheia evil timet let, deblll-i Mll. nle, and be tlam will! I (lUll1,, frp.ndly lo Hie friendlea, a poiaiiin d riinler i nnd beaier of our brotbei.t' burden ,- y .mi. u,e., " :fr our r'nv lor' mike. TiiKch' annv; i , ,, !., ....... .., ,. lll-nr COtld .Vlr. I I.IV- iuy I ll.-e. nil l.i liuoi tti uiii mo, , i and give u the joy or tlie viciorlou you Like It mil of yout-ectf ami your. f.imily in win. m duty b funt, you' rhould be Juat, before yoll lire gen ei'oii. Ho. n oil., lid.' plnu I yoti lice. I! fount til" coat, nod decide I f ill' Hi I't'iicli concerned before vou commit youraelf to II colirae of in II. .11, I which lint v be more openaive for! you In the end Ihnn jmi could po, ll li It en you flu-ill'. . I It out nccniiilely In Hie be.;lniiing, Do lo be too gem roll III Voili' fig , we i lire, eel flown lii fuel and iletml ' "Oil, illt'll'e, more, won't you woilldn t you ' cniililn't you kindly pl.-nee put In a little aeeiii where. I nm cry'.'" "I don't en how I can In tin pic lure I'idlvkiriN," flnyiliorn proteHlid. "I'll llllVe III" ll.'XI plltllle Wl'llten no Him ;,ou ciin drown In your own learn." "oh, but the next one mny never conic!' I'.ill; .ic-.. "Ill g.-limg too big lo .l iv 1,1 1 lc gu!, nod I won't b" bii t iiniik'b to plnv o.i.l.ii.ooM for two or three yeiua. I may nave to I'B.'U till- fll.l ll for 11 Willi' , l olllllll t you Juki i-llp In a llltlc bit? You know, when Mia pileddon I alck why couMn't I go In In r and pet her a lit tie mid ciy over lur'.'" "I'll "en the, author." auld Clay more, "or maybe you'd betier." (In lie ('.iiillnnrd Monday.! lift- through our tllviiie Hedeeuicr. At the clone of thl dny bring lie, with epiiiU iintioubled and un-nahiinit-il, to our own llrealdea, where, by Thy grace, we mny find real, and Hie peace Hint pnaMcth iiudei Ntandliig. All of thl wn iikU for l he eake of .lemi ChiiHt, Thy Hon. our Havlor. Amen. W 11,1.1AM HIUAM Hll'I.KKH, 11D, I.I, V. I'lillailttllilila, I'a. then ii. -I iiccoi'dingly. It I full' lo be gciKiioiia lill'l It la pluiaiinl to be ilnniiiy, but ll la the mull or Hie ..iii iii w ho iiinkr work- illlle il,'IIIN llll Mil l ee.n l. '..' rial ill 11 I Common Sense Parents1 Problems How run children hi biugld not to cry when bin l? I;y allowing appreciation wl.rfiicv.r they are brave, To divcit the ntlen Hon of hub., ill 1 1 1 1 1-ll , nl once, la a good way to brmk up n luibll of Hint kin.'. I Do You I'lini for Kach Dayf ll.ivc yoli ever thought nbout It, I how much you mla by not having a. A womiiu '.fieri look a well ns the tliapliiy in n ehop window, bill ll limn never doi. the deerf with the other coyote, Wc I faithful trnncrlpt of child life, child don't want won't cry." "I will o cry: you here, liecauae you ciy! Boo hoo I will j 'In vmnrA inawtd his voice 1n '-orn. "Oh, you mlKht make a lot of enlffle, but you wouldn't dream of crying llko a lont child, 'I want my mi.iiiriiii!' " , "I want my mamma. Terry howled. Thn Hood lnoko from a euddeiily blackened k. Hob abook hla frame, Tear upllled and darted aero hla fat check. The ehildlah treble rang Wild. Carpenter working on dltaiit aetg pauaed with the heart atnb a child a crv ihruil Inioiihe breat. The electrician, the properly men, the actor and actreca. gulpd and clenched their hand. Terry did not ' the llghta come on at Clfiymcre'H hlgnal. He did not ee flnymore tap the elbow of the camera men nor hear the crank ciH- ""lieobbed and aobbed -while Clay more goaded hltn on, giving him hi cue dlHKUlfcd a abuae, "1 want my mamma! You alley cat! In anti phony with Terry'. Increasing &n"l"want n,y mimma! Bbut up! I want my mamma. 1 wain my t'"'' '"There v a aoiucthing uncunny and cruel ala.-t In Mcm's mind. It wan a form of orture. a Spanlah ln'iulal Hon not rfur bollufa or confeaalon. but after atoied up emotion. Mem blood ran told at the ahameful bul nea of flogging that young soul to uch old woe. Bhe wa ready to ruh Into the acred circle of the et and attack Claymore for hi brutality. Hhe would h)e her own career, but he SOMMER .BROS. HA 0188 28th and Farnam Su. Saturday Specials Strictly Fresh Kgfj. doi., 12C Best Creamery Butter, lb., 49t M. J. B. Coffee, per lb. . .454 Chafe & Sanborn' Coffee, IVr 2-lb. tin HO tjuaker Oats, per pkp;. .. .!)Ht Advo Wheat Food, pkg., 19 Advo IhHuake Flour. 2 iVr. for 115t Pr. rrice'n Hakim Towiler. 12 0. van !9t Kro Syrun Maple Flavor, 2 ram for IKSO California Cooking: Fig tra large), per lb 2f Camel Cigarette, fart., $1,35 r ) 10 ) ban, b. 4) 4ic Fanry CheitnuU, per lb , IIO New California i:nglih Walnut. 2 Ibi !," Faa. y i,riftuit, fir. .H9tp r py MM-higaai t'tUry fr ibi Use, prf buluh .Spina, h, evtia fancy, per i.W . ll Jtney ,st i'utate. ... fr "J.'iC rh I J irv.g i hi. i.. per lb. ........ I r..l.i tiranJ i lUm, aa.f wi wtv!, per ik. UTf V ,m ' t eftlfleJ ' er ii. p 1" 117? ONER'S tAfvCGO NOODLES coii'edy, i hlld inigtiily, In order to buy hi mother pretty thing and to nave her back from the torture of the tub. and to buy hlmaelf learning, power, wealth, fame, and a future of liotindle cope. There wa a divinity about It. Terry wa a veteian Indeed now. He had been under fire, lie had played a big scene, had hed and In spired an It water, or, a the technical term wa, he had "got the tear." Yet. aunerlor a he felt to hi Junior, the Infant that had played Willi the plntol, he w himaclf a novice to a veteran who gave him much .uneful advice and comfort a girl of 12, an old actrcx In a young art. Tolly Thome had been a moving picture ncrteng' alnce he waa 5, Hhe belonged to a atepladdcr family of 10 children, all of them on the acreen, all of tlicm wholesome, handsome, happy people like their parent, alno lllmer. Polly wa a figure of national Im portance. Hhe had created a role In a long aeries of picture of child hood. But Polly, alas! had been doomed to play the little minx and tattletalo who mIwmv told on hr-r brother. Ka moil little Polly and her mother had been Kent on a lung croh-contlncntal tour of ptTHonal uppearancea at mov-Ing-plcturj theater. Hhe had re- Always the Favorite 33 own mtxD rmgp 0 tegD U.S. PATENT OFFICE jii r . 'i . r. " ' ii mm -i-iT. IJ WmM ANTISEPTIC pS mm m am mi'm x , it i "iri. i rt1 ''AfSj.. 4 Fine8t Fabrics (ffir(7(tftlA f, lliti ... i nail i ir T I I I I ll ii iiii I " ' ill r --JfcM Fill mi WW B OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS Quality Meat and Provisions Lowest Market Prices Watch for Our Specials Sales Daily 212 North 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 South 24th St. 0UR5WetTHAMtV NCC0 NO DercrtSE EVERY SLICE JUST tastes Prime Beef Rib Roast, rolled 17c Choice Beef Chuck Roast '.10c Choice Rib Boiling Beef 6c Choice Round Steak 15c Choice Sirloin Steak 15c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 14c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams 20c Pure Lard, any quantity . 12c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams 24c Armour's Star 24c PORK CUTS Choice Frh Ham, ' or whol 20c Choice Pork Loin Rot, .19c Choice Boston Butt 18c Freh Spareribi 14c Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lba . ,25c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lb. . . 25c Little Pork Hearts, 4 lbs. 25c Fresh Pig Tails, 2 lbs. .. 25c Fresh Side Pork 18c Choice Small Lean Pork Shoulders a . . 14c Choice Salt Pork tftc Fresh Snouts, 3 lbs 25c SPRING LAMB Hindquarters 20c Forequarters . 14 Choice Lamb Chops, 20 Cudahy's Puritan .Lard, 10-1 a. pail $175 Mb. a.l iOc Buvkler Bros. While Nsplka , l ib. bars. 4 bars 25 EXTRA SPECIAL Fancy Fresh Spring Chickens. 22c Fancy Fresh Young Hens 22c SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Caranation Milk, tall cans, 3 for. , . 32c Carnation Milk, baby site, 6 for , , ,32c VEAL CUTS Choicest Veal Shoulder Roast. ..... Choice! Veal Stew Choicest Veal Chops Choicest Veal Legs, 1 j or hole, . . . He ...lie ... .17 . , 20v SPICIAL Choice leaf Lard . . 12c Set Ptikled Beef Tongues . . 2Sc Choice Corned Beef . ...... II1 e Fresh Cut Hamburger Steak .... IS f iesh Made Breakfast $usae ...... 2tK Fancy Summer Suafe JtW. I anv Brkft (Ucoit . . 2ft BUTTER AND BUTTER1NE DEPARTMENT Fancy Freah Creamery Euttr-r at 45c Erijood Liberty Nut Butterine, 1 -lb. carton, 20c 5-lb. car'on . . $1.00 Evi-rsood Butterine, 2-lb. pke. 45c 5-lb. yXt SI. 10 CANNED GOODS Fancy Pork and Bears . . 9c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans 27c Fancy Peas, 3 cans 3ftc Fancy Tomlos, 2 cans. 25c Buehler Bros. Royal Brand Cclfee ... 4lk Katrr's Hi Five Coffee, iprcUl at 35c Mona Coffe . .25c New Sauetkraut, quart .HV' Choice Beef Pot Roast 9 Fth Md Bologna and litr Sautafe IV Ch h Frankfuits r Wienies t 15 MAIL AMI 1XPHIHS OKDiH" fill ID FROM Hill IhT WALDORF ICE CREAM 0 f course, aHardingSunday Special Tiijoy some! You have neter laslisl m Ii Bilkeri Bnioot hiiotss ii-h billowy goo-lno licforf. Waldorf is the la lot surprise in the I lnnlinRSunla Siiociiil Ice Cniuns n( lum ilrods of k"mI JfaifTH in town aro fruiil. v ii i m mi kjsw sr- Oh (.'a-am nf !f Douglas DhonoAT. LrtverynuniJo, WB --a hi;;--- Harney, rliont 1 . P 717Pi -vj'.i?.ijiS5iyj',A COME ONCE AND YOU WILL COME ALWAYS. You Will Find Our Service Always Uniform, Whether You Order by Phone or Person ally Select Your Merchandise. If You Think You Are Entitled to the Best in Groceries, Look Over This List: 10 Hi, tied ('line Sugar !&! L'xtra fancy Navy Dean, a lbs. lur 25f Head lllce, 4 IIm for llll I K Clirna, Jier iu 0 J lb, for 25 Hulk t'ocoatiut, Kr lb 23c Monanli Turk anil iiPan, niit.'clBl, 'i ran for 27 ilatiy Lima Beans, 3 can. , .27f Tall Carnation, f'ct or lliinli-n ii Milk, per do-wii $1.15 (Limit 1 doren to cuttor.ier.) Piiiiy Milk, JiiKt a good a any, per dozen can $1.00 ('aioli-ne Milk, per dozen. ,. -OOC" 10 bars Crystal Wliltp Soap.48t Thoiiipisnn's Stedles IlalHliiH, 5 lbs. for., 85fc 48 lb. nm k UIub I1I or Ooorh h ''""' $1.65 481b. nark Gold M'-diil Flour or MllBbui-y $2.10 Windmill Country Gentleman Corn, per dozen can. . .$1,38 Windmill Kvortfrren Coin, pr dozfn can $1.15 Nonil Hrd Kidney Ifpan, ppr dozen $1.38 Advo Kxtra Sifted Peas, per dozen $2.89 fc.ari" ITHI III 1 li Jatalifl raw MbZKiCMit!BBiaLHLH Purity Yes; Economy Too! Our Meats Are Always of the Highest Quality IVinic Boneless Riillod Rib Hnust, jin- Ih 19t Fancy Young 'cal )jna.l, per lb. V'if I'lioicc ( 'ills Vouii'f Veil I Shoulder HuiiKt, lit mm- lb 15f and Y!z Frosli Short. Ctil l'."cl' fl ll nn . Fancy lioef Pot Roast, m M'.-Sf1 imX" Ffr Best Cuts Steer Shoulder Konst, Vountt I'lV I'orli ll'iiist, r,v,t Hii'iiihii'iiii.'i'iiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiriiiiiiii,,1 Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring 'hix' per 11). 24i2f , )er II). .I2y2fr, per We Receive Fresh Fruits and Green Vege tables Every Day the Year Around Fancy Head Lettuce, each 12'ik and IK Tokay Grapes, por lb igl Large Grape Fruit. 3 for M 05 Fresh Tomaloe. 3 lbs '-25 Cranberries, per lb iq! nd IK Red River Ohio Potatoes, per bushel 75I Dry Onion, per bushel , Fancy Colorado Jonathan Apples, per bushel $1,75 Butter and Eggs Cenlwl Xira yimllty pks. Hutler, per lb 45V Guaranteed Checked Fggs la ear tons, per dozen 24 '--i s Cottax Cheese, per lb 15t 2 lb, for 25f Beechwood Creamery pkg. Butter. H-r lb 44 Cracker Dept. 12 kinds assorted Cookie?, P"r lb 23 Consumer' Tlnn 01 Fairy SoUus, eaili "$1.30 Chocolate Wonder Cuke, Hi 29 Imperial Vanilla Waiitx, extra speelHl, lb, 25 Cigars Just Inside the Door Cmi la M ill Havana ClKur, m r specie I, box of DO clsau $2.00 American Cltlien. 3 for JOf Whle Smukln,: Tohacni, 48 Hriar l'lir. 5dc allie , . , Bof of 50 rmai' $1 50! u.'m'rri ' "ns" "''-10 n..lloU4.Unll!aCi...3forlOf;t.,1',ine llnin 11.. I ,i.. ,1-1. Hot nt N rlsi- $1,501 nr 50 Candy D-pt. .Mil'oiii j' II 11 111 i' M .1 ClUpjr r.a'e.i lliltp. it.r kind thai l' fv!" Illoif. lcial. " r It 2 1 1 'lur llmur U !e li, i!a.e, lilrt &sitt el n kl fer amnif ai. MJB Qoffee iv ii. xir Mm,. Pearl White Soap Miifi.K i in 1 r ... Haul lil-l l- M ' ' .. .!K I 9.1 in al.. 1 ' 1. ii (( .,- .., 1 I' ( I'."' JO,- ' IS I , ,, 1 SLU P.-.siiirn'P n ' svsUrv r Nl'ACillLni N00I)LtS Kanio Midget I'eiif. dozen No. 2 inns Del Monte (iniieu J'lneapple, per ran 20f' No. 2 J. H. M. lied l'iit"d Clien iei., V-r can 28c Advo Jell, i.ll flavors, 3 k;M. gjj. Iled Dot Tea, per dozen , $1, J," 13-0. I'kK- H?edles HhihIhh Dried I'eaclies. per lb iftUQ J'niniH, lb J9,-. Central 8pis:lal Cotfee, lb.,.30 3 lbs. lor 8ft' Our Fancy Santos Coffee, lb, 20t 5 lbs, for 98r I'M; want ads tiikv huimj laisuu i